Ersoy Kart WorkBAT
Ersoy Kart WorkBAT
Ersoy Kart WorkBAT
Ankara University, Turkey
The aim of this sUidy was to determine the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of
the Workaholism Battery (Spence & Robbins, 1992). The original scale was translated into
Turkish and then administered to 175 working graduates. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded
a 2-factor solution with 9 items estabUshed in the first factor (WE) and 11 in the second (D).
The reliability coefficient of the new shortened scale was .83 and the split-half reliabihty
coefficient was .69. This scale has adequate criterion-related validity, with a positive
correlation between the Jenkins Activity Survey - Type A Behavior subscale (Jenkins,
Zyzanski, & Rosenman, 1979) and both WE and D. Congruence between the findings and the
literature is discussed.
The notion of workaholism is often discussed in the business and popular press.
Recently, this subject has become of increasing academic interest. Oates (1968)
gave the first scientific definition of workaholism, as an excessive and
uncontrollable need to work that permanently disturbs health, happiness, and
relationships. The part of this definition emphasized most is the centralization of
work as a behavior in a person's life. For example, Mosier (1983) defmed
workaholics simply as those who work at least 50 hours a week (see Harpaz &
Snir, 2003). However, according to Mudrack and Naughton (2001, p. 94),
employees who work hard and focus exclusively on tasks at hand during
Muge Ersoy-Kart, PhD, Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Faculty of
Political Sciences, Ankara University, TUrkey.
Appreciation is due to reviewers including: Ronald J. Burke, PhD, Department of Organizational
Behavior, Schulich School of Business, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
M3J 1P3, Email: <[email protected]>; Lynley H.W. McMillan, PhD, PO Box 362, Tauranga,
New Zealand, Email: <[email protected]>
Keywords: Workaholism Battery, reliability, validity, Turkish work environment.
Please address correspondence and reprint requests to: Muge Ersoy-Kart, Ankara University Faculty
of Political Sciences, Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Ankara Universitesi,
Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi, Cebeci, Ankara, Turkey 06590. Phone: 90 312 319 77 20 / 333; Fax: 90
312 319 77 36; Email: <[email protected]>
scheduled working hours would not necessarily be workaholics if they also
"forgot about" work at other times. Actually, the label workaholism is commonly
used to describe a socially atypical focus on work (McMillan, O'DriscoU, Marsh,
& Brady, 2001).
However, today the fear that excessive working will result in costs for the
individual and society has intensified. When workaholism is seen as an addiction
just like alcoholism, an uncontrollable working drive could threaten the
individual's happiness and productivity in other areas of life (Seybold &
Salomone, 1994). Thus, workaholism should involve increasingly hamiful side
effects for personal health and relationships (McMillan, O'DriscoU, & Brady,
2004). On the other hand, Burwell and Chen (2002) highlighted the fact that
while society condemns alcoholism it finds workaholism quite acceptable. It may
be tme that today employers may actually look for workaholics in order to get
longer hours without paying a greater salary. Indeed, the employee does not have
the option of working less than required. Although workaholism is traditionally
conceptualized as an intrapersonal phenomenon, it may also have an important
interpersonal component (Mudrack & Naughton, 2001).
There may be certain organizational cultures in which long hours and sacrifices
are widely believed to be required in order to achieve success and advancement
(Harpaz & Snir, 2003, p. 294). Because advances in technology allow employees
to stay in contact with the workplace (Porter, 2001), they may have difficulties
creating a balance between their work lives and their daily private lives.
Certainly it is not sufficient to classify all individuals who have to work long
hours due to the requirements of their jobs as workaholics. It is critically
important to understand why workaholic individuals voluntarily spend so many
hours on the job at the expense of their private lives. Finally, it can be argued that
in order to understand workaholism it is important to take into consideration not
only personal factors but also situational factors (Harpaz & Snir, 2003).
Many authors have defined workaholism as an addiction to work; therefore,
there is an uncontrollable need to work incessantly. For example, Machlowitz
(1980) stated that the workaholic loves to work and has a healthy and happy
lifestyle (cited in Seybold & Salomone, 1994). According to her, the addiction
stems not from the motivation to eam more money, but rather to eam what she
referred to as "psychic income", defined as "responsibility, meaning, opportunity,
[and] recognition" (Seybold & Salomone, 1994, p. 6).
In contrast to that approach, other investigators (e.g., Cherrington, 1980) see
workaholism as an irrational commitment to excessive work (see Harpaz & Snir,
2003, p. 293). These writers equate workaholism with other addictions and depict
workaholics as unhappy, obsessive, tragic figures who are not performing their
jobs well and who are creating difficulties for their coworkers (Burke & Koksal,
2002, p. 60). Moreover, workaholics may find working a way to escape from an
The sample consisted of 175 adult volunteers who were graduates of 28
different universities in Turkey. They were employed full-time in a variety of
industries. There were 99 females (57%) and 76 males (43%) and their mean age
was 36. The career classifications and hours worked per week are shown in
Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The questionnaires were distributed to the
respondents by the author.
Spence and Robbins's (1992) Work-BAT - Turkish Form, and the Jenkins
Activity Survey- Type A Behavior subscale were used to receive answers to the
research questions.
For all analyses an alpha value of .05 was chosen. Validity and factor analyses
were conducted with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 9.0.
As noted earlier, existing studies were unable to confirm the three-factor Work-
BAT stmcture (i.e., McMillan et al., 2002) and proposed a two-factor model. In
the present study, two main refractions were identified in the screen plot of
eigenvalues as well. Thus, a confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken using
an unweighted least squares function and promax rotation, restricted to a
maximum of two factors and a minimum eigenvalue of 1.00. A cut-off point of
.40 was chosen for the item loadings. Table 3 shows that nine items are
established in the first factor and eleven items in the second. Factor loadings
range between .42 and .71 in the first factor; and .45 and .65 in the second. These
two factors explained 29.60% of the variance and communalities range between
.34 and .58.
Considering the 9 items that comprise the first factor, the most suitable name
for this factor is "Work Enjoyment". The second factor, with 11 items, can be
named "Drivenness". The reliability coefficients of the two factors are .81
(p<.05) for all. However, 3 original WI items (items 21,15, 24) were included in
the second factor (D) and 1 original WI item (item 8) was included in the first
factor (WE).
It is also noted that the 5 items excluded corresponded with the WI items in the
original Work-BAT. Consequently, it is concluded that WI cannot be measured in
the Turkish sample either.
Although Spence and Robbins (1992) have claimed that the three scales are
separate, in the present study there were significant positive correlations between
W E a n d D ( r = .47,p<.05).
After item selection it was observed that the D and WE scales were normally
distributed. The reliability coefficient of the new shortened scale was calculated
by Cronbach alpha to be .83. The split-half reliability coefficient is .69 (p<.05).
For the item analysis classical test theory and item-total correlations were used.
With a cut-off point of .20, the correlations of only two items (item 11 and item
18) are below .20. This may stem from the way the questions were phrased in the
Turkish questionnaire. Means of the items range between 1.90 and 3.61. Item-
total correlations range between .11 and .62.
Pearson correlation analysis showed that both WE and D demonstrate
convergence with Type A behavior, r=.22 and .24 (p<.05) respectively, indicating
that the Work-BAT- Turkish Form has adequate validity.
However, there are no significant correlations among hours worked per week
and WE and D at the 5% level.
While Spence and Robbins (1992) seemed to regard WI as the core indicator
of workaholism, in the present study factor analysis yielded a two-factor model
of workaholism, which is consistent with results from previous research (e.g.
McMillan et al., 2002). This may be due to the fact that workaholism is a
behavioral pattem, but WI reflects an attitude (Scott, Moore, & Micelli, 1997).
The data showed that the Work-BAT-Turkish Form consists of 20 items and two
subscales (WE and D). The shortened scale had acceptable intemal consistency
(alpha = .83, p<.05).
Validity analysis revealed that the new shortened scale has adequate criterion-
related validity, with a positive correlation between the T^pe A Behavior subscale
and both WE and D. These correlations were low, but because of their
significance they could be regarded as showing sufficient criterion validity.
Consequently, it is concluded that the scale is a reliable and valid instmment for
According to McMillan et al. (2001), workaholism is a personal reluctance to
disengage from work evidenced by the tendency to work (or to think about work)
anytime and anywhere. In the present study, the drivenness dimension was
replicated, therefore indicating that people with workaholic tendencies may be
forced by something to work excessively. But again, the most important thing
here is to understand why people voluntarily devote their time to working so
excessively. Workaholics may deny, or try to rationalize, their abnormal working
behavior in order to feel better. This means that self-report measures have some
limitations. For this reason, using observational and questionnaire techniques
together is recommended. Mudrack and Naughton (2001) suggested that certain
items may be neither applicable nor meaningful to respondents in different work
settings (or even to respondents in other positions in the same work setting).
Consequently, different workaholism survey items may be needed for different
groups of respondents.
As Kanai and Wakabayashi (2001) pointed out, working hard and enjoying it
may allow people to work harder without losing the meaningfulness of their work
and so the pattem of work behavior "driven to work but still enjoying work"
might have occurred as a means of coping with mounting demands at work. This
may also be tme for Turkish people, because a significant positive correlation
was computed between WE and D scores among the respondents
(r = .47, p<.05), meaning that people who are contented to work because of inner
pressures can feel enjoyment when they work. This is consistent with Kanai and
Wakabayahi's findings in Japan, but is in contrast to Spence and Robbins's
(1992) study, which found no correlation with the two scales. This can be
interpreted as a unique aspect of workaholism among Turkish workers, similar to
findings for Japanese and New Zealand workers.
Finally, there was no significant correlation among hours worked per week,
WE and D. This means that hours worked are an imperfect indicator of
workaholism. The main reason for this result might be the fact that most people
in this study were working 45 hours a week.
In short, the present study provides preliminary evidence that the Work-BAT-
Turkish Form is a valid and reliable scale to determine workaholic behavior
pattems in Turkish people. Further research is needed to determine why WI may
not hold for Eastern/Asian (Japan), Western/Pacific (New Zealand) and Middle
Eastem (Turkey) cultures, but does hold for America.
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