Elementary STEM Curriculum
Elementary STEM Curriculum
Elementary STEM Curriculum
Unit: Essential State Standards Learning Targets Resources/ Assessments Lesson Ideas:
Questions Mentor Text
Science: P.FM.E.1 I can Describe the Kindergarten in Formative Marble Maze
What kinds of Position- A position of an Motion: Battle Creek assessments are
motion are position of an object (for Science Kit ongoing throughout Tug a War
observable? What object can be example: above, the year.
can we learn about described by below, in front of, Observe and use
motion through locating the object behind, on) in playground
investigations relative to other relation equipment
objects or a to other objects
background. * around it. Hurtles for above and
How do shape, size below.
and weight affect P.FM.E.2 Gravity- I can describe the
motion? Earth pulls down direction of a Gravity- Ramps and
on all objects with moving object (for weight of objects.
a force called example: away
gravity. With very from or closer to)
How do pushes and few exceptions, from different
pulls affect motion? objects fall to the observers’ views.
ground no matter
where the object is
on the Earth.
How does force
affect motion? P.FM.E.3 Force- A I can observe how
force is either a objects fall toward
push or a pull. The the earth.
motion of objects
What will happen can be changed by
when objects are forces. The size of
thrown in the air? the change is
related to the size
of the force.
The change
is also related to
the weight (mass)
of the object on I can demonstrate
which the force is pushes and pulls
being exerted. on objects that can
When an object move. *
does I can observe that
not move in objects initially at
response to a rest will move in
force, it is because the direction of the
another force is push or pull.
being applied by
the environment. I can observe how
pushes and pulls
can change the
speed or direction
of moving objects.
I can make
improvements to my
Math Measurement: I can compare
measurements of two
Describe and compare objects.
measurable attributes.
measurable attributes of
objects, such as length or
weight. Describe several
measurable attributes of a
single object.
Unit: Essential State Standards Learning Targets Resources/ Assessments Lesson Ideas:
Questions Mentor Text
I can identify
P.PM.E.3 Magnets- materials that
Magnets can repel or are attracted
attract other by magnets.
magnets. Magnets
can also attract I can observe
magnetic objects. that like poles
Magnets can attract of a magnet
and repel at a repel and
distance. * unlike poles of
a magnet
I can navigate
effectively when
PK-2.TC.7. demonstrate
What are the basic using the iPad.
the ability to navigate in
functions when virtual environments
navigating the iPad? (e.g., electronic books,
games, simulation soft-
ware, web sites)
Engineering I can build a
structure that has a
How to build a stable solid foundation,
structure? lots of support
features and is
How does gravity affect
our builds? I can describe the
effects of gravity as
it relates to building
What shape boats structures.
would hold the most
weight and floats? I can build a boat
that floats.
Math Measurement:
I can build
A.1 Distinguish multiple 2D
between defining shapes and 3D
forms using a
attributes (e.g., variety of
triangles are materials.
closed and
three-sided) versus
attributes (e.g.,
color, orientation,
overall size); build
and draw shapes
to possess
defining attributes.
A.2 Compose
half-circles, and
quarter-circles) or
shapes (cubes,
right rectangular
prisms, right
circular cones, and
right circular
cylinders) to create
a composite
shape, and
compose new
shapes from the
composite shape.1
2nd Grade STEM Curriculum:
Unit: Essential State Standards Learning Targets Resources/ Assessments
Questions Mentor Text
Science P.PM.E.1 Physical I can measure in Battle Creek Science Formative assessments
Properties- All metric and standard Kits are ongoing throughout
objects and the year.
What are metric and substances have
standard units of physical properties
measurement? that can be I can determine the
measured. type of tool to use to
What measure tool is measure length and
best used to measure width.
length and width? P.PM.02.12 Describe
objects and
I can find objects that
Can you find objects according to their are the same size.
that are the same properties (color,
size? size, shape, texture, I can measure the
hardness, liquid or length of objects in
What is the length of solid, sinking or CM and meters.
various objects in CM I can use squares to
and Meters? find the width, length
How can you use P.PM.02.13 Measure
and area.
squares to find width, the length of objects
length and area? using rulers I can measure
(centimeters) and capacity.
How can you meter sticks
measure capacity? I can describe
substances by sight,
How do you describe P.PM.02.14 Measure
smell and feel?
different substances? the volume of liquids
using common I can observe what
What will happen measuring tools happens when
when different measuring cups,
different substances
substances are mixed are mixed together.
together? I can use a balance to
measuring spoons, compare the weight of
How is a balance graduated cylinders, objects.
used to compare and
objects? I can explain why two
substances can have
If two substances beakers).* the same volume but
P.PM.02.15 Compare
have the same different masses.
the weight of
volume, will they have objects using
the same mass? balances. I can list examples of
single substances
What are examples of and mixtures.
single substances
and mixtures? P.PM.E.4 Material
Composition- Some
objects are
composed of a single
substance, while
other objects are
composed of more
than one substance.
Recognize that some
objects are
composed of a single
substance (water,
sugar, salt) and
others are composed
of more than one
(salt and pepper,
mixed dry beans). *
Technology PK-2.CI.1. use a variety I can operate and use my
of digital tools (e.g., iPad appropriately.
word processors,
drawing tools,
I can collaborate with my
presentation software, peers using technology.
graphical organizers)
to learn, create, and I can navigate effectively
convey original ideas when using the iPad.
or illustrate concepts
PK-2.CC.1. work
together when using
digital tools (e.g.,
word processor,
drawing, presentation
software) to convey
ideas or illustrate
simple concepts
relating to a specified
PK-2.CC.2. use a
variety of
appropriate digital
tools (e.g., word
processors, paint
programs) to com-
municate ideas to
classmates, families,
and others
PK-2.DC.1. describe
appropriate and
inappropriate uses of
technology (e.g.,
computers, Internet,
e-mail, cell phones)
and describe
consequences of
inappropriate uses
PK-2.DC.3. identify
personal information
that should not be
shared on the Internet
(e.g. name, address,
PK-2.TC.1. discuss
advantages and
disadvantages of using
PK-2.TC.2. be able to
use basic menu
commands to perform
common operations
(e.g., open, close,
save, print)
Estimate lengths
using units of
inches, feet,
centimeters, and
Measure to
determine how
much longer one
object is than
expressing the
length difference
in terms of a
standard length
Science P.EN.E.1 Forms of I can describe how Battle Creek Science Formative
Energy- Heat, light affects sight in Kit assessments are
electricity, light, and
How does light affect the human eye. ongoing throughout
sound are forms of
sight in the human energy. the year.
eye? I can describe how
light travels.
How does light travel? P.EN.03.11 Identify
light and sound as I can describe how
How do different forms of energy. different materials
materials interact with interact with light.
P.EN.E.2 Light
Properties- Light
travels in a straight I can describe how
How are shadows path. Shadows shadows are made.
made? result from light not
being able to pass I can determine the
through an object.
What determines the When light travels at
position and length of
position and length of an angle from one a shadow.
a shadow? substance to
another (air and I can describe that
How are sounds water), it changes sounds are made
direction. *
made? through vibrations.
What causes a Demonstrate that I can describe what
change in pitch? light travels in a causes a pitch to
straight path and change.
that shadows are
made by placing an
object in a path of
light. *
P.EN.03.22 Observe
what happens to
light when it travels
from air to water (a
straw half in the
water and half in the
air looks bent). *
P.EN.E.3 Sound-
Vibrating objects
produce sound. The
pitch of sound varies
by changing the rate
of vibration.
P.EN.03.31 Relate
sounds to their
sources of vibrations
(for example: a
musical note
produced by a
vibrating guitar
string, the sounds of
a drum made by the
vibrating drum
Distinguish the
effect of fast or slow
vibrations as pitch.
3-5.CT.2. use
information and
technology tools (e.g.,
calculators, probes,
videos, DVDs,
educational software)
to collect, organize,
and evaluate
information to assist
with solving problems
3-5.DC.2. recognize
issues involving ethical
use of information
(e.g., copyright
adherence, source
citation) 3-5.DC.3.
describe precautions
surrounding personal
safety that should be
taken when online
Understand that
shapes in different
categories (e.g.,
rectangles, and
others) may share
attributes (e.g.,
having four sides),
and that the
shared attributes
can define a larger
category (e.g.,
rectangles, and
squares as
examples of
quadrilaterals, and
draw examples of
quadrilaterals that
do not belong to
any of these
Science P.EN.E.1 Forms of I can describe heat Battle Creek Science Formative assessments
Energy- Heat, energy. Kit. are ongoing throughout
electricity, light, and the year.
What is heat energy? sound are forms of
energy. I can observe
How can we observe changes associated
changes associated P.EN.04.12 Identify with the transfer of
with the transfer of heat and electricity heat energy.
heat energy? as forms of energy.
I can describe how
P.EN.E.4 Energy and
How is heat heat is produced.
produced? Increasing the
temperature of any I can describe
What happens to a substance requires temperature change.
temperature when a the addition of
hot substance and a energy.
cold substance are
combined? P.EN.04.41
Demonstrate how
temperature can be
What changes can be increased in a
observed as a result substance by adding
of electricity? energy. I can observe and
describe the pathway
How do you light a P.EN.04.42 Describe of electricity focusing
light bulb? heat as the energy on source, path and
produced when
substances burn,
How can electrical certain kinds of
energy be transferred materials rub
or changed to light against each other,
energy? and when electricity
flows through wire. I can name materials
What is necessary to P.EN.04.43 Describe
that are poor and
have an electric how heat is good conductors of
circuit? produced through electricity.
electricity, rubbing,
What types of and burning. I can explain how a
materials are good switch works.
and poor conductors P.EN.E.5 Electrical
of electricity? Circuits- Electrical
circuits transfer I can name materials
How can a switch electrical energy and attracted to a magnet.
produce magnetic
open and close an
electrical circuit?
3-5.CT.2. use
information and
technology tools (e.g.,
calculators, probes,
videos, DVDs,
educational software)
to collect, organize,
and evaluate
information to assist
with solving problems
3-5.DC.1. discuss
scenarios involving
acceptable and
unacceptable uses of
technology (e.g.,
file-sharing, social
networking, text
messaging, cyber
bullying, plagiarism)
3-5.DC.2. recognize
issues involving ethical
use of information
(e.g., copyright
adherence, source
citation) 3-5.DC.3.
describe precautions
surrounding personal
safety that should be
taken when online