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The interaction effects of online reviews, brand and price on consumer hotel booking
decision making
Ji Wen
School of Management, Jinan University, No. 601 Huangpu Road, Guangzhou, China
Email: [email protected]
Zhibin Lin
Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham, DH1 3LB, UK
Email: [email protected]
Xin Liu*
Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen University, No. 135 Xingang Xi Road, Guangzhou,
Email:[email protected]
*Corresponding author
Yina Li
Hospitality Institute of Sanya, No. 168 Wanpo Road, Sanya, China
Email: [email protected]
This work was partly supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities of China and the Institute for Enterprise Development, Jinan University, China.
The interaction effects of online reviews, brand and price on consumer hotel booking
decision making
When searching and booking a hotel online, consumers are exposed to multiple cues such as
customer reviews, price, and brand names. This study aims to examine the level of
diagnosticity and simultaneous effects of the three important decision cues: online review, price,
and brand on consumer quality evaluation and hotel booking intention. Study 1 is a randomized
controlled experiment of 2 (high versus low price) × 2 (positive versus negative online review)
× 2 (familiar versus unknown brand). Study 2 replicates and extends Study 1 by further
examining the three cues’ effects on both perceived quality and booking intention, and the
mediation effect of perceived quality. The results reveal three-way interaction effects of
multiple cues in consumers’ decision processes and indicate that negative reviews have a
dominating effect on hotel booking intention, and the level of cue diagnosticity from high to
Keywords: Cue diagnosticity; Negativity bias; Price; Online review; Brand familiarity.
Online travel booking platforms have been one of the most important tourism marketing
channels, thanks to the development of information technology (Ert and Fleischer 2016). It is
predicted that the total number of online bookings for global destinations will increase from
$12 billion in 2015 to $27 billion in 2020, of which the hotel online booking business is
believed to have an opportunity to exceed by 50% of the total tourism bookings (Blutstein et
al. 2017). When booking a hotel online, consumers often feel uncertain about the quality of the
hotels on offer (Agag and El-Masry 2016, Shin et al. 2018). They look for product-related cues
such as brand, price, and online reviews before making a booking decision (Bigné, William,
and Soria-Olivas 2019, Ert and Fleischer 2016, Kim et al. 2019). These cues can be either
intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic cues refer to the inherent attributes of a product, such as product
size, shape, texture, taste, and other characteristics, while extrinsic cues refer to a series of
independent and flexible attributes, such as price, brand, and source area (Richardson, Dick,
and Jain 1994, Szybillo and Jacoby 1974). For experience products such as hotel and tourism
services, the intrinsic cues are generally not available at the time of purchase, and it is usually
not cost-effective to search for such cues (Miyazaki, Grewal, and Goodstein 2005). Therefore,
as can be expected, consumers rely on extrinsic cues for making travel decisions
Brand, price, and online reviews are among the major extrinsic cues that consumers search
for when purchasing experience products (Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013, Lien et al.
2015). A brand is a key extrinsic cue for evaluating product quality because brand familiarity
brings certainty and confidence in consumer decisions (Sun 2014, Teas and Agarwal 2000).
Price is usually considered as an incentive that motivates consumers to book a hotel online, as
consumers can easily compare prices across different vendors in the digital environment (Kim
et al. 2019). Moreover, price may signal information about the quality and value of the product.
If a consumer believes the price is reasonable, they are more likely to purchase the product
(Lien et al. 2015). Online reviews provide vicarious experiences for the consumers to reduce
uncertainty and avoid purchase risks, and today’s consumers prefer to browse online reviews
about several alternative hotels in the social media before narrowing down on a choice (Murphy
and Chen 2014, Park and Nicolau 2015, Phillips et al. 2016, Zhang, Wu, and Mattila 2016)
The three important extrinsic cues in online hotel booking, i.e., brand familiarity, price,
and online review have been systematically discussed as antecedents of online travel bookings
(Lien et al. 2015). Studies in this area mainly examine the relationships between these cues and
booking intentions (Casaló et al. 2015b). There are also studies examining the effects of
perceived website security, recommendation, satisfaction, trust, and other emotional attitudes
Sparks and Browning 2011). However, previous studies rarely examine the simultaneous
interaction effects of the multiple cues of brand familiarity, price, and online review from a
booking intention is essential because consumers rarely process a single cue in isolation (Dawar
This study aims to advance our knowledge of how consumers process the three extrinsic
cues for booking a hotel online: price, online review, and brand familiarity. Drawing upon cue-
diagnosticity, negativity bias, and cue-consistency theories, this study specifically addresses
the following research questions: What are the relationships that exist among the multiple cues
of price, online reviews, and brand familiarity in affecting hotel consumers' online booking
intentions? Which one of the cues plays a dominating role, and which ones play supporting
This study makes three major contributions to the travel and tourism literature. First, it
identifies the level of the diagnosticity of three major online hotel booking cues, i.e., online
review, price, and brand, by classifying them into high- versus low-scope cues. Second, it
reveals their simultaneous interaction effects on booking intentions. Third, it further uncovers
the three-way interactions among online review, price and brand cues, showing the intricacy of
Conceptual background and hypotheses
Conceptual background
Consumers rely on product cues to form a judgment and make a purchase decision (Olson and
Jacoby 1972). In an online environment, customer reviews represent an extrinsic cue that
consumers may use in conjunction with cues such as price, brand name, and description of the
service facility and associated visual information (Choi, Hickerson, and Kerstetter 2018).
Examining how tourists evaluate the cues of a destination, Choi, Hickerson, and Kerstetter
(2018) show how the visual cues from various sources influence tourist perceptions, destination
images, and subsequent intention to visit. Faced with numerous cues, a consumer usually
processes only a few key diagnostic cues rather than each of them to reach a decision (Häubl
and Trifts 2000, Shah and Oppenheimer 2008, Tanford and Kim 2019).
The diagnosticity of a cue refers to its accuracy and reliability in differentiating the product
from its alternatives (Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013). In other words, a high
diagnostic cue is more helpful for the consumer to discern the quality of a product and make a
decision than a low diagnostic cue (Purohit and Srivastava 2001). Baek, Ahn, and Choi (2012)
suggest that central cues such as the length of a review and presence of negative reviews are
helpful when evaluating product alternatives, whereas peripheral cues such as review ratings
or rankings are useful when consumers search for information. Mudambi and Schuff (2010)
highlight that the depth of a review is helpful. Liu and Park (2015) found that the qualitative
High-scope cues are stable and cannot be easily affected by other factors, most of which can
have direct effects on consumers; in contrast, low-scope cues are unstable and can be easily
affected by others, and their diagnosticity depends on the high-scope cues (Akdeniz, Calantone,
and Voorhees 2013). Low-scope cues can significantly affect consumers' decisions only when
at least one of the high-scope cues is positive. If all the high-scope cues are negative, low-scope
cues can have little effect (Olson and Jacoby 1972). This is because negative cues are generally
more salient and useful for making a judgment than positive ones (Ito et al. 1998, Wu 2013).
When two cues are consistent, both can be salient and receive similar attention, their effect is
stronger than that of a pair of inconsistent cues (Miyazaki, Grewal, and Goodstein 2005). When
two cues are inconsistent, the negative one becomes more salient and, hence, more diagnostic
Online reviews provide large amounts of diagnostic information, which can also be viewed as
an extrinsic cue that is closest to the intrinsic cue. The valence of an online review represents
a type of positive or negative attitude towards a certain product. The quantity and valence of
online reviews have an interactive effect: an increase in the online review quantity gradually
increases the promotion effect of review valence on the hotel booking intention (Tsao et al.
2015). It has been reported that consumer attitude enters a positive level when the quantity ratio
of positive and negative reviews approaches the threshold of 3.1:1 or higher (East, Hammond,
and Lomax 2008). Therefore, we can expect that online reviews are highly diagnostic, in other
Price is the amount of money that consumers need to pay for acquiring a product. It
represents a monetary sacrifice or cost. Higher price indicates a higher level of sacrifice, which
may lead to a reduced willingness to pay (Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal 1991). However, as a
prominent extrinsic cue, price is often used by the consumer to infer the quality of the product:
a high price signals high quality (Brucks, Zeithaml, and Naylor 2000). This results in a
paradoxical situation in which a consumer has to make a trade-off between monetary sacrifice
and desired quality. Therefore, price is not a particularly helpful decision cue; i.e., its
diagnosticity is low and dependent on other cues (Brucks, Zeithaml, and Naylor 2000). For
example, for the same price different consumers may perceive it as cheap, moderate, or
expensive, depending on their financial situation (being rich or poor, or the available budget),
purchase situation (e.g., peak or off-peak seasons, or flexibility of travel dates) and the
competitive offers (Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal 1991). Therefore, price can be seen as a low-
scope cue (Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013). A study of online hotel bookings by
Noone and McGuire (2014) shows that in the presence of online reviews, the influence of price
that the diagnosticity of price cue is low when the online review cue is available; and the effect
of price on purchase decisions depends on the high-scope cue, online reviews. We hypothesize
H1: There will be an interaction of online review and price on hotel booking intention,
such that for a hotel with positive online reviews, the price will be a significant predictor
of booking intention; for a hotel with negative online reviews, the price will not have any
A familiar brand helps consumers to reduce the perceived risk of the purchase, as the brand
name is a signal of quality (Erdem, Keane, and Sun 2008), whereby,consumers are more likely
to select a familiar rather than unfamiliar brand. A brand name is highly diagnostic when a
consumer has limited previous product experience (Hoeffler and Keller 2003). Several studies
have confirmed that a brand name or the reputation of a brand serves as a high-scope cue for
quality judgment and purchase decisions (e.g., Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013, Dawar
and Parker 1994). Purohit and Srivastava (2001), examining the effects of after-sales guarantee,
brand image, and reputation on purchase intentions, found that brand image and reputation
belong to the relatively stable cues: when the brand image is positive, consumers have a strong
Brand familiarity is developed either through product experience (Erdem, Swait, and
Valenzuela 2006) or social and marketing communications (Keller 1993). Online reviews are
(Benedicktus et al. 2010). Therefore, when both cues of online reviews and brand names are
available, online reviews could be more diagnostic. The study by Benedicktus et al. (2010)
shows that online review influences purchase intentions regardless of brand familiarity. The
results indicate that although brand familiarity is generally a high-scope cue, it becomes
relatively low-scope when the online review cue is present. Therefore, we hypothesize that:
H2: There will be a significant interaction between the online review and brand familiarity
on hotel booking intention, such that for a hotel with positive online reviews, brand
familiarity will be a significant predictor of booking intention; for a hotel with negative
online reviews, brand familiarity will not have any significant effect on booking intentions.
As noted earlier, price is a low-scope cue and, in comparison, brand familiarity is relatively
high-scope (Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013, Dawar and Parker 1994, Purohit and
Srivastava 2001). The branding literature has established that consumers are less price-
sensitive when purchasing a familiar versus unknown brand (Erdem, Keane, and Sun 2008,
Hoeffler and Keller 2003). Moreover, a brand name often serves as a cue for risk reduction
(Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal 1991): For an unknown brand, the purchase is likely to be risky,
and consumers tend to select the low price to avoid costs; meanwhile, for a well-known brand,
the consumer is more confident with the purchase, hence, price is less likely to be used for risk
H3: There will be a significant interaction between brand familiarity and price on hotel
booking intention, such that the effect of price on booking intention is weaker for a familiar
Cue-consistency theory argues that when several cues are consistent, they will have a
stronger effect than when they are inconsistent (Miyazaki, Grewal, and Goodstein 2005).
Where thrtr are inconsistent cues, negativity bias theory (Miyazaki, Grewal, and Goodstein
2005) suggests that consumers will pay more attention to the negative cues, thus enhancing the
effect of the negative cue on the purchase decision (Purnawirawan et al. 2015). Following this,
we argue that under the condition where the online review is positive and the brand name is
familiar, the low price will be a positive cue of good value and, as a result, all three cues are
consistently positive. In a case where the three cues show disparate information, consumers
will be more inclined to use negative cues to reduce purchase risk. Furthermore, according to
the cue diagnosticity theory, low-scope cues can play a role in influencing purchase decisions
only if one of the high-scope cues is positive; and when the high-scope cues are negative, the
low-scope cues may become insignificant (Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013, Purohit
and Srivastava 2001). Given that online review is a high-scope cue, followed by brand
H4: There will be a significant three-way interaction among online review, brand
familiarity, and price in predicting hotel booking intention, such that: under positive online
review, the interaction effect of brand familiarity and price on booking intention will be
significant; and, under negative online review, the interaction between brand familiarity
Study 1
The study 1 experiment was conducted from June to December of 2016. Eight research
assistants used the street-intercept method to recruit participants on a busy street at a university
campus in a city in southern China, randomly assigning the eight different experimental
questionnaires to participants. The rationale of using the street-intercept survey, a quasi-
experimental field experiment (Ladhari and Michaud 2015, Sparks and Browning 2011) is
because the search for travel and hotel information by young consumers is usually conducted
over a smartphone when they are performing other tasks such as walking, dining, studying, or
working, rather than in a confined environment, i.e., in the laboratory. Convenience sampling
was used to collect data. A sample of 232 participants (male: 110, female: 122) who had booked
a hotel online in the last 12 months were invited to participate in the experiment. Each
experiment group consists of 29 participants (Table 1). The age composition of the sample was:
23.3% of the participants were between 18-20 years’ old; 53.0% were 21 to 24 years’ old, 19.8%
were 25 to 28 years’ old, and 3.9% were above 28 years’ old. Graduate students comprise a
majority of the sample (47.4%), and undergraduate and doctoral students accounted for 34.1%
and 18.5% respectively. Considering the online booking experience, 50.4% of the participants
had 1-3 years’ experience, 24.1% had 4-6 years’ experience, and 11.3% had more than six years’
experience. Participants who had less than one year’s experience accounted for 14.2%.
The randomized controlled experiment primed 2 (high price versus low price) × 2 (positive
reviews versus negative reviews) × 2 (a well-known brand versus an unknown brand) with a
between-group design. The independent variables were manipulated using eight different
online booking scenarios. The research assistants supervised and guided participants through
manipulation. Each experimental group was assigned six participants, and 48 participants were
involved in the pretest. The value of Cronbach's alpha of the variables was between 0.907 and
0.928. Homogeneity of variance test results showed that the mean values of price in the two
groups have significant differences (t = 2.297, p < 0.05). Online review (F (1, 46) = 4.233, p <
0.05) and brand familiarity (F (1, 46) = 10.134, p < 0.05) had significant differences in their
groups’ mean values. Thus, it can be confirmed that the three variables were effectively
The measurement of price was based on the work of Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal (1991),
consisting of five items on a five-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree):
“The hotel is economical”; “The price is affordable”; “The price is acceptable”; “The price is
low”; and “The hotel is well worth the price”. Scenarios in the experiment were as follows:
treatment groups were shown the original hotel room rate as CNY330 and the current price as
CNY204 (38% off, CNY1 = USD 0.144), according to the idea that discount or comparison
between current and original product promotes the perception of price reduction (Dodds,
Monroe, and Grewal 1991, Erdem, Keane, and Sun 2008). Online review manipulation is a
scenario description for the online hotel booking platform. Except for the online reviews, all
other information is the same for all scenarios. According to Prabu (2014), the number of
reviews that an average consumer would read ranges between six and 12, we decided to design
12 pieces of online reviews for each scenario, following a pre-test with 25 participants, which
showed that the number of reviews being read was 11 to 14 pieces. We observed 562 pieces of
real hotel reviews collected from the major Chinese online booking platforms (Ctrip, Qunar
Tuniu, etc.), and found the major attributes of a hotel reviewed by consumers were: location,
service quality, environment, room quality, and value for money. We then referred to the real
hotel booking platform’s reviews to imitate the reviewers’ words, moods, attitudes, and
description methods to design the content of the reviews used for the experiment (Ye, Law, and
Gu 2009).
We set the ratio of review valence (good versus bad, or bad versus good) in the
experimental groups at 9:3, following Sundar, Xu, and Oeldorf-Hirsch’s (2009) study. The
scenario in the high level was three fully positive reviews, one simple negative review, and
eight simple positive reviews. The scenario in the low level was three fully negative reviews,
one simple positive review, and eight simple negative reviews. Each review was presented
randomly in different experiment scenes to avoid primacy and recency effects. Based on the
actual situation of the hotel website evaluation system, the overall rating (five points) was also
used. The groups of positive reviews scored an overall 4.3 points, while the groups of the
negative reviews scored an overall 2.3 points (Table 2 and 3). This design was consistent with
the previous studies; for example, Melián-González, Bulchand-Gidumal, and González López-
Valcárcel (2013) suggest that a review rating between 4 and 5 (on a five-point scale) was
considered satisfactory. Rhee and Yang (2015) set the “low vs. high” hotel ratings in online
reviews to “2 vs. 4”, and the overall ratings for the low group were set between 3.0 and 3.5,
and for the high group between 4.0 and 4.5. Our own observation of customer review ratings
(between 2 and 5) in the actual hotel booking platform further confirmed that our design
Brand familiarity was measured based on three items on a five-point Likert scale
(1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree), adopted from Rubinstein and Griffiths (2001): “I often
see this hotel brand in advertisements”; “I often hear people talk about this hotel”; and “I often
see this hotel brand”. The manipulation is similar to that of Park and Stoel (2005), where
stimulation in the high level showed an existing brand, and stimulation in the low level showed
a fictitious brand. For the treatment groups in the experiment, the brand ‘7 Days Inn’ (a well-
known existing brand) was used. For control groups, a fictitious brand ‘Linderman Inn’ was
used. There were no descriptive differences between the two groups, except for the hotel brand
The measure of online booking intention was based on Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman’s
(1996) scale, which is widely used in service quality and behavioral studies. The measure
consists of three items on a five-point Likert scale: (1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree): “I
will consider booking the hotel”; “I think booking this hotel is not a bad idea”; and “It is very
likely that I will book this hotel”. Individual factors, including gender, age, education, and
online reservation experience in the past and last year, were used as control variables.
The results showed that the internal consistency of the variables is acceptable: Cronbach’s α of
price, online review, brand familiarity, and booking intention were 0.911, 0.903, 0.902, and
0.864, respectively. The effectiveness of the independent variables' manipulation was checked.
The independent samples t-test results indicated that price (M low level in price = 2.911, M high level in
price = 2.577, t = 6.735, p < 0.05), online review (M positive level in online review = 3.539, M negative level in
online review = 1.951, t = 16.956, p < 0.05), and brand familiarity (M high level in brand familiarity = 3.017,
M low level in brand familiarity = 2.471, t = 4.190, p < 0.05) had significant mean differences in the
We ran a multiple linear regression test of the explanatory power of the cues on booking
intention to evaluate the diagnosticity of the three cues. The results, as shown in Table 4,
indicated that the three predictor variables explained approximately 62% of the variance in
booking intention. A multi-collinearity test showed that the variance inflation factor (VIF) of
the predictor variables was under the critical value 2.0, which suggests that collinearity is not
an issue of concern. As expected, the results showed that the diagnosticity of the cues from
strong to weak was that online review (β = 0.722, p < 0.01), brand familiarity (β = 0.283, p <
The results of correlation analysis indicated that the independent variables were significantly
related to the dependent variable (r (PP, BI) = -0.233, r (OR, BI) = 0.721, and r (BF, BI) =
0.299, p < 0.05), and mean values and standard deviation of all the variables were presented
in Table 5. Multivariate analysis of variance in the general linear model (GLM) was used to
explore cues’ utilization for online hotel booking. The results are presented in Table 6. The
main effect of price was significant (F (1 , 224) = 24.709, p < 0.001). The main effects of online
review (F (1,224) = 384.401, p < 0.001) and brand familiarity (F (1,224) = 59.095, p < 0.001)
The first hypothesis of this study (H1) states that there will be an interaction of online review
and price on hotel booking intention, specifically when online reviews are positive, price will
be a significant predictor of booking intention; when online reviews are negative, price will not
have any significant effect on booking intentions. The analysis revealed the interaction effect
of price and online review on hotel booking (F (1, 224) = 21.181, p < 0.05). Specifically, a
simple slope analysis (shown in Figure 2a.) suggested that: when online review was on a
positive level, price had a significant effect on consumer booking intention (β = -0.177, p <
0.05); when the online review was negative, price did not have any significant effect on
booking intentions (β = -0.007, p > 0.05). Thus, H1 was supported. The results show that a low
scope cue such as price was a significant predictor only when paired with a consistent high
scope cue such as positive online reviews: low price indicates good value, hence strong
purchase intention. But, under the condition of negative online reviews, the effect of the
inconsistent cue of low price (good value) on booking intention becomes insignificant. In other
words, the high scope cue of online reviews significantly moderates the effect of price on
purchase intention.
The second hypothesis of this study (H2) states that there will be a significant interaction
between online review and brand familiarity on hotel booking intention, specifically, when
online reviews are positive, brand familiarity will be a significant predictor of booking
intention; and when online reviews are negative, brand familiarity will not have any significant
effect on booking intentions. The data analysis showed that the interaction of online reviews
and brand familiarity had a significant effect on hotel booking intention (F (1, 224) = 6.082, p
< 0.05). As shown in Figure 2b, when the online review was positive, brand familiarity had a
significant effect on booking intentions (β = 0.196, p < 0.05). In contrast, when the online
review was negative, brand familiarity did not have any significant effect on booking intentions
(β = 0.083, p > 0.05). Thus, H2 was supported. The results show that brand familiarity can
influence booking intention only when paired with positive online reviews. The effect of brand
familiarity is similar to that of price, both are relatively low scope cues in comparison with
online review.
The third hypothesis of this study (H3) proposes that there will be a significant interaction
between brand familiarity and price on hotel booking intention, specifically, the effect of price
on booking intention is weaker for a familiar rather than unknown brand. The results indicate
that the interaction of price and brand familiarity was significant (F = 6.071, p < 0.05). As
shown in Figure 2c, when brand familiarity was low, the price had a significant effect on
booking intentions (β1 = -0.093, p < 0.05); and when brand familiarity was high, price
continued to have a significant effect (β2 = -0.138, p < 0.05). Further examination shows that
in the high brand familiarity level groups, price had a significantly weaker explanation power
on booking intention than in the low brand familiarity groups (ΔF = 32.907, p < 0.05). Thus
H3 was supported. This result suggests that the diagnosticity of price varies depending upon
Hypothesis 4 was about the three-way interaction among online reviews, brand familiarity, and
price in predicting hotel booking intention. This hypothesis was supported. The results showed
that the three-way interaction term was significant (F (1, 224) = 11.707, p < 0.05), and the
effects that brand familiarity and price had on booking intentions depended on the valence of
online review (Figure 3a-b). Specifically, under positive online review, the interaction effect of
brand familiarity and price on booking intention was significant (β PP*BF at positive OR level = -0.315,
p < 0.05). The results further showed that price for a familiar brand (β = -0.148, p < 0.05) had
a weaker effect on booking intention than that for an unknown brand (β = -0.457, p < 0.05).
The results indicate that the moderation effect of brand familiarity on the relationship between
price and booking intention is dependent on the valence of online reviews. By comparing
Figure 3a and Figure 3b, we can see that under negative online reviews, regardless of the level
of brand familiarity, the effect of price on customer willingness is not significant (p > 0.05).
Figure 3c shows that when online reviews are positive, brand familiarity and price interact to
influence purchase intentions. These results are consistent with those of the two-way
interaction analysis presented in the previous section, further confirming that online review is
the highest-scope cue, brand familiarity is the second-highest scope cue, and price is the lowest-
scope cue.
Study 2
The results of Experiment 1 supported all the hypotheses; however, the generalizability might
be limited due to the sample consisting of a high proportion of students and the use of budget
hotels as the study stimulus. In Experiment 2, we simulated a real online booking interface,
recruited real consumers, and used full-service hotels as the study stimulus. We further tested
the mediating role of perceived quality between the three-way interaction of the cues and
booking intention. The rationale for the inclusion of quality perception was that consumers use
multiple cues to evaluate product quality and, subsequently, make a booking decision (Akdeniz,
The experiment used the same design as in Study 1, i.e., a 2 (high price vs. low price) x 2 (high
brand familiarity vs. low brand familiarity) x 2 (positive comments vs. negative comments)
between-subjects design. The manipulation for the price was that the high price was set at CNY
399, and the low price CNY 199 (50% off, CNY 1 = USD 0.14). For high brand familiarity,
we used the name “Si Ji”, a hotel brand that enjoyed high recognition among travelers in China,
and for low brand familiarity we used a fictitious hotel brand name “Mei Ji”. The measures for
the key variables were the same as those in Study 1, with the addition of the measures of
perceived quality (Purohit and Srivastava 2001): “This hotel is likely to be of high quality”;
“This hotel is likely to be reliable”; “I would not worry about the quality of this hotel”;
“Compared to the other hotels, the quality of this hotel is much better”; and “ My overall
impression is that it is a good quality hotel”. All measurement items were anchored a five-point
A screening question was used to filter outthe student sample, and to confirm that all
participants had online hotel booking experience for three or more trips in the past 12 months.
With the aid of a market research company, participants were recruited from an online
consumer panel of frequent travelers in China. Participants received a small incentive in loyalty
points from the company. The study was conducted from July to August 2019. We received
413 responses, after excluding invalid responses, 366 of which were used for data analysis.
Each of the experiment groups had 40 or more participants. Among these participants, there
were 185 males and 181 females, with an average age of 30.66 years’ old. In terms of academic
qualifications, junior college and below accounted for 28.1%, undergraduates accounted for
36.1%, and graduate degree and above accounted for 35.8%. The sample tended to be young
and well-educated, which reflects the profile of the majority of Chinese travelers who use
Manipulation checks
ANOVA showed that the price (M low price = 3.594, M high price = 2.774, p < 0.001), brand
familiarity (M low brand familiarity = 2.381, M high brand familiarity = 3.626, p < 0.001) and online review
(M negative online review = 2.160, M positive online review = 3.899, p < 0.01) were significantly different at
different levels of control, indicating that the experimental material was valid and the variable
manipulation was successful. Through the reliability and validity test of the variables, the
results indicated price (α = 0.891, CR = 0.891, AVE = 0.620), brand familiarity (α = 0.854, CR
= 0.856, AVE = 0.666), online review (α = 0.869, CR = 0.870, AVE =0.691), perceived quality
(α = 0.912, CR = 0.912, AVE = 0.674) and booking intention (α = 0.892, CR = 0.892, AVE =
0.733) with good reliability and convergent validity. The various fit indices of the measurement
model exceeded the required thresholds (df = 1.499, CFI = 0.983, TLI = 0.980, RMSEA =
Table 7 shows the results of the regression analysis with demographics as control variables.
The level of diagnosticity of the three cues was evaluated by examining the magnitude of the
coefficients in Models 1 and 3, which showed that the diagnosticity of the cues from high to
As shown in Table 7, the direct effects of brand familiarity and online review on
perceived quality (β BF = 0. 213, p < 0.001; β OR = 0. 616, p < 0.001, Model 1) and booking
intention (β BF = 0.163, p < 0.001; β OR = 0.506, p < 0.001, Model 3) were significant. But the
direct effects of price and perceived quality (β PP = 0.076, p > 0.05, Model 1) and purchase
intention (β PP = 0. 071, p > 0.05, Model 3) did not reach a significant level. This result was
different from Experiment 1, which showed that the effect of price on purchase intention was
The effects of the two-way interaction term (β PP*BF = 0.104, p < 0.05; β PP*OR = 0.094, p
< 0.05; β OR*BF = 0.152, p < 0.01) and the three-way interaction term (β PP*BF*OR = 0.081, p
<0.05) on perceived quality were significant (Model 2). Similarly, the two-way interaction
effects (β PP*BF = 0.134, p < 0.01; β PP*OR = 0.112, p < 0.05; β OR*BF = 0.111, p < 0.05) and the
three-way interaction effect (β PP*BF*OR = 0.106, p < 0.01) on booking intention were also
The results (Figures 4a and 4b) indicated that when online reviews were positive, the
interaction effects of price and brand interactions on perceived quality (β PP*BF at positive OR level =
0.121, p < 0.05) and booking intention (β PP*BF at positive OR level = 0.157, p < 0.05) were significant;
when the online reviews were negative, the interaction of price and brand were not significant
on either perceived quality (β PP*BF at negative OR level = 0.041, p > 0.05) or booking intention (β
PP*BF at negative OR level = 0. 073, p > 0.05). The results confirmed the findings in Study 1.
Figure 4b depicts the simple effects within the three-way interactions. A comparison of
Lines (1) and (2) shows that brand familiarity can significantly affect booking intention,
although its effect can only exist in the case of positive reviews. A comparison of Lines (2),
(3), and (4) show that brand familiarity significantly influenced booking intention, while the
effect of price was insignificant, confirming that online review is a higher-scope cue than either
SPSS-PROCESS was adopted to test the mediation effect of perceived quality between
three-way interaction term (price x brand familiarity x online review) and booking intention by
selecting the fixed model of 12 and setting the number of Bootstraps to 2000. The results show
that the mediation effect was significant (β = 0.0310, SE = 0.0185, BootLLCI = 0.0005,
BootULCI = 0.0711), confirming that the interaction effect of the three cues on booking
Discussion and conclusions
The main objective of this study was to examine the interaction effect of three key extrinsic
online hotel booking cues, i.e., online review, brand familiarity, and price on online hotel
booking intention. Study 1 shows that: a) the level of cue diagnosticity from high to low is:
online review, brand familiarity, and price; b) there were significant two-way interaction effects,
for example when online reviews are positive, price and brand cues have significant effects on
booking intentions; however, when online reviews are negative, the other two cues do not have
any significant effect on booking intentions; and c) there was also significant three-way
interaction. Study 2 replicates and extends the first study by further examining the effect of the
three multiple cues on both perceived quality and booking intention, and the mediating effect
of perceived quality.
The findings from the test of two-way interactions confirm that the effect of a low-scope
cue (brand familiarity or price) is dependent on a high-scope cue (online review) (Purohit and
Srivastava 2001). Three groups of interaction effects were revealed. First, online review
moderates the effect of brand familiarity on booking intention. Specifically, when online
reviews are positive, consumers tend to book the hotel of a familiar rather than unfamiliar brand;
in contrast, when reviews are negative, consumers have little intention to book the hotel
regardless of whether the brand is familiar. Second, when online reviews of a hotel are positive,
lower price leads to higher booking intention; in contrast, when reviews are negative,
consumers have little intention to book the hotel regardless of price. The result confirms our
argument that price is a low-scope cue, and has limited diagnostic power and does not play an
essential role in decision making in the online shopping environment (Erdem, Keane, and Sun
2008). Third, the study results further indicate that brand familiarity significantly moderates
the effect of price on hotel booking intention, such that under a familiar brand, consumers are
less price-sensitive, whereas, for an unfamiliar brand, consumers are more price sensitive.
Overall the study results reveal a three-way interaction among online review, brand
familiarity, and price on hotel booking intention. The effects that brand familiarity and price
had on booking intentions depend on the valence of online reviews. Specifically, under positive
online review, the interaction effect of brand familiarity and price on booking intention would
be significant, and under negative online review, the interaction between brand familiarity and
Theoretical implications
Interactions among multiple decision cues concerning online hotel booking have rarely been
examined in previous travel and tourism studies; as such, our study offers a fresh, unique, and
processes. By simultaneously investigating the effects of online review, brand familiarity, and
price, our research provides novel insights into the differential effects of the cues. Particularly,
the study reveals that brand familiarity is a relatively low-scope cue to online review. Previous
studies reveal that brand familiarity exists as a high-scope cue that brings positive brand
associations and attitudes (Dawar and Parker 1994) and, consequently, influences purchase
decisions. Surprisingly, our findings indicate that the diagnosticity of brand familiarity is weak
in comparison with online review. It does not have any significant effects on booking intentions
when online reviews are negative. The possible reason is that previous studies have mostly
focused on brand reputation or brand equity rather than familiar versus unknown brands; the
products examined in those studies were not experience-based, and the purchase channels were
not the internet (e.g., Akdeniz, Calantone, and Voorhees 2013, Dodds, Monroe, and Grewal
1991). The current study shows that in an online environment, although brand familiarity is an
essential factor for brand selection, consumers prefer to judge a hotel based on the experiences
of previous customers of the product as reflected in online reviews (Ladhari and Michaud 2015).
Our study provides empirical evidence to support our hypotheses regarding the effect of
congruency between high- and low-scope cues, as well as the dominant effect of high-scope
over low-scope cues on booking intentions. The results suggest that low scope cues, such as
low price and brand familiarity, are significant predictors only when paired with a congruent
high scope cue, such as positive online reviews. Particularly, when facing uncertain situations,
the congruency of cues provided by positive online reviews and low-price significantly
increases booking intention. Study 2 further shows that under the condition of positive
congruent cues, signaled by positive online reviews, high brand familiarity, and high price,
consumers will perceive the hotel as high-quality, which leads to a higher booking intention.
As suggested by Miyazaki, Grewal, and Goodstein (2005), consumers often use extrinsic cues
to reduce risks when making a purchase decision. This is particularly true for the purchase of
cues are congruent and positive, booking intention increases. Our study thus sheds light on the
Study 2 shows that the effects of price on perceived quality and purchase intention are not
significant, which is different from the findings shown in Experiment 1. One possible
explanation is because of the different hotel categories and samples used in study 2. In Study
1, the stimulus is budget hotels, and the sample is mainly students who were likely to be more
sensitive to the price of this type of product than the sample in Study 2 who were mainly
business travelers.
We can conclude that online review is highly diagnostic and can be regarded as a high-
scope cue, which has determining effects on consumers' booking decisions; brand familiarity
can be considered as a relatively low-scope cue to an online review, and the price is a low-
scope cue. Brand familiarity and price continue to significantly affect the booking decision
only when a hotel's online reviews are positive. The study confirms that the impact of low-
scope cues is dependent upon that of a higher scope cue. The results further confirm that when
high-scope cues are positive, low-scope cues continue to have a significant effect; but when
high-scope cues are negative, the effects of lower scope cues decrease or become insignificant.
Managerial implications
The findings of this study have several managerial implications. First, this study shows that
online reviews, especially the negative ones, are the most important factor that affects
consumers' hotel booking decisions. Hotel managers should treat online reviews as their top
priority for their marketing strategy. It is imperative to do so in today's digital age as a result of
the proliferation of online review websites and social media. They should allocate resources to
experiences on social media and travel review websites. They should also deploy specialized
employees to interact and engage with consumers on those platforms. In addition to delivering
excellent customer experience that encourages positive online reviews, they should have a set
of recovery strategies in response to service failure, customer complaints, and negative online
Second, the findings of this study indicate that brand familiarity as a decision cue is more
diagnostic than price, although less so than an online review. Hotels should continue to build
and improve brand awareness to extend their popularity and influence, making brand
Third, the study shows that price is a low-scope cue. Improving the salience of a low-scope
cue such as price has a limited effect on consumer purchase intention if the hotel receives too
many negative online reviews. Therefore, counter to intuition, hotel managers should be very
cautious about using price discount, as it works only if the hotel has good customer reviews.
When initiating sales promotions, managers should deliver a clear message that low price is
associated with great value rather than poor quality. More importantly, they should recognize
that a non-price competition strategy could be more effective, such as social media and brand
engagement. Instead of reducing prices, they should try to reduce consumer-perceived risk by
providing additional information cues such as what experience customers can expect, the
This study is limited to the examination of the three cues of online review, brand familiarity,
and price. In real-life situations, other variables could also influence booking intentions such
as website security, booking platforms (hotel official website or a third party), and room types,
which were not included in the study. Further studies are needed to explore the effects of these
cues on consumer online travel booking. This study shows the different effects of price cue on
quality evaluation and purchase intention between the two study samples, whereas factors such
as individual background, personal characteristics, travel purpose, and purchase situations were
not in the conceptual model. This could be an interesting direction for future researchers to
explore. Finally, thanks to the advancement of big data analytics, future studies could use data
from multi-sources to analyze how different online booking cues influence travel booking
behavior and to predict sales performance using machine learning and artificial intelligence.
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Brand Familiarity
Experiment Scenario Familiar Unknown
Online Review
Positive Negative High Low
High Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Low Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
(N= 232, 29 samples per group)
Table 2. Online reviews with a positive score level
Table 3. Online reviews with a negative score level
Order Online Review Content Overall Score 2.3
1 Location is neither good nor bad.
2 The door and window are poorly qualified. Constant noise, shampoo is too
little, WiFiifi signal in the room is not good. Old decoration. The supply of
hot water is insufficient. In a sentence, I am not satisfied with the hotel.
3 It is very noisy at midnight due to the KTV, and facilities are obsolete and
not clean. I would not visit the hotel again.
4 Cost versus performance is average
5 The hotel front desk attendants are friendly. It was not a bad experience.
6 Apart from being located near the convention center, there is nothing worth
recommending. The hot water tap is broken and the room is too damp to
breathe. Too bad to say anything.
7 It has not been redecorated for a long time. Facilities are obsolete.
8 There was no window in my room and the floor position was awful.
9 The hotel room was damp.
10 Poor soundproof.
11 The manager was not very friendly.
12 The hotel environment is ok and the service is just average.
Table 4. Outputs of multiple linear regression analysis
Table 5. Mean values and SD of booking intention (BI)
Familiar Brand Unknown Brand
Three Cues at
Online Review
Positive Negative Positive Negative
3.725 0.46 2.302 0.76 1.926 0.97 1.537 0.55
Price Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
4.407 0.33 2.116 0.51 3.787 0.62 1.414 0.79
Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
Table 6. AVOVA results in GLM analysis of booking intention
Table 7. Outputs of hierarchical regression analysis
(PP: Product price; BF: Brand familiarity; OR: Online review. ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05)
Figure 1. Mean values of independent variables at different levels
Figure 2. Simple effect analysis of the two-way interactions
Figure 3. Simple effect analysis of the three-way interactions on booking intention
Figure 4. Simple effect analysis of the three-way interactions on perceived quality and booking intentions