Fluke 558s6
Fluke 558s6
Fluke 558s6
trolled temperature along a portion
Dry-well calibrators are stable heat
of its length. The vertical gradient
sources used in process and labora-
in the insert is termed “axial unifor-
tory environments for calibration of
mity.” Due to dissimilarities in con-
temperature sensors. All heat sources
struction and length of temperature
introduce measurement errors as
sensing elements, one must consider
a result of their mechanical design
the axial uniformity of Metrology
and thermodynamic properties.
Wells. According to EA (European
These effects can be quantified in an
Accreditation) guideline 10/13, dry-
effort to determine the heat sources’
wells should have a “zone of suffi-
contribution to the measurement
cient temperature homogeneity of 40
uncertainty. Fluke Calibration has
mm” from the bottom of the well. We
developed Metrology Wells to reduce
recommend a zone of at least 60 mm
the errors typically seen in the usage
to cover sensor lengths of the units
of dry-wells. Metrology Wells come
under test (UUTs) and the reference
with a calibrated control sensor and
standard, which often needs at least
have an option for a built-in ther-
50 mm.
mometer readout. The Metrology
Well’s uncertainty will significantly
vary depending on mode of use. The
Application Tip: Axial uniformity
uncertainties associated with each errors can often be improved
method of use are discussed. The beyond the specification by align-
purpose of this application note is ing the centers of the sensing
to help technicians and metrologists element of the reference probe
understand and quantify the mea- and the UUT (see Figure 4).
surement uncertainty when using
Metrology Wells.
Radial uniformity
Uncertainties associated with The thermal gradient from one well
the use of Metrology Well to another is referred to as radial
and its built-in reference uniformity. Measurement errors
thermometer input caused from imperfect radial unifor-
Best performance is usually real- mity are attributed to the distance
ized when Metrology Wells are between wells and heaters, the ther-
used as stable heat sources and an mal properties of the insert material,
external reference thermometer or and effects from uneven heat distri-
the optional built-in reference ther- bution caused by non symmetrical
mometer input is used as the refer- loading.
ence standard (see examples 1 and
2 on page 4). Typically, the major
Application Tip: Best results
sources of uncertainty are caused by
are found when using a compari-
imperfect axial and radial uniformity, son insert (Insert B, D, or E) with
loading, instability, stem conduction, a reference probe of the same
reference thermometer accuracy, and diameter as the UUT and mea-
unit under test characteristics. suring directly across from the Figure 1. The Metrology Well display can help determine when
UUT. stability is reached, but a better practice is to rely on display of the
Axial uniformity reference that offers more resolution.
Each Metrology Well insert (remov-
able sleeve with several drilled Loading effect
wells) is exposed to ambient envi- The number of probes inserted into a
ronment at the top end and to a con-
Metrology Well impacts the amount
2 Fluke Calibration Understanding the uncertainties asscociated with the use of Metrology Wells
dard as opposed to an external
reference probe, because the con-
trol sensor is isolated in the block
and does not compensate for the
loading of the wells in the insert.
Hysteresis is the difference in a
Metrology Well’s actual tempera-
ture resulting from the direction
from which that temperature was CENTER LINE OF SENSORS
Other considerations
The errors from short-term drift,
hysteresis, and readout accuracy
of the UUT apply in the same way
as when a Metrology Well is used
with an external reference.
3 Fluke Calibration Understanding the uncertainties asscociated with the use of Metrology Wells
Example 1 - Uncertainty Table 1.
calculation associated with Specification (mK) Probability Uncertainty (mK)
Metrology Wells using a Distribution
reference probe and a ther- Axial uniformity 20 Rectangular 11.55
mometer readout as the
standard. Radial uniformity 10 Rectangular 5.77
4 Fluke Calibration Understanding the uncertainties asscociated with the use of Metrology Wells
Fluke Calibration. Precision, performance, confidence.™