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DLL - Science 6 - Q3 - W9

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ANGATEL E/S Grade Level: VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: APRIL 11-14, 2023 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


HOLIDAY The learners demonstrate gravity How energy is transformed in The learners demonstrate
and friction affect movement simple machines understanding of the uses of
A. Content Standards simple machines ( pulley and
objects and how energy is
transformed in simple machines
The learners should be able to Create a marketing strategy for The learners should be able to
produce an advertisement , a new product or light efficiency manipulate simple machines to
demonstrate road safety, create a describe their characteristics
and uses.
marketing strategy for a new
B. Performance Standards
product on electrical, create a
marketing strategy for a new
product on electrical or light
Manipulate simple machines to List the different uses of wedge List the different uses of pulley Weekly Test
describe their characteristics and and lever. S6FE –IIIg-I - 3 and screw. 1.Administering test
uses. (S6FE-IIIg-i-3) Act out the use of wedge in the Investigate the different uses questions correctly
*List the different uses of inclined different situation given in the of pulley and screw. 2. Administering of weekly
C. Learning plane activity. Appreciate the importance of test in Science 6
Competencies/Objectives *Tell the different uses of inclined Be careful in using wedge and the different uses of pulley and 3. Setting of Standards
plane lever screw in our daily living. S6FE- 4. Test Proper
*Appreciate the importance of uses IIIg-i-3 5. Checking of Test Results
of inclined plane
Uses of Inclined Plane
Uses of simple machines
II. CONTENT / TOPIC Uses of Inclined Plane Uses of wedge and lever
(pulley and screw)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Explore and Experience Science
The New Science Link pp.359- 6 pp.276-278 pp.286-288
3. Textbook pages
360 The Science Connection 5
pp.182-183 pp.190-192
Science Links 6 pp.234-235
B. Other Materials
Thumbs up or down. Show a video using wedge and Choose the best class of lever
The teacher shows pictures of lever. to use when lifting or moving
A. Reviewing previous lesson or various objects then pupils will the following loads.Put a check
presenting the new lesson show thumbs up if it shows uses of mark (/) inside the box. See
wheel and axle and thumbs down if pp.271-Explore and
not. Experience6
What do you know about inclined What was the video all about? If you lift an object to a tall
plane? Have you experienced the same building, How will you do it?
situation just what have you
seen in the video?
B. Establishing a purpose for the
What if the man in the video did
not use a bolo in cutting the
branches of the tree?
You will answer that through
your activity.
Watch the video clip The teacher will give a different Show a video presentation
https://youtu.be/E_ErI0QjNos situation where the children will What did you observe in the
Do the following Activities select the right simple machine video?
Group 1- Jingle about the uses of to be used. What are the activities uses
Inclined Plane pulley?
Group 2- Rap about the uses of What other simple machines
C. Presenting examples/
Inclined Plane did you observe?
instances of the new lesson
Group 3- Act-out about the uses of How is screw useful in the
Inclined Plane video?
Group 4- Song about the uses of Do you think screw is useful in
Inclined Plane our daily living to make our
Group 5- Poem about the uses of work easier?
Inclined Plane
Pupils present their output on the Giving standards in doing GROUP ACTIVITY
D. Discussing new concepts and
activity. The teacher will give activity? (see attach activity sheet)
practicing new skills #1
feedback about the result. Group activity. GROUP PRESENTATION
Presentation of activity. What are the simple machines?
How simple machines do
makes work easier and faster?
How are simple machines used
E. Discussing new concepts and
in everyday life?
practicing new skills #2
What are activities uses pulley?
How pulley is makes work
How can you use pulley to help
you in the school? Building?
What are the two types of
What is the difference between
fixed and movable pulley?
How screw useful in our daily
Cite some examples of srew
that you see in your home.
• Based from the activity, what
are the use of the first order
lever? second order lever? third
order lever?
• How beneficial it is in our daily
F. Developing mastery
(leads to formative assessment )
• Why is it important to keep
them in its proper place?
• Can we make our work easier
without the use of the different
levers we learned today?
Tell what is in the picture and relate Directions: Act out the correct Suppose you see a lady driver
this to your own experiences: wedge to be used in the different with a flat tire on the side of
situation given below (using only an the road. What would you do?
improvised simple machine made
What tool would you lend her?
from a hard board for the safety of
the children) . You are only given 2
minutes only to perform the given
Group Activity:
G. Finding practical applications I – Your father wanted to chop the
of concepts and skills in daily wood to be used by your mother in
living cooking.(axe)
II – A brother of your friend will cut
the plywood for the project in wood
working. He is going to make a tool
box (rip saw)
III – Your mother is going to slice
the ingredients in her chicken
IV – your sister wanted to eat an
H. Making generalization and What are the uses of Inclined What are the use of wedge and What are the different uses of
abstraction about the lesson Plane? lever? pulley and screw?
Answer the following questions: Directions: List the different use A. Choose the letter of the
1. Which of the following is the use of lever and wedge by writing correct answer.
of inclined plane? the correct answer only in a 1. Which of the following is not
a. It lessens the effort exerted in given situation. a simple machine?
transporting weight over a distance a. screw
and height A. b. lever
b. To lift an object easier by 1. Your sister will about to finish c. pulley
changing the direction of the effort her short. It’s only one thing d. board
force missing to finish it. What will 2. Which of the following
c. To deliver a person from high she use to finish her short? makes use of the ptinciple of
area to low area a. zipper the screw?
d. To deliver a person from low b. scissors a. pencil sharpener
area to high area c. knife b. scissors
2. How does an inclined plane help d. none of the above c. knife
in transporting a load from a higher 2. The grade six pupils will cut d. auto jack
place? their wood in making their dust 3. It consists of an inclined
a. If the length of the plane is 30 cm pan holder. What are they going plane wrapped around a pole
and the height of plane 50 cm to use? or cylinder.
b. If the length of the plane is 50 cm a. saw a. friction
and the height is 30 cm b. knife b. wheel and axle
c. If the height of the plane is 70 cm c. wheel barrow c. screw
and the height of the plane is 30 cm d. axe d. pulley
I. Evaluating learning
d. If the height of the plane is 70 cm 3. Gina wants to eat hotcake, 4. It is a combination of two
and the height is 30 cm but it is very hot. What will she inclined planes put back-to-
3. Why do you need to use an use to put the hotcake on her back.
inclined plane? plate and eat it? a. inclined plane
a. It lessens the time used in certain a. spoon b. ramp
thing b. hammer c. wedge
b. It lessens the effort over a c. food tong d. pulley
distance d. scissors 5. A knife is an example of this
c. It lessens the resistance exerted 4. To attach the plywood in kind of simple machine.
over a place making the door, what will you a. inclined plane
d. It can be used to lift cars. use to do it? b. rope
4. Which of the following are the a. saw c. wedge
ways of transporting the toy car in a b. knife d. pulley
1 foot height pile of books on the c. wheel barrow
table? d. nail B. Write T if the statement is
I.by lifting 5. Mang Ambo will open a buko true and F if the statement is
II. by rolling on the inclined plane for his son. What will he use to false.
III. by using a spring scale open it? __6.Apencil sharpener is a kind
a. I & II a. saw of pulley
b. I & III b. bolo ___7.The flag is raised and
c. II & III c. wheel barrow lowered with a pulley.
d. I, II, III d. nail ___8.Work is made easier with
5. If your father who is sick needs a the help of machine.
wheelchair and a wheelchair ramps B. List the use of lever and ____9.Anail is an example of a
what is the use of this? wedge by writing the correct wedge.
a. To go places where they want to answer only. ____10.Acar is an example of
go an inclined plane.
b. To lessen their effort 6. A carjack works on the
c. To get over obstacle without principle of __________
exceeding their strength a. overcoming a large force with
d. To feel comfortable and a large force
satisfaction in using this b. reducing the weight of an
6. The inclined plane is a flat object
supporting surface tilted at an c. increasing the time taken to
angle. Which of the following do a job
statements is true? d. overcoming a large force with
a. The effort applied is greater than a smaller force
the distance 7. What is the use of the wheel
b. The lesser angle machine the barrow?
longer the distance and the lesser a. to move a load
the effort needed b. exert a large force over a
c. The greater the effort applied the small distance
longer the distance c. exert only small distanceat
d. All of the above one end by exerting only a small
7. Inclined is important to us force over a greater distance at
because it helps our work easier the other
and faster. Which of the following d. a and c
belongs to inclined plane? 8. What is the use of our teeth?
a. Axe and blade I. cutting and grinding
b. Wheel barrow and bottle II. cutting and splitting food
opener III. cutting and tightening food
c. Ramp slope IV. separate the food
d. Bicycle, gears, doorknob a. I only
8. Inclined is a simple machine that b. II only
is useful to people because of the c. I and III
following: d. I and IV
a. Use and raising and lowering load 9. What is the use of an axe?
b. To lessen the effort exerted over a. to cut the wood into pieces
a distance b. to fasten two object like
c. A only wood in making the wall in the
d. A and B house
9. Inclined plane is widely used, c. to gather any materials to
why do you say so? lighten the work
a. It can move heavy objects d. to cut the union in the kitchen
b. For raising and lowering a load 10. What is the use of hammer?
c. To get over obstacle without a. to cut the wood into pieces
their strength b. to fasten two object like
d. All of the above wood in making the wall in the
10. You wanted to carry a sack of house
rice using a inclined plane, which c. to gather any materials to
illustration will you use. lighten the work
a. d. to remove the nail from a
b. wood.

J. Additional activities for List other uses of wedge and

application / remediation lever.

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work
? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well ? Why
did this work ?
F. What difficulties did my
principal or supervisor can help
me solve ?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers ?

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