20EC3305 - PTRP - Unit I & 2 - Sessional-I Question Bank - 2022-23
20EC3305 - PTRP - Unit I & 2 - Sessional-I Question Bank - 2022-23
20EC3305 - PTRP - Unit I & 2 - Sessional-I Question Bank - 2022-23
6. 1 x b a CO1 K3
The pdf of a random variable X is given by f X x b e ;a x
0 ; else
Determine the characteristic function and the mean and variance of the
random variable X.
B. Find the density function of W = X+Y where the densities of X and Y are
1 1
given as f x x u x u x a and f y y u y u y a ,
a b
where 0<a<b.
C. Two independent random variable X and Y having their density functions as
f X x e xu x and fY y e y u y . Then find P X Y 1 .
18. Joint probabilities of two random variables X and Y are given in the CO2 K4
following table.
X 1 2 3
1 1/7 3/28 1/14
2 1/7 3/28 1/14
3 1/14 2/14 1/7
Find (i) P(X≤1.5) (ii) P(XY is even) (iii) P(Y is odd given that X is even)
19. The joint probability distribution of a two-dimensional discrete random variable CO2 K4
(X,Y) is given below:
Y 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09
1 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08
2 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06
3 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.05
(i) Marginal density function functions of X and Y
(ii) P(X≤1), P(Y≤3), P(X≤1, Y≤3), P(X≤1/Y≤3), P(Y≤3/X≤1) and P(X+Y≤4)
20. The input to a noisy communication channel is a binary random variable CO2 K3
X with P(X=0)=P(X=1)=1/2. The output of channel Z is given by X+Y,
where Y is additive noise introduced by the channel. Assuming that X and
Y independent and Y=N(0,1), Find the density of Z.
21. A. Define Expectation and explain the properties of expectation? CO1 K1
B. Define variance and explain its properties?
C. Derive the expressions for mean and variance of Gaussian, Normal, Uniform,
Exponential, Rayleigh, Binomial and Poisson random variable
D. Show that a linear transformation of Gaussian Random variables produces
Gaussian random variables.
22. A. Define and explain the following density and distribution functions with CO1 K2
relevant plots.
(i) Gaussian, (ii) Rayleigh (iii) Exponential, (iv) Normal and (v) Uniform.
23. A. Define the joint distribution function and state its properties CO2 K1
B. Define the joint density function and state its properties
C. Define the conditional distribution and conditional density functions and
state the properties.
24. A. Give the relations between Joint Density function and marginal density CO2 K2
B. If X and Y are independent random variables, show that E[XY] = E[X].E[Y]