1958 twoPhaseSystems Zimmerman Brittin

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1328 J. R.



Jlagnolia Petroleum Company, Field Research Laboratory, Dallas, Texas
Received Fetruary 66,1967

Further evaluation studies of nuclear resonance relaxation phenomena of the hydrogen nuclei of HzO adsorbed on silica
gel observed by means of radio frequency pulse techniques are described. A stochastic theory for multiphase systems some-
times encountered in relaxation phenomena is presented. Special emphasis is directed toward a theoretical understanding
of two phase systems observed in the study of water vapor adsorbed on silica gel, Adsorption experiments are discussed
which directly demonstrate, for a s ecific x / m value the simultaneous existence of (a) two phase behavior for transverse
( T t )relaxation measurements and (i)
single hase behavior for longitudinal relaxation ( T I )data. Finally, a close estimate
is obtained of the life-time of a water molecuk in an adsorbing phase at low coverage on silica gel.

Introduction present in the ith phase, its transition to the jth

Previous investigations1 of adsorbed water on phase occurs with a probability independent of its
silica gel by nuclear resonance spin-echo2 tech- previous history. I n other words, it is assumed
niques have demonstrated two-phase behavior for that the exchange of spins among the various phases
transverse (T2)relaxation data. This phenomenon can be described by means of a stationary Markoff
was interpreted as proof for the eo-existence of two process.
adsorbing phases for the water molecules on the Let P i be the time independent probability that
surface of the silica gel. I n this initial study not a spin chosen a t random be found in the ith phase.
only were relaxation values available from the ex- Experimentally, P i is the fraction of the total
perimental data but also, under suitable conditions, spin population present a t any time in the ith
estimates of the relative amounts of water mole- phase. The stationary nature of the process finds
cules in the two adsorbing phases were possible. expression in the time independence of Pi. The
The purpose of this paper is to describe further condition that each spin must be in some phase is
investigations, both theoretical and experimental, expressed by the relation
of adsorption phenomena by nuclear resonance cpi=l (1)
pulse techniques. Special emphasis is placed on i
(a) the development of a stochastic theory of re- Let P i j ( t ) be the probability that a spin, initially
laxation for multiphase behavior which describes in the ith phase, be found in the j t h phase a t a time,
the essential features of the relaxation processes t , later. The probabilities, P i j ( t ) , satisfy the
encountered so far in adsorption phenomena, in- Chapman-Kolmogoroff equations4
cluding asymptotic conditions of very fast and very
slow exchange of molecules between adsorbing
phases, (b) the formulation of this theory to prac-
tical measurements of spin-echo and free nuclear where Ck is the probability per second that a spin
decay signals for determining transverse and longi- in the kth phase leaves the kth phase, and where p i k
tudinal relaxation times, (e) the extension of n- is the conditional probability that if a spin leaves
m-r measurements to longitudinal (T1) relaxation the lth phase it will transfer to the kth phase.
data for the adsorption of water vapor on silica Clearly
gel, and (d) an estimate of the lifetime of a water
molecule in a n adsorbing phase on silica gel. The pkk = 0, and plk = 1 (3)
experimental details of the adsorption apparatus
used in this study are the same as those described
From an introduction of the matrices
P(t) = [Pij(t)] and D = [SijCj - pijCi] (4)
Theory equations 2 may be written as a single matrix dif-
Stochastic Theory of Relaxation Times for Mul- ferential equation
tiple Phase Spin Systems.-The spin system is
assumed to be composed of a finite number of dP
- = -PD (5)
phases; each phase is characterized by a single which is to be solved with the initial condition
relaxation time. If T i is the relaxation time for the
ith phase, then the problem to be solved is one of P(0) = 1 ’ (6)
determining how an initial magnetic moment will i.e., Pij(0) = 6,j. The solution of (5) with the
decay with time.* It is assumed that if a spin is initial condition (6) is
(1) J. Zimmerman, B. Holmes and J. Lasater, THIS JOURNAL, 60, P(t) = e-Dt (7)
1157 (1956).
(2) E. Hahn, Phy8. Rev., 80, 580 (1950). polarizing magnetic field. This theory makes no distinction between
(3) For longitudinal relaxation, the quantity ( M I -M I [ ) decays TI and Tr, but it should apply equally well to either TI or Ta relaxa-
with a rate determined by TI, where Me is the equilibrium moment, tion phenomena. Ti will represent either Tli or Tzi, whichever
and where MI1 is the moment parallel to the constant polarizing mag- relaxation process is desired.
netic field. For transverse relaxation the quantity, M I decays with (4) W. Feller, “Probability Theory and I t s Applics tion,” Chapt.
a rate determined by Tt, where M I is the moment normal to the 17, John Wiley and Sons, New York, N. Y., 1950.
Oct., 1957 NUCLEAR

Since D is a finite, say n X n, matrix, e-Dt can be phase, and since all final phases are possible, it fol-
expressed as a polynomial in D. Hence lows that
n-1 ~3)C
i,i Iij(t)Pi (14)
e-DL E fmDrn (8)
The quantities Iij(t) satisfy equations which are
where fm are functions of t. If D has distinct eigen- similar to the Chapman-Kolmogoroff equations;
values XI,. .
. ,A,, then representations of D and i.e.
e-Dt with respect to the basis of eigenvectors of D
are given by
1 where
+ l/Ti) -
Slj (Cl Clplj
+ Slj/TI = + Elj
= Dlj Dlj (16)

and I n matrix notation F = D + E, where D = [Dlj.],

E = [Elj],and F = [Flj]. If one sets the matrix
I = [Iij(t)],equations 15 can be written in the
dI/dt -IF (17)
If one sets

respectively. Hence
e-Xnt =
fmhkm (94
60 = li]
and 40 = [PI,
Pa, . . ., P.] (18)

then the average value, 1 3 , may be simply ex-
If one sets pressed as

1 Hence
I(t) = &I

The notation (40, io)

&e-(D+E)t 60

&o = Q d 3
is used to signify that (40


and D = [&] = [(Xi)-l]a-l, i,k = 1, . . . . ,n, then &) form a conjugate pair of eigenvectors of D.
(9a) may be expressed as the matrix equation I n fact, it is easily verified thats
e ( t ) = slf (9b)
Ds0 = 0 and &D = 0 (21)
which has the solution
Asymptotic Expressions for Very Slow and Very
f = a-1 e(l) (10) Rapid Exchange. (a) Very Slow Exchange.-For
Theory of Relaxation.-If a spin is in the ith the case of a very slow exchange, the relaxation is
phase, certain quantities, &: associated with the relatively rapid; and (71, which is the reciprocal,
relaxation process decay at a rate lifetime for the Ith phase, is considered to be very
= -Q/Ti

where Q = Q0 a t t = 0. Hence, the problem is to

Fkl -
small compared to 1/55. For Cl << l / T l ,
EkI = 8ki/Tl, and

find the average value, &(t),of Z(t) N $0

Q ( t ) = Qoe-Jotdt/T(t)
where T ( t )is a random variabletaking on thevalues,
Hence e-t’Tnl i (22)

T i , as the system6jumps from phase to phase. The
relaxation process is completely described by the Z(t) N PleWTi
average value of the integral
Equation 22 shows that, for very slow exchange
Z ( 1 ) = e-fil/T(t) (13) the relaxation is the weighted average of effects
taking place separately in each phase.
The method of Kubo’ is very convenient for find- (b) Very Rapid Exchange.-For this case, CI,
ing the average value,-), of I@). the reciprocal lifetime for the Ith phase is very
Let Iij(t) be the average value of I(t) on the con- (8) The result that &D = 0 follows from the fact that, indepenient
dition that the system is initially in the ith phase and
at time, t, is in the jth phase. Since P i is the prob-
(5) -
ability that the system be found initially in the ith
For TYphenomena, Q MI:for TIphenomena, Q = M I - M I ,
of the value i. lim
t 4m
Pij(t) = Pj. Therefore, Iim [Pil(t)] =
1 4m

L& J
Here “system” refera to a single spin, and the averaging tech-
gives results for the entire ensemble or multiphase system.
R. Kubo, J . Phryr. Boa. Japan, S, 939 (1954).
The result that D+p = 0 follows directly from X D i j - 0.

large compared to T I , the relaxation time associ- Equation 29 shows that for very rapid exchange the
ated with the Ith phase; i.e., CI >> TI. At first, relaxation is described by a single relaxation time,
one might be tempted to argue that for this ex- whose reciprocal is a weighted average of the re-
change rate limit, D >> E, and hence that ciprocals of the various relaxation times; i.e.
- n
~ ( t ~) Z O e - D t d o = 1 (23)
(1/T)sv = PilTi (30)
However, equation 23 neglects relaxation com- i=l
pletely and is not the desired result. I n order to Stochastic Theory of Relaxation Times for Two-
obtain a correct limiting result, first-order pertur- phase Systems.-The Chapman-Kolmogoroff equa-
bation theory is used to calculate an approxima- tion dP/dt = -PD are particularly simple for a
tion for e-". The perturbation theory presented two-phase system. Since plz = 1
is merely a generalization of the customary per-
turbation theory employed in atomic physics.
Let (+k, G k ) be the normalized eigenvectors of
D; i.e.9
D 2 = (C, + C2)D I
1 (31)

D& = Xkc$k, &D = Xk& k = 0, . . ., Hence

n-1 (24) p(t) = e-Dt = 1 + e-ht
-- -1
and $k+l = 8kl. Also let ($k, Jk) be the approxi-
x D (32)

mate eigenvectors of F = D E, and let pk be the + are exp,ressedby

where X = C1 C2. The explicit results in (32)
approximate eigenvalues of F , so that
F$k /Ak $k, k = 0, . ., n . -1 (25) +
P l l ( t ) = PI P z e - h t
P12(t)= Pz - P z e - h t
The first-order perturbation procedure yields Pzl(t) = PI - P I e - h t (33)
$'k = dk + '$1;1Edk/(hk - hl) PZ2(t)
= P2 +

1* k
(26) with X = C1 + Cz. The matrix F is given by
klk = hk f gk-@dk
The matrix, 8, which diagonalizes F is, to first or-
der, given by The eigenvalues (p1, p z ) of F are the solutions of
det [F - pl] = 0. These are given by
8= [$a, $1,

To a first approximation, for the case of very rapid

. . . I $'n-11 (27)
?#I = (CI
+-C2CI++l/Ti1/Tz+-1/T2) -
1/Ti)2 + 4C1Cz]'/z
exchange, all corrections to (c#J~,Xk) may be neg- and
lected except that one for Xo = 0. Therefore 2 ~ 2= (CI Cz + + +
1/Ti 1/T2) +
$k -dk, k = 0, 1, . . ., n - 1 {(C2 - CI+ -
1/Tz 1/T$ + 4ClCZ11/~
It can be shown readily that
e-Ft = go(t)l + gdt)F
and where
/Jk = h k , k = 1, . . ., n -1
When equations 28 are substituted into the ex- (37)

I>) = ias
the result becomes

Therefore, the quantity &o decays according to

the expression
= Qo {ule-wt - a,e-wtl
~(t) (40)
Asymptotic Expressions for Slow and Fast Ex-
change in Two-phase Systems.-It is of interest to
(9) The labelling k = 0, 1, . . ,, n - 1 is done because Xp = 0 in observe explicitly how the results described by
this notation. (38) for two phase systems reduce to the multiple
Oct., 1957 NUCLEAR

phase expressions already obtained for very slow

and very rapid exchange.
For very slow exchange, c
k << 1/Tk; hence

a1 -- PZ
- P1 IP2 - PIP1 - pzPz] = PI
a2 = -PP
Theref ore I I
+ Pze-t/Ta
I T ) = Ple-t/h (42)
For very rapid exchange, c k >> 1 / T k ,
2~ - (CI + Cz ((CI
+ TI + 1/Td =t
+ Cz)' - 2(Cz - Cl)(l/Tz - l/T')}'/z

If the preceding expression is expanded by the bi-

600 - 3
nomial theorem, then
x = Cl + cz
500 -
pz 400 -

It follows from (39) that

PI- (1/Th" 300-

E 200-

Therefore T
I(t) = e-t/Tav y loo-
with & 90-
67 80-
i- Pz/Tz
l/T&v= P J T , 70 -
The special two-phase results expressed by (42) 60-
and (45) are in complete agreement with the gen- 50 -
eral results of equations 22 and 30.
Experimental 40-

Transverse ( T z ) Relaxation N-M-R Measurements.-

In the preceding theory no distinction was made between T1 30-
and Tz phenomena, but rather it was pointed out that the
theory should apply equally well to both T I and T zmeasure-
ments. For transverse relaxation the quantities &(t) and 201 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1
Qo to be associated with nuclear resonance relaxation proc- 0 02 04 06 08 IO 12 14 1.6 I8 20
eases are given by

Q(t) = M I

&o = MI0

where M I is the moment normal t o the polarizing magnetic

1 (46)
2' a lo3 SECONDS,
Fig. 2.-Transverse relaxation times for HzO adsorbed
on silica gel a t R Iow coverage illustrating two-phase be-
field at time t and where Mi0 is the moment a t t = 0. It A(27) = ~ , e-27/~2i
i (49')
follows immediately from equation 40 that for two-phase i- 1
systems the net transverse moment will decay according to where Aoi is an experimental amplitude which is directly
the general expression proportional to the quantity MloPi. A theoretical plot of
M I = Mio(ale-wt - aae-wt) log A(27) vs. T is shown in Fig. 1. Such a curve is typical
(47) of two-phase behavior. From such a plot the T2i's and
where the ai's and p i ' s are functions of the Pi's, Ti's, and the relative population ratio, Aoi/Aoj, can be obtained.
Ci's as defined in equations 39 and 35, respectively. Two phase behavior of transverse relaxation data a t low
Only to a very limited extent does the general expression coverage of adsorbed water vapor on silica gel has been ob-
described by (47) lend itself to experimental attack; how- served in previous studies.' Of particular importance for
ever, the asymptotic expressions for (a) very slow exchange the conclusions to be reached in this investigation is the re-
(Ci<<l/Ti) and ( b ) very fast exchange (Ci>>l/Ti) are laxation data for a coverage of x / m = 0.0434 (g. HzO/g.
particularly significant to an interpretation of the experi- SiOz). The results shown in Fig. 2 clearly demonstrate the
mental relaxation measurements described in this paper. existence of two distinct phases; i . e . , two independent re-
(a) Very Slow Exchange.-The transverse moment de- laxation times T'z and Tzl are obtained.
cay expression in this case is obtained directly from equation ( b ) Very Fast Exchange.-From equations 45 the trans-
42. Therefore verse moment decay becomes
MI = MIo(Ple-t/Tzl + PzeWTaa) (48) M I = Mioe-t/Ta
The corresponding signal amplitudes observed in spin-echo2 where
techniques are given by ~ / T=z PJTzi P2IT22 +
volved, under the conditions of fast exchange the experi-
mental data indicate only a single phase system; Le., only
an average relaxation time is observed. An example of To
data for a single-phase system observed in the study of ad-
sorbed water vapor on silica gel is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Longitudinal ( T I )Relaxation N-M-R Measurements.-
For longitudinal relaxation the quantities &(1) and Qo in
equation 40 are expressed by


where M Ois the equilibrium moment, and where M I ,is the

moment parallel to the constant polarizing magnetic field.
MI, = Mo(l ale-wt aze-wt) + (531
where the ai’s and pi’s are functions of the Pi‘s, Tli% and
Ci’s. The asymptotic expressions for (a) very slow ex-
change and (b) very fast exchange are again the ones of
primary interest for the observed experimental data.
(a) Very Slow Exchange.-For Ci<<l/Tli, i t follows
from (42) that

r1103- SECDNDS.
MI1 = Mo (1 - 2

Pie-VTii ) (54)
Fig, 3.-Typical transverse relaxation time plot for If free decay signals which immediately follow each of two
HzO adsorbed on silica gel illustrating single-phase be- successive r-f pulses are used to determine T I values, then
havior. the experimental amplitude expression can be conveniently
written as
R ( T ) = (ZPis-dTii)-1
where (55)
R(T) -
Mo/(Mo Mli)
and where T is the time between r-f pulses. A theoretical
plot of log R ( T )va. T for a longitudinal relaxation two-phase
system is shown in Fig. 4. I n respects similar to two- hase
T Z data described earlier, both the Ti’s and the refative
population ratio, Pi/Pj, are available in principle from such
a plot.
i (b) Very Fast Exchange.-Again from equation 45, the
longitudinal moment decay expression is of the form
MI1 = Mo(1 e-t/T1)
Fig. 4.-Theoretical
longitudinal relaxation plots for two- 1/Ti P d T u + P2/T12 (56)
phase systems. The corresponding experimental expression for determining
T Ivalues by free decay signals is simply
R(T)= M,/(Mo - Mil) = e++/Ti (57)
A plot of log R( T ) vs. T would, of course, yield a straight lime
curve. Figure 5 illustrates such effective single phase be-
havior for two separate x / m values of water vapor adsorbed
on silica gel.
Lifetime of a Molecule in an Adsorbing Phase on Silica
Gel.-The average lifetime of a spin in a given phase char-
acterized by a single relaxation time Ti is simplyali = 1/Ci.
The problem to be answered is whether a limiting value
might be placed on the lifetime of a water molecule in an ad-
sorbing phase on silica gel. Two assumptions enter into
an such lifetime estimate: (a) The lifetime of a water mole-
C U in ~ an adsorbing phase is to be identified m t h the Me-
time of a hydrogen nuclear spin in a given relaxation phase.
(b) If a two-phase system exists for transverse ( T d relaxa-
tion phenomena, then a corresponding two-phase system
0 20 40 60 80 100 I20 140 160 180 200 exists for longitudinal ( T I )relaxation phenomena.
Assumption (b) might be more clearly stated as follows.
f‘ lo3 SECONDS. If a two-phase system exists for transverse relaxation, then
Fig. 5.-Typical longitudinal relaxation time plots for there are two distinct average nuclear correlation times,
HzO adsorbed on silica gel at low coverages illustrating 7111 and.Twj, associated with the relaxation processes. These
single-phase behavior. correlation times will then be expected to give rise to not
only two transverse relaxation times but also two longitu-
The spin-echo amplitude signal is given by dinal relaxation times. The existence of such multiple
phase systems is no guarantee that experimental measure-
A(%) = A,e-WTS (51) ments will resolve multiple Tsi’s and T ~ i ’ s . I n other words,
where T is the time between r-f pulses. A plot of log 4% if the average lifetime, 1/Ci, of the molecule in the ith phase
va. T would, of course, be a simple straight line. It should is very short compared with the time required t o obtain an
be emphasized that, regardless of the number of p b e e in- experimental measurement, averaging processes between
Oct., 1957 NUCLEAR

phases occur; and only an average relaxation time would be

A comparison of TI and TZrelaxation times for
adsorbed on silica gel is shown in Fig. 6. A plot of i%%
and T2 values as a function of coverage is described for x / m
values below a monolayer. Below a coverage of 8 = 0.5, a r A 0.0434
two-phase system is observed for T Zmeasurements, whereas
a single phase system in Ti measurements is obtained. Of
particular interest is the x / m value of 0.0434. Figurea 2 and
5, which have already been discussed, illustrate the experi-
mental behavior. 60.
The transverse relaxation times, 2'2' and 7'21, which are
evaluated from the data shown in Fig. 2, are not necessarily 40.
the relaxation times corresponding to asymptotic conditions;
i.e., Ci<<l/Tai. This statement follows directly from the 2
general decay expression 40. If T z ~ and * T'2* are defined
as the actual relaxation times which would be measured z
under very slow exchange conditions, then it is easy to show 0. 2
that X
T2' 5 T2'* 5 Tzcav) ITz1 5 TZI* (58) a

where T2(av)is the relaxation time which would be obtained I

under very fast exchange conditions. I n the measurement
of T1 for an x / m = 0.0434, a single relaxation time exists I e = 0.5
e E 1.0


(see Fig. 5). If 2'11 and T12are the longitudinal relaxation

times which would be observed under asymptotic conditions gm.w/gm ADSORBENT
of slow exchange (Ci<<l/Tli), then
Fig. 6.-A comparison of relaxation times T I and T2
TI2 ITI(SV) ITI, (59) for protons adsorbed on silica gel for x / m values below a
From Fig. 2 a rough estimate of the relative population of
(3/7). Therefore, from equation 45, T2(sv) 3 X -
the two adsorbing phases is possible-namely, (Pzl/P*') - monolayer.

niques have demonstrated the simultaneous exist-

second. Also Tl(av) = 29 X lo-' second from Fig. 5. ence, for a given coverage, of two-phase behavior
An estimate of the average lifetime, t , of a water molecule for transverse (T z ) relaxation measurements and
in an adsorbing phase on silica gel is now possible. Hence,

of x/m = 0.0434.
within an order of approximation, 3 X IO-' sec.<<1<<29
X lo-' sec. or t 3 X lo-' sec. for the particular coverage
single phase behavior for longitudinal (TI) relaxa-
tion measurements. From a combination of this
experimental data and theory of stochastic proc-
esses in relaxation phenomena, the lifetime of a
Conclusion water molecule in an adsorbing phase on silica gel
A stochastic theory of relaxation times for mul- is estimated to be t N 3 X second. One as-
tiple phase systems has been developed which ac- sumption in the evaluation of this lifetime should
counts explicitly for the essential features of very not be overlooked-namely, if the time required to
SIOW (Ci << 1/Ti) and very fast (Ci >> I/Ti) obtain relaxation data could be made sufficiently
exchange; i.e., for very slow exchange the relaxa- short for both TI and Tz measurements, such that
tion is the weighted average of effects taking place the time of measurements would be much less than
separately in each phase; and for very fast ex- the lifetime of the molecules in the adsorbing
change, the relaxation is described by a single re- phases, then both transverse and longitudinal re-
laxation time, whose reciprocal is a weighted laxation data would describe two-phase systems.
average of the reciprocals of the various relaxation Investigations are underway which do verify this
times. assumption for specific systems; these will be re-
From the stochastic multiple phase theory, de- ported on a t a later time.
cay expressions are obtained for the special case of
two-phase systems. This theory describes the es- DISCUSSION
sential features of the relaxation processes en- J. J. BIKERMAN.--IS
it possible to compare the relaxa-
countered in adsorption studies not only for the tion times found for the hydrogen nuclei in the "adsorbed
asymptotic conditions of slow and fast exchange but state" with their relaxation times in, say, water and in a

i.e., for Ci -
also for the overlapping region of exchange rates;
1/Ti. It is clear from the decay ex-
pressions for a two-phase system that the relaxa-
molecule such as Si(OH)d?
J. R. ZIMMERMAN.-Certainly qualitative comparisons
are possible. For example, the transverse relaxation time
of water at room temperature is a few seconds; the relaxa-
tion times, Ti and Tj,which are evaluated from the tion times of adsorbed water in these experiments are of
data, are not necessarily the relaxation times cor- the order of milliseconds. For ice the transverse relaxation
responding to the asymptotic conditions of ex- time of the hydrogen is of the order of microseconds. How-
change (see expression 40). ever, for quantitative comparisons, the simplified BPP
model which relates a single nuclear correlation time to
Adsorption studies of water vapor on silica gel the relaxation processes is generally not an adequate model
by means of nuclear magnetic resonance tech- for adsorption phenomena.

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