Metric Hierarchy Alignment
Metric Hierarchy Alignment
Metric Hierarchy Alignment
Paul Dufresne
Ricky Smith
Metric Classification Metric Hierarchy
Strategic RONA, ROCE, TRR
Cost as a Percentage of RAV, EFOR, Manufacturing Cost/Unit
Faults Detected Prior to Failure,
Avoided Cost
1.1 - Ratio of Replacement Asset Value (RAV) to Craft-Wage Head Count 5.1.1 - Corrective Maintenance Cost
1.2 - Maintenance Unit Cost 5.1.2 - Corrective Maintenance Hours
1.3 - Stocked Maintenance, Repair, and Operating (MRO) Inventory Value as a Percent of Replacement Value 5.1.3 - Preventive Maintenance Cost
1.4 - Total Maintenance Cost as a Percent of Replacement Asset Value (RAV) 5.1.4 - Preventive Maintenance Hours
5.1.5 - Conditioned Based Maintenance Cost
Pillar 2 - Manufacturing Process Reliability 5.1.6 - Condition Based Maintenance Hours
5.1.9 - Maintenance Shutdown Costs
2.1.1 - Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) 5.3.1 - Planned Work
2.1.2 - Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP)
5.3.2 - Unplanned Work
2.2 - Availability
5.3.3 - Actual Cost to Planning Estimate
2.3 - Uptime
5.3.4 - Actual Hours to Planning Estimate
2.4 - Idle Time
5.3.5 - Planning Variance Index
2.5 - Utilization Time
5.3.6 - Planner Productivity
5.4.1 - Reactive Work
Pillar 3 - Equipment Reliability
5.4.2 - Proactive Work
3.1 - Systems Covered by Criticality Analysis 5.4.3 - Schedule Compliance Hours
3.2 - Total Downtime 5.4.4 - Schedule Compliance Work Orders
3.3 - Schedule Downtime 5.4.5 - Standing Work Orders
3.4 - Unscheduled Downtime 5.4.6 - Work Order Aging
3.5.1 - Systems Covered by Criticality Analysis 5.4.7 -Work Order Cycle Time
3.5.2 - Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) 5.4.8 - Planned Backlog
3.5.3 - Mean Time to Repair or Replace (MTTR) 5.4.9 - Ready Backlog
3.5.4 - Mean Downtime (MDT)
3.5.5 - Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) 5.4.11 - Preventive Maintenance (PM) & Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Work Orders Overdue
5.4.12 - PM & PdM Yield
Pillar 4 - Organization and Leadership 5.4.14 - PM & PdM Compliance
5.5.1 - Craft Worker to Supervisor Ratio
4.1 - Rework
5.5.2 - Craft Worker to Planner Ratio
4.2.1 - Maintenance Training Cost
5.5.3 - Direct to Indirect Maintenance Personnel Ratio
4.2.2 - Maintenance Training Hours
5.5.4 - Indirect Maintenance Personnel Cost
4.2.3 - Maintenance Training Return of Investment (ROI)
5.5.5 - Infernal Maintenance Personnel Cost
5.5.6 - Craft Workers on Shift Ratio
5.5.7 - Overtime Maintenance Cost
5.5.8 - Overtime Maintenance Hours
5.5.31 - Store Inventory Turns
5.5.32 - Vendor Managed Inventory
5.5.33 - Stock Outs
5.5.34 - Inactive Stocks
5.5.35 - Storeroom Transactions
5.5.36 - Storeroom Records
5.5.38 - Maintenance Material Cost
5.5.71 - Contractor Cost
5.5.72 - Contractor Hours
5.6.1 - Wrench Time
5.7.1 - Continuous Improvement Hours
Metric Classification Metric Hierarchy
Strategic RONA, ROCE, TRR
Cost as a Percentage of RAV, EFOR, Manufacturing Cost/Unit
Faults Detected Prior to Failure,
Avoided Cost
Metric Classification Metric Hierarchy
Cost as a Percentage of RAV, EFOR, Manufacturing Cost/Unit
Faults Detected Prior to Failure,
Avoided Cost