Law Doc 2023
Law Doc 2023
Law Doc 2023
Under the normal course of events, those characters that choose to steal party treasure for themselves, commit murder against NPCs or
use violent and bullying tactics to get their own way should expect repercussions. It is down to the skill and cunning of the player as to how
long they avoid those repercussions, but they should not be surprised if the Law Guilds or the illegal Guilds come for the character in one
form or another. If you choose to play a character that breaks the law, there will be consequences for that. If you are not happy with the
idea of losing your character to a death sentence or having your hand taken by the Thieves, do not play a ‘dodgy’ character. Similarly,
members of illegal guilds should expect the full weight of the law to be used against them if they get caught.
The law is not intended to be used by player characters as a weapon against other characters, it is intended as a negative consequence of
player choices. Players who try to use the law to bully people or get their own way will find there are consequences for those actions.
Social Status
Nobility Church Knights Guard/Forester Mages Physicians Alchemists Blacksmith General
Mercenary/ Populous
n/a King & Queen
(Princes/Princess of the Blood)
15 Arch Duke
13 Duke High Primate Knight Lord Mayor of Norham Province Chief Justice
12 Primate Head of Order/ Huntsmaster Archmage Guildmaster Guildmaster Guildmaster Foreign
Marquis, Seneschal GuardsCaptain Physician Alchemist Blacksmith Ambassador
Earl General (Surgeon (Forge Master) Presiding
Pathfinder General) Judge
11 Viscount Guard Sergeant
10 Baron Defender of the Guild Enforcer Witchfinder, Guild Protector Guild Protector Guild Protector Full Time
Faith, Schoolmaster Judge
Head of Rose Presiding
Order Magistrate
9 Baronet
(within Earl’s
8 Knight of the High Father (P7) Battle, Liege, Master Master Mage Doctor Master Master-smith Town Elder
Realm Mother Rose Librarian, Guard & Forester Alchemist
Marshal, Keeper of the
Devout Seven Secrets
7 Feudal Knight Father Order Knight Guild Senior Guild Senior Master
Provost (P4-6 D6-7) Merchant
6 Knight Banneret Sister Rose House Knight High Guildsman High Guildsman Townsman
5 Knight Errant Brother Errant Junior Forester Guildsman Freeman
(P2-3 D4-5) Probationary Guard Merchant
4 Retainer Novice Junior Guildsman Churl
(P1 D2-3)
3 Esquire Acolyte Squire Journeyman Foremen
2 Serf Kindred Apprentice Apprentice Peasant
1 Excommunicant
▪ Any positions in italic cannot normally be attained by a PC without CC approval.
▪ An excommunicant can remain and progress within a Guild (with the Guildmasters permission) but is paid for missions at a rate stated
by their social status.
▪ It is normal for status when being paid normal hiring rates to be considered one less per criminal branding that the character
possesses (to a minimum of one). PCs with brands should assume that 1/- is deducted from their normal pay per brand they have
unless specifically arranged otherwise.
▪ Chaplains to the Knightly Orders (including the Roses) gain +1 Social standing on top of their Church rank (max of social 9).
▪ Baronets have +1 social status with the Earldom (Branch) where they hold their title, (Max social of 10).
▪ Keeper of the Seven Secrets has +1 social status within the School of Demonology.
NOTE: The “noble retainer” rank of Seneschal has been removed to avoid conflict with the Ithronian Head of the Templar Order.
Notes on Social Standing: The difference in standing in society (rather than “social standing number”) is not constant between ranks. Thus a Guildsman is not
“one more” than a Junior Guildsman or “three more than an apprentice”. Social 6 (Townsman) is the highest the vast majority of Ithronians would hope to
aspire to and even that would be difficult. Even a well respect local innkeeper or similar would only be ranked as Social 5.
Notes on Mayor: The title of Mayor is reserved exclusively for the “Mayor of Norham Province”. The leader of a Civic administration would usually be called
“Town Elder” or similar. Any other individual using the word Mayor as part of their title can be arrested for corruption.
Notes on the Rose Order: The Rose Order is a Devotional Order within the Crowan Church. As such, despite their equivalent social standing, the Defender of
the Faith of Crowa is considered a church-appointed superior to the Head of the Rose Order.
The Law of Ithron MXXII
Hierarchy of the Law
This covers the lands of Ithron, Sortho, Lirron, Llaminusu and islands surrounding the land that fall within the control of these lands.
Within the Axirian Empire, Ithron is formally known as the Province of Norham.
The law of Ithron applies to all Ithronian subjects, no matter where they are, including foreign nations and planes of existence. It applies to
all foreigners whilst they are within the lands of Ithron, although Ambassadors are granted additional rights.
The King
The King of Ithron is above the law. He can neither be arrested, nor tried by the Ithronian law system. His word is law, and refusing to obey
him is punishable by death (for Treason).
The King does not need to issue a warrant to have someone arrested.
The King can hold and preside over any trial by himself. He may declare Martial Law.
Nobles of Baronet and Baron Rank are subject to the laws of Ithron, but may carry restricted weapons anywhere they wish, and use
restricted poisons whilst on the lands of their Earl. In addition, whilst on the lands of their Earl they have the rights and privileges that a
Magistrate holds and always count as militia of that Earl. They are NOT Magistrates, they simply have the right to hold court in the same
manner as a Magistrate does.
Nobles of Viscount, Earl or Duke Rank are subject to the laws of Ithron, but whilst on their lands or the lands of their Earl they have the
rights and privileges that a Judge holds. They are NOT Judges, they simply have the right to hold court in the same manner as a Judge does.
Nobles are not required to swear an Oath on Sidhe with regards to their allegiance to Illegal guilds unless they are appointed as a
Magistrate or Judge.
Nobles of Ithron are expected to wear their families heraldry and/or carry their patent of nobility: if they do not they cannot claim the
rights and privileges a noble holds.
A Noble may be appointed as a Magistrate or Judge, in which case their powers as such extend across Ithron and they are required to take
the law oath.
Ambassadors from other countries in the Axirian Empire or Mithim are subject to the laws of Ithron whilst in Ithron, however
understanding and leniency is required to ensure diplomatic relations are upheld, and as such Ambassadors from other countries in the
Axirian Empire or Mithim can only be arrested if the arresting legal officer has an arrest warrant. These privileges in Ithronian Law do not
currently extend to Ambassadors from outside the Axirian Empire or Mithim.
Legal Officers
The following are considered legal officers; The Chief Justice, Judges, Magistrates, Guards and Foresters. Guild protectors and Defenders of
the Faith are not legal officers, they are just given certain privileges within the law of Ithron. Nobles also do not count as legal officers, they
also have certain privileges within the law, unless they have been formally appointed as a Judge or Magistrate.
All legal officers (not Defenders or Protectors) swear an oath upon taking up their office. The Oath is sworn on Sidhe and is of a standard
”I swear that I am not, have never been and never will be a member of any Illegal Guilds”
Regional Authority
Judges and Magistrates have authority through the whole of “Ithron” and are not local or regional appointments.
The Chief Justice
The King appoints the holder of this office. The Chief Justice has the responsibility of overall governance of the Law of Ithron, in addition to
those responsibilities and powers of a Judge. They may issue a Royal Warrant on behalf of the King and place a bounty upon criminals’
heads of no limit. The Chief Justice may hear cases of any kind on their own (Effectively they count as 3 Judges) They will hear all appeals
against decisions of the Law from either side, but may refuse to hear them at their discretion. The Chief Justice appoints all Judges and
Magistrates, which are not granted through ownership of land (i.e. Nobles) or are not normally entitled to from their position within Society
(i.e. Lord Mayor) and may remove them from office as they sees fit. They are also responsible for the appointment and removal of all
Guards and Foresters (Although in practice this is often delegated to the Marshal and Huntsmaster). The King pays the Chief Justice a
stipend of 10 crowns per month.
A Judge may hear cases of Major Crimes. In ‘Trial by Jury’ cases three Judges may jointly hear cases of capital Crimes. A Judge may post a
Bounty on criminals of up to 20/-. Judges also have the rights and powers of Magistrates.
Judges when holding court are addressed as "My Lord" or "My Lady" and referred to as "Your Lordship" or "Your Ladyship", unless they hold
a title which would grant a higher form of address. Whilst holding court Judges have a temporary social standing of 12. They gain no social
standing outside their court.
A Judge must be an upstanding member of the legal system and must have held the title of Magistrate for at least one year before they will
be considered for the position. Nobles can be appointed as a Judge. The High Primate, Knight Commander and the Lord Mayor are Judges
because of their position (and as such cease to hold it if they no longer hold the qualifying office). The exception to this rule is that only
humans can become Judges.
The Knight Commander, High Primate and Lord Mayor hold the rank of Judge so long as they hold their office.
The position of Judge cannot be held by a resurectee; in the event of death a resurectee may not be re-appointed.
A Judge receives a stipend of 4/- in any month they oversee a trial or issue an arrest warrant. Nobles acting as Judges on their own lands, or
individuals that are Judges by virtue of being Knight Commander, High Primate or Lord Mayor, receive no stipend.
Magistrates may issue arrest warrants (see Arrest) and hear cases of Petty Crimes. In ‘Trial by Jury’ cases three magistrates may jointly hear
cases of Major Crimes. They may sign off militia Duty.
Magistrates when holding court are addressed as “Sir” or “Madam”, unless they hold a title that would grant a higher form of address.
Whilst holding court Magistrates have a temporary social standing of 10. They gain no social standing outside their court.
A Magistrate must be an upstanding native member of Ithronian society, and must have held the rank of master in their guild for at least six
months before they will be considered for the position. Nobles can be appointed as a Magistrate. The exception to this rule is that only
humans can become Magistrates.
The position of Magistrate cannot be held by a resurectee; in the event of death a resurectee may not be re-appointed.
A Magistrate receives a stipend of 2/- in any month they oversee a trial or issue a written warrant. Nobles acting as Magistrates on their
own lands receive no stipend.
Guards and Foresters
These positions are appointed by the Chief Justice and are paid in accordance with the rules set out for the Guilds of Guards and Foresters.
Their duties include the policing and protection of the Provinces of Norham. They must also enforce the law and may inspect the arms;
armour and weapons permit of any person at any time. They may also arrest people for committing crimes as set out in the laws of Arrest.
Guards and Foresters have jurisdiction in each other's areas, but a Guard has priority in populated areas, whereas Foresters have priority in
the countryside. The Chief Justice may remove a Guard or Forester from office if they are judged guilty of abuse of their power.
The Royal Guard & Household
The Royal Guard have the power of arrest when serving a Royal Warrant or for the Crime of Treason against the King. All of the Royal
Household have special immunity to arrest and are answerable only to the King. A member of the Royal Household may only be arrested
when the King or the Chief Justice has signed an arrest warrant. If found guilty of anything other than a petty crime the Royal Guard or
Household member will be executed for bringing dishonour to the King. The Royal Household are given a single permit which covers all
permits they require. This is because although they may continue to practice secrets, they are not truly in the guild. They require no
permits for any guilds as the royal permit covers all.
Defenders of the Faith and Guild Protectors
These are counted as lawmen in some respects as detailed below. Defenders of the Faith refers only to those properly appointed by the
Undercouncils of the churches of light.
Where a suspect is believed to have broken Guild or Church law or has committed the crimes of Practicing Guild Secrets (and use of
restricted weapons/poisons in the case of the Scouts and Mercenaries Enforcer and Witchcraft in the case of the Witchfinder) or Heresy,
then the Guild Protector of the relevant guild (for guild secrets/use of restricted weapons/witchcraft) or the Defender of the Faith (for
heresy and breaking Church law) may arrest the suspect. If the accused is a member of the relevant organisation then the Guild Protector
or Defender of the Faith will administer punishments as they and the Undercouncil see fit. If the accused is not a member of the
organisation they will be surrendered to the courts.
Powers given to Legal Officers and others
Described below are the powers given to Legal Officers of Ithron and Militia.
A Magistrate has a number of powers set out in the law as follows;
● The Magistrate may undertake trials by Jury for Major crimes in conjunction with two other Magistrates
● The Magistrate may undertake trials of Petty crimes by themselves
● The Magistrate when passing judgement can assign any punishment with the exception of execution.
● The Magistrate may declare any person or group who refuses to accept the authority of the courts of Ithron to be an Outlaw
● The Magistrate whilst in a Court of Law may permit a third party to cast spells against others, even if the recipient of the spell is
● The Magistrate may issue arrest warrants
● The Magistrate may sign off militia duty
● The Magistrate may sign weapon and guild permits
● The Magistrate may revoke a weapon or guild permit but not from a Guard or Forester. Baronets do not have this right.
A Judge has a number of powers on top of those given to a Magistrate and are set out in the law as follows;
● The Judge may undertake trials by Jury for Capital crimes in conjunction with two other Judges
● The Judge may undertake trials of Major crimes by themselves
● The Judge may issue bounty notices of up to 20 crowns
The Chief Justice
The Chief Justice has a number of powers on top of those given to a Judge and are set out in the law as follows;
● The Chief Justice may undertake trials of any kind on their own
● The Chief Justice, at their discretion, may appeal any decision by any other legal officer
● The Chief Justice may remove any legal officer from their position
● The Chief Justice may remove the legal rights and privileges granted to Nobles
● The Chief Justice when passing judgement can assign any punishment they see fit
● The Chief Justice may issue bounty notices of any value
Guards and Foresters
The Guards and Foresters have a number of powers set out in the law as follows;
● Guards and Foresters have the power of Arrest (see arrest) for all laws, so long as they are wearing their livery.
● Guards and Foresters have the power to inspect the arms; armour, weapon permit and guild permit of any person at any time
● Guards and Foresters may declare anyone an Outlaw if the suspect they are trying to arrest has resisted an arrest
Defenders of the Faith
Defenders of the Faith are not legal officers, they are just given certain privileges within the law of Ithron as follows:
● Defenders of the Faith have the powers of Arrest (see arrest) for the following crimes: Heresy, Blasphemy and any Church Law as
stated in the Guild and Church crimes section.
Guild Protectors/Enforcers
Guild Protectors/Enforcers are not legal officers, they are just given certain privileges within the law of Ithron as follows:
● Guild Protectors have the powers of Arrest (see arrest) for the following laws: Practicing Guild Secrets (of their Guild) and any
Guild Law (of their Guild).
The WItchfinder is not a legal officer, they are just given certain privileges within the law of Ithron as follows:
● The Witchfinder has the powers of Arrest (see arrest) for the following laws: Practicing Guild Secrets (Mages Guild), and
Feudal Knights of the Realm
Landed Feudal Knights who have become respected as a Knight of the Realm in the service of a Baron or higher who are wearing something
with the appropriate heraldry of their liege lord are not considered legal officers the same as Lawmen, but their liege lord will on occasion
ask them to go on patrol with their militia to patrol their lands now they have proved themselves as a Knight of Ithron, So under the law of
Ithron they are granted the following powers;
● Knights of the Realm have the powers of Arrest (see arrest) for the following crimes: Failure to Produce a Guild Permit, Ownership
of Contraband Equipment within the City Limits.
● Knights of the Realm have the right to inspect weapon permits and search for contraband. If a weapon permit is not shown a fine
of five crowns and confiscation of restricted armour, Shields and weaponry is permitted. If contraband is found then the illicit
items may be confiscated.
● Knights of the Realm have the power to arrest criminals when they have in their possession a valid arrest warrant.
Tabarded Militia
Militia in the service of a Baronet or higher who are wearing a tabard with the appropriate heraldry are not considered legal officers,
although under the law of Ithron they do have the following powers;
● Tabarded Militia whilst on the lands of their Earl have the powers of Arrest (see arrest) for the following crimes: Failure to Produce
a Guild Permit, Ownership of Contraband Equipment within the City Limits.
● Tabarded militia whilst on the lands of their Earl have the right to inspect weapon permits and search for contraband. If a weapon
permit is not shown a fine of five crowns and confiscation of restricted armour, Shields and weaponry is permitted. If contraband
is found then the illicit items may be confiscated.
● Tabarded Militia have the power to arrest criminals who are currently on their Earls lands when they have in their possession a
valid arrest warrant and they are wearing an identifying livery of their noble. (7)
The law, Death and the resurrected
Unless care is taken in the writing of a will to state otherwise, bequests laid down in a legally recognised will are enacted at the point of
death and ownership of goods is transferred at that point.
Just as a resurectee cannot hold a position of importance in Ithronian society, any noble titles held are also passed on, or in the event of no
heir return to the crown and as no resurectee may hold noble title or office, may not be re-appointed.
When no resurrection takes place, and in the event of no will, ownership all goods and equipment is transferred to the crown.
The following are common crimes as defined by the Law of Ithron, they affect and concern all citizens of Ithron. Other crimes may be
included in the list by the Chief Justice. Note that the recommended punishments are not mandatory, and the court may impose a greater
or lesser punishment as they see fit.
Petty Crimes
● Assault
● Blasphemy
● Contempt of Court
● Disrespecting your superiors
● Failure to Produce a Guild Permit
● Impeding the King’s Highway
● Interfering with the Law
● Magical Assault
● Membership of the Thieves' Guild
● Ownership of Contraband Equipment within the City Limits
● Ownership of Restricted Weapons
● Petty Theft
● Use of Restricted Poisons
Major Crimes
● Bodily Harm
● Heresy
● Major Murder
● Major Theft
● Practicing Guild Secrets
● Removal of a Brand
● Witchcraft
Capital Crimes
● Capital Murder
● Corruption
● Membership of the Nighthawks
● Capital Theft
● Treason
Petty Crime - Assault
Inflicting non-permanent injuries on a person without due cause, this includes kidnapping, false imprisonment etc. During a legal duel,
neither party can be held to have Assaulted the other so long as the terms of the duel are adhered to.
Recommended Punishment
Fine equal to the social standing of the person assaulted.
Petty Crime - Contempt of Court
Any individual who, during a trial, in the sole opinion of the presiding trial legal officer is behaving in a way that demeans or impedes the
legal process. Any excommunicant who speaks during a trial may be held in Contempt of Court.
This crime does not require that the defendant be arrested, and does not require a separate trial. A summary punishment can be meted out
by the presiding officer on the spot. A warrant may be issued, or an arrest made on the spot, if fines are not paid promptly.
Any legal officer presenting a case before the court with no evidence, witnesses or accuser can also be found guilty of contempt at the
presiding officer’s discretion.
Recommended Punishment
The initial fine is 2 crowns. This doubles each time the same offence is repeated during the same trial. The individual may be banned from
the trial and flogged (After 2 Counts) or any worse punishments for serious repeated offences (After 5 Counts).
Petty Crime – Disrespecting your Superiors
Any individual who, in the sole opinion of the presiding Judge or Magistrate, disrespects the title or reputation of a member of Ithronian
society within in a position of importance without due cause, this may be waived for high social standing figures of authority.
Recommended Punishment
A fine of five crowns.
Petty Crime – Failure to Produce a Guild Permit
Any individual who is a member of a Guild and fails to produce a valid permit when requested by a Guard, Forester, Judge, Magistrate,
Noble on their own lands, or a Master in the relevant Guild, or tabard militia on their Earls lands.
Recommended Punishment
A fine of five crowns
Petty Crime - Impeding The King’s Highway
Impeding or preventing travel upon any road by anyone not a liveried Guard, Forester or duly appointed noble militia.
Recommended Punishment
First offense 5/- Second or subsequent offense 10/-
Petty Crime - Interfering With the Law
Anyone acting so as to stop the legal process being carried out. This includes interfering with an arrest, a trial, harbouring an outlaw,
stealing evidence, resisting arrest, failure or refusal to appear before a court or give a statement at any point in a legal investigation etc. In
cases of obstruction the legal officer should issue at least one clear warning before charging the person with interfering with the law, unless
the officer feels confident that the court will agree that the suspect should be well aware that they were deliberately interfering.
A legal officer that brings a case with no legal merit, or anyone requesting a warrant for such a case can be charged with Interfering with the
Recommended Punishment
A fine of five crowns. For repeat offenders more serious penalties can be applied including flogging or community service.. A flogging is
mandatory for anyone assaulting a guard or forester. For a second offence the punishment is death for anyone assaulting a guard or
forester, this must be tried as a capital crime.
Petty Crime - Magical Assault
The casting of spells, Potions or other similar effects without due cause, at any individual where that individual does not consent. The Chief
Justice, Judge or Magistrate may permit someone to cast spells against the targets will. The Chief Justice has declared that anyone following
the Seven should be duly proud of their worship and therefore the use of the Sidhean ability to discern faith is never considered magical
assault. During a legal duel, neither party can be held to have Magically Assaulted the other so long as the terms of the duel are adhered to.
Recommended Punishment
First Offence: A fine equal to the social status of the victim
Second Offence: In addition to above a flogging (of 2-6 weeks duration).
Third Offence: If the accused is a mage; In addition to the above, the Mages Guild should be petitioned to have the offenders' Soulfire
If the accused is not a mage; In addition to the above, mutilation, by the removal of the first finger on the right hand is added. (Followed by
the same finger on the left for a fourth offence, continuing to remove further fingers for further offences.) Further offences result in fines or
floggings in addition to mutilation.
Petty Crime - Membership of the Thieves' Guild
Membership of the illegal Guild of Thieves. Ownership of items deemed contraband by Ithronian society. Items Include;
● Throwing Weapons. Members of the Axirian Black Order who have the approval of their Order are exempted from this ban, as are
members of the Scout’s Guild of Guildsman rank or above and Foresters of all ranks.
● Lockpicks
Recommended Punishment
Branding with the “Theft or Membership of the Thieves Guild” rune.
Petty Crime - Ownership of Contraband Equipment within the City Limit.
Ownership or use of the following items within City limits;
● Enchanted or Blessed weapons
● Weapons coated in any alchemical substance.
● The Alchemical substances known as Pythons kiss, Contact Venom (unless you are an Alchemist and even so this is only the
ownership of and not use)
This law does not apply to those appointed by the city authorities or Legal Officers. It also does not apply to permanently enchanted
weapons. Individuals can be granted the right to bear such weapons in specific cities, but must carry proof in writing of that right.
City limits are defined as being inside the walls of any fortified or walled settlement.
Recommended Punishment
Fine of five crowns
Petty Crime - Ownership of Restricted Weapons
This is the carrying of restricted weapons, Shields and/or armour without carrying a weapons permit. This counts as a Law of the Guilds of
Mercenaries and Scouts. The following groups do not require weapons permits and are therefore exempt from this crime:
● Knights
● Crowan Roses
● Priests of Crowa
● Nobles of Baronet rank or higher. This right only applies if the noble is carrying their patent of nobility, or wearing their colours. A
baronet in their colours does not need to show their patent of nobility to militia or guards/foresters
● Noble Militia whilst on the lands of their Earl
Silver Daggers are considered restricted, but a Mage Guild permit or a Weapons Permit will allow the carrying of silver daggers. For unusual
weapons any weapon which can be used to kill is restricted; tools and similar weapons are not.
Blacksmiths, merchants and so forth may own and transport restricted weapons without requiring a permit, so long as the weapons are
obviously not ready for use.
Recommended Punishment
Confiscation of all restricted items carried and a fine of five crowns. .For repeat offences a flogging may be added.
Petty Crime - Petty Theft
This is the crime of denying the legal owner rights to or use of his property that is valued less than 5 Crowns. Where the value of the item is
unknown, a determination shall be made by the trial legal officer. Deliberately attempting to use forged currency will be treated as theft for
the value of the item purchased or the amount of fake currency found (whichever is larger).
Recommended Punishment
First Offence: A fine of five crowns
Second Offence: A fine of five crowns, plus branding with the “Theft or Membership of the Thieves Guild” rune.
Petty Crime - Use of Restricted Poisons
Any individual who uses a Swiftdeath poison coated weapon, or is found to be selling Swiftdeath potions without a Purge poison potion,
This counts as a Law of the Guild of Mercenaries and Scouts. The following groups are exempt from this crime:
● Guards and Foresters
● Mercenaries and Scouts of Guildsman rank or higher
● Nobles of Baron rank or higher
● Baronets while on the lands of their Earl
● Feudal Knights of the rank of Knight Errant or higher
● Noble Militia whilst on the lands of their Earl
● Members of the Alchemist Guild of Guildsman rank or higher
Recommended Punishment
Confiscation of the oiled weapon and a fine of five crowns
Petty Crime - Blasphemy
Distribution of written material intended to undermine the worship of the Seven or promote the worship of something other than the
Committing any act that would unintentionally severely harm the reputation of a church of the Seven. The definition of severe harm is
solely at the discretion of the presiding officer. The legal creation of undead, the legal summoning of demons, or the use of spells to instruct
either is not blasphemous, and does not undermine the churches.
Recommended Punishment
Confiscation of the written materials as appropriate, and a fine of ten crowns.
Major Crime - Bodily Harm
Inflicting permanent injury on a person, where the victim is not killed. During a legal duel, neither party can be held to have caused Bodily
Harm to the other so long as the terms of the duel are adhered to. This includes enslaving any living creature against their will.
Recommended Punishment
A fine of ten times the social status of the victim, plus a flogging of 6 lashes.
Major Crime - Heresy
Worshipping of any entity or god other than the Seven, the abduction of souls or not allowing souls to be passed on to their god or to
Kharach, except when a resurrection is intended to be cast by a member of the Vleyborian Church or by a member of the School of
Necromancy within the month following death.
Intentionally seeking to undermine the worship of the Seven, or intentionally committing any act that would severely harm the reputation
of a church of the Seven. The definition of severe harm is solely at the discretion of the presiding officer. The legal creation of undead, the
legal summoning of demons, or the use of spells to instruct either is not heretical, and does not undermine the churches.
Recommended Punishment
Branding with the "Heresy" rune, a flogging of 6 lashes and confiscation of any heretical symbols, relics, books, or other items. If the Heretic
refuses to relinquish any heretical items, the sentence may be changed to execution.
Repeated or mass abduction of souls may also carry a sentence of execution.
Major Crime – Major Murder
The wilful causing of the death of an individual by any means other than an agreed duel, battle or legal process, where the victim is of
mediocre social standing. If someone is injured as a result of a legal demonic possession being removed that will be tried as assault so long
as the person possessed is healed.
Recommended Punishment
Branding with a "Murder" rune and a fine of ten times the social status of the victim.
Major Crime - Major Theft
This is the crime of denying the legal owner rights to or use of his property that is valued between 5 and 200 Crowns. Where the value of
the item is unknown, a determination shall be made by the trial legal officer. Deliberately attempting to use forged currency will be treated
as theft for the value of the item purchased or the amount of fake currency found (whichever is larger).
Recommended Punishment
A fine equal to the value of the item plus branding with the “Theft or Membership of the Thieves Guild” rune. If the suspect already has a
“Theft or Membership of the Thieves Guild” rune at the time of arrest then a hand will be removed.
Second Offence: A fine equal to the value of the item, plus a hand will be removed.
Major Crime - Practising Guild Secrets
The practising of Guild secrets or skills of the Mercenaries, Scouts, Alchemists, Blacksmiths, Mages or Physicians' Guilds without their leave,
where the person is not a member of that Guild.
Also includes:
● the trading of alchemical potions without the involvement of a member of the Guild of Alchemists
● the trading of enchanted items (non-religious), magical charged scrolls or silver daggers without the involvement of a member of
the School of Enchantment. The only exception to this is that a Master Mage may sell a charged scroll they themselves have
created without the need for an Enchanter.
● the trading of weapons and armour (not silver daggers) without the involvement of a member of the Guild of Blacksmiths
● selling bandages to a non-Physician at less than the standard selling price.
The member of a relevant Guild involved at a trade/transaction/sale may be the buyer; the seller; or an intermediary to ensure the trade is
fair. An intermediary may charge a fee for his service.
Recommended Punishment
First Offence: Fine of 30/-
Second Offence: Branding with the appropriate ‘practicing guild secrets’ rune (see Punishments: Branding section) and a fine of 30 crowns.
The brand is not inflicted for failure to carry a permit if the person can establish before the trial that they were a member of the relevant
Guild at the time of their arrest.
For repeated offences a flogging is added to the punishments.
Major Crime - Removal of a Brand
The act of removing a brand from a person that the Courts of Ithron ordered to be made. Also, willingly having a brand removed.
Recommended Punishment
Re-branding with the appropriate rune, and a flogging of 6 lashes.
Major Crime - Witchcraft
● The casting of non-religious or non-natural magics without the permission of the Mages Guild, or without being a member of it.
● Having Soulfire whilst not a member of the Guild.
In order to prevent the practice of Witchcraft, anyone leaving the Guild of Mages must present himself or herself to the Guild to have their
Soulfire drained, as this magic is the property of the Guild.
Recommended Punishment
Branding with the "Witchcraft" rune, a fine of 30 crowns and confiscation of any items which relate to the casting of such magics (e.g. spell
book, Soulfire).
Second Offence: Execution- This must be tried as a Capital Crime.
Capital Crime – Capital Murder
The wilful causing of the death of an individual by any means other than an agreed duel, battle or legal process, where the victim is of high
social standing. If someone is injured as a result of a legal demonic possession being removed that will be tried as assault so long as the
person possessed is healed.
Recommended Punishment
Capital Crime - Corruption
Anyone who uses his position as a member of the administration of the province of Norham or as a member of a recognised Guild or
Church in order to obtain reward of any sort for themselves beyond that normally associated with their position or allowed by law, with
little or no thought for their fellows. This also includes claiming a title, office, or post to which they are not entitled, or wearing the livery of
a legal officer, noble militiaman, Crowan Rose or member of a Knightly Order without being a member.
Recommended Punishment
Capital Crime - Membership of the Nighthawks
Membership of the illegal Guild of Nighthawks or any other known organisation of assassins (e.g. the Tenebraeus or the Unicorns).
Ownership of items deemed contraband by Ithronian society. Items include;
● Nighthawk cards
Recommended Punishment
Execution. The punishment will always be execution in the case of someone being found to be a Nighthawk.
Capital Crime - Capital Theft
This is the crime of denying the legal owner rights to or use of his property that is valued over 200 Crowns. Where the value of the item is
unknown, a determination shall be made by the trial legal officer. Deliberately attempting to use forged currency will be treated as theft for
the value of the item purchased or the amount of fake currency found (whichever is larger).
Recommended Punishment
Capital Crime - Treason
Overthrowing or acting against the King or legal administration of Ithron. Attempts to limit the power of a Guild, Church or Noble beyond
what the law prescribes. Falsification of the King’s seal, for example counterfeiting promissory notes or striking coins without licence from
an Earl or the King. Faking royal proclamations or documents.
This is the one exception to the law where conspiracy to commit a crime is not a crime itself: conspiracy to commit treason is Treason.
Recommended Punishment
A legal officer with the powers of arrest may arrest anyone caught in the act of committing a crime, regardless of Social Standing. Unless
they personally witnessed the alleged crime a legal officer may only arrest someone when they hold an arrest warrant for that person.
There is no specified wording required for a legal officer to arrest a person, though the officer must advise the suspect that they are under
arrest and state the crime they are suspected of committing. Once the suspect is arrested, the legal officer may confiscate any evidence
relating to the crime until after the trial, although the presiding officer may make the confiscation permanent if appropriate.
Guards or Foresters must be liveried when making an arrest, otherwise the suspect is entitled to ignore the arrest. Should a non-liveried
Guard or Forester attempt to use force, they can be charged with assault, bodily harm or murder as appropriate.
One exception to the law on arrest is where the suspect is believed to have broken Guild or Church law or has committed the crime of
Practicing Guild Secrets/Use of Restricted Weapons/Witchcraft or Heresy/Church Law. The Guild Protector of the relevant guild may arrest
the suspect in the case of Practicing Guild Secrets. The Defenders of the Faiths may also arrest for the crime of Heresy/breaking church law.
The Guild Enforcer of the Mercenaries and Scouts Guilds may also arrest for use of restricted weapons or poisons and the Witchfinder may
arrest for Witchcraft.
If the accused is a member of the guild or church then the Guild Protector or Defender of the Faith will administer punishments as they and
the Undercouncil see fit. If they are not members of that guild or church, they will be surrendered to the courts.
An attempt to commit a crime shall be treated as if the crime had been successfully carried out. Conspiring to commit a crime, unless the
crime is Treason, is not in itself an offence, if no attempt to commit it was made. Where the nature of the attempted crime is unclear (e.g.
was it attempted assault or attempted murder) then the presiding legal officer in the trial shall determine the nature of the crime.
Unless overruled by the King or The Chief Justice a suspect may be tried only once for a crime based on the same evidence. A guilty party is
punished only once and cannot be re-arrested and re-punished for the same act of law breaking, though they can be arrested and punished
for separate repeat offences. If they have been found not guilty only new evidence will allow the suspect to be re-arrested and tried again.
It is the responsibility of the arresting legal officer to ensure the suspect attends trial. The arresting officer has the following powers to
ensure a suspect attends trial;
● They can demand the suspect accompanies the legal arresting officer until a trial can take place. If a person refuses then force,
ensorcelment, rendering the suspect unconscious and/or binding of the suspect is permitted as long as no lasting physical harm
or mutilation is inflicted on the suspect. An arresting officer can remove any item from the suspect they believe will help the
suspect escape.
● They can demand the suspect reports to the law authorities at a designated place (normally a major settlement) within a
reasonable period (normally seven days) for trial. At the discretion of the arresting legal officer the suspect may have to pay a
surety of 5 crowns for Petty crimes or 50 crowns for Major crimes which will be returned to the suspect when the suspect attends
trial. A surety cannot be used for Capital crimes. The legal officer must give the suspect a receipt, which the suspect can use to
claim the surety monies back from the court and the legal officer must hand in all monies to the local law authorities as soon as
plausible. Once the surety is paid and the receipt given the suspect is released. A surety can be accepted from third parties on
behalf of the suspect but must be paid in full at the time of the arrest.
● As an alternative to a cash surety, they may beseech Sidhe for his assistance by requesting that the suspect swears an Oath upon
Sidhe that they will present themselves to the law authorities at the designated place. Failure to appear may be seen by Sidhe as
breaking an Oath to the Gods.
Right of Sanctuary
An individual may, if they feel that they will not receive a fair trial in a particular court, petition for sanctuary within the Church of Sidhe. A
written petition must be provided to the Church of Sidhe within one week of claiming sanctuary as to why the accused will not receive a fair
trial in a particular court. The Church of Sidhe will then liaise with the Office of the Chief Justice for the area where the crime was
committed to decide upon whether an alternative court for the trial is appropriate and agree, if warranted, on this new location. This must
all be completed within one month claiming sanctuary else the trial will occur in the original location. During this period of sanctuary the
accused will not be subject to being outlawed and the suspect cannot be forcibly taken against their will by a legal officer with the power of
A Sidhean does not need to be present at the time Sanctuary is petitioned.(16)
Location of Trial
When a crime is committed the trial must usually take place by an appropriate legal officer within that same area, (typically within the
following 3 months). If for whatever reason the accused is unable to make it to his trial the presiding legal officer can consider allowing the
accused to defend himself using a written statement. For a written statement charges should be sent to the accused ahead of time, along
with specific allocations from the accuser. The accused should then prepare a response to be handed to the relevant presiding officer. The
written statement can also be verified by truthtell if the accused chooses trial by truthtell (Is everything in this written statement true?).
If an accused refuses to attend, and the presiding officer has made reasonable efforts to accommodate them, then the presiding officer
should contact the Chief Justice for the trial to be held in their absence in the area where the crime was committed. They do not get to
defend themselves, but the accuser may still present their case in full.
Any person that has the right to trial by combat forfeits that right at this stage. All punishments set are binding.
A Magistrate or Judge must oversee all trials and they must have a Gavel in their possession at the time. It is permissible for the person
accusing the defendant of a crime may act as the presiding legal officer, but it is not permitted for the defendant to do so.
First, the suspect is asked if they wish to plead guilty. If they do so, the presiding officer immediately moves to sentence the suspect. The
accused can still exercise their Right to Rehabilitation
If they do not plead guilty, the suspect must then choose the method of their trial before a judge or magistrate, who will then make
arrangements for the trial to take place. The types of trial are; Trial by Combatl, Trial by Truthtell and Trial by Jury. Once chosen a trial will
commence at the time determined by the presiding officer. This should normally be as soon as practical, although a delay may be permitted
to allow the accuser and defendant to gather evidence and prepare their cases. Trials are normally held in public, and any person may
attend them; the presiding legal officer may however exclude any or all persons (except the defendant and the Jury from part or all of the
trial. The suspect may request for their case to be held in a closed court, with only witnesses, the accuser and the presiding officer present.
The presiding officer may decline this request, and if the suspect is found guilty and fined, they will not be able to ask anyone to help with
their fines.
Trial by Combat and Trial by truthtell can be overseen by a single magistrate or Judge, independent of the seriousness of the crime, Trial by
Jury must be overseen by a number of Judges/Magistrates dependant on the crime.
Statute of Limitations
No case will be heard in court if the alleged crime happened more than 3 months ago, with the exception of a Capital crime. Evidence of a
Capital Crime will always go to trial.
Trial by Combat – In recognition of the importance that a fair duel holds to Sidhe, a suspect may choose this type of trial to determine their
fate. This trial may be supervised by a single legal officer, Judge or Magistrate regardless of the level of the offence. The suspect must fight
in a fair duel with a willing chosen opponent selected by the presiding legal officer.
Only Nobles, Knights, Foresters, Guards, Guildsman or higher Mercenaries and Scouts or Priests of Crowa and Devotees of Crowa may elect
to take Trial by Combat. The presiding legal officer must attempt to the best of their abilities at the time of the trial to ensure that the duel
is a fair fight in their eyes and may use court provided truthtells to do so. The Courts recognise that presiding legal officers may not have the
skills to determine if a duel is truly fair (i.e. a suspect may have a magical enhancement) it is just asked they try and make their best effort
to ensure fairness. The weapons used, availability of armour or magic is entirely at the discretion of the presiding officer. Most trials by
combat are fought with a single hand weapon and no armour. The suspect and chosen opponent may not be forced to use a weapon that
would break their religious strictures.
Trial by Combat begins as soon at the command of the presiding officer. The Trial by Combat ends when either suspect or chosen opponent
is rendered unconscious/ Defeated. Interference by a third party during the Trial is a crime itself (Interfering with the Law).
The presiding legal officer is obliged to organise healing to the suspect and chosen opponent, the costs can be reclaimed from either fines
imposed from a guilty verdict or the local Courts.
If the suspect is rendered unconscious/ Defeated then the suspect is deemed guilty under the law of Ithron and the suspect will be
sentenced (see sentencing). The health of the chosen opponent has no impact on the guilt or innocence of the suspect.
Trial by Truthtell –This trial may be supervised by a single Judge or Magistrate regardless of the level of the offence. The court provides the
necessary resources for this method of trial to be conducted:
Trial by Truthtell can be performed in a number of ways, it is at the discretion of the presiding legal officer which method is used:
Short Trial - The judge/magistrate or a person on behalf of them asks the following question to a suspect who is under the effects of
Truthtell; ‘Answer me with truth, have you committed the crime for which you were arrested!’ If the response is Yes then the suspect is
guilty and they will be sentenced (see sentencing).
Long Trial - The judge/magistrate may ask a number of questions to a suspect or any person who gives evidence. The questions must be
relevant to the specific crime committed. A suspect or any person giving evidence has the right not to answer a question if they believe the
question is not specific to the crime committed. In this case the legal presiding officer must use their judgement to interpret a non-answer
in the context of the surrounding evidence. The presiding judge/magistrate may use potion/spell/prayer of truthtell to ask each individual
question or may ask a single question at the end to determine truthfulness. Once questioning is completed the suspect and any person
giving evidence are subject to a potion, spell or prayer of Truthtell and asked the following question by the judge/magistrate or a person on
behalf of them; ‘Answer me with truth, Have you spoken truthfully during this trial?’ The presiding legal officer will then decide innocence
or guilt, if the suspect is guilty they will be sentenced (see sentencing). There is no limit (or minimum) on the number of questions that the
presiding Judge or Magistrate may ask the defendant.
Trial by Jury – This is the most common form of trial. Depending on the circumstances of the trial, the Jury will be made from legal officers
who have the powers and authority to hear the trial. This may range from a single magistrate to a panel of Judges or in exceptional cases
The Chief Justice.
Petty crimes may be heard by a single Judge or Magistrate. Major crimes may be heard by a panel of three magistrates or by a single Judge.
Capital crimes must be heard by a panel of three Judges. The Chief Justice may hear any case by himself, but rarely does so. Where there
are three officers on the jury, they must choose one of their number to act as the presiding officer, but the verdict is reached by majority
vote of all three officers, and any decisions made by the presiding officer can be over-ruled by a combined decision of the other two.
Members of the jury may also act as witnesses or accuser (in which case all statements relevant to the case must be made out loud), but it
is not permitted for the defendant to sit on the jury.
The jury will hear evidence from both parties, their representatives and any witnesses they may call. They may also ask questions of any
person present. Truthtold (except that obtained through a trial by truthtell), oathsworn or hearsay evidence (whether evidence counts as
such is at the discretion of the court) is not acceptable in a Trial by Jury. When hearing evidence from individuals, the Jury will take the word
of a Noble of Baronet rank or higher over that of a non-Noble unless there is other strong evidence. In addition, the word of a human will
hold more weight than that of a non-human. The word of an Ithronian will hold more weight than that of a foreigner. The word of an
excomunicant is inadmissible except in the most unusual circumstances and at the sole discretion of the presiding officer. Witness
statements will be assessed on the status of the witness. Anonymous witnesses have no status.
There is no right to a legal counsel in an Ithronian trial. The presence of a legal counsel is entirely at the discretion of the trial legal officer. A
legal counsel, can speak and answer for the accused.
A not guilty verdict can be given for those who did commit the act as described in individual crime descriptions where a suitable defence is
accepted by the Jury (e.g. Self defence for assault or an obey spell for most crimes). If the Jury is a Magistrate, Judge or The Chief Justice
then the crime that the suspect is arrested for can be up or downgraded by the Jury based on the evidence presented (i.e. a Murder charge
could be downgraded to an assault charge).
The Jury will then decide innocence or guilt based on the evidence given. Only those permitted by the Jury will be permitted to attend or
speak. If the suspect is found guilty they will be sentenced (see sentencing).
Right of Rehabilitation
Any person charged with or convicted of a crime and desiring so may seek rehabilitation in the Templar Order as an alternative to
punishment. Before sentencing the defendant may request rehabilitation, if the presiding officials agree they shall allow the Templar Order
to be petitioned. If accepted as a member by the Order and Sidhe, all punishments shall be withdrawn.
A member of the Templar Order does not need to be present at the committal or trial for this right to be invoked.
If the petition is rejected or if the defendant leaves the Order for any reason they will be condemned to suffer any and all punishments that
the judge has recorded with the Order.
Should the Chief Justice feel person charged with or convicted of a crime is not seeking true rehabilitation they will not be permitted to
become Sidhean Kindred, or will be cursed if already kindred, and will not be permitted to join the Order. The Chief Justice may also over
rule the act if and when he believes the crimes warrant it, i.e. Treason or similar).
The penalties for being found guilty are decided by the trial legal officer. The presiding officer may give out any punishment from the list
below, with the following exceptions.
● A magistrate may not hand down a sentence of execution.
● A lone judge may can hand down a sentence of execution, but it must be passed to the Chief Justice for approval before it is
carried out.
● A panel of three judges must agree unanimously to hand down a sentence of execution. If only one or two of the three seek
execution, the sentence must be approved by the Chief Justice.
A Magistrate, Judge or Chief Justice may hand out any punishment they see fit for a crime. For Petty crimes it is suggested a Magistrate or
Judge give out the following punishments:
● Fines
● Community service
● Flogging
● Confiscation
For Major crimes it is suggested a panel of Magistrates or a Judge give out the following punishments as well as those given for petty
● Branding
● Gladiator Pits
● Mutilation
● Public Service
For Capital crimes a panel of Judges may give out the following punishments as well as those given for Petty and Major crimes:
● Execution
Fines (All)
The criminal must pay a fine. Payment of fines must be made immediately. The guilty party may borrow money, but may not sell off goods,
to pay any fines. Failure to pay the fine results in the guilty party being flogged once for each crown owed to the Courts to a maximum of 16
lashes. All fines received are given to the local Earl.
Execution (Capital)
The criminal is executed. Executions are carried out the following Sunday by the local favoured method. The body will be laid to rest as soon
as possible. Any will the deceased had is voided, and all their possessions are given over to the Crown. Anyone found with any possessions
of the deceased will be charged with Treason.
Gladiator Pits (Major, Capital)
The criminal must fight three combats to earn their freedom. No armour is allowed and all weapons must cause lethal wounds. Missile
weapons are prohibited. Limb wounds can be healed by third parties between combats, but head or torso wounds are not, causing the
victim to die. It is not the responsibility of the Law to provide healing to Gladiatorial Pit fights. The deceased party will be laid to rest.
Followers of the Lady Vleybor shall not be sent to the Gladiator pits.
Community Service (All)
The criminal is to serve whichever bodies the court deems fit for a period decided by the court (typically two months) for no payment. i.e.
Convicted adventurers will carry out missions for no pay.
Flogging (All)
The Criminal shall receive the number of lashes determined by the court. Any attempt to avoid or mitigate this punishment by wearing
armour etc. shall be deemed to be evidence of the perpetrator Interfering with the Law. The flogging may be in public or private - at the
discretion of the trial legal officer.
Mutilation (Major, Capital)
The criminal shall have some part of his body removed. It is not permitted for the removed body part to be replaced. This is not done for
reasons of retribution but to ensure that the crime is not committed again.
Branding (All)
The individual's face or hands is branded with the appropriate rune. The brand is either cut and scarred into place or branded with a hot
iron. The brands are:
Practicing Mercenaries or Scouts Guild Secrets d
Practicing Blacksmiths Guild Secrets b
Practicing Alchemy Guild Secrets a
Practicing Physicians Guild Secrets p
Practicing Mage Guild Secrets w
Witchcraft w
Heresy h
Theft or Membership of the Thieves Guild t
Murder m
The Lord Mayor can also issue special yellow Weapons permits on a discretionary basis (For example to the Primate of Kharach for the holy
Item of Kharach). These special permits must be signed by two of the signatories below and the leader of their Guild or Church plus the
Chief Justice. (24)
Guild Permits
The Guilds of Mages, Blacksmiths, Alchemists and Physicians also issue permits to members. Failure to carry such permits can result in a
charge against them of practicing Guild Secrets. A Guild permit must be shown when requested by a Guard, Forester, Judge, Magistrate, or
by a Master in the relevant Guild.
When a guild permit is issued it must be signed by one of the following, these people may also revoke any guild permit:
● The King of Ithron
● A Noble with status of a Baron and above
● The Chief Justice
● A Judge
● A Magistrate
● The Guild Master of the relevant Guild
OOC Notes for LOs and Referees
Applying the law fairly can be a very tricky process. For a start, the law is inherently unfair by design. It favours longer-standing characters
over junior ones, and humans over non-humans. This is an intentional feature of the law, meant to help further reinforce the inherently
biased nature of Ithronian society. If a player chooses to play an elf for example, then they need to accept that the law will not always be on
their side.
These notes are intended to help LOs ensure that the law is fair ooc, even if it can’t be fair ic.
Choosing Presiding Officers
If there are any PC judges or magistrates present at the event, they should be chosen as presiding officers for a trial. If there aren’t enough,
remaining roles should be taken by branch referees and the LO. Regardless of whether they are a presiding officer, the LO should be present
in order to clarify the law ooc and witness proceedings in case of a dispute. If the LO has any reason to believe a trial might cause ooc
concerns or lead to a complaint, they should also try to take a few notes to remember what was said.
Trials should normally occur at the same branch as the crime was committed in. If the player on trial believes they cannot get a fair trial for
whatever reason, the Right of Sanctuary exists for that very purpose. The character should claim the Right of Sanctuary, and the player should
contact their own LO and the CC. The CC will listen to the player’s concerns and decide on a course of action. It is not reasonable to ask to
carry out the trial elsewhere just because you want to avoid guilt. This offer is made so that people with a serious concern of bias have a
means of dealing with it, it is not a way of giving yourself a softer trial. Anyone requesting a change of venue will NOT get the trial moved to
their own home branch.
If a crime is committed at a fest, the branch hosting the fest should carry out the trial. If at all possible, the trial should happen at the fest
itself. If this is not possible, then the LO of the player and the LO of the branch hosting the fest need to come to an arrangement. The
suggested means of resolution is to wait until the player returns to said branch, but if that is not practical, the trial can be conducted over
email. The accuser sends a statement outlining their case and the evidence, any witnesses also submit a statement. The accused is then given
time to respond to the statements with a defence, and the LO and refs of the branch hosting the fest then produce a verdict.
If the event is Summerfest or any other national plot event run by the CC, then the CC organises the trial.
Medical Concerns
It is entirely possible that a trial could end a character’s life. As such, we accept that an ic trial can be a stressful situation, and a cause for
concern for those with anxiety-related conditions. However, whilst an LO can make reasonable adjustments to accommodate a player with
medical concerns, such concerns are not a means of dodging the consequences of a character’s actions. The trial MUST still be held, unless
the player chooses to plead guilty.
Other than the rules regarding who can sentence someone to death, there are no limits on the punishments that can be set. It is an LO’s duty
to ensure that the outcome is proportional to the crime committed, after taking any past convictions into account. Executions all need to be
ratified by the CC.
If a character intends to appeal either their conviction or their sentence, then no sentence should be carried out while the appeal is ongoing.
Once the appeal is heard, any sentence is carried out immediately.
Flogging – The character cannot wear armour, cast spells, brew potions, make weapons/armour, or use any other learned skills for a period of
weeks equal to the number of lashes given. The character must adventure at least once per month during that time period. If they do not
adventure in a given month, then those four weeks are carried over into the next month.
The player has a week to notify their LO they intend to appeal either their character’s conviction or their sentence, and a further week for
that appeal to be sent to the CC. The player and LO should include all evidence available, and the names of any PCs that were witnesses. The
CC will then issue a ruling as soon as possible, and that ruling is final. As with all referee decisions, the player can appeal ooc to the Rules
Committee and the Executive Council if they are still not happy. If the appeal is found to be groundless and merely a delaying tactic, it is not
unreasonable for the punishment to worsen to account for wasting the Chief Justice’s time.
It is no longer possible to issue a warrant verbally. All warrants must be written out, and when they are served on a character there must be a
paper phys-rep for the warrant. There is no definite format, but a suggested format would be (______) is hereby charged with the crimes of
(______). They are required to submit to the bearer of this warrant, and attend trial as directed, signed (_____).
Internet Forums
Whilst it is possible to commit a crime over internet message boards (see below), it is not possible to carry out an arrest in such a way. It is
acceptable to inform someone via such a means that an arrest warrant is waiting for them, or that multiple warrants have been issued for
their arrest. In instances where the legal officer with the warrant is some distance away from the branch the intended suspect is a member
of, then using the boards to inform them of the warrant, and then sending the warrant to the relevant LO is the acceptable procedure.
Serving Warrants
A physical copy of the warrant should be shown to the person under arrest. They do not get to keep a copy, the warrant stays with the legal
officer. The warrant should be handed to the presiding officers at the start of the trial. If the suspect refuses to go with the legal officer, or
follow instructions from the legal officer, then they are resisting arrest. The legal officer can then use any means they like to incapacitate the
suspect. Normal rules about PvP apply though, no permanent harm can be done, and any injuries must be healed. The same applies if the
suspect chooses to fight back. If the suspect incapacitates a legal officer and does not heal them afterwards, that will in all likelihood invoke
the ire of the Nighthawks.
Below are some ooc notes regarding crimes that have proven contentious. LOs should take these notes into account both when holding trials,
and when deciding whether or not to issue a warrant against a PC.
Internet Forums
It is perfectly possible for a crime to be committed in downtime via the medium of written communication. Any communication that in the
opinion of the LO is purely in character can be held to account for criminal activity. Treason, Corruption, Heresy, Blasphemy, Disrespect,
Practicing Guild Secrets and Interfering With The Law can all be committed in this fashion.
For the purposes of the law, Facebook is not considered an ic space, but the national noticeboards, any branch noticeboards, written letters,
and any private communication, written or electronic, between two people can count as ic spaces for the purposes of committing a crime. In
simple terms, you cannot say over a message board something that would be illegal to say timed in at an event.
Contempt of Court
This still counts as a crime for any Traldan, and they are in sin the moment the presiding officer fines them. No trials are held for contempt of
court, the presiding officer simply imposes the relevant fines when they feel someone has disrespected the legal process.
Blasphemy & Heresy
This is intended to punish actions that would cause the common people of Ithron to have doubts in the churches. It is NOT a means by which
priests can bully people into doing what they’re told. Priests or devotees who misuse this law in an attempt to silence criticism or get their
own way can themselves be charged with blasphemy. If it can be shown that the attempt to intimidate is deliberate and wilful then the
charge can be upgraded to heresy. Characters who have chosen to worship outside the Ithronian Churches are also not guilty of blasphemy or
heresy unless they express a clear viewpoint that their way is better than the Ithronian Church. Creation of animates or summoning of
demons is a legal act, there is no law in Ithron that can be interpreted in such a way as to make those acts illegal. It does not in any way
undermine the churches.
The aspect of these laws regarding bringing the Churches into disrepute is intended to protect the institution, not individual priests. It is also
not meant to be used to silence criticism. Legitimate criticism of Church policy is perfectly legal, the law is designed to protect the churches
against false preachers, schisms and cultists seeking to sow discord, and against the actions of church members behaving in a way that makes
people think less of the church they are a member of.
Documents detailing “evil” knowledge, e.g. the 5th order alchemy recipe for The Blood, are not automatically blasphemous, and it is down to
the Guildmaster and Guild Protector to determine what should be done with such knowledge. Evil does not automatically equate to
blasphemous or heretical. However, anything that details the creation of undead wherein the soul is damaged or destroyed could be
considered heretical. It should be considered an adequate defence in court to say someone had such papers because they were returning
them to the School of Necromancy.
Disrespecting Your Superiors
This law has been very contentious recently. It is intended to stop ‘keyboard warriors’ from mouthing off to anyone in a PoP, and to reinforce
the hierarchical nature of Ithronian society. For the purposes of this law, the only people that can be disrespecting under the terms of the law
are people in named Positions of Power of social standing 10 or more.
This law is also not meant to be used aggressively by PoPs. Legitimate criticism is not a crime, calling a PoP out for something they did is not a
crime. For example, if a Guildmaster is convicted of blasphemy and fined, it is not a crime to refer to them as a blasphemer. It may be a crime
if that description is also laden with abusive language and swearing. Those is Positions of Power that use their status to bully or belittle
people through use of this law will find themselves ejected from that position very quickly.
A case of corruption requires one of two things. If someone assumes a title or legal power that they are not entitled to, then it must be taken
seriously and contested before it becomes corruption. For example, if a Guildmaster declares that they are putting someone under their
protection (which they have no legal right to do) it is only corruption at the point the Guildmaster attempts to exercise that power and
prevent someone attacking the protected person. If you believe someone has claimed a power they do not have a right to, you should
challenge that claim first before going to the law.
Alternatively, a case of corruption requires proof that the suspect has made a tangible gain through their actions. Someone wearing a
Templar tabard to a costume party is not corrupt. Someone wearing a Grey Order tabard to avoid needing a weapons permit is being corrupt.
Before making corruption allegations, please ensure that the accused has made either some kind of gain, or actually tried to exercise a power
they don’t have.
Legal Appointments
Any human citizen in good standing that has been a Master in their relevant profession for at least 6 months can apply to become a
Magistrate. Defenders of the Faith, Guild Protectors and Guards or Foresters are not eligible to become Magistrates, although exceptions can
be made in certain circumstances. Where an exception exists, that person cannot hear a crime as Magistrate for which they were the
arresting officer. Anyone convicted of a crime is unlikely to be accepted. Anyone convicted of a Major or Capital crime will be rejected
A High Mother/Father of Sidhe will only be rejected as a Magistrate under exceptional circumstances.
Any Magistrate that has served for a minimum of a year, and has held court on at least three occasions can apply to become a Judge.
Promotion from Magistrate to Judge is not automatic, but Magistrates who are High Fathers/Mothers of Sidhe are very rarely refused the
step up.
Necromancers & Demonologists
The historic ban on necromancers and demonologists becoming Magistrates and Judges has now been ended, but there is a condition. Any
necromancer or demonologist appointed as a Magistrate (and in due course a Judge) will be subject to periodic truthtells to ensure they have
struck no deals that might affect their legal work. They will be asked the single question “Are you capable of holding court in an impartial
manner?”. Should the answer come back no they will be removed from office immediately.
It is possible for a PC to be elevated to the noble rank of Baronet. There is no specific set way to do this, but it is suggested that a given
branch has no more than two baronets in play at any given time, and that smaller branches might want to limit this to one. If a branch wants
to appoint a third baronet, please contact the CC first.
There are generally two routes to gaining a baronetcy. The first is to perform a series of heroic deeds for the Earldom. This is not as simple as
completing a handful of adventures, this should be about a PC going above and beyond, or exemplifying good conduct and heroic behaviour.
If you are in any doubt contact the CC for guidance. The second route is to buy the baronetcy. This should typically be a cost of around 300/-,
either in missions bankrolled by the PC, cash paid straight to the local nobles, or equipment for a militia of at least 10 members (these should
be NPCs so that the equipment goes out of system). This should only be possible with a Baron or Earl that is cash poor, or otherwise has a
dire need for money or troops. LOs will need to consider if buying a baronetcy is an option in their branch.
Other Nobility
It is theoretically possible for a PC to be elevated to higher ranks within the nobility. This should be highly unusual though. A PC baronet could
become a Baron after serving diligently for a few years, and if a vacancy comes up among local Barons with no heir. Any PC elevated to Baron
rank or higher immediately ceases play and becomes an NPC. A PC cannot become a Duke without the involvement of the CC.
The Royal Household
Under exceptional circumstances, the CC may appoint a character to the Royal Household. They will no longer be a member of any guilds, but
they will still have access to all the skills and equipment they had at the point they were inducted into the Royal Household. They will be
issued with a yellow permit that allows them to use any skill from any guild. However, it does not allow them to learn anything that they did
not already know.
The Royal Household will not admit anyone that has suffered any form of disgrace or has a poor reputation of any kind. It is a reward for
exemplary behaviour, not a sinecure for an embarrassment a guild needs removed.