Course Manual 2012

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March Start MSc in THERMAL POWER


Course Director: Professor Pericles Pilidis

Deputy Course Director: Mr Anthony Haslam Member

This document should be read in conjunction with the School of Engineering’s

‘Students’ Information CD 2010/2011

March 2012

Dear Course Member,

Welcome to the Department of Power and Propulsion within the School of Engineering (SoE). This
document contains information about the Thermal Power MSc course and those available to help
you. Please look at it carefully and keep it for future reference. If you have problems please
contact the appropriate member of staff or the Course Administrator.

We will see quite a lot of each other in the forthcoming year and we all look forward to working with
you and to several enjoyable social occasions.

The staff at Cranfield hope you will have a successful and pleasant year with us and we welcome
this opportunity to make a contribution to your career development.

Head of School of Engineering Building 83
Professor Phil John
Secretary: Ms Lisa Rice
Ext: 4769

Head of Department of Power and Propulsion

Professor Pericles Pilidis Building 52/Room 142
Ext: 4646
email: [email protected]

Secretary to Professor Pilidis & Department Building 52/ Room 140

Administrator: Mrs Gill Hargreaves
Ext: 4765
Email: [email protected]

Head of Gas Turbine Engineering Building 52/Room 221

and Research Group
Professor Riti Singh
Secretary: Mrs Sheila Holroyd
Ext: 4661
email: [email protected]

Head of GT Technology Building 52/Room312

Dr. David MacManus
Ext: 4735
Email: [email protected]

Consultant GT Technology Programmes Building 52/Room 35

Dr Ken Ramsden
Ext. 4712
email: [email protected]

MSc Thermal Power Course Director

Deputy Course Director: Mr Anthony Haslam Building 52/Room 313
Ext: 8218
email: [email protected]

Manager - G T Technology Programmes Building 52/Room 324

Mrs Claire Bellis
Ext: 4764
email: [email protected]

MSc Course Administrator Building 52, Room 340

Mr Joshua Redmond
Ext: 5339
email: [email protected]

MSc Course Administrator Building 52, Room 340

Mrs Mandy Hong
Ext: 4747
email: [email protected]

Dr Joao Amaral Teixeira Building 52/Room 135
Ext: 4679
email: [email protected]

Dr Ossama Badr Building 52, Room 277

Course Director: Process System Engineering
Ext: 4766
email: [email protected]

Dr G Di Lorenzo Building 52/Room 318

Research Fellow
[email protected]

Dr E Goodger (Part-time) Building 52/Room 330

Fuels & Combustion Specialist.
Ext: 5292
email: [email protected]

Dr AJB Jackson (Part-time) Building 52/Room 330

Tel ext: 5292
email: [email protected]

Dr Jenny Kingston Building 52/Room 330

Ext: 4703
email: [email protected]

Dr Panos Laskaridis Building 52/Room 333

Ext: 4643
email: [email protected]

Dr Ivan Li Building 52/Room 317

Ext 4723
email: [email protected]

Dr Vassilios Pachidis Building 52/Room 334

Lecturer and Deputy Director of UTC
Ext: 5663
email: [email protected]

Dr Bobby Sethi Building 52/Room 324

Research Fellow
Ext: 8270
email: [email protected]

External Contributors
Dr Denis Griffiths
Mr Brian Hardy-Bishop
Mr Peter Wharton
Mr Tony Salisbury
Dr Chris Welch
Mr Ken Langley
Dr Hisham Mashmoushy
Dr P Rubini
Mr Noel Seyb
Mr Darrell Williams
Professor John Evans
Mr Ron Midgley
Mr Stuart Floyd
Mr Robert Pitt

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 AIMS OF CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY .......................................................................... 9
1.2 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MISSION STATEMENT ............................................... 9
1.3 COURSE AIMS ........................................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 9
1.4.2 Sponsored Research ..................................................................................... 10
1.4.3 Continuing Professional Development ........................................................... 10

2 THERMAL POWER MSC................................................................................................... 12

2.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 12
2.2 COURSE AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES ..................................... 12
2.3 PROGRAMME SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................ 13
2.3.1 MSc in Thermal Power (Gas Turbine Technology Option) ............................. 13
2.3.2 MSc in Thermal Power (Aerospace Propulsion Option) ................................. 17
2.3.3 MSc in Thermal Power (Rotating Machinery Engineering and
Management Option) ..................................................................................... 21
2.3.4 MSc in Thermal Power (Power, Propulsion and the Environment Option) ...... 25
2.4 MSC THERMAL POWER – COURSE DESCRIPTION ............................................. 29
2.4.1 MSC Thermal Power Course Options ............................................................ 29
2.4.2 Course Structure ........................................................................................... 30
2.4.3 Credit Structure ............................................................................................. 30
2.4.4 CREDIT MAPPING FOR TAUGHT COURSES ............................................. 31 Gas Turbine Technology .................................................................. 31 Rotating Machinery Engineering & Management ............................. 32 Aerospace Propulsion ...................................................................... 33 Power, Propulsion and the Environment .......................................... 34
2.4.5 Choosing Your Course Options ..................................................................... 35


3.1 PRESENTATIONS AND SEMINARS ........................................................................ 36
3.2 ATTENDANCE AT LECTURES AND ASSESSMENTS ............................................ 36
3.3 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 36
3.3.1 Assessment of Individual MSc Theses........................................................... 36
3.4 MINIMUM MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 37
PROJECT WORK ..................................................................................................... 38
3.6 EXAMINATION RESIT POLICY ................................................................................ 39
3.7 PLAGIARISM AND COLLABORATION..................................................................... 39
3.8 THESIS/RESARCH PROJECT ................................................................................. 40

4 ACADEMIC YEAR ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................... 41

4.1 INTRODUCTORY TRAINING SESSIONS ................................................................ 41
4.1.1 Kings Norton Library ...................................................................................... 41
4.1.2 Introduction to Cranfield Computer Centre System ........................................ 42 PC-CCNT Training ........................................................................... 42 FORTRAN ....................................................................................... 42
4.1.3 Careers Service Presentation ........................................................................ 42
4.2 PRESENTATIONS .................................................................................................... 42
4.2.1 Seminar Presentations from Guest Speakers ................................................ 42
4.2.2 Project Progress Presentations ..................................................................... 42
4.3 MANAGEMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY COURSE ...................................................... 43
4.4 COMPRESSOR BLADING LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS ................................... 44
4.5 ORIGIN OF LOADS AND TURBINE BLADE DESIGN .............................................. 44
4.6 ENGINE OVERALL STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 44
4.7 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS ................................................... 45

5 THESIS, ORALS AND RESEARCH POSTERS ................................................................. 46

5.1 THESIS PROJECT ................................................................................................... 46
5.2 MSC THESIS SUBMISSION DATE .......................................................................... 46
5.3 THESIS HAND-IN PROCEDURE.............................................................................. 46
5.4 THESIS ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS ................................................... 47

6 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ................................................................................... 48

6.1 COURSE MEMBERS’ REPRESENTATIVE .............................................................. 48
6.2 ABSENCE................................................................................................................. 48
6.3 ILLNESS ................................................................................................................... 48
6.4 REFERENCES AND STUDY CONFIRMATIONS ..................................................... 48

7 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................... 49
8 APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................... 55
9 APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................................... 81
10 APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................... 103



The general aims of the University are:

 to advance, disseminate and apply learning and knowledge in science, technology and

 to promote and encourage the application of that knowledge and learning.


The Aim of the School of Engineering is to continue to be an International Centre of Relevance and
Leadership in postgraduate education, research, design development and management in selected
areas of engineering and applied science, working in partnership with industry and government.

In its teaching provision, the School’s aim is to deliver a postgraduate education which is of a high
academic standard leading to the acquisition of employable skills at an advanced professional level
in areas of practical economic relevance.

The aim of the School in its research programme is to provide an advanced engineering and
engineering science base, in collaboration and with the support of industry and Government, and
to use this base to further the academic and business development of the School


Britain is a world leader and a major exporter in the international fields of propulsion and power.
This industrial prowess requires a strong multidisciplinary academic base. The aim of the Thermal
Power M.Sc. is to provide the skills required for a challenging career in this field.


1.4.1 Introduction
The Thermal Power MSc is one of the major activities of the Department of Power and Propulsion
at Cranfield. The School runs, arguably, the largest university based gas turbine activity of its kind.
The Thermal Power MSc is a major beneficiary of this activity. Other elements include the Gas
Turbine Continuing Professional Development programme, Research and Consultancy. These
elements each strengthen one another.

Strong industrial links are a feature of the Cranfield gas turbine activity. These have enabled
Cranfield to provide a very good service to industry by providing a continuous update of technical
developments and contacts.

The wholly post-graduate nature of Cranfield fosters a very responsive climate for industrial
research and the rapid adaptation to changing research needs is an important factor in the
successful development of the University as a whole. Active advanced course teaching, through
the MSc. programmes and a wide range of specialist short courses, maintains the momentum of
academic change
The main activities of the Department are:

 Sponsored Research and Consultancy

 Gas Turbine Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme
 MSc Thermal Power

1.4.2 Sponsored Research

The research undertaken by the Department can be broadly characterised as either academic, in
the sense of comparatively lengthy programme duration and course member involvement, or
industrial, centred on the professional research staff. An extensive range of programmes are
currently running which involve sponsorship or direct contract support through industrial companies
and government bodies.

The School of Engineering maintains an impressive range of specialist test facilities which,
combined with the professional skills of the staff within the various groups, offers a high quality,
comprehensive research facility in key energy and power related fields. High pressure and high
mass flow rate air supplies, for example, permit the realistic simulation of gas turbine operation in
relation to aerodynamic components, turbomachinery and combustion. The application of
advanced laser diagnostic techniques and computational modelling of the flow and thermodynamic
problems arising in these components is a particular interest in the Department.

Especially active areas of study currently in the gas turbine field relate to the following:-

 Low emissions combustor design, in relation to both NOx and smoke.

 Computational fluid dynamics applied to internal flows, both isothermal and combusting
 High density and high intensity gas turbine combustion chamber performance
 Variable geometry compressor cascade performance
 Design and assessment of advanced industrial gas turbine cycles
 Heat transfer and erosion studies of nozzle guide vanes and turbine blades.
 Gas turbine performance and diagnostics
 Gas turbine simulation
 Gas turbine mechanical integrity and lifing studies

1.4.3 Continuing Professional Development

An important element of the Gas Turbine activity in SoE is the Continuing Professional
Development Programme. The Department runs a large portfolio of advanced Gas Turbine
Technology short courses, focusing on the design, performance and operation of the gas turbine
engine, its components and its integration within the aircraft and power systems. These courses
fall into three major categories:-

 overall plant performance

 component design and performance
 gas turbine end user issues

A large proportion of these short courses are run at Cranfield on a regular yearly basis. The
remainder are special courses offered in the U.K. and abroad in response to demands from
industrial and government organisations. These courses attract large numbers of professionals
each year.

A full list of CPD course run by the Department of Power and Propulsion can be found at
Thermal Power MSc Course Members are welcome to take part in this activity provided they obtain
the agreement of their supervisor and the Short Course Director. An application form for this
purpose is attached in appendix C of this manual. Once permission has been received, please
return the completed form to Mrs Claire Bellis, no later than the end of the 7th week of the first
term. After this date it will not be possible to secure places on the courses. Please note that given
the nature of the CPD programme, only a small number can be accepted on each course. Please
note that whilst there is no charge for MSc Thermal Power Course Members attending a short
course, there is a charge for lunches and dinners should a student wish to attend these

For further information on CPD, please contact Mrs Claire Bellis, (Ext: 4683).

The rapid controlled release of large quantities of energy in a compact device, features
characteristic of the turbulent burning of fossil fuels, remains a key element in most transportation,
power generation and manufacturing processes. Pressures for improved fuel economy and
performance, diversification of fuel sources and concerns regarding the exhaust emissions from
such sources make Thermal Power a most challenging field, occupying a central position in
industry. The fine control of this energy release and the extraction of useful mechanical work via
rotating or reciprocating machinery involve the complex interplay of thermodynamics, fluid
mechanics and mechanical design.

The aircraft gas turbine epitomises the advanced technology needed to achieve these goals and
forms a significant part of the teaching and research within the Department. Increasingly the gas
turbine finds application in non-aeronautical areas - for example, in marine propulsion, for industrial
processing in combined heat and power systems, in off-shore pumping and power generation for
the oil and gas industries. These developments are reflected in specialist course options within the
Thermal Power programme.


The major objective of the MSc Thermal Power course is to provide MSc graduates with the
necessary skills and background to make them attractive to employers in the Thermal Power
Sector and so that they can make an immediate impact in a demanding workplace.

These skills include:

Technical Skills:
- Detailed technical knowledge of the gas turbine
- Understanding of the applications of gas turbine engines
- Technical analysis and computational tools

Generic Skills:
- Introduction to management skills and project management
- Ability to work independently and within an organisation
- Presentation experience

On successful completion of the course a graduate will be able to make better decisions in a very
advanced technology field using the all-round knowledge imparted in the course and the skills
acquired in the thesis project. These skills have made Thermal Power MSc graduates very
attractive to organisations in the arena of power and propulsion. The intended learning outcomes
are set out in the Programme Specifications which follow.



2.3.1 MSc in Thermal Power (Gas Turbine Technology Option)

1 Date last updated September 2004

2 Awarding institution Cranfield University

3 Teaching institution Cranfield University

4 Course accredited by (if applicable) IMechE
5 Final qualification Master of Science (MSc)
6 Course title Gas Turbine Technology
7 UCAS Code (UG courses only) N/A
8 Relevant QAA subject benchmark N/A
9 Course aims To provide graduates with the in-depth
knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the
gas turbine and related industries through high
technology courses that are focused on the gas
turbine engine and associated technologies.
To enable graduates to make better informed
decisions in an advanced technology field using
the all-round knowledge imparted on the course
To enable graduates to make an immediate
impact in demanding workplaces using the
knowledge gained on the course
To provide the skills required to enhance the
careers of graduates in a challenging field of high

10: Intended learning outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated

A. Knowledge & understanding

On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy:
Understand the design, performance, operation and maintenance The course is primarily delivered through the medium of lectures and
requirements of complex gas turbine engines, their components and seminars. However, where appropriate, tutorial sessions, workshop
associated equipment. seminars, practical laboratory sessions and oral presentation to peers
Demonstrate a working knowledge of gas turbine cycles and performance on a researched topic are used to enhance the learning experience. In
under steady-state and transient conditions. addition, the simulation and diagnostics module requires the hands-on
Identify candidate materials for particular applications in gas turbine use of specialist software. A wider understanding of the subject matter
engines recognising their relative merits and limitations. is reinforced by industrial visits, invited lectures and assessed exercises
Appreciate the function and design requirements of current and future gas throughout the taught elements of the course.
turbine engine systems.
Critically assess the mechanical design and integrity of the major gas
turbine components and identify methods of improving the mechanical Assessment
integrity and safety of existing designs.
Appreciate the interaction between the gas turbine engine/jet engine and
Formal examinations, assignments and oral presentations are used to
its host airframe, intake and exhaust system.
assess student performance where appropriate. Assessment strategies
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the aerodynamic design of
are appropriate to specific subject areas and have been developed over
turbomachinery cascades for both the compressors and turbines of gas
time. In general, the more academic subjects are assessed by
turbine engines.
examination and vocationally based subjects by assignment.
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of combustion chemistry,
the combustion process as encountered in practice and the influence of
In the engine systems course, students are required to write a paper on
fuel properties on combustion performance.
a selected engine system and to present the paper at a symposium.
Apply the basic concepts and theories of heat transfer and cooling
The technical content of the written paper and the presentation are the
technologies to the cooling of turbine blades.
basis of the assessment.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of current research and development in
the field of gas turbine technology.

B. Skills & other attributes
On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Use appropriate computer based tools such as CFD, FEM and simulation The skills are developed throughout the course through various
software for the design and evaluation of gas turbine engines and their activities associated with the lecture courses, assignments, group
components. based exercises, project work, presentations and interaction with
Effectively manage time to produce work to a required schedule. external agencies.
Present technical work in an acceptable written format. The engine systems symposium is organised entirely by the students
Make oral presentations to an expert audience and defend technical work. and is a team activity involving the marketing the symposium to external
Appreciate the cost, management and social effects of engineering delegates and the raising of funds to cover its cost.
decisions. Students are encouraged to start their projects as early as possible and
Work effectively either as an individual or as a member of a team to to learn independently through research, consultation with subject
produce solutions to engineering problems. matter experts both within and outside the university and through
Employ appropriate methods to identify and solve engineering problems. frequent contact with their supervisor.
Critically evaluate and select appropriate information in the compilation of
research literature. Assessment
Effectively manage a project by planning work, imposing deadlines and
ensuring that they are met.
The application of the skills is assessed through the formal assessment
Liaise with subject matter experts from industry to elicit information and
process and by continuous assessment which takes place throughout
assistance in project work.
the course by assignments, oral presentations and group activities.
Confidently make well-informed decisions on operational and economic
The research thesis is examined on the basis of literature survey, effort,
aspects of gas turbine operation.
application and results, analysis, discussion, conclusions and originality.
Undertake a research project and write a thesis on a gas turbine related
In addition to having to present 3 oral progress reports to their peers
topic to include a literature survey, analysis, evaluation of results and
during the year, students are also subject to a viva voce examination on
discussion as appropriate.
technical aspects of their thesis.
Make effective and immediate contributions to the work of a prospective

11 Course structure, content & See Section 2.3
assessment scheme
12 Entry requirements 1st or 2nd class honours degree in a science,
mathematics based or engineering subject or their
international equivalent. An individual with an
HNC/HND or equivalent with considerable
industrial experience may also be considered.
(IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 580/237, TOEIC 830)
13 Course Director/Academic Leader Prof Pilidis

2.3.2 MSc in Thermal Power (Aerospace Propulsion Option)

1 Date last updated September 2004

2 Awarding institution Cranfield University
3 Teaching institution Cranfield University
4 Course accredited by (if applicable) IMechE/RAeS
5 Final qualification Master of Science (MSc)
6 Course title Aerospace Propulsion
7 UCAS Code (UG courses only) N/A
8 Relevant QAA subject benchmark N/A
9 Course aims (1) To provide graduates with the in-depth
knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the
aero-gas turbine and related industries through
high technology courses that are focused on the
jet engine and associated technologies.
(2) To enable graduates to make better informed
decisions in an advanced technology field using
the all-round knowledge imparted on the course
(3) To enable graduates to make an immediate
impact in demanding workplaces using the
knowledge gained on the course
(4) To provide the skills required to enhance the
careers of graduates in a challenging field of high

10. Intended learning outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated

A. Knowledge & understanding

On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Understand the design, performance, operation and maintenance
requirements of complex gas turbine engines, their components and The course is primarily delivered through the medium of lectures and
associated equipment. seminars. However, where appropriate, tutorial sessions, workshop
Demonstrate a working knowledge of gas turbine cycles and performance seminars, practical laboratory sessions and oral presentation to peers
under steady-state and transient conditions. on a researched topic are used to enhance the learning experience. In
Appreciate the function and design requirements of current and future gas addition, the simulation and diagnostics module requires the hands-on
turbine engine systems. use of specialist software that has been developed at Cranfield. A wider
Critically assess the mechanical design and integrity of the major gas understanding of the subject matter is reinforced by industrial visits,
turbine components and identify methods of improving the mechanical invited lectures and assessed exercises throughout the taught elements
integrity and safety of existing designs. of the course.
Appreciate the interaction between the gas turbine engine/jet engine and
its host airframe, intake and exhaust system.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the aerodynamic design of Assessment
turbomachinery blading for both the compressors and turbines of gas
turbine engines.
Formal examinations, assignments and oral presentations are used to
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of combustion chemistry,
assess student performance. Assessment strategies are appropriate to
the combustion process as encountered in practice and the influence of
specific subject areas and have been developed over time. In general,
fuel properties on combustion performance.
the more academic subjects are assessed through examination and
Understand the thermofluid dynamic concepts underlying rocket and air-
vocationally based subjects by assignment.
breathing space propulsion and their implications for launch vehicle and
spacecraft system performance and design.
In the engine systems course, students are required to write a paper on
Appreciate the function and design requirements of spacecraft systems in
a selected engine system and to present the paper at an open
relation to their environment, power requirements and control.
symposium. The technical content of the written paper and the
Demonstrate a critical awareness of current research and development in
presentation are the basis of the assessment.
the field of aero-gas turbine technology.

B. Skills & other attributes
On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Use appropriate computer based tools such as CFD, FEM and simulation The skills are developed throughout the course through various
software for the design and evaluation of gas turbine engines and their activities associated with the lecture courses, assignments, group
components based exercises, project work, presentations and interaction with
Effectively manage time to produce work to a required schedule. external agencies.
Present technical work in an acceptable written format. The engine systems symposium is organised entirely by the students
Make oral presentations to an expert audience and defend technical work. and is a team activity involving the marketing of the conference to
Appreciate the cost, management and social effects of engineering external delegates and the raising of funds to cover its cost.
decisions. Students are encouraged to start their projects as early as possible and
Work effectively either as an individual or as a member of a team to to learn independently through research, consultation with subject
produce solutions to engineering problems matter experts both within and outside the university and through
Employ appropriate methods to identify and solve engineering problems. frequent contact with their supervisor.
Critically evaluate and select appropriate information in the compilation of
research literature. Assessment
Effectively manage a project by planning work, imposing deadlines and
ensuring that they are met.
The application of the skills is assessed through the formal assessment
Liaise with subject matter experts from industry to elicit information and
process and by continuous assessment which takes place throughout
assistance in project work
the course by assignments, oral presentations and group activities.
Confidently make well-informed decisions on operational and economic
aspects of gas turbine operation
The research thesis is examined on the basis of literature survey, effort,
Undertake a research project and write a thesis on a gas turbine related
application and results, analysis, discussion, conclusions and originality.
topic to include a literature survey, analysis, evaluation of results and
In addition to having to present 3 oral progress reports to their peers
discussion as appropriate.
throughout the year, students are also subject to a viva voce
Make an effective and immediate contribution to the work of a prospective
examination on technical aspects of their thesis.

11 Course structure, content & See section 2.3
assessment scheme
12 Entry requirements 1st or 2nd class honours degree in a science,
mathematics based or engineering subject or their
international equivalent. An individual with an
HNC/HND or equivalent with considerable
industrial experience may also be considered.
(IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 580/237, TOEIC 830)
13 Course Director/Academic Leader Prof. Pilidis
(proposed at course approval stage)

2.3.3 MSc in Thermal Power (Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management Option)

1 Date last updated September 2004

2 Awarding institution Cranfield University
3 Teaching institution Cranfield University
4 Course accredited by (if applicable)
5 Final qualification Master of Science (MSc)
6 Course title Rotating Machinery Engineering and
7 UCAS Code (UG courses only) N/A
8 Relevant QAA subject benchmark N/A
9 Course aims (1) To provide graduates with the in-depth
knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the
power production, oil and gas and related
industries through high technology courses that
are focused on gas turbine engines and
associated technologies.
(2) To enable graduates to make better informed
decisions in an advanced technology field using
the all-round knowledge imparted on the course.
(3) To enable graduates to make an immediate
impact in demanding workplaces using the
knowledge gained on the course.
(4) To provide the skills required to enhance the
careers of graduates in a challenging field of high

10. Intended learning outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated

A. Knowledge & understanding

On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Understand the design, performance, operation and maintenance
requirements of complex gas turbine engines, their components and
The course is primarily delivered through the medium of lectures and
associated equipment.
seminars. However, where appropriate, tutorial sessions, workshop
Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic concepts and theories of
seminars, practical laboratory sessions and oral presentation to peers
combustion emissions, the greenhouse effect and the technology
on a researched topic are used to enhance the learning experience. In
available for the reduction of combustion emissions.
addition, the simulation and diagnostics module requires the hands-on
Understand the design, operation, maintenance and the safety issues
use of specialist software. A wider understanding of the subject matter
concerning different driven equipment such as electric motors, generators,
is reinforced by industrial visits, invited lectures and assessed exercises
pumps, gas compressors and ship propellers.
throughout the course.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of gas turbine cycles and performance
under steady-state and transient conditions.
Appreciate the function and design requirements of current and future gas
turbine engine systems. Assessment
Critically assess the mechanical design and integrity of the major gas
turbine components and identify methods of improving the mechanical Formal examinations, assignments and oral presentations are used to
integrity and safety of existing designs. assess student performance. Assessment strategies are appropriate to
Appreciate the interaction between the gas turbine engine/jet engine and specific subject areas and have been developed over time. In general,
its host airframe, intake and exhaust system. the more academic subjects are assessed through examination and
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the aerodynamic design of vocationally based subjects by assignment.
turbomachinery blading for both the compressors and turbines of gas
turbine engines. In the engine systems course, students are required to write a paper on
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of combustion chemistry, a selected engine system and to present the paper at a symposium.
the combustion process as encountered in practice and the influence of The technical content of the written paper and the presentation are the
fuel properties on combustion performance. basis of the assessment.
Apply management skills to financial issues, project organisation and
control, marketing, negotiation and presentation.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of current research and development in
the field of gas turbine technology.

B. Skills & other attributes
On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Use appropriate computer based tools such as CFD, FEM and simulation software for the design The skills are developed throughout the course
and evaluation of gas turbine engines and their components. through various activities associated with the
Effectively manage time to produce work to a required schedule. lecture courses, assignments, group based
Present technical work in an acceptable written format. exercises, project work, presentations and
Make oral presentations to an expert audience and defend technical work. interaction with external agencies.
Appreciate the cost, management and social effects of engineering decisions. The engine systems symposium is organised
Work effectively either as an individual or as a member of a team to produce solutions to entirely by the students and is a team activity
engineering problems. involving the marketing of the conference to
Employ appropriate methods to identify and solve engineering problems. external delegates and the raising of funds to
Critically evaluate and select appropriate information in the compilation of research literature. cover its cost.
Effectively manage a project by planning work, imposing deadlines and ensuring that they are met Students are encouraged to start their projects
as early as possible and to learn independently
through research, consultation with subject
matter experts both within and outside the
university and through frequent contact with
their supervisor.

11 Course structure, content & See Section 2.3
assessment scheme
12 Entry requirements 1st or 2nd class honours degree in a science,
mathematics based or engineering subject or their
international equivalent. An individual with an
HNC/HND or equivalent with considerable
industrial experience may also be considered.
(IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 580/237, TOEIC 830)
13 Course Director/Academic Leader Prof. Pilidis

2.3.4 MSc in Thermal Power (Power, Propulsion and the Environment Option)

1 Date last updated April 2008

2 Awarding institution Cranfield University
3 Teaching institution Cranfield University
4 Course accredited by (if applicable) IMechE
5 Final qualification Master of Science (MSc)
6 Course title Power Propulsion and the Environment
7 UCAS Code (UG courses only) N/A
8 Relevant QAA subject benchmark N/A
9 Course aims (1) To provide graduates with the in-depth
knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the
power production, oil and gas and related
industries through high technology courses that
are focused on gas turbine engines and
associated technologies vis-à-vis their
environmental impact and mitigation.
(2) To enable graduates to make better informed
decisions in an advanced technology field using
the all-round knowledge imparted on the course.
(3) To enable graduates to make an immediate
impact in demanding workplaces using the
knowledge gained on the course.
(4) To provide the skills required to enhance the
careers of graduates in a challenging field of high

10. Intended learning outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated
A. Knowledge & understanding
On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Understand the design, performance, operation and maintenance
requirements of complex gas turbine engines, their components and The course is primarily delivered through the medium of lectures and
associated equipment. seminars. However, where appropriate, tutorial sessions, workshop
Evaluate the human impact on the environment and updated knowledge of seminars, practical laboratory sessions and oral presentation to peers
pollution control equipment and environmental management systems and on a researched topic are used to enhance the learning experience. In
tools addition, the simulation and diagnostics module requires the hands-on
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts and theories of combustion use of specialist software. A wider understanding of the subject matter
emissions, the greenhouse effect and the technology available for the is reinforced by industrial visits, invited lectures and assessed exercises
reduction of combustion emissions. throughout the course.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of gas turbine cycles and performance
under steady-state and transient conditions.
Appreciate the function and design requirements of current and future gas Assessment
turbine engine systems.
Critically assess the mechanical design and integrity of the major gas
Formal examinations, assignments and oral presentations are used to
turbine components and identify methods of improving the mechanical
assess student performance. Assessment strategies are appropriate to
integrity and safety of existing designs.
specific subject areas and have been developed over time. In general,
Appreciate the interaction between the gas turbine engine/jet engine and
the more academic subjects are assessed through examination and
its host airframe, intake and exhaust system.
vocationally based subjects by assignment.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the aerodynamic design of
turbomachinery blading for both the compressors and turbines of gas
In the engine systems course, students are required to write a paper on
turbine engines.
a selected engine system and to present the paper at a symposium.
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of combustion chemistry,
The technical content of the written paper and the presentation are the
the combustion process as encountered in practice and the influence of
basis of the assessment.
fuel properties on combustion performance.
Apply management skills to financial issues, project organisation and
control, marketing, negotiation and presentation.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of current research and development in
the field of gas turbine technology.

B. Skills & other attributes
On successful completion of the course a student will be able to: Teaching/learning methods & strategy
Use appropriate computer based tools such as CFD and simulation software for the design and The skills are developed throughout the course
evaluation of gas turbine engines and their components. through various activities associated with the
Effectively manage time to produce work to a required schedule. lecture courses, assignments, group based
Present technical work in an acceptable written format. exercises, project work, presentations and
Make oral presentations to an expert audience and defend technical work. interaction with external agencies.
Appreciate the cost, management and social effects of engineering decisions. The engine systems symposium is organised
Work effectively either as an individual or as a member of a team to produce solutions to entirely by the students and is a team activity
engineering problems. involving the marketing of the conference to
Employ appropriate methods to identify and solve engineering problems. external delegates and the raising of funds to
Critically evaluate and select appropriate information in the compilation of research literature. cover its cost.
Effectively manage a project by planning work, imposing deadlines and ensuring that they are met. Students are encouraged to start their projects
as early as possible and to learn independently
through research, consultation with subject
matter experts both within and outside the
university and through frequent contact with their

The application of the skills is assessed through
the formal assessment process and by
continuous assessment which takes place
throughout the course by assignments, oral
presentations and group activities.

The research thesis is examined on the basis of

literature survey, effort, application and results,
analysis, discussion, conclusions and originality.
In addition to having to present 3 oral progress
reports to their peers during the year, students
are also subject to a viva voce examination on
technical aspects of their thesis.

11 Course structure, content & See Section 2.2.4 and 2.4
assessment scheme
12 Entry requirements 1st or 2nd class honours degree in a science,
mathematics based or engineering subject or their
international equivalent. An individual with an
HNC/HND or equivalent with considerable
industrial experience may also be considered.
(IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 580/237, TOEIC 830)
13 Course Director/Academic Leader Prof Pilidis

2.4.1 MSC Thermal Power Course Options
Within the Thermal Power MSc. a range of lecture courses are presented, linked by the gas turbine
theme, which permit differences in emphasis and application to be explored and courses selected
to reflect particular course member interests and career goals. All these courses involve a blend of
lecture programme and an extensive design or research thesis.

Gas Turbine Technology: This option covers the complete range of engine design tasks,
embracing turbomachinery, combustor and aerodynamic components.

Aerospace Propulsion: This option permits the course member to study methods of
propulsion such as the rocket, in addition to air breathing ramjets and gas turbines.

Power, Propulsion and the Environment: This option covers all aspects of the gas turbine and
other industrial prime movers. It also provides course members with knowledge of, and the ability
to assess anthropogenic emissions.

Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management: This option reflects the increasing interest
in the gas turbine for industrial use. The procurement and operation of gas turbine based plant
requires a different blend of lecture courses from those appropriate to the engine designer and
these are also reflected in the range of specialist options offered.

More information about the various options and subject selection follows in section 2.4.2 of this

2.4.2 Course Structure
Taught Part
The taught elements of the course comprising lectures, assignments and other forms of
coursework are delivered and concluded in the first half of the academic year, i.e., by October-
May. Lecture programmes are assessed by continuous assessment (project reports, assignments,
etc.) and/or formal written examinations. The taught element accounts for 50% of the marks
required for the MSc. All taught courses at Cranfield are quantified in terms of a credit tariff
structure, which is explained in Section 2.4.4 below.

Thesis/Research Project
MSc. candidates have to undertake a project to complement the lecture programme. The choice of
subject is left to each candidate and a list of topics is provided in Appendix D for guidance. Many
of the project topics include interaction with externally sponsored research and the Department's
professional research officers. This project will form the written thesis which makes up the other
50% of the mark required for the MSc.

2.4.3 Credit Structure

Credits are a measure of Course Member input into the course, defined in terms of notional
learning hours. Please note that credits in themselves are not a measure of achievement and a
Masters level degree at Cranfield is not awarded on the basis of credits accumulated for individual
elements (modules, project/thesis, Group Design Project, etc) on the course. Instead, the number
of credits attached to an individual element on the course reflects the total number of notional
learning hours (i.e. class contact hours plus private study hours) associated with that element. The
credit tariff for the MSc in Thermal Power is 200 credits in total, which equates to 2000 notional
learning hours. The taught element of the course equates to 100 of the credits needed. The thesis
project accounts for the remaining 100 credits.

The credit structure for MSc in Thermal Power is given in tabular form for each option on the
following pages.

MSc in Thermal Power
[With options in Gas Turbine Technology, Rotating Machinery Engineering & Management and Aerospace Propulsion,
Power, Propulsion and the Environment ]
Taught Component =  Mandatory Modules = 80
100 Credits/ NLH/50% of MSc  Optional Modules = 20 Gas Turbine Technology

Class Private Total Method Weighting
Contact Study NLH of w/in MSc
Option Module Title Hrs (a) Hrs (b) (a) + Assessment (%) Credits
Materials Selection 10 40 50 Assignment 2.5 5
Blade Cooling 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
Gas Turbine Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Technology: Engine Systems 40 110 150 7.5 15
Mandatory Fuels & Combustion 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
Modules Gas Turbine 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
[totalling 80 Performance
credits] Mech Des of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Simulation & 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10

Comp. Fluid 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10

Spec & Perf of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Gas Turbine Mechanical ERE
Technology: Fatigue & Fracture 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
Optional Gas Turbine 20 80 100 Exam 5 10
Modules Applications
[Course Management for 46 54 100 Exam 5 10
Members Technology
select a Propulsion Systems 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
minimum of Performance & Int.
20 credits] Piston Engines 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
Space Propulsion 20 80 100 Exam 5 10
Spacecraft System 10 40 50 Assignment 2.5 5
Industrial Prime 20 80 100 Assignment 5 10

Taught Component: 50 100

50 100

Totals: 100 200


MSc in Thermal Power (contd.) Rotating Machinery Engineering & Management

Class Private Total Method Weighting
Contact Study NLH of w/in MSc
Option Module Title Hrs (a) Hrs (b) (a) + Assessment (%) Credits

Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 5 10

Rotating Spec & Perf of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Machinery Mechanical ERE
Engineering Engine Systems 40 110 150 Assignment 7.5 15
& Fuels and 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
Management Combustion
: Mandatory Industrial Prime 20 80 100 Assignment 5 10
Modules Movers
[totalling 80 Gas Turbine 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
credits] Performance
Management for 46 54 100 Exam 5 10
Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10

Materials Selection 10 40 50 Assignment 2.5 5

Rotating Blade Cooling 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
Mach. Eng. Comp. Fluid 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
& Man. Dynamics
Opional Fatigue & Fracture 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
Modules Simulation & 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
[Course Diagnostics
Members Mech Des of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
select a Tmachinery
minimum of Piston Engines 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
20 credits] Gas Turbine 20 80 100 Exam 5 10

Taught Component: 50 100

50 100

Totals: 100 200


MSc in Thermal Power (contd.) Aerospace Propulsion

Class Private Total Method Weighting

Contact Study NLH of w/in MSc
Option Module Title Hrs (a) Hrs (b) (a) + Assessment (%) Credits

Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 5 10

Engine Systems 40 110 150 Assignment 7.5 15
Aerospace Gas Turbine Theory 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Propulsion: and Performance
Mandatory Mech Design of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Modules Turbomachinery
[totalling 80 Propulsion System 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
credits] Performance & Int.
Simulation & 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
Space Propulsion 20 80 100 Exam 5 10
Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10

Materials Selection 10 40 50 Assignment 2.5 5

Aerospace Blade Cooling 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
Propulsion: Comp. Fluid 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
Optional Dynamics
Modules Spec & Perf of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
[Course Mechanical ERE
Members Fatigue & Fracture 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
select a Fuels and 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
minimum of Combustion
20 credits] Gas Turbine 20 80 100 Exam 5 10
Management for 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Piston Engines 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
Spacecraft System 10 35 50 Assignment 2.5 5

Taught Component: 50 100

50 100

Totals: 100 200


MSc in Thermal Power (contd.) Power, Propulsion and the Environment

Class Private Total Method Weighting

Contact Study NLH of w/in MSc
Option Module Title Hrs (a) Hrs (b) (a) + Assessment (%) Credits

Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 5 10

Power, Environmental 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
propulsion Management
and the Engine Systems 40 110 150 Assignment 7.5 15
Environment: Fuels and 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
Mandatory Combustion
Modules Industrial Prime 20 80 100 Assignment 5 10
[totalling 80 Movers
credits] Gas Turbine 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
Management for 46 54 100 Exam 5 10
Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10

Materials Selection 10 40 50 Assignment 2.5 5

Power, Blade Cooling 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5
propulsion Comp. Fluid 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
and the Dynamics
Environment Fatigue & Fracture 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
: Simulation & 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10
Operational Diagnostics
Modules Mech Des of 30 70 100 Exam 5 10
[Course Tmachinery
Members Piston Engines 20 55 75 Exam 3.75 7.5
select a Gas Turbine 20 80 100 Exam 5 10
minimum of Applications
20 credits]

Taught Component: 50 100

50 100

Totals: 100 200

NOTE: MIX = Assessed partly by examination (70%) and partly by Assignment (30%)

2.4.5 Choosing Your Course Options
Each MSc Course Member is required to fill in an Option Selection Form (Appendix C) specifying
the subjects that he/she will be attending and on which he/she will be assessed. The assessment
of these subjects is by means of written examination, assignment, continuous assessment or a
combination of these methods.

The University requires that course members take modules which total 100 credits towards their
MSc degree. Please note that it does not matter if the total comes to slightly more than 100 credits
(i.e. 102.5 or 105) due to the allocation of credits per subject. The mandatory modules on each of
the Thermal Power options are allocated 80 credits (85 credits for Aerospace Propulsion). Course
members must therefore select optional modules totalling 20 credits (or 15 credits for Aerospace
Propulsion as close as possible to 20 credits) or as close to this number of credits as possible. If
course members wish to attend lectures on modules which they do not want to be credited towards
their MSc (i.e. they want to attend the lectures to broaden their knowledge and not to be
assessed), then they should indicate this in the appropriate space provided on the bottom of the
subject selection form.

The final subject selection form can be found in Appendix C and must be returned to the
Course Administrator no later than Friday 23rd March 2012. Course members may consult
their supervisors for advice about the subjects.

Please note that after expiry of the deadline no further changes in the subject selection is







The ability to present material lucidly is an increasingly important skill which must be acquired by
professional engineers. Consequently, course members are given opportunities to improve their
communication skills during the course.


All students are expected to attend all components of the course for which they are registered
unless excused, for good cause, under the University's procedures. Students are also required to
complete all the assessments (assignments and exams) associated with the course. Failure to
comply with the above could lead to the award being with held. Students are also expected to
remain at Cranfield in the period between thesis hand-in and their oral examination.


Formal lecture courses are examined in accordance with School of Engineering practice. Prior to
the examinations taking place all examination papers are seen and approved by the course
external examiner. A penalty is applicable for late handing in of assignments and thesis which is
equivalent to a 5% reduction per working day of delay. The penalty is subtracted from the final
total mark.

Each course member is required to make a formal presentation on his/her thesis progress at set
times in the academic year.

3.3.1 Assessment of Individual MSc Theses

The assessment of the individual thesis will be based on the following guidelines. The examiners
reserve the right to vary the percentages given where the marking scheme does not produce a fair
reflection of the thesis due to the nature of the work involved.

The individual thesis tests the ability to:

 Define the project by reference to the scientific, technical and/or commercial literature, the
critical appraisal of such literature and the justification of the research.

 Plan and manage the research programme, to define the work to be carried out and to
report the results in a clear manner.

 Analyse the work, relate it to the work of others where appropriate and to be self-critical.

 Communicate the work, its results and analysis in a technical and well presented

Upon submission all Theses are reviewed by two internal examiners (one examiner being the
course member’s supervisor), plus the external examiner. If the thesis mark awarded by the
internal examiners varies significantly, then a third internal examiner is appointed.

All course members are subject to a Presentation or Viva or Poster Examination in the presence of
the External Examiner, the Head of Department and/or Course Director, as well as other members
of Academic staff. The Board of Examiners reserve the right to vary an agreed thesis mark of any
course member following the oral or poster examination.

The thesis is assessed as follows:

Introduction, Background and/or Literature Survey 15%

Work carried out: effort, application and results 35%
Analysis, discussion and conclusions 40%
Style, presentation and reporting 10%

The examiners reserve the right to vary the above percentages where the marking scheme does
not produce a fair reflection of the thesis due to the nature of the work involved.


In order to qualify for nomination for the award of a MSc. the Course Member must satisfy the
following criteria set by the Board of the Faculty of Engineering, Science & Manufacturing:

 the overall weighted average mark for all examinable courses must not be less than 50%.

 the thesis project mark must not be less than 50%.

 no more than 30% of the minimum examination credits may have a score of less than 40%

 core subjects: all marks count for final overall assessment.

 optional subjects: course members may elect to attend lectures and to sit examinations for
more than the minimum 100 credits required for the MSc. However, they must nominate the
minimum number of credits that they require to be assessed for their MSc. In certain
circumstances, this may be as high as 105 credits due to the credit weighting of individual
optional subjects. The choice of whether a subjects is to be assessed must be done on

- For Assignments: on the 'Assignment Hand-in Sheet' in Appendix C

This needs to be handed in with each assignment

- For Examinations: Students will be requested to sign-up for the

examinations and lists for this will be available in room 321 prior to the
examination period.

The overall weighted average mark must not be less than 50%. This figure is based on weighting
factors of 50% for the examination results, and 50% for the thesis.

The following descriptors of what might be typically expected of students within different mark
ranges are adopted within the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Manufacturing. These
descriptors are offered as a tool for moderation and calibration after assessment in line with
approved marking schemes for non-numerical coursework assignments and reports, group
projects and individual projects. The mark ranges indicated reflect the current policy of a 40% pass
mark for individual elements of an MSc course.

MSc Qualitative Descriptors

Mark Standard Process
80- Excellent Requiring a student to have:
100% Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge Undertaken extensive further reading.
and understanding of the subject and Produced a well structured piece of
subfields. work.
High capacity for critical evaluation. Demonstrated excellent communication
Novel application of the subject matter to a skills.
specific context. Exercised a high level of original
70- Very Good Requiring a student to have:
79% Demonstrating an extensive knowledge and Undertaken substantial further reading.
understanding of the subject and subfields. Produced a well structured piece of
Very good capacity for critical evaluation. work.
Effective application of the subject matter to a Demonstrated very good
specific context. communication skills.
Exercised a significant level of original
60- Good Requiring a student to have:
69% Demonstrating a good knowledge and Undertaken some further reading.
understanding of the subject and subfields. Produced a well structured piece of
Good capacity for critical evaluation. work.
Competent application of the subject matter to Demonstrated good communication
a specific context. skills.
50- Satisfactory Requiring a student to have:
59% Demonstrating a satisfactory knowledge and Undertaken adequate reading.
understanding of the subject and subfields. Produced an adequately structured
Standard critique of the subject matter. piece of work.
Adequate application of the subject matter to a Demonstrated basic but satisfactory
specific context. communication skills.
40- Poor Requiring a student to have:
49% Demonstrating an inadequate knowledge and Undertaken some relevant reading.
understanding of the subject and subfields. Produced a piece of work with a simple
Lacking critique of the subject matter. structure.
Limited application of the subject matter to a Demonstrated marginal communication
specific context. skills.
0-39% Very Poor Requiring a student to have:
Demonstrating a lack of knowledge and Undertaken inadequate reading.
understanding of the subject and subfields. Produced a poorly structured piece of
Absence of critique of the subject matter. work.
Lacking application of the subject matter to a 3. Demonstrated poor
specific context communication skills.

The School of Engineering only allows resit under exceptional circumstances, for example through
illness or personal problems. If due to an illness, a letter from a doctor, dated within one week of
the illness is mandatory. Please note that doctors may charge for such a letter.


Cranfield University defines plagiarism as follows:-

Plagiarism is the use, without acknowledgement, of the intellectual work of other people, and the
act of representing the ideas or discoveries of others as one's own in any work submitted for
assessment or presented for publication. To copy sentences, phrases or even striking expressions
without acknowledgement of source (either by inadequate citation or failure to indicate verbatim
quotations) is plagiarism; to paraphrase without acknowledgement is also plagiarism.

The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism and regards it in the same way as it regards
cheating in written examinations. While it is perfectly correct to reference other work in theses and
assessments, it is unacceptable to "lift" or copy tracts of other work from literature on the internet.
Furthermore, while it is acceptable to seek the advice of university staff and other course members
on assignment work, it is generally unacceptable (unless otherwise advised by university staff) to
submit identical work for assessment. If you are found to have collaborated in circumstances
where it is not permitted or to have plagiarized someone else's work, the likely outcome is that you
will be zero marked for that subject or in more serious cases, you could be excluded from the
University. If the subject in question is one of your optional subjects, then the zero mark will be
included in your final average, irrespective of any additional optional subjects that you may have
selected. In any case, the process is very unpleasant and could have severe implications for your
future career prospects. If you are in any doubt about either plagiarism or collaboration, you must
seek the advice of your supervisor or the member of university staff who is responsible for teaching
the course.

The University has recently introduced the anti-plagiarism software ‘Turnitin’ to check assignment
work. The assignments in the MSc Thermal Power course that will be subject to checks using the
‘Turnitin’ software are:

 Materials Selection
 Computational Fluid Dynamics
 Engine systems
 Individual theses

You will be able to access the ‘Turnitin’ software through the medium of ‘Blackboard’ so that you
can check your own work (as many times as you wish) for plagiarism before finally submitting it.
The University requires your work shows a similarity index of less than 20% when checked against
the software. The final submitted work will need to be both electronic, through ‘Blackboard’ and a
hard copy.

The project should be defined by the end of the fourth week (Friday 6th April 2012) of the first term
by handing the Project Selection Form (see appendix C) to the Course Administrator.

Responsibility of Supervisors and Students

The supervisor will:

 give general guidance on the nature and standard of the thesis required
 agree with the student:
- the aims and objectives of the thesis
- the methodology, resource needs and safety risk assessment
- the thesis structure and contents list
 agree with the student a regular programme of consultation. This timetable will depend on
the nature of the project and where it is undertaken. This consultation may be made in
person, by phone or email
 provide detailed feedback on one chapter of the thesis in the context of item 2 above
provided that this is submitted within a timescale previously agreed between supervisor and
 ensure that adequate training on relevant equipment is provided.

The student will:

 be responsible for the content of his/her own thesis
 be responsible for discussing with the supervisor the type of guidance and comment which
is found most helpful and agreeing a schedule of meetings (see (iv) above)
 be responsible for taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties (personal or
technical) which may adversely affect his/her progress
 be responsible for maintaining the progress of the work in accordance with advice sought
from supervisor, including the presentation of written material in sufficient time to allow for
appropriate feedback
 behave in an appropriate manner in all dealings with external sponsors/bodies
 be responsible in his/her use of facilities and equipment both on campus and off.


The MSc. Thermal Power is of twelve months duration. The Academic Year is outlined in the
timetable provided.


In the first three weeks of the course a number of special lectures, seminars and training sessions
are included. The aim of these activities is to provide course members with the required
information and skills for the efficient use of computational resources, library facilities and the
careers service.

4.1.1 Kings Norton Library

There are two dedicated subject information specialists who are your main point of contact within
the Library. They are Emma Turner and Cathy Carr. Contact them on ext 4447or via email at
[email protected]. They will provide individual and group training and support
throughout your time on the course and are available to help you with your information enquiries
during library opening times.

The Library’s philosophy is to provide you with the material you need, regardless of your location,
or whether or not the material is held in the Library. It provides access to a wide range of subject
databases and electronic journal services, many of which can be accessed from off-campus.
These allow you to search for relevant articles, conference papers and reports, many of which are
immediately available electronically in PDF format, or physically within the Library. Any items that
you need which it does not have in stock can usually be obtained through its fast, efficient
interlibrary loans document supply service.

In addition to providing access to electronic information, the Cranfield University Kings Norton
Library is well-stocked with technical literature, books, journals, reports and reference material
available in traditional printed format.

Special training sessions are timetabled to enable course members to take full advantage of the
available library facilities:

Quick Start to the Library

The aim of this session is to introduce you to your subject specialist and provide a general
overview of the Library and the services it offers to you, including the ‘Support off Site (SOS)’
( service for part-time students.
You will learn how to locate material we have in stock using the Library Catalogue.

We also have available and are producing short audio-visual tutorials which can be found on our
website at:

Discovering quality information (for your assignments, projects and theses)

This session shows you how to search the Library's electronic resources efficiently and effectively.
You will learn how to create a search strategy, find out about the different types of resources that
are available for your particular needs and when it is appropriate to use them, learn how to
evaluate your search results and how to obtain documents. You will have plenty of opportunity for
hands on experience through several practical exercises.
After attending this session your Information Specialists are available for you to consult on an
individual basis.

Writing and referencing

If you have not already had sessions on ‘Referencing and avoiding plagiarism’ and ‘RefWorks’
organised as part of your course timetable, the Library also provides a training timetable that runs
these sessions regularly. You are welcome to book to attend these. Alternatively, they are happy
to arrange group training sessions for your course.

4.1.2 Introduction to Cranfield Computer Centre System

Cranfield University provides an extensive range of computational hardware and software which is
available to Course Members. The distributed computer system includes PCs and UNIX
workstations. Training sessions are scheduled that deal with the use of the NT network of PCs
and the UNIX workstations to enable course members to use the available resources efficiently
and effectively. PC-CCNT Training

The organised training session deals with the use of the CCNT PC network that provides access to
information tools, e-mail, internet access, programming tools office software and large engineering
packages. FORTRAN
A course on Fortran is offered for those who would like an introduction to this programme.

4.1.3 Careers Service Presentation

The Cranfield University Careers Service provides specialist resources and services to assist
course members in their search for jobs. The careers service organises a number of seminars
aimed to assist in application form completion, CV preparation, interview technique, etc. Course
members have always found these seminars to be a very valuable part of their planning and
preparation for employment upon course completion.

4.2.1 Seminar Presentations from Guest Speakers
The subject of the visiting presenters will be varied. If Thermal Power MSc. Course Members wish
to nominate and invite such speakers they are very welcome to do so. The details would need to
be discussed and agreed with the Course Director. Such initiatives have proved very successful in
the past.

4.2.2 Project Progress Presentations

On two occasions during the year, the candidates have to make presentations highlighting the
progress of their project. This is normally February and July.

The presentations are in the GOLD LECTURE ROOM. Each will consist of a 10-minute talk
followed by a 5-minute question period. Chairmen will give a verbal report at the end of the
presentation. Chairmen will also produce a brief report summarising their views of the quality of
their session. All Course Members will be required to attend ALL the project presentations
taking place on the day of their own presentation.

If one or more presenters wish to change the timetable, they should organise an alternative. The
agreement of the appropriate Chairman/Chairmen must be obtained. No sessions should take
place where the Supervisor of the presenter is also the Chairman. You should complete the top
half of the “Project Seminar Presentation – Feedback Form” and hand it to the session Chairman
before you start your presentation. (Spare copies can be obtained from the Course Administrator).


The Management for Technology Course is a [core/optional] subject. The course is organised by
the Cranfield School of Management in collaboration with the School of Engineering. The lecture
courses are given over a period of two weeks and are immediately followed by a written
examination. For the duration of the Management course, course members do not attend any
other course of lectures.

The lectures for the Management for Technology Course are programmed to take place at the end
of the second term. The dates set for this course for 2013 are as follows:

7th January to Wednesday 15th January 2013

Friday 18th January 2013 (am) - Management for Technology Course Examination

Course Members are advised that once they have agreed to undertake the Management for
Technology Course, they cannot withdraw without consent from the Course Director. Withdrawal
must be at least FOUR weeks before the course starts. Course Members may incur the cost of the
course if short or no notice is given.

This short series of lectures and workshop forms part of the Turbomachinery Module and offered
by a visiting lecturer, Mr Noel Seyb.


These Origins of Loads lectures form part of the Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Module.
The Turbine Blade Design lectures are part of the Turbomachinery course. Both sets of lectures
are presented by a visiting lecturer, Mr Ken Langley.


This is a three hour lecture programme to provide useful background knowledge for many of the
other Thermal Power lectures.

The first two hours will cover basic engine structure - mounts, casings, spoked structures,
bearings, assembly, blade fixings and a few other small items.
The third hour will concentrate on all the secondary air flows for cooling and sealing and how they
should be represented in performance calculations.


Assignment due dates are published in the Course Timetable for your reference, assignment
should be submitted to the Red Box (hang on the wall of second floor landing) on or before the
submission date with the cover sheet (a copy of template is enclosed in Appendix C) attach on top
of your assignment.

Regulation Calculator for Examinations

Non-programmable calculators - Cranfield University has selected the Casio FX83MS or the
FX85MS as the model to be used for examination purposes. The difference is that the FX85MS
runs on solar power and is a little more expensive than the FX83MS. The suffix MS changes from
time to time, but FX 85 or FX83 remains the same. Both calculators are available from the CSA
Shop. Please note that you will not be allowed to take any other model into the examinations.

July Examinations

An examination check sheet will be displayed in June asking Course Members to check that their
names and examination subjects are listed correctly. Course Members must ensure that sufficient
notice of alterations to their examination programme is given to the Course Administrator in writing,
signed by the Course Member and Course Director.

September Examinations

An examination check sheet will be displayed in August asking Course Members to check that
their names and examination subjects are listed correctly. Course Members must ensure that
sufficient notice for alterations to the examination programme is given to the Course Administrator
in writing, signed by the Course Member and Course Director.

Course Members need to ensure that they have sufficient subject credits before withdrawing from
any optional subjects.

It is necessary that Course Members check carefully the list of examinations entered. If any doubt
arises, the candidate needs to contact the Course Administrator URGENTLY.

Marks can only be released after they have been approved by the Board of Examiners.
Special meetings of the Board are conveyed for this purpose 6-8 weeks after each set of exams.

The project is a very important part of the M.Sc. and it enables Course Members to focus on a
topic of their particular interest. Projects may be undertaken individually or in a group. Throughout
the year, Course Members will make two project presentations: one in mid-June and one in mid-
November (also with draft poster). In these presentations the Course Member/s will be expected
to describe the details of their project content, development and progress to their peers.

The overall project mark of 100% is based on the thesis and the oral/poster presentation. The
thesis is marked by the supervisor and the internal examiner, and is moderated by the external
examiner. An overall project mark of not less than 50% must be achieved.

A list of available thesis topics is included in Appendix D at the end of this manual.


The first thesis hand in date for marking is by

17.00pm on Wednesday 16 January 2013.

The thesis hand in date is fixed and extensions are granted only under exceptional circumstances.


Detailed instructions regarding thesis submission will be forwarded to you by the Course
Administrator well in advance of submission dates. Venues for hand-in will also be confirmed.

SUBMISSION FOR MARKING – 16th January 2013

- Three Bound copies of your thesis

- One PDF version of your thesis for the Department
- Powerpoint Poster (see section 4.5.4 below for details of poster)


You may be required to make either Informal or Formal corrections to your thesis and you will be
notified of any necessary corrections on 7th February 2013.

Informal Correction (Voluntary Correction) must be completed before submitting your final
thesis to Room 321 by 15th February 2013.

Formal Correction (Minor Correction) must be re-assessed by the supervisor and internal
examiner, final thesis could be submitted to the department administration office once formal
corrections are approved.

FINAL SUBMISSION:- 15th February 2013

Students with no corrections need only supply:-

- One unbound copy of their thesis in cardboard wallet

- One CD with pdf version of the thesis
- 3 copies of online thesis hand-in document from EVE

Students with Informal/Voluntary Corrections will need to

- amend and re-submit one bound copy to your supervisor

- One unbound copy of corrected thesis in cardboard wallet (or envelop)
- One CD with pdf version of their thesis
- 3 copies of online thesis hand-in document from EVE

Student with Formal/Minor Corrections

You will be notified of the corrections which are compulsory by your supervisors and given a new
date to resubmit your amended thesis. You will need to follow the procedures listed in item 1once
your amend thesis is approved by your supervisor.

Registry require all taught course results and thesis results are settled in the University system by
April to qualified students graduate on the Graduation Day in June, therefore if you wish to
graduate in following June after your MSc study, you should try to complete the necessary formal
correction by the end of March.


The Oral and Poster Examination will take place on Wednesday 6th February 2013.

Thesis Oral Presentation


Course Members are required to remain on the Cranfield campus for at least three working days
after the completion of the oral examinations. This is in order for all academic and administrative
procedures to be finalised.

The oral examinations take place over one day period early in February and the orals name list will
be unveiled by the end of January. Not all students will be required to make a presentation.
However, all Course Members should prepare and be ready to present to the examiners if so
required. Course Members must submit a copy of their presentation by means of a shared drive.
This would normally be done 5 working days prior to the oral date.

The oral examination lasts for half an hour for each candidate and is conducted in the presence of
a panel of examiners. This half hour is made up of the elements:

- Project presentation 15 minutes

- Question session 10 minutes (candidate departs after this)
- Examiners deliberation 5 minutes

Thesis Poster Presentation

All Course Members are asked to produce an A1 size poster summarising their thesis research for
submission to the Course Administrator on or before:

21st January 2013.

A template and details for the creation of the poster will be distributed to course member nearer the
due date.

The posters will be displayed and examined and marked along with the oral examination,
determine the final thesis score of each course member.



Each year the Course Members elect a representative who acts as a channel of communication
between the Course Members and the staff, passing on comments or ideas about the course and
associated issues. They may also organise computer courses concerning programming or
languages. The Staff highly recommends this practice, as it helps to create a co-operative
staff/course member rapport and also provides the Course Members with a voice concerning
matters that directly affect them.

From the point of view of management of the course it is advisable for Course Members to inform
the Course Administrator if they are going to be absent for more than 2 days by completing the
form in APPENDIX C.

It is important in the case of illness for Course Members to immediately complete the Absence
Form in Appendix C and forward it to the Course Administrator. Please remember to keep a
personal copy of completed forms.


The Course Director and Project Supervisors will be only too happy to provide you with a reference
in support of job applications etc. towards the end of the course. However, it is unreasonable for
course members to expect references anytime before the first set of examination results are known
(usually about the middle of March). It is suggested that, if you require a reference before this
time, you should really rely on either your previous employer or the university where you completed
your first degree.

Study Confirmations, Certificates of study, etc.

Some of you may be required to provide documents for your sponsors and home universities.

Please note that we require 2 working days’ notice to provide these. This is to allow us time to
ensure that documents are corrects and to get signatures from academic staff.

Such documents will be produced on an ad hoc basis.




Personal Development planning is linked to higher level learning and concerned with learning in
the holistic sense (academic and non-academic). It involved self-assessment, looking at your
existing strengths and developing these further as well as considering areas in which you would
like to be more competent, and from that, drafting a personal development plan to help you focus
on the actions required.

 Personal Development planning will help:

 integrate your personal and academic development
 enhance your self-awareness about your strengths and weaknesses
 better prepare you for seeking employment
 introduce you to a framework used widely in the workplace
 better prepare you for continuing professional development (CPD)

First you need to think about your current skills and prioritise which could be further developed.
Consider the skills you will need both here at Cranfield for academic success and the skills that
you will need in your future employment.

The skills specifically addressed in your MSc course are identified in the matrix on the next page.
When you encounter each skill on your courses, you should pay particular attention to areas where
you feel you have an opportunity to improve. If necessary, you should request the help of
appropriate members of staff.

For each skill, there are a set of competencies. The competency model has been designed to help
you consider how competent you are in each area. In addition a sheet has been provided for you
to assess yourself at each skill at the beginning and at the end of your course. In summary, if you
wish to use this scheme to enhance and develop your skills for the future, you should:

a. Look at the skills matrix. Think about how the skills listed will help you through the course
and your future employment.

b. Look at the competencies. Assess how competent you are at these skills now and record this
on the table provided.

c. Actively consider skills through the course. Each time you encounter a skill in a module,
think about how you can develop your competence in that area.

d. Request help and feedback if required. Do not be frightened to ask staff for extra help and
feedback, if you think that it would be beneficial to you.

e. Record your improvement. Review the competencies at the end of the course and identify
areas where you feel you have developed.

PDP Skills Matrix for MSc Thermal Power

Communications- spoken
Communications - written

Project Management
Presentations (Oral)

Time Management

Computer Literacy
Critical Evaluation

Problem Solving


Materials Selection x x X x x x
Blade Cooling x x X x x
Combustors x x X x x x
Engine Systems x x x x x x x
Fuels and Combustion X x x x
Gas Turbine Performance x x x X x x x
Mechanical Design of x x X x x
Propulsion Systems x x x x
Performance and Integration
Turbomachinery x x X x x
Computational Fluid Dynamics x x X x x x
Specification and Performance x X x x
of Mechanical and Electrical
Rotating Machinery
Fatigue and Fracture x X x x x
Gas Turbine Applications x x X x x x
Jet Engine Control x X x x
Simulation and Diagnostics x x X x x
Piston Engines x x X x x
Space Propulsion X x x x
Spacecraft Systems x x x x x x
Management for Technology x x x x x X x
Steam Plant and Diesels x x X x x

Communicating Effectively and Presentation Skills
Listens to others and effectively gets the message across to a wide variety of people and groups, using the most
relevant means and style; presents information in visual form to enhance communication
Negative – Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Communication Communicates Accurately Adapts written Presents written Uses written
- written written information communicat communication to communication communication to
in a way that can es factual suit the purposes of and chooses positively
be misinterpreted information the recipient language that influence the
in a written builds and desired outcome
format develops positive and create
relationships enthusiasm
Communication Talks in a way Articulates Articulates Plans oral Uses language in
- spoken that causes simple information in a way communication for a way which
confusion or an information which ensures the maximum impact, influences,
inappropriate in a clear meaning is clear to including inspires and
emotional way. the recipients. consideration of enthuses others.
response Checks for factors such as
understanding. timing & group
size. Constantly
seeks non-verbal
and verbal
feedback to check
Presentations (Oral) Fails to use visual Uses Adapts visual aids to Uses visual aids Uses visual aids
aids professionally suitable illustrate and clarify as an integral part to maximum
or in a way that visual aids information in an of communication impact to create
distracts from with neutral organised and to create a discussion and
spoken impact on positive way. positive image of feedback. Role
communication audience. own (and others) model for others.

Management and Teamwork Skills

Definition: Planning and engagement to achieve objectives for both self and others.

Negative – Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Teamwork Works in Solicits Works and Works constructively Actively
isolation. Only guidance when communicates with others, dealing initiates, builds,
thinks of own in doubt. effectively within with internal conflict. and maintains
needs. Acknowledges and across Seeks solutions for teams. Acts as
the behaviour of teams, the benefit of the a role model in
others responding to team. relationship
the behaviour of building.
Time No forward Completes tasks Considers Plans schedule to Anticipates
Management planning or on time as deadlines to set allow completion of workload
consideration of required aside adequate tasks, with additional allowing
time required to time for time for capacity for
complete tasks. completion of accommodating multi-tasking
tasks. unexpected tasks or and assistance
events. of others.
Project Embarks on mentally Follows basic Designs, plans and Actively
Management projects with no formulates aims, rules of design articulates projects in assesses
clear aims or objectives and and planning to an organised manner. project process
objectives project plans deliver Incorporates effective and outcomes.
without structure outcomes within decision making and Evaluation of
or dissemination time resource problem solving skills projects used to
constraints. within a multi- implement
functional team. changes for the
benefit of future


Critical Evaluation and Problem Solving

Definitions: Questioning or inquiry to understand, evaluate or solve problems. Gathering and analysing
information to develop appropriate solutions.

Negative – Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Critical Critical without Accepts without Questions to Encourages Constantly
Evaluation voicing question or evaluate status questioning and questions and
substantiated evaluation. critical thinking seeks a better
opinion. and contributes way.
Problem Solving Fails to recognise Recognises Recognises Works with others Actively
problems or problems and potential to recognise encourages others
contribute to the uses basic problems and potential problems to anticipate
problem solving knowledge to gathers and engages potential problems.
process solve problems information to appropriately with promotes collective
where required. improve situation others to solve responsibility for
on own initiative. them. Utilises problem solving.
information from a Communicates to
wide range of encourage a
sources in logical approach to
problem solving. problem solving.

Numeracy and Computer Literacy

Definitions: Ability in mathematics and use of information technology.

Negative – Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Numeracy Poor mental Articulates basic Articulates more Shows evidence Actively considers
arithmetic or calculations complex of the use of mathematical and
inability to use a accurately. calculations with mathematics and statistical
calculator Awareness of provision of statistics to problems at the
the need for appropriate analyse results experimental
statistical formulae. Ability to and promote an design stage.
analysis. indicate nature of argument.
statistical analysis
Computer No experience Familiar with Regular use of e- Professional use Use extends to
Literacy of computer use. basic use such mail as a mode of of MS Office. programming to
as sending and communication. Use of meet own needs.
receiving e-mail, Confident use of programmes for
accessing the MS Office specialist tasks.
www and basic programmes. Good knowledge
word-processing. Routine use of of specialist
databases and websites.
search engines for
gaining information.

Self Assessment Table for PDP Skills (0 = low, 4 = high)

Skill Competency at Start of Competency at End of

Course (Rank at 0-4) Course (Rank at 0-4)
Presentation (Oral)

Time Management

Team Work

Problem Solving

Project Management

Critical Evaluation


Computer Literacy

Particular Skills for Improvement

Skill Date of next module where skill is

introduced, practised or assessed



Module Title Blade Cooling

Name of module co-ordinator Dr PA Rubini

Class contact hours: 10 (b) Private study (c) Total notional Credit rating: 5
hours: 40 hours: 50
Assessment method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for
Gas Turbine Technology option; Optional
for Aerospace Propulsion and Rotating
Machinery Engineering and
Management, Power, Propulsion and the
Prerequisites: None
Aim: To introduce Course Members to the technology of blade cooling through
analytical and practical approaches of heat transfer principles, convection cooling,
impingement film transpiration cooling and liquid cooling.


Heat Transfer Principles: Brief review of heat transfer principles and physical
significance of non-dimensional groupings. Conditions around blades, boundary
layers, external heat transfer coefficient distribution, effect of turbulence. Root
cooled blades and NGVs:analytical and numerical methods of determining spanwise
temperature distribution. Example. Fibre strengthened and nickel base alloys. Need
for high turbine entry temperature: effect on engine performance. Development of
materials, manufacturing processes and cooling systems.

Convection Cooling: Convectively cooled aerofoils: analytical approach for metal

and cooling air spanwise temperature distribution. Cooling passage geometry and
heat transfer characteristics. Cooling efficiency, cooling effectiveness and mass flow
function: application at project design stage for determining metal and cooling air
temperatures. Methods for optimising cooling system design: secondary surfaces
and multipass. Internal temperature distribution of cooled aerofoils: calculations,
comparisons with experimental results.

Impingement, Film and Transpiration Cooling: Principles, steady state and

transient performance, characteristics, advantages, limitations, comparison with
convection cooling. Cooling air feed and discharge systems. Integration of cooled
turbine with aerodynamic performance and main engine design. Co-ordination of
design responsibilities. Example of cooled turbine stage design.

Liquid Cooling: Liquid cooling: principles, advantages and limitations, practical


Intended Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Member

should be able to: apply the basic concepts and theories of heat transfer and different
cooling technologies to cooling of turbine blades.

Module Title Combustors

Name of module co-ordinator Professor R Singh/ Dr. V Sethi

Class contact (b) Private study (c) Total notional Credit rating: 10
hours: 30 hours: 70 hours: 100
Assessment method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all
Thermal Power options
Prerequisites: None
Aim: To make Course Members familiar with design, operation and performance
criteria of gas turbine combustion and reheat systems and to explore issues related
to gas turbine pollutant emissions.


Introduction to gas turbine combustion systems:

Role of the combustor within the gas turbine. Introductory comments on combustion
The elements of a gas turbine combustor. Types of combustors used in gas turbines
Life consideration. Design changes and drivers for design change.
Fuel preparation and the ignition process for gas turbine combustion systems:
Fuel preparation and atomisation using spray nozzles, airblast or vaporizing systems.
Mixing and recirculation in combustors, relation to stability and outlet temperature
profiles. The ignition process and ignition systems.
The role of diffusers in the gas turbine engine. Flow characteristics and limitations.
Performance parameters and the influence of inlet conditions. Correlation charts.
Design methods. Sudden expansions and short diffusers. Test techniques.
Operational criteria for gas turbine combustion systems:
Pressure loss and combustion approaches to optimising combustor dimensions.
Combustion efficiency considerations, implications of fuel type on fuel evaporation
and efficiency.
Gas turbine combustion generated pollutant emissions:
Background, fuel utilisation, pollutant types and implications. Legislation, design
implications and design options. Current technology status. Pollutant production
Combustor cooling and metal temperatures:
Nature of the problem and possible design solutions. Basis of film cooling and
design considerations. Heat transfer by internal and external convection. Internal
and external radiative heat exchange. Determination of combustor wall metal
temperatures. Combustor materials and coatings.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should

understand basic concepts and theories of combustors concerning combustor
structures, fuel preparation, ignition, diffuser performance calculation, operational
criteria, pollutant emissions, cooling and material technology and reheat systems.

Module Title Computational Fluid
Dynamics in Gas Turbines
Name of Module Co-ordinator Dr Amaral Teixeira/ Dr G Blanco
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Optional for all
options of Thermal Power.

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To introduce Course Members to computationally-based flow modelling,

applicable to engines, and to provide experience in the use of a widely available
commercial CFD code through enhanced understanding of the complex viscous flow
and heat transfer phenomena involved.


Flow Modelling Strategies

Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and the role of CFD in engine
component evaluation and improved design. Review of current capabilities and future

Physical Modelling
Governing Navier-Stokes equations. Approximate forms. Turbulence - turbulent
averaging, mathematical closure and turbulence modelling. Scalar transport and
chemical reaction. Reynolds averaging, Large Eddy Simulation, Direct Numerical

Finite Difference Equations

Problem classification. Discretisation. Solution methods. Pressure correction.
Boundary conditions. Mesh generation for practical flow geometries.

Practical Demonstration
Introduction to a commercially available general purpose CFD code ( FLUENT )
Case study tutorial and assessed assignment.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Member should:

understand basic concepts and theories of computational fluid dynamics and would
be capable of using a commercial CFD package ( FLUENT).

Module Title: Engine Systems

Name of Module Co-ordinator Dr I Li

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 15
Hours: 40 Hours: 110 Hours: 150
Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc.

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To familiarise Course Members with engine systems for stationary and aero
gas turbines.


Systems Symposium Topics

Engine systems and auxiliaries for both aero and stationary gas turbines is covered
by means of a 'Systems Symposium', run by the MSc class. Topics covered by the
Systems Symposium are: Intake systems for aero engines and industrial gas
turbines; Anti-icing for aeroengines and industrial gas turbines; Start systems for
aeroengines and industrial gas turbines; Start sequences for industrial gas turbines;
Compressor bleed and variable guide vanes; Variable geometry nozzle guide vanes;
Gas path sealing of aero gas turbines; Noise control of gas turbines; Air filtration for
industrial gas turbines; Compressor and turbine cleaning systems; Full authority and
other electronic control systems

Outline syllabus for a few sample individual topics:

Ignition system: Requirements and problems of altitude relight. Types of system -

booster coils, high frequency, high energy and their application.

Starting Systems: Electrical systems - low and high voltage, turbine systems-
cartridge, iso-propyl nitrate, fuel-air, gas turbine, low pressure air and hydraulic
systems and their applications.

Air systems: requirements, methods of cooling, pressure balancing of end loads,

sealing, applications.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Member should

demonstrate an understanding of the performance, running procedure and design
requirements for different engine systems. Course members would also demonstrate
an understanding of how to find, summarise and present the material.

Module Title Environmental Management

Name of module convenor/leader/co- Dr Ossama Badr

Class contact (b) Private study (c) Total notional Credit rating: 10
hours: 30 hours: 70 hours: 100
Assessment method: Assignment Compulsory for the Power, Propulsion
and the Environment Option

Prerequisites: None

Aim: Full appreciation of the human impact on the environment and updated
knowledge of pollution control equipment and environmental management systems
and tools.


Environmental pollution − an introduction

Atmospheric pollution
Environmental impacts of atmospheric pollution
Dispersal of atmospheric pollutants
Control of atmospheric pollution
Water pollution
Water and wastewater treatment
Overview of waste management
Environmental legislation
Environmental liabilities
Introduction to environmental impact assessment

Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of the module the student will be able to:

Demonstrate a knowledge of the sources of atmospheric and water pollution and

their environmental impacts
Appreciate environmental issues commonly facing industrial organisations

Module Title: Fatigue and Fracture

Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Mr A S Haslam

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 7.5
Hours: 20 Hours: 55 Hours: 75
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Optional for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc.

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To enable Course Members to estimate the cyclic life of machines and machine
components using both stress and strain based methods and to provide an
understanding of machine lifing philosophies.


1. Brief overview of conventional stress based lifing methods and the estimation of
factor of safety using Goodman Diagrams.
2. Multi-axial fatigue: The use of Sines method to estimate equivalent mean and
alternating stresses.
3. Cycle counting methods involving variation in fatigue stress concentration factor,
in particular the ‘Rainflow Cycle Counting Method’.
4. Low cycle fatigue:
a. The significance of using strain based methods as opposed to stress based
b. The use of the Neuber and Linear rules in conjunction with the Coffin and
Manson equation or Manson’s Equal Slopes equation to estimate the cyclic life of
a component
5. Introduction to linear elastic fracture mechanics and the use of the Paris equation
to estimate the cracked life of a component.
6. Lifing philosophies including deterministic, damage tolerance and probabilistic

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course, the course members should be

able to:
1. Assess the safety/mechanical integrity of a component loaded in mult-axial cyclic
2. Determine the life of a component from a complex alternating load history using
an appropriate cycle counting method and stress based lifing methodology.
3. Determine the total strain in a component subject to low cycle fatigue loading
making use of an ‘elastic-perfectly-plastic’ stress-strain hysteresis loop and use the
result in an appropriate strain/life equation to estimate the cyclic life.
4. Understand the criteria for using the methods Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
to estimate the cracked life of a component and demonstrate the use of the Paris
equation to estimate such a life.
5. Describe the lifing philosophies used in the lifing of major machine components
which are subject to low cycle fatigue failure.

Module Title: Fuels and Combustion

Name of Module Co-ordinator Dr E Goodger

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 5
Hours: 10 Hours: 40 Hours: 50
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To familiarise Course Members with the thermodynamic principles underlying

combustion calculations based on chemical equilibrium and finite rate chemistry; to
identify the influence of fuel properties on combustion performance and to provide an
understanding of the combustion process as encountered in practice.


Combustion Thermochemistry
Basic concepts - stoichiometry, product analysis, combustion temperature.
Combustion at constant pressure and constant volume - heats of formation and
reaction, sensible enthalpy. Adiabatic flame temperature and product composition.
Chemical equilibrium. Chemical kinetics. Pollutant formation.

Basic Fuel Properties and Combustion Performance

Structure of hydrocarbon fuels. Hydrocarbon series. Aviation blends. Combustion-
related fuel properties -distillation, volatility, spontaneous ignition temperature, flash
point, thermal stability and smoke point - and test methods.

Flames and Flame Structure

Combustion applications. Laminar homogeneous combustion. Flammability,
quenching and ignition. Flame stability. Non-premixed ( diffusion ) flames. Turbulent
combustion - time-averaged and instantaneous representations of flame structure,
turbulence interaction, theoretical modelling concepts.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should

demonstrate an understanding of the basic theories and combustion calculations, as
well as flames and flame structure.

Module Title: Gas Turbine Applications

Name of Module Co-ordinator Professor R Singh/ Dr. G Di Lorenzo

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 20 Hours: 80 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for the
Rotating Machinery Engineering and
Management option; Optional for the gas
Turbine Technology, Aerospace Propulsion
and Power, Propulsion and the Environment
Prerequisites: None
Aim: To familiarise Course Members with applications of gas turbines for both land
based use and as propulsion systems and to consider criteria which influence design
and selection.
General considerations in selecting land and marine gas turbines
Relationship of application to design. Specific power and efficiency considerations.
Emergency standby, peaking and continuous duty operation. Design layouts,
implications of single and multi-spool systems. Choices for power generation and
compressor, pump or propeller drives. Engine ratings, types of usage and life
implications. Introduction to availability and reliability issues. Emissions, fuel types and
power systems layouts.
Civil aero gas turbine design and strategy consideration.
Historical background, nature of industry and market size. Technology drivers, core
excess power, cycle temperatures, materials and cooling. Component efficiencies, cycle
and propulsion efficiencies. Overall efficiency trends, design implications and unusual
solutions. Growth, risk management and globalisation of industry.
Availability, reliability, engine health monitoring and risk management.
Availability and reliability concerns for single and multiple engine configurations. Engine
health monitoring, linear and non-linear gas path analysis. Role of instrumentation, life
usage and risk assessment. Reliability and availability of components and multi-engine
Use of heavy, blended, contaminated or crude fuels.
Introduction, type and range of fuels considered, fuel specifications. Fuel properties and
implications for fuel system and combustor design. Hot section corrosion considerations,
additives, fouling, cleaning and rating considerations. Implications on choice of engine
and economic operation.
Coal and solid fuels.
Relevance of coal as a fuel for gas turbine utilisation. Routes to coal utilisation,
gasification, coal derived liquid fuels. Combustion of solid coal, atmospheric and
pressurised fluid bed combustion Current developments, technology and commercial
Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should
demonstrate an understanding of the different criteria and design and selection
requirement for gas turbine applications.

Module Title: Gas Turbine Theory and
Name of Module Co-ordinator Professor P Pilidis
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc.

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To familiarise Course Members with different types of gas turbine; their
applications, design and transient performance. Also, to introduce simulation


Gas Turbine Types and Applications

Effect of design pressure ratio and turbine temperature on the basic gas turbine
cycle. Modifications of the basic cycle, compounding, intercooling, reheating, heat
exchange, bypass and fan cycles.

Design point performance of turbojet and turboshaft cycles, effect of bypass ratio.
Off design performance, effect of ambient temperature, altitude, throttle setting and
flight speed. Non-dimensional representation. Gas turbine simulation. Effects of
bleeds and power offtakes. Compressor turbine matching.

Gas Turbine Transient Performance

Accelerations, decelerations, effects on surge margin. Transients of single shaft and
multi-shaft engines. Transient performance simulation. Method of Continuity of Mass
Flow (CMF) and method of Intercomponent Volumes (ICV). Effects of heat transfer
on transient performance.

Variable Geometry
Surge alleviation, performance improvements, steady state and transient

Variable Cycle Aircraft Engines

Requirement, effects on compressor operating lines, compressor variable geometry,
turbine variable geometry.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should

demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and theories of gas turbine
cycles and components performance calculation under steady-state and transient

Module Title: Industrial Prime Movers

Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Dr H Mashmoushy/Dr D Griffiths

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 20 Hours: 80 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Optional for
Rotating Machinery Engineering and
Management option. Compulsory for the
Power, Propulsion and Environment

Prerequisites: None

Aim:. To familiarise Course Members with steam plants and their properties, the
Rankline and Diesel cycles, nuclear reactors and boilers and their performance
parameters, and recent developments in engine design and performance.


Steam Plant
Steam properties, the Rankine cycle. The effects on cycle efficiency of steam
temperature, boiler pressure and condenser pressure. Rankine cycle with superheat.
Rankine cycle with superheat and reheat. Supercritical Rankine cycle. Efficiency
and optimum reheat pressure. Regenerative cycle, single feed heater, regenerative
cycle - multiple feed heaters. Steam turbines, simple impulse, velocity compounded,
pressure compounded pressure velocity compounded. Reaction turbines, blading

Nuclear Power Plant

Gas cooled reactors. Liquid cooled reactors. Boiler plant, fire tube boilers, water
tube boilers, closed feed systems, feed water treatment, coal firing systems.

Diesel Engine Performance

Performance parameters, Diesel cycle, distribution of heat in diesel engines, diesel
engine operation, Mechanical details, auxiliary systems, fuel, lubricating oil and
cooling water.

Recent developments.
Waste heat recovery systems. Single pressure cycles, dual pressure steam cycles,
organic fluid cycles, CHP - process requirements, district heating, back pressure

Learning Outcomes: On compltion of the course the Course Members should

demonstrate an understanding of the layouts and basic concepts of seam plant and
diesels as well as the associated performance calculations.

Module Title Materials Selection

Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Professor John Evans

(a) Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 5
Hours: 10 Hours: 40 Hours: 50
Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for
Gas Turbine Technology option. Optional
for all other options
Prerequisites: None

Aim: To make course members aware of the factors affecting materials performance
and the procedures for the selection of materials.

The course focuses on the predominant materials used in gas turbine engines including
titanium alloys, nickel alloys, steels, aluminium alloys and composites including:

The evolution of gas turbine materials

The crystallographic characteristics of materials and the role of alloying elements
The methods of production and working processes: casting, forging, rolling ,heat
treatment and joining:
Titanium: Fan blade plate production and occurrence of martensites.
Nickel: CC, DS & SX Blade production, coatings and TMP of disc alloys.
Steels: Diffuson based and shear type transformations and alloying
Martensitic and austenitic steels and applications
High strength steels for shafts
Friction welding and electron beam welding
Mechanical properties of materials:
Monotonic stress:strain; fracture toughness; fatigue; creep; corrosion
Strengthening mechanisms: grain size, element & precipitation hardening

Advanced materials and processes:

Titanium aluminides, powder metallurgy, dual grain structures
Constituent parts:
Reinforcement, the matrix and fibre-matrix interface
Integration and mechanisms of reinforcement::
Anisotropic uni-directional lay-ups
Laminate or woven fabric constructions
Properties: Prediction when fibres have different orientations
Carpet plots based on the work of Tsai
Manufacture: Carbon epoxy and glass fibre reinforced systems
Metal matrix composites and abradables
Damage accumulation under load and through impact

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course, the course member should be able
to produce a coherent and reasoned written argument for the selection of particular
materials for use in a component of a gas turbine engine.

Module Title: Mechanical Design of
Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Mr A S Haslam
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: 3 hour Compulsory/Optional: : Compulsory for
examination and 4 assignments the Gas Turbine Technology and
Aerospace Propulsion options of the
Thermal Power MSc; Optional for the
Rotating Machinery Engineering and
Management option.
Prerequisites: None

Aim:.To familiarise course members with the common problems associated with the
mechanical design and the lifing of the major rotating components of the gas turbine


Loads/forces/stresses in gas turbine engines: The origin of loads/forces/stresses in a

gas turbine engine such as loads associated with: rotational inertia, flight, precession
of shafts, pressure gradient, torsion, seizure, blade release, engine mountings within
the airframe and bearings. Discussion of major loadings associated with the rotating
components and those within the pressure casing including components subject to

Failure criteria: Monotonic failure criteria: proof, ultimate strength of materials.

Theories of failure applied to bi-axial loads. Other failure mechanisms associated
with gas turbine engines including creep and fatigue. Fatigue properties including
SN and RM diagrams, the effect of stress concentration, mean stress etc.
Cumulative fatigue, the double Goodman diagram technique to calculate the fatigue
safety factor of gas turbine components. The rainflow cycle counting technique and
cumulative fatigue used to estimate the life of a component. Methods of calculating
the creep life of a component using the Larson-Miller Time-Temperature parameter.

Applications: The design of discs and blades. Illustration of the magnitude of

stresses in conventional axial flow blades by means of a simple desk-top method to
include the effects of leaning the blade. The stressing of axial flow discs by means of
a discretised hand calculation which illustrates the distribution and relative magnitude
of the working stresses within a disc. The design of flanges and bolted structures.
Leakage through a flanged joint and failure from fatigue.

Blade vibration: Resonances. Desk top techniques for calculating the low order
natural frequencies of turbomachine blades. Allowances for the effects of blade twist
and centrifugal stiffening. Sources of blade excitation including stationary flow
disturbance, rotating stall and flutter. Derivation of the Campbell diagram from which
troublesome resonances may be identified. Allowances for temperature, pre-twist
and centrifugal stiffening. Methods for dealing with resonances.

Turbomachine rotordynamics: Estimation of the critical speeds of shafts using the

Rayleigh-Ritz and Dunkerley’s methods and their relevance to gas turbine engines.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should be
able to:
1. Describe the loads encountered by gas turbine components during normal
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the design requirements of gas turbine
turbomachinery components.
3. Perform straightforward calculations involving bi-axial monotonic loads on gas
turbine rotating components and to apply appropriate failure criteria.
4. Estimate the fatigue safety factor of a gas turbine blade or shaft subject to two
cyclic amplitudes of fatigue loading.
5. Perform hand calculations to estimate the stresses in turbomachine blades and
6. Calculate the low order natural frequencies of turbomachine blades and use them
in conjunction with Campbell diagrams to suggest solutions to problems with
dangerous resonances in the running range of the engine.
7. Design a flanged joint making allowances for leakage and fatigue failure.
8. Calculate the critical speed of a shaft with point loads representing a turbine and

Module Title: Piston Engines

Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Dr D Griffiths

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 7.5
Hours: 20 Hours: 55 Hours: 75
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Optional for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc
Prerequisites: None
Aim:.To provide course members with a general understanding of piston engine

Ideal cycles:
the Otto cycle, the diesel cycle, the dual combustion cycle. Ideal cycle internal
combustion engine cylinder performance, power calculations and efficiency.
Operating cycles: the four stroke and two stroke cycle engine. Gas exchange
processes and the essential difference between spark and compression ignition
engines. Basic power calculations.
Fuels and combustion for internal combustion engines;
air fuel ratios and stoiciometric conditions. Fuel delivery systems; carburettor and
fuel injection systems for petrol engines; fuel delivery arrangements for gas engines;
fuel injection (including common rail) systems for diesel engines.
Spark ignition engines (petrol and gas); design and operation including performance
Diesel engines (including duel fuel gas and liquid fuel);
design and operation including performance defects.
The Wankel engine.
methods of supercharging and the effect on engine performance and power
Emissions and emission control

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the course the Course Members will be able to:
Perform calculations on ideal internal combustion cycles given boundary conditions.
Describe the differences between the two and four stroke internal combustion engine
operating cycles and explain how the cylinder gas exchange is achieved.
Find the stoiciometric air supply required for a fuel of given composition and the air
mass required when excess air is supplied.
Explain how fuel is supplied to an engine and how precise fuel measurement is
achieved for a carburettor or fuel injection system.
Explain how and why accurate timing of diesel fuel injection and a spark are required
and the consequences of advanced or retarded fuel injection or spark timing.
Describe the essential differences between the petrol and compression ignition
engine and between two and four stroke cycle engines.
Calculate cylinder power and specific fuel consumption from basic data.
Describe the reasons for and the means of achieving supercharging; basic air
requirement calculations.
State the emissions from petrol and diesel engines and explain emission reduction.
Describe the Wankel engine and state its advantages over the reciprocating engine.

Module Title: Gas Turbine Simulation and
Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Dr I Li, Dr V Pachidis
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for
Aerospace Propulsion: Optional for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc

Prerequisites: None

Aim: To provide course members with an understanding of gas turbine component

performance calculations, diagnostics and the evaluation of gas turbine performance
and deterioration.

The lecture content covers:
Basic theory and calculations for components (intake, nozzle, duct, compressor,
turbine, combustor, intercooler and recuperator).
Design-point performance calculations.
Off-design performance calculations and iteration techniques.
Gas Turbine Performance Code: TURBOMATCH.
Description of gas turbine performance degradation and faults.
Description of most commonly used gas turbine condition monitoring techniques.
Linear and on-linear GPA, and other performance analysis based diagnostic

The practical content involves the use of the small gas turbine engine test facility and
Laboratory performance test (in teams of 3).
Simulation of the engine performance using TURBOMATCH.
Simulation of the deteriorated performance of the engine.
Fault diagnosis using linear Gas path Analysis (GPA) by hand calculation.
Fault diagnosis by non-linear GPA using available software.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should d

be able to:
Describe and calculate gas turbine component performance.
Analyse gas turbine performance at design and off-design points.
Assess the influence of ambient conditions on gas turbine performance.
Understand the nature of different gas turbine degradation and faults.
Understand different diagnostic techniques.
Detect gas turbine faults with linear and non-linear GPA.
Carry out analytical procedures as part of a team.

Nb This course is split into 15 hours by Dr Pachidis and 15 hours by Dr Li

Module Title: Propulsion Systems
Performance and Integration
Name of Module Co-ordinator Mr D Williams, Professor P Pilidis
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for
Gas Turbine Technology and Aerospace
Propulsion options of the Thermal Power
Prerequisites: None
Aim:. To equip Course Members with background knowledge of aircraft propulsion,
component performance integration.

The course is divided into two major components:

- Component Performance
System Performance and Integration

Component Performance
Three main topics are dealt with in this section: Aircraft Performance, Jet Engine
Performance and Intakes and Exhaust Systems.

Aircraft Performance:
Deals with the major topics of flight and aerodynamics, such as lift, drag, range,
performance and a section on the design of aircraft for different purposes.

Jet Engine Performance:

Focuses mainly on the off-design performance of jet engines. Engine behaviour at
different altitudes, flight speeds, ambient conditions and throttle settings are
described. This topic features a presentation on the design of engines for various
types of aircraft.

Intakes and Exhaust Systems:

Outlines the major design features and operation of the components for subsonic and
supersonic aircraft applications.

System Performance and Integration:

This portion of the course starts with the analysis of fundamental aerodynamics of
unducted and ducted bodies. This is followed by the development, via the formal
definitions of thrust and drag and the concept of stream-tube momentum force, of the
relationship between the net propulsive force of the powerplant, engine thrust and
nacelle forces. Alternative performance accounting relationships are developed for
various choices of thrust interface using force, drag and the hybrid force/drag
method. These are employed to illustrate the interplay between component forces.
The treatment addresses the long and short-cowl podded nacelles, appropriate to
civil engine installations, on- and off-wing; and the highly integrated installations
encountered in military aircraft.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should

demonstrate an understanding of component performance and system performance
and Integration.

Module Title: Space Propulsion

Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Dr Chris Welch

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 20 Hours: 80 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory for Aerospace Propulsion
Option/ Optional for all other options of
the Thermal Power MSc

Prerequisites: None

Aim:. To provide an understanding of the thermofluid dynamic concepts underlying

rocket and air-breathing space propulsion and of their implications for launch vehicle
and spacecraft system performance and design.

Introduction to the interactions between propulsion system, mission and spacecraft


Launch Vehicle Performance : Mission requirements, Vehicle dynamics,

Tsiolkovski rocket equation, Launch vehicle sizing and multi-staging, Illustrative
launcher performance ( Scout, Ariane, Shuttle programmes ) - launch site / range
safety constraints, Geostationary orbit acquisition.

Expendable Launch Vehicles - Current Options : Vehicle design summaries, Orbital

transfer vehicles, Comparative launch costs, and Reusable launchers.

Propulsion Fundamentals : Systems classification, Nozzle flows, Off-design

considerations (under/over-expanded flows ), Thermochemistry.

Space Propulsion Systems and Performance: Propellants and combustion, Solid

and liquid propellant systems, Engine cycles: Spacecraft propulsion - orbit raising,
station-keeping and attitude control, Propellant management at low-g - alternative
storage and delivery systems: Electric propulsion, Separately-powered rocket
performance, Low thrust manoeuvres, Thruster concepts and configurations.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should:

 Demonstrate an understanding of the constraints imposed by launch vehicle
 performance and operation on mission analysis.
 Be able to perform preliminary mission design studies which accommodate
 capabilities of the major launch systems currently available.
 Be able to use one-dimensional gas dynamic relationships to perform initial
 propulsion system design point and off-design calculations.
 Be familiar with the principal options for propulsion system design in relation
 both boosters and secondary spacecraft propulsion and to be able to assess
critically their relative strengths in a range of mission applications.
 Understand the determining factors in high speed flows which constrain the
 application of air-breathing propulsion to space launcher applications and the
current responses to the technical challenges posed.

Module Title: Spacecraft Systems
Name of Module Convenor/Leader/Co- Dr Jenny Kingston
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 5
Hours: 10 Hours: 40 Hours: 50
Assessment Method: Compulsory/Optional: Mandatory for
the Aerospace Propulsion course.
Workshop + Presentations Optional for the Gas Turbine Technology

Aim:. To instruct Course Members on the development and design of space

systems, from a clean sheet of paper, through logical progression from defined user
1. Brief history: Background to the development of space systems; the European
Space Agency; BNSC; future missions.
2. Mission Analysis & System Design Definition: Mission definition; System Design
Methodology; Trade-Off Analysis; design specifications; configuration control;
System Budgets
3. Space and Spacecraft Environment: Gravitational field; Geomagnetic field;
Spacecraft charging; Material Outgassing and self-atmosphere; Radiation Dose, the
Dose-depth curve. Spacecraft sub-systems; Power, the power budget and solar
array and battery sizing; Communications and the link budget; Attitude
measurement and control; Structural and thermal analysis and test procedures.
4. Spacecraft configuration: examples of configuration of spacecraft designed for
various mission types; case study. Mission design workshop.
Learning Outcomes: On completion of this module the Course Members should
know how to structure a spacecraft design and development programme through:

 establishing mission requirements

 characterising the mission and identifying optional solutions
 evaluating the performance of options by means of a trade-off analysis
 defining system engineering requirements
 establishing a baseline system definition
 outlining a programme plan to verify the system performance

Reference texts: Larson, W.J., and Wertz., (eds.) Space Mission Analysis and
Design, Second Edition, Microcosm
Inc. and Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. (ISBN

Module Title: Specification and
Performance of Mechanical
and Electrical Rotating
Name of Module Co-ordinator Mr Tony Salisbury; Mr Peter Wharton; Dr
B Hardy-Bishop
Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for
Rotating Machinery Engineering and
Management option; Optional for
Aerospace Propulsion and Gas Turbine
Technology options

Prerequisites: None
Aim: To familiarise the course member with developments in driven equipment,
including design, operation, maintenance and safety.
Electric Motors And Generators
An overview of the important electrical features of power generation. This will
provide an understanding of the design features of synchronous or asynchronous
machines often driven by gas turbines, and in motors for driving auxiliaries or as part
of the resulting power system. The mechanical engineer is typically involved as a
member of a design team, often as the lead engineer, with the important requirement
of discussing electrical design features with specialist engineers and then being
expected to take part in the decision making process about a power generation
package. The machinery covered is:
Synchronous and Asynchronous Machines
Electrical Variable Speed Drive System
Hazardous Area Protection
Power System Design
Electrical Power Calculations
Operation and Maintenance
Integrated Motor & Generator Control Systems

Pumps and Pumping Systems

Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of pumps, to the problems
encountered when pumps are applied to well injection duties, product transfer
systems and to general process pumping. In particular, attention will be given to
cavitation, gas-liquid and other multi-phase problems, and to the drive systems used,
particularly gas turbine drives.

Pump Principles
Euler equation, relation of pump geometry to design performance, cavitation,
viscosity effects, part load behaviour, gas liquid pumping.

Matching of Pumps and Systems

Steady and transient matching of systems with pumps; choice of constant or variable
speed operating modes and their implications. Gas turbine drives; an overview of
their principles and modes of operation.

Pump Application
Off-shore applications; tanker loading/unloading, gas turbine fuel and oil pumping,
process plant - petro-chemical, heavy chemicals. A survey of multi-phase pumping.

Gas Compressors
An insight will be given into the theory, selection, operating range and installation of
the various types of compressor. Some common installation problems will be
discussed and analysed.

Ship Propellers
A brief introduction will be given to propeller installations and operations. The basic
theory will be discussed. Some major operational features will be outlined and
construction details of propellers will be explained.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Member should

understand the design, operation, maintenance and safety issues for different driven
equipment such as: electric motors and generators, pumps, gas compressors and
ship propellers.

Module Title: Turbomachinery

Name of Module Co-ordinator Dr K Ramsden; Dr D Macmanus; Dr P

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all
options of the Thermal Power MSc

Prerequisites: None
Aim:. To familiarise Course Members with compressor and turbine aerodynamic
design and performance by instruction, investigation and example.

Compressor design and performance

Comparison of axial and centrifugal compressors

Overall performance, achievable pressure ratio and efficiency.

The problem of compression

The basic diffusion process, analogy with conical diffusers, definition of pressure
losses; separation and friction losses. Definition of pressure recovery parameters,
delta P on D, de Haller Number, etc.

The compressor cascade

Performance, correlations, deflection, pressure losses, deviation, choice of incidence.
Limitations due to stall and choke. Effect of space to chord ratio, stagger, camber,
etc. Reynolds and Mach number effects, alpha Mach number diagram.
Transonic/supersonic cascade performance, unique incidence. Diffusion factor,
choice of base profile and blade numbers.

The axial compressor stage

Stage loading and flow parameters, limitation in design on pitch line basis. Definition
and choice of reaction at design, effect on stage efficiency. The ideal and real stage
characteristic, stall and choke.

Radial Equilibrium
The free vortex solution, limitations due to hub/tip ratio. Alternative solutions;
prescribed vortex, half vortex, graded work applied to fans and low hub/tip
compressor stages.

Compressor/Fan performance
Definition of isentropic and polytropic efficiency, effect of pressure ratio, performance
at constant speed, surge and surge margin definitions, running line, choking effects,
effects on performance of: inlet flow distortion, tip clearance, snubbers bleed slots
Compressor overall performance maps, effect of inlet temperature and pressure

Off design performance
Types of stall, rotating stall, flutter. Use of conventional variable IGV/stators, part
chord variable IGVs, bleed, multi-spooling, variable axial temperature rise
distribution. Choice of overall annulus geometry: design for rising line, constant
mean diameter, falling line. Choice of axial spacing, aspect ratio, limitations of rear
hub/tip ratio. Intercompressor losses, swan-neck duct considerations.

Compressor Design Example

Multi-stage compressor design example: Fully interactive activity involving extensive
calculation and the use of Q-curves.

Turbine Design and Performance

The problem of expansion

Blade passage shape, choice of base profile, direct and indirect methods of design,
prescribed velocity distribution, choking.

The axial turbine stage

Velocity triangles, reaction, stage loading, flow coefficients. The ideal and real
characteristic. Design for maximum power: effect of choking and change of inlet
temperature and pressure. Stage efficiency: isentropic and polytropic, overtip
leakage, profile losses, correlations.

Turbine blading: choice of base profile, blade numbers and aspect ratio. Zweiffel's
and alternative lift coefficients.

Overall performance: choice of stage loading and flow coefficient according to

engine overall performance requirements, overall annulus geometry and layout;
rising line, constant mean diameter and falling line.

Turbine Design Example

A complete aerodynamic design is carried out for both a low and a high TET engine,
to represent industrial and aeronautical applications respectively. This is a fully
interactive session involving extensive use of the Q-curves. The results are analysed
and debated.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should

demonstrate an understanding of how to design compressors and turbines basic
concepts from the blade design to whole performance calculations.

Module Title: Management for Technology

Name of Module Co-ordinator Cranfield School of Management

Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10
Hours: 46 Hours: 54 Hours: 100
Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for
the Rotating Machinery Engineering and
Management and Power, Propulsion and
the Environment options; optional for the
Gas Turbine Technology and Aerospace
Propulsion options of the Thermal Power
Prerequisites: None
Aim:. To provide an overview of management, to develop a better understanding of
how the commercial world operates, advance your career and to have fun!

Method of Assessment: Written Examination and Business Game

The engineer with a Master's degree has the expectancy of attaining a position of
responsibility in a business organisation which requires attributes other than technical
expertise. The objective of this course is to provide a knowledge of those aspects of
management which will enable an engineer to fulfil his wider role more effectively.

The subject matter has been selected to give a general awareness of the structure of
a company, its business policy, financial matters and the working environment. It
covers those topics which are common to both commerce and industry, but places
emphasis on those functions which have greater application in a company engaged
in the manufacture of a product or provision of a technical service. As the title of the
course implies, technical management, with particular reference to management for
design, research and development, is highlighted.
 Corporate Planning
 Finance and Accounting
 Legal Responsibilities
 Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour
 Office Automation
 Business Policy
 Industrial Marketing
 Management for Research and Development
 Management for Design

Business Game Format

Highly intensive and successful management course running over a 2 week period.
There is a key emphasis on participation via case studies and group exercises.

Assessment is by a three hour open book examination, plus the results of a group
run “business game”.
Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members would
develop management skills in financial issues, project management, marketing,
negotiation and presentations.




Thermal Power MSc Course Members

Application to attend Short Courses:

Title of Course………………….......……………………………………………………….

Date of Course………………………......………………………………………………….

Student Name and Student ID No.(please print)……………...………………………………

Permission of Supervisor:

Supervisor Signature………………………....…………………………………………….

Permission of Course Director:

Short Course Director Signature…………….…………………………………………….

Each attendance on any course cannot be guaranteed and confirmation of your place will be made
2 – 3 weeks before the Short Course start date. You will also be notified if, for any reason, the
short course you have registered on is cancelled. Please note that in return Thermal Power
Course Members will be asked to assist with tasks associated with the course they are attending.
Participation on social events will be included as appropriate.

Please note that whilst there is no charge for MSc Thermal Power Course Members attending a
short course, there is a charge for lunches and dinners should a student wish to attend these

Mrs Claire Bellis

Room 318 Telephone Extension 4683/4644. Email [email protected]

Whilst attending a short course you [the course members] are ambassadors of Cranfield
University. Please remember the following:-

1. Punctuality is essential. Be in the room at least 5 minutes prior to the lecture commencing. If
you are late for a session you may not enter the room but wait for the next break.
2. You should attend for the whole of the lecture and may not leave early. If you cannot attend
the whole session please do not attend.
3. Please do not use laptops to surf the internet during lectures
4. No talking during the lectures. Talking disrupts the class and may distract the presenter
5. No eating or drinking of anything other than the water provided
6. Please do not ask questions/Please keep any questions to a minimum. Question sessions
are designed to give opportunities for external delegates who are only hear for five days to
ask questions. You have other resources available to you to answer these questions outside
of the presentation.
7. You may not enter into any communication with the course contributors, by email or
otherwise, without the express written agreement of the course director.

(Department Copy)


Core subjects (80 Total Credits)

Materials Selection J Evans 5

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5
Combustors R Singh 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
Fuels and Combustion E Goodger & S Ogaji 5
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Mechanical Design of A Haslam 10
Turbomachinery V Pachidis & I Li 10
Simulation and Diagnostics K W Ramsden 10
sub- 80
Optional Subjects (not less than 20 Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Computational Fluid Dynamics J Amaral Teixeira & J 10 ( )

Management for Technology School of Management 10 ( )
Space Propulsion C Welch 10 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10 ( )

Other Subjects
Spec & Perf of Mech ERE P Wharton & B Hardy- 10 ( )
Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )
Spacecraft Systems Jenny Kingston 5 ( )
Propulsion Systems Performance P Pilidis/D Williams 10 ( )
and Integration
Industrial Prime Movers D Griffiths & H 10 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.
(Student Copy)


Core subjects (80 Total Credits)

Materials Selection J Evans 5

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5
Combustors R Singh 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
Fuels and Combustion E Goodger 5
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Mechanical Design of A Haslam 10
Turbomachinery V Pachidis & I Li 10
Simulation and Diagnostics K W Ramsden 10
sub- 80
Optional Subjects (not less than 20 Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Computational Fluid Dynamics J Amaral Teixeira & J 10 ( )

Management for Technology School of Management 10 ( )
Space Propulsion C Welch 10 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10 ( )

Other Subjects
Spec & Perf of Mech ERE P Wharton & B Hardy- 10 ( )
Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )
Spacecraft Systems Jenny Kingston 5 ( )
Propulsion Systems Performance P Pilidis/D Williams 10 ( )
and Integration
Industrial Prime Movers D Griffiths & H 10 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.

(Department Copy)


Core Subjects (80 Total Credits)

Combustors R Singh 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Propulsion System P & I P Pilidis/D Williams 10
Mechanical Design of A Haslam 10
Simulation and Diagnostics V Pachidis/I Li 10
Space Propulsion C Welch 10
Turbomachinery K W Ramsden 10

Sub-total 85
Optional Subjects (not less than 15 Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Materials Selection J Evans 5 ( )

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5 ( )
Computational Fluid Dynamics JAmaral Teixeira & JBlanco 10 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10 ( )
Management for Technology SoM 10 ( )
Spacecraft Systems Jenny Kingston 5 ( )

Other Subjects

Spec & Perf of Mechanical ERE P Wharton & B Hardy- 10 ( )

Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Fuels and Combustion E Goodger 5 ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.

(Student Copy)


Core Subjects (80 Total Credits)

Combustors R Singh 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Propulsion System P & I P Pilidis/D Williams 10
Mechanical Design of A Haslam 10
Simulation and Diagnostics V Pachidis/I Li 10
Space Propulsion C Welch 10
Turbomachinery K W Ramsden 10

Sub-total 85
Optional Subjects (not less than 15 Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Materials Selection J Evans 5 ( )

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5 ( )
Computational Fluid Dynamics JAmaral Teixeira & JBlanco 10 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10 ( )
Management for Technology SoM 10 ( )
Spacecraft Systems Jenny Kingston 5 ( )

Other Subjects

Spec & Perf of Mechanical ERE P Wharton & B Hardy- 10 ( )

Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Fuels and Combustion E Goodger 5 ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.

(Department Copy)

Core subjects (80 total Credits)

Combustors R Singh 10
Spec & Perf of Mech ERE TS/BHB/PP 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
Fuels and Combustion E Goodger/S Ogaji 5
Industrial Prime Movers HM/DG 10
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Management for Technology SoM 10
Turbomachinery K W Ramsden 10

Sub-total 80
Optional Subjects (not less than 20 Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Materials Selection SIMS 5 ( )

Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery A Haslam 10 ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10 ( )

Other Subjects

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5 ( )

Computational Fluid Dynamics J Teixeira&J Blanco 10 ( )
Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Simulation & Diagnostics VP/IL 10 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.

(Department Copy)

Core subjects (80 total Credits)

Combustors R Singh 10
Spec & Perf of Mech ERE TS/BHB/PP 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
Fuels and Combustion E Goodger/S Ogaji 5
Industrial Prime Movers HM/DG 10
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Management for Technology SoM 10
Turbomachinery K W Ramsden 10

Sub-total 80
Optional Subjects (not less than 20 Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Materials Selection SIMS 5 ( )

Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery A Haslam 10 ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10 ( )

Other Subjects

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5 ( )

Computational Fluid Dynamics J Teixeira&J Blanco 10 ( )
Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Simulation & Diagnostics VP/IL 10 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.

(Department Copy)


Core subjects(80total credits)

Combustors R Singh 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
Environmental Management O Badr 10
Fuels and Combustion Dr E Goodger/ Dr S Ogaji 5
Industrial Prime Movers HM/DG 10
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Management for Technology SoM 10
Turbomachinery K W Ramsden 10

Sub-total 80
Optional Subjects (not less than 20Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Materials Selection J Evans 5 ( )

Mechanical Design of A Haslam 10 ( )
Turbomachinery ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10

Other Subjects

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5 ( )

Computational Fluid Dynamics J Amaral Teixeira & J 10 ( )
Fatigue and Fracture Blanco 7.5 ( )
Simulation & Diagnostics A Haslam 10 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.

(Student Copy)



Core subjects(80total credits)

Combustors R Singh 10
Engine Systems I Li 15
Environmental Management O Badr 10
Fuels and Combustion Dr E Goodger/ Dr S Ogaji 5
Industrial Prime Movers HM/DG 10
GT Theory and Performance P Pilidis 10
Management for Technology SoM 10
Turbomachinery K W Ramsden 10

Sub- 80
Optional Subjects (not less than 20Credits) TICK
Recommended Subjects

Materials Selection J Evans 5 ( )

Mechanical Design of A Haslam 10 ( )
Turbomachinery ( )
Piston Engines D Griffiths 7.5 ( )
Gas Turbine Applications R Singh 10

Other Subjects

Blade Cooling P A Rubini 5 ( )

Computational Fluid Dynamics J Amaral Teixeira & J Blanco 10 ( )
Fatigue and Fracture A Haslam 7.5 ( )
Simulation & Diagnostics VP/IL 10 ( )

Total ( )

Subjects for lecture attendance only (Please list):




The appropriate option selection form has to be completed and handed in to the TP MSc Administrator by the end of the
second week of the first term.


Name: ………………………………………………………………….

Course Member No.: ………………………………………………………….………

Date of Absence: …………………………………………………………………

Reason: …………………………………………………………………




Course Member Signature:


Date: .....……………………………………………………………..


This form must be attached as a cover sheet to the front of every piece of assessed work including

Work submitted without this form as the cover sheet will not be marked.

Name: ……………………………………………………….

Course Member No.: ………..…………………………..………………….

Subject Title: ………………………………………………………..

Assignment Title: ………………………………………………………..




Marking Tutor: ………………………………………………………..

Hand-in Date: ……………………………………………..…………

Cranfield University defines plagiarism as follows:-

Plagiarism is the use, without acknowledgement, of the intellectual work of other people, and the
act of representing the ideas or discoveries of others as one's own in any work submitted for
assessment or presented for publication. To copy sentences, phrases or even striking expressions
without acknowledgement of source (either by inadequate citation or failure to indicate verbatim
quotations) is plagiarism; to paraphrase without acknowledgement is also plagiarism.

I declare that the work handed in with this sheet is entirely my own effort. It is not in any way a
collaborative effort with another course member nor has it been extracted (plagiarised) from
someone else's work. I fully understand that if this is not the case, then I am likely to be reported
to the University Authorities and my work will, at the very least, be zero marked. I am also aware
that collaboration and plagiarism are considered in the same way as cheating by the University
authorities and could have quite severe implications for my future career prospects.

I require/do not require* this optional assignment to be assessed as part of the 100 credits needed
for my MSc (*delete as appropriate).

Course Member Signature: ……………………………………… Date: ...........................



This document provides information concerning the project lists. It can be used in two different
ways. A project can simply be selected from the list. Alternatively, you may look at the list of
available topics on the basis of research areas identified. You may then provide your own idea for
a project topic, identify who would be the most appropriate supervisor and negotiate with him/her to
supervise your project idea.



Dr Joao Amaral-Teixeira

1.Experimental Investigation of Rotating Stall in Low Speed Axial Flow Fans

In ducted axial flow turbomachinery stall phenomena is characterized by the emergence of a

number of discrete stall cells within a given blade row. Typically these cells modify the flow
conditions of the blades adjacent to it such as inducing a stall in that group of blades while leading
to the un-staling of the sector the cell previously occupied. A succession of these events will
repeatedly take place in the direction of rotation of the blades, with an angular velocity in the range
of one third to three quarters of the rotor velocity. This phenomenon known as rotating stall is well
understood in high speed turbomachines with high blade counts but much less reported for low
speed industrial fans with a small number of blades. The present project is a continuation of a
previous experimental study. The student will carry out a number of experiments in a dedicated rig
and extract data for comparison with results obtained from a concurrent numerical study.

2.Numerical Investigation of Rotating Stall in Low Speed Axial Flow Fans

This project seeks to describe, numerically, what the previous study will investigate experimentally.
A commercial CFD code, Ansys CFX, will be employed in the analyses. Close collaboration
between the two students taking these projects is expected. The two projects are carried out in
collaboration with a fan manufacturer. Since a strong interaction with the sponsors is anticipated
good communication skills are desirable.

3.Numerical Investigation of OWC Systems

Oscillating Water Column (OWC) methods for power extraction from ocean waves have been
actively investigated for quite a number of years but there is still much work to do in this promising
area of wet renewables. Although most of the OWC installations have in the past been shore
based, a move towards the use of near and off-shore buoys is taking shape and therefore the
extension of predictive capabilities to cover these installations is highly desirable. The use of
commercial CFD codes for this type of application is relatively novel but offers great modelling
promise. The project will be based on work carried out in the preceding year and will seek to
extend the simulation capabilities whilst covering more complex OWC configurations.

4.The Effects of Marine Fouling on the Performance of Tidal Turbines

It is proposed that the student will study the effects marine fouling will have upon the blades of tidal
turbines and demonstrate how this will affect turbine performance over its lifetime. A literature
survey should be undertaken in order to better understand how fouling can affect blade surface
roughness with time. Data derived from this will be used as the basis for constructing an empirical
model used to determine how the lift and drag characteristics of a turbine blade will change over
time when exposed to the marine environment. It expected that CFD software will be used to study
the effect surface roughness has on an airfoil in order to quantify the anticipated degradation in lift
and drag. Furthermore, by making use of a turbine performance code, the student will then
determine how these changes will alter the operating characteristics of the turbine over the course
of its life. The outcomes of this work will be used to better understand both the economics and
forces on tidal turbines.

5.Tip Clearance Control in Industrial Fans

Industrial fans are to some extent the poor relations of turbomachinery design. However some of
the design challenges for these types of fans are no less demanding that those facing the
designers of more glamorous applications. This is because some of the high quality constructional
features seen in gas turbines, for example close component tolerances, cannot be taken for
granted in these machines. In addition industrial fans employed in ventilation applications may be
required to operate at high temperatures for extended periods of time. Tip clearance flows, always
a source of losses in turbomachinery, become more problematic in these operating conditions. The
project will investigate a number of strategies for reducing the losses associated with these flows.
Although CFD is the central tool to be employed in the study it is not wholly excluded that a limited
amount of complementary experimental work might be carried out as well.

6.Modelling Leakage Flows in High Pressure Axial Flow Turbines

The physics of the interaction of cavity leakage flows with the main flow in Turbomachinery are the
subject of current research interest. High pressure turbines have highly complex three dimensional
flow fields, including secondary flows that are characterised by distinct vortical structures. These
flows, acting in addition to the bulk flow, and caused by a number of mechanisms, play important
roles in the redistribution of losses and heat transfer patterns. This already complex scenario is
further complicated by the effect of leakages, arising from the tips in unshrouded blades and from,
as well as towards, cavities such as those that exist underneath the stationary hubs of stators. This
project seeks to model a representative turbine stage and the effects of the leakage flows
described above on the flow patterns of the blades and hence their performance. The work will
employ Computational Fluid Dynamics methods to characterise the flow and is suited for a student
interested in the deeper physical mechanisms that apply to these types of components.

7.Investigation of Abrasive Flows in Centrifugal Pumps

Centrifugal pumps are employed with a vast range of fluids including those which act as carriers of
solid particles. The erosive action of sand and slurry is manifested trough a removal of material
from the blades edges. This action will eventually lead to a degradation of the profile of the blades
and to a consequent increase in losses. Numerical models offer the opportunity to predict the
distribution and concentration of the particles and in conjunction with an erosion model to identify
the regions of the blading more at risk of damage as well as the expected erosion pattern. The
project is carried out in collaboration with a pump manufacturer with whom the student is expected
to interact. Good presentation skills are therefore desirable as well as a genuine interest in these
types of machines.

Dr G Di Lorenzo

1.Off-design models for low/zero carbon emission concepts

In the last years the problem of global warming is becoming more and more alarming. All main
developed countries are supporting carbon reduction programmes as the emission of CO2 is the
main contributor to the anthropogenic global warming. There is much interest in novel gas turbine
thermodynamic cycles for power generation (mainly to be implemented in combined cycle
arrangements) able to reduce, or completely avoid, the disposal of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. This interest is boosted by the awareness that these cycles will
dominate the power generation market in the short-medium term. Cranfield University invested
some years of work to investigate a number of promising novel thermodynamic cycles with
low/zero carbon emission. Further work is necessary in order to complete the development of the
computational tool in order to assess comprehensively the new concepts. In particular the off-
design power plant models should be implemented and integrated with the other pieces of software
already available.

Performance modelling of gas turbine power plants for stationary applications;
Inclination to use programming languages.

Fortran programming language;
Software already developed for the design point of the power plants.

Intended Learning Outcome

Complex plants modelling abilities;
Fortran language knowledge;
Understanding of the low/zero carbon emission novel cycles scenario;
Comprehensive knowledge of a novel thermodynamic cycle with low/zero carbon emission.

Dr David Hammond

1.An iso-kinetic probe for ground testing of turbo-machinery in mixed phase icing
(with Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziale)
Instrumentation for icing tests currently provides broadly relative measurements of cloud water
droplet and ice crystal content. Whilst these measurement systems have been sufficient, using
traditional design methods, to greatly reduce the incidence of icing related accidents, some
problems still crop up from time to time. As well as this, the value of more analytical design
methods increases when more absolute measurements of icing parameters are available. We are
developing a sampling probe system which can measure ice and liquid water content in a flow.
Help us to get the measuring system developed and proven.

2.Development of test equipment for studying ice forming in jet fuel

(with Zodiac Aerospace)
As the contents of aircraft fuel tanks are used up, the air which replaces the fuel introduces
moisture into the tanks which can collect over a number of flights. The way this water manifests
itself in the fuel and how ice forms on fuel system components is of much interest to aircraft engine
makers and airframe makers. We are expecting to be doing a piece of work on this will need to
develop test fixtures which we can use to measure mechanical properties of this ice within the fuel.
Help us make some prototypes to try out.

3.Survey of ice protection strategies for wind farms

(with RETC, joint venture between REpower & Suzlon
The usual strategy for operating wind farms in icing conditions is to rely on a combination of ice
shedding due to centrifugal action and halting the turbines when the ice formation reaches some
critical level. The turbine is then out of action until the weather warms up or someone manages to
get out there and clear the ice off. Aircraft components in a similar environment use a range of
active ice control measures to mitigate the effects of icing. Learn about ice protection technology
and help us identify technologies which, in time, can be made cost-effective for general wind
turbine use.

Mr Tony Haslam

1.Effect of Change in Role of an Aircraft on Engine Life

Due to the high cost of aircraft development, it has been necessary to change the role of existing
fleets to meet current demand. For example, civilian passenger aircraft (BAe VC10, A320) have
been used by air forces in the airborne tanker role. It is also likely that aircraft such as Eurofighter
Typhoon which was primarily designed for air defence (mainly at high altitude over Europe) will be
used in the close air support role (at low altitude in much warmer climates). This project is an
investigation into the effect that such a change in role/sortie profile is likely to have on the life of
engine components and the probable increase in life cycle cost of the engine.

2.Cycle Counting/Low Cycle Fatigue

A critical cause of failure in large rotating components such as gas turbine discs and shafts is low
cycle fatigue. This project requires that a course member investigates the low cycle fatigue
environment of such a component with a view to estimating (or checking) its low cycle fatigue life.
The operating profile of the machine will need to be known as will the dimensions and material
specification of the component. Various techniques are available for counting the number of low
cycle fatigue cycles accumulated by the component and for assessing the plastic strain range
associated with each cycle. The course member could also extend the project by using fracture
mechanics methods to make an estimate of the safe cracked life of the component.

3.Investigation into methods of Estimating the Life of Components Subjected to Multiple
Forms of Damage

There have been many papers written, in the past, on the subject of creep/low cycle/thermal
fatigue/thermal oxidation interaction. This project requires that a course member investigates a hot
rotating component such as a turbine blade with a view to assessing the combined creep/thermal
fatigue/oxidation cycle. An extensive literature survey will need to be undertaken to identify the
best methods of assessing creep/thermal fatigue interaction and then applying them to a
component of known dimensions and material.

4.Steam/Water Injection – Effect on Life

Water (or steam) injection for emissions control or power augmentation can have an effect on
component life and maintenance intervals. In particular, steam/water injection change the gas
conductivity and increase the heat transfer to the rotating turbine blades and nozzle guide vanes
and can lead to higher metal temperatures. This project requires the investigation of changes in
the gas transport properties with water/steam injection and the consequent rise in metal
temperature. Estimates can then be made of the reduction in the life of the blade and the resulting
change in life cycle costs of the machine. The control system on most base load applications in
fact reduce the firing temperature as water/steam is injected to conserve the component life. The
advantages/disadvantages of injecting water/steam and controlling the firing temperature in this
way could also be investigated.

5.Application of Probabilistic Methods to the Lifing of Gas Turbine Engines

The life usage in any gas turbine component will depend on a large number of variables which, in
themselves, are subject to a degree of scatter. These variables may include material properties,
manufacturing processes, probability of detection of material defects using specified inspection
techniques (visual, NDT etc), inspection schedules and operating profiles. Probabilistic analysis
provides a means of allowing for the scatter that exists in each of these variables across the
population sample thereby giving a more accurate indication of the safe operating limits of the
component. This project could be an extension of previous work that has been done in this area in
which a probabilistic model was devised from a Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) methodology that
was promulgated after the Sioux City disaster in 1992 (in which a fan disc burst as a result of a
crack emanating from an inclusion). Alternatively, methods have been devised to estimate
component lives using Weighbull analysis. The main objective of this project is to determine life
extensions for ‘in-service’ turbine discs and any cost savings that may result,

6.Variable Geometry
Most gas turbines incorporate mechanical components which change to vary the flow or to adapt to
changing power conditions. Examples of these components are variable stators in compressors
which turn the flow to appropriate angles and variable area nozzles which can accommodate
changes in mass flows. In the past, many course members have been involved in the
thermodynamic and aerodynamic design of variable cycle engines which involve variable geometry
but very few have had the time to do any detailed design of the moving parts. It is suggested that
a course member could select an existing variable geometry component and could look at ways of
improving the design or even at innovative ways of producing the same effect. Alternatively, a
review of the designs for variable cycle engines might throw up some interesting mechanical
problems associated with the variable components on these engines. In each case, it would be
expected that some analysis could be carried out to illustrate problems of strength and reliability.

7.Gas Turbine Engine /Component Lifing Studies from engine simulation software
A major factor that influences the time between engine maintenance actions is the fatigue and
creep life of gas turbine engine critical components. The life of a component is also dependent on
the operational profile of the engine ie how the engine is used. In all lifing studies, it is essential to
be able to estimate the stress in the component of interest. Stress in an engine component can
arise from rotational motion or from the physical conditions of pressure, air velocity and
temperature under which the component has to work. We can use engine simulation software to
provide data on the physical conditions at any point in the engine gas path. With known rotational
speeds, we can then calculate the stresses in the components. We are now in a position to
superimpose a usage profile and produce fatigue and creep lives for the components. The effect
of engine/component degradation could also be incorporated into the software model. A difficulty
with this type of project is in obtaining adequate materials data. However, reverse
engineering/internet/library searches usually enable us to produce respectable results. This
project is equally applicable to aero and ground based gas turbine engines.

8.General Mechanical Integrity Analysis

Occasionally, individuals join the course with an existing interest, and skills, in topics such as
stress analysis of blades, discs, bolted structures etc., or in the lifing of specific components
making use of techniques such finite element analysis, CATIA etc. Such projects can be
undertaken, but interested course members must be proficient in the particular techniques that
they have chosen to do their project. There is not enough time for course members to become
proficient in these techniques during the course.

9.Blade Vibration
Many failures of gas turbines arise because turbomachine blades vibrate and produce destructive
resonances in the running range of the engine. A desktop calculation procedure has been
developed at Cranfield that forecasts the low order natural frequencies of a blade with reasonable
accuracy. By definition, this method does not involve a computer and can be accomplished with a
pocket calculator. A previous project has produced a finite element model for an unshrouded
compressor blade which produces stress profiles and natural frequencies. This project requires
expanding to account for the gas loads (probably using CFD) and to extend the scope to include
turbine blades. There is a need for a mathematically competent and computer literate individual to
develop the computer programme further.. A course member selecting this project should have
experience of using matlab since there is not enough time in the course for anyone to learn the

10.Gas Turbine Lifing Methodologies and Philosophies

Most critical aero-engine components are lifed using the ‘safe-life’ philosophy which extrapolates
statistical distributions of failure from empirical data taken from spin-pit tests and other sources.
This lifing method has been in use for decades and was developed from the airframe lifing
methodologies of the 1950s. In more recent times there have been attempts to life critical parts
using fracture mechanics techniques and to apply advanced probabilistic methodologies to lifing.
The objective of this project is to look at the feasibility of using fracture mechanics to life engine
components. Ideally, the course member selecting this project should have access to data on a
specific engine component that might benefit from a life extension through fracture mechanics

11.Gas Turbine Fleet Maintenance Study

Major gas turbine components all have different maintenance intervals and require a variety of
engine ‘down’ times. The object of this project is to simulate the workload of a gas turbine
maintenance organisation to optimise the turnaround times of engines requiring repair and
maintenance by matching the stores and labour requirement with maintenance arisings. The
economic implications of varying maintenance practices could also be examined. If a course
member had access to in-service data, this project could be used to examine existing
maintenance methods with a view to reducing maintenance down times and operating costs.
Projects have been completed in this area in the past and the course member would be required to
progress this work.

12.The Application of Test Results to the Actual Usage of Gas Turbine Discs
In the UK and Europe, gas turbine disc lifing is defined by means of a ‘safe life’ philosophy. This
philosophy is dependent on the results of ‘spin pit’ tests in which sample discs are rotated in pits
through representative ‘flight’ cycles until the appearance of a crack. In the USA, spin pit tests are
not required but are replaced by the laboratory testing of materials. This project involves the
review of the methods used to determine the life of gas turbine discs and how the results of the
various methods of testing are applied to ‘in service’ usage.

13.The Design and Use of Gas Turbine Engine Usage Monitoring Systems
Usage monitoring systems are widely used on aero gas turbine engines to enable users to record
various usage variables. A range of mission profiles and throttle transients will also give rise to
very different fatigue accrual characteristics. In addition, changes in engine/aircraft configuration,
role and operating environment can affect engine life limits. This project involves the investigation
of the logic (rather than the hardware) which is used in converting various ‘in-flight’ measurements
into the cyclic usage rate of the engine and how the logic copes with changing mission

14.Review of Methods Available to Estimate the Critical Speed of Complex Shafts such as
those in Gas Turbine Engines
Traditionally, calculative methods such as the Rayleigh-Ritz and Dunkerley’s methods have been
used to estimate the critical speeds of complex gas turbine shafts. This project involves an
investigation into more current methods of finding critical speeds of shafts possibly using finite
element methods (FEM). The main objective of the project will be to develop a methodology that
can be used by future course members who may need a readily available methods to find critical
speeds. Ideally, this project should be undertaken by an individual who has experience of using
finite element methods.

Dr A J B Jackson

1.Weight Estimation Method Development for Aero Gas Turbines

Estimation of the weight of a gas turbine at the early design stages is notoriously difficult.
However, progress has been made recently at Cranfield based on a method published by
Sagerser. The method is applicable to all aero gas turbines including open rotors. However, more
work is needed to incorporate the effects of various parameters including overall pressure ratio and
the compressor delivery temperature.

2.Weight Estimation of Cowlings and Installation Features

A method for estimating cowl weight is needed for the early stages of high bypass ratio gas turbine
design so that correct choice of engine cycle and parameters can be made. This involves features
such as cowl length, thrust reverser size and possibly variable bypass nozzles. Account must also
be taken of the engine accessories such as the control system, fuel pumps, oil pumps, hydraulic
pump, electrical generator and air conditioning pipes and valves. Some data exists in the literature
but additional fundamental work is also required.
3.Noise Estimation for Propfans
Propeller noise has been measured and studied for many years. However, some of the
information is not applicable to propfans, which usually have more blades, may have two stages
and have supersonic relative tip velocities. Some work has been started in 2008-2009 including
the writing of a simple noise code to incorporate some of the propfan features. Propfans offer
better fuel burn and direct operating costs than even the best turbofan. However, the noise of
propfans is a deterrent to their use. More work is needed to develop rules for designing quieter

4.Fan Performance; CFD Study of Blade Shapes

Research into fan performance is of critical importance to engine manufacturers because of the
strong effect of fan shape on fan efficiency, and therefore engine fuel consumption, and noise.
Modern CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes area capable of simulating detailed fan flows
and this allows optimisation studies of fan shapes to be performed. Supersonic relative velocities
at the fan tip and subsonic velocities at the root means that careful study of a variety of aerofoil
shapes is required to obtain best overall performance.

5.Fans for High Bypass Ratio (Low P2/P1) – CFD

Fan design is continually changing due to modern trends towards designing engines with higher
propulsive efficiency using lower fan pressure ratios and lower blade speeds associated with ever
increasing bypass ratios. Fan efficiency is crucial to good engine performance and is always the
subject of considerable research expenditure in the industry and in academia. There is much still
to be learned and modern CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes are always increasing in
their capability. This allows new studies to be done on a regular basis.

6.Noise of Single Stage Fans - Minimise

As bypass ratios have increased in recent years, jet velocities of turbofans have fallen resulting in
reduced jet noise. However, this has meant that fan noise now dominates at some airport flight
conditions. Work is required to explore ways of reducing fan noise. Fundamental reasons for fan
noise need to be understood from the literature and then studies done to suggest ways of reducing
the fan noise. Fan noise comes from “buzz-saw” effects from shocks at the fan tip, from “tone
noise” due to blade passing frequencies and from “white noise” due to flow turbulence on the blade
surfaces. Studies at take off and approach are required and the noise mechanism at these high
and low power conditions are somewhat different in composition.

7.Fan with inverted pressure profile – noise

Jet noise still requires further reduction at take- off conditions. Jet noise of a turbofan is caused by
mixing of the exhaust jets with the surrounding atmosphere and is a function of the relative velocity
to the eighth power (Vjet^8). Thus if the velocity profile of the exhaust jet were adjusted to have a
lower value at the external diameter, and a higher one at the inner flow region, there would be a
theoretical reduction in jet noise. This might be achieved with a fan having a higher pressure ratio
at the tip than the root. This increases aerodynamic loading and so a feasibility study is required to
explore this possibility from first principles and then perhaps using CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) codes.

8.Aero Derivative Industrial Gas Turbines – Power Response Rates

Industrial and marine gas turbines derived from aero engines are in service in considerable
numbers. However, no real study exists as to what the optimum configuration of any industrial or
marine gas turbine should be. Free power turbines, connected power machines, number of shafts,
synchronous effects, combined cycles, intercoolers, recuperators and other features are all used.
There is no real study to compare them, especially in the matter of power response – a non-steady
state problem.

9.Modificatons for Higher Thrust, Lower SFC and Noise

Turbofan engines are continuously being improved by the industry because it is necessary for
them to remain competitive. Studies can be made to improve the cycle parameters, the
component efficiencies and the installation losses, such as pod drag, off-takes of energy for aircraft
services and position of the engine in relation to the wing. Many studies are possible and always
will be needed.

10.Turbofan Overall Structure Optimisation

Engine structures are designed to meet many requirements such as heavy landings, air turbulence
and blade loss. The basic structure can be configured in many ways, but the need is for it to be a
light as possible. This means optimising the shapes of spoked structures, bearing panels,
mountings and other features. Codes for designing structures and then examining the effects of
various loads are in common use. However, as engines change to higher bypass ratios and
pressure ratios the structure must change to accommodate this, so optimisation studies are always

Dr P Laskaridis and Dr K W Ramsden

1.Helicopter Gas Turbines

Effect of Airborne Contamination on Performance

The following types of airborne contamination can have a negative effect on gas turbine engine
Foreign Objects (FOD)
Heavy Rain (and slugs of water)
Salt Spray
Exhaust gases
Volcanic Ash

For each of these contaminants, provide the following information:-

(A) Definition (including photographic examples)

(B) How, Where & When it typically occurs.
(C) Why and How it affects engine performance (including graphs)
(D) Why and how these affect SFC
(E) Why & How these affect the TGT

As a minimum, the following phenomena should be explained…

Compressor erosion
Turbine blade glazing
Turbine blade vibration & fatigue problems
Blockage of blade cooling passages and guide vanes
Blockage of main air inlet
Other failure modes?

2.Helicopter Gas Turbines
Effect of Air Intake Filtration on Performance

In order to protect gas turbine engines from the effect of airborne contamination, several types of
air inlet protection system can be installed. This chapter focuses on the Centrisep® Air Cleaner,
also known as an Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS), and its effect on the engine performance
and the overall helicopter performance.

What is the effect of an additional pressure drop in the system? (eg.15 mbar and 20 mbar across
the Pall unit – how does that work in the Cranfield model?)

We have been advised by Engine manufactures that as a rule of thumb 1 mbar of pressure loss
equates to approximately 0.2% power loss on the gas generator of the engine. Also have a
statement from a helicopter OEM that 1.7% p2 bleed = 10% power loss.

Is this valid? Any more accurate data?

What is the effect of using a fan scavenge system to clean the Centrisep system?

What is the effect of using an ejector scavenge system (engine bleed air) to clean the Centrisep

What is the effect of additional weight at the engine air intake?

Provide a definition and methods of measuring inlet distortion / swirl angle? and the effect these
have on engines.

For each of these issues, which engine parameters are affected?

What is the effect on the available engine power at different phases in flight? (eg hover, hover in
ground effect, forward flight)

Dr P Laskaridis and Professor Singh

1.Life estimation of Stationary Gas Turbine Engines

The proposed MSc project are part of a wider ongoing research activity that Cranfield University
and the Department of Power and Propulsion. The proposed project includes elements of gas
turbine performance and application of lifing techniques. The objective of this project is to cascade
the gas turbine component stress and temperature estimation into the component life. The
essential modes of failure in the case of stationary gas turbine need to be considered and
identified. Then the different techniques available in the literature need to be examined to identify
the merits and demerits of their usage for the stationary gas turbine components. The theories
pertaining to the combined damage due to the interaction of the different modes of failure has to be
studied with respect to different damage models.

2.Performance Improvements and Lifing Analysis of Stationary Gas Turbine Engines

This is an area that the Department of Power and Propulsion has significant experience and an
ongoing interest. In this context a number of MS projects are offered:

3.Gas Turbine Cleaning Optimisation and Associated Performance Improvement Analysis.

Industrial gas turbines suffer from compressor fouling. As a result the efficiency and the capacity of
the compressor deteriorates. Furthermore, the power output and the overall efficiency of the gas
turbine are also reduced. Several cleaning options exist. Each one present its own advantages and
limitations. The aim of the proposed MSc project is to examine the different cleaning options need
to be considered and identified. The different options available in the literature need to be
examined to identify their advantages and limitations. The effects of fouling will be quantified by
using an existing engine performance code, called Turbomatch. It is the scope of this project to
also examine the associated performance improvement. This will be achieved by identifying and
carrying out a suitable analysis that will enable the gas turbine user to quantify the benefits arising
from applying different cleaning techniques. Optimisation of cleaning techniques is also of interest.

4.Power Augmentation Options for Stationary Gas Turbines

Many power installations are power constrained due to high ambient temperatures and fouling. The
scope of this MSc project will be to identify and consider different power augmentation options. The
available options can be found in the open literature and they should be examined to identify their
advantages and limitations. Selected options should be further examined and their benefits along
with their limitations should be quantified using a typical gas turbine engine. In this context the
effect of overfiring on the creep life of the high pressure turbine should be considered.

Dr Panos Laskaridis

1.Life Estimation of Stationary Gas Turbine Engines

The proposed MSc project are part of a wider ongoing research activity that Cranfield University
and the Department of Power and Propulsion. The student will work closely with a PhD student.
The proposed project includes elements of gas turbine performance and application of lifing
techniques. The objective of this project is to study the effects of humidity on the performance and
lifing of stationary gas turbine performance.

2.Performance analysis of Aero-Engines in Enclosed Test bed Facilities – Experimental

Project using a Micro Gas turbine
The proposed project is part of a larger research activity. The student will work closely with a PhD
student. The project combines experimental and analytical CFD work and it has a strong
performance element. No previous experience is required. When a gas turbine is tested indoors in
enclosed test bed several aerodynamic phenomena are taking place. The phenomena are
affecting the performance of the engine and the measurement of the thrust. Cranfield has invested
in the design and built of a small test cell which is used along with a micro gas turbine to study
these effects. The student will perform experiments using the small gas turbine. In addition CFD
models representing the facility will also be run and the results will be compared with the
experimental results.

3.Design Space and Optimisation of High Bypass Ratio Engines and Open rotors
Historically the reduction of sfc in aero-engines has been achieved through the increase of turbine
entry temperature and bypass ratio. Despite the positive effect of bypass ratio on propulsive
efficiency and sfc there are a number of disadvantages associated with it. This includes the
increased drag, size and mass of the engine. In additions increase of bypass ratio may need to be
accompanied by implementation of variable geometry. Further more the existing optimisation
metrics may change as we move towards higher values of bypass ratio. The project will define the
design space available for existing and future bypass ratio engines and open rotors.

4.A Study of the Performance and Operating Conditions of an Industrial Gas Turbine
This project is concerned with a reheat (or sequential combustion) cycle industrial gas turbine. The
aim is to have improved understanding of engine operation and the parameters affecting
deposition, erosion and corrosion (particularly in the hub region). Consequently, the scope
includes overall performance analysis and more detailed component investigations. It may also be
necessary to consider relevant structural implications, due to phenomenon such as fretting. The
project is for Alstom and the student will work closely with a PhD student.

Dr Yiguang Li

1.Gas turbine performance adaptation (Li/Pilidis)

Gas turbine engine performance differs from one type of engines to another, and even differs from
one engine to another in a fleet of engines. Gas turbine performance may be simulated using
thermodynamic models but the accuracy of the simulation for real engines may not be satisfactory.
With gas turbine performance tools (such as TURBOMATCH/PYTHIA) combined with performance
data and assumed component characteristics, design and off-design engine performance can be
approximately predicted. Significant progress has been achieved in previous year MSc projects in
gas turbine engine design point and off-design point performance adaptation. The task of this
project is to further explore design point and off-design performance adaptation models in order to
accurately simulate individual engine performance at design and off-design points. The developed
techniques will be applied to either industrial or aero gas turbine engines. Collaboration with an
industrial partner to apply the method to an operating gas turbine is likely. An interest in gas turbine
performance simulation is preferred.

2.Gas turbine performance and health analysis using adaptive GPA

Gas turbine performance vary due to different ambient and operating conditions and health
deteriorates over time. Many performance and health parameters of gas turbine engines are not
visible in measurement. However, the deviation of measurement information indicate the change of
these parameters. In this study, an adaptive GPA method developed at Cranfield will be used to
assess the performance and health condition of gas turbine engines. A set of simulated
performance measurement data at both clean and degraded conditions of a chosen gas turbine
engine will be given to the students. The students will be required to build up a performance model
of the engine and carry out performance and diagnostic analysis using our in-house software
Pythia. The deeded performance and degradation will be given at the end of the study for

3.Gas turbine performance prognostics

Gas turbine performance degrades over time during its operation. After certain period of operation
with certain level of degradation happened, gas turbine operators may wish to know how the
degradation of the engine will develop in the future in order to plan the necessary maintenance
action in advance. Gas turbine prognostics is a technique to forecast the engine health
development with time in the future. Good progress has been made in this research field by MSc
students in the last few years. The aim of the project is to extend the work further and to
investigate the fault patterns of gas turbine engines, features of gas turbine degradation
development with time, equivalent operation hours/cycles and different forecasting techniques.
Different diagnostic techniques, such as Gas Path Analysis (GPA), Genetic Algorithms (GA) and
Neural Networks (NN), and different prognostic techniques, such as linear and non-linear
regressions, may be investigated in the research.

4.Gas turbine component and sensor fault diagnosis

In applications, gas turbine diagnostics is a complicated procedure that includes gas turbine
performance model generation and adaptation, getting measurement data, data pre-processing,
optimal measurement selection, sensor fault detection and component fault diagnosis. The project
would try the whole procedure of gas path diagnostics and apply our in-house gas turbine
diagnostic software, Pythia, to either aero or industrial gas turbine engines of interest.

5.Gas turbine leakage fault analysis and detection

Similar to gas turbine component degradation, gas turbine cooling flows or bleed flows may
change significantly due to air leakage fault. When air leakage fault happens, engine performance
will degrade and gas path measurement may deviate. Such a leakage fault detection and
diagnosis has not been explored sufficiently so far. The purpose of this project task is to analyze
the impact of air leakage on whole engine performance and apply the Gas Path Analysis to the air
leakage diagnostic process. The developed idea and method will be useful for gas turbine
maintenance and overhaul practice.

6.Gas turbine diagnostics – observability analysis
Gas turbine availability and maintainability can be improved by using advanced diagnostic
techniques. Performance analysis based gas turbine diagnostics provides better observability of
component health condition by using the information provided by gas turbine measurement. In this
research, the sensitivity and correlation of gas path measurement will be analyzed and the
observability of gas turbine component degradation for different measurement set will be
investigated. One of the gas turbine diagnostics techniques, such as GPA, ANN or GA, will be
used for degradation prediction using selected gas path measurement set. The techniques will be
applied to either aero or industrial gas turbine engines.

7.Combined cycle gas turbine performance analysis (Li/Pilidis)

Significant research has already been done at this University to simulate combined cycle gas
turbine performance and a computer program, SteamoMatch, for CCGT performance simulation
has been developed. The aim of this project is to improve and apply the developed techniques and
program to different types of CCGT power plants and investigate the influence of different ambient
conditions and power setting. Consequently, you will benefit from understanding the performance
simulation and analysis techniques on both gas turbines and steam cycles. Collaboration with an
industrial company is very likely.

8.Gas turbine performance diagnostics using Weighted-Least-Squares (WLS) method

Gas turbine performance diagnostics has been applied to gas turbines for condition based
maintenance and has great potential to improve engine availability and reduce maintenance costs.
Weighted-Least-Squares (WLS) is one of Gas Path Analysis (GPA) methods and has been used
by General Electric (GE) in their gas path diagnostic product for many years. The objective of this
project is to investigate the details of WLS diagnostic technique and apply the WLS to selected gas
turbine engines for performance diagnostics and compare the advantages and disadvantages of
WLS with the GPA method used at Cranfield. Such research will provide students with detailed
understanding of the particular gas turbine performance diagnostic technique used by one of major
gas turbine manufacturers and make their own judgement of the technology.

9.Gas turbine gas path diagnostics using artificial neural networks

Neural networks have been used in gas turbine diagnostics and shown to be a powerful algorithm.
The most popular type of neural networks is the Feed Forward Back Propagation (FFBP) neural
networks. However, there are also other types of neural networks that have different features and
would provide similar diagnostics capabilities or even better capabilities in some situations. The
objective of this research is to explore the application of different types of neural networks in gas
turbine gas path diagnostics. Matlab neural network package may be used in the project.

10.Gas turbine performance simulation – gas property calculation (Li/Sethi)

Accurate gas property calculation is very important in accurate performance simulation of gas
turbine engines. Gas properties across gas turbine engines vary from inlet to outlet of engines due
to different gas composition (air mixed with different fuels such as liquid fuel, natural gas, diesel,
biofuel or hydrogen, and maybe water at different pressure and temperature). The objective of the
project is to produce a new numerical model of gas property calculation based on the application of
NASA CEA (Chemical Equilibrium and Applications) software. The developed model may be
compared with our existing model in TURBOMATCH to validate the accuracy of the new model. .

11.Gas turbine performance diagnostics using Kalman Filter method

Kalman Filter based gas path diagnostic technique is one of Gas Path Analysis (GPA) methods
and has been used by gasa turbine manufacturers such as Rolls-Royce and Pratt Whitney in their
gas path diagnostic product for many years. The objective of this project is to investigate the
details of the diagnostic technique and apply the method to selected gas turbine engines for
performance diagnostics and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the method with the
GPA method used at Cranfield. Such research will provide students with detailed understanding of
the particular gas turbine performance diagnostic technique used by major gas turbine
manufacturers and make their own judgement of the technology.

12.Performance simulation of gas turbine combined heat and power

Combined heat and power is one of the effective ways of using energy and reducing CO2 emission
footage. It will become one of the best options to use energy for both industrial and domestic
applications. It has great potential to improve the thermal efficiency of energy systems. The current
study will focus on the investigation of the feasibility of different combined heat and power systems
for both industrial and domestic applications, potential design problems, performance and
economic implications, etc. Turbomatch/Pythia may be used to simulate the performance of prime
mover of the system (gas turbines). Basic thermodynamic modelling may be set up to analyze the
performance of heat generation. The typical application of the system may be a hotel, a hospital of
even a family house.

Dr. David MacManus

Turbine blade aerodynamics

The design of turbine components is a key aspect to the successful development of a gas turbine.
As well as the aerofoil life, cooling and mechanical constraints, the aerodynamic efficiency is vital.
The blade shape depends on mechanical and manufacturing limitations, but the designer’s task is
to generate a profile that has acceptable aerodynamics. There is a continuing interest in
understanding the turbine aerodynamics and how to make improvements within modern
constraints of cost and weight. The objective of this project is to examine the aerodynamic design
of turbine aerofoils and to evaluate the performance of different design methods and CFD tools.
The research could encompass both two dimensional as well as three dimensional design aspects
and will primarily focus on aerodynamics.

2. High-speed intake aerodynamics (with [dstl])

There is an ever-pressing requirement to develop new technologies for high-speed intake designs
– particularly under supersonic conditions where the complex aerodynamics have a significant
influence. For many applications there are is wide range of operating conditions and the
performance of the intake aerodynamics is sensitive to both the flight conditions as well as
conditions within the engine. A key element in the performance of some supersonic intakes is the
characteristics of the compressions shocks that are generated. The effect of these shocks on the
intake performance and on the local boundary layers can be difficult to predict. The aim of this
study, is to assess the ability of modern CFD methods to predict these flow fields. An experimental
dataset of a suitable test case has been identified and will serve as the main focus for this project
which will be conducted in collaboration with the UK MoD (dstl).

3. Engine integration for novel architectures

Moving away from the conventional podded underwing configuration, many novel aircraft
architectures place the engines in a region where the aircraft aerodynamics could have a
significant impact on the engine. Examples include rear mounted engines, military air vehicles,
blended wing body aircraft, as well as architectures with forward lifting surfaces which present the
risk of aircraft flow distortions being experienced by the engine.. Although the source and risk
posed by the flow distortions will depend on the exact architecture, the specific types of flow
features include discrete vortical flows, separated shear layers as well as unsteady wakes. One
such example is for a rear mounted engine which is partially embedded in the airframe and
therefore has to ingest the flow close to the aircraft surface. Some analytical assessments of this
type of arrangement indicate that there is an overall benefit to the vehicle efficiency. However, the
key aspect is to understand if the engine intake and fan can accommodate this type of flow
distortion. The aim of this project will be to consider a novel engine/airframe architecture and to
evaluate the effect of the airframe flow on the engine intake. This will require a combination of
engine modeling as well as more detailed simulations using CFD.

4. Open rotor aerodynamics and noise

The possible development of contra-rotating open-rotor propulsion systems has the potential to
significantly reduce aircraft fuel consumption. However, one of the main drawbacks of such a
system has been the increase in engine noise that they have also typically produced. A key aspect
of this noise is as a result of the aerodynamic interactions between the two contra-rotating rotors
and in particular the effect of the tip vortex from the front row on the aerodynamics of the rear rotor.
The aim of this project will be to use 3D CFD to investigate the details of the tip vortex
aerodynamics that is generated by the front rotor and how it can affect the noise signature of the
overall engine.

5. Turbine aerofoil film cooling
Cooling technology is a key aspect of modern turbine systems. This has evolved from relatively
simple configurations to more complex arrangements driven by the ever present need to improve
efficiency and reliability. One of the important developments has been the use of relatively cold air
to provide a protective aerodynamic layer to the turbine components. The success of this
technique depends on the detailed aerodynamics of how this cold air is introduced around the
turbine aerofoil. Consequently, there is a strong interest in having a technique to predict such
flows. The aim of this project is to use a computational method to evaluate the film-cooling
performance and to determine the capability of the prediction technique by comparing with
experimental data.

6. Combustor turbine interface

The development of more advanced combustion systems has delivered notable improvements in
the combustion performance and reduced emissions. However, the high-pressure turbine must be
able to accommodate the flow field that the combustor produces. Many recent combustor designs
results in a strongly swirling vortical flow which is ingested by the turbine. This presents a very
severe aerodynamic design challenge to the turbine. The aim of this project is to investigate the
aerodynamics of the turbine/combustor interface and to determine the likely impact of the
combustor design onto the turbine. The work will focus on developing an understanding of the
characteristics of a modern combustor system as well as on how the flow distortions affect the
turbine aerodynamics. Much of this work is expected to focus on the effect of a vortex on the
turbine flow field and will primarily use 3D CFD.

Dr. David MacManus and Bernard Charnley

Unsteady nozzle aerodynamics
For some aerodynamic applications it is beneficial to have an unsteady flow field which can be
generated without the requirement of any moving parts. An example of this is in the potential
development of unsteady heat transfer technologies which could be implemented in a wide range
of applications such as aero-engines, micro-electronics and manufacturing processes. A key part
in the development of this technology is the generation of an unsteady jet flow with no moving
parts – but also without a significant loss in the jet efficiency. One such was to achieve this is
through the use of a “flip-flop” nozzle. This is a device that achieves a low-loss unsteady jet purely
through aerodynamic means. The device is simple to construct but there is a lack of data on the
performance of such devices – particularly at the small scale that is of primary interest for these
cooling systems. A previous MSc project has successfully designed such a device and performed
initial test. The aim of this project will be to perform a full experimental investigation of the existing
device and to design, build and test a smaller scale “micro flip-flop” nozzle.

Dr. V. Pachidis

Gas Turbine Engine Shaft Over-speed/Failure Studies

1.1 Compressor Performance Modelling at Reverse Flow Conditions
Aircraft gas turbine manufacturers need to give confidence during the engine certification process
that a shaft over-speed situation in the engine is highly unlikely and that in any case it will not result
in a disc bursting. A comprehensive understanding of the interactions between the thermodynamic
performance of the engine and the compressor characteristics beyond the “conventional”
stall/surge line is central to the analysis of such a complex process and the safety issues involved.
This particular work aims at the development of appropriate analytical models for predicting the
performance of the compression system during surge and while operating at reverse flow
conditions. This work is of fundamental academic interest since it will contribute to the currently
limited knowledge on compressor post-stall performance prediction. This project continues
previous work done on the development, implementation and testing of a numerical compressor
reverse flow model, supplemented by CFD analysis.

1.2 Friction/Wear Modelling of a Free-running Turbine Wheel

When a shaft fails the turbine is pushed towards the rear of the engine and hits stationary
components. Certification requirements demand that the shaft does not over-speed to a level
where excessive stresses will burst the rotating structures. The phenomena taking place are not
well understood. Within Rolls-Royce models that encompass these complex aerothermodynamic
and mechanical effects have been envisaged. The objective of this project is to expand the
knowledge and methods available and to produce the tool. This project will continue last year’s
work on the development and testing of a preliminary 3D finite-element ‘colliding’ turbine model
using LS-DYNA.

1.3 Secondary Air System Dynamics Modelling During Shaft Failure

This project supplements the one described in the last paragraph. Following a shaft failure event, it
is the response of the compression system in time, including the dynamics of the secondary air
system, which will eventually determine the terminal speed of the free-running shaft. Both core and
secondary air flows can alter the amount of axial force acting on the free-running turbine wheel,
and hence change the magnitude of frictional force between the wheel and surrounding stationary
structure. The exact unsteady phenomena taking place are not well understood at this stage and
need to be researched through numerical and engine test data analysis.

Gas Turbine Engine Wind-milling and Altitude Relight Studies

2.1 Improvement of the Compressor Map Generation Software for Sub-idle Performance
Within a compressor map, engine manufacturers generally focus on the design point, or slightly off-
design. Sub-idle conditions are considered to be far off-design and thus the compressor map in
this area is not well defined. The project’s aim would be to improve on the existing map generating
software, enhancing its capabilities and functions while trying to incorporate new methods to
generate compressor maps, based on the current methodology. Comparative studies can be made
to evaluate the enhanced prediction capability of the software.

2.2 Numerical Analysis of the Flow Through a Rotating HP Compressor

This project is the continuation of previous ones, aimed at improving the in-house software for
compressor map generation. Earlier projects looked into a ‘locked’ rotor case to extract the zero-
speed line of a compressor. This year, the aim would be to extract the below-idle compressor
speed lines to strengthen the reliability of the current software. This will be achieved through the
use of CFD or alternatively of a through-flow 2D Streamline Curvature software .
2.3 CFD simulation of Ground Starting and Altitude Re-light Combustion Conditions
Currently, the combustion efficiency during start-up and re-light situations is not well defined and
this leads to uncertainties in engine performance simulation. This project is the continuation of
previous work done towards the accurate prediction of combustion conditions at sub-idle and/or
start-up. This involves simulating combusting flows with a CFD solver under the above mentioned
conditions, in an attempt to extract appropriate combustor performance characteristics which could
then be implemented in an engine performance simulation tool.

Aero-Engine Sub-Idle Mixer performance modelling

The accurate performance simulation of aero engines at sub-idle conditions is an extremely
challenging task due to the complexity of the flow physics throughout the engine. At those far off-
design conditions, the performance of the mixer (the device upstream of the propelling nozzle
mixing the hot stream from the core with the cold air stream from the by-pass duct) is considered to
be rather critical. Traditionally, the performance modelling of the mixer has been carried out using
some very simplistic assumptions for the hot-to-cold pressure ratios at the inlet which may be
inadequate for sub-idle performance calculations. The aim of this project is to examine in detail the
actual mixing mechanisms at the sub-idle operation and how the overall engine performance is
affected by them. The analysis will be based on the application of existing Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) techniques.

Inlet Flow Distortion Studies

3.1 Effect of Inlet Flow Distortion on Engine Compatibility
The current industry established method of accounting for non uniform intake flows effect on
fan/compressor stability is based purely on the circumferential and radial variation in total pressure
at the engine face. Engines are tested with known amounts of circumferential and radial distortion
plus combinations such that a methodology can be developed that allows the loss in engine surge
margin to be equated if the levels of radial and circumferential total pressure distortion are known.
This practice has proven adequate for many years where intakes have had low curvature and
consequently low swirl levels. With the advent of stealth requirements for military vehicles and the
need to both hide the engine face and reduce the overall intake size, intakes have become shorter
and highly offset leading to greater duct curvature. This in turn has led to significant swirl both in
terms of concentrated vortices caused by bend separations in straight and level flight and bulk swirl
in sideslip. Thus a new methodology is needed to take into account the effect of swirl distortion
plus the combined effect of pressure and swirl distortion on the turbo-machinery. The main
objective is to enhance the applicability and reliability of existing numerical models using
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) under various inlet distortion conditions and to compare it with
the available experimental data.

Compressor Through-Flow Studies

4.1 Development of SOCRATES – 2D Compressor Streamline Curvature Analysis Software

A 2D compressor through flow analysis software offers several advantages compared to higher
fidelity flow solvers such as 3D CFD. It is more portable, easily expandable and allows the rapid
design and performance assessment of turbomachine components whilst offering sufficient levels
of accuracy. The in-house through flow analysis code SOCRATES (Synthesis Of Correlations for
the Rapid Assessment of Turbomachine Engine Systems) has been under development and
continuous improvement for a number of years and it can now be used for the steady state and
transient performance analysis of turbomachinery. It can also be fully interfaced with whole-engine
cycle analysis tools, for component ‘zooming’ studies in the context of the whole engine
performance. This project focuses on the further development of the tool and particularly on the
expansion of its existing libraries of viscous models (i.e. blade profile loss models, secondary loss
models, deviation models, boundary layer etc).

Prof Pericles Pilidis/ Dr Panos Laskaridis:

1.Considerations and limitations of advanced aircraft propulsion integration concepts

The proposed MSc projects are part of a wider ongoing research activity that Cranfield University
and the Department of Power and Propulsion is involved during the last three years. The research
project is supported by a major global aerospace company. The proposed projects concentrate on
the performance modelling of advanced propulsion systems based on the Brayton Cycle. The
students will become part of an existing research team and will work closely with two PhD
students. Several topics are available and some of them are shown below:

2. Performance modeling and assessment of an advanced propfan engine

In the pursue of more fuel efficient aircraft engines the unducted propfan concept is being
considered by aircraft and engine manufacturers, while the conventional turbofan engine reaches
its limits. The accurate performance modelling of such unconventional engines is vital for their
further study and assessment. It is the purpose of this project to examine the different modelling
methods available in the literature, and identify their merits and demerits. Emphasis shall be given
to the study of the different characteristics used to describe the performance of open rotors and
their integration into an existing gas turbine performance simulation tool (Turbomatch).

3. Applications of more electric technologies to aircraft engines – performance modelling

and evaluation
The detrimental effects of air bleed extraction from the engine were identified more than 50 years
ago. The elimination of air bleeds and the parallel increase of electric power generation could offer
performance benefits and facilitate the integration with the aircraft. The aim of this project is to
evaluate different configurations for the installation of electric motors and generators in a
propulsion system in terms of performance, maintenance, emissions and systems integration. The
study of the operation and performance of electrical components shall be an essential part of the
project. The characteristics of the motors and generators will be included in the in-house gas
turbine simulation code (Turbomatch) and the aircraft/engine system will be assessed using the
aircraft simulation code Hermes.

4. Effect of variable geometry technologies in the overall performance of aircraft engines

Variable geometry is widely used in gas turbine engines mainly to assure a stable off design
performance. Variable stators are used in compressors to avoid surge and for the same reason
variable area nozzles are common to reheated engines. Variable pitch fans and bypass nozzles
can be used in very high bypass ratio engines to ensure stable operation during the takeoff.
Another benefit recently investigated by the Silent Aircraft Initiative was the reduction of noise by
implementation of variable bypass nozzles. In general, variable geometry is an additional way of
controlling the operating point of the engine and adds another degree of freedom. Within this
project the different extents of application of these technologies will be investigated. Variable
geometry schedules will be created for optimum performance in terms of emissions, life
consumption, fuel consumption and noise. The Turbomatch/Hermes simulation platform will be
used to evaluate the performance of each application

Dr K W Ramsden

1.Turbomachinery Blading
A suite of computer programs have been developed to facilitate preliminary design and
performance of axial flow compressors and turbines. These were developed in a user friendly
spreadsheet environment.

A further project is offered to extend the compressor programme to include estimation of blade
numbers, base profile shape, aspect ratios etc. The project involves a detailed study of the
literature on blade cascade data and conversion of mainly graphical information to digital format.
The eventual user of the program will need to assess the effect the choice of blading has on both
aero-thermal and mechanical integrity issues.

The Course Member undertaking this project will acquire an in depth understanding of the
conflicting requirements of aero-thermal and mechanical integrity issues in compressor design and

2.Turbomachinery Design
A suite of computer programs (“Cassandra”) have been developed to facilitate preliminary design
and performance of axial flow compressors and turbines. These were developed in a user friendly
spreadsheet environment.

It is proposed to set up a design project team of TWO individuals to use Cassandra and design
both compressors and turbines for a selective bleed turbofan for military aircraft application. The
turbo-machinery in this case is required to operate over a wide range of pressure ratios and
ambient conditions.
The project team would have an opportunity to examine the potential benefits of the selective bleed
cycle as well as become familiar with the conflicting requirements of compressor and turbine
design. The project would focus equally on aero-thermal and mechanical integrity issues.

The Course Members undertaking this project would acquire an in depth understanding of the
conflicting requirements of aero-thermal and mechanical integrity issues in turbomachinery design
and performance.

3.The Effect of Compressor Detailed Design on Performance Characteristics

The choice of stage numbers and operating conditions, like rotational speed, can have a profound
effect on the eventual shape and performance of the compressor over a range of speeds and flow
This project would investigate for say two nominal design pressure ratios, solutions involving high
speed (transonic) stages and low speed very efficient stages.

The outcome of the project would be to facilitate more realistic representation of the compressor
within in the Turbomatch code in use widely for overall engine performance prediction.The
requisite software already exists.

The student undertaking this work would acquire a very good feel for the detailed design and
performance of the compressor within both stationary and aero gas turbine engines

4. A Novel Model Aircraft Propulsion System
An opportunity to design a novel propulsion system for model aircraft has arisen which will involve
small scale single stage fan driven by an electric motor. The project will include a detailed blading
exercise for a range of fans in a power range one quarter to a full kilowatt. The nacelle, intake and
exhaust ducting design will also play a key role in the success of a suitable lightweight and efficient
total propulsion system.

This project would give the course member the opportunity to become familiar with the key design
and performance issues in small scale turbofan engines. In addition, the course member would
gain a good understanding of the conflicting requirements in the blading design and performance
prediction using a range of existing software

5. Design and Performance of a Generic Multistage Industrial Compressor

The design of a compressor to fulfil certain performance requirements can be done using methods
from hand-calculations to 3-dimensional CFD simulations. The latter are computationally very
demanding and therefore generally a compromise has to be found between time consumption and
detail of the solution.

Based on an industrial engine the course member will design multiple stages of the compressor
using a suite of computer programs that have been developed on campus to facilitate preliminary
design. Generic blade cross-sections will lead to a simplified streamline study to check
performance data and if necessary iterate the process. For future examination, a 3 dimensional
geometry will be generated involving CAD to conclude the project.

The project will focus on aerodynamic issues and will provide an in depth knowledge in
turbomachinery design and performance. The application of CAD to achieve the geometry will
combine theoretical with practical design experience.

6. Engine Design Project (K W Ramsden with Mr Tony Haslam)

The actual engine project(s) that will be developed will depend on the number of Course Members
who wish to participate and upon their interests and backgrounds. Following the specification of
the engine requirements, the first part of the project will be to analyse appropriate thermodynamic
cycles and operational requirements using the TURBOMATCH computer programme.
Subsequently, individuals will study particular components with the object of arriving at all the
principle dimensions, blade shapes etc. Ideally, this would be a group project with the work split
between the members of the group who liaise at regular project meetings. The project would
extend to the engine/airframe interface and would require liaison with the aircraft design and
computer aided design groups within the university.

7.Group Design Project on Marine Gas Turbines (K W Ramsden with Mr Tony Haslam)

The marine gas turbine is receiving ever increasing use as a propulsion system for both naval and
commercial ships. In all cases, it would be interesting to undertake a techno-economic analysis of
a particular application to establish how fuel burn, engine life and maintenance methodologies
would be affected by changes (say) in operating profile.
The following three business cases are considered viable for evaluation:

(a) A techno-economic evaluation of gas turbine powered fast ferry ships.

This study could include a comparative evaluation of alternative propelling devices.

(b) A techno-economic evaluation of gas turbine powered frigates.

This study could include the evaluation of combined cycle gas turbines with and without inter-

(c) A techno-economic evaluation of gas turbine powered cruise liners.This study could
include a comparative evaluation of combined gas and diesel propulsionsystems. Initially one, two
or three individuals could work together as a team to establish the important parameters relevant to
each case and collectively make an appropriate final selection. Subsequently,each individual
would undertake a detailed techno-economic study appropriate to his or her chosen case.

A suite of computer programs (“Cassandra”) already exists to facilitate the preliminary

evaluation of both design point and off-design performance of gas turbine engines. This has been
written in a user friendly spreadsheet environment.
A more comprehensive code (Turbomatch) exists for detailed performance analysis.

This project will give the student a wide understanding of marine technologies together with a
thorough knowledge of gas turbine performance.

8. Aero-derivative gas turbine for power generation (K W Ramsden with Mr Tony Haslam)
Large 3 shaft turbofan aero engines are usually converted to industrial use by removing the fan
and placing a power turbine downstream of the remaining gas generator to provide drive for an
external load. It is proposed to examine the feasibility of replacing the LP fan with a low pressure
booster compressor ahead of the gas generator (IP/HP shafts) and modifying the original LP
turbine to both drive the booster and an external load for power generation.
An essential aspect of this project includes investigations of both aero and mechanical design

This project would give the course member the opportunity to become familiar with the key
performance issues in industrialising aero engines. In addition, the course member would gain a
good understanding of the conflicting requirements in the design and performance of compressors
and turbines.

9.Design project in aircraft propulsion (To compliment an aircraft design project) (K W
Ramsden with Mr Tony Haslam)


Traditionally students of the Aerospace Technology group of the department undertake a group
design project for a novel aircraft concept. The propulsion systems requirements are
simultaneously researched by a small team of students of the Gas Turbine technology Group. An
essential aspect of this project includes investigations of both aero and mechanical design

This project would give the course member the opportunity to become familiar with the key design
and performance issues in aero engines. In addition, the course member would gain a good
understanding of the conflicting requirements in the design and performance of compressors
combustors and turbines.

10. Techno- economic studies of Compressor Washing (K W Ramsden with Professor

On line compressor washing can improve the performance of a gas turbine engine by washing
away impurities attached to the compressor aero-foils. The present project has two objectives.
Firstly, the interpretation and improvement of measurements to ascertain the effectiveness of
washing and secondly to optimise the frequency of compressor washing based on the operation of
the engines

11.Droplet trajectories in a compressor stage (K W Ramsden with Professor Pilidis)

There are different scenarios where fluid droplets can enter a compressor. Especially within the
rotor droplets are experiencing centrifugal forces and may be significantly deflected from the
streamlines. For a generic industrial compressor stage a parametrical study of different droplet
sizes and inlet distributions is offered. The influences of rotor and stator on the initial droplet
distribution will be investigated.

For this study a three dimensional blade and annulus geometry of the first stage of an industrial
compressor has to be designed using a suit of computer programs. The project has therefore
strong aerodynamic and turbo-machinery design aspects as well as a focus on CFD.

This project is being carried out in collaboration with an industrial concern and can be taken on by
an individual or a group of 2-3 candidates. Similar techniques could be applied to a casing.

12.Combined Heat and Power

There is an interesting opportunity to examine the feasibility of small scale CHP for hospitals,
residential high rise apartment blocks etc and for air conditioning in very warm climates. The study
would be techno-economic and cover issues of operating costs and plant availability for gas turbine
powered systems up to 10 mw power range.This project is being carried out for a major oil
company. This project will give the student a wide understanding of CHP technologies together
with a thorough knowledge of small gas turbine performance limitations.

13.Compressor Performance Prediction Maps

A new piece of software is to be developed and incorporated into an existing programme to allow
the prediction of a compressor characteristic given only stage numbers, pressure ratio and annulus
geometry. The Course Member undertaking this project will acquire an in depth understanding of
the conflicting requirements of aero-thermal and mechanical integrity issues in compressor design
and performance.

Prof M Savill and Dr. T Kipouros

1.Robust Design Optimisation for Aircraft Configurations

This project will involve the detailed analysis of multi-objective aerodynamic design methodologies
established for multi-element aerofoil performance optimisation, and their extension to include
loading considerations, with a focus on minimising high lift/drag landing noise effects for a range of
operating conditions.

A three-dimensional geometry parameterisation approach will be adapted with definition and

evaluation of statistical metrics as additional objectives or constraints to the design problem.
Optimisation will be performed using an integrated design system incorporating commercial CFD
meshing and solution software with the geometry model and an existing and well established multi-
objective optimisation algorithm together with surrogate models. Further extension to aero-
structural optimisation for aircraft wing configurations is envisaged.

2.Optimisation of Marine Turbines for Renewable Power Generation.

Renewable or ‘Green’ Energy is a topic of considerable current interest at all levels.
Amongst the various pilot projects currently underway, the study of marine sources for power
generation is receiving attention. Large-scale tidal turbines are of particular interest and some
initial CFD results have already been obtained for a demonstrator design drawing on staff
experience established over many years working closely with the gas turbine industry. Structural
and torque considerations have led to initial designs of an appearance between three-bladed
propellers and fans. Traditionally both these other types of device have been developed solely
through experimental test programmes, but in recent years some CFD has also been utilised.
There is a desire now to transfer application of more advanced computational design engineering
technologies, developed for aeroengine and aero-derivative power generation gas turbines, to the
marine propulsor and power sector. Tidal turbines offer a real opportunity to do so successfully
since the efficiency of initial designs is very low compared to their theoretical optimum.

3.Design Optimisation for Micro-Fluidic Devices

In a previous investigation the Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM) were combined successfully with
the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) optimisation algorithm for the configuration and
performance design of micro-scale flow devices. We can now extend the application of this design
system to more complicated micro-mixing concepts and devices.
Standard Navier-Stokes CFD methods solve transport equations for flow variables on a geometric
mesh. LBM solves diffusion-like equations for distributions of flow particles across a lattice
representation of the flow domain. It is particularly well suited to low speed flow through small-
scale devices where the flow properties are determined by more than just the Reynolds number.
As there is strong current interest in the development and application of micro-scale devices (for
flow control, health purposes; as fluidic switches, actuators, and sensors; as micro-reactors, and
micro-combustors) this project will investigate the use of LBM in place of CFD approaches for
computational design optimisation of such devices.

4.Aero-thermal Design Optimisation for HP Turbine Blades

An existing integrated design system, comprising a Free Form Deformation geometry management
approach, commercial CFD packages, and a well established heuristic optimisation algorithm, will
be enhanced with advanced modelling for the prediction of thermal performance metrics of an HP
2D turbine blade. An appropriate reduced order model based on the Radial Basis Function
implementation will be deployed to accelerate the design process. Further investigation will extend
the application of the system to the design of three-dimensional turbine blades.

The students undertaking these projects should have good computing skills (Fortran, C/C++, Linux,
CAD, graphics display) and a sound working knowledge of
Dr. V. Sethi


Cranfield University is leading the development of the TERA Framework for many applications.
Within the European Union, the TERA Framework for civil aviation is being developed, with the
support of several leading European Universities, for the VITAL, NEWAC, DREAM and Clean Sky
projects these projects focus on advanced environment friendly civil aircraft gas turbines.
There is an increasing concern that current trends of consumption of natural resources cannot
continue. It is imperative that major targeted investments are made into economical and reliable
environment friendly propulsion and power solutions. Many novel and promising concepts are
being proposed. The selection of the best candidates to pursue for investment becomes a very
difficult choice.
The TERA framework, which is essentially a multi-disciplinary optimisation tool, is a useful tool to
quantify risks and to compare and rank competing schemes on a formal and consistent basis. This
technique is based on detailed and rigorous thermodynamic representations of power plants. A
layer of environment, economic, weather and other models to describe the appropriate local
conditions are superimposed to this.
The TERA related MSc Thermal Power projects available for the 2010/2011 academic year
comprise the following:


Gas Turbine Emissions Prediction Modelling

Due to the increasing awareness and concern about the impact of gas turbine emissions on the
environment, engine certification requirements are currently being refined to reflect stringent
environmental legislations. This has resulted in a need for integrating environmental considerations
during the early stages of the aircraft (both fixed wing and rotorcraft)/engine design process, and
for more systematic investigation and quantification of the trade-offs involved in meeting specific
environmental constraints. Consequently a need has arisen for the development of new
methodologies and/or tools capable of quantifying, directly or indirectly, the impact of aircraft
operations, particularly gas turbine emissions, on the environment. As a result, a robust emissions
model, either integrated into or coupled with a gas turbine simulation software, is now a
fundamental requirement for performance simulation. The proposed projects will involve a
comparative analysis of the various empirical and semi – empirical correlations as well as other
techniques, which are currently available, to predict the concentration of the main gas turbine
pollutants which include:

Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)

Carbon monoxide (CO)
Unburned hydrocarbons (UHC)

These analyses will be geared towards the development of Cranfield University’s emissions
prediction software – Hephaestus.

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
Simulation and diagnostics
Propulsion systems performance and integration
Fuels and Combustion

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. H. Pervier

3.Rotorcraft Performance Evaluation, Mission Analysis and Design Optimization

Rotorcraft operations are expected to grow sharply in the future in order to meet the increasing
demands of citizens, e.g. needs for medical services including fast transport of patients or transport
of passengers from and to places where efficient surface transport network cannot be developed
due to the geographical or economic reasons etc. Recent developments in the worldwide
economic state in conjunction with the corresponding political ramifications and the constantly
diminishing oil reserves indicate that the price of crude oil will continue to rise, thus it is only
reasonable that the price of aviation fuel will follow the same trend. This trend is responsible for
constituting the total operational fuel consumption as a key factor in minimizing the overall
operational cost of given helicopter mission. Consequently helicopter operational procedure must,
not only comply with imposed Air Traffic Control (ATC) constraints, but also be accompanied by
the minimal fuel consumption feasible. Therefore the development of an integrated simulation
framework capable of efficiently and accurately evaluating the required operational resources as
well as the associated environmental impact of any defined helicopter-engine integrated system
within any specified mission is of utmost importance. Especially considering the ever increasing
demand for “greener” air transport and lower fuel consumption, it is the economically most efficient
way to assess the feasibility of implementing design alterations to satisfy these requirements – e.g.
exploring mission profiles requiring lower fuel consumption or associated with the minimum overall
environmental impact, implementation of design characteristics leading to increased rotorcraft
aerodynamic efficiency in critical regiments within the operational envelope etc.

The following two projects are proposed:

Contribution towards the development of an efficient modelling methodology focusing on the

transient performance of helicopter rotors including the modelling of off-design and transient
performance characteristics faced within acceleration or deceleration phases in the mission profile.
Contribution towards the development of modelling methodologies applicable to helicopter flight
dynamics including longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics as well as control response for
the purpose of efficiently simulating helicopter manoeuvring performance.

The above projects will provide a significant contribution to Cranfield University’s HECTOR
(Helicopter Omni-disciplinary Research platform)

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
Simulation and diagnostics
Propulsion systems performance and integration

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. I. Goulos.

5.Multi-disciplinary Aircraft Trajectory Optimisation

It is well known that environmental issues associated with aircraft operations are currently one of
the most critical aspects of commercial aviation. Currently several organisations worldwide are
focussing their efforts towards large collaborative projects whose main objective is to identify the
best alternatives or routes to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft operations.
The TERA framework was essentially developed for power plant selection for a given application.
However, an interesting area of research is extending the applications of the TERA to include
aircraft trajectory multi-disciplinary optimisation studies within physical and Air Traffic Control
(ATC) constraints.

There are several projects available in this area, which can broadly be classified into four main

Development of new (e.g. contrails and preliminary engine weight) and existing models (engine
performance, aircraft performance, noise and emissions). Further development of an existing
optimiser to improve its suitability, capabilities and robustness for multi-disciplinary aircraft
trajectory optimisation. Integration of the various models and the optimiser into a suitable
interfacing framework.
To utilise a pre-existing Optimisation tool and framework to establish environmental gains by
optimising for 2 or more objectives, which would include (for full trajectories between city pairs) -
Fuel consumption, Noise and Emissions (CO2 and NOx )

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
 Simulation and diagnostics
 Propulsion systems performance and integration

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of two
doctoral researchers – Mr. H. Pervier and Mr. D.N. Karumbaiah.

6.Thrust Reverser Design and Performance

Commercial civil aircraft generate the decelerating force during landing by using the wheel brakes,
aerodynamic braking (such as flaps and speed brakes) and thrust reversers. Thrust reversers, play
a key role in decelerating the aircraft and reducing the landing distance by providing an additional
braking force. Thrust reversers are mainly integrated in the nacelle as they divert the cold-stream
thrust and account to almost 30% of the overall nacelle weight.

Blocker-less Thrust Reverser Concept

The proposed projects involve studies of an innovative ‘Blocker-less Thrust Reverser’ design. In
this design the blocker doors are eliminated and the reverse thrust is obtained by extracting a small
quantity of high pressure air from the core flow and introducing it as a diverter in the fan duct to
block and divert the fan flow.
The projects will include one or a combination of the following analyses:
A 2-D CFD analysis of engine nacelle, thrust reverser and cascade design.
Engine/aircraft integration studies to identify the benefits of| this concept in terms of overall weight
saving (the student may be required to carry out a pylon and nacelle design study using a CAD
software such as IDEA-S and perform stress analyses.

Wing-Mounted Thrust Reverser Concept

The proposed projects involve studies of an innovative ‘Wing-Mounted Thrust Reverser’. One of
the limitations of fan-cowl mounted (cascade or multi-door) and core-mounted (target) thrust
reverser systems if that only the fan flow is reversed. With the wing-mounted thrust reverser
concept both the core and fan flow can be captured and reversed, and thrust reverser
effectiveness can be improved. By removing the thrust reverser system form the nacelle, the wing-
mounted thrust reverser concept offers the nacelle designer more options for improving nacelle
aerodynamics and propulsion airframe integration, simplifying nacelle structural designs, reducing
nacelle weight, and improving engine maintenance access. Conceptually, the wing-mounted thrust
reverser concept would use one or more flow deflectors deployed from the wing to capture and
reverse the engine flow.
The projects will include one or a combination of the following analyses:
A 2-D CFD analyse of engine nacelle, aircraft wing during landing with thrust reverser and without
thrust reverser.

Investigations to determine potential gains in SFC, aerodynamics, engine weight associated with
the proposed thrust reverser design by undertaking aircraft performance analyses.

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
 Simulation and diagnostics
 Propulsion systems performance and integration
 Computational Fluid Dynamics

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. T. Mahmood.

8.Aero-engine Preliminary Weight Estimation

(These projects will be co-supervised by Dr. Tony Jackson and Dr. V. Sethi)
The projects available can be broadly classified into the following five areas:

8.1 Engine Weight Estimation Methods at a Conceptual Design Phase

Previous studies have shown a connection between the thermodynamic characteristics of the
engine and its weight. However, none of them concluded in a clear correlation that covers all
cases. This project aims to identify the key parameters that influence engine weight and produce a
method that will be able to calculate it at a conceptual design phase. This will be achieved with the
enhancement of an existing database of engines and the application of specific statistical methods
to identify the possible correlations. Furthermore, a self-training tool that will predict the weight of
the engine by using heuristic and prediction algorithms can be developed in FORTRAN or
MATLAB environment. More specifically, this tool can make use of the adaptive learning ability of
the artificial neural networks algorithms or other suitable methodologies.

8.2 Effect of Engine Weight on Aero Gas Turbine Performance

Preliminary weight estimation of gas turbine engines provides important information to engine
design engineers for the estimation of engine thrust-to-weight ratio to assist the design selection
during engine preliminary design period. The objective of this project is to explore and evaluate the
methods for the preliminary estimation of engine weight based on preliminary engine performance
and configuration information, such as engine type, engine configuration and technology level.
Furthermore, the student will determine the influence of engine weight on other engine parameters
(incl. performance, design, emissions, noise, cost, etc) by performing multi-disciplinary optimisation
and trade-off studies within a TERA environment. For this purpose, weight models for various
engine types and configurations will be developed where necessary.

8.3 Sizing of Engine Components to be Used in a Weight Prediction Module

Accurate weight prediction is very important during a conceptual design stage. The available
weight prediction model calculates the weight of each component separately by performing a
design procedure and determining their dimensions. A series of component sizing models need to
be improved or created. These include combustors and afterburners, heat exchangers and
intercoolers, propellers, casings and frames, shafts, gearboxes, and secondary systems. Several
suggestions for each component exist in the literature, but depending on the component, different
methodologies and approaches have to be used. Following the determination of the sizing
procedure a code will be created and integrated into the main weight calculation module.

8.4 Weight Estimation of Cowlings and Installation Features

A method for estimating cowl weight is needed for the early stages of high bypass ratio gas turbine
design so that the correct choice of engine cycle and parameters can be made. This involves
features such as cowl length, thrust reverser size and possible variable bypass nozzles. Engine
accessories such as the control system, fuel pumps, oil pumps, hydraulic pump, electrical
generator and air conditioning pipes and valves must also be taken into account. Some data exists
in the literature but additional fundamental work is also required.

8.5 Weight Estimation Method Development for Aero Gas Turbines

Estimation of the weight of a gas turbine at the early design stages is difficult. However, progress
has been made recently at Cranfield based on a method published by Sagerser. The method is
applicable to all aero gas turbines including open rotors. However, more work is needed to
incorporate the effects of various parameters including overall pressure ratio, the compressor
delivery temperature and the life of the engine.

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for these projects:
 Simulation and diagnostics
 Propulsion systems performance and integration

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. P. Lolis.

9. Aero-Engine Economics and Lifing Calculations

The economic model is a key module of the TERA framework. It is an engineering approach that
integrates mechanical and performance engineering with lifing criteria to be able to estimate the
cost of maintenance, direct operating costs and net present cost of new concept engines and
assess different candidates at the preliminary design phase. The current economics model
consists of three modules: A lifing module, an economic module and a risk module.

The lifing module estimates the life of the high pressure turbine disk and blades through the
analysis of creep and fatigue over a full working cycle of the engine. The economic module uses
the time between overhaul (TBO) together with the cost of labour and the cost of the engine to
estimate the cost of maintenance of the engine. The risk module uses the Monte Carlo method
with a Gaussian distribution to study the impact of the variations in some parameters on the net
present cost (NPC) of operation.

The following projects are proposed:

 Contribution to the development of High Pressure Turbine Blade/Disc oxidation prediction

 Contribution to the improvement of High Pressure Turbine disc life prediction method
 Contribution to the development of blade cooling prediction method

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
 Simulation and diagnostics
 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. E.N. Saatlou.

10. Evaluation of Gas Turbine Performance Simulation Models
Advanced gas turbine simulation software is becoming increasingly important in design studies,
mission analysis, life cycle analysis, performance prediction and diagnostics. A robust gas turbine
simulation software offers a significant reduction in development time and costs for all types of gas
turbines or propulsion systems. It also facilitates the possibility to investigate the feasibility of novel
cycles and technology. The European Union gas turbine community, which comprises several
industrial companies, research institutes and universities, are major contributors to R&D of gas
turbine engines and cycles for aircraft propulsion as well as land and sea based applications. A
number of commercially available gas turbine simulation software have been developed by these
institutions both collaboratively and individually and include TURBOMATCH (developed by
Cranfield University), PROOSIS (collaboratively developed by the EU gas turbine community –
including Cranfield University), GASTURB and GSP among others. The proposed projects will
involve evaluating these various performance simulation models to determine the advantages and
limitations associated with them. The projects offered may overlap with some of the projects
defined above.

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
Simulation and diagnostics
Propulsion systems performance and integration

Professor Riti Singh/ Dr Panos Laskaridis

1.Considerations and limitations of advanced aircraft propulsion integration concepts

The proposed MSc projects are part of a wider ongoing research activity that Cranfield University
and the Department of Power and Propulsion is involved during the last three years. The research
project is supported by a major global aerospace company. The proposed projects concentrate on
the performance modelling of advanced propulsion systems based on the Brayton Cycle. The
students will become part of an existing research team and will work closely with two PhD
students. Several topics are available and some of them are shown below:

Performance modeling and assessment of an advanced propfan engine

In the pursue of more fuel efficient aircraft engines the unducted propfan concept is being
considered by aircraft and engine manufacturers, while the conventional turbofan engine reaches
its limits. The accurate performance modeling of such unconventional engines is vital for their
further study and assessment. It is the purpose of this project to examine the different modeling
methods available in the literature, and identify their merits and demerits. Emphasis shall be given
to the study of the different characteristics used to describe the performance of open rotors and
their integration into an existing gas turbine performance simulation tool (Turbomatch).

Applications of more electric technologies to aircraft engines – performance modelling and

The detrimental effects of air bleed extraction from the engine were identified more than 50 years
ago. The elimination of air bleeds and the parallel increase of electric power generation could offer
performance benefits and facilitate the integration with the aircraft. The aim of this project is to
evaluate different configurations for the installation of electric motors and generators in a
propulsion system in terms of performance, maintenance, emissions and systems integration. The
study of the operation and performance of electrical components shall be an essential part of the
project. The characteristics of the motors and generators will be included in the in-house gas
turbine simulation code (Turbomatch) and the aircraft/engine system will be assessed using the
aircraft simulation code Hermes.

Effect of variable geometry technologies in the overall performance of aircraft engines

Variable geometry is widely used in gas turbine engines mainly to assure a stable off design
performance. Variable stators are used in compressors to avoid surge and for the same reason
variable area nozzles are common to reheated engines. Variable pitch fans and bypass nozzles
can be used in very high bypass ratio engines to ensure stable operation during the takeoff.
Another benefit recently investigated by the Silent Aircraft Initiative was the reduction of noise by
implementation of variable bypass nozzles. In general, variable geometry is an additional way of
controlling the operating point of the engine and adds another degree of freedom. Within this
project the different extents of application of these technologies will be investigated. Variable
geometry schedules will be created for optimum performance in terms of emissions, life
consumption, fuel consumption and noise. The Turbomatch/Hermes simulation platform will be
used to evaluate the performance of each application

2.Life Estimation of Aero-Engines

The proposed MSc projects are part of a wider ongoing research activity that Cranfield University
and the Department of Power and Propulsion is involved during the last three years. The research
project is supported by a major global aerospace company. The proposed projects include
elements of gas turbine performance, aircraft performance and application of existing lifing
techniques. The students will become part of an existing research team and will work closely with
two PhD students. Several topics are available and some of them are shown below:

Effect of High Temperature Cycles on Gas Turbine Life Consumption

The objective of this project is to examine the effects of increased turbine entry temperature on the
performance, emission and life of aero engines. The turbine entry temperature is regarded as a
technology factor and the aim of the designer is to strike a balance between efficiency, emissions
and life. Generally speaking, increased turbine entry temperature will have a positive impact on
efficiency and CO2 emissions and a negative effect on the life of the high pressure turbine and
NOx emissions. During the recent years, much emphasis has been given on the life and
maintenance aspects of aero engines. However, with the increased pressure to minimise fuel
consumption and emissions, the existing metrics may have to change and higher turbine entry
temperatures may be adopted at the expense of component life. The proposed project will examine
the benefits and detrimental effects of increased cycle temperatures by performing trade off
studies. Block fuel, emissions indexes, and life consumption will be used as figures of merit.

3.Life Estimation Methods for Aero Engines

The objective of this project is to cascade the gas turbine component stress and temperature
estimation into the component life. The essential modes of failure to be estimated are low cycle
fatigue, creep and oxidation. The different techniques available in the literature need to be
examined to identify the merits and demerits of their usage for the aero engine components. The
theories pertaining to the combined damage due to the interaction of the different modes of failure
has to be studied with respect to different damage models. Special consideration should be given
to the modeling and the effects of oxidation.

Engine Flight Path Cycle Study and Life Consumption Assessment for Commercial Aircraft
The aim of the project is to assess the effect of the mission flight profile of typical commercial
aircraft on the life of critical engine components. An existing gas turbine performance tool will be
used to model and study the performance of a typical high bypass ratio engine. The Hermes and
in–house aircraft performance model will be used in conjunction with the engine performance tool
to study the overall performance of the aircraft/engine system. Different mission profiles will be
examined and assessed. Emphasis will be placed on the different segments of the flight profile
including, take-off, climb and cruise. Different climb profiles, cruise altitudes and Mach numbers will
be studied. The outputs from the engine and aircraft performance models will then be used with an
existing life estimation tool to assess the effects on the life of critical engine parts.

Effect of All Electric Technologies on Gas Turbine Life Consumption

Current engines provide secondary power in addition to the primary power which is thrust. The
secondary power extracted and delivered to the airframe systems may be in the form of bleed air,
shaft power, hydraulic power and/or electric power. In the recent years the trend has been towards
the elimination of bleed air and hydraulic power and the increase of electrical power. This can have
a positive impact to the mass of the aircraft and the efficiency of the engine. In addition, elimination
of bleed air may increase the service life of the gas turbine. Previous projects studied the mass
and fuel savings. The lifing aspects will be considered by the current project. The project includes
elements of gas turbine performance, aircraft performance and application of lifing techniques and

Considerations and Limitations of Advanced Aircraft Propulsion Integration Concepts

In an attempt to reduce direct operating costs and emissions engine and aircraft manufacturers are
considering a number of advanced aircraft propulsion integration concepts. The nature and extent
of these new technologies vary greatly along with their potential benefits and their limitations. It is
the purpose of this project to consider a number of selected propulsion technologies (high and very
high bypass ratio engines, open rotors, more electric technologies, variable bleed cycles, geared
fans, variable nozzle cycles) and study the projected benefits and limitations. Emphasis should be
given to the life of the critical parts of the engine as well as performance, emissions and integration

Impact of Engine Deterioration and Aging on Fuel Consumption and Lifing

When an engine becomes operational its components start to degrade due to fouling, erosion and
other effects. As a result the operation and efficiency of the individual components and the engine
deteriorate. Generally speaking two major effects are taking place the efficiency and fuel
consumption of the engine increases and the exhaust gas temperature margin reduces. Different
engines will exhibit different levels of degradation and aging depending on their operation and their
design. The aim of the proposed project is to study the effects of engine deterioration and aging on
fuel consumption and lifing.

Direct Operating Cost Estimation Methods for Commercial Aircraft

The objective of this project is to cascade the gas turbine and aircraft performance into direct
operating costs. The operating costs include many different elements including fuel and
maintenance costs. The different techniques for estimating the operating costs of an aircraft are
available in the literature and need to be examined to identify the merits and demerits of their
usage. The theories pertaining to the combined costs of the different elements have to be studied
with respect to different inputs. Special consideration should be given to the estimation of fuel
costs, engine maintenance costs and also the potential introduction of emissions tax.

4.Performance Improvements and Lifing Analysis of Stationary Gas Turbine Engines

This is an area that the Department of Power and Propulsion has significant experience and an
ongoing interest. In this context a number of MS projects are offered:
Gas Turbine Cleaning Optimisation and Associated Performance Improvement Analysis.
Industrial gas turbines suffer from compressor fouling. As a result the efficiency and the capacity of
the compressor deteriorates. Furthermore, the power output and the overall efficiency of the gas
turbine are also reduced. Several cleaning options exist. Each one present its own advantages and
limitations. The aim of the proposed MSc project is to examine the different cleaning options need
to be considered and identified. The different options available in the literature need to be
examined to identify their advantages and limitations. The effects of fouling will be quantified by
using an existing engine performance code, called Turbomatch. It is the scope of this project to
also examine the associated performance improvement. This will be achieved by identifying and
carrying out a suitable analysis that will enable the gas turbine user to quantify the benefits arising
from applying different cleaning techniques. Optimisation of cleaning techniques is also of interest.

Power Augmentation Options for Stationary Gas Turbines

Many power installations are power constrained due to high ambient temperatures and fouling. The
scope of this MSc project will be to identify and consider different power augmentation options. The
available options can be found in the open literature and they should be examined to identify their
advantages and limitations. Selected options should be further examined and their benefits along
with their limitations should be quantified using a typical gas turbine engine. In this context the
effect of overfiring on the creep life of the high pressure turbine should be considered.

Prof Riti. Singh

1.Distributed propulsion utilising full electric propulsion systems
The advances in electric motors/generators in the recent year have led to a continuous
improvement in specific power. As a result, it is expected that in the next decades such technology
will be available for aviation purposes. In this context a feasibility study is focused on the
performance benefits that high speed motors can provide through the implementation of distributed
propulsion. A holistic approach needs to be followed in order to assess the feasibility of such
complex system. Several aspects need to be taken into account, such as the boundary layer
ingestion, installed drag, thrust vectoring and multiple propulsion systems.

Two MSc projects are offered on a blended wing body, where various technologies will be studied:
-Development of a distributed propulsion system model able to predict the effects of ingestion of
highly distorted flow.
-Development of the integrated aircraft model that will analyse the overall performance of a
blended wing body aircraft, powered by electric distributed propulsion systems.

2.Integrated component design & control for CO2 compression systems

Energy consumption in multi-stage high-pressure compressors for CO2 capture and storage
technologies can be minimised by optimum component design and control. Uncertainties in fluid
properties near the liquid phase boundary present significant challenges. It is believed a
compression system that produces some liquid CO2 without recourse to refrigeration is possible
and desirable. The advances in electric motors/generators in the recent year have led to a
continuous improvement in specific power. As a result, it is expected that in the next decades such
technology will be available for aviation purposes. In this context a feasibility study is focused on
the performance benefits that high speed motors can provide through the implementation of
distributed propulsion. A holistic approach needs to be followed in order to assess the feasibility of
such complex system. Several aspects need to be taken into account, such as the boundary layer
ingestion, installed drag, thrust vectoring and multiple propulsion systems.

MSc projects are offered in the following areas:

1 Definition of the compression system (number of sections & intercoolers)
2 Intercooler design including layout & cost
3 Heat transfer prediction accuracy and uncertainties
4 Computational fluid dynamic modelling of compressor inlet duct
5 Identification of stabilising mechanisms (stored liquid CO2 and level control, heat in liquid

3.Novel cycles for the 4th generation nuclear power plant

Towards a zero-emission world, nuclear energy appears as a technology to be revisited. In this
direction, maximum efficiency and minimum risk is desired from future nuclear thermodynamic
cycles. This project focuses on the techno-economic and risk analysis of cycles that use as a
medium: CO2, or Helium, but also for combined cycles, in order to identify the benefits and risks
associated with such technology.

MSc projects are offered in the study of fast cooled reactors coupled to cycles operating with:
1 Supercritical CO2
2 Helium
3 Combined cycle

4.Compressed air energy storage system

One of the contemporary challenges faced in power energy industry, is storage of energy, but also
management of large base load, at off-peak and peak request. A technology to replace the use of
expensive battery systems is the compressed air energy storage system. Such technology utilizes
an underground cavern to store compressed air, during off-peak (night), so that base-load plants
do not need to reduce their power. Furthermore, the stored air, is extracted, burned and expanded
through a turbine system to satisfy the peak power request. Configurations that can be studied
include various choices of underground storage, compressor train architectures, power generation
architectures, head addition configurations (oxi-fuel, combustion, adiabatic).

MSc projects are offered in the area covering the technoeconomic and environmental analysis of
various configurations.

Prof. Riti. Singh and Dr. V. Sethi

1.Development of Advanced Models for TERA

Cranfield University is leading the development of the TERA Framework for many applications.
There is an increasing concern that current trends of consumption of natural resources cannot
continue. It is imperative that major targeted investments are made into economical and reliable
environment friendly propulsion and power solutions. Many novel and promising concepts are
being proposed. The selection of the best candidates to pursue for investment becomes a very
difficult choice. The TERA framework, which is essentially a multi-disciplinary optimisation tool, is a
useful tool to quantify risks and to compare and rank competing schemes on a formal and
consistent basis. This technique is based on detailed and rigorous thermodynamic representations
of power plants. A layer of environment, economic, weather and other models to describe the
appropriate local conditions are superimposed to this.
While a lot of the past TERA related research has been focussed on developments of engine
performance, aircraft performance, emissions and noise models, which are based on sound
physics and thermodynamics, a very interesting area for research could be the development of
“philosophical” models. Development of such novel models will involve significant research,
collection of data via questionnaires, and development and will be based on probabilistic and
statistical methodologies. Integrating such models into the TERA framework could justify power
plant selection not only with respect to sound thermodynamics and physics but also with respect to
policies and data uncertainties.
Each of the main project topics suggested, and available in this area may each be undertaken by a
group of students and can comprise several individual sub-projects

Contribution to the development of an “Aviation Policy” model for the TERA framework. For
example questions such as “what are the impacts of carbon taxes on power plant selection?” can
be addressed. Different scenarios can be studied for example a business as usual scenario (BAU),
a progressive environmental awareness scenario (PEA) and a high environmental awareness
scenario (HEA), based on data collected from a range of sources (airframe and engine
manufacturers, airline companies, green lobbyists, “young” green lobbyists, banks etc) about their
perceptions of future policies.

Often when performing TERA assessments, research establishments do not have access to
proprietary information and have to develop models based on information available from the public
domain coupled with reasonable guesses and assumptions. An additional TERA module which can
assess the embedded risks of uncertainties in each component or system can be developed.

A preliminary study of the feasibility of converting a Large Military Turboprop Aircraft to a Civilian
Passenger aircraft with an investigation into possible improved Fuel burn performance and
reduced emission characteristics in comparison to High Bypass Turbofan propelled Civil Aircraft in
the same MTOW/ Payload category.

An existing tool to assess the medium and long term impacts of human activities (particularly civil
aviation) on climate change and global warming has been developed. Several projects are
available to further develop this tool to assess the impact of gas turbine technology advances,
alternate fuels including biofuels and hydrogen, and technology diffusion to help form an
independent view, based on information available, of aviation’s medium and long term impact on
global warming and climate change.

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
 Simulation and diagnostics
 Propulsion systems performance and integration
 Fuels and Combustion

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. D.N. Karumbaiah

2.Design, Evaluation and Performance Analyses of Present, Novel and Low Emissions
The design and development of gas turbine combustors is a crucial but uncertain part of an engine
development process. Combustion with in a gas turbine is a complex interaction of, fluid dynamics,
heat and mass transfer and chemical kinetics. At present, the design process relies upon a wealth
of experimental data and correlations. The proper use of this information requires experienced
combustion engineers and even for them the design process is very time consuming. In the
present work, development of one dimensional computer program has been planned. This program
will assist in preliminary design and evaluation of conventional, advanced and development of
novel gas turbine combustion chamber. At present the following sub-projects are available.

Development of Design Methodologies for Different Combustors

This project will involve undertaking preliminary designs of low emissions gas turbine combustors
with novel technologies. In addition to design methodologies for overall combustor design, detailed
analyses of one or a combination of the following will be investigated:
Fuel injector types
Fuel types
Heat transfer methodologies
Combustion processes
Cooling mechanisms
Liner performance
Diffuser types

Development of Novel combustors

Some researchers believe that the hydrogen based cryo-plane is a promising solution for future
civil air transport. This project will involve an investigation of new hydrogen fuel based combustors.
This could include investigating the design and performance of micro-combustors, micro-mix
combustors and other options.

In addition to the other mandatory modules, the following MSc Thermal Power modules are
mandatory for this project:
Simulation and diagnostics
Fuels and Combustion

The proposed projects will be supported by and will make a useful contribution to the project of a
doctoral researcher – Mr. B. Khandelwal.


Project Title:


Thesis Hand in Date 16th January 2012

Course member's Name: (Print)_____________________________________________________

Course member's Signature: _____________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Name (Print) _____________________________________________________

Supervisor's Signature: _____________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________


Thesis hand in date is fixed and extensions are granted only under exceptional circumstances.
This form has to be completed and handed in to Sarah Sheen by the end of the fourth week of the
first term.





A meeting between the course member, the EOF/laboratory support staff and the supervisor is
required to agree the following:

Plan and timing of Cranfield resource demand, including the plant, manpower, design and
experimental contents and requirements of the project (attach to this form).

Anticipated cost: £______________________________________

Agreed with EOF/Laboratory Support Staff.

Signed: _______________________________________


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