Performance Task - Social Studies - GR
Performance Task - Social Studies - GR
Performance Task - Social Studies - GR
Journey of an Anthropologist:
Tracing the impact of European contact on Life and Culture
through Time.
The History Channel is developing a new DVD documentary series examining the
changes of First Nation, Metis and Inuit way of life from pre, post and contemporary
perspective. The series seeks to examine the question: How did the arrival of
Europeans impact social, economic, and political systems of the First Nations, Metis
and Inuit peoples through time?
In order to answer the question at hand, you must take on the role as an
anthropologist (they study humanity/humans) and seek to find answers on one tribe
that we have explored in this unit. You must create a poster and/or a collage that
will cover ONE the tribe’s way of life that you have chosen, with a focus on ONE of
the five (5) topics we explored such as: Culture/language, transportation,
housing, food, and social organization.
Communicate Information
Share your findings in a way that will appeal to the producer (teacher and
peers). Your submission may take the form of a graphic organizer as a poster
or a collage applying your knowledge of how life changed over time for the
tribe you have chosen.
Your submission needs to inspire the History Channel producer (teacher and peers) to
select your work for the DVD series. Your name will appear in the credits, so be sure
to do your best work!
Rubric: Journey as an anthropologist: Tracing the impact of
European contact of Life and Culture through Time.
Student ________________________________________________________ Grade__________/20
1 2 3 4 Points