Chapter 4: Revenue Cycle
Chapter 4: Revenue Cycle
Chapter 4: Revenue Cycle
Physical System
Physical accounting information systems are a combination of
computer technology and human activity. This technology\human mix creates a
continuum of alternative design options. On the end of the other part systems,
they employ the minimal technology and rely on manual procedures while on
the other part of the system they rely extremely on the technology; they replace
the human activities by automated processes.
1. Receiving
2. Put-Away
3. Storage
4. Picking
5. Packing
The shipping departments are responsible for the safe and timely delivery
of products to customers. They monitor and manage the shipping process from
beginning to end. They are responsible for the accuracy of information entered
into the shipping system, as well as the timely and accurate shipment of
products to customers.
Physical Controls
The objective of transaction authorization is to ensure that only valid
transactions are processed. The authorization process in the sales function is a
credit check of the customer. This task is a function of the credit department,
which has responsibility for ensuring the proper application of the firm’s credit
policies. Determining the creditworthiness of the customer is the principal
concern of this function.
To provide independence to the credit authorization process, the credit
function should be organizationally and physically segregated from the sales
function. This will help ensure that the task of reviewing prospective customers
is objectively performed and that the credit function is unconstrained in
detecting risky transactions and disallowing poor and irresponsible sales
IT Controls
Digital accounting records are vulnerable to unauthorized and
undetected access. This may take the form of an attempt at fraud, a destructive
act by a disgruntled employee, or an honest mistake. Also at risk are the
computer programs that make programmed decisions, manipulate accounting
records, and permit access to assets.
To mitigate these risks, organization management should implement a
robust password control policy to prevent unauthorized access to computer
files and programs that reside in each of the departments. The application logic
should require, and prompt, users to change passwords periodically and not
allow simple and easy-to-guess passwords.
Multilevel security employs programmed techniques that permit
simultaneous access to a central system by many users with different access
privileges but prevent them from obtaining information for which they lack
authorization. Two common methods for achieving multilevel security are the
access control list (ACL) and role-based access control (RBAC).
The ACL method assigns privileges, such as the right to perform
computer program procedures and access data files, directly to the individual.
In large organizations with thousands of employees, this can become a
considerable administrative burden as access needs constantly change with
changes in job responsibilities.
RBAC involves creating standard tasks (e.g., cash receipts processing)
called roles. Each role is assigned access privileges to specific data and
procedures, such as the right to add a record to the cash receipts journal. Once a
role is created, individuals are assigned to it. Using this technique, individuals
may be easily added or deleted from roles as their job responsibilities change.
Individuals assigned to a particular role may not access program procedures
and data that are not specified by that role.
First, the checkout clerk scans the Universal Product Code (UPC) label
on the items being purchased with a laser light scanner. The scanner, which is
the primary input device in the POS system, may be handheld or mounted on
the checkout counter. The POS system is connected online to the inventory file
from which it retrieves product price data, and it displays the data on the clerk’s
terminal. The inventory quantity-on-hand is reduced in real time to reflect the
items sold.
When all the UPCs are scanned, the system automatically calculates
taxes, discounts, and the total for the transaction. In the case of credit card The accounting entry in the table may vary among businesses. Some
transactions, the sales clerk obtains transaction approval from the credit card companies will treat credit card sales as cash. Others will maintain an AR until
issuer via an online connection. When the approval is returned, the clerk the credit card issuer transfers the funds into their account.
prepares a credit card voucher for the amount of the sale, which the customer
signs. The clerk gives the customer one copy of the voucher and secures a POINT-OF-SALE CONTROL ISSUES
second copy in the cash drawer of the register. For cash sales, the customer The IT control issues previously discussed apply also to POS
renders cash for the full amount of the sale, which the clerk secures in the cash transaction processing systems and are not revisited here. The POS
drawer. environment, however, is associated with unique risks that give rise to the need
for additional physical controls.
The clerk enters the transaction into the POS system via the register’s
keypad, and a record of the sale is added to the sales journal in real time. Authorization
The record contains the following key data: In POS systems, the authorization process involves validating credit
• Date card charges and establishing that the customer is the valid user of the card.
• Time After receiving online approval from the credit card company, the clerk should
• Terminal Number match the customer’s signature on the sales voucher with the one on the credit
• Total Amount Of Sale card.
• Cash Or Credit Card Sale
• Cost Of Items Sold Supervision
• Sales Tax The POS environment places both inventory and cash at risk.
• Discounts Taken. Customers have direct access to inventory, and the crime of shoplifting is of
great concern to management. Similarly, cash can be removed from the cash
The sale is also recorded on a two-part paper tape. drawer by a dishonest employee. Supervision using surveillance cameras and
• One copy is given to the customer as a receipt shop floor security personnel can reduce these risks.
• The other is secured internally within the register, which the clerk
cannot access.
This internal tape is later used to close out the register when the clerk’s
shift is over.
At the end of the day, the cash receipts clerk prepares a three-part
deposit slip for the total amount of the cash received. One copy is filed and the
other two accompany the cash to the bank. Because cash is involved, armed
guards are often used to escort the funds to the bank repository.
Finally, a batch program summarizes the sales and cash receipts
journals, prepares a journal voucher, and posts to the GL accounts as follows:
Because POS systems involve cash transactions, the organization must Doing Business on the Internet
restrict access to cash assets. One method is to assign each sales clerk to a
separate cash register for an entire shift. Thousands of organizations worldwide have home pages on the
Inventory in the POS system must also be protected from unauthorized Internet to promote their products and solicit sales. By visiting the seller’s home
access and theft. Both physical restraints and electronic devices are used to page, a potential customer can access the seller’s product list, scan the product
achieve this. line, and place an order. Typically, Internet sales are credit card transactions
For example, steel cables are often used in clothing stores to secure that are sent to the seller’s e-mail file.
expensive leather coats to the clothing rack. Locked showcases are used to At the seller’s end, an employee reviews the order, verifies credit, and
display jewelry and costly electronic equipment. Magnetic tags are attached to enters the transaction into the seller’s system for processing in the normal way.
merchandise, which will sound an alarm when removed from the store. Because of the need to review the email file before processing, the turnaround
time for processing Internet sales is sometimes longer than for telephone
Accounting Records orders.
In addition to the usual revenue cycle records, the internal cash
register’s tape is an important accounting document. The tape is a record of all
sales transactions processed at the register. Only the clerk’s supervisor should
have access to the tape, which is used at the end of the shift to balance the cash
Independent Verification
When the clerk whose shift has ended takes the cash drawer to the cash
room, its contents are reconciled against the internal register tape. The cash
drawer should contain cash and credit card vouchers equal to the amount
recorded on the tape.