Synopsis From Esoteric Biochemistry The Secret: Potassium vs. Poison

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Synopsis from Esoteric Biochemistry

The Secret: Potassium vs. Poison

Covid-19 and Coronaviruses are NOT what we

are told they are. Even our ancients knew this.
Narrator of Video, “V” throughout: If you are afraid of Covid you are afraid of
yourself? Defined: The common cold: a viral infection of the upper respiratory
tract…etc. Medical books tell us that respiratory syncytial viruses such as adenoviruses
and coronaviruses are outbreaks of the common cold due to respiratory syncytial virus
peak during the winter and spring months, These medical books tell us that the
coronavirus is the common cold. But in another breath, we are told ‘we still don’t know
the cause of the common cold.’ From now on WE doesn’t mean YOU.

V: this knowledge is forbidden, occulted and hidden from our doctors and virologists in
the Rockefeller controlled medical curriculum does not mean this information is not
known. Know Thyself, Heal Thyself.

V: notice that the etymology of the word ‘virus’ comes from the 1300s from the Latin
word ‘virus’ which means poison, or poisonous fluid. This comes from the Old Irish fi,
and the Welsh gwy which means poison. It does not mean tiny, flying, invisible, unicorn
bug. Look at any esoteric or regular biochemistry book from before Rockefeller
medicine take-over as late as 1932, and you are shown that viruses don’t even exist and
the subject of virulent diseases is short and to the point. It’s not because they didn’t
know any better, but because they already knew what it really was and Rockefeller and
Carnegie could not profit from the simple cure of potassium.

V: what does virulent mean? It means full of corrupt or poisonous matter from the Latin
virulentus “poisonous,” from virus “poison”. Why is it that Covid 19 or every other
common flu or cold kills the elderly and our babies but puts the rest of us on the couch
for a few days? It’s because oil is truly a fuel, a solvent, a lubricator and purifier for
man’s body, as well as for machinery.

V: Oils value as a medicine was well known by our ancients. It is recognized as a
neutralizer of poison or viruses is proved by the following quote from The Odes of
Horace: Like poison loathes oil. We discovered in the 1930s that leprosy can be cured
by the use of a certain oil. Why does the fake Covid 19 look like it targets the elderly? In
old age the human body is very low in oil and hence looks dry and shriveled. Skin, hair,
intestinal tracts and bones all require their full quota of oil. The fluid in the lymphathic
glands or lymph system must have sufficient oil.

V: it is said that the ocean contains enormous quantities of Kali sulph or potassium
sulphate in addition to the other three combinations of this potassium salt. It is highly
electric. Liebig states many years ago that potassium is the essential alkali of the animal
body and this is true of the human body. In combination with sulphur it forms oil, or Kali
Sulph, potassium sulphate.

V: what is alkali? A carbonate or hydroxide of an alkali metal, the aqueous solution of

which is bitter, slippery, caustic, and characteristically basic in reactions. Any of various
soluble mineral salts found in natural water and arid soils. Would this be like
hydroxychloroquine or chlorine dioxide? Is this why Rockefeller controlled big pharma
immediately labeled the term ‘quack’ to any virologist who insists things like “my bottom
line still holds the truth that the terrain or internal environment is everything and the
germ or so-called virus is NOTHING. The germ or so-called virus can only be a
symptom of cellular breakdown due to an imbalance of the delicate alkaline pH balance
of the body fluids or oils and NOT the cause of that breakdown.

V: It is said that the bodies of sheep, salmon, clams and milk contain a huge quantity of
this salt, which may be the reason why mutton fat is supposed to possess healing
qualities. For vegans and vegetarians beet greens, spinach, kale, white beans, avocados,
potatoes, acorn squash, white button mushrooms, bananas, tomatoes, wheat, rice bran,
molasses, soy beans, figs, seaweed, orange juice, brussels sprouts, pistachios, sunflower
seeds, palm hearts, pumpkin and squash seeds, almonds, watermelon seeds, dates,
cashews and walnuts contain the same.

V: The bodies of sheep contain a huge quantity of this salt which may be the reason why
mutton fat is supposed to possess healing qualities. Sheep are said to excrete a very great
quantity of potassium in perspiration and one-third of the weight of raw merino (in wool)
consists of potassium compounds. Here again we have esoteric proof of the correct
allocation of Kali phos to Aires, the sheep sign, as well as to Virgo, the Virgin, which
creates the Lam of God “Which taketh away the sins of the world.” As sin means
deficiency and also disease, the statement is clear. Lack of potassium or Kalium in ALL
THREE COMBINATIONS (as it is chemically known and includes potassium sulfate,
potassium chloride and potassium phosphate), causes VIRULENT AND POISONOUS
DISEASES. In particular do those deficient in Kali sulph suffer from them. They are
easily poisoned by tainted food. They should be extremely careful relative to their diet.

V: As Kali sulph acts as a fuel, deficiency in it will cause a person to feel suffocated, and
he suffers greatly under certain atmospheric conditions. The word ‘disease’ is exactly
what it says, it is cellular dis-ease. This is what is meant when you hear the statement
“The terrain is everything, the germ is nothing” by Claude Bernard. You have as much
chance from catching potassium deficiency from bats, pigs, and coughing people as you
do of catching acne from a teenager. There are experiments that prove this discussed
later and the entire pharmaceutical and vaccine industry is based on a 240-year-old germ
theory. Have you ever asked why it is a theory and not proven after all these years?

V: Potassium phosphate makes up the cells in Aries, of Lamb of God which is our
bodies cerebrum, the higher God-mind brain which gives directives to our motor
cerebellum to make the body do what we desire it to do and to start the alchemical
processes to heal toxicity in the rest of the body. It also makes up the electric spinal cord,
sensory nerves and even the cells in our face to lower jaw which is one of the main toxic
ejection centers of the body through nasal cavities and the mouth for lung phlegm
ejection. (Notetaker: and someone thinks wearing Masks is a good idea? No wonder they
are called face diapers.)

V: if you have ever been down with the flu or a bad cold, you know very well how much
activity is going on in this region to eject toxins, stuffy or runny nose, cough, fever,
headache, etc. But you also know that if you go to the pharmacy, the first thing they do is
give you Tamiflu, nasal sprays, cough suppressants and a plethora of drugs that shut
down your body’s ability to eject toxins this way, leaving them running amuck in your
body doing all kinds of irreparable cellular destruction. Sure, these products short-circuit
the Aries sensitive nerve centers to make you ‘feel better’ in the same way that a bottle of
whiskey and 2 grams of cocaine make you forget that your arm is broken. But your arm
is still broken. We somehow accept this as medicine.

V: By no coincidence potassium chloride is allocated to Gemini, the twins named after

our lungs and make up the cells of the lungs, the pleuro glands that make up our lungs,
our bronchial tubes and our bodies’ fiber and tissues. Not only are the lungs where ferum
and iron in the red blood cells called hemoglobin carry oxygen to the rest of our bodies
but they are also another vital excretion point for toxic ejection through the mouth and

V: think of the role the lungs play in flu, colds, pneumonia and all these so-called
respiratory viral diseases and deaths. If a virus is a little ‘magical unicorn’ bug why not
take a tissue sample from anywhere else and any other of your 90% wet, multi-trillion
cellular body and see if you find them there? Why are we only testing potassium cellular
centers (such as nose swabbing) of the body? Shouldn’t these ‘bugs’ be everywhere? If
they can fly, surely they can swim.

V: back to Virgo and potassium sulphate. The solar plexus and the bowels, the other
excretion point of toxins (notetaker: and now they have anal swabs?). Surely you have
had diarrhea during the flu and the essential oils that destroy viruses or cellular poisons.
People who are deficient from potassium sulfate suffer from virulent diseases and are
easily poisoned by tainted foods. They should be extremely careful relative to their diet
and toxic flu shots as well. As potassium sulfate acts as a fuel, deficiency in it will cause
a person to suffocate and he suffers greatly under certain atmospheric conditions.

V: The polar opposite of Virgo is Pisces, the fishes. This allocates with ferrum or iron
and makes up arterial blood and red corpuscles so the above symptoms is usually
aggravated when insufficient oxygen is obtained. Lack of iron causes depression,
discouragement, and a feeling as if one were absolutely crushed, since the air pressure
ON the body is much greater than that within. The blood is thus poisoned and will
eventually become very putrid, especially as potassium deficiency always accompanies
lack of iron. Combustion can not take place in the absence of air.

V: An infallible modality indicative of Kali sulph deficiency is a rise of temperature in

the afternoon or early evening. There is also a desire for cold air. It also causes severe
hot flashes. The period in the life of a female termed the menopause, greatly intensifies
these flashes, and many suffer extremely from them. Shifting pains constitute another

V: Dr. Carey’s allocations: the spiritual inspiration of God in man, gives spiritual power
and physical life for iron attracts oxygen in which is the breath of life, that which
elevates, lifts up, inspires.

V: Smith says in his Bible Dictionary: the secret of a true life is that man should
consecrate the vigor of his youth to God. It is well to do that before the night comes,
before the slow decay of age benumbs all the faculties of sense. For as the fluid of the
body becomes depleted in iron, the corpuscles (fish-germs of Pisces) slowly suffocate,
and eventually putrefy. THIS IS THE TRUE CAUSE OF CANCER. Without iron,
combustion can not go on. Kali sulph (potassium sulfate) and Ferrum are then the

legitimate cure for this putrid and virulent disease. (This statement cannot be found

V: in Latin, the word Ferrum is derived from the word fero, meaning to bear, to bring, to
carry, and this is the true nature of this magnetic salt. It bears, brings, and carries
Oxygen, the breath of life, the Spirit of God, in man. Where strength and firmness are
required iron is used. Our strongest machinery is made of it. Iron and steel are used for
the framework of buildings. Its use in the body is exactly the same, for Strength.
Therefore, in attracting oxygen “SPIRIT” into the body, humanity is supplied with
strength to endure, and to live and to fight for the right.

V: when we are lacking in all three potassiums and iron we get catarrhal conditions of the
head and throat, acute or chronic, with discharge of slimy, yellow or greenish matter.
This salt should be given freely for colds, and it generally assists in promoting
perspiration. It should also be given for stuffy colds, neuralgia of the face with shifting,
intermittent pain, evening aggravation (worse in heated atmosphere, better in cold air);
cancer on the nose, face, or on any part of the body (injections of Kali sulph and Ferrum
should be given frequently for intestinal, also vaginal and uterine cancer. Kali sulph
should also be applied whenever possible.

V: Catarrh: definition: inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially: one

chronically affecting the human nose and air passages.

V: other symptoms lacking the three potassiums and iron are: dread of hot drinks,
thirstlessness; gastric fever; all abdominal troubles; typhoid or typhus fever; cystitis;
sexual disorders; bronchitis; cough which is worse in the evening; pneumonia; whooping
cough; skin, hot dry and harsh; rheumatic pains in joints or a shifting, wandering nature;
rattling and gurgling of mucus in the chest; fungoid inflammation of the joints, all sores
which exude a thin, yellow, watery matter; skin scaling freely on a sticky base; eczema;
blood poisoning; typhoid, and small-pox. Kali sulph should be given in all children’s
diseases to aid in formation of new skin.

V: in a color stain for micrograph the aggregation of infected red blood cells is shown
with the ‘alleged phantom Coronavirus’. These so-called infected cells are nothing more
than biological transforming red blood cells that are going through pleomorphic changes
due to increased acidity and a declining pH. The biological transformation of blood or
body cells is a natural process that takes place in an acidic environment of the interstitial
fluids of the interstitium compartments and then spilling over into the blood plasma via
hydrostatic pressure caused by the buildup of dietary and metabolic acidic waste which
has not been properly eliminated by the lymphatic system via the four channels of
elimination- urination, defecation, perspiration and/or respiration. By now you have
probably heard concerns that cincoque (?sp) uses multiple frequencies including the centa
gigs (?sp) which stops the hemoglobin in your blood from taking up oxygen and being
able to deliver it to the rest of your body. Many doctors have come forward and claimed
the ventilators are suffocating and killing their patients and not helping them. You can
pump as much oxygen into your lungs as you like, but it doesn’t work if the lungs are not
able to deliver it to the rest of your body. Would it be wise to start taking cell salt
supplements of ferum iron, potassium sulfate, chloride and potassium phosphate daily
now that these towers are going up everywhere (4G and 5G) while you are in lockdown?
Do you think a vaccine that contains zero iron and zero potassium is going to make you
immune from this problem?

V: the point of this film is not to give you any medical advice—only information so that
you can make that decision for yourself. Association does not mean causation. Imagine
the statement everybody who went to the moon has eaten chicken...Good grief, chicken
makes you go to the moon. Imagine that every time you see an airplane or a helicopter
you notice they always have windows on them. Therefore, windows must be the reason
these vehicles are able to fly. (association does not mean causation).

V: If we say that cats share 90% of our human genes does that mean we are cats?
Unfortunately, that is how Rockefeller/big pharma PCR tests and germ theory work.
They assume that because they find partial genetic materials in the center of the body’s
cellular potassium centers that have 80% matches to genetic materials they found in some
other sick person and that they claim to be viruses, even though an alleged virus has still
never been 100% completely isolated and proven (including viruses from HIV, EBV,
CMV, Hepatitis C, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Measles, Zika, and now Coronavirus.)

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD: so this is an example of how you could be misled by your
observations and assume that it is a contagious process that passes an illness between
people when they actually had a common exposure to some kind of toxic insult that
caused the problem.

Q: so are there things in life that cause contagion like that which is called the Spanish Flu
of 1918? Was that actually a contagious event?

Dr. Kaufman: I’m glad you brought that up. There is a book called The Invisible
Rainbow by Arthur Furstenburg that describes that right after the Spanish Flu pandemic
that resulted in 50 million deaths which is way more than our current situation. The US
public health service did some additional experiments with people and additional animal
experiments as well. In the human experiments they had 100 healthy subjects and they
had several people who were sick with the flu. They had the people who were sick with
the flu cough up as much nasty stuff as they could. They put swabs in their nose to
collect the snot. They even swabbed their eyeballs. They were trying to collect all the
particles that they thought were infectious that they could then deliver to a healthy person
and make them sick. In the first experiment they squirted these secretions into the nose,
eyes and throats of the healthy people. Out of those 100 healthy people, not one of them
became ill with the flu.

Dr. Kaufman: they tried harder and they devised a 2nd experiment and in that one they
took the same secretions from the sick person who was coughing, sneezing and tearing
and they injected that into the healthy subjects. Once again none of the subjects became
ill with the flu. So they devised a 3rd experiment thinking that more natural, human
contact was required for the transmission of the disease and what they did was to have the
sick person (with the flu) sit uncomfortably close to the healthy subject. They had a
conversation for 5 to 10 minutes and then they had the sick individual take a deep breath
in. They had the healthy individual take a deep breath out. They put their lips together
almost as if they were kissing but no contact and the sick person blew all of his breath
into the healthy person who inhaled it all. The results of that experiment showed that
none of the healthy subjects became ill. I have tried hard to find additional experiments
where they tested this theory about contagion of infectious agents. I could not find any
conclusive studies that proved that contagion exists.

Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD: Why viral? People are poisoned, they excrete toxins, they
look like viruses, people think it’s a flu epidemic. In 1918 during the epidemic (‘Spanish
flu’) the health department decided to investigate the contagiousness of this. They took
hundreds of people with the flu and sucked the snot out of their noses and injected it into
the healthy people who did not have the flu. Not one time could they make the healthy
person sick. They did this over and over again. They were not able to demonstrate
contagion. They even did it with horses who apparently got the Spanish flu. They put
bags over the heads of the horses; the horses sneezed into the bags and they put that bag
over the next horse. Not one horse got sick. You can read about this in a book called The
Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenburg who chronicles all the steps in the
electrification of the earth and how within 6 months there was a new flu pandemic all
over the world. When you hear normal explanations, how did it go from Kansas to South
Africa in 2 weeks so that the entire world got the symptoms at the same time, in spite of
the fact that the mode of transportation was horseback and boats. There is no explanation
for it. They just say that they don’t know how that happened.

Dr. Kaufman: Germ theory has been so widely accepted as a fundamental principle that
all of our other scientific knowledge has been based upon. There has been no effort or
funding or research done for an alternative cause. From the point of view of scientists
since they accept that the virus causes the disease there would be no point in doing other
research to look at other potential causes and so they spend their research efforts to learn
more about these particles they are calling viruses. Scientific research is extremely
expensive. The way research is done is that there are private foundations with
endowments that fund a small percentage of scientific research. The overwhelming
majority is funded by government grants and the way it works is that different
government agencies that are part of the NIH, and the National Science Foundation have
specific research goals in areas that they want to study. So, they put out the publications
that describe the type of subjects that they want researched and that is what they are
going to fund. They are not putting out grants to look for alternative causes for these
diseases because they are not looking for that.

V: the sad part is that government health agencies are revolving doors for big pharma
executives with major shareholdings whose interests lie in profiting from multi-billion
dollar annual sales of vaccines, antibiotics, prescriptions and over the counter remedies.
They have no interest in committing financial self-destruction or industry suicide by
funding more studies that disprove the germ theory. More frightening is the fact that the
world is on government ordered lockdown. People are afraid to stand 6 feet from each
other (social distancing guidelines) over an unproven virus with very little symptoms. In
fact the biggest breakdown yet of novel coronavirus cases suggests that 80% are mild.
Some patients never show symptoms. There is an extremely low mortality rate of
240,000 (239,826) death out of 3,415,632 cases and 1,087,567 recoveries in 4.5 months.
In the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic which was allegedly so contagious and deadly 50 to 60
million were killed in just a few months. Scientific experiments were unable to infect
any person or horse in many, many attempts to do so with prolonged, intimate physical
contact even by injection.

V: just for the record, 1918 was the coldest winter on record until 1938, 1960 and 1979
so people were indoors and lacking vitamin D from sun exposure. Arthur Furstenburg
wrote in The Invisible Rainbow in 2001 Canadian astronomer Ken Tapping showed that
the influenza pandemics over the previous three centuries correlated with peaks in solar
magnetic activity, on a 11-year cycle. It also has been found that some outbreaks of
influenza spread over enormous areas in just a few days-a fact that is difficult to explain
by contagion from one person to another. Also, numerous experiments seeking to prove
direct contagion through close contact, c\droplets of mucus of other processes have
proved fruitless. From 1933 to the present day, virologists have been unable to present
any experimental study proving that influenza spreads through normal contact between
people. All attempts to do so have been met with failure.

V: on top of that wireless radio transmitters replacing the old wired telegraph system
were put up all over the world around that same time, adding a new cellular biological
toxin we had yet to evolve through. To add insult to injury after Bayer lost its aspirin
patent in 1915 and the great aspirin and phenol wars began chemists were pressing
millions of aspirin into powder pills and people were popping them like candy for the flu
unaware that fever is essential for removing cellular toxins.

Research on Why Fever is Good:

 Where critically ill patients with infection were admitted to intensive care units,
those with a fever in the first 24 hours had a significant reduction in death rates
while in hospital.
 In the hospitalized elderly suffering from community-acquired pneumonia, those
without fever and leukocytosis were seven times more likely to die.
 In rabbits with pneumococcal meningitis, a fever drastically reduced the rate of
bacterial growth.
 Fever, or potentially the response to the underlying infection when allowed to
play out, may help prevent allergies. A study published in the Journal of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology found that, “Children with fevers before age 1 were less
likely to demonstrate allergic sensitivity at age 6 to 7 years.”

V: On top of that 1918 was the first world wide mass vaccination program. Dr. Eleanor
McBean, author of The Poison Needle was a young girl during the 1918 Spanish flu
pandemic. As she points out the soldiers were getting sick and dying because they were
given anywhere from 14 to 25 vaccine shots during the first world war. WWI was of a
shorter duration than anticipated so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their
vaccines as they were and still are in business for profit. They decided to sell it to the rest
of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in US history.
There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed
the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that
everyone must have all the shots on the market. The people believed them because, first
of all, they wanted to believe their doctors and second the returning soldiers certainly had
been sick and dying. The people didn’t know it was from vaccine made diseases as the
army doctors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled
for life by these drug induced diseases; many were insane from post-vaccinal
encephalitis. But the doctors called that shell-shock even though many of the soldiers
had never left American soil. The conglomerate of disease brought on by the many
poison vaccines baffled the doctors as they had never had a vaccination spree before
which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had the
symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into people. There was high fever, extreme

weakness, abdominal rash, intestinal disturbance, lung congestion, chill and fever,
swollen sore throat clogged with the false membrane and the choking suffocation because
of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death after which the body turned
black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In
the early days they called it Black Death.

V: they wanted to direct the blame away from themselves so they called it Spanish
Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin and the Spanish people resented the
implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the
name stuck and American medical doctors and the vaccine makers were not suspected of
the crime of this widespread devastation, the 1981 Flu Epidemic. Eleanor wrote: that
pandemic dragged on for 2 years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs
administered by doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as she could find
out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. Her
family had refused all of the vaccinations so they remained well at the time.

V: They seemed to be the only family that didn’t get the flu, so her parents went from
house to house to do what they could to look after the sick as it was impossible to get a
doctor. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or baccilli to cause disease they had
plenty of opportunity to attack her parents when they were spending many hours a day in
the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to
attack the children or cause anything. None of her family had the flu, not even a sniffle.
She wrote, “when I see people cringe when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I
wonder how long it will take them to find out that they cannot catch it, whatever ‘it’ is.
The only way they can get a disease is to develop it themselves by wrong eating,
drinking, smoking or doing some other things that cause internal poisoning and lowered

V: Dr. McBean seems to have the same conviction as the great pioneers of biochemistry
like Dr. Schussler, Dr. Carey, or Dr. Perry who state: in cases of boils or carbuncle, the
biochemist loses no time searching for ‘anthrax bacilli’ or germs, nor does he experiment
with imaginary germ-killing serum; he simply furnishes nature with tools with which the
necessary work may be accomplished.

V: this brings us back to biochemistry and iron and potassium. The so-called diseases
that Rockefeller/big pharma claims are contagious flying protein capsules are the exact
same cellular dis-eases or rather, mineral cell-salt deficiencies that are quickly, easily and
simply cured by simple biochemistry. In the case of potassium chloride deficiency the
spinning process stops and the threads thicken and tangle. And the parts feel enlarged,

congested, swollen. The thread or fiber takes up too much room. This is the true
explanation for swellings, glandular enlargements, etc., etc.

V: thick blood or embolus results from need of this salt, causing the heart to work
harder, as more energy is required to circulate the blood. Biochemistry states that Kali
mur (potassium chloride) is a specific for children’s diseases, for they have to do with
disturbances in the fibrin, and are usually accompanied by exudations through the skin, as
in scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox, or in swollen glands and throat irritation such as
diphtheria, tonsilitis, mumps, etc. And to the degree in which iron or Ferrum phos (the
squaring Pisces salt) is deficient, fever will manifest. Inflammatory rheumatism has to do
with the fibers or threads of flesh deficient in this Gemini salt, and is augmented by the
need for more oxygen due to iron deficiency. The brain becomes congested because the
blood is thick and circulates slowly, causing it to feel dull and heavy. One is unable to
think clearly. The thread of thought is broken.

V: your kids do not catch chicken pox. Mother’s milk is loaded with potassium chloride.
Potassium chloride’s role as a thickener, stabilizer, firming agent and flavor enhancer
causes it to be included in many processed foods. These include dairy based beverages
such as chocolate milk and eggnog, as well as cheeses, any type of cream, condensed
milk, powered milk, yogurt, pudding, spreads made with dairy fat and products made
with whey. Processed egg products, including canned or salted eggs and products made
with dried eggs, may also contain potassium chloride.

V: the children weren’t breast-fed until the age 4 so they are simply expressing fibrin
disturbances and embolism at roughly the same age. Association does not mean
causation. Remember windows do not make airplanes fly.

V: other physical symptoms arising from lack of this salt are: hawking of thick, white
mucus, sick headache from sluggish liver—want of bile; thick, white mucus from the
eyes; granulated eyelids, earache, with swelling of glands and gray or white-furred
tongue; catarrhal condition of the middle ear, cracking noises; dullness of hearing from
throat affections or swelling of the middle ear; stuffy colds in the head; thick, white
discharge from the throat; catarrh; face ache from swelling of gums or cheek; canker of
the mouth; ulcerated sore throat (this salt is a specific for all throat troubles when used
with Nat. mur and Ferrum phos); mumps; poor appetite from sluggish liver; gastritis;
constipation; typhoid; smallpox, cancer; peritonitis; cystitis; gonorrhea; syphilis;
leucorrhea; when discharge is thick and white; pneumonia; pleurisy; coughs; embolism
(thick blood); poor circulation..

V: small pox—potassium chloride deficiency and not a contagious virus. But wait, the
entire vaccine industry was started on the assumption that the small pox epidemic was
curable by exposure to a contagious cow pox virus. Back to the 1700s and the real origin
of germ theory…where is the fallacy and the environmental connection. The
environmental terrain of the 1700s was riddled with famine coming out of the grand solar
minimum. It was also a century of constant epidemics of iron, potassium and nutritional
deficiencies. In the 1720s when leeches were used to blood let out ‘evil spirits’
inoculation came to Europe in hopes of curing the smallpox. You have to remember that
biochemistry wasn’t rediscovered until 100 years later. Inoculation was done by
inserting or rubbing powdered smallpox scabs or fluid from pustules in the superficial
scratches made in the skin seen as pustules as poisonous toxins trapped in mucous that
the body is trying to eject through the skin. Unsurprisingly, the patient would develop
pustules identical to those caused by naturally occurring smallpox since the doctor just
rubbed the exact same poisonous toxins into that area. After about 2 to 4 weeks the
patient’s symptoms would subside after removing the poisons rubbed into them
indicating to the doctor successful recovery and immunity.

V: in 1783 the Laki super eruptions rained down 122 megatons of poisonous sulphur
dioxide for 8 months straight all over Europe causing famines that were killing people
and animals who were eating contaminated grass as well as crops. The huge discharge
affected other parts of Europe including England for many years where ‘our hero’ Dr.
Edward Jenner.

V: Jenner had always been fascinated by the rural old wives/ tale that milkmaids could
not get smallpox. He believed that there was a connection between the fact that
milkmaids only got a weak version of smallpox-the non-life threatening cowpox-but did
not get smallpox itself. A milkmaid who caught cowpox got blisters on her hands and
Jenner concluded that it must be the pus in the blisters that somehow protected the

V: Jenner decided to try out his new theory and rather than experiment on himself he
found a young boy, James Phipps, who would be his guinea pig. He took some pus from
cowpox blisters found on the hand of a milkmaid called Sarah. She had milked a cow
called Blossom and had developed the tell-tale blisters. Jenner “injected’ some of the pus
into James. This process he repeated over a number of days gradually increasing the
amount of pus he put into the boy. He then deliberately injected Phipps with smallpox.
James became ill but after a few days made a full recovery with no side effects. It
seemed that Jenner had made a brilliant discovery.

V: But had he? For starters. It was the century of famine and there was certainly one
going on at that time. What do you think most milkmaids were living on for their
sustenance? Mother’s milk, especially from cows is loaded with potassium chloride and
potassium phosphate and even the perfect amount of sulphur to be converted into
potassium sulfate. Even if the mother is deficient herself nature will allocate the nutrients
to her milk to ensure the survival of her children and her species. Famine starved
milkmaids living off potassium rich cow’s milk all day would obviously therefore not
express small pox from potassium deficiency. Some of the milkmaids did express pox on
their hands and palms. This is what is now known as shedding. The skin is a porous
organ and if you are touching poisonous toxin blisters on cow teats all day you are
absolutely going to absorb those same poisons into your hands.

V: it is the same reason that inoculation was performed and the same reason you are told
to wash your hands after wiping your ass or handling poisonous chemicals or rotten food.
Jenner was no doubt a brilliant country doctor for his time, but he was no Columbo, and
definitely not a scientist just like our ‘friend’, Kill Bill (Gates). Jenner had no scientific
control group or gold standard and he miserably failed all of Koch’s postulates:

Evidence required to establish etiologic relationship

between microorganism and disease:
1. The microorganism must be observed in every case of the disease
2. It must be isolated and grown in pure culture
3. The pure culture when inoculated in animals, must reproduce the disease.
4. Microorganism must be recovered from the diseased animal.

V: he failed to notice that not all milkmaids exposed to cowpox were immune or that it
was their hands and not bodies that were exposed to the same cows every day for feed
and other reasons still had the pox themselves.

V: this is the scientific basis for the reason you are locked in your house and social
distancing. Coronavirus = bullshit.

By Spacebusters

Questions from Notetaker:

How will you cope if there are crop shortages in 2021 and beyond?

How will you provide balance to your body to maintain your health if there is an
economic downturn when you might not be able or have access to many supplements,
vitamins, minerals and foods you are accustomed to having?

Have you taken the time to read and understand that plasma energies from foods,
vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, roots, leaves, metals, are all available to you in
various combinations from Plasma Energy Solution?

Have you looked at the blogs, the testimonials, the videos, the FAQs that are provided for
you at ?

Perhaps this says it all:
Dr. Judy Mikovits says 50 million will die in US from COVID vaccine

.1 to .3 percent are the only people protected from the ‘vaccine.’ Are the antibodies
being tested?
They are injecting the blueprint of the virus. It doesn’t go into the cells like a natural
infection would. These are made in nano particles that can go into every cell. There are
components of HIV in some strains that can infect the white blood cells.
The numbers of the vaccine injuries over the years support that 50 million people will die
from the vaccine.
Dr. Sherry: that is only in America. Of those that don’t die many will have chronic
hepatitis, seizures, debilitating autoimmune diseases. I don’t think that is an over-
exaggeration at all. The first shot is subjugation and the second shot is to get the high
antibodies. The coronavirus has been around for 50 years. We are finding out the virus
is a blood infection, a lung infection. We are figuring it out in real time but they are
forging ahead. There is no liability for Fauci and others.
What is the motivation? It’s the whole eugenics movement. We already have the tin foil
hat label. But Bill Gates was one of the founders of the eugenics movement in the US as
well as being a founder of Planned Parenthood. The Georgia Guidestones are real, Gates
has said we have to lower the population on the planet.
Of the 36 known corona viruses there are 4 that cause illnesses. We are creating massive
hysteria with no data. A nasal swab is a screening test to show if you have corona virus
or not, but which one do you have? There has to be a 2nd level of testing and they are not
collating the data.
If a person is very sick and in the hospital, chances are they will be positive. They may
test for the subgroup in the hospital. They are driving the numbers and don’t tell you how
many people were not positive. for protocols that we recommend. is our other site.
Dr. Eric Nepute on current stats and developments with the vaccine plandemic
Dr. Joe Mercola was labeled a national security threat by British and US intelligence to
eliminate free speech regarding anti-vaccine.

Truth is being suppressed. Chris Cuomo asked Fauci why do we need to socially distance,
wear a mask etc if there is a vaccine? Fauci answered: there are still a lot of viruses out
there. The majority of people when they get vaccinated to get herd immunity, we need
57% of the people. So called protection from the vaccine…we are not sure if we can get
protection with infection from the vaccination. We have 94% protection against
recognizable disease. We have 100% protection from severe disease.
Dr.: There are always viruses. If you get a virus you get TH1 and TH2 immunity like
chicken pox when you were a kid. There is common sense math to understand. They
changed the definition of herd immunity. You can get it by being exposed. What is
Fauci talking about?
Dr: Fauci also said, until we have virus so low in our society we must still keep up the
draconian measures. That is not how viruses work. We have the microbiome. 45% of
our human DNA is made up of viruses. When you get infected with something it gets
into our DNA and our body adapts and overcomes.
Fauci: we are not through with this even though we have started the vaccine program.
Dr: our DNA has viruses in it: we have known this for 100 years.
Fauci: just because you get vaccinated it doesn’t mean it’s over for you.
Dr: 45% of health workers don’t want this. Cuomo has told people in NY they will be
fined $100K a week for each hospital. Now hospitals all over the country are saying
they will give a $500 bonus for employees who get the vaccine. 2500 employees x $500
will save the hospital a $100k fine.
Dr.: 90 million Americans have been exposed to corona virus and 70 million have
recovered. You have all these people that are asymptomatic. If the viral load is low
(vitamin D3 can reduce your infection by 77%) and the virus won’t take hold in your
body. When viral load is low you cannot get sick.
Dr: common sense math: go to herd immunity: 57% of the
population has to be infected to be immune. We have 330 million Americans. 90 million
have been reported to have covid infection and 70 million have recovered.
Dr: there are studies from other countries: 33% of our population can’t get sick because
they already have T-cell immunity coming into 2019 and 2020. Out of 194 million
americans 5 million have been vaccinated. 90 million have had it; 99 million can’t get it
because they already have T-cell immunity prior to covid coming here. That is 194
million Americans and is 50% of the population. We need 57% of the population to get
herd immunity. We are there.

Dr: there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself:
1. Take vitamin D3 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily; it helps the immune system and it is the
nutrient that reduces the risk of cytokine storm. Vaccines cannot do that.
2. 77% reduction in contracting covid in the first place. 9 of 10 people that died of
covid were shown to have low vitamin D3. Don’t take D2, take D3. Even if you
are in the south you need to take the D3. Print the treatment protocol from our
3. Take zinc which helps improve hormone production and improves immunity.
Study after study shows zinc stops the virus from multiplying and keeps the viral
load low.
4. Take both D3 and Zinc. Don’t take D2, it is 65% less effective. Take 20 to 50 mg
daily of the zinc. Zinc helps open the cells to let the D3 in.
I am not anti vaccine; I am freedom to choose.
Shawn: if you are considering vaccine for covid…the MODERNA…I would advise
against it! I’m in bad shape! Everyday getting worse and I’m not getting help or answers!
I’m scared to death to say the least! And to find someone willing to attempt to figure this
out hasn’t been very successful. I went to 2 hospitals today, walked out of Deaconess
and went to St. Vincent. No answers there either. They say let’s see a neurologist (who
knows when they can see me) yesterday my tongue began to spasm and it hasn’t quit.
Today my whole body has been convulsing all day! They sent me home! I’m posting 2
videos…please pray for me.
South Africa pauses use of AstraZeneca COVID 19 Vaccine saying it is ineffective
against variant.
University of Oxford 2 dose regimen of the vaccine provided minimal protection against
mild to moderate infection caused by the new variant found in South Africa. The strain
has multiple variations and spike protein and currently there is no evidence that the
vaccine impacts disease severity. Study included 2000 volunteers at average age of 31
years. This target population was at low risk.

Doctors link Pfizer, Moderna vaccines to life-threatening blood disorder. The vaccine
may cause thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that led to the death of a Florida doctor
after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Two women, 72 and 40 are now being treated for ITP, a condition where immune system
attacks platelets, the blood components essential for clotting.
On Jan 14th the death of Dr. Gregory Michael, 56 years old, who died 15 days after
getting the vaccine. He developed ITP 3 days after he was vaccinated. He had been in
good health prior to the vaccination and died of brain hemorrhage.
Dr. Jerry Spivek of John Hopkins said it was a medical certainty that Dr. Michael’s cause
of death was the vaccine.
Dr. David Martin: this is not a vaccine; it is MRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is
delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to cause the human cell into becoming
a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. Vaccines are a legally defined term under public
health law and they are a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards. A vaccine
specifically has to stimulate both an immunity in the person receiving it and it also has to
disrupt transmission. That is not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying
that the MRNA strand going into the cell is not to stop transmission; it is a treatment. If it
was discussed as a treatment it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health
authorities because people would say, ‘what other treatments are there?” The use of the
word vaccine is unconscionable as a legal term and also because it actually is the sucker
punch to open free discourse where you can be anti or pro. Remember that Moderna was
started as a gene therapy company for cancer and not a vaccine manufacturer. 2,12
Dr. Judy Mikovitz: this is a synthetic pathogen; they are injecting the pathogenic part of
the virus into every cell of the body.
Dr. Martin: it is made to make you sick. 80% of the people allegedly exposed to the
virus have no symptoms at all. They are called asymptomatic carriers. 80% of the
people who have this injected into them have an adverse clinical event. You are getting
injected with a chemical substance to induce illness not to induce an immuno
transmissive response. Nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting
anything. This is about you getting sick and having your own cells be the thing that gets
you sick.
Dr. Judy: it can directly cause multiple sclerosis, Lou Gherig’s disease, Alzheimer’s
because that is expression of that pathogenic envelope. It can cause accelerated cancer;
that is the expression of that piece of virus.

According to reports submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), as of Jan. 29, at least 501 people have died after receiving the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. These numbers were reflected in the reports filed
between Dec. 14, 2020 and Jan. 29, 2021.

The data came from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a
federal program that collects information regarding adverse events that occur after a
person receives a vaccine.

According to the latest data, procured from VAERS on Jan. 29, 11,249 people have
reported experiencing an adverse reaction to either the Pfizer or Moderna coronavirus
vaccine. The Food and Drugs Administration has classified both vaccines as
experimental and has only granted them emergency use authorizations, not full licenses.

Among the reported cases, 4,106 were classified as “not serious,” 1,066 resulted in
hospitalizations, 383 were “life-threatening,” 156 resulted in a permanent disability and
501 resulted in the death of the recipient.

Some of the reported life-threatening events included 139 cases of Bell’s palsy-type
symptoms – including facial asymmetry – and at least 13 miscarriages. (Related: Pfizer
coronavirus vaccine warning: No breastfeeding or getting pregnant after being
immunized… it might damage the child.)

Fifty-three percent of the individuals who died were male, 43 percent were female and
the remaining four percent of reported deaths did not include the gender of the deceased.
The average age of the fatalities was 77 and the youngest reported death was from a 23-
year-old. The Pfizer vaccine accounted for 59 percent of the reported deaths while the
remaining 41 percent of people who died took the Moderna vaccine.

The states where the most deaths came from are California, Ohio, New York, Kentucky
and Florida. They accounted for 136 deaths or 27 percent of all the reported coronavirus
vaccine fatalities.

While the VAERS database has recorded 501 deaths, according to the Department of
Health and Human Services the actual number of people who have experienced adverse
events due to taking the coronavirus vaccines is likely significantly higher. This is
because VAERS is considered to be a “passive surveillance system,” which means that it
does not go out and collect information and instead relies on people to submit reports to
the database. Alternative news outlet Waking Times also pointed out that, historically,
less than one percent of adverse events were reported to VAERS.


…ABOUT NASAL SWAB TESTS AND Mrna vaccines and a lot more
1. SO-called v a c c is not a vaccine; it is a cellular GENETIC
MODIFICATION technology, admittedly designed to give those ignorant
enough to take it a self-creating AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE similar to what
used to be called AIDS.
2. So called tests swabs are not tests at all; they are a multi-purpose, multi-
biological warfare and transhumanism technology covered in this film
3. The number of deaths, adverse reactions and biological damage already
caused by the first round of Jabs are exponentially greater than you have
been told.
4. It will go down as the greatest medical fraud and eugenics driven democide
and genocide in recorded history.
5. Germ theory is a eugenics driven lie; we have all been duped.

Nasal Swab Tests:

 RFID (radio frequency ID) chip is compared to a grain of rice in size and is
incorporated in consumer products and implanted in pets for identification
purposes is all old-school.
 Nano particles, nano dust, smart dust and fusing of technology and biology
is known as synthetic biology—the 4th industrial revolution is characterized
by a fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the physical digital
and biological worlds such as:
 Artificial intelligence
 Gene editing
 Advanced robotics
 Hitachi makes a nano chip that is 1/7th of 1mm squared in size with GPS
capability sometimes called smart dust that can be
 sprayed on us, absorbed
 absorbed in the sweat pores in the skin
 taken in foods, drinks
 injected

 inserted through the nasal passage with a cotton swab
 they have a 2-access magnetic sensor to track direction
 accelerometer to track speed
 light intensity sensor
 humidity sensor
 pressure sensor
 temperature sensor
 they can transmit wireless to the smart grid, ‘internet of things,’ and the
 this hooks the human biological host to the smart grid tracking system like a
walking, breathing smart-phone
6. John Hopkins University got an $870 million dollar grant from the Gates
Foundation and has developed a version of the smart dust called a therragripper:
 there are dozens on a single swab inspired by a parasitic worm that digs in
sharp teeth into the host’s intestines
 they can insert poisons or smart dust into the human body
Virus: ‘poisonous substance’ from Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy
liquid, a potent juice.’ It could also be called a foreign toxin or toxic substance.
Antigen: a foreign substance that includes toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells
and any substance such as a toxin or enzyme. An anatigen is a VIRUS…a
foreign POISON that has no business being in your body’s interstitial fluids
 why would we think that injecting 72 antigens, meaning toxins, poisons, and
viruses into your body is the best way to protect your body from just one
foreign antigen, meaning toxin, poison, virus?
 Why can’t your body handle just one poison unless you poison it with 71
other poisons as well?

1. In 2009 an abstract was written regarding vaccine delivery to include nasal
 The great interest in mucosal vaccine delivery arises from the fact that
mucosal surfaces represent the major site of entry for many

 This is FALSE; nasal passages are the exit point for your body to
excrete poisons enveloped safely in mucous which is why you have a
runny nose during winter cold and flu detoxification which is seasonal
removal of poisons from your toxic body.
 Nasal delivery is especially attractive for inserting poisonous antigens
into your body as the nasal epithelium is characterized by relatively
high permeability
 The use of nanocarriers provides a suitable way for the nasal delivery
of antigenic molecules, meaning a fast way to poison your interstitial
fluids directly up your nose.
DARPA has an implantable hydrogel biosensor nanochip that appears to be slated
for the upcoming C O V I D vac cine that US Dept. of Defense and the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation have partnered with Profusa, a Silicon Valley company
to manufacture.
 Hydrogel nanoparticles and nanocomposites have already been researched
for nasal drug or vaccine delivery, not just injectable vaccines.
 Hydrogel nanosystems which have mucoadhesive properties maximize
residence time and increase the period of contact with the nasal mucosa and
enhance the poison antigen or smart dust absorption into your body.
Another study talks about the development of intranasal, oral, topical, pulmonary,
vaginal and rectal vaccines. The nasal route offers the most promising opportunity
for vaccine administration of adjuvants, mucoadhesives, particulate delivery
systems, virus-like particles, vaccine manufacture, challenges of regulatory
authorities and the nasal vaccine impact on market potential and issues for antigen
or poison retention systems that enables its interaction with the lymphatic system.
Dr. Lorraine Day: If the v i r u s is in your saliva, then all they have to do is swab
the inside of your mouth like they do for a DNA test, but they are taking these long
swabs, sticking them all the way back, almost into your brain at the back of the
nasal sinus and then twisting the swabs.
 There is a very thin plate of bone between the brain and the nasal sinus (the
cribriform plate)

 This plate has openings in it where the olfactory nerves from the nose go
through the plate into the brain.
 The plate is porous and substances can go through it.
 They are depositing things back there—the nanoparticles that are on the ends
of the q-tips that can be put into your brain and then hooked into the Cloud.
 They are already vaccinating you with the test.
 When you get tested you are getting vaccinated and implanted with
 An article says they can vaccinate through the nasal test swabs and access
the brain.
 You have to wear a mask over your nose and mouth because supposedly the
covid is in the saliva. They could just swab the mouth like they do for a
DNA test but they take these long swabs and stick them almost into your
brain and then they twist them.
What does it mean to be hooked up to the cloud? Many transhumanism patents
have already been filed years before the plandemic. These are so governments,
banks and corporations can hook their humans and animals directly to the internet
of things through the upcoming 5G and 6G smart grids and cities. This is to track
and monitor and control all resources on the planet.
The 2012 and 2015 US patent 10163055B2 was for routing policies for biological
hosts with methods, systems, and products that provide interfaces between
intrahost networks and interhost nanosmart dust networks within biological hosts.
Nueroregional translations are performed to route communications to and from the
biological hosts.
AT&T US Patent 20130142363 was for devices and methods for transferring data
through a human body using short-range 5G millimeter wave communications
through Bluetooth and other devices by transferring data signals through the bones
and skin of a human user. A piezo-electric transducer referred to here as a contact
microphone could send vibrations that contained a data signal through the user’s
body. This could also occur through two human bodies making physical contact,
each holding a separate device. With this in mind AT&T has filed an application
for a patent to protect a system of wireless communication that would increase
security by transferring a data signal through the bones and skin of a human user.
We now have the infamous Microsoft patent Us16138518 from March 2020 and its
world patent WO2020060606-for a digital Cryptocurrency system using body
activity data. Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may
be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency. A server may provide a task to a
device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor couple
to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body
activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The
cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may
verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the
cryptocurrency system and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity
data is verified. In other words in the coming cashless society if you want to get
paid your digital crypto slave wages you will have to do whatever task you are told
to do and this device will spy on your body to make sure you have actually done it.
But how will this sensor hooked up to the user’s device possibly know what your
physical body has or hasn’t done?
If you have been paying attention at all to this film, you have already figured this
out. It will communicate directly with the nano smart dust chips that have already
been inserted into your brain though the deep nasal covid test swab. It is not a
coincidence that Bill Gates and Microsoft hold this patent. In 2016 before stepping
down from Microsoft to distance himself from this, Bill Gates, Microsoft and Gavi
teamed up to create the ID 2020 project which is headed by Kim Gagne, a
strategic communications advisor with experience in the worlds of government
relations, diplomacy and law. He served as an Executive Director of the European
Cloud Alliance, a business coalition focused on policy issues related to cloud
computing. He comes from Microsoft corporate senior policy and management
positions in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Prior to joining Microsoft,
he served as a Foreign Service Officer with the US Dept of State with postings in
Haiti and Saudi Arabia and the US Mission to the European Union.
Benito Mussolini said fascism should be rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the
merger of corporate and government power.
The goal of ID 2020 is based on the UN member states adoption of the Agenda
2021 and Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, including their
commitment to ‘provide legal digital identity for all people on earth, including
birth registration’ by 2030. One of the 4 core requirements of the digital ID looks
remarkably like the COV virus…Persistent..lives with you from life to death. This
is a biological marking system. This means that if you took that swab up the nose
it is for life.

In ID 2020 technology section we find that new technologies including blockchain,
when used in conjunction with long-proven technologies, such as biometrics, now
make it possible for all people to have access to a safe, verifiable, and persistent
form of identity. This is doublespeak rhetoric that means that governments will
now have digital surveillance access to all human beings that are nano-chipped like
live-stock for the new surveillance capital industry, the behavioral futures market
and surveillance capitalism being set up by billionaires and corporations as well as
the behavioral surplus industry and biometric energy transfer technology for crypto
data mining powered by those people ignorant enough to take the test swab or
vaccine injection and luciferase hydrogel tattoo for their vaccine passport.
Imagine the scenario of the government all -seeing AI telling you to go to a
specific location to dig a ditch all day. You will get paid whatever non-negotiable
amount of crypto currency credits that they choose into your account. If you don’t
do that because you don’t want to be a ditch digger, the nano smart dust sensors
inside of your body broadcasting your every location, movement and biometrics
back to the government AI through the wireless 5G interfaces will give you away.
Your social credit score will be lowered to restrict all allowable activities and
travel possibilities. You will receive no digital currency credit into your account as
punishment for failing to complete the task dictated to you.
As Klaus Schwab said you will own nothing … and you will be happy about it.
George Orwell said, if you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on
a human face…forever.
Aside from all that 2018 article in Science Daily stated new research by scientists
shows that when cellular barriers are exposed to metal nanoparticles, cellular
messengers are released that may cause damage to the DNA of developing brain
cells, meaning brain damage. During their interaction with cell membranes and
internalization into cells, they alter key signaling pathways and key processes are
This Brings Us To Part 2: The mRNA “Vaccine” Anaphylaxis and AIDS

David Martin: let’s make sure we are clear on something; let’s stipulate that this
is NOT a vaccine. We need to be really clear; we are using the term vaccine to
sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is NOT a vaccine; this is an
mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device
designed to cause the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine.

Vaccines are a legally defined term under public health law and they are a legally
defined term under CDC and FDA standards. A vaccine specifically has to
stimulate both an immunity in the person receiving it and it also has to disrupt
transmission. That is not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying
that the MRNA strand going into the cell is not to stop transmission; it is a
treatment. If it was discussed as a treatment it would not get the sympathetic ear of
public health authorities because people would say, ‘what other treatments are
there?” The use of the word vaccine is unconscionable as a legal definition term of
it and also because it actually is the sucker punch to open and free discourse
because by dumping it into ‘vaccine’ you can be anti or pro therapy. Remember
that Moderna was started as a gene therapy company for cancer and not a vaccine
manufacturer for SARS. If we said we were going to give people prophylactic
chemo therapy for the cancer they don’t have you’d be laughed out of the room
because it is a stupid idea. That is exactly what this is; it is a mechanical device in
the form of a very small packet of technology that is being inserted into the human
system that activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site. I refuse to
stipulate in any conversation that this is in fact a vaccine issue. The only reason
that the term is used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobsen case that has been
misrepresented since it was written. If we were honest with this we would actually
call it what it is-it is a chemical pathogen device that is actually meant to unleash a
chemical pathogen production action within a cell. It is a medical device, not a
drug because it meets the CDRH definition of a device. It is NOT a living system.
It is not a biologic system; it is a physical technology that happens to come in the
size of a molecular package. We need to be really clear on making sure we don’t
fall for their game because if we talk about their game as a vaccine then we are
going to get into a vaccine conversation. By their own admission this is NOT a
vaccine. It must be clear to everyone listening that we won’t fall for this failed
definition just like we won’t fall for their industrial chemical definition of health.
Both of them are functionally flawed and are an explicit violation of the legal
construct that is being exploited.

Dr. Judy Mikovitz: this is a synthetic pathogen; they are injecting the pathogenic
part of the virus into every cell of the body.
Dr. Martin: it is made to make you sick. 80% of the people allegedly exposed to
SARS COV2 (the virus) have no symptoms at all. They are called asymptomatic
carriers. 80% of the people who have this injected into them have an adverse

clinical event. You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness
not to induce an immune- transmissive response. Nothing about this is going to
stop you from transmitting anything. This is about you getting sick and having
your own cells be the thing that gets you sick.
Rocco: so this is going to trigger an autoimmune response?
Dr. Judy: among many things, yes; it can directly cause multiple sclerosis, Lou
Gherig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease because that is an expression of that
pathogenic envelope. It can cause accelerated cancer; that is the expression of that
piece of virus.
Video: What Dr. Martin Mikovitz and Dr. Andrew Wakefield are pointing out is
that an mRNA covid 19 vaccine is not a vaccine at all. It doesn’t elicit an immune
response. It has to be turned into a foreign protein or an antigen, meaning poison.
It is this poisonous protein in turn that creates your natural immune response. A
messenger RNA ‘vaccine’ is actually Genetic Engineering. You’ll have your own
genetically re-programmed cells in your own body that will produce poisonous
proteins to which your immune system will mount an immune response against.
That is called an auto-immune disease which used to be called AIDS. The potential
for this to go horribly wrong is enormous.
At the end of this film we will show you the alarmingly high cases of death,
paralysis, tachycardia, pruitus, delirium, hyperpyrexia, and anaphylactic shock
from these new mRNA injections that are being hidden from you by the media.
But why is this happening to people? Our bodies have a biological intelligence
that considers any foreign non-cell protein, meaning antigen or poison, that is not
made by our own cells to perform a function needed by our bodies. It is a toxic,
foreign intruder that is designed to destroy and remove that protein antigen.
Our bodies have 4 nitrogenous nucleic acid bases meaning ‘made of nitrogen’ or
nitrogen like that combine in varying combination sequences of these bases to code
the creation of specific proteins. The four DNA bases are Adenine, Thymine,
Cytosine, Guanine. The bases complement each other: A-T & C-G. Three bases
codes for one amino acid (triplet code). A gene is the entire sequence of bases that
codes for a specific protein. These go-between codes tell the ribosomes in our
cells how to link different amino acids together to form a specific protein that the
body needs.

What these new Frankenstein genetic modification injections are actually doing is
inserting a new messaging RNA sequence into your body cells that instruct your
ribosomes to create a foreign microbial protein, meaning antigen or poison that has
no business being inside your body. So your body will go into anaphylactic shock
and attack it. If you are wondering why people are dropping dead or getting
severely sick go pet a rattlesnake or a king cobra and see how your body reacts
after venomous foreign protein antigens enter into your blood stream. Only now
your own cells are programmed to constantly inject venom into your interstitial
Dr. Aajenous Vonderplanitzl: that is the only way people can get swine flu if
they have taken the pig tissue, grown it in a toxic, solvent environment and then
the swine cells create a virus to break itself down. You can inject it into humans
and then you will find those actual swine tissue in there. You have a waste product
and now the body has to clean that waste product out of the body. The body will be
very alarmed because you have foreign tissue in there that were injected into the
body. That is why Guillain Barre syndrome, anaphylactic shock occur when you
inject people with foreign debris and foreign tissue. You can die from the shock
of foreign tissue being injected into you.
The COV mRNA vaccine is actually Genetic Engineering. It is designed to give
you an auto-immune disease which is caused due to different alterations in the
immune system which are triggered by the exposure to various exogenous and
endogenous antigens or poisons. Exogenous means poisons from outside of your
body like an injection. Endogenous means poisons created inside your body as this
injection programs your own cells to literally create the AIDs they have given you.
It is a false, debunked logical fallacy that there was a difference between an
autoimmune disease and AIDS because you caught the fictional AIDS virus
exogenously from shagging a monkey and then sexually transmitting it to another
human. Nobody shags monkeys and AIDS is not contagious. You and your babies
were injected with the AIDS antigen. You did not ‘catch’ it. In fact hundreds of
normal conditions trigger a false/positive AIDS test which is just a poisonous
antigen detection test. You may think that you have it, but you don’t.
Dr. Vonderplanitz: you say that AIDS was created in a laboratory?
(unidentified male): yes, in the UCLA Laboratory 1961 and 1962. They
combined the waste product, the virus of a leukemic virus of a bovine, the
lympophic virus of a sheep. You only get a virus because the tissue is so toxic.
You do NOT CATCH a virus, you MAKE it if your cells are poisoned with
chemicals and the body cannot do the normal ‘janitorial work on organic tissue
and reduce the waste and eliminate the waste.’ A virus is a ‘soap’ and it is not
alive. It has no nucleus, no respiratory system, no digestive tract, and no
circulatory system. There is none of that. It is not alive; it’s a waste product and it
is dissolved animal tissue. It is specific animal tissue. What they do is to take
animal tissue and put it in a petri dish in a contaminated environment but with
enough solution to keep them alive. So the cells start taking themselves apart with
solvents. The virus will kill itself by poisoning itself and taking itself apart.
Dr. V: Why would they create the AIDS virus?
Male: according to the records discovered by Dr. Riobert Strecker that I got to see
(I am a nutritional doctor and got my PhD in nutrition). Dr. Strecker has 4
doctorates, including biochemistry and virology. The only way you can make a
virus is to put it in a petri dish with the animal tissue. The only way that animal
tissue can get into a human is if it is injected from another animal so they
incubated these 2 diseases from the cow and the sheep and put the 2 together and
created a new kind of deadly, biological warfare disease.
Male: they put in the paper work it was to create cancer, so they could force cancer
in lab animals and study it. That is very suspicious reasoning to come up with that.
Dr V: there are already a lot of agents out there that will cause spontaneous tumors
in rats.
Male: you could put cadmium in it and you would have kidney cancer within
weeks from the cadmium overload. This was suspicious reasoning for me. Dr.
Strecker talked to his brother who was an attorney and said this was where this
information leads and to follow it. His brother checked the NSA and the War
Department and that information had been sent to those departments and it was
allowed and given the green light to be used in experiments. The experiments were
for undesirables. They figured that the undesirables were homosexuals. How could
they administer that to homosexuals to see the consequences of this particular
What they found was that in LA, NYC, San Francisco and Houston 90% of the
people being treated for hepatitis were homosexuals because they used a lot of
drugs that damaged the liver. Hepatitis is a viral detoxification because there are so
many chemicals in the liver that your bacteria from the liver can’t clean it. So the

liver cells have to make solvents which again, are viruses so a self-cleaning
substance has been made. All of your hepatitis’ are a disease trying to reverse
toxins as the liver is about to stop working completely. When you get hepatitis that
means that your liver is in terrible shape. No bacteria can help you. They
contaminated the Hepatitis B vaccine with the AIDS virus.
That is why 10% of the population in those cities who got AIDS were not
homosexuals; they were heterosexuals. Then they added it to the smallpox vaccine.
The US and UK governments donated hundreds of millions of dollars of smallpox
vaccine to African countries. These vaccines were given to save the lives of
Africans from smallpox and they were given the AIDS virus in the vaccines. 125
million vaccines were donated. How many cases of AIDS popped up in Africa in a
year? There were 95 million cases and 75 million people died.
Then the US and UK governments went into Africa to say that they had help for
AIDS. We have chemotherapy which is AZT to help your people and stop the
disease. But you will owe us a lot of money. They charged so much money the
countries could not pay back. Very few people survived the AIDS. The US and
UK governments then said if those countries couldn’t pay the debts they owed the
US and UK their countries’ resources. So those countries had to turn over their
resources to be run by the World Bank. US and UK governments took over 27
African countries with that AIDS program. It was a different kind of warfare to
usurp a country’s resources.
Dr. V: this is like waging a stealth war; they are perceived as saviors but they (US
and UK) are the ones creating the problem.
Male: read the book Confessions of a Financial Hit Man by John Perkins, who
worked for the CIA loaning money to foreign governments that they could never
pay back so they went in and took over their resources. That is what they did in
the instance of AIDS.
Video: WUHAN national Biosafety Lab is owned by GlaxoSmithKline which
merged with and owns 68% stakes in Pfizer. Pfizer manages the finances of a
company called Black Rock (financial). Black Rock owns stakes in Pfizer and
AstroZeneca and has a partnership with Thomas Reuters, a multimillion dollar
media conglomerate that supplies 80% of the news stories to the main stream
media. They have a branch in its editorial department to ‘fact check’ information
about Pfizer COVID vaccine. That may be why the Reuters’ media failed to tell
you that the same World Bank that took over Africa’s resources through the fake
injected AIDS pandemic has now declared that this fake world-wide COVID
pandemic will go on until March 31, 2025 so they can do the same thing to your
They probably also forgot to tell you that COVID 19 test instruments, meaning
diagnostic test kits, were already ordered in 2018, 2 years before COVID 19
existed and broke out in a ‘wet market’ in China. Denmark preordered a lot of
them in 2018. And so did Uruguay as well as the EU, the US, Germany, Japan, and
Singapore. They must be psychic. That is why the for-profit pharmaceutical
industry is so hell-bent on you never finding out that their Pasteur fraudulent germ
theory was debunked by Antoine Beuchamp, a physician, 160 years ago who said
“The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us.”
100 million Africans and homosexuals were murdered by the injection of
poisonous protein antigens in Hepatitis B and Smallpox Vaccines. They were
poisoned to death by toxic AZT, mustard gas (used in WWI) chemotherapy as the
AIDS treatment. You are now to be murdered and poisoned by this created mRNA
modification vaccine. You would never take this injection if you had one
functioning brain cell working inside your skull. They are preying on your
ignorance to further Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030: “the present vast overpopulation,
now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future
reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but
must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This
must be done by whatever means necessary (Ted Turner, founder of CNN).”
Another Australian article: Why an Australian COVID-19 vaccine caused false-
positive HIV tests. This verifies what this film and Dr. Andrew Walkefield are
discussing: the mRNA vaccine is actually genetic engineering. You do not ‘catch’
HIV; it is an autoimmune disease response to foreign, poisonous antigens and
proteins injected into or created by your own cells in your body. Your RNA
modification now literally gives you COVAIDs it doesn’t take a molecular
biologist to figure out why you are testing positive for AIDS after your injection.
Unlike the Africans who allowed ‘do-gooders’ to inject AIDS in the vaccines, you
are going to ignorantly let a vaccine center employee making $10 an hour modify
your own cellular RNA to give yourself an autoimmune disease and ‘de-populate’
yourself. Once your body no longer has the energy to fight off the proteins these
cells will continue to create it and will be blamed on the bogus mutated strain of
COVID, a deadly wave (like the Spanish flu). The ignorant will be none the wiser.

If this sounds like conspiracy theory to you it probably did to the Africans and the
homosexuals too. But that did not stop 100 million of them from being murdered.
You have been warned; the same people who came for them are now coming for
you and your country’s resources.
Pfizer’s Covid vaccine must be stored at MINUS 70C (-4 Fahrenheit) in special
suitcases that might rule out a Jab at your general practitioner. This is because this
is NOT a vaccine. It’s a transcription and transfection agent kept alive so it can
infect your cells and transfer genetic material. Don’t let them fool you. This is
genetic manipulation of humans on a massive scale.
This exact same technology was utilized in SIT projects to sterilize male mosquito
populations who would then mate with females and sterilize them in order to wipe
out entire mosquito populations. They too used transgenic technology in which
genes, not already present in the animal, are added and manipulated. Or they used
symbiont-based technologies in which another species such as a bacterium is
introduced to the host. It is important to assess the rearing efficiency, genetic
stability and male mating competitiveness of any new strain developed prior to its
use in large scale SIT operational programs in open field conditions. This is the
way the covid vaccine is injected into your arm to serve as instructions for your
body to make foreign microbial protein.poisons.
UK website states it is unknown whether the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine has no or
negligible influence on the ability to drive machines. However some of the
adverse reactions mentioned under section 4.8 may temporarily affect the ability to
drive or use machines. It is unknown whether the vaccine has an impact on
fertility. It is unknown whether the vaccine is excreted in human milk; a risk to the
newborns/infants cannot be excluded. There are no or limited amount of data from
the use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Animal reproductive toxicity studies have
not been completed. It is not recommended during pregnancy and women of
childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination and avoid
pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose. 57 .41 minutes
Dr. Mike Yeadon, who was the Pfizer vice president and chief scientific advisor
for allergy and respiratory, claims that the COV vacc is female sterilization. The
vaccine contains a spike protein called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human
placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response
AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack a
syncytin-1 which could lead to infertility of an unspecified duration. Dr. Yeadon

also said the mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol.
70% of people develop antibodies against this substance—this means that many
people can develop allergic potentially fatal reaction to the vaccine. That means
that 30% of the people, or 2. 3 billion people out of the 7.8 billion people they
want vaccinated can develop the allergic potentially fatal reaction.
Sir John Irving Bell is a Canadian immunologist and geneticist. From 2006 to
2011 he was President of the Academy of Medical Sciences and since 2002 he has
held the Regius Chair of Medicine at the University of Oxford, UK. Since 2006 he
has been Chairman of the Office for Strategic Coordination of Health Research but
as of 2020 is just a regular member. He was selected to the Vaccine Taskforce
before July 2020. He says: “but then don’t forget these vaccines are …very likely
to have a 60 to 70% effect on sterilization. Regulators will have to look carefully
to see that it has done what it is needed to do” (paraphrased by notetaker 59.57
Video: I am sure he just said he meant herd immunity. Still these are strange
choices of biotech companies some of whom have never made vaccines before
now. That is because this is NOT a vaccine as we have pointed out in the film.
AstraZeneca film: “since the human genome was sequenced scientists have the
instructions for the structure and function of every component of every cell in the
body at their disposal. Occasionally within these instructions there are changes
the gene sequences which can cause disease. But investigators have lacked a
practical and precise way to edit gene sequences to treat and potentially cure
disease until now. CRISPR is a precise genome editing tool which enables
scientists to work inside cells and make specific changes to genes. It is a 2-part
system consisting of a guide RNA which directs the_____ nuclease to cause a
double stranded break in the matching DNA sequence, When cast 9(?) cuts the
DNA it triggers the cell’s natural repair enzymes to fix these breaks. It is during
this process that the target gene can be modified by adding to, disrupting or
changing its genetic information. Or instead of rewriting the gene sequence itself
different types of CRISPR can be used upstream to switch genes on or off. By
simply turning on or off the guide RNA different precise locations within the
genome can be targeted. AstraZeneca is employing CRISPR within its drug
discovery platform to help speed and refine our understanding of disease. By
changing the activity of a gene and biological pathway and examining the impact
of this change we will discover novel therapeutic targets. Precise control of the

genome enables us to accurately model human disease and cell lines in weeks
rather than months. These models are used to screen compounds to find new, safer
medicines. Ultimately CRISPR will help us to reach part of the genome that
traditional medicines cannot and may enable us to alter the genetic code to correct
genetic errors and cure disease. Together with our inhouse CRISPR team and with
our world-re-known academic partners AstraZeneca is pioneering technology to
genetically edit the way to better treatments for patients.”
Moderna—Modified mRNA science: “at Moderna we believe messenger RNA
represents an unprecedented opportunity to develop medicines for patients. One
that could have a dramatic impact on human health and disease. In order to
understand why we believe that we have to pull back and ask a very fundamental
question: what is life and how might messenger RNA impact it? Life is really just a
flow of information in a biological system. The ebbs and flows of that information
dictates every disease and that is true in every cell in our bodies, throughout our
bodies and through all forms of life.
To follow that more deeply we must follow the flow of information in our cells. In
cells information is stored in the DNA which is a double-stranded helix of tightly
wound genetic information. It is wound around proteins called histones that are
themselves tightly wound around each other into chromosomes. It is analogous to
those old tape drives in IBM computers. In order to access that information cells
have to go find that information on the right ‘tape drive’ (as in a computer),
unwind it, and start to make a working copy and this process is called
transcription where are series of proteins will search that DNA, unwind it a bit,
bind that DNA and start the process of making a pre-messenger RNA molecule.
When done that molecule will go off and be spliced by a whole different group of
proteins called splicizome that will edit out certain pieces leading to a messenger
RNA. That messenger RNA is the first fully intact working copy of the information
of life. That leaves the nucleus and goes and does all of the work of life by seeking
out ribosomes in the Cytosol. These ribosomes translate the messenger RNA into
all of the proteins of life including secreted proteins, trans-membrane proteins,
mitochondrial proteins and even proteins that go back into the nucleus and do all
the work of storing all the information or selecting information to be unwound to
make more messenger RNA which really is the central molecule in all the biology’s

We call it the software of life….many of the more exciting biotechnology platforms
today are following this. One example is SIRNA specifically binds to and degrades
messenger RNAs inside of cells. It selects a specific RNA in relation to others
thereby changing the flow of information. Another example is gene therapy where
DNA is introduced from the outside and trans-locates into the nucleus of cells
where either episomal DNA or DNA that is inserted into the genome of the host
will go through those same processes of transcription into pre-mRNAs and splicing
into final mRNAs that then get exported out of the cell. In many senses gene
therapy is an indirect way to increase or add a specific type of messenger to RNA
cells from the outside.
All of these approaches are about modifying the types or amounts of messenger
RNA inside of cells so that you can have a phenotypic effect in a disease. Our
approach has been more direct. Can we put messengers into RNA cells to directly
produce proteins, both endogenous proteins and foreign proteins?”
Video: Foreign Proteins are poisonous non-self antigens that cause Anaphylaxis!
Moderna: “if we could we believe that mRNA could be used to make the full set of
Video: Re: COV-19 vaccines: many ADRs (adverse drug reactions) are already
The Ted-tenders electronic daily: Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU
details a contract negotiated by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency
(MHRA) dated Sept. 14, 2020:
“The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to
process the expected high volume of COV 19 vaccine Adverse Drug
Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs reaction text are
missed.” It went on to say that for reasons of extreme urgency—“the MHRA
recognizes that its planned procurement process for the Safety Connect
program, including the AI tool, would not have concluded by vaccine
launch. Leading to an inability to effectively monitor adverse reactions to a
COV 19 vaccine.”
Events unforeseeable—the COV19 crisis is novel and developments in the search
of a COV19 vaccine have not followed any predictable pattern so far.

For reasons of extreme urgency under Regulation 2(2Xc) related to the release of
COV 19 vaccine MHRA have accelerated the sourcing and implementation of a
vaccine specific AI tool.
Strictly necessary—it is not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to
handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a COV19 vaccine.
Therefore if the MHRA does not implement the AI tool, it will be unable to
process these ADRs effectively. This will hinder its ability to rapidly identify any
potential safety issues with the COV19 vaccine and represents a direct threat to
patient life and public health.
Video: this means that when the massive amounts of people they are expecting to
start getting sick and dying from this jab they won’t even know just how many
people that is and how much damage was actually done until it is too late. On
December 29, 2020, the UK NHA website published Managing anaphylaxis in the
COV19 vaccination setting. This tells vaccine administrators to watch for
 sudden onset and rapid progression of symptoms
 life-threatening airway and/or breathing and/or circulation problems
 skin and/or mucosal changes (flushing, urticaria, angioedema)
 they recommended that an anaphylaxis pack should be immediately
available to each location where vaccines are being given and should not be
stored in a locked cupboard or trolley
 the new management options for anaphylaxis are intramuscular, adrenaline,
and oxygen and the usual antihistamines and steroids are no longer
recommended for immediate management of anaphylaxis in vaccination
Charles Richet won a Nobel prize in 1913 for his research and discovery on the
cause for anaphylaxis that when a non-self toxin, toxalbumins, or foreign
protein is injected into the bloodstream and that same toxin or protein is
injected again later, the body has been rendered hypersensitive to that poison or
foreign protein, instead of being protected. This is the opposite of what the
theory of inoculation or vaccination/immunization bogusly claims.

Here’s what you need to know:

Although the phenomenon known as anaphylaxis occurs after every
injection of serum , even when the injection is minute, for example of 0.00001
ml which is an infinitely small amount, it is sufficient to anaphylactize an
animal even three weeks after the first injection. If you inject that same protein
or toxin again within 3 weeks, the body might still be able to handle it. Again,
instead of applying only to toxins and toxalbumins, it held good for all proteins
whether toxic at first injection or not. The anaphylactic state never passes.
Once a subject has been anaphylactized and consequently modified in his
chemical constitution, the subject can never go back to his former state.
Return to normal is not possible. Subjects have been known who even after
four years from the date of the first serum injection, were still sensitive to the
unleashing reaction.
It is an extraordinary phenomenon that so insignificant a quantity of poison can
modify the organism to the extent that the succeeding days down long years can
not eradicate this indelible modification. They are full of shit when they tell
you that trace amounts of mercury and other poisonous adjuvants or fetal stem
cells and vaccines are so small that they are insignificant.
Anaphylactic symptoms also vary to a great extent, although the differences are
marked rather according to the nature of the experimental animal than
according to the nature of the poison used. That is why some people have
horrible adverse reactions while others have none or only mild symptoms.
A subject that had a previous injection is far more sensitive that a new subject
so that symptoms characteristic of the second injection, namely swift and total
depression of the nervous system, do not in any way resemble the symptoms
characterizing the first injection. A three or four week period must elapse before
the anaphylactic state results. This is the period of incubation. This is why
people who took flu shots with some of the same toxic adjuvants are having
more terrible adverse reactions to the COV vaccine than those who did not.
This cannot be stressed enough.
The UK health service just pushed back the interval for delivering the 2nd Pfizer
COV vaccine to a duration company says is untested. The NHS wrote a letter to
hospitals saying that those who are scheduled to receive their second dose after
Jan 4 should be rescheduled from three weeks’ time to 12 weeks with most
recipients booked in the last week of that time frame. The NHS said the move
would protect the greatest number of at-risk people in the shortest period and
have the greatest impact on mortality. That is B.S. the medical industry has
known since 1903 that 3 weeks is the incubation period needed for developing

anaphylaxis hypersensitivity. It is going to have a great impact on mortality all
right. It is going to murder more people.
In fact EpiPens are used to treat emergency anaphylaxis and one of the first
things Joe Biden did in office was to reverse Trump’s order to lower the prices
of EpiPens right before the second round of COVAID vaccines causes millions
of anaphylactic reactions. What else are we not being told about these
permanent Frankenstein genetic modification injections?
Here is a working list of possible adverse event outcomes
that are subject to change:
 Gullain-Barre syndrome; acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;
trasverse myelitis;
 Convulsions/ seizures; stroke; narcolepsy and cataplexy; anaphylaxis;
acute myocardial infarction; myocarditin/pericarditin;
 Deaths; pregnancy and birth outcomes; other acute demyelinating
diseases; non-anaphylactin allergic relations; thrombocytopenia;
disseminated intravascular coagulation; venous thromboembolism;
arthritis and arthalgia/joint pain; Kawasaki disease; multisystem
inflammatory syndrome in children; vaccine enhanced disease;
autoimmune disease

Part 3: Severe Adverse Reactions and Death

Last year the WHO, CDC and National Health Agencies world wide told us the
average age of death from the alleged COVID virus was 82 years old which just
happens to be the life expectancy for all humans. 94% of those deaths were sick,
elderly people already dying of 2.6 other terminal illnesses. So the world was
locked down and economies were shattered to protect our vulnerable and elderly.
This year Ted Turner’s CNN is telling us not to be alarmed if the elderly die after
receiving the COVAID vaccine. We should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there
are reports when we start vaccinating of someone or multiple people dying within a
day or two of their vaccinations who are residents of a long-term care facility.
Which is it? Are we saving them or murdering them? A NY nursing home had 24
dead and 137 infected after experimental COVAID injections. There were 26 dead

in Gibraltar, 33 dead in Norway, 5 dead in Denmark and 117 suspected adverse
reactions. There are 55 dead reported on VAERS (vaccine adverse event
reporting system) in just 2 weeks.
Keep in mind that less than one percent of adverse reactions and deaths are ever
even reported on VAERS. As of three weeks ago VAERS had 211 deaths and over
42,000 side effects. And many doctors don’t use VAERS so this is a huge number.
Since only one percent are reported to VAERS is it more likely that there are
21,000 real deaths? Would 42,000 side effects really amount to 4,200,000 out of
82.5 million shots already given so far?
 Devorguilla: father in law died 3 days after first dose of Pfizer
 Six people died in the vaccine trials
 Kara’s grandmother took the vaccine on Dec 28th and died January 1st; her
roommate said she was doing just fine and was herself before the vaccine
 One died at a nursing home 45 minutes after getting the shot;
 Ohio woman’s mother died a few days after getting the Vaccine and had
tested negative for COVID a couple of days before
 Dover Riverside Nursing Home: vaccine administered Monday afternoon
and during the night 4 residents died; completely unheard of
 Lori’s 85 year old former father in law died 6 days after his vaccine and was
relatively healthy other than having dementia
 94 year old mother in law died 4 hours after being hospitalized for reaction
to vaccine;
 Great grandfather dead 2 weeks after the vaccination;
 97 year old aunt died within 48 hours of the first shot;
 88 year old father in law who was healthy and fit for his age collapsed, had 2
strokes and died after taking the Pfizer vaccine; family had concluded that
he was murdered by the vaccine;
 Auburn, NY nursing home there were zero COVID deaths up until
December 29th; in 2 weeks since then 24 coronavirus infected residents at
the 300 bed nursing home have died; 80 percent had been vaccinated by
December 29;

Nursing home worker: “In 2020 for a year there was not a single death of
residents with Covid. There were only 5 infected with Covid 19 for the year of

2020. December 2020 around the 22nd the vaccine was administered to our
patients and to some staff members. It is now January 18, 2021 2 weeks after
people received the vaccine, particularly the Pfizer I am seeing this pattern of
people who were once walking who can no longer walk; people who were talking
and can no longer talk; people who were once able to think can no longer think
properly and are confused. The experts say the vaccine does not have the COVID
19 in it. This is supposed to be a stimulus that helps your immune system to fight
against the virus if you were to confront it. That is the purpose of the vaccine. Our
residents are dying after they have taken this vaccine. It troubles me that this is not
being spoken about; what bothers my heart it’s almost like it is not to be talked
about. Go back to the year of 2020 and there were zero deaths. I can speak the
same about many, many nursing homes. In 2021 we are in the middle of the month
and there are over 14 people dead; they are dropping like flies.”
Video: the CDC data says that the alleged COVAID survival rate for people of the
age under 69 is 99% and for those over 69 are 94.6%. That means that less than 1
in 100 people die. In order to have 14 die in the nursing home described in the
video above he would have to have at least 1,400 residents there. He said there
were 300. The average sized nursing home is 120 beds. The largest is 744 beds.
He said none died during the year of 2020.

There are more statistics of people dying:

 A director of nursing said that a resident received the vaccine, coded and
died within 12 hours. She is directed by corporate not to report this to
VAERS. Why would that be?
 Christy just lost a nurse friend in Roanoke, Virginia due to the shot. She got
the shot and fainted afterwards and went to the hospital and died.
 Dianne’s friend’s pregnant sister had her 34 week old baby die within 48
hours of getting the vaccine
 Another knows two pregnant women who have both miscarried after the first
 A Connecticut medical worker’s sister’s friend died less than 8 hours of
getting the shot; they are not announcing it
 An ER nurse got her shot on December 20th and died on 26th with a ‘heart
issue” and those who knew her knew that she had ZERO underlying issues;
 An Israeli man died of a heart attack hours after getting the vaccine
 Pro-vaccine doctor Gregory Michael, an Obstetrician, healthy and 56 years
old, was vaccinated Dec. 18 and died of a hemorrhage stroke in a matter of
minutes just a few weeks after his vaccine
 Cecelia’s cousin’s daughter in law got the shot as she works at a hospital and
began having trouble breathing and less than a week later, died on January 2,
2021 leaving behind 3 young children and a husband
 1 40 year old man in great shape got the vaccine and died 2 days later; the
vaccine companies cannot be held liable for any injuries caused.
Video: I have dozens and dozens of others from just a few hours of my own
research. This film is to alert you to the fact that if you put your hand in the fire
you will get burned. A Fedex warehouse photo has surfaced showing stacked
pallets of tens of thousands of cadaver (body) bags that are being shipped out non-
stop. Is this a coincidence?
Other people who took the vaccine were lucky enough to get off with mild
anaphylactic symptoms like severe rashes and partial paralysis or numbness. One
nurse giving the COV vacc at Mercy Hospital said people are passing out, their
eyes are swelling shut, they have body rashes and numbness in the arms as well as
hives, aching joints, swollen ankles, peeling skin on the palms of their hands.
Dr. Cynthia Foster tells about a physician’s assistant at a NY hospital who
vaccinate and had extreme allergic reaction called Stevens Johns Syndrome. It
makes all the skin on you peel off and makes you go blind. The assistant looks
like a burn victim and is now in the burn unit with her eyes taped shut. If she
survives she will likely be blind in one eye, have to go through skin graft surgeries
and will be scarred for life.
Another woman took the vaccine and collapsed, had 2 seizures, blacked out, was
throwing up, had a heart rate of 194 and her hand was paralyzed. She could not
move her legs; she could not do anything. She couldn’t breathe and her face and
arms were tingling. Everything was tingling. She got 2 EpiPens on the side of her
Video: it would take 3 hours of film just to show all the hundreds of testimonials
that the narrator has found in just a few hours of research. The US total death rate
for 2020 as of November 16 was 2,487,350 according to the CDC which was less
than it was in the previous 5 years (2017: 2,813,503, 2018: 2,839,205). The media
and government have told us that there is some brand new deadly disease killing
millions. This means that the mortality rate should be millions higher than the
previous year. At the same time they are telling us that the seasonal flu that kills
millions worldwide each year has miraculously disappeared completely for the first
time in history.
This new alleged virus has never been isolated, proven to either exist or cause
illness, and has the exact same 99.97% survival rate as the seasonal flu and is 80%
asymptomatic which means you are not sick and have no symptoms. 20% of the
people who are told they have the alleged virus through a PCR test that cannot do
any such thing as to detect a virus. 90% of the people who die are 82 years or
older and already dying of 2.6 other terminal illnesses such as respiratory disease,
cardia arrhythmia, diabetes or cancer.
The symptoms of this alleged virus are a dry cough, fever, headache and shortness
of breath. Coincidentally these are the exact same symptoms as the seasonal flu.
Flu vaccines have been around for decades and have not stopped the flu. We still
have it every year like clockwork except for 2020 and 2021.
Are you so irrational and frightened by latent, media propaganda, so ignorant,
blind, and clueless and uniformed that in order to get on an airplane or be able to
go back to bars and restaurants again that you are willing to inject yourself and
genetically modify your RNA to give yourself AIDS, Bell’s palsy, paralysis,
anaphylactic shock, Stevens Johnson syndrome, heart attack, Gullein-Barr
syndrome, acute encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, encephalitis, stroke,
narcolepsy, cataplexy, myocarditis, pericarditis, permanent autoimmune disease,
miscarriage, infertility, allergic reaction, thrombocytopenia, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, venous thromboembolism, arthritis and joint pain,
Kawasaki disease, multi system inflammatory disease, vaccine enhanced disease,
and possibly death?
Despite one percent of people reporting hundreds of thousands of COVAIDs
vaccine, Adverse reactions already on VAERS are doubling weekly. The Pfizer/
AstraZeneca /Routers controlled media is saying nonsense such as 29 COV19
vaccine recipients had serious allergic reactions or with nearly 5 million Americans
vaccinated just 29 have had confirmed allergic reactions. If your reality comes
from the Tell Lie Vision you have just seen that you are not living in reality.
Of course we have people like Stanley Johnson, author of Life without Birth, who
wrote: “If the number of new births cannot be reduced, the number of deaths each
year must increase until the growth of the world’s population is cut down to a
manageable number. This business of an increase in the death rate is not, of
course, attractive. The recipes-which include thermonuclear war, global famine,
plague and a newly discovered horror called ‘ecocatastrophe’ are all unpalatable.
At the same time, I call the task of achieving a reduction in the global birth rate
population control.”
You might know his son, Boris Johnson, the current UK prime minister. His
website contains a 2007 article on population control, “an impending calamity.”
Now the same statesman who wants depopulation suddenly wants everyone to take
a jab to save lives.
Here is an alleged amendment to a memorandum circulated to ministers October
18, 2019, allegedly obtained through Freedom of Information Act, that remains
strictly within the terms of The Official Secrets Act 1911 (Section 1) and Official
Secrets Act of 1989 (Prescription) Order 1990 (the ‘1990 Order’). This could be
photoshopped but it concerns the following section of the memorandum:
Section 2020-2023 Key Treasury objectives for treasury and Home office
consideration. Damage to the wider economy is only achievable by imposing
continuing measures to prevent trading amongst the commerce and service
industries as a whole regardless of the size of organization. It is likely that strike
action and more likely general public disorder will occur which the government
would struggle to crack down on without the necessary financial parameters
including generous benefit packages as proposed in Section 3a and 4 of the
memorandum Emergency Financial infrastructure. Any such disorder will be
discouraged by a public health campaign that will bring on board a mixture of
health information, analysis and data presented by Government and independent
institutions. All ministers will be complicit in the publication of the health
directives using public and private media organizations. The names of considered
independent institutions are outlined in Section 11b and 11c of the memorandum.
The proposed media organizations are outline in section 11e.
Another report: Influenza Preparedness Stakeholder Conference on the Centenary
of the 1918 Pandemic. This took place in January, 2019 at the Royal Institute of
National Affairs. A Belgian speaks up on the importance of the media when it
comes to this kind of public health issue. This is over a year before we see the
exact things he talked about.
“I was asked to talked about my experiences being the crisis manager during
the HINI Swine Flu (hoax) for Belgium. You have one opportunity to do this
right; day one is so important. In Day One you start your communication
with the press and with the people and you have to do it right. You have to
go for one voice, one message. In Belgium they chose to appoint a non-
politician to do that. I have no party affiliations and it makes things a little
bit easier because you are not attacked politically by the majority or the
minority. That doesn’t come into play and that was a huge advantage.
Secondly you can play a complete naïve guy and get more done. You have
to be omnipresent that first day or the first days so that you attract the media
attention. You make an agreement with them that you will tell them all and
when they call you will pick up the phone. When you do that can profit from
these early days to get complete coverage and they are not going to search
for alternative voices. If you do that it makes things easier. If you do that
we will have HINI deaths and of course that will be unavoidable. I used Sir
Dxxx quote where he said that in the UK 40 people a day could die by the
end of summer. For Belgium that would be 7 deaths a day at the peak of the
epidemic. That is true of every year but talking about fatalities is important.
Then a couple of days later you have the first death and the scene was
already talked about.”
Video: now you know why the flu has disappeared the same year this alleged virus
comes on the scene. Marc from Belgium just told you that this is not the first time
they have done this scam.

What You Can Do:

Part 4: The Solution A Convenient Truth

For starters if you truly believe the world is overpopulated by all means,
voluntarily roll up your sleeve and ‘take one for the team’ and the planet. Your
body. Your choice. But stop gaslighting those that understand that poison is not
the cure for poison. It’s their body and their choice. These are anti-vaxxers for the
same reason that people do not pet angry rattlesnakes. Stop supporting forced
medical tyranny. If you want to stop humans from being hooked up to the cloud
like livestock don’t let them shove nano dust computers into your brain barrier
with a nasal swab. And don’t download their contact tracer app on your phone.
Educate yourself. The UN Agenda 21 depopulation agenda cannot be successfully
carried out once the people of the world are no longer ignorant of these truths.
Germ theory is still a theory and not a fact after 230 years. Viruses have never to
this day been isolated, proven to exist or proven to be the cause of any illness.
All of the major diseases have been attributed to a combination of acidic blood pH
due to mental stress releasing fight or flight hormones and a deficiency in cellular
tissue from not enough vitamins or cell salts such as
 Mumps Vitamin B Deficient
 Measles Vitamin A Deficient
 Rubella Vitamin A Deficient
 Chicken Pox Vitamin A & D Deficient
 Shingles Vitamin A & D Deficient
 Polio Vitamin A & B Deficient
 Rotavirus Vitamin A & D Deficient
 Pneumonia Vitamin A & D Deficient
 Pneumococcal Vitamin A & D Deficient
 Tetanus Vitamin A Deficient
 Pertussis Vitamin D Deficient (treated with Vitamin C)
 Influenza Vitamin D Deficient
 Meningitis “Both”: Vitamin C and D Deficient
 Scurvy: Vitamin C Deficient
 Pellagra Vitamin B Deficient
 Scrapie/Visna: in sheep: Genetic disorder
 Tertiary Syphilis: Mercury – arsenic poisoning
 SMON Japan 1960s: Enteroviroform a prescription drug from Ciba-
 KURU 1970s New Guinea: Common Pneumonia
 Legionnaire’s Disease 70s US Common Pneumonia
 Cervical Cancer Chromosome alteration, possibly from
 Cancer: 70 & 80s Malnutrition, toxins
 AIDS 80s and 90s Malnutrition, recreational drugs, AIDS
James Hildreth, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of Meharry
Medical College, former Professor at Johns Hopkins, HIV researcher: “the
virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.”
Viruses are exosomes, and pleomorphic bacterial phages – they are janitors made
inside of your own body by your own body to clean out all toxins and damaged

tissue resulting from all non-self proteins, poisons, and genetic material that enter
into your body. You do not ‘catch’ sickness or disease; you create it internally to
help you to turn back to a balanced state of health and well-being. Your ignorant
belief in germ theory propagates a trillion dollar a year medical drug cartel industry
and depopulation agendas for governments and eugenicists. PCR tests do not and
cannot detect anything more than miniscule amounts of genetic nucleotide
fragments that a computer has been told to search for.
These are called primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 and is found
in all human DNA. They are set to find the same nucleotide sequences found in
goats, papaya, birds, coca cola, apple juice, and kiwi as well as motor oil, river
water, dog urine, pineapple, and even blank swab tests right out of the packaging.
PCR tests only prove that they found a miniscule partial fragment of whatever
genetic primer material they were looking for.
Remember there are only 4 nucleo bases: adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine.
These make up the nucleotide bases and genomes of all life on earth. Bacterial
genome sequences are hundreds of thousands long and human sequences can be
145 million long not 18 to 20.
How many times out of hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions do you
think that A, C, D and G line up in at least one of these 18 in a row sequences? It
does not prove that whatever genetic material they were looking for belongs
exclusively to some hypothetical, never isolated virus or that the specific genetic
material is the cause of any disease or illness. It is like finding a microscopic piece
of lint in someone’s pants pocket and saying that it proves that they own a textile
factory in India.
Now the WHO has just admitted that labs were running PCR doubling cycles at 40
times making genetic material 65,000,000 times amplified resulting in any genetic
particle being declared a positive case. Injecting poisons and foreign protein into
your body does not make you immune to more foreign proteins and poisons. It
sets you up for Anaphylaxis. They will absolutely get away with this unless you
have the wisdom to educate yourself and the courage to both speak out to others
about what you learn and to noncomply with medical tyranny.

Lastly, virology is a scam. We will end with Dr. Tom Cowan

explaining exactly how this scam has been perpetrated so
you won’t ever fall victim to it.
Dr. Tom Cowan: what I have discovered is that science is going to be used a
weapon against us. It is nice to know a little about science so that we cannot be
fooled as easily. Lately a lot of people have sent me studies, published in peer
review literature. Some are from Nature, from the New England Journal, Lancet, a
variety, saying here is a paper that shows isolation and proper characterization of
the genome and few having been proven post postulus.
Dr. Tom: personally, I have seen 31 papers that I’ve come across and had sent to
me. Someone has said there are 125 different laboratories and different isolations
of the virus. Isolation means the separation of one thing from everything else. In
every thing …and a virus is a thing and not a thought, emotion or feeling… every
thing can be separated from every thing that is not itself. Once it is separated it
can be counted.
Dr. Tom: you take coffee and grind it up. If you are looking to see if caffeine
causes high blood pressure, the ground coffee bean is not pure isolated caffeine.
Then you filter it, get rid of the grounds and now you have a brew of coffee. That
is also not pure isolated caffeine as there are many other compounds in there. Any
experiment done with coffee to see if it is the caffeine is obviously flawed and
Dr. Tom: then you do the next step which is to take out, purify the caffeine. You
can do that with a centrifuge and there are different laboratory techniques that can
do that and have been done since the 30s. You make sure that you have simply
and only chemical caffeine. You can extract that, send it to another lab to verify the
steps that you took and they say, ‘yes, this is only caffeine.’ Then you expose an
animal to that and if it causes high blood pressure and you do appropriate controls,
then you know with reasonable certainty that the isolated caffeine which you have
now proven to exist, is actually the cause of the high blood pressure.
Dr. Tom: I would still contend that after one year, and after reading these 31
studies, talking to hundreds of people, either in person or in email, that there is not
one study using that same methodology that has shown the existence of a corona
virus including the SARS COV2 virus…not one study. The question is what are
all these virologists doing? The other thing about the caffeine example is that most
of us in fact all of us would agree that if you make coffee…grind the beans and
filter them and mix them in a bath of tea, yergamate, chocolate and a bunch of
other caffeine containing chemicals or substances, from then on you would never
be able to know that the caffeine that you are looking for came from the coffee

beans because all these other substances have the same exact chemical in them
(caffeine) and so the whole experiment becomes flawed and invalid.
Dr. Tom: so what do the virologists do and what is the basis of all these papers?
You take at best the respiratory secretions (I like to say snot) from someone who
has this disease. How do you define the disease? Let’s just assume there is
something called COV19 that is a specific disease entity. You take a person, 10 or
500 people and you do the same thing you did with the coffee. You grind it up
because that helps to extract things better. Then you put it through filter paper and
you have unpurified super natin which is liquid stuff with a lot of genetic material
and possibly viruses because the mesh or size of the pores caught the cells and the
bacteria, fungus and everything else. You get rid of that part and it is still not
isolated or purified.
Dr. Tom: what they do is they stop the purification process and they inoculate the
unpurified, un-isolated mess onto virile cells which is monkey kidney tissue. The
problem there is that is exactly equivalent to putting the coffee into the bath with
the chocolate and tea. It turns out that there is only one kind of DNA or RNA.
There are many varieties but its all made of the same thing. The monkey kidney
tissue has exactly the same kind of genetic material as this so-called virus.
Dr. Tom: as I have said over and over, the inoculation of this unpurified stuff
doesn’t actually break down the kidney tissue. They have to help it by starving
which is called minimal nutrient medium, and they poison it by nephrotoxic, in
other words, kidney toxic antibiotics like gentomyacin. Then this causes the
disintegration, so-called lysis or breakdown of the kidney tissue into numerous
particles and vesicles and essentially debris. At that point you have no idea where
any of this genetic material came from.
Dr. Tom: then they do a PCR test which has never been standardized against
having found a virus in the first place so they have no idea whether any of these
segments are unique to anything because they have never isolated and pulled out
the genome in the first place. So where do they get the genome? They get the
genome because they take some of these segments. They find they attach to certain
pieces in this brew, and then they put those segments into a computer and it makes
what they call an encyclical genome. Encyclical is a fancy word for theoretical
which is essentially a synonym for the word imaginary which is essentially a
synonym for the word make-believe.

Dr. Tom: they standardize this encyclical genome against the first SARS virus
which was made in exactly the same way with an encyclical (imaginary) genome
of an imaginary virus. Then they say this is the new definition of isolation and we
find these pieces of genetic material in this brew that contains unpurified snot,
broken down tissue, that contains the exact same kinds of sequences and genetic
material as the virus. It has never been proven that there is anything unique about
any of the sequences.
Dr. Tom: as I pointed out when a friend did a blast search, a search of the genetic
database, he found that one of the primer sequences called the spike protein
matches 93 human sequences and 91 sequences from other microbes, fungus and
other organisms. There is nothing unique about this. They are simply testing for
pieces of genetic material having no idea what the origin of this genetic material is.
As far as I know, and I think I know this as well as anybody could know it, there is
not one study out there.
Dr. Tom: There has never been a study with this virus or many other viruses that
has properly isolated the virus, properly sequenced the virus. If you cannot
properly isolate it, you cannot say that a sequence of it comes only from that virus.
If you have never isolated this just like you could never say it is only the caffeine
that causes high blood pressure unless and until you have isolated the caffeine.
You can never prove that the virus is the cause of this disease. Isolation is the key
and no matter how many people say they have isolated it and no matter how many
people criticize me and us for saying it, I still contend that there is simply no
evidence that this kind of isolation has happened with this or many of the other
viruses that we are told cause disease.
Dr. Tom: I hope that is very clear and that everybody really understands this
because to me that is the key to the kingdom.
Film by Spacebusters.

COV19 Vaccine ingredient used for Lethal Injections on Death Row
Lethal Injection of potassium chloride (HCl) can be used as a method of either
suicide or homicide. As biological tests are still inadequate to differentiate
endogenous from exogenous potassium, at the scene of death the cause can only be
suspected. Death by potassium chloride intravenous injection…potassium chloride
intravenous injection is used in suicide attempts and lethal procedures for state-
sanctioned punishment. Owing to its relatively high concentration of hemolyzed
blood (25 – 80 mM) compared to serum (about 4 mM) it is difficult to conclude
potassium poisoning by postmortem analysis of biologic samples.
Potassium chloride in Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is…social media posts
claim the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is ‘poison’ because it contains
potassium chloride, a chemical also used to stop the heart during a process of lethal
Lethal injection is the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person
typically a barbiturate, paralytic and potassium for the express purpose of causing
rapid death. The main application for this procedure is capital punishment.
Life and Death Row: How the lethal injection kills – BBC Three In Arkansas, the
lethal injection comprises three chemicals: midazolern to sedate, vacuronium
bromide to paralyze the muscles and potassium chloride to stop the heart.
KCl (potassium chloride) is very lethal, especially when used in high dosage.
Potassium chloride greatly influences our cardiac muscles so make sure to use
caution if you are thinking of using it on yourself. Potassium chloride can be
helpful to our bodies as it is used by physicians to treat people with low blood
The Oklahoma Department of Corrections added the third drug to the cocktail—
potassium chloride which stops the heart--to the lethal injection protocol the same
The following is included only because of the Gibralter stats.
Feb, 2021 Charlie: what is clear with the vaccine is that it is not the same the
world over. There are clearly many different types of vaccines that are being
administered. They realized the one they are using in Gibraltor, in 2020 5 people
over the age of 80 died. In 2021 they started vaccinating the old people. So far, as
of yesterday, 79 people over the age of 80 have died. That should wake people up.
These figures are published. Gibraltor is a British enclave off the south coast of
Spain. This is in the space of 6 weeks. The whole vaccine agenda was to reduce
the population. We are fighting against the New World Order. There will be a
number of people who lose their lives by stupidity in taking the vaccine and
wearing masks that reduce your immunity to such a level that when germs come by
you won’t survive. These are hard facts. Some people are waking up, others are
not. This is a bit like looking at an IQ test to see who is smart and who is
intelligent. If you are going to be cynical you could say that you are going to rid
the world of stupid people. We have a choice in life and we should be wise enough
to make our own decision based on fact and not peer pressure and the main stream
media. They are pumping out the narrative. They spend 2 million pounds in
England and 2 million Euros in Spain to silence doctors and keep them in line.
The doctors are being paid to administer the vaccine.
Ania: it is the same in Poland. Let me read something: “imagine a vaccine so safe
that you have to be present to take it for the disease so deadly that you have to be
tested to know that you have it.”

Lynn and Stephanie-Coverings and Jabs Go Back 103 Years?
Lynn and daughter Steph discuss the 103 year old history of Coverings and Jabs as
well as Steph’s experience working with people using the coverings and getting
jabs. What is the history of v I r u s?
Lynn, Steph and Toni On Face Coverings and Clean Mouth, Virus Relief and
2020+ Support
Lynn, daughter Steph and granddaughter Toni talk about face covering solutions
and using Clean Mouth with Virus Relief or 2020+ Support. To get a free vial of
Clean Mouth with either Virus Relief or 2020+ Support between now and
midnight MST February 28, 2021 when you place your order put 'free Clean
Mouth please' in the comments area of your order.


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