Pin bowling[edit]
Candlepin balls are the smallest, but candlepins are tallest and thinnest.
Duckpins are the shortest, and duckpin balls are barely larger than candlepin balls.
Ten-pin bowling: largest and heaviest pins, and bowled with a large ball with two or three
finger holes.
Nine-pin bowling: uses a small ball without finger holes.
Candlepin bowling: tallest pins (at 40 cm or 16 in), thin with matching ends, bowled with
the smallest and lightest (at 1.1 kg or 2.4 lb) handheld ball of any bowling sport, and the
only form with no fallen pins removed during a frame.
Duckpin bowling: short, squat, and bowled with a handheld ball.
Five-pin bowling: tall, between duckpins and candlepins in diameter with a rubber girdle,
bowled with a handheld ball, mostly found in Canada.