13 Frequency Response New

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Frequency Response
The design of control systems in industry is accomplished using frequency-response
methods more often than any other.

Frequency-response design is popular primarily because

1.It provides good designs in the face of uncertainty in the plant model. For example, for
systems with poorly known or changing high-frequency resonances, we can temper the
feedback compensation to alleviate the effects of those uncertainties. Currently, this
tempering is carried out more easily using frequency response design than with any other

2.The ease with which experimental information can be used for design purposes. Raw
measurements of the output amplitude and phase of a plant undergoing a sinusoidal input
excitation are sufficient to design a suitable feedback control.

3.No intermediate processing of the data (such as finding poles and zeros or determining
system matrices) is required to arrive at the system model.

4.Specifications for control systems are typically provided in terms of a system’s frequency-
response characteristics. Therefore, design in the frequency domain directly ensures that
the specifications are met rather than having to transform them to other parameters.
Bode (Matlab)

For example,

bode(50,[1 9 30 40])

displays the Bode plots for the

transfer function:

50 / (s^3 + 9 s^2 + 30 s + 40)

Frequency response methods, developed by Nyquist and Bode in the 1930s, are older
than the root locus method, which was discovered by Evans in 1948 (Nyquist, 1932;
Bode, 1945).
In the steady state, sinusoidal inputs to a linear system generate sinusoidal
responses of the same frequency. Even though these responses are of the same
frequency as the input, they differ in amplitude and phase angle from the input. These
differences are functions of frequency.
Sinusoids can be represented as complex numbers called phasors

The magnitude of the complex number is the amplitude of the sinusoid, and the
angle of the complex number is the phase angle of the sinusoid.

Thus,M1cos(wt+ϕ1) can be represented as where the frequency, w is implicit

Steady State Output
Bode Plot
Plotting 1) Two plots for magnitude and phase

2) Polar plot
Note that: In matlab
use log10

Bode Plot
Polar Plot
Simplified = approximated as a sequence of straight lines

Magnitude of zero terms are added and pole terms are subtracted

If we knew the response of each term then the algebraic sum wield total response in dB

Graphical addition of straight lines is simplified

At break frequency (a) phase is 45
At low frequencies (0.1a) phase is 0
At high frequencies (10a) phase is 90

To make log-magnitude plot will be 0db in break frequency, it is convenient to

Normalize the magnitude and scale the frequency
Log-magnitude curve is a horizontal straight line at magnitude 20logK

Phase angle is zero

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