Verification of Comparator
Verification of Comparator
Verification of Comparator
3 Verification of Comparator
To verify the performance of the comparator same procedure shall be followed to
ascertain its performance as per manufacturer specification. Only uncertainty due to
standard deviation (from repeatability) is considered during calibration of weights. No
components like eccentricity, error of indication etc. are taken into account for a
8.4 Evaluation of CMC
8.4.1 CMC value is not the same as expanded uncertainty reported in the calibration
Certificate/Report. CMC values exclude the uncertainties which are attributed to the
(Unit under test/calibration).
8.4.2 For the purpose of CMC evaluation, the following components should be
a) Type A uncertainty
b) Uncertainty of the reference standard weight.
c) Uncertainty due to drift in reference standard weight (due to wear and tear,
transportation or temperature variation)
8.5 Legal Aspects
Calibration of weighing balance done by any accredited laboratories is meant for
and industrial purpose only. However, if used for commercial trading, additional
recognition/ approval shall be complied as required by Dept. of Legal Metrology,
Regulatory Bodies, etc.
9 Sample Scope
An illustrative example: Correct Presentation of Scope