The document discusses environmental conditions for instruments at laboratories and sites. Instruments without specified temperature limits must maintain properties from -10°C to +40°C. Instruments with limits marked must comply within those limits, which can vary by application but must be at least 5°C, 15°C, or 30°C depending on instrument class. Humidity must be maintained between 40-60% RH. Calibration areas must be free from vibrations to ensure consistent conditions.
The document discusses environmental conditions for instruments at laboratories and sites. Instruments without specified temperature limits must maintain properties from -10°C to +40°C. Instruments with limits marked must comply within those limits, which can vary by application but must be at least 5°C, 15°C, or 30°C depending on instrument class. Humidity must be maintained between 40-60% RH. Calibration areas must be free from vibrations to ensure consistent conditions.
The document discusses environmental conditions for instruments at laboratories and sites. Instruments without specified temperature limits must maintain properties from -10°C to +40°C. Instruments with limits marked must comply within those limits, which can vary by application but must be at least 5°C, 15°C, or 30°C depending on instrument class. Humidity must be maintained between 40-60% RH. Calibration areas must be free from vibrations to ensure consistent conditions.
The document discusses environmental conditions for instruments at laboratories and sites. Instruments without specified temperature limits must maintain properties from -10°C to +40°C. Instruments with limits marked must comply within those limits, which can vary by application but must be at least 5°C, 15°C, or 30°C depending on instrument class. Humidity must be maintained between 40-60% RH. Calibration areas must be free from vibrations to ensure consistent conditions.
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Environmental Conditions: (At Lab & Site)
3.1 Temperature: If no particular working temperature is stated in the descriptive markings of an instrument, this instrument shall maintain its metrological properties within the following temperature limits: -10°C +40°C. An instrument for which particular limits of working temperature are stated in the descriptive markings shall comply with the metrological requirements within those limits. The limits may be chosen according to the application of the instrument. The ranges within those limits shall be at least equal to: 5°C for instruments of class I, 15°C for instruments of class II, 30°C for instruments of classes III and IV 3.2 Humidity: Humidity shall be maintained in between 40%RH to 60%RH 3.3 Vibration: The Calibration area shall be free from vibrations generated by central air-conditioning plants, vehicular traffic and other sources to ensure consistent and uniform operational conditions.