Vietnam Combat Operations-1966
Vietnam Combat Operations-1966
Vietnam Combat Operations-1966
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
distribution unlimited
Front cover:
Slicks of the 118th AHC inserting
Skysoldiers of the 173d Abn Bde
near Tan Uyen, Bien Hoa Province.
Operation DEXTER, 4 May 1966.
(118th AHC Thunderbirds website)
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
This volume is the second in a series of chronologies of Allied headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1st Bde: 2-5
combat operations conducted during the Vietnam War from Cav, 1-8 Cav, 2-8 Cav, 1-9 Cav (-), 1-12 Cav, 2-19 Art, B/2-17
1965 to 1973, interspersed with significant military events and Art, A/2-20 Art, B/6-14 Art. 2d Bde: 1-5 Cav, 2-12 Cav, 1-77
augmented with a listing of US and FWF units arrival and depar- Art. Execution: The 1st Bde launched this operation north of
ture for each months. It is based on a chronology prepared for Route 19 along the Cambodian border to secure the arrival of
the Vietnam Combat Operations series of scenarios for The the 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div. On 4 Jan, the 2d Bde was committed to
Operational Art of War III I've been working on for more than conduct spoiling attacks 50 km west of Kontum. Results: 4
three years, completed with additional information obtained in enemy killed, 4 detained, 6 US KIA, 41 US WIA.
primary source documents. It does not pretend to be a compre- 2 Jan. VC device exploded at 5 th Special Forces Headquarters in
hensive listing, data are scarcely available when dealing with Nha Trang (4 US WIA, 2 VN WIA).
South Vietnamese or Korean operations, for example. 2-18 Jan. Operation: 1-66
Location: Bien Hoa Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con-
Each operation is presented in the following format: trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B-
52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance
Date Operation: name of the operation, when available from FOB Bien Hoa.
Location: population centers, landmarks, province. Type: type 3-4 Jan. Operation: WAR BONNET
of operation, when available. Controlling headquarters: when Location: Quang Nam Province. Controlling headquarters:
available. Task organization: friendly units involved, when 9th Marines. Type: search and destroy. Task organization: 2/9
available. Intelligence: enemy situation and forces, when Marines.
available. Execution: brief description, when available. Res- 3-8 Jan. Operation: QUICK KICK I
ults: friendly and enemy casualties, when available. Location: Song Be, Binh Duong Province. Type: search and
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div.
A glossary of acronyms and abbreviations is available on page 3-8 Jan. Operation: HANG OVER
44. Location: Binh Thuan Province. Type: search and destroy.
Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div. Task
Color Code: organization: 2-327 Inf.
3-8 Jan. Operation: LONG LANCE
COLOR United States Army Location: Quang Nam Province. Controlling headquarters:
COLOR United States Marine Corps 3d Marines. Type: search and destroy. Task organization: 1/1
COLOR United States Air Force Marines.
COLOR United States Navy 4 Jan. In first confirmed use of 120mm mortars in RVN, the
COLOR Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces enemy attacks Khe Sanh CIDG Camp in Quang Tri Province.
COLOR Free World Forces About 25 of 75 rounds fired during the attacks are 120mm, the
heaviest crew-served weapon employed in-country by enemy to
6 Jan. Claymore mine exploded outside Tan Son Nhut main gate
Jan. A new CIDG camp opens at Cung Son for Det A-221. (1 US KIA, 1 VN KIA, 5 VN WIA).
Jan. A new CIDG camp opens at Tan Rai for Det A-232. 7 Jan. An estimated enemy battalion attacks the Song Cau
Jan. A new CIDG camp opens at Bao Don for Det A-325. District headquarters.
Jan. A new CIDG camp opens at Go Dau Ha for Det A-326. 8 Jan. Senior representatives of US Mission, Saigon, the
1 Jan. US military strength in RVN approximately 184,000. Vietnam Coordinating Committee, Washington, and other USG
1 Jan. First overseas switch voice circuit operational between agencies meet for four days at Warrenton, Virginia, to determine
Saigon/Tan Son Nhut and Hawaii. the course of joint US-GVN Revolutionary Development
1-7 Jan. Operation: MARAUDER/AN DAN 564-18/65 program. Conference takes measures to eliminate manpower,
Location: Bao Trai, Vam Co Dong, LZ VODKA, LZ SCOTCH, LZ material, and transport shortages in Vietnam and designates
WHISKEY, LZ WINE, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and des- priorities and machinery for resources control and allocation.
troy. Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task organ- 8 Jan. The enemy ambushes a RF convoy in Phuoc Tuy Province
ization: 1-503 Inf, 2-503 Inf, 1RAR, 3-319 Art, 105 Fld Bty, 161 (3 US KIA, 31 ARVN KIA, 30 ARVN WIA, 10 ARVN MIA).
Bty RNZA, E/17 Cav; 25th ARVN Div (elts). Intelligence: 267th 8 Jan. Two enemy junks beached and ammunition recovered
and 506th PLAF Bns. Execution: this operation was conducted in after firefight off Go Cong coast.
the Plain of Reeds along the banks of the Vam Co Dong 7 km 8-14 Jan. Operation: CRIMP-1/66
southeast of Bao Trai. On 2 Jan, 2-503 Inf ran into the 267 th Location: Trung Lap, Saigon River, Ho Bo Woods, LZ MARCH, LZ
PLAF Bn in fortified position near LZ WINE. Two companies made APRIL, LZ MAY, Hau Nghia and Binh Duong Provinces. Type:
a frontal assault while a third tried a flank. The defense search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Infantry
crumbled in the afternoon, the enemy leaving 111 of his dead Division. Task organization: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div (8-11 Jan): 1-
behind. On 6 Jan, 2-503 Inf found what had been the headquar- 2 Inf, 2-2 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 2-33 Art. 173d Abn Bde (8-14 Jan): 1-
ters of the 506th PLAF Bn but no other major fights developed. 503 Inf 2-503 Inf, 1RAR, D/16 Arm, E/17 Cav, 1 st APC Trp, 3-
Results: 268 enemy killed, 96 detained, 15 US KIA, 72 US WIA, 319 Art, 105 Fld Bty, 161 Bty RNZA. Intelligence: Headquar-
31 ARVN KIA, 112 ARVN WIA. ters MR 4, Saigon-Cholon-Gia Dinh Special Sector Committee.
1-16 Jan. Operation: JEFFERSON Execution: this operation was the largest US operation to date,
Location: Phu Hiep, Vung Ro Bay, Phu Yen Province. Type: taking place in the Ho Bo Woods on the southern banks of the
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d ROK Marine Saigon River. The 3d Bde operated in the southern portion of the
Brigade. Task organization: 1st, 2nd and 3rd ROK Mar Bns, 47th sector while the 173d Abn Bde covered the area to the north.
ARVN Regiment (elts). Execution: After relocating to Tuy Hoa 1RAR made the initial assault on LZ MARCH, clashing with an
on 26 Dec 1965, the 2d ROK Mar Bde conducted this operation enemy company and overrunning an extensive bunker and tun-
along the coast between Phu Hiep and the Vung Ro Bay. Res- nel complex. On 10 Jan, 1-503 Inf overran another bunker com-
ults: 391 enemy killed, 14 detained. Friendly losses were 45 plex, killing 29 of the enemy. Subsequent searches failed to
KIA and 94 WIA. generate significant contacts and the operation ended on 14 Jan.
1-17 Jan. Operation: MATADOR I&II Results: 128 enemy killed, 92 detained, 22 US KIA, 8 AUS KIA,
Location: Plei Trap Valley, Route 19, Cambodian border, Pleiku 106 US WIA, 29 AUS WIA.
and Kontum Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
HQ with 120mm mortar, inflicting minor damage (5 US KIA, 25 Marines, 2/3 Marines (SLF), 2/4 Marines, 2/9 Marines, 3/11
US WIA). Marines (-), 2/12 Marines (-), 1st Force Recon Co; 2nd ARVN Div
25 Jan. Curtailment of SNIPE HUNT night helicopter operations (5 Bns), VNMC TF BRAVO (2 Bns). Intelligence: 2nd PLAF Regi-
reported because of serious shortage of flares in RVN. ment, 18th PAVN Regiment, 38th PLAF Bn. Execution: Prelimin-
25-Jan-6 Mar. Operation: MASHER/WHITE WING ary operations began on 10 Jan when the 1 st Force Recon Co and
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- H/2/12 Marines moved by air to Ba To to conduct reconnais-
trolling headquarters: 1st Cavalry Division. Execution. Opera- sance of the future AO. On 26 Jan, E/2/4 Marines helicoptered
tion MASHER (renamed WHITE WING on 4 Feb) regrouped 4 dis- on Nui Dau (Hill 163) overlooking RED Beach to secure the land-
tinct operations: Operation MASHER (25 Jan-3 Feb.), Operation ing area. On 28 Jan, DOUBLE EAGLE was launched with 3/1 and
WHITE WING (4-10 Feb), Operation EAGLE CLAW (11-28 Feb) the rest of 2/4 landing across RED Beach north of Duc Pho. They
and Operation BLACK HORSE (1-6 Mar). Results: 1,342 enemy were joined by 2/9 the next day, helicoptering from Quang Ngai
killed, 633 detained, 228 US KIA, 834 US WIA, 119 ARVN KIA, City, and on 30 Jan by 2/3 helicoptering to the old French fort at
359 ARVN WIA, 10 ROK KIA, 24 ROK WIA. Thach Tru from the deck of the USS VALLEY FORGE (LPH-8).
25 Jan.-3 Feb. Operation: MASHER During the next two weeks, Task Force DELTA conducted extens-
Location: Phu Cat, Phu My, Bong Son, Chop Chai, Phung Du ive patrolling and search and destroy operations in the moun-
(2), LZ 2, LZ 4, LZ PAPA, FSB STEEL, FSB BRASS, Binh Dinh tainous area between Ba To and Duc Pho and into northern Binh
Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- Dinh Province, coordinating with Operation WHITE WING from
ters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 3d Bde: 1-7 Cav, 2-7 3-15 Feb. The 2d ARVN Div with the VNMC Task Force BRAVO
Cav, 1-9 Cav (-), 1-12 Cav, 2-12 Cav, 1-21 Art, 6-14 Art (25 opconed occupied blocking positions between Mo Duc and the
Jan-1 Feb), 3-18 Art (two btys), 2-17 Art (attached to ARVN Abn Song Ve Valley from 28 Jan to 12 Feb. Results: 312 enemy
Bde), 1-30 Art (from 27 Jan), C/8th Eng Bn; 2d TF ARVN Abn killed, 24 US KIA, 156 US WIA.
Bde (from 28 Jan); 40th and 41st ARVN Regiments (22nd Div); 29 Jan. Estimated two enemy companies attack Thanh Tri Land
CRID (elts). Intelligence: during the period, the 7th and 9th Bns Development Center in Kien Tuong Province (7 enemy killed, 25
and AA Co of the 22nd PAVN Regiment were encountered. Exe- ARVN KIA, 16 ARVN WIA, 1 ARVN MIA).
cution: Phase I was conducted from 25 to 27 Jan with the 3d 29-31 Jan. Operation: KAMEHAMEHA II
Bde establishing a forward base at Phu Cat and conducting a Location: Route 19, Pleiku Province. Type: road security. Con-
deception operation on the Chop Chai hill mass southeast of trolling headquarters: 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div.
Bong Son. On 25 Jan a C-123 moving elements of A/2-7 Cav 30 Jan. The enemy overruns Thuy Lien outpost in Chuong Thien
from An Khe to Bong Son crashed soon after takeoff, killing 42 Province (64 ARVN MIA).
troops and 4 USAF personnel. During Phase II, the 3d Bde con- 30 Jan.-3 Feb. Operation: BOBCAT TRACKER
ducted search and destroy operations north of Bong Son and Location: Cu Chi, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and des-
west of Route I, clashing with the 22d PLAF Regiment at Phung troy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div.
Du (2) near LZ PAPA on 28-29 Jan, killing 566 enemy and losing 31 Jan. US aircraft resumes bombing in NVN after 37-day lull.
81 KIA, while the ARVN Abn Bde searched the area east of 31 Jan. The enemy detonates two charges at US BEQ in Dalat
Route 1. The Capital ROK Inf Div supported the operation by (1 US KIA, 10 US WIA, 1 US MIA, 1 VN WIA)
securing Phu Cat and the LOCs between Qui Nhon and Phu My
and Qui Nhon and the Deo Mang Pass. The 22nd ARVN Div Arrival:
provided security for Bong Son and for the portion of Route 1 1 Jan. 20th Eng C Bn
between Phu My and Bong Son, conducting search and destroy 568th Med Co
operations in its assigned AO south of Bong Son. Results: 603 2 Jan. 39th Eng C Bn
enemy killed, 242 detained. 10 Jan. 212th MP Co
25 Jan. A new CIDG camp opens at Kinh Quan II for Det A-412. 13 Jan. 572d Eng Co
26 Jan.-1 Feb. Operation: 2-66 15 Jan. VMFA-314
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con- 16 Jan. HQ 1st Marines
trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B- 3/1 Marines
52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: Project DELTA 1/11 Marines
conducted this reconnaissance operation from FOB Bong Son in 17 Jan. 1-14 Inf
the northern An Lao Valley in support of operation MASHER, 1-35 Inf
meeting stiff resistance and losing several teams. 2-35 Inf
28 Jan. The enemy attacks a Special Forces outpost in Quang 65th Eng Bn
Ngai Province and ambushes friendly reaction force (friendly 1st Eng Bn
losses are 35 KIA, 14 WIA and 81 MIA). 19 Jan. 1-5 Inf (M)
28 Jan.-1 Feb. Operation: RED BALL V 1-27 Inf
Location: III CTZ (?)3. Type: resupply operation. Controlling 2-27 Inf
headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. 20 Jan. HQ 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div
28 Jan.-15 Feb. Operation: MALLET 1-8 Art
Location: Nhon Trach, Binh Son, Long Thanh, Route 15, Bien 21 Jan. 544th Trans Co
Hoa and Phuoc Tuy Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Con- 45th MI Co
trolling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organiza- 24 Jan. HQ 34th General Support Grp
tion: 2-16 Inf, 1-18 Inf, 2-18 Inf, 1-7 Art, 1-4 Cav (one Trp). 29 Jan. 372d ASA Co
Intelligence: D800 PLAF Bn. Execution: Phase I took place in 391st TFS
the Nhon Trach District with one Inf Bn from 28 Jan-6 Feb. Departure:
Phase II took place in the Long Thanh District near Binh Son 4 Jan. 43d TFS
with two Bns from 7-15 Feb. Results: 47 enemy killed, 10 US 15 Jan. VMFA-115
28 Jan.-17 Feb. Operation: DOUBLE EAGLE/LIEN KET 22
Location: Ba To, Duc Pho, Thach Tru, RED Beach, Nui Dau, Nui FEBRUARY
Xuong, Hill 508, Hill 592, Hill 726, Hill 829, Hill 953, Quang Ngai
and Binh Dinh Provinces. Controlling headquarters: Task 1 Feb. US military strength in RVN reaches 201,000.
Force DELTA; 2nd ARVN Div. Task organization: TF DELTA: 3/1 3 Feb. USS BRINKLEY BASS and USS WADDELL receive NVA
shore battery fire during effort to rescue downed pilot. There
3 Probably Binh Duong Province.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
killed, 62 ARVN KIA, 143 ARVN WIA, 12 ARVN MIA. and 2nd ARVN Regiments. Results: 444 enemy killed, 12
17 Feb. Deputy US Ambassador Porter assumes responsibility detained, 35 ARVN KIA, 185 ARVN WIA, 3 ARVN MIA.
for all aspects of US support of Revolutionary Development in 22 Feb.-3 Mar. Operation: LAM SON 236
RVN. Location: Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Province. Type:
17 Feb. The enemy detonates 2 claymore mines near JGS com- search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st ARVN Div.
pound in Saigon (12 VN killed, 51 VN wounded). 24-25 Feb. Operation: COUNTY FAIR
18-19 Feb. Operation: BELT LINE Location: Phong Bac, Quang Nam Province. Type: cordon and
Location: Route 13, Binh Duong Province Type: road security. search. Controlling headquarters: 3d Marines. Task organ-
Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. ization: 3/3 Marines. Execution: County Fair operations
19 Feb.-1 Mar. Operation: DOUBLE EAGLE II/LIEN KET 24 employed a Marine battalion cordoning off a village while ARVN
Location: Ky Phu, Tam Ky, Quang Tin Province. Type: search police and officials searched for VC suspects while the popula-
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: Task Force DELTA. tion was fed, clothed and entertained.
Task organization: 3/1 Marines, 2/3 Marines (SLF), 2/7 Mar- 25 Feb.-25 Mar. Operation: GARFIELD
ines, 2/9 Marines; 2nd ARVN Div (elts), one VNMC Bn. Intelli- Location: Ban Me Thuot East, Mewal Plantation, Ban Brieng,
gence: 1st PLAF Regiment. Execution: After terminating Chu Amung, Ea Wy, Darlac and Pleiku Provinces. Type: search
DOUBLE EAGLE, Task Force DELTA moved 50 miles to the north, and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div.
acting on intelligence pointing the 1st PLAF Regiment west of Task organization: 1-14 Inf, 1-35 Inf, 2-9 Art (-); 3/44 ARVN
Tam Ky but found little of the enemy. The 2nd ARVN Division with Bn (protected the Bde CP at BMTE). Intelligence: possible NVA
a VNMC Bn participated in companion operation LIEN KET 24. battalion. Execution: This was the first major operation of the
Results: 125 enemy killed, 15 detained, 6 US KIA, 136 US WIA. 3d Bde. Moving to Ban Me Thuot East via C-130, the brigade
20 Feb. The 407th PLAF Sapper Bn launches a well-coordinated conducted numerous air-assaults and saturation patrols in the
attack on the base camp of the 1st Cav Div at An Khe. 8 enemy Mewal Plantation 20 km north of the city but with little contact.
are killed, 1 detained. Friendly losses are 7 KIA, 62 WIA, 1 OH- On 4 Mar, the brigade relocated its CP at Ban Brieng and began
13 destroyed, 8 CH-47 damaged. searching to the west along the Ea Wy on the Darlac/Pleiku bor-
21 Feb. Premier Ky shuffles cabinet, creating Veteran's Affairs der, making two moderate contacts on 15 and 20 Mar. Results:
and Transport-Communications Ministries and a high court to 122 enemy killed, 21 US KIA, 63 US WIA.
handle corruption and black marketing. 26 Feb. Phu Cat US jet airbase site selected northwest of Qui
21 Feb. The enemy attacks Trieu Phong District town in Quang Nhon, to be completed by 31 December 1966.
Tri Province with mortars and grenades (22 ARVN KIA, 18 ARVN 26 Feb. Operation: LIGHTNING III
WIA). Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
21-27 Feb. Operation: MASTIFF trolling headquarters: CRID. Execution: the one-day opera-
Location: Dau Tieng, Boi Loi Woods, Binh Duong Province. tion took place 30 km northwest of Qui Nhon
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Inf 26-28 Feb. Operation: KOLCHAK
Div. Task organization: 2d Bde: 2-16 Inf, 1-18 Inf, 2-18 Inf, Location: Cu Chi, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and des-
1-7 Art; 3d Bde: 1-2 Inf, 2-2 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 2-33 Art, 1/4 Cav. troy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task
Intelligence: 9th PLAF Division. Execution: the 1st Inf Div organization: 1/5 Inf (M).
launched this operation in the Boi Loi Woods to prevent attacks 26 Feb.-2 Mar. Operation: NEW YORK/THUA THIEN 177
on Dau Tieng by the 9th PLAF Div but made no significant con- Location: Phu Bai, Quang Dien, Pho Lai, Phu Thu Peninsula,
tacts. Results: 61 enemy killed, 17 US KIA, 94 US WIA. Thua Thien Province. Controlling headquarters: Task Unit
21 Feb.-25 Mar. Operation: HARRISON HOTEL5; 1st ARVN Div. Task organization: 2/1 Marines, 4/12
Location: Tuy An, My Phu, Tuy Hoa Valley, Song Da Rang, Phu Marines (-); 1/3 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: D810 PLAF Bn. Exe-
Yen Province. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn cution: Task Unit HOTEL was activated to provide reserve for
Div. Task organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, 2-320 the 1st ARVN Division. On the 26, 2/1 Marines was air-assaulted
Art, A/2/17 Cav; 2d ROK Mar Bde (elts); 47th ARVN Regiment near Pho Lai 7 km northwest of Hue to support an ARVN opera-
(elts) Intelligence: 95th PAVN Regiment. Execution: the bri- tion but made no contact. Upon returning to Phu Bai, 2/1 was
gade continued operations against the 95th PAVN Regiment 30 committed to the Phu Thu Peninsula 4 km northeast of Phu Bai
km northwest of Tuy Hoa and in the vicinity of Tuy An, but with on the 28 after the 1/3 ARVN Bn made contact with the 810th
negative contact. Action picked up south of the Da Rang on 4 PLAF Bn. 2/1 made a frontal assault on fortified positions and
Mar when 1-327 Inf fought the 4th Bn, 95th PAVN Regiment at My routed the enemy. Results: 120 enemy killed, 7 detained, 17
Phu, killing 106 and losing 19 KIA and 45 WIA. After that, the US KIA, 37 US WIA.
enemy splintered into small bands and retreated into the moun- 26 Feb.-22 Mar. Operation: PHOENIX
tains. Results: 288 enemy killed, 35 detained, 42 US KIA, 234 Location: Tan Uyen, Bien Hoa Province. Type: search and des-
US WIA and 2 US MIA. troy. Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task organ-
22 Feb. The enemy attacks an RF company and a PF platoon ization: 2-503 Inf. Execution: operation took place 5 km west
north of Trieu Phong in Quang Tri Province (20 ARVN KIA, 14 of Tan Uyen.
ARVN WIA, 7 ARVN MIA). 27 Feb. Philippine freighter SS LORINDA temporarily grounded
22 Feb. An estimated 2 enemy companies attack security force 15 km southeast of Nha Be after receiving enemy small arms,
at Binh Long bridge in Quang Nam Province; ARVN ranger reac- machine gun and 57mm RR fire (3 WIA).
tion force engages enemy (114 enemy killed, 8 ARVN KIA, 46 28 Feb. An estimated reinforced enemy Bn attacks the 1/43
ARVN WIA, 10 ARVN MIA). ARVN Bn at Vo Xu in Binh Tuy Province (48 enemy killed, 3
22 Feb. USMC aircraft over Quang Tri Province receives fire detained, 32 ARVN KIA, 60 ARVN WIA, 17 ARVN MIA).
from suspected enemy radar-controlled AA gun.
22-24 Feb. Operation: CLEAN SWEEP Arrival:
Location: Cu Chi, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and des- 1 Feb. VMF(AW)-235
troy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. 3 Feb. NMCB 11
22 Feb.-3 Mar. Operation: LAM SON 234 5 Feb. 241st Trans Co
Location: Quang Dien District, Thua Thien Province. Type: 7 Feb. HQ 68th Med Grp
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st ARVN Div. HQ 507th Trans Grp
22 Feb.-3 Mar. Operation: LAM SON 235 103d Eng Co
Location: Quang Tri Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
trolling headquarters: 1st ARVN Div. Task organization: 1st
5 Activated at Phu Bai 26 Feb.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
12 Mar. Buddhist leaders at Saigon's Vien Hoa Dao (Institute 14-30 Mar. Operation: GOLDEN FLEECE II
for the Execution of the Dharma) declare RVN is in "period of Location: Le My, Quang Nam Province. Type: rice harvest pro-
crisis" and call for the return of generals who supported the tection. Controlling headquarters: 3d Marines. Task organ-
anti-Diem revolution of November 1964. Demonstration ization: 1/3. Execution: the operation was designed to protect
protesting Thi's ouster held in Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An, and the rice harvest in the Le My area.
other protests and general strikes called signaling the start of 15 Mar. II Field Force Vietnam activated at Bien Hoa under MG
prolonged political turbulence. Jonathan O. Seaman, USA. Field Force Vietnam redesignated I
12 Mar. MG John C. F. Tillson III, USA, named MACV ACofS J3 Field Force Vietnam, remains at Nha Trang under MG Stanley R.
replacing BG William E. Depuy, USA, who takes command of 1st Larsen, USA.
Inf Div. 15 Mar. Da Nang 90% paralyzed by general strike; about 1,000
13 Mar. General strike in Da Nang closes port as I Corps ARVN personnel join 3,500-man protest demonstration.
demonstrations protesting Thi's removal spread. 16 Mar. Thi arrives in Da Nang from Saigon, begins series of
13 Mar. Agreement reached with Royal Laotian Government to speeches in I Corps.
employ B-52s against Mu Gia Pass infiltration route. 17-18 Mar. Operation: WHEATON
13-15 Mar. Operation: TAMPA Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy Controlling
Location: III CTZ (?). Type: road security. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div.
headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. 17-18 Mar. Operation: PALESTINE
13-17 Mar. Operation: SALEM Location: III CTZ (?). Type: security Controlling headquar-
Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling ters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div.
headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 1-18 18-27 Mar. Operation: KINGS
Inf. Location: Thanh Quit, Song La Tho, Song Ky Lam, Quang Nam
13-28 Mar. Operation: JIM BOWIE Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
Location: Dak Som, Song Ba, Kannack, Kon Truck, LZ COLUM- ters: 9th Marines. Task organization: 3/3 Marines, 2/9 Mar-
BUS, LZ EDDY, LZ NAIL, LZ PHOENIX CITY, north-central Binh ines, 3/9 Marines, 2/12 Marines. Intelligence: R20 Doc Lap
Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling PLAF Bn. Execution: the operation was designed to extend the
headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1st Bde (13-21 9th Marines TAOR from the La Tho-Thanh Quit line south to the
Mar): 1-8 Cav, 2-8 Cav, 1-12 Cav, 2-19 Art, A/1-30 Art; 3d Bde Ky Lam. On 25 Mar, 2/9 Marines was attacked by two companies
(13-28 Mar): 1-7 Cav, 2-7 Cav, 2-5 Cav (13-15 Mar), C/1-9 Cav, from the R20 Bn, killing 40 while losing 5. Results: 58 enemy
1-21 Art. Execution: The 1st and 3d Bdes conducted this opera- killed, 8 US KIA, 60 US WIA.
tion in the Kon Truck Base Area located in the Dak Som Valley 19 Mar. The 1st PLAF Regiment overruns the An Hoa outpost on
30 km north-northwest of Vinh Thanh. After the 1st Bde was Hill 141 12 km south-southwest of Binh Son and defended by
withdrawn, the 3d Bde continued sweeping the AO through the the 936th RF Company.
old CIDG camp at Kannack and back to An Khe. Results: 25 20-23 Mar. Operation: OREGON
enemy killed, 7 detained, 3 US KIA, 377 WIA. Location: Ap Dai Phu, Ap Chi An; LZ ROBIN, LZ DUCK, LZ
13-31 Mar. Operation: 4-66 EAGLE, Street Without Joy, Route 597, Thua Thien Province.
Location: Quang Nam and Thua Thien Provinces. Type: recon- Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: Task
naissance. Controlling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organ- Group FOXTROT6. Task organization: 2/1 Marines, 1/4 Mar-
ization: Det B-52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: ines, 4/12 Marines (-). Intelligence: D802 PLAF Bn. Execu-
reconnaissance from FOB Phu Bai along the Quang Nam/Thua tion: The operation took place in the 'Street Without Joy' north
Thien border. of Phong Dien. Landing on LZ DUCK, 1/4 Marines ran into the
14 Mar. Student demonstrators take over Quang Ngai radio sta- D802 Bn fortified in Ap Chi An hamlet. Results: 48 enemy
tion; Hue and Quang Ngai schools close, anti-GVN protests killed, 7 detained, 11 US KIA, 45 US WIA.
increase. 20-24 Mar. Operation: CUU LONG 15
14 Mar. COMUSMACV requests development of suitable B-52 Location: Kien Tuong Province. Type: search and destroy.
targets along Laotian border with I and II CTZs. Controlling headquarters: 7th ARVN Division. Results: 219
14 Mar. First USAF squadron arrives at newly-activated Phan enemy killed, 17 detained, 3 ARVN KIA, 30 ARVN WIA.
Rang airbase. 20-25 Mar. Operation: TEXAS/LIEN KET 28
14 Mar. The enemy attacks an ARVN Bn at Bung Cao in Binh Location: An Hoa outpost, Hill 141, Phuong Dinh (2), Vinh Tuy
Duong Province (31 enemy killed, 2 detained, 19 ARVN KIA, 4 Valley, Thach An Noi, Xuan Hoa, Phuoc Loc (1), Quang Ngai
ARVN WIA). Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
14 Mar. During rescue effort of a downed UASF F-4 30 miles ters: 7th Marines7; 2nd ARVN Div. Task organization: 3/1 Mar-
south-southeast of Thanh Hoa, a HU-16 Albatross seaplane is hit ines, 2/4 Marines, 3/7 Marines, 3/11 Marines, M/4/11 Marines;
by NVN shore battery fire and sunk. USS Berkeley and USS 4th ARVN Regiment (-), 1/5 ARVN Bn, 5th ARVN Abn Bn. Intelli-
ISBELL take shore positions under fire while USN helicopters gence: 60th and 90th Bns, 1st PLAF Regiment; 11th Bn, 21st PAVN
rescue 6 of the total 8 UASF personnel from the two aircraft. Regiment. Execution: The operation was mounted to recapture
14-19 Mar. Operation: HONOLULU/AN DAN/42/66 the An Hoa outpost. On 21 Mar, the Marines encountered heavy
Location: Bao Trai, Hoa Khanh, Song Vam Co Dong, LZ QUEEN, resistance in Phuong Dinh (2), Thach An Noi and Xuan Hoa
AO PINEAPPLE, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy. hamlets. Results: 386 enemy killed, 99 US KIA, 212 US WIA, 7
Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div; 25th ARVN ARVN KIA, 34 ARVN WIA.
Div. Task organization: 1-5 Inf (M), 1-27 Inf (from 19 Mar), 2- 21 Mar. The 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div, relocates its base camp from
27 Inf, A/1-69 Arm, A/3-4 Cav, 1-8 Art, C/2-32 Art, B/65th Eng Long Binh Post to Bearcat.
Bn; 25th ARVN Div (elts). Execution: the brigade conducted 21 Mar. Three enemy Bns supported by artillery attack the 1/52
search and destroy operations southwest of Bao Trai along the ARVN Bn at Vo Xu in Binh Tuy Province (107 enemy killed, 8
Song Vam Co Dong. Results: 45 enemy killed, 18 detained, 2 detained, 12 AVN KIA, 28 ARVN WIA).
US KIA, 56 US WIA. 21 Mar. First 11 US River Patrol Boats arrive in Vietnam.
14-21 Mar. Operation: BUCHANAN/WYAT EARP/KAME- 21 Mar. Operation: LE LOI 21
HAMEHA IV Location: Darlac Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
Location: Route 19, Pleiku and Binh Dinh Provinces. Type:
road security. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div. 6 Established 3 Mar to replace Task Unit HOTEL and control
Task organization: 1-5 Cav, 2-12 Cav, 2-35 Inf, 1-77 Art. operations in the Phu Bai TAOR.
7 Task Force DELTA was reactivated from 22-24 Mar with the
7th Marines' staff.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
trolling headquarters: 23rd ARVN Div. Results: 134 enemy 26 Mar.-6 Apr. Operation: JACKSTAY
killed, 2 US KIA, 10 ARVN KIA, 12 ARVN WIA. Location: Can Gio, Long Tau Shipping Channel, Rung Sat Spe-
21 Mar.-5 May Operation: BENNING/TRAIL BOSS cial Zone. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: security. Controlling ters: SLF (TF 79). Task organization: 1/5 Marines, 4th and 5th
headquarters: 1st Cav Div. VNMC Bns. Execution: the operation was aimed at clearing the
22 Mar. Struggle forces take over Radio Hue, strike anti-Amer- shipping channel to Saigon. Results: 63 enemy killed, 6
ican themes in broadcasts. detained, 5 US KIA, 25 US WIA, 2 US MIA.
23 Mar. Massive strikes led by students and Buddhist activists 26 Mar-21 Jul. Operation: FILLMORE8
that started after Thieu and Ky removed a popular I Corps Location: Tuy Hoa, Tuy An, Dong Tre, Song Da Rang, Phu Yen
commander, General Thi, for allegedly failing to crack down on Province Type: search and destroy, rice harvest protection.
Buddhist dissidents, spread north to Da Nang and Hue. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div (TF 2-327
23 Mar. The enemy attacks the 1st ARVN Arm Cav Sqn training from 8 Apr); 2d ROK Mar Bde, 47 th ARVN Regiment. Task
center in Binh Duong Province (70 enemy killed, 2 detained, 30 organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, A/2-17 Cav, 2-
ARVN KIA, 60 ARVN WIA). 320 Art, B/1-30 Art, A/326th Eng Bn; 1st, 2nd and 3rd ROK Mar
23-25 Mar. Operation: BROWNSVILLE Bns, 47th ARVN Regiment (elts). Intelligence: 18B and 95th
Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling PAVN Regiments. Execution: The brigade continued search and
headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. destroy operations in the Tuy Hoa Valley and in the surrounding
23-26 Mar. Operation: MAENG HO 5 mountains to protect the rice crops. On 7 Apr, 1-327 fought an
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- estimated enemy company in the mountains northwest of Tuy
trolling headquarters: CRID. Execution: operation was con- Hoa, killing 28. On 8 Apr, the operation was scaled down to bat-
ducted east of Route 1 and south of the Phu Cat Mountains. talion size as the bulk of the brigade departed south for Opera-
Results: 341 enemy killed, 17 ROK KIA, 48 ROK WIA. tion AUSTIN. Results: 373 enemy killed, 73 detained, 10 US
24 Mar. The enemy attacks Bu Prang RF/PF outpost in Quang KIA, 94 US WIA, 20 ROK KIA, 50 ROK WIA.
Duc Province (212 enemy killed, 5 ARVN KIA, 17 ARVN WIA). 26 Mar.-23 Sep. Operation: SU BOK
24 Mar. USCG cutter USS POINT CYPRESS sinks a VC junk at Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: pacification. Controlling
mouth of Soi Rap River. headquarters: CRID. Execution: operation was conducted
24-25 Mar. Operation: WAYCROSS east of Route 1 and south of the Phu Cat Mountains as a long
Location: Binh Duong Province. Type: search and destroy. term pacification effort following Operation MAENG HO 5. Res-
Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div; 5th ARVN Divi- ults: 299 enemy killed, 33 detained, 23 ROK KIA, 84 ROK WIA.
sion. Execution: operation took place northwest of Phu Loi. 27 Mar. About 20,000 Buddhists in Hue stage largest anti-GVN
24-26 Mar. Operation: BRUNSWICK demonstration to date.
Location: Route 13, Binh Duong Province. Type: road security. 27 Mar.-1 Apr. Operation: RED BALL VII
Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Location: Binh Duong Province. Type: road security. Con-
24-26 Mar. Operation: DAN CHI 211B trolling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organiza-
Location: Ba Xuyen Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- tion: 1-28 Inf.
trolling headquarters: 21st ARVN Division. Results: 245 27 Mar.-5 May Operation: HAMILTON II/BUCHANAN II
enemy killed, 5 detained, 17 ARVN KIA, 20 ARVN WIA. Location: Route 19, Pleiku and Binh Dinh Provinces. Type:
24-29 Mar. Operation: OLYMPIA road security. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div,
Location: Binh Duong. Type: search and destroy. Controlling 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div.
headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. 28 Mar. The 25th Inf Div headquarters arrives in RVN, located at
25 Mar. President Johnson signs FY 1966 supplemental appro- Cu Chi.
priations bill approving additional SEASIA war budget and trans- 28 Mar. The 4th Marines headquarters is relocated to Phu Bai.
ferring MAP funding to the individual services. 28-30 Mar. Operation: INDIANA/LIEN KET 30
25-27 Mar. Operation: MONROE Location: Lam Loc, Phuoc Loc, Vinh Loc, Quang Ngai Province.
Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 7th Mar-
headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div. ines; 2nd ARVN Div. Task organization: 1/7 Marines, 2/7 Mar-
25 Mar.-8 Apr. Operation: LINCOLN ines, 3/11 Marines, 3/5 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: 1st PLAF Regi-
Location: Duc Co, Plei Mei, Chu Pong Massif, Ia Drang Valley, ment. Execution: On 28 Mar, 3/5 ARVN was attacked by an
TURKEY FARM, LZ OASIS, LZ BEAR, LZ EAGLE, LZ CAT, Pleiku estimated enemy regiment at Lam Loc (1), in the old
Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- TEXAS/LIEN KET 28 AO. 1/7 and 2/7 Marines reinforced the
ters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1st Bde, 1st Cav Div: 1-8 embattled ARVN and ran into an estimated battalion in the ham-
Cav, 2-8 Cav, 1-9 Cav, 1-12 Cav, C/3-4 Cav, B/1-69 Arm, 2-19 let of Vinh Loc (2), killing 69. Results: 169 enemy killed, 11 US
Art, B/2-17 Art; 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div (from 31 Mar): 1-7 Cav, 2-7 KIA, 45 US WIA.
Cav, 1-21 Art; 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div (from 31 Mar): 1-14 Inf, 1- 29 Mar. 1st Marine Division command post established at Chu
35 Inf, 2-9 Art. Intelligence: 18B PAVN Regiment. Execution: Lai, relieving 3d Marine Division of all responsibilities in the Chu
LINCOLN was mounted to spoil the enemy preparations for a Lai TAOR.
possible monsoon offensive. The 1st Bde moved its CP to LZ 29 Mar.-5 Apr. Operation: CIRCLE PINES
OASIS on the 25 and air-assaulted its 1-8 Cav directly from An Location: Phu Hoa Dong, Filhol Plantation, Ho Bo Woods, Binh
Khe to LZ BEAR, 10 km southeast of Duc Co, while 2-8 Cav and Duong and Hau Nghia Provinces. Type: search and destroy.
1-12 Cav moved by C-130 and motor convoy to OASIS and Duc Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organ-
Co respectively. From 26-29 Mar the battalions swept south of ization: 1-5 Inf (M), 1-27 Inf (29 Mar-2 Apr), 2-27 Inf (2-5
Duc Co into the Ia Drang with minimal contact. On the 30, Apr) 1-69 Arm (-), A/3-4 Cav, 1-8 Art, B/65th Eng Bn. Intelli-
scouts from A/1-9 Cav reinforced with A/1-12 Cav made heavy gence: 165A PLAF Regiment. Execution: The operation was
contact near LZ EAGLE south of the Chu Pong Massif with a bat- conducted in the Filhol Plantation and adjacent Ho Bo Woods
talion from the 18B PAVN Regiment, killing 197. On the 31, the north of Cu Chi with moderate contacts. Results: 157 enemy
operation was reinforced by the 3d Bde, 1 st Cav Div flown from killed, 6 detained, 30 US KIA, 195 US WIA.
An Khe to Plei Me and the 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div returning from 30 Mar.-15 Apr. Operation: ABILENE
Ban Brieng via road convoy to Duc Co. The three brigades Location: May Tao Secret Zone, Courtenay Plantation, Binh Ba,
searched the jungle around the Chu Pong until 8 Apr but had Xa Can My, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: search and destroy.
little contact with the enemy. Results: 477 enemy killed, 12
detained, 41 US KIA, 93 US WIA. 8 US participation terminated on 20 Jun. when Operation
NATHAN HALE kicked off.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Controlling headquarters: 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 1st 1 Apr. US military strength in RVN reaches 236,000.
Bde: 1-16 Inf, 1-28 Inf, 1-4 Cav (-), 1-5 Art; 2d Bde: 2-16 Inf, 1 Apr. At 0510, the enemy detonates an estimated 450 pounds
1-18 Inf, 2-18 Inf, 1-7 Art; 1RAR, 1st APC Trp, 161 Bty RNZA. of explosive at entrance to Victoria BOQ in Saigon/Cholon. First
Intelligence: 274th and 275th PLAF Regiments. Execution: The three floors extensively damaged; upper floors and surrounding
operation searched the Courtenay Plantation and the May Tao houses moderately damaged. (3 US KIA , 107 US WIA; 3 AUS
Secret Zone harboring the 5th PLAF Division but met little of the WIA; 3 VN KIA, 6 VN WIA).
enemy except on 11 Apr when 2-16 Inf clashed with the D800 1 Apr. 2d Air Division redesignated 7th Air Force, continues as
Bn in the Courtenay, killing 41 of the enemy but losing 38 KIA the USAF component of USMACV.
and 71 WIA. 1 Apr. US Naval Forces, Vietnam (NAVFORV) established to
31 Mar. A record number of monthly returnees under the Chieu exercise operational control of USN forces in RVN as naval com-
Hoi Program is set at 2,336. ponent of USMACV.
1 Apr. USARV Signal Bde (USASTRATCOM Signal Bde, SEA)
Arrival: activated.
1 Mar. VMFA-542 1 Apr. MG Pham Xuan Chieu, National Leadership Secretary
633d CSG General, briefly taken hostage by Hue struggle forces.
3 Mar. 3d Amph Tractor Bn 1 Apr. First flotilla of Alaska Barge and Transport Company
6 Mar. 178th Avn Co closes Nha Trang to provide lighterage and port management at
7th Motor Trans Bn several RVN ports.
7 Mar. 162d Avn Co 1-7 Apr. Operation: YORK
36th SMEH Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling
67th SMEH headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 1-28
604th Trans Co Inf.
3d 8" Howitzer Bty 1-11 Apr. Operation: ORANGE
1st 155mm Gun Bty Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy
HMM-164 Controlling headquarters: 3d Marines. Task organization:
8 Mar. HQ II FFORCEV Artillery 1/3 Marines.
605th Trans Co 2 Apr. Some US vehicles damaged in wave of violent Saigon
14th ACW demonstrations.
5th ACS 2-12 Apr. Operation: LIGHTNING V/BUN KAE 66-5
20th ACS Location: Binh Dinh Province Province. Type: search and des-
NMCB 1 troy Controlling headquarters: CRID. Execution: operation
9 Mar. 574th S&S Co took place west of Phu Cat. Results: 292 enemy killed, 74
10 Mar. HQ 52d Ord Grp detained, 23 ROK KIA, 62 ROK WIA.
173d Avn Co 3 Apr. Premier Ky declares that Da Nang is in communist hands
569th Supply Co and indicates GVN troop movement to the city is imminent. Ky
17th Fld Hosp and Chief of State Thieu announce a National Political Congress
552d Trans Co will soon convene to discuss creation of a constitution-drafting
11 Mar. 125th Signal Bn body.
25th MI Co 3 Apr. Enemy fires 10 British 25-pounder artillery shells from
13 Mar. 1-69 Arm Cambodia into the Cai Cai Special Forces camp in Kien Tuong
25th MP Co Province.
14 Mar. 35th TFW 4 Apr. American civilians evacuated from Dalat where
389th TFS demonstrators burn radio station and clash with police. US jeep
15 Mar. HQ I FFORCEV9 burned in continuing Saigon demonstrations. Martial law
HQ II FFORCEV declared in Nha Trang. Hue demonstrators threaten US
HQ Force Logistic Command installations.
Force Logistic Support Grp B 4 Apr. COMUSMACV authorized to employ napalm along
16 Mar. HQ 89th MP Grp selected infiltration routes in southern Laos, under FAC control,
178th Eng Co10 against moving motorized vehicles and AAA/AW positions firing
18 Mar. 3/4 Marines on aircraft.
20 Mar. 1st Med Bn 4 Apr. Converted seaplane tender USS CORPUS CHRISTI BAY
1st Shore Party Bn arrives at Cam Ranh Bay to provide a floating maintenance
366th TFW facility for US Army helicopters
22 Mar. 1st Recon Bn 5 Apr. Premier Ky flies to Da Nang with two VNMC battalions
24 Mar. 3-4 Cav (-) beginning a confrontation with the anti-GVN struggle forces. Ky
27 Mar. 1st Antitank Bn announces that the city has been infiltrated, not taken over by
28 Mar. HQ 25th Inf Div communists. 1st ARVN Div Commander, BG Pham Xuan Nhuan,
63d Signal Bn declares solidarity with the struggle movement. All US advisors
1st Tank Bn to the division withdrawn to base camps. Demonstrators clash
29 Mar. HQ 1st Mar Div with riot police and airborne units in Saigon.
30 Mar. 25th S&T Bn 6 Apr. All non-essential US civilians evacuated from Hue where
25th Med Bn thousands of demonstrators demand the end of the GVN and its
Departure: US backing.
31 Mar. 105th Fld Bty 6 Apr. GVN flies two Ranger battalions to Da Nang in an
attempt to break the stalemate with an additional show of force
against the struggle movement. 1st ARVN Div troops in Hue pass
APRIL a resolution denouncing the Ky government but pledging to fight
with US and FW troops against the communists.
Apr. A new CIDG camp opens at Hiep Hoa for Det A-351. 6 Apr. COMUSMACV refuses JGS request for aircraft to fly the
Rangers to Da Nang.
9 Redesignation of Field Force, Vietnam. 6 Apr. At peak of Da Nang crisis, struggle leaders agree to
10 Redesignated 178th Supply Co on 20 July 1966.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
remove two howitzers from range of airbase. More than 200 US Cambodian border from Route 19 to a point 70 km north, in
and third country civilians evacuated from the city. conjunction with CIDG elements from Duc Co, Plei Mrong, Plei
6 Apr. LTG Ton That Dinh assumes command of I Corps. One Djereng and Dak To. 1-9 Cav (-) was sent to Dak To and
VNMC battalion withdrawn from Da Nang airbase. screened the border to the west. Results: 3 enemy killed, 5
6 Apr. In reaction operation to a VC attack in Kien Tuong detained, 2 US KIA, 12 US WIA.
Province, ARVN units kill 140 enemy, suffer 13 KIA and 8 WIA. 12-17 Apr. Operation: NEVADA
6 Apr. The Da Nang confrontation ends as the GVN returns the Location: Batangan Peninsula, Quang Ngai Province. Type:
last of its "Task Force" units to Saigon and rowdy search and destroy Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines.
demonstrations cease in Da Nang and Hue. The National Political Task organization: 1/7 Marines, 2/7 Marines; 2nd ARVN Div
Congress opens in Saigon. (elts). Results: 68 enemy killed, 23 detained.
6 Apr. B-52s used against NVN for the first time, striking the 12-26 Apr. Operation: AUSTIN II
Mu Gia Pass near the NVN-Laos border to augment tactical Location: Phan Thiet, Song Mao, Song La Nga Valley, Binh
efforts to close the main infiltration route via the Laotian Thuan and Binh Tuy Provinces, II/III Corps boundary. Type:
Panhandle. It is the first use of the massive B-52 bombardment search and destroy, long range patrol. Controlling headquar-
pattern for road interdiction. ters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div. Task organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-
6 Apr. The enemy launches intensive mortar attack on Tan Son 502 Inf, 2-320 Art (-), A/326th Eng Bn. Execution: After relo-
Nhut airbase. Approximately 157 rounds of 82mm mortar and cating to Phan Thiet via air and LST during the period 9-12 Apr,
75mm RR rifle fire kill 7 US personnel and wound 135 US and 14 the brigade launched a series of operations and long range
ARVN. Four aircraft destroyed and 50 damaged. 400,000-gallon patrols along the II/III Corps boundary in northwestern Binh
fuel storage tank destroyed and some base installations Thuan and eastern Binh Tuy Provinces, failing to achieve signific-
damaged. ant contacts. Results: 21 enemy killed.
6 Apr. CINCPAC requests reduction in road cratering and radar 13-14 Apr. Operation: KEANA11
bombing because of critical air munitions shortages in SEASIA. Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search
6 Apr. 7th Air Force institutes continuous nighttime airborne and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 25th Inf Div. Task
alert, with four aircraft aloft at all times. organization: Task Force GREER: 1-5 Inf (M), C/1-69 Arm,
6 Apr. An estimated enemy company attacks an ARVN company C/1-8 Art. Intelligence: 305th Bn, 165A PLAF Regiment. Exe-
in Quang Ngai Province (7 ARVN KIA, 13 ARVN WIA, 24 ARVN cution: no significant contact was made during this operation.
MIA). Results: 9 enemy killed, 15 detained, 7 US KIA, 27 US WIA.
6-8 Apr. Operation: KAHUKU 13-30 Apr. Operation: 5-66
Location: Phuoc Vinh Ninh, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con-
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B-
Task organization: Task Force GREER: 1-5 Inf (M)(-), B/3-4 52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance
Cav, C/1-69 Arm. Execution: operation took place 4 km east of from FOB Chu Lai.
Cu Chi with minimal contact. Results: 26 enemy killed, 10 13 Apr.-1 May Operation: LONGFELLOW12
detained, 8 US WIA.. Location: Dak To, Tan Canh, Dak Pek, Route 14, Kontum
8-10 Apr. Operation: IOWA Province. Type: search and destroy, road repair. Controlling
Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy Con- headquarters: 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div; 24th Special Tactical Zone.
trolling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization: 3/1 Task organization: 1-14 Inf, 1-35 Inf, 2-35 Inf, 2-9 Art; 42nd
Marines, 2/4 Marines. ARVN Regiment (elts). Execution: the brigade searched the
9 Apr. An estimated enemy battalion attacks the Tuyen Nhon area west of Route 14 north of Dak To towards Dak Pek, protect-
CIDG camp in Kien Tuong Province. ing US Army engineers upgrading the road to class 30 traffic.
10-25 Apr. Operation: DENVER-8/66 Results: 11 enemy killed, 3 US KIA, 108 US WIA.
Location: Song Be (Phuoc Binh), LZ BLACK, LZ JADE, LZ DIA- 14 Apr. As the National Political Congress closes, Directorate
MOND, LZ LILY, LZ JANE, Phuoc Long Province. Type: search Chairman Thieu promulgates a decree for an elected constituent
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task assembly within five months. The Buddhist Institute "accepts"
organization: 1-503 Inf, 2-503 Inf, 1RAR, 3-319 Art, E/17 Cav, the decree and agrees that the Ky government should remain in
D/16 Arm, 161 Bty RNZA, 173d Eng Co. Intelligence: estim- power until the elections.
ated 4 enemy Bns in the AO. Execution: during the period 10- 14 Apr. A VC battalion attacks RF/PF training center in Kien Hoa
13 Apr the brigade moved by air to Song Be airfield. On D+4, Province (12 enemy killed, 50 ARVN KIA, 40 ARVN WIA, 90
the brigade commenced battalion-size search and destroy oper- ARVN MIA).
ations southwest, east and northwest of Song Be, meeting little 14 Apr. JCS authorizes CINCPAC to commit any appropriate
of the enemy, and began retrograde movement to Bien Hoa on non-nuclear air munitions in PACOM to operations in SESIA.
22 Apr. Results: 16 enemy killed, 23 detained, 1 US KIA, 16 US 14 Apr. Reaction time for B-52 strikes reduced as control
WIA, 1 AUS WIA. decentralized to CINCPAC in coordination with 3d Air Div (SAC)
11-16 Apr. Operation: MAKAHA and COMUSMACV.
Location: Phuoc My, Trang Bang, Phuoc Hiep. Type: search and 14-16 Apr. Operation: QUYET THANG 184
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task Location: Quang Ngai Province. Type: search and destroy
organization: 1-27 Inf, 2-27 Inf, A/1-69 Arm, B/3-4 Cav, 1-8 Controlling headquarters: 2nd ARVN Div. Results: 206 enemy
Art, 3-13 Art (-). Execution: the operation took place around killed, 3 detained, 11 ARVN KIA, 49 ARVN WIA.
Phuoc Hiep 8 km northwest of Cu Chi with minimal contact. 14-17 Apr. Operation: BOLIVAR
Results: 21 enemy killed, 4 detained, 1 US KIA, 31 US WIA. Location: Lai Khe, Phu Cuong, Route 13, Binh Duong Province.
11-17 Apr. Operation: MOSBY I Type: road security. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf
Location: Dak To, Plei Mrong, Route 19, Plei Trap Valley, Dak Div. Task organization: 1-28 Inf.
Hodrai Valley, LZ OASIS, western Pleiku and Kontum Provinces. 14-20 Apr. Operation: MIAMI
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Cav Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling
Div. Task organization: 1st Bde: 1-8 Cav, 2-8 Cav, 1-12 Cav, headquarters: 1st Inf Div.
2-19 Art; 3d Bde: 1-7 Cav, 2-7 Cav, C/1-9 Cav, 1-21 Art, B/-20 15 Apr. Thi publicly associates himself with the struggle move-
Art; 1-9 Cav (-). Intelligence: possible presence of the 32nd, ment, calling for an "immediate change in government" and
33rd and 66th PAVN Regiments. Execution: With the 1st Bde
operating from OASIS and the 3d Bde operating from Plei 11 Also known as Operation KALAMAZOO.
Mrong, the operation searched the Plei Trap Valley along the 12 Called Operation LONGFELLOW-BRONCHO in I FFORCEV
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
the COSVN headquarters in the western portion of War Zone C 360th TEWS
along the Cambodian border. Staging from Suoi Da and Tay Ninh 361st TEWS
West, the 1st and 3d Bdes conducted air-assaults and search and 14th SPS
destroy operations in the direction of the Cambodian border. On 377th SPS
30 Apr, 1-2 Inf and 2-16 Inf fought the C230 Bn near Lo Go on 35th SPS
the Rach Cai Bac marking the border with RVN, killing 54 of the 633d SPS
enemy and losing 6 KIA and 9 WIA. On 6 May, the 2d Bde 10 Apr. Support Command Saigon
replaced the 1st and continued operations in northern Tay Ninh 11 Apr. 92d MP Bn
Province. On 8 May, a four-battalion raid under TF HOLLINGS- 95th MP Bn
WORTH was planned on the suspected COSVN location in the 175th Avn Co
northernmost portion of War Zone C but was canceled because 58th Trans Bn
of extremely poor weather. On 9 May, the operation was shifted 534th Trans Co
east of Dau Tieng in the Michelin Plantation but made no signi- VMFA-115
ficant contacts. Results: 118 enemy killed, 20 detained, 56 US 13 Apr. NMCB 7
KIA, 324 US WIA, 1 US MIA. 15 Apr. 6th Convalescent Center
25 Apr. The enemy attacks the district town of Cau Ke in Vinh 16 Apr. 26th ROK Inf Regt
Binh Province during daylight. 17 Apr. 13th BS
26 Apr. First MiG-21 of the war is downed by a USAF F-4C firing 20 Apr. 64th QM Bn
Sidewinder missiles in a brief engagement involving two F-4Cs HQ 1ATF
(undamaged) and two MiG-21s 65 miles north-northeast of 24 Apr. HQ 44th Med Bde
Hanoi; the pilot ejects. 25 Apr. 4th Avn Bn
26 Apr. A new CIDG camp opens at Duc Phong for Det A-343. 29 Apr. HQ 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div
26 Apr. Operation: COUNTY FAIR II 4-9 Inf
Location: Thanh Quit, Quang Nam Province. Type: search and 2-14 Inf
destroy Controlling headquarters: 9th Marines. Task organ- 4-23 Inf13
ization: 2/9 Marines, 3/51 ARVN Bn. 7-11 Art
26-28 Apr. Operation: BEE BEE 30 Apr. 25th Avn Bn
Location: Bong Son, Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and VMA-214
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div. Departure:
26-30 Apr. Operation: WYOMING 8 Apr. 4503d TFS14
Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy Con- 18 Apr. 8th BS
trolling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization: 3/1 25 Apr. Co A, 5th Avn
Marines, 2/5 Marines. Execution: operation took, place 15 132d Avn Co
miles northwest of Chu Lai.
27 Apr. The 1,000th NVA truck damaged/destroyed in TIGER
HOUND air operation against southern Laos infiltration routes MAY
since program began 6 December 1965.
27 Apr.-13 May Operation: MAILI 1 May US military strength in RVN reaches 252,000.
Location: Bao Trai, Duc Lap, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search 1 May RADAR WEATHER WATCH a strategic network for SEASIA,
and destroy, pacification. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, inaugurated at Tan Son Nhut to provide excellent weather obser-
25th Inf Div Task organization: 1-27 Inf, A/3-4 Cav, B/65th Eng vation for a 75-mile radius and moderate resolution to 200
Bn, A/1-8 Art. Intelligence: Dong Thap 2 PLAF Regiment. Exe- miles.
cution: Task Force 1-27 Moved from Cu Chi to Duc Lap to con- 1 May First three USN Patrol Air Cushion Vehicles (PACV) arrive
duct search and destroy and pacification operations east of Bao in RVN.
Trai. Results: 47 enemy killed, 2 detained, 5 US KIA, 22 US 1-4 May Operation: FORT WAYNE
WIA. Location: War Zone D, Long Khanh and Bien Hoa Provinces.
28 Apr. Premier Ky authorizes construction of new MACV Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 173d
headquarters at the Tan Son Nhut soccer field. Abn Bde.
28 Apr. Thousands of laborers reopen Mu Gia Pass in NVN 18 1-18 May Operation: AUSTIN VI
hours after a B-52 strike closes it. Location: Gia Nghia, Nhon Co, Bu Gia Map, Song Be, II/III
29 Apr. The 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div arrives in RVN, located at Cu CTZs boundary, Quang Duc and Phuoc Long Provinces. Type:
Chi. search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st
29 Apr. Col Nguyen Ngoc Loan, MSS Chief, replaces Col Pham Abn Div. Task organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, 2-320 Art
Van Lieu as GVN Director General of National Police. (-), A/326th Eng Bn; TF 2-503 Inf. Intelligence: estimated two
30 Apr. B-52 strikes on Mu Gia Pass halted by CINCPAC PAVN regiments. Execution: Relocating to Gia Nghia in Quang
pending JCS decision based on calculated risk of NVN SAM envir- Duc Province, the 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div conducted this opera-
onment. tion in an area never before penetrated by US forces. 2-502 Inf
searched along the Quang Duc/Phuoc Long Provinces border
Arrival: from Nhon Co to Bu Gia Map in conjunction with a task force of
1 Apr. HQ 1st Signal Bde the 173d Abn Bde operating from Song Be while 1-327 search
725th Maint Bn south and east of Gia Nghia. Only two company-size contacts
1st Trans Bn were achieved. Results: 101 enemy killed, 6 detained, 9 US
1st Motor Trans Bn KIA, 18 US WIA.
HMM-161 2-11 May Operation: LIHUE
2 Apr. 3-13 Art Location: Route 1, Route 22, Cu Chi, Tay Ninh City, Hau Nghia
5 Apr. 2/5 Marines and Tay Ninh Provinces. Type: road security. Controlling
7 Apr. 174th Avn Co headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div Task organization: 1-5
8 Apr. 377th CSG Inf (M), C/1-69 Arm, 558th Eng Bn (-). Execution: the operation
10th TFS secured the road from Cu Chi to Tay Ninh during Operation
390th TFS
480th TFS 13 Reorganized as a mechanized battalion by January 1967.
14 Assets used to from 10th TFS.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
BIRMINGHAM while the 588th Eng Bn performed road mainten- 7 May Premier Ky tells the press that his government will
ance. remain in power until the election of a national assembly "some
3 May MG K. Mackay, MHB, assumes command of Australian time in 1967," since the forthcoming constituent assembly will
Forces, Vietnam. only draft a constitution and not be transformed into a legislat-
3 May A new CIDG camp opens at Thuong Thoi for Det A-432. ive body. Ky also says he and his military colleagues will oppose
3-15 May Operation: LEWIS & CLARK any elected government which turns out to be neutralist or com-
Location: Plateau Gi, An Khe, Kontum and Binh Dinh Province munist.
Type: reconnaissance-in-force. Controlling headquarters: 2d 7 May OICC officially turns over the Binh Tuy airbase in Phong
Bde, 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1-5 Cav, B/1-9 Cav, B/1- Dinh Province to the GVN.
77 Art. Execution: after terminating MOSBY II, the brigade 8 May US and VNAF aircraft extend GATE GUARD program of
conducted a reconnaissance-in-force operation all the way from LOC interdiction into southern NVN from SE Laotian Panhandle.
Plateau Gi to Camp Radcliff in northwestern Binh Dinh Province. 8-11 May Operation: AKRON
Results: 6 enemy killed, 2 detained, 7 US KIA, 62 US WIA. Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search
3-16 May Operation: DAVY CROCKETT/BINH PHU 3 and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div.
Location: Binh De, Tuong Son, Tuy An, Thanh Son, Bong Son, Task organization: A/1-5 Inf (M), 4-9 Inf, 2-14 Inf, 4-23 Inf,
Kim Son Valley, LZ DOG, LZ PONY, LZ BIRD, Binh Dinh Province. 7-11 Art, A/1-69 Arm, A/65th Eng Bn; 7th ARVN Regiment (elts).
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, Intelligence: 165A PLAF Regiment. Execution: this was the
1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1-5 Cav (from 9 May), 1-7 Cav, first operation of the 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div, conducted in the Filhol
2-7 Cav, 1-9 Cav, 1-21 Art, A/2-17 Art, C/8 th Eng Bn, 3rd ARVN Plantation with minimal contact. The 7th ARVN Regiment occu-
Arm Cav Sqn. Intelligence: 22nd PAVN Regiment. Execution: pied blocking positions along the eastern edge of the plantation.
On 3 May the brigade relocated from An Khe to Bong Son via Results: 4 enemy killed, 2 detained, 6 US KIA, 25 US WIA.
Phu Cat to conduct search and destroy operations in the Bong 9-14 May Operation: MONTGOMERY/LIEN KET 40
Son plain where the 22nd PAVN Regiment had been reported. On Location: Quang Ngai Province. Type: search and destroy.
5-6 May, 2-7 Cav made contact with the 9th Bn, 22nd PAVN Regi- Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines, 2nd ARVN Div. Task
ment at Bin De 2, a hamlet west of Tam Quan, killing 63. The 9th organization: 1/7 Marines, 2/7 Marines, 2nd and 5th VNMC Bns.
Bn was again contacted on 6-7 May at Thanh Son 2, suffering 10 May A 120-foot steel-hulled enemy trawler is detected,
heavy losses including its commander. The operation was rein- attacked and heavily damaged by USCGC POINT GRAY and US
forced with 1-5 Cav and the brigade entered to Kim Son Valley and VNAF planes along the east coast of the Cau Mau Peninsula.
on 11 May to conduct hunter/killer operations but found little. Salvage operations yield about 15 tons of weapons and
The 3rd ARVN Arm Cav Sqn participated in the operation, screen- ammunition manufactured in Communist China in 1965, movie
ing Route 1 to the east. Results: 345 enemy killed, 82 projectors, film, and other propaganda material.
detained, 27 US KIA, 155 US WIA. 10 May In confused firing after a VC mine explodes near the
4 May The enemy attacks An Lac village in Lam Dong Province Brink BOQ in Saigon, 5 VN civilians are killed. 21 VN wounded
(1 ARVN KIA, 6 ARVN MIA, 19 VN civilians kidnapped). and 8 US wounded.
4-6 May Operation: DEXTER 10 May CINCPAC recommends JCS approval of air strikes to
Location: Tan Uyen, Song Dong Nai, LZ DIAMOND, northwest- destroy NVN POL system beginning with Haiphong POL sites.
ern Bien Hoa Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling 10-12 May Operation: WAYNE
headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task Organization: 1-503 Inf, Location: Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Province. Type: search
3-319 Art (-), D/16 Arm, E/17 Cav. Execution: the operation and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. Task
was conducted on the island formed by the arms of the Dong organization: 1/1 Marines, 3/4 Marines. Execution: operation
Nai south of Tan Uyen. Results: 1 enemy killed. took place 10 miles south of Phu Bai Results: 5 enemy killed,
4-7 May Operation: CHEROKEE 11 US WIA.
Location: Co Bi, Thanh Tan, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien 10 May-31 Jul. Operation: PAUL REVERE I15
Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- Location: Duc Co, Plei Me, Plei Djereng, Se San River, Ia Drang
ters: 4th Marines. Task organization: 1/1 Marines, 1/4 Mar- Valley, Chu Pong Massif, Plei Grong Dang, LZ OASIS, LZ TEN
ines, 3/4 Marines. Results: 9 enemy killed, 1 US KIA, 17 US ALFA, LZ ELEVEN ALFA, LZ ORANGE, Pleiku Province. Type:
WIA. search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 25th
4 May-6 Jun. Operation: - (Ky Lam Campaign) Inf Div; 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 3d Bde, 25th
Location: Hoi An, Dien Ban, Dai Loc, Do Nam, An Trach, Song Inf Div: 1-14 Inf, 1-35 Inf, 2-35 Inf, 2-9 Art, C/3-4 Cav; 2d Bde,
La Tho, Song Thanh Quit, Song Thu Bon, Song Ky Lam, Song 1st Cav Div (1-10 Jun): 2-5 Cav, 1-9 Cav (-), 2-12 Cav, 1-77 Art;
Dien Binh, Song Cau Lau, Quang Nam Province. Type: search I FFORCEV Reserve (from 30 Jul): 2-7 Cav; CRID (from 9 Jul):
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 9th Marines. Task 3rd Bn, Cav Regt. Intelligence: 1st PAVN Division. Execution:
organization: 2/4 Marines, 1/9 Marines, 2/9 Marines, 3/9 Mar- The operation started as a small offensive to blunt a sortie of
ines, 2/12 Marines. Intelligence: R20 Doc Lap PLAF Bn. Exe- the 1st PAVN Division from its Cambodian strongholds but soon
cution: The objective of the campaign was to clear the regi- escalated into a major contest for the western plateau. Operat-
mental zone of action of organized resistance south to the line ing from LZ OASIS, the 3d Bde searched southwest of Duc Co
of the Thu Bon-Ky Lam-Dien Binh-Cau Lau-Hoi An Rivers. On 12 with negative contact. On 24 May, a CIDG company was
May, B/1/9 Marines is attacked by the R20 Bn near Do Nam. 30 ambushed near Plei Djereng and the brigade shifted its efforts
enemy are killed and 12 US KIA. On 20 May, 1/9 Marines to the northwest. Fierce fighting erupted from 28-29 May when
engages the R20 again at An Trach, killing 83 and losing 12 KIA 1-35 Inf and 2-35 Inf were attacked on LZ TEN ALFA and LZ
and 31 WIA. Results: 270 enemy killed, 75 US KIA, 328 US ELEVEN ALFA by the 66th PAVN Regiment and part of the 33rd.
WIA. 250 enemy were killed in the fighting. On 1 Jun the 2d Bde, 1st
5-12 May Operation: 6-66 Cav Div joined the operation sending two battalions northwest of
Location: Tay Ninh Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con- Duc Co along the Se San but found nothing and reverted to 1st
trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B- Cav Div control on 10 Jun. On 17 Jun, the 3d Bde returned its
52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance attention to the Chu Pong Massif, making several contacts near
from FOB Tay Ninh the Cambodian border. On 3 Jul, 1-35 Inf made heavy contact
6 May COMUSMACV reviews 7th AF inventories, concluding that with the 7th Bn, 66th PAVN Regiment near the Cambodian border
air munitions should be plentiful by the end of 1966; he declines north of the Ia Drang. 23 enemy were killed, 17 US KIA and 32
to reduce the number of B-52 strikes in order to increase bombs
available for tactical air support. 15 ARVN companion operation was THANG PHONG 14, no other
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
US WIA. On 9 Jul, the 3rd Bn, ROK Cavalry Regiment joined the contact with an estimated enemy battalion. Cos A & C, 1-12 Cav
operation but achieved no contact. On 30 Jul, the brigade reinforced the contact until the enemy withdrew on 17 May.
received control of the I FFORCEV reserve, 2-7 Cav, which was More battalions were committed to the operation. On 17-18
air-assaulted into LZ ORANGE 7 km Southwest of OASIS. On 1 May, 2-12 Cav made contact near LZ HORSE with a company
Aug, the operation phased into PAUL REVERE II. Results: 546 size enemy force. On 21 May, 1-8 Cav fought the 8th Bn, 22nd
enemy killed, 68 detained, 66 US KIA, 320 US WIA, 2 US MIA, PAVN Regiment east of HORSE and killed 60. The same day, The
16 ARVN KIA, 41 ARVN WIA. Weapons Platoon of C/1-12 Cav guarding LZ HEREFORD was
11 May USN jets strike SAM site 10 miles from Haiphong, the attacked and driven off the hill, losing 16 KIA and 4 WIA before
closest strike to date. the enemy withdrew. From 24-25 May, artillery and air strikes
12-13 May Operation: ASHEVILLE pounded suspected enemy concentrations before 4 CIDG Cos
Location: Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- entered the target box while US units maintained a seal around
trolling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div Task organiza- it. The 241st CIDG Co came under fire and called for assistance,
tion: 4-9 Inf. Execution: operation took place southeast of Cu 1-5 Cav was air-assaulted into LZ MONKEY and met stiff resist-
Chi. Results: 4 enemy killed. ance. It was the last contact of the operation, in the following
14-22 May 1-69 Arm is relocated from Cu Chi to Pleiku in the days the enemy evaded the Allied noose and retreated into the
Central Highlands. mountains. Results: 507 enemy killed, 27 detained. FWF
14 May First RC-47 (PHYLLIS ANN) aircraft deployed to Tan Son losses: 83 KIA, 356 WIA and 1 MIA.
Nhut to begin USAF program of pinpointing enemy lower power 16 May-8 Jun. Operation: HARDIHOOD
HF radio transmitters. Location: Nui Dat, An Phu, Hill 72, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type:
14-16 May Operation: DAN CHI 227 search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde.
Location: An Xuyen Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- Task organization: 1-503 Inf, 2-503 Inf, 3-319 Art, E/17 Cav:
trolling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div. Results: 247 enemy D/16 Arm, 5RAR, D/1RAR, 105 Fld Bty. Intelligence: 274th and
killed, 19 detained, 1 ARVN KIA, 44 ARVN WIA. 275th PLAF Regiments, D445 PLAF Bn. Execution: The operation
15 May GVN marines and paratroopers airlifted to Da Nang was conducted around Nui Dat to protect the establishment of
from Saigon and Quang Ngai take control of I Corps HQ, the Da the a base camp for the 1 st Australian Task Force. Results: 48
Nang garrison, city hall, the National Police garrison, and the enemy killed.
radio station, encountering only isolated small arms and 17 May ARVN officer fires on helicopter leaving Hue with Gen
grenade fire as the struggle forces retreat into pagodas. I Corps Cao. CoS III MAF, and DSA I Corps aboard; helicopter gunner
Commander Ton That Dinh takes asylum in III MAF HQ; GVN kills officer.
names MG Huynh Van Cao to replace him. 17 May HSAS officially disestablished and the Naval Support
16 May AC-47 aircraft authorized to fly night armed Activity, Saigon, simultaneously established under CAPT E. T.
reconnaissance missions over Laotian section of the Sihanouk King, USN, to provide support to US Naval Forces in II, III, IV
Trail. CTZs and coastal waters.
16 May An estimated enemy company attacks and ARVN RF 17 May Operation: DAN CHI 228B
company in Phu Yen Province (3 enemy killed, 23 ARVN KIA, 20 Location: Bac Lieu Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
ARVN WIA, 1 ARVN MIA). trolling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div. Results: 265 enemy
16-27 May Operation: WAHIAWA killed, 5 detained, 6 ARVN KIA, 35 ARVN WIA.
Location: Boi Loi Woods, Ho Bo Woods, Filhol Plantation, Trung 17-21 May Operation: PROVIDENCE
Lap, Hau Nghia and Binh Duong Provinces. Type: search and Location: Tan Uyen, Phuoc Vinh, Bien Hoa and Binh Duong
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 25th Inf Div. Task organ- Provinces. Type: search and destroy, road security. Controlling
ization: 1st Bde: 4-9 Inf, 2-14 Inf, 4-23 Inf, 7-11 Art, A/3-4 headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div.
Cav, A/65th Eng Bn; 2d Bde: 1-5 Inf (M), 1-27 Inf, 2-27 Inf, 1-8 18 May The enemy attacks Soc Trang airfield in Ba Xuyen
Art, B/65th Eng Bn; Div Arty: 3-13 Art (-). Intelligence: 165A Province (41 enemy killed, 6 detained, 1 US WIA).
PLAF Regiment. Execution: The 25th Inf Div conducted search 18 May CINCPAC directs COMUSMACV to undertake surveillance
and destroy operations with the 1st Bde operating in the Filhol of Cambodia, taking maximum advantage of oblique photo-
Plantation and the 2d Bde operating in the Boi Loi and Ho Bo graphy in areas contiguous to RVN.
Woods. Results: 157 enemy killed, 10 detained, 30 US KIA, 18 May The enemy attacks an ARVN Bn in Binh Long Province
240 US WIA. (15 enemy killed, 1 detained, 17 ARVN KIA, 20 ARVN WIA).
16 May–5 Jun. Operation: CRAZY HORSE/BUN KAE 66-7 19 May After completion of Operation AUSTIN VI, the 1st Bde,
Location: Vinh Thanh, Vinh Thanh Valley, Suoi Ca Valley, 'Ore- 101st Abn Div (less 2-327 Inf still on operation FILLMORE) is
gon Trail', LZ SAVOY, LZ COBRA, LZ HEREFORD, LZ HORSE, LZ moved by air to Cheo Reo (Hau Bon) for a period of rest and to
MONKEY, LZ CLEMSON, LZ HOTEL, Binh Dinh Province. Con- serve as I FFORCEV reserve.
trolling headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1st 18 May After his formal installation as new I Corps Commander,
Bde: 1-5 Cav (16-30 May), 1-8 Cav (16 May, 20 May-5 Jun), 2-8 Gen Cao asks for asylum at III MAF HQ, claiming his life is in
Cav (16 May, 18 May-5 Jun, 1-9 Cav (-) (19-31 May), 1-12 Cav, danger.
2-12 Cav (17-19 May), A/8th Eng Bn, TF BRAVO (22nd ARVN Div) 19 May Enemy attacks Gio Linh post in Quang Tri Province with
(28 May-5 Jun), 2nd Bn, 1st Cav Regt CRID (28 May-5 Jun), 236th, 150 rounds of 82mm mortar fire followed by a ground assault by
240th, 241st and 242nd CIDG Cos (26-31 May); 2d Bde: 1-5 Cav an estimated battalion (8 enemy killed, 1 US KIA, 42 ARVN KIA,
(31 May-1 Jun), 2-5 Cav (16-19 May, 1-5 Jun), 2-7 Cav (16-24 54 ARVN WIA).
May), 2-12 Cav (23 May-5 Jun); 3d Bde: 2-5 Cav (19-29 May), 19 May. The Con Thien outpost is hit by mortar fire and
2-7 Cav (24 May-5 Jun), 1-8 Cav (17-19 May), 2-8 Cav (19 assaulted by an estimated enemy company (20 enemy killed, 20
May), 1-9 Cav (-) (1-5 Jun), 2-12 Cav (20-23 May); Div Troops: ARVN KIA, 12 ARVN WIA).
1-5 Cav (1-5 Jun), 1-9 Cav (-) (16-19 May); Div Arty: 2-19 Art 19-26 May Operation: EL PASO I
(+) (16 May-5 Jun), 2-17 Art (-) (16 May-5 Jun), 3-18 Art (19 Location: Route 13, Loc Ninh, Binh Long Province. Type:
May-5 Jun), C/1-30 Art (19 May-5 Jun), B/29 Art (16 May-5 search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf
Jun), E/82 Art (16 May-5 Jun). Intelligence: 2nd PLAF Regi- Div. Task organization: 1-16 Inf, 1-28 Inf, 2-28 Inf, 1-4 Cav
ment; C14 Co, 32nd PLAF Art Bn. Execution: The operation was (-), 2-33 Art. Intelligence: 101st APVN Regiment, 271st and
mounted to spoil a probable attack of the 2nd PLAF Regiment on 272nd PLAF Regiments. Execution: the brigade was dispatched
the Vinh Thanh CIDG camp planned for 19 May (Ho Chi Minh's to Loc Ninh to spoil a possible attack on the town and adjacent
birthday). On 16 May, B/2-8 Cav was air-assaulted into LZ CIDG camp by the 9th PLAF Division, but found no sign of the
HEREFORD 5 km northeast of Vinh Thanh, making immediate enemy. Results: 11 enemy killed.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
20 May Vehicular traffic along Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos reaches 27 May An estimated 2 enemy Bns attack Duc Hue district town
virtual stand still due to air interdiction, road wash-outs and in Hau Nghia Province (20 enemy killed, 20 ARVN KIA, 30 ARVN
landslides. TIGER HOUND air strikes concentrate on heavy activ- WIA, 7 ARVN MIA).
ity along Sihanouk Trail. 27 May RF company captures a new CHICOM B-50 anti-tank
20 May The enemy attacks Tan Phu RF post in An Xuyen rocket launcher believed to have been used in the sinking of a
Province (11 ARVN KIA, 7 ARVN WIA, 32 ARVN MIA). Swift boat in Gia Dinh Province.
20 May The 261st PLAF Bn attacks the positions of the 3/15 29 May Buddhist nun commits self-immolation in Hue in first of
ARVN Bn at My An in Kien Phong Province, inflicting moderate a series of protests against US and GVN actions
casualties. 30 May Operation: QUYET THANG 296
20-22 May Operation: MORGAN Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
Location: Binh Son District, Quang Ngai Province. Type: search trolling headquarters: 2nd ARVN Div. Results: 100 enemy
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines. Task killed, 2 ARVN MIA.
organization: 3/7 Marines, 2/4 ARVN Bn. 30 May-8 Jun. Operation: RENO
21 May US aircraft evacuated from Da Nang airbase after 11 Location: Dong Ha, Quang Tri Province. Type: reconnaissance-
dissident mortar rounds hit base, wounding 4 USAF personnel. in-force. Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. Task organ-
VNAF fire strikes new III MAF CP in Da Nang, wounding 11 ization: 2/4 Marines. Intelligence: possible enemy regiment.
USMC personnel. Execution: 2/4 Marines flew from Da Nang to Dong Ha and
21 May First class of Revolutionary Development cadre teams conducted a reconnaissance-in-force operation in a 8 km-radius
trained under revised program graduates from the Vung Tau from the town with no contact. Results: 3 enemy killed, no US
National Training Center and is deployed in 59-man teams to casualties.
secure 80 hamlets. 30 May-9 Jun. Operation: ADELAIDE I
21-23 May Operation: LONG PHI 971 Location: Route 16, Ong Dong Jungle, Tan Uyen, Phuoc Vinh,
Location: Kien Giang Province. Type: search and destroy. Bien Hoa and Binh Duong Provinces. Type: search and destroy,
Controlling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div. Results: 224 road repair. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div.
enemy killed, 22 detained, 6 ARVN KIA, 47 ARVN WIA. Execution: Operation was conducted to provide security for the
22 May The 5th Marines arrives in RVN, located at Chu Lai. 1st Eng Bn upgrading Route 16 from Tan Uyen to Phuoc Vinh. In
23 May Da Nang restored to GVN control as the main struggle- addition, a long-term project was initiated aimed at the com-
force pagoda surrenders without opposition, followed by the plete penetration and reduction of the Ong Dong Jungle, a tradi-
final pockets of resistance. Struggle forces in Hue vow to defend tional VC safe haven. The area was systematically defoliated and
that city against a GVN takeover. sliced into checkerboard squares by bulldozers to provide rapid
23 May-25 Jun. Operation: ATHENS access.
Location: Route 1, Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Province. 31 May USAF aircraft heavily damage Yen Bay military storage
Type: road security. Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. complex in largest strike against a single target in NVN to date;
Task organization: 3/4 Marines. Execution: 3/4 Marines kept two US planes lost to ground fire.
Route 1 opened between Phu Bai and Phu Loc. 31 May GVN and Buddhist Institute leaders reach apparent
23 May-18 Jun. Operation: 7-66 agreement to ease crisis, with Directorate to be expanded by 10
Location: Pleiku Province. Type: reconnaissance. Controlling civilians.
headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B-52 Project 31 May JCS confirms decision to drop planned construction of
DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance from FOB Hue/Phu Bai airbase because of political situation, instead con-
OASIS in support of Operation PAUL REVERE. struct airfield at Tuy Hoa and a third runway at Chu Lai.
24 May The enemy mortars Plei Djereng, killing 30 CIDG and 31 May 2nd ARVN Div Commander MG Hoang Xuan Lam
wounding 54. becomes acting I Corps Commander.
24 May Operation: CHEYENNE I 31 May Operation: CHEYENNE II
Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- Location: (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling
trolling headquarters: SLF (TF 79). Task organization: 1/5 headquarters: SLF (TF 79). Task organization: 1/5 Marines.
Marines. Execution: operation took place 20 km north of Chu 31 May-7 Jun. Operation: ADELAIDE II
Lai. Location: Phu Gia District, Binh Duong Province. Type: search
24-28 May Operation: MOBILE and destroy, cordon and search Controlling headquarters: 1st
Location: Quang Ngai Province. Type: search and destroy. Bde, 1st Inf Div.
Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines. Task organization:
1/7 Marines, 5th ARVN Abn Bn, 5th VNMC Bn. Execution: opera- Arrival:
tion took place 20 km north of Quang Ngai. 4 May 5RAR
25 May 66-8 Feb.67 Operation: LAM SON II 8 May HQ 48th Trans Grp
Location: Phu Loi, Binh Duong Province. Type: saturation 303d ASA Bn
patrolling, cordon and search, pacification. Controlling 1/5 Marines
headquarters: Div Arty, 1st Inf Div; 5th ARVN Div. Task organ- 15 May 223d Avn Bn
ization: Phu Loi Pacification Task Force: 1-26 Inf (25 May-16 Det &, 612th TFS
Jul); 2-2 Inf (16 Jul-?), 2-13 Art (one bty), 1st Eng Bn (elts), 5th 16 May Support Command Cam Ranh Bay
ARVN Div (elts). Execution: the operation was aimed at clear- 21 May NMCB 6
ing the area around Phu Loi followed by progressive pacification 22 May HQ 5th Marines
activities in selected areas. HMM-265
26 May USIS library in Hue burned by student demonstrators as 23 May 103 Fld Bty
National Police and 1st ARVN Div troops stand aside. 24 May 329th Trans Co
26 May Panamanian merchant ship EASTERN MARINER dam- 29th CA Co
aged by mine at Nha Be; French vessel MILOS DEL MAR undam- 25 May HQ 1st Avn Bde
aged by another mine. No casualties. 222d Avn Bn
26 May An estimated 2 enemy Bns attack ARVN/PF position in 26 May HMM-361
Kien Phong Province (20 enemy killed, 51 ARVN KIA, 63 ARVN 27 May 595th Signal Co
WIA, 5 ARVN MIA). 2/11 Marines
27 May All non-essential US civilians evacuated from Hue. 30 May 169th Eng Bn
Premier Ky, Gen Thi meet at USMC installation in Chu Lai. 31 May 22d CHEM Co
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
killed. 7-11 Art, A/3-4 Cav. Intelligence: C26 and C50 PLAF Cos.
6-12 Jun. Operation: APACHE Execution: the operation was aimed at clearing VC roadblocks
Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- and tax collection points on Route 1 west of Cu Chi. Results: 1
trolling headquarters: 5th Marines. Task organization: 3/5 enemy killed, 1 detained, 3 US WIA.
Marines. Execution: operation was conducted 12 miles west- 13 Jun. An estimated enemy Bn attacks the 218th RF Company
northwest of Chu Lai. in Binh Dinh Province (32 ARVN KIA, 34 ARVN WIA, 40 ARVN-
6-20 Jun. Operation: BENNING II MIA).
Location: Route 19, Binh Dinh Province. Type: road security. 13 Jun. Operation: MEXICALI
Controlling headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Location: Hau Nghia Province (?). Type: search and destroy.
7 Jun. 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div uncovers first sizable amount of Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div Task organ-
Soviet small arms ammunition in cache in Pleiku Province. ization: 1-5 Inf (M).
7-12 Jun. Operation: TAN PHONG III 13-22 Jun. Operation: KANSAS
Location: Pleiku Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- Location: Tam Ky, Hiep Duc, Nui Loc Son, Que Son Basin, Nui
trolling headquarters: 24th Special tactical Zone. Results: Vu (Hill 488), Hill 555, Song Tranh, Quang Tin Province. Type:
135 enemy killed, 6 detained, 20 ARVN KIA, 36 ARVN WIA. reconnaissance-in-force. Controlling headquarters: Task
7-30 Jun. Operation: LIBERTY Force X-Ray. Task organization: 1st Recon Bn, 1st Force Recon
Location: Hoi An, Dien Ban, Dai Loc, Song La Tho, Song Thanh Co, C/1/5 Marines, E/2/5 Marines, 2/11 Marines, 4/11 Marines.
Quit, Song Thu Bon, Song Ky Lam, Song Dien Binh, Song Cau Intelligence: 2nd PAVN Division: 3rd and 21st PAVN Regiments,
Lau, Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- 1st PLAF Regiment. Execution: Originally planned as a recon-
trolling headquarters: 3d Mar Div Task organization: 1st naissance-in-force of the Do Xa Base Area, Operation KANSAS
Marines: 1/1, 3/1; 3d Marines: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3; 9th Marines: 1/9, was shifted to the Tam Ky-Hiep Duc area after reports indicating
2/9, 3/9. Execution: Operation LIBERTY was an extension of that the 2nd PAVN Division had reentered the Que Son valley. On
the Ky Lam Campaign, with all three regiments advancing to the 13 Jun, the 1st Recon Bn command group with a 13-man team
Ky Lam line shoulder to shoulder, scrubbing the countryside (Team 1) were helicoptered on Nui Loc Son near the center of
from VC insurgents. the valley. Another 18-man team (Team 2) was landed on Nui
8 Jun. Attempted enemy ambush of an ARVN battalion in Binh Vu (Hill 488) while a 13-man team (Team 7) from the 1st Force
Long Province results in 250 enemy killed, 1 detained, 25 ARVN Recon Co made a parachute insertion on Hill 555 just east of the
KIA, 58 ARVN WIA and 19 ARVN MIA Song Tranh. On 14 Jun three more teams were inserted but
8 Jun. Tri Quang begins extended anti-GVN and anti-US hunger found little. During the night of 15-16 Jun, Team 2 led by SSG
strike as Buddhists block Hue streets with altars. Jimmie L. Howard was attacked on Nui Vu by an estimated bat-
8 Jun. The enemy attacks US quarters in My Tho, Dinh Tuong talion from the 3rd PAVN Regiment but managed to hold its
Province, with 60mm mortar and 57mm RR fire (1 US KIA, 33 ground until relieved in the morning by Co C, 1/5 Marines. 42
US WIA, 2 VN KIA, 11 VN WIA). enemy bodies were found while Team 2 had 6 KIA and 12 WIA.
8 Jun. COMUSMACV directs 7th AF to target water buffaloes On 21 Jun E/2/5 Marines was inserted to exploit a B-52 strike
observed by FACs in TIGER HOUND area. but found nothing. The operation ended on the 22 without
8-9 Jun. Operation: ADELAIDE III expanding much beyond the reconnaissance stage. Results: 85
Location: Di An, Phuoc Vinh, Binh Duong and Bien Hoa enemy killed, 15 US KIA, 32 US WIA.
Provinces. Type: road clearing. Controlling headquarters: 1st 13 Jun.-4 Jul. Operation: SANTA FE
Bde, 1st Inf Div. Location: Ap Hau Ha, Giong Lon, Nhanh Hoa, Duc Hoa District,
8-18 Jun. Operation: HOLLANDIA Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy, pacification.
Location: Long Hai, Vung Tau, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div Task organ-
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. ization: 1-27 Inf (Cos A & B), B/1-8 Art. Execution: This was
Task organization: 1-503 Inf, 2-503 Inf, 3-319 Art, D/16 Arm, an area pacification operation conducted 4 km northwest of Duc
E/17 Cav. Intelligence: 274th and 275th PLAF Regiments. Exe- Hoa by TF 1-27. Results: 4 enemy killed, 21 detained, 14 US
cution: the operation was conducted in the Long Hai Hills north- KIA, 30 US WIA.
east of Vung Tau with minimal contact. 13 Jun.-15 Jul. Operation: FRESNO
9 Jun. BG Le Nguyen Khang, Saigon Military Governor, becomes Location: Ap Dong Hoa, Bao Trai, Hau Nghia Province. Type:
III Corps Commander, replacing Nguyen Bao Tri who takes over search and destroy, pacification. Controlling headquarters: 2d
General Political Warfare Directorate. Bde, 25th Inf Div Task organization: 2-27 Inf, 1-8 Art (-), 4/49
9 Jun. Buddhist altars halt US and ARVN troop movement ARVN Bn. Execution: This was a search and destroy and paci-
through Hue, causing 24-hour delay in Operation FLORIDA. fication operation conducted 6 km northwest of Bao Trai. Res-
9-21 Jun. Operation: HOOKER I ults: 15 enemy killed, 40 detained, 2 US KIA, 25 US WIA.
Location: Route 19, Plei Trap Valley, Pleiku and Kontum 15 Jun. A new CIDG camp opens at Buon Blech for Det A-238.
Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- 15 Jun. GVN decree creates predominantly civilian 80-man
ters: 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 2-5 Cav, 2-12 People Army Council to advise GVN on political, economic and
Cav, 1-77 Art. Execution: The operation took place in the Plei social matters.
Trap Valley north of Route 19 in support of Operation 15 Jun. GVN troops and riot police begin formal operation to
HAWTHORNE. Results: 1 enemy killed, no friendly casualties. clear struggle forces from Hue.
9 Jun.-14 Jul. Operation: UNIONTOWN 16 Jun. Letter from Tam Chau protesting Tri Quang's actions
Location: Bien Hoa, Long Binh, RMK Rock Quarry, Bien Hoa publicly confirms extremist-moderate split in Buddhist hierarchy.
Province. Type: security. Controlling headquarters: II FFOR- 17-21 Jun. Operation: HELEMANO
CEV. Task organization: 4-23 Inf. Execution: 4-23 Inf was Location: Trang Bang District, Hau Nghia Province. Type:
employed by HQ II FFORCEV to provide security for the Bien search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th
Hoa airbase, RMK rock quarry and the Long Binh logistics area. Inf Div. Task organization: 4-9 Inf. Execution: operation con-
12 Jun. The enemy attacks a RF company in Quang Ngai ducted west of Trang Bang with minimal contact. Results: 1
Province (8 enemy killed, 8 ARVN KIA, 17 ARVN WIA, I ARVN enemy killed, 1 detained.
MIA, 9 civilians KIA). 17-23 Jun. Operation: DODGE
12-14 Jun. Operation: FARGO Location: Thua Thien Province. Type: search and destroy.
Location: Phuoc Hiep, Ap Bo Dieu, Route 1, Hau Nghia Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. Task organization:
Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- 2/4 Marines. Execution: operation was conducted 5 miles west-
ters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div Task organization: 4-9 Inf, 2-14 Inf, north of Phu Bai with negative contact.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
18 Jun. COL Ngo Quang Truong replaces BG Pham Xuan Nhuan 23 Jun. GVN troops and police enter Saigon Buddhist Institute,
as 1st ARVN Division Commander. seize arms and arrest suspected murderer of policeman.
18 Jun. The enemy attacks CIDG and RF companies in Phu Yen 23 Jun. MACV Standard Design Committee established to adopt
Province (16 enemy killed, 17 ARVN KIA, 13 ARVN WIA, 6 ARVN a common tri-service construction standard.
MIA). 23 Jun. An estimated 2 enemy companies attack Trung Nhi post
18 Jun. Operation: NOGALES in Binh Duong Province (2 enemy killed, 11 ARVN KIA, 20 ARVN
Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search WIA).
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. 23 Jun. Operation: TURNER
Task organization: 1-5 Inf (M). Results: 1 enemy killed. Location: A Shau, Thua Thien Province. Type: search and des-
18-30 Jun. Operation: DECKHOUSE I troy. Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. Task organiza-
Location: Tuy An, Song Cau, Phu Yen Province. Type: search tion: I/3/4 Marines. Execution: A reinforced platoon from Co I,
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: SLF (TF 79) Task 3/4 Marines was inserted on the site of the old A Shau CIDG
organization: 3/5 Marines. Execution: the operation swept camp to destroy leftover ammunition.
the coast between Tuy An and Song Cau in coordination with 23 Jun.-8 Jul. Operation: YORKTOWN
Operation NATHAN HALE. Location: Long Khanh Province. Type: search and destroy.
19 Jun. Hue restored to GVN control as troops and riot police Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task organiza-
pacify pagodas and other struggle strongholds, remove last tion: 2-503 Inf. Execution: operation was conducted southeast
Buddhist altars from streets and arrest key dissidents. of Xuan Loc.
19 Jun.-1 Jul. Operation: NATHAN HALE 24 Jun.-15 Jul. Operation: BEAUREGARD16
Location: Trung Luong, Dong Tre, Hill 258, Route 1, Route 6B, Location: Dak To, Mang Buk, Dak Pek, Dak Poko, Kontum
LZ EAGLE, LZ AXE, FSB CROSSROADS, Phu Yen Province. Type: Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Cav ters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div. Task organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-
Div, 1st Bde, 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 2-327 Inf, A/2-17 502 Inf, 2-320 Art (A & B Btys), B/1-30 Art, A/2-17 Cav, A/326th
Cav, A/2-320 Art, 1-8 Cav, 2-8 Cav, 1-9 Cav (-), 1-21 Art, 5-27 Eng Bn. Intelligence: 24th PAVN Regiment. Execution: Operat-
Art (-). Intelligence: 18B PAVN Regiment. Execution: The ing from Dak To, the brigade screened the area east of the Dak
operation was conceived to spoil a possible attack by the 18B Poko during the first week before searching the west side to the
PAVN Regiment on the Dong Tre CIDG camp. On 19 Jun, 2-327 Laotian border, looking for signs of enemy infiltration but had no
Inf was combat-assaulted into LZ EAGLE in the Trung Luong Val- significant contacts. Results: 23 enemy killed, 6 detained, 6 US
ley east of Dong Tre and engaged the 7th Bn, 18B Regiment near KIA, 39 US WIA.
Hill 258. On 20 Jun, the 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div took control of the 25-30 Jun. Operation: JAY/LAM SON 284
operation, establishing its CP at Dong Tre and airlifting 1-8 Cav Location: Phong Dien, Ap Chinh An, My Phu, Song O Lau,
from Kontum to Tuy Hoa. The battalion deployed by helicopter to Street Without Joy, LZ RAVEN, LZ SHRIKE, Thua Thien Province.
Dong Te and then to LZ AXE to reinforce 2-327 Inf, clashing with Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 4th Mar-
another battalion from the 18B Regiment. 2-7 Cav was commit- ines; 1st ARVN Div. Task organization: 2/1 Marines, 2/4 Mar-
ted on 22 Jun, followed by 1-7 Cav on 24 Jun. On 26 Jun, the 1 st ines, 3/4 Marines (I & L Cos), 3/12 Marines; 1 st ARVN Div (two
Bde, 1st Cav Div was also brought in with 2-8 Cav and 1-9 Cav Bns), 2nd VNMC Bn. Intelligence: 6th PAVN Regiment. Execu-
but little additional contacts were made as the NVA withdrew tion: The operation searched the Street Without Joy area north
from the battle area. Results: 459 enemy killed, 36 detained, of Phong Dien. 2/4 Marines air-assaulted into LZ RAVEN while
62 US KIA, 333 US WIA, 4 MIA. 2/1 Marines was inserted on LZ SHRIKE. Two battalions from the
20 Jun. USCGC POINT LEAGUE shadows and drives 100-foot 1st ARVN Div established blocking positions along the Song O
enemy trawler aground near mouth of Co Chien River in Vinh Lau. Both Marines battalions met strong resistance in the ham-
Binh Province. The trawler is captured intact, with 100 tons of lets of Ap Chinh An and My Phu during 25-28 Jun, killing 82
cargo including more than 2,300 weapons, many of 1966 while losing 25 KIA and 58 WIA. The 806th Bn, 6th PAVN Regi-
CHICOM manufacture, and new type of 75mm fin-stabilized ment attacked the two ARVN Bns but was repulsed. On 29 Jun,
HEAT projectile. the 802nd Bn ambushed a truck convoy carrying the 2nd VNMC Bn
21 Jun. An estimated enemy Bn attacks the 345 th RF Company 3 km north of Phong Dien, killing 45 and wounding 95 VN Mar-
in Lam Dong Province (20 enemy killed, 1 detained, 2 US WIA, ines. 2/4 Marines was brought in to reinforce the contact, killing
31 ARVN KIA, 26 ARVN WIA). 185 of the retreating enemy. Results: 475 enemy killed, 9
21-23 Jun. Operation: EHU detained, 23 US KIA, 58 US WIA.
Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search 25 Jun.1 Jul. Operation: COCO PALMS
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Location: Ho Bo and Boi Loi Woods, Hau Nghia Province. Type:
Task organization: 4-23 Inf. Execution: 4-23 Inf conducted a search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th
methodical search of the Filhol Plantation, destroying extensive Inf Div. Task organization: 1-5 Inf (M), C/7-11 Art, B/3-13
bunker complexes. Results: 8 enemy killed. Art, 3/49 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: 165A PLAF Regiment. Execu-
21-24 Jun. Operation: LAM SON 238 tion: the combined force searched the Ho Bo and Boi Loi Woods
Location: Quang Tri Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- with minimal contact Results: 10 enemy killed, 2 detained, 4
trolling headquarters: 1st ARVN Div. Results: 331 enemy US KIA, 83 US WIA.
killed, 40 detained, 37 ARVN KIA, 104 ARVN WIA. 25 Jun.-2 Jul. Operation: 8-66
21 Jun.-5 Jul. Operation: ENOGGERA Location: Phu Yen Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con-
Location: Xa Long Phuoc, AO KHAKI, Phuoc Tuy Province. trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B-
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. 52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance
Task organization: 6RAR, 1 APC Sqn (3 Trp), 161 Bty RNZA. from FOB Dong Tre in support of Operation NATHAN HALE.
Execution: this was the first operation by 6RAR conducted 2 26 Jun. An estimated 2 enemy companies attack the 884th RF
km southeast of Nui Dat. Results: 1 AUS WIA. Company in Binh Thuan Province (23 ARVN KIA, 29 ARVN WIA).
22 Jun. The enemy attacks the US airfield at Soc Trang for sixth 26 Jun. The enemy attacks a hamlet defended by PF in Quang
time in 9 months, with estimated 20 rounds of 75mm RR fire (3 Duc Province (27 ARVN KIA, 2 ARVN WIA, 9 ARVN MIA).
US WIA, 3 O-1Es damaged, 1 UH-1D destroyed, 16 UH-1Ds 28 Jun. The enemy ambush the 745th RF Company in Quang Tri
damaged). Province (16 enemy killed, 1 detained, 20 ARVN KIA, 8 ARVN
22 Jun. An estimated enemy Bn attacks 3 ARVN Bns in Quang WIA, 12 ARVN MIA.
Ngai Province (43 enemy killed, 2 detained, 20 ARVN KIA, 36 29 Jun. USAF and USN aircraft bomb POL facilities at Hanoi and
16 Also known as Operation EAGLE BAIT.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Haiphong for first time, inflicting heavy damage. One USAF F- JULY
105 downed by ground fire. Four MIG-17s encountered and one
probably destroyed during dog-fight. No SAMs sighted. 1 Jul. US military strength in RVN reaches 274,000.
29 Jun.-1 Jul. Operation: OAKLAND/LIEN KET 46 1 Jul. USN aircraft sink three NVN PT boats in Gulf of Tonkin,
Location: Quang Ngai Province. Type: search and destroy. capture 19 NVN seamen.
Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines, 2nd ARVN Div. Task 1 Jul. SAC quick reaction force of six B-52s at Guam initiates
organization: 2/7 Marines, 3/11 Marines, 2/5 ARVN Bn, 37th continuous alert for strikes against urgent targets in RVN.
Ranger Bn. 1 Jul. LTG William A. Momyer succeeds LTG Joseph H. Moore as
30 Jun. First instance of enemy booby-trapping of dead body Commander, 7th Air Force and DEPCOMUSMACV for Air.
reported in Pleiku Province. 1 Jul. A C-141 aircraft flies from Saigon to Travis AFB, Calif. in
30 Jun. Construction completed of 170,000 barrel POL tank the first direct USAF medevac from RVN to the US.
storage farm at Cam Ranh Bay. 1-6 Jul. Operation: HOLT/LAM SON 286
30 Jun. The enemy ambushes the 4/52 ARVN Bn in Long Khanh Location: Co Bi, Thanh Tan, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien
Province (19 ARVN KIA, 31 ARVN WIA, 35 ARVN MIA). Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
30 Jun.-31 Jul. Operation: BENNING III ters: 4th Marines. Task organization: 3/4 Marines, 1st ARVN
Location: Route 19, Binh Dinh Province. Type: road security. Div (elts). Intelligence: D802 Bn, 6th PAVN Regiment. Execu-
Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div. tion: The Marines attempted to finish off the D802 Bn following
Operation JAY but failed to make contact. Results: 7 enemy
Arrival: killed, 1 US WIA.
1 Jun. 131st Avn Co 2 Jul. COMUSMACV approves location of 2d Bde, 4th Inf Div at
224th ASA Bn Pleiku.
138th ASA Co 2 Jul. The enemy ambushes an ARVN company in Binh Duong
144th ASA Co Province (8 ARVN KIA, 17 ARVN WIA, 8 ARVN MIA).
146th ASA Co 2 Jul. Construction of new MACV headquarters at Tan Son Nhut
156th ASA Co soccer field begins.
175th ASA Co 2 Jul. Operation: DAN THANG 68
3d Naval Construction Bde Location: Kontum Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
4 Jun. 53d Signal Bn trolling headquarters: 24th Special Tactical Zone.
74th Med Bn 2-30 Jul. Operation: HENRY CLAY
7th MASH Location: Chu Dle Ya Base Area, Phu Yen, Phu Bon and Darlac
US Army POW Hosp Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
50th Med Co ters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1st Bde: 1-8 Cav, 2-8
538th Trans Co Cav, 2-19 Art; 3d Bde: 1-7 Cav, 2-7 Cav, C/1-9 Cav, 1-21 Art;
5 Jun. 534th Signal Co 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div: 2-327 Inf. Execution: the operation was
6 Jun. 9th Eng Bn a sweep throughout the Chu Dle Ya Base Area on the Darlac/Phu
1st APC Sqn17 Bon boundary and west all the way to the Cambodian border but
9 Sqn RAAF made no significant contact with the retreating enemy from
7 Jun. 435th TFS Operation NATHAN HALE. Results: 35 enemy killed, 7 detained,
8 Jun. HQ 45th Eng Grp 1 US KIA, 20 US WIA.
76th Eng Co 3 Jul. 24-hour all-weather bombing authorized against targets
61st Med Bn in Laos validated by MSQ-77 ground director bombing system
6460th TRS (SKY SPOT).
9 Jun. HQ 21st Signal Grp 3 Jul.-1 Aug Operation: KAHANA I&II
281st Avn Co Location: Xuan Loc, Gia Ray, Vo Dat, Vo Xu, La Nga Valley,
6RAR Long Khanh and Binh Tuy Provinces. Type: search and destroy.
11 Jun. HQ 55th Med Grp Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div; 10th ARVN Div.
282d Avn Co Task organization: 4-9 Inf, 4-23 Inf, C/1-5 Inf (M), 7-11 Art;
15 Jun. 8th BS 52nd ARVN Regiment. Execution: The operation was mounted
16 Jun. 3 Sqn SASR to locate the VC forces responsible for the 30 Jun ambush
35th Inf Plt (Scout Dog) against the 4/52 ARVN Bn. The 1st Bde moved its CP to Xuan Loc
17 Jun. HQ 52d Art Grp to control the operation. On 5 Jul, 4-9 Inf was committed to Gia
3-6 Art Ray and on 15 Jul the 4-23 Inf was employed in the Vo Dat-Vo
C/6-16 How Xu area. The operation also served to reopen the traffic between
2-35 Art the La Nga Valley and Saigon. Results: 4 enemy killed, 1
1st MP Bn detained.
18 Jun. 25th Inf Plt (Scout Dog) 4 Jul. Director USAID and GVN Economy and Finance Minister
18th MASH sign agreement providing for US military operation of Saigon
21 Jun. 418th Med Co port. BG Pham Dang Dan appointed Director General of Ports
23 Jun. 266th S&S Bn and USMACV agrees to provide advisory assistance for port
24 Jun. 24th Trans Bn management.
25 Jun. 4-503 Inf 4 Jul. Operation: JAMES BOND
179th Avn Co Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: intelligence gathering.
300th MP Co Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div.
140th Maint Co 4-14 Jul. Operation: SYDNEY I
30 Jun. 183d Avn Co Location: Xa Binh Ba, AO GOLD, Nui Ghe, Phuoc Tuy Province.
Departure: Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF.
14 Jun. 1RAR Task organization: 5RAR, 6RAR (one Co), 105 Fld Bty, 1 APC
17 Jun. 13th BS Sqn (elts). Execution: operation took place west of Binh Ba, 7
km northwest of Nui Dat. Results: 1 enemy killed, 3 AUS WIA.
4 Jul.-27 Oct. Operation: MACON
Location: An Hoa, My Loc, My Loc, Cu Ban, Song Thu Bon,
17 Absorbs 1st APC Troop already in RVN.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Song Ky Lam, LZ DIXIE, LZ SAVANNAH, Quang Nam Province. DOVE and LZ CROW respectively, meeting strong resistance. 4
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 9th Mar- CH-46s were destroyed, giving the valley its nickname. On 18
ines. Task organization: 1/3 Marines, 3/3 Marines, 3/9 Mar- Jul, 3/4 Marines was attacked by an estimated 2 Bns on LZ
ines; 51st ARVN Regiment (elts). Intelligence: R20 Doc Lap Bn. CROW, killing 138 and losing 14 KIA and 49 WIA. On 24 Jul,
Execution: the operation was mounted to intercept the R20 Bn I/3/5 Marines was ambushed near Hill 382 by the 6 th Bn, 812th
moving from the Operation LIBERTY AO into the An Hoa Basin. Regiment. 21 enemy were killed but the Marines lost 18 KIA and
Several minor contacts were made but the enemy battalion 82 WIA. The 1st ARVN Div operated east of the Marines and west
couldn't be fixed and destroyed. On 14 July, MACON was scaled of Route 1 in companion Operation LAM SON 289. Results: 882
down to a battalion-size operation with 3/9 protecting the An enemy killed, 17 detained, 126 US KIA, 446 US WIA, 21 ARVN
Hoa industrial complex against local guerillas. Results: 380 KIA, 40 ARVN WIA.
enemy killed, 5 detained, 24 US KIA, 72 US WIA. 8-12 Jul. Operation: THANG LONG 243
5 Jul. US aircraft successfully elude 26-28 SAMs over NVN - Location: Ban Me Thuot, Buon Ho, Mewal Plantation, Darlac
record number to date launched in one day. Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
5 Jul. West Germany pledges 14.6 million piaster aid credit to ters: 23rd ARVN Div. Task organization: 1/45, 3/45 ARVN
help improve social welfare facilities in SVN. Bns. Execution: the operation took place south of the east-west
5 Jul. B-52s under the QUICK RUN concept utilize new MSQ-77 grid line AQ 30 between the Mewal Plantation and Buon Ho in
SKY SPOT bombing system and COMUSMACV rapid-response coordination with HENRY CLAY. Results: 107 enemy killed, 4
targeting for first time. detained, 17 ARVN KIA, 39 ARVN WIA.
5 Jul. Operation: CUU LONG/32/66 8-13 Jul. Operation: EWA
Location: Kien Hoa Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- Location: Duc Hue, Vam Co Dong, LZ TRIPLER, LZ WAIKIKI,
trolling headquarters: 7th ARVN Div. Results: 155 enemy Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
killed, 4 ARVN KIA, 10 ARVN WIA. headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 1-27
5-11 Jul. Operation: BINH PHU/9/10/11 Inf, A/1-8 Art. Intelligence: 267th, 269th and 506th PLAF Bns,
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- C2 and C120 PLAF Cos. Execution: 1-27 Inf conducted this
trolling headquarters: 22nd ARVN Div. Results: 137 enemy operation around Duc Hue between the Vam Co Dong and the
killed, 3 detained, 15 ARVN KIA, 19 ARVN WIA. Cambodian border. Results: 14 enemy killed, 8 detained, no
6-14 Jul. Operation: WASHINGTON friendly casualties.
Location: Hau Duc, Song Tranh, Do Xa Base Area, Quang Tin 9 Jul. Former I Corps generals Nguyen Chanh Thi, Ton That
Province. Type: reconnaissance. Controlling headquarters: Dinh, Huynh Van Cao, Phan Xuan Nhuan, and Nguyen Van
1st Mar Div Task organization: 1st Recon Bn, 1st Force Recon Chuan sentenced to 60 days confinement and removed from
Co, E/2/11 Marines. Intelligence: Military Region 5 Headquar- military service by special Armed Forces Disciplinary Council.
ters. Execution: This was the reconnaissance in the Do Xa Base 9-17 Jul. Operation: AURORA I
Area originally planned for Operation KANSAS. On 6 July, the 1st Location: Long Khanh Province. Type: spoiling attack. Con-
Recon Bn and E/2/11 Marines were helicoptered to Hau Duc and trolling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task organization: 1-
began searching the Song Tranh Valley, soon reinforced with a 503 Inf, 2-503 Inf, 4-503 Inf, 3-319 Art, D/16 Arm, E/17 Cav.
platoon from the 1st Force Recon Co. Two Marines battalions Execution: the operation took place northwest of Xuan Loc,
were standing by at Chu Lai to reinforce if necessary but no con- concentrating on road security and disrupting VC tax collection.
tact developed. Results: 13 enemy killed, 4 detained, no US 9 Jul.-22 Aug. Operation: BUN KAE 66-9
casualties. Location: Ia Drang Valley, LZ 27V, Pleiku Province. Type:
7 Jul. MiG-21s attack US jets 25 miles northeast of Hanoi, firing search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: CRID. Task
air-to-air missiles for first time but with no hits. organization: 3rd Bn, ROK Cavalry Regiment, 1-69 Arm (elts).
7 Jul. The enemy attacks Binh Thuy airbase in Phong Dinh Execution: The operation was conducted in conjunction with
Province with estimated 40 rounds of mortar fire (1 US KIA, 4 PAUL REVERE I & II. On 9 Aug, the 9th Company and the
US WIA, 1 H-43 destroyed, 1 H-43 and 1 C-47 damaged, 2 attached 1/A/1-69 Arm were attacked on LZ 27V by the 5 th Bn,
vehicles and various installations damaged). 88th PAVN Regiment, killing 197 of the enemy and losing 7 KIA.
7 Jul. USN A-4s and F-8s strike the Haiphong POL storage area Results: 197 enemy killed, 6 detained, 7 ROK KIA, 42 ROK
two miles northwest of Haiphong. Pilots report four POL tank WIA.
destroyed and four probably destroyed. 10 Jul. Two USMC A-4s from Chu Lai sink an armed motorized
7 Jul.-3 Aug. Operation: HASTINGS/LAM SON 289 enemy sampan that was heading toward 2 downed USAF crew-
Location: Dong Ha, Cam Lo, Song Ngan ('Helicopter Valley'), men awaiting rescue in the water 8 miles north of the DMZ.
the Rockpile, Hill 100, Hill 200, Hill 208, Hill 382, LZ CROW, LZ 10 Jul. Operation: POAMOHO
DOVE, Quang Tri Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search
trolling headquarters: Task Force DELTA18; 1st ARVN Div. Task and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div.
organization: 1/1 Marines (from 20 Jul), 2/1 Marines, 1/3 Mar- Task organization: 2-14 Inf.
ines, 2/4 Marines, 3/4 Marines, 3/5 Marines (from Operation 13 Jul.-3 Sep. Operation: EL PASO III
DECKOUSE II), 3/12 Marines; 1st ARVN Div (elts). Intelligence: Location: An Loc (Hon Quan), Loc Ninh, Quan Loi, Route 13,
90th and 812th PAVN Regiments, 324B PAVN Division. Execu- Binh Long Province. Type: search and destroy, security, road-
tion: On 22 Jun, the 4th Marines at Phu Bai sent Task Unit runner. Controlling headquarters: 1st Inf Div. Task organiza-
Charlie (E/2/1 Marines, H/3/12 Marines, one platoon each from tion: 3d Bde (13-15 Jul): 1-16 Inf (14-15 Jul), 2-28 Inf (13-15
the 1st Force Recon Co and 3d Recon Bn) to Dong Ha to conduct Jul), 2-33 Art (-) (13-15 Jul); 2d Bde (13 Jul-3 Sep): 2-16 Inf
reconnaissance patrols south of the DMZ. Soon, evidence was (14 Jul-1 Aug), 1-18 Inf (13 Jul-3 Sep), 2-18 Inf (5-9 Aug), 1-
found that at least two regiments from the 342B PAVN Division 28 Inf (13 Jul-3 Sep), 1-4 Cav (-)(13 Jul-3 Sep), 1-7 Art (-) (13
had crossed the Ben Hai and entered Quang Tri Province. 2/1 Jul-3 Sep); 9th ARVN Regiment (elts). Intelligence: 9th PLAF
Marines moved to Dong Ha at the end of June and on 7 Jul, the Division: 271st, 272nd, 273rd PLAF Regiments. Execution: The 2d
reconnaissance effort was named Operation HASTINGS. On 12 Brigade replaced the 1st Brigade at Quan Loi to continue EL
Jul, Task Force DELTA was reactivated to control the operation as PASO. The 3d Brigade remained at Loc Ninh until 15 Jul before
the Allied determined that the 324B had established its CP on returning to Lai Khe. The 2d Brigade conducted search and des-
Hill 208 in the Song Ngan Valley just below the DMZ. Additional troy and roadrunner operations for the remainder of the period
battalions were air-transported to Dong Ha and Cam Lo and on around Loc Ninh and An Loc but failed to engage the 9th PLAF
15 Jul, 2/4 and 3/4 Marines air-assaulted into the Valley on LZ Division.
14 Jul. Philippine President Marcos signs bill providing for
18 Reactivated on 12 Jul.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
dispatch of 2,000-man Philippine Engineer Battalion (PHILCAGV) 17 Jul. The enemy attacks USMC Marble Mountain Air Facility,
to RVN. Da Nang, and adjacent USN hospital with approximately 30
14 Jul. USAF F-4Cs down two MiG-21s over NVN using rounds of 81mm mortar (27 US WIA, 10 helicopters damaged, 9
Sidewinder missiles. 01-Es damaged, 2 U-6As and 3 U-1As damaged).
14 Jul. Terrorist explosive device kills 1 US, wounds 13 US and 17 Jul. Operation: LAM SON 290
5 VN in Vung Tau, Phuoc Tuy Province. Location: Quang Tri Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
15 Jul. An ARVN element is ambushed by the enemy near Ben trolling headquarters: 1st ARVN Div. Results: 135 enemy
Cat in Binh Duong Province (37 ARVN KIA, 22 ARVN WIA 21 killed, no friendly casualties.
ARVN MIA). 17-24 Jul. Operation: CEDAR RAPIDS I&II
15-23 Jul. Operation: MOKULEIA Location: Route 16, Di An, Phuoc Vinh, Ong Dong Jungle, Bien
Location: Ap Phu Loi, Tan Phu Trung, Sa Nho, Filhol Plantation, Hoa and Binh Duong Provinces. Type: search and destroy,
Liocara Plantation, Balancie Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. resupply. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, organization: 1-2 Inf, 2-2 Inf (detached from LAM SON II), 1-
25th Inf Div. Task organization: 1-5 Inf (M) (- Co C), C/1-8 16 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 1-5 Art. Execution: the brigade protected
Art. Intelligence: 7th Bn, 165A PLAF Regiment. Execution: resupply convoys between Di An and Phuoc Vinh and then con-
operation took place around Tan Phu Trung with little contact. ducted a search and destroy operation in the Ong Dong Jungle
Results: 5 enemy killed, 25 detained, 7 US KIA, 10 US WIA. on 22-24 Jul, making little contact. Results: 11 enemy killed.
15-23 Jul. Operation: SYDNEY II 17 Jul-1 Aug. Operation: HAYES
Location: Duc My, Xa Binh Ba, AO PURPLE, Phuoc Tuy Province. Location: Dak To, Kontum Province. Type: search and destroy.
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div. Task organ-
Task organization: 5RAR, 6RAR (one Co), 105 Fld Bty, 1 APC ization: 1-7 Cav. Execution: 1-7 Cav was sent to Dak To to
Sqn (2 Trp). Execution: operation took place 6 km north of Nui cover the departure of the 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div and conducted
Dat. Results: 4 enemy killed, 2 detained, no friendly casual- a screening mission west of Dak To along the Cambodian border,
ties. making no contact with the enemy.
15-29 Jul. Operation: 9-66 17 Jul.-3 Aug. Operation: AURORA II
Location: Darlac Province. Type: reconnaissance. Controlling Location: Long Khanh, Binh Tuy and Lam Dong Provinces.
headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B-52 Project Type: spoiling attack. Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn
DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance from FOB Bde. Task organization: 1-503 Inf, 2-503 Inf, 4-503 Inf, 3-319
Buon Blech in support of Operation HENRY CLAY. Art, D/16 Arm, E/17 Cav. Execution: the operation took place
16 Jul. US units discover 20mm AA weapons and ammunition in 80 km northwest of Bien Hoa on the II/III CTZs boundary.
Binh Duong and Quang Tri Provinces, first indication that enemy 18 Jul. Operation: HAC HO 34
possesses this caliber weapon. Location: Plateau Gi, Kontum Province. Type: search and des-
16-18 Jul. Operation: BRISBANE troy. Controlling headquarters: 24th Special Tactical Zone.
Location: Nui Dinh Hills, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: search and 18 Jul. Operation: THANG LONG 246
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization: Location: Ninh Hoa, Khanh Hoa Province. Type: search and
6RAR, 161 Bty RNZA, 1 APC Sqn (one Trp). Execution: opera- destroy. Controlling headquarters: 23rd ARVN Div.
tion took place 12 km west-southwest of Nui Dat in the Nui Dinh 20 Jul. Operation: BINH PHU 14
Hills but produced no contact. Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
16-30 Jul. Operation: DECKHOUSE II trolling headquarters: 22nd ARVN Div.
Location: BLUE Beach, Cua Viet, Quang Tri Province. Type: 21 Jul.-5 Sep. Operation: JOHN PAUL JONES
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: SLF (TF 79); Location: Tuy Hoa, Vung Ro Bay, Song Cau, Dong Tre, Tuy An.
Task Force DELTA. Task organization: 3/5 Marines. Execu- Phu Yen Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
tion: The SLF landed on BLUE Beach, 2,500 meters north of the headquarters: 1st Brigade, 101st Abn Div. Task organization:
Cua Viet. Once ashore, 3/5 Marines passed under control of TF 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, 2-8 Cav (16 Aug-5 Sep), 1-22
DELTA and joined Operation HASTINGS on 18 Jul. Results: Inf (28 Aug-5 Sep), 2-320 Art, 5-27 Art (-), B/1-30 Art, A/2-17
included in Operation HASTINGS. Cav, A/326th Eng Bn; 2d ROK Marine Brigade (21 Jul-18 Aug);
17 Jul. Ho Chi Minh proclaims partial mobilization of NVN, 1/47 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: 18B and 95th PAVN Regiments,
reiterates intransigent stand on settlement of the war. 95th PAVN Art Bn, 85th PLAF Bn. Execution: The brigade began
17 Jul. SECSTATE and SECDEF agree to ARC LIGHT B-52 strikes deployment from Dak To by C-130 aircraft on 15 Jul and closed
against selected remote Laos targets, to be executed without into Tuy Hoa in 21 Jul, reuniting with 2-327 Inf. Phase I of JOHN
knowledge or concurrence of the RLG, with public cover in form PAUL JONES kicked off on 21 Jul with 1-327 Inf and 2-502 Inf
of strike in nearby RVN territory. conducting search and destroy operations around the Vung Ro
17 Jul. The enemy attacks an RF company guarding waterworks Bay to secure engineer work parties in the area. On 30 Jul,
near Phan Thiet in Binh Thuan Province (9 ARVN KIA, 12 ARVN Phase II began with 2-502 Inf air-assaulting west of Song Cau
WIA, 6 ARVN MIA). to exploit a B-52 strike but found nothing. From 3-8 Aug the bri-
17 Jul. MG Nguyen Bao Tri replaces Dinh Trinh Chinh as GVN gade conducted training and refitting at Tuy Hoa South while 2-
Minister of Information. 327 Inf secured the Vung Ro area in coordination with the 2d
17 Jul. The enemy attacks an RF platoon and 2 RD Cadre teams ROK Marine Bde. From 8-15 Aug, 1-327 Inf and 2-502 Inf again
in Quang Tri Province (8 ARVN KIA, 15 ARVN WIA, 13 ARVN exploited a B-52 strike, this time west of Dong Tre, failing to
MIA). make contact but leaving stay-behind forces. Phase III began on
17 Jul. US pilots sight record 29 SAMs over NVN. 16 Aug with 2-8 Cav coming under opcon of the brigade and
17 Jul. USN F-8E downed by SAM 20 miles south of Hanoi, first deploying to Dong Tre. On 17-18 Aug, 1-327 and 2-502 relieved
US aircraft lost to a SAM since 24 April despite enemy firing of the ROK Marines in place as they redeployed north to Chu Lai.
140-150 missiles. On 18 Aug, 2-327 Inf moved to Dong Tre and the mission
17 Jul. TALLY HO program of round-the-clock air interdiction around Vung Ro was assumed by TF BRAVO (C/2-502 Inf, A/2-
begins in southern NVN Panhandle. 17 Cav). 2-327 Inf then moved overland toward Tuy An to pro-
17 Jul. USN pilot LtJg Dieter Dengler airlifted from jungle after tect the rice harvest there. On 22 Aug, 2-8 Cav conducted an air
escaping from enemy prison camp and evading recapture for 20 assault west of Dong Tre to exploit intelligence info from the
days. stay-behind forces but failed to make contact. On 24 Aug, C/1-
17 Jul. USAF RB-66 downed by SAM over NVN, the second SAM 327 Inf was deployed to Ninh Hoa in Khanh Hoa Province to
kill in two days. provide security for the deployment of the 9th ROK Inf Div. On
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
28 Aug, 2-8 Cav, 2-327 Inf and 1/47 ARVN Bn swept the area 31 Jul.-2 Sep. Operation: BENNING IV
between Tuy Hoa and Tuy An but found little. On 28 Aug, 1-22 Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: road security. Controlling
Inf passed under opcon to the brigade and relieved TF BRAVO headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Cav Div.
from its security mission around Vung Ro Bay. Results: 209
enemy killed, 40 detained, 23 US KIA, 132 US WIA. Arrival:
22 Jul. Operation: DAN THANG 73 1 Jul. CAPITAL Avn Bn (Prov)
Location: Kontum Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- 7th Communications Bn
trolling headquarters: 24th Special Tactical Zone. 3 Jul. HMM-364
23 Jul. First civilian Philippine medical team arrives in RVN. 4 Jul. HQ Regional Communications Grp, Vietnam
23 Jul. An unknown size enemy force attacks the Trai Bi CIDG 5 Jul. VMFA-323
camp in Tay Ninh Province. 7 Jul. 4th Eng Bn
23 Jul.-6 Aug. Operation: KOKOHEAD 10 Jul. 24th SMEH
Location: Trung Lap, Tan Thanh Dong, Liocara Plantation, Ho 14 Jul. VMA-224
Bo Woods, Hau Nghia and Binh Duong Provinces. Type: search 16 Jul. HQ 79th Eng Grp
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. 615th TFS
Task organization: 1-5 Inf (M), 1-27 Inf, 2-27 Inf, 1-8 Art (-), 38th Inf Plt (Scout Dog)
3-13 Art (-); 3/49 ARVN Bn. Execution: the operation was 18 Jul. 175th Eng C Co
conducted west and north of Cu Chi. Results: 42 enemy killed, 20 Jul. 264th S&S Bn
25 detained, 8 US KIA, 97 US WIA. 277th S&S Bn
24 Jul. US tactical air strikes commence in the DMZ. 163d Supply Co
24 Jul. Royal Thai Air Force squadron arrives in RVN to aid 221st Supply Co
VNAF airlift mission. 226th Supply Co
24-29 Jul. Operation: HOBART 228th Supply Co
Location: Xa Long Tan, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: search and 229th Supply Co
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization: 463d Supply Co
6RAR, 5RAR (one Co), 161 Bty RNZA, 1 APC Sqn (2 Trp). Intel- 218th CC&S Co
ligence: D445 PLAF Bn. Execution: operation took place 5 km 628th Maint Co
east to east-southeast of Nui Dat near Xa Long Tan. Results: 7 23 Jul. 1-22 Inf
enemy killed, 2 AUS KIA, 17 AUS WIA. Det 1, 45th TRS
25 Jul. Premier Ky declares in magazine interview that invasion 25 Jul. 39th Inf Plt (Scout Dog)
of NVN is necessary to win war. 29 Jul. 6461st TRS
25 Jul. USAID Public Safety Advisor Normal L. Clowers killed by 31 Jul. 577th Eng Bn
VC in ambush in Khanh Hoa Province, 8th USAID employee killed 188th MP Co
in RVN. 73d Signal Bn
25 Jul. Operation: STEEL HORSE VII 69th Maint Bn
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: artillery raid. Controlling 36th Trans Bn
headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: C/6-16 Art. 39th Trans Bn
26 Jul. The enemy twice attacks 25th US Inf Div base camp at Departure:
Cu Chi in Hau Nghia Province with total of 175 rounds of 82mm 1 Jul. Support Command Nha Trang
mortar and 75mm RR fire (23 US WIA). 82d Trans Co
26-29 Jul. Operation: FRANKLIN/LIEN KET 50 6 Jul. 76th Eng Co
Location: Binh Son District, Quang Ngai Province. Type: search 14 Jul. VMA-211
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines, 2nd ARVN 20 Jul. HQ 60th Ord Grp inactivated
Div. Task organization: 1/7 Marines, 2/7 Marines; 2nd ARVN HQ 543d QM Grp inactivated
Div (elts). Intelligence: enemy situation and forces, when 169th Ord Bn inactivated
available. Execution: brief description, when available. Res- 54th Signal Co
ults: friendly and enemy casualties, when available. 56th Signal Co
27 Jul. US pilots fly record 542 combat sorties in RVN. 534th Signal Co
27 Jul. Operation: LOI HOA 63
Location: Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen Province. Type: search and des-
troy. Controlling headquarters: 22nd ARVN Div. AUGUST
27 Jul.-1 Aug. Operation: SPRINGFIELD I&II
Location: Lai Khe, Ap Bau Bang, Route 13, Binh Duong Aug. A new CIDG camp opens at Dak Seang for Det A-245.
Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- 1 Aug. US military strength in RVN reaches 285,000.
ters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 1-16 Inf, 1-26 1 Aug. The enemy ambushes an ARVN convoy in Phuoc Tuy
Inf, 2-33 Art (-). Intelligence: 3rd Bn, 165A PLAF Regiment, Province (1 enemy killed, 32 ARVN KIA, 14 ARVN WIA, 5 ARVN
Phu Loi PLAF Bn. Execution: the brigade secured the road from MIA).
Lai Khe to Ap Bau Bang and exploited B-52 strikes on suspected 1 Aug. The enemy launches simultaneous attacks on ARVN pos-
enemy base camps but found nothing. Results: 10 enemy ition and RF convoy near Long Thanh District Town in Bien Hoa
killed. Province (9 ARVN KIA, 14 ARVN WIA, 5 ARVN MIA).
28 Jul. US pilots fly record 375 combat sorties in NVN. 1-25 Aug. Operation: PAUL REVERE II
29 Jul. Operation: BACH DANG 46 Location: Plei Me, Ia Drang Valley, Chu Pong Massif, Hill 534,
Location: Dak To, Kontum Province. Type: search and destroy. LZ OASIS, LZ ORANGE, LZ PINK, LZ JULIET, LZ RAY, LZ CAT,
Controlling headquarters: 24th Special Tactical Zone. Pleiku Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
29 Jul. First British medical team arrives in RVN. headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 2d Bde (7-25
30 Jul. B-52's bomb enemy facilities in DMZ for first time. Aug): 1-5 Cav, 2-5 Cav, 2-12 Cav, 1-77 Art, B/8th Eng Bn; 3d
31 Jul. Former I Corps Commander Nguyen Chanh Thi flies to Bde (2-25 Aug): 1-7 Cav, 2-7 Cav, 1-12 Cav, 1-21 Art, C/8 th Eng
the US. Bn; Div Arty: C/6-16 Art, 2-17 Art, 3-18 Art, 2-19 Art, E/82 Art,
31 Jul. Operation: NINH THUAN 14 A&D/6-14 Art; 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div (TF WALKER): 1-14 Inf, 1-35
Location: Phan Rang, Ninh Thuan Province. Type: search and Inf, 2-35 Inf, 1-69 Arm, C/3-4 Cav, 2-9 Art, A/3-6 Art, D/65th
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 23rd ARVN Div. Eng Bn. Intelligence: 32nd, 33rd, 66th and 88th PAVN Regiments.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Execution: PAUL REVERE II was a continuation of PAUL REVERE west. Contact was almost immediate, on 8-9 Aug Cos E&F 2/4
I in the same general area. On 1 Aug, 2-7 Cav just released Marines reinforced one such team and fought an NVA company
from reserve I FFORCEV is attacked on LZ ORANGE by a bat- 4,000 meters north of the Rockpile, killing 38. On 13 Aug, the
talion-size enemy force. 28 enemy are killed and 5 US KIA. On 2 forces at Dong Ha were reinforced with 1/4 and 3/12 Marines
Aug, the 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div joined the operation and the air- and a tank company. On 17 Aug, 2/4 Marines conducted a
mobile division assumed control after reports indicated that the reconnaissance-in-force operation along Route 9 between Cam
enemy had begun a major offensive west of Pleiku. Operating Lo and the Rockpile and clashed with the NVA on Hill 252, killing
from LZ OASIS, the battalions searched southwest and west in 20. Between 19-25 Aug, 2/4 clashed constantly with the 803rd
coordination with the 3rd Bn, ROK Cavalry Regiment on Opera- PAVN Regiment on the slopes of the Razorback, a steep ridge
tion BUN KAE 66-9. That same day, A/2-7 Cav and B/1-12 Cav line north of the Rockpile, killing 170. On 26 Aug, elements from
clashed with an enemy company on LZ PINK, killing 12 but los- the 812th PAVN Regiment attacked Cam Lo defended by A/1/4
ing 18 KIA and 6 WIA. On 7 Aug, the operation expanded to Marines but were easily repulsed. After that, contact in the
division-size with the arrival of the 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div. On 8 PRAIRIE AO subsided. On 27 Aug, 2/7 Marines arrived from Chu
Aug, A/1-7 Cav clashed into the 4th Bn, 32nd PAVN Regiment Lai and swept Route 9 to the Rockpile but found nothing. On 7-
near LZ JULIET, killing 98 but losing 25 KIA and 36 WIA. On 9 13 Sep, 2/4 Marines conducted a RIF toward Con Thien just
Aug, The 5th Bn, 88th PAVN Regiment attacked the Koreans on LZ south of the DMZ, but had little contact. Action picked up again
27V (see Operation BUN KAE 66-9). On 14 Aug, the 2d Bde on 8 Sep when 1/4 Marines relieved 2/7 at the Rockpile and
searching south of the Chu Pong found the enemy again on Hill conducted a deep reconnaissance of Nui Cay Tre to the north,
534 when 1-5 Cav and 2-5 Cav bumped into the whole 32nd clashing with NVA elements and killing 170. On 18 Sep, 1/26
PAVN Regiment. Reinforced with 2-12 Cav, the Americans Marines was attached from Operation DECKHOUSE IV before
cleared the hill on 15 Aug, counting 128 enemy bodies while los- leaving the DMZ area on 25 Sep. On 28 Sep, 2/9 Marines
ing 23 KIA and 28 WIA. The operation began to wind down on arrived at Dong Ha and relieved 2/7 which rejoined its parent
22 Aug with the return of the Koreans and 1st Cav Div to Binh regiment at Chu Lai. From 22 Sep-5 Oct, 3/4 Marines, who had
Dinh Province Results: 861 enemy killed, 36 detained, 90 US arrived from Phu Bai on 17 Sep, fought the longest action of
KIA, 389 US WIA, 3 US MIA. PRAIRIE against the 812th Regiment for the control on Nui Cay
1-31 Aug. Operation: OAHU Tre (renamed Mutter's Ridge) and Hills 400 and 484, killing
Location: Tay Ninh West, Go Dau Ha, Route 1, Route 22, Tay more than 100 and losing 20. Upon General Westmoreland's
Ninh Province. Type: search and destroy, security. Controlling insistence, the 3d Mar Div extended the PRAIRIE AO to cover
headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 1-5 Khe Sanh to the west, airlifting 1/3 Marines from Da Nang to the
Inf (M) (15-31 Aug), 4-9 Inf (1-14 Aug), 2-14 Inf, 4-23 Inf, 7-11 small airfield there. The battalion stayed at Khe Sanh until ter-
Art, B/3-4 Cav. Intelligence: C40 PLAF Co. Execution: The mination of PRAIRIE, patrolling around the base, but killed only
operation was launched in support of Operation BLUE JAY, the 15 of the enemy. On 30 Sep, 3/7 arrived from Chu Lai and
deployment of the 196th LIB to Tay Ninh West. After relocating to relieved 2/4 which returned at Phu Bai. The next day, TF DELTA
Tay Ninh West via air and motor convoy, the brigade began was reactivated at Dong Ha and assumed responsibility for the
search and destroy operations between Tay Ninh City and Go operation. Still on 1 Oct, 2/5 Marines arrived from Chu Lai, rais-
Dau Ha. Results: 21 enemy killed, 8 detained, 7 US KIA, 41 US ing the number of infantry battalions in the AO to six, and occu-
WIA. pied Con Thien. Despite these reinforcements, the NVA avoided
2 Aug. Premier Ky reaffirms that he will leave politics after any major confrontation in the PRAIRIE AO for the remainder of
formation of constitutionally elected government. the year and the operation ended on 31 Jan 1967. Results:
2 Aug. Exiled Nguyen Chanh Thi says in Lynchburg, Virginia, 1,397 enemy killed, 27 detained, 239 US KIA, 1,214 WIA.
that he will be a candidate for RVN Premier when elections are 5 Aug. Crop-destruction operations authorized in Laos to deter
held. local food to infiltrating enemy forces.
2-5 Aug. Operation: CHEYENNE 5-15 Aug. Operation: EVANSVILLE
Location: Route 13, Binh Duong and Binh Long Provinces. Location: Phuoc Vinh, Binh Duong Province. Type: search and
Type: reconnaissance-in-force, road security. Controlling destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task
headquarters: 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 1st Bde: 1-28 organization: 1-2 Inf, 1-26 Inf.
Inf; 2d Bde: 2-16 Inf, 1-18 Inf, 2-18 Inf; 3d Bde: 1-2 Inf, 1-26 5-18 Aug. Operation: HOLSWORTHY
Inf; 5th ARVN Div (elts). Execution: the operation secured Location: Xa Binh Ba, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: cordon and
Route 13 from Lai Khe to An Loc during EL PASO III. search. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization:
2-8 Aug. Operation: BUCKS 5RAR, 6RAR (two Cos), 1 APC Sqn (-), 105 Fld Bty. Intelli-
Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy. gence: D445 PLAF Bn. Execution: the operation took place 5
Controlling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization: km north of Nui Dat. Results: 17 enemy detained, 1 AUS KIA.
3/1 Marines. Execution: operation took place 15 km south of 6 Aug. 7th Fleet aircraft carriers move from DIXIE STATION to
3 Aug.66-31 Jan.67 Operation: PRAIRIE 6-22 Aug. Operation: COLORADO/LIEN KET 52
Location: Dong Ha, Cam Lo, Khe Sanh, Camp Carroll, Route 9, Location: Tam Ky, Thang Binh, Que Son, Thach Thuong, Ky
the Rockpile, the Razorback, Nui Cay Tre (Mutter's Ridge), Hill Phu, Cam Khe, Vinh Huy, Nui Loc Son, Hiep Duc Valley, Song Ly
252, Hill 400, Hill 484, Quang Tri Province. Type: reconnais- Ly Valley, 'Pineapple Forest', Quang Tin Province. Type: search
sance, search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Mar and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 5th Marines; 2nd ARVN
Div; Task Force DELTA (from 1 Oct) Task organization: 2/4 Div. Task organization: ; 1/5 Marines, 2/5 Marines, 3/5 Mar-
Marines (3 Aug-30 Sep), 1st Force Recon Co (from 3 Aug), ines, 2/11 Marines; 2/6 and 4/6 ARVN Bns, 4th ARVN Arm Cav
G/3/12 Marines (3-13 Aug), 1/4 Marines (from 13 Aug), 3/12 Sqn (2nd and 3rd Troops), VNMC Task Force BRAVO (1st, 3rd and
Marines (from 13 Aug), C/3d Tank Bn (from 13 Aug), 2/7 Mar- 4th Bns). Intelligence: 2nd PAVN Division: 1st PLAF Regiment, 3rd
ines (27 Aug-28 Sep), 3/4 Marines (from 17 Sep), 1/26 Marines and 21st PAVN Regiments. Execution: The operation was
(18-25 Sep), 2/9 Marines (from 28 Sep), 1/3 Marines (from 29 launched after new intelligence indicated that the 2nd PAVN Divi-
Sep), 3/7 Marines (from 30 Sep), 2/5 Marines (from 1 Oct). sion had reentered the Que Son, Valley. On 6 Aug, the 2nd ARVN
Intelligence: 324B PAVN Division. Execution: Operation Div task force pushed from Thang Binh toward Que Son while
PRAIRIE started as a small reconnaissance effort to determine if the VNMC battalions were helicoptered to the west to provide
the 324B Division was still in the DMZ area after HASTINGS. A blocking positions, encountering heavy resistance on their LZs
task force at Dong Ha built around 2/4 Marines and the 1st Force from the 1st Bn, 3rd PAVN Regiment, killing 71 and capturing 20.
Recon Co inserted 5-man 'Stingray' teams to the north and The next day, the VNMC cleared the village of Thach Thuong,
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
killing 37 more enemies. 2/5 Marines was helicoptered on Hiep under opcon 173d Abn Bde and were inserted at Binh Gia to
Duc on D-Day but had negative contact and returned to Tam Ky establish blocking positions to the northeast as the brigade
on 10 Aug. 1/5 Marines operated east of Que Son near Ky Phu swept toward Route 2 and the Courtenay Plantation. The opera-
and on 10 Aug engaged two Bns from the 3 rd PAVN Regiment at tion continued to search the AO but found little of the enemy.
Cam Khe, killing 100 and losing 14 KIA and 65 WIA. The enemy Results: 8 enemy killed, 11 detained, 7 US KIA, 45 US WIA.
battalions retreated north and engaged the South Vietnamese 10 Aug.-10 Oct. Operation: STABLE
Marines in bitter fighting near Vinh Huy three days later, leaving Location: Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen Provinces. Type: deploy-
140 dead on the battlefield. VNMC losses were heavy with 26 ment. Controlling headquarters: I FFORCEV Task organiza-
KIA and 54 WIA. This was the last engagement of COLORADO, tion: ROK Field Command, WHRID, 100th Logistical Command.
in the last week of operation, 1/5 Marines searched the 'Pine- Execution: the operation covered the arrival and movement of
apple Forest' west of Tam Ky, but encountered only fleeting res- the 9th ROK Infantry Division (WHRID), 100th Logistical Com-
istance from local guerrillas. Results: 674 enemy killed, 37 mand, and ROK Field Command, Vietnam through Nha Trang
VNMC KIA, 107 VNMC WIA, US and ARVN casualties not repor- and Tuy Hoa.
ted. 11 Aug. The enemy attacks an ARVN training center in Vinh
7 Aug. Seven US aircraft downed over NVN (five USAF F-105s, Long Province (5 enemy killed, 14 ARVN KIA, 9 ARVN WIA, 3
1 USAF F-101, 1 USN A-1H) - record loss to date for one day. ARVN MIA).
7 Aug.-1 Sep. Operation: LAHAINA 11 Aug. USAF aircraft mistakenly attack USCGC POINT WEL-
Location: Bao Trai District, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search COME at night off DMZ (2 US KIA, 5 US WIA).
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. 11 Aug. The enemy detonates an explosive device at Binh Tri
Task organization: 2-27 Inf. Execution: 2-27 Inf conducted Dong US MP firing range outside Saigon (2 US KIA, 17 US WIA).
search and destroy operations and Eagle flights reaction mission 13-14 Aug. Operation: ELDORADO
from Bao Trai. Results: 29 enemy killed, 40 detained. Location: Ap Bau Tran, Binh Long Province. Type: search and
7 Aug.-1 Sep. Operation: AIEA destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task
Location: Boi Loi Woods, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search organization: 1-16 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 1-28 Inf, 1-5 Art.
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. 13-21 Aug. Operation: SUWANEE
Task organization: 1-27 Inf, 2/49 ARVN Bn. Execution: 1-27 Location: 'Arizona Territory', Quang Nam Province. Type:
conducted buddy operations with 2/49 ARVN Bn and the Trang search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 9th Marines.
Bang District RF Companies to block a major VC infiltration route Task organization: 1/9 Marines (-), 3/9 Marines.
in the Boi Loi Woods Results: 22 enemy killed, 18 detained. 14 Aug. An estimated enemy Bn attacks two ARVN Cos near Mo
9 Aug. In case of mistaken targeting, USAF aircraft bomb ham- Duc District Town in Quang Ngai Province (50 enemy killed, 5
let near Can Tho in Phong Dinh Province (15 VN KIA, 102 VN ARVN KIA, 11 ARVN WIA, 8 ARVN MIA).
WIA). 14 Aug. President Johnson and COMUSMACV confer at LBJ
9 Aug. A truck carrying ARVN recruits near Sa Dec hits a VC Ranch in Texas.
mine (19 ARVN KIA, 5 ARVN WIA, 5 ARVN MIA). 15 Aug. The ROK Vietnam Field Command Headquarters opens
9 Aug.-5 Sep. Operation: 10-66 at Nha Trang.
Location: Tay Ninh Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con- 15 Aug. Vietnam Support Expediting Task Force disbanded and
trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B- FLAG POLE supply-shortage reporting system discontinued.
52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance 15-17 Aug. Operation: BELFAST
from FOB Tay Ninh. Location: Binh Duong Province. Type: search and destroy.
10 Aug. The 2d Bde, 4th Inf Div arrives in RVN, located at Controlling headquarters: 1st Inf Div.
Pleiku. 16-20 Aug. Operation: DECKHOUSE III
10 Aug. Premier Ky flies to Manila for three-day official visit. Location: Phuoc Tuy and Binh Tuy Provinces. Type: search and
10-12 Aug. Operation: WILCOX destroy. Controlling headquarters: SLF (TF 79). Task organ-
Location: Duc Ky, Quang Nam Province. Type: cordon and ization: 1/26 Marines. Execution: the SLF landed on the coast
search. Controlling headquarters: 9th Marines. Task organ- astride the Phuoc Tuy/Binh Tuy provincial boundary in support of
ization: 1/9 Marines (-), E/2/9 Marines, I/3/9 Marines, 2/12 TOLEDO but had minimal contact. Results: 2 enemy killed, 4
Marines. Execution: the Marines swept through the village of US KIA, 21 US WIA.
Duc Ky south of the Song La Tho. Results: 3 enemy detained, 2 17 Aug. VC terrorist device set off at fair in Hue (26 VN KIA,
US WIA. 151 VN WIA).
10 Aug.-7 Sep. Operation: TOLEDO 17 Aug. The enemy burns refugee hamlets of Pho An and Tan
Location: Xuan Loc, Gia Ray, Binh Gia, May Tao Secret Zone, My in Quang Ngai Province, destroying estimated 4,600 homes.
Courtenay Plantation, LZ GRANADA, LZ YANKEE, LZ BROWN, LZ 17 Aug. The enemy ambushes a PF platoon 7 km south of Sai-
RUBY, LZ JADE, Long Khanh, Phuoc Tuy and Binh Tuy Provinces. gon (14 ARVN KIA, 12 ARVN WIA).
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 173d 18 Aug. The 2d ROK Marine Brigade is relocated to Chu Lai.
Abn Bde. Task organization: 173d Abn Bde: 1-503 Inf, 2-503 18 Aug. Two enemy Cos ambush the 917th RF company in Thua
Inf, 4-503 Inf, D/16 Arm, E/17 Cav, 3-319 Art, C/2-35 Art, A/2- Thien Province (28 ARVN KIA, 2 ARVN WIA, 3 ARVN MIA).
32 Art, A/2-13 Art; 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div (from 24 Aug): 2-18 Inf, 18-21 Aug. Operation: SMITHFIELD
B/1-28 Inf, A/1-7 Art; Task Force RANGER (10 Aug-1 Sep): 33rd Location: Xa Long Tan, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: search and
and 35th ARVN Ranger Bns; 1ATF (26-31 Aug): 5RAR. Intelli- destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization:
gence: 5th PLAF Division: 274th and 275th PLAF Regiments. Exe- 6RAR (-), D/5RAR, 1 APC Sqn, 161 Bty RNZA. Intelligence:
cution: The operation was conducted south of Gia Ray in the 275th PLAF Regiment, D445 PLAF Bn. Execution: On 17 Aug the
May Tao Secret Zone. From 10-12 Aug, the brigade moved into 1ATF base at Nui Dat was attacked with 67 rounds of 82mm
the AO, with 2-503 Inf securing LZ GRANADA 4 km west of the mortar, wounding 24. On 18 Aug, D/6RAR was sent out to
Nui May Tao On 14 Aug, TF RANGER with the 33rd and 35th ARVN search for the enemy force that had conducted the attack,
Ranger Bns joined the operation, air-assaulting into LZ YANKEE entering the Long Tan Rubber Plantation 4 km east-southeast of
with negative contact. The combined forces searched the AO for Nui Dat. At 1608, D/RAR made heavy contact with a large
the next several days but found little. On 16 Aug, the SLF with enemy force of one or two battalions. The company was rein-
BLT 1/26 Marines landed on the coast on the Phuoc Tuy/Binh forced by A/6RAR and 3 Trp, 1 APC Sqn, followed by the rest of
Tuy provincial boundary in Operation DECKHOUSE III and joined 6RAR in the evening, forcing the enemy to withdraw. For the
TOLEDO but had minimal contact and returned to their ships on next few days 6RAR searched the area around Long Tan but
the 20. On 24 Aug, 2-18 Inf, B/1-28 Inf and A/1-7 Art passed failed to regain contact. Results: 245 enemy killed, 3 detained,
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
HMM-263 took place in the Filhol Plantation northeast of Cu Chi with min-
VMFA-314 imal contact. Results: 8 enemy killed, 3 detained, 6 US KIA, 65
37th SPS US WIA.
2 Aug. HQ Bty, 8-25 Art (Target Acquisition) 2 Sep. An enemy platoon ambushes a bus in Bien Hoa Province
551st Maint Co (10 VN KIA, 18 VN WIA).
7th Trans Bn 2-6 Sep. Operation: DAN CHI 261
3/5 Marines Location: An Xuyen and Bac Lieu Provinces. Type: search and
4 Aug. 64th Trans Co destroy. Controlling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div. Results:
9 Aug. 1-12 Inf 104 enemy killed, 50 detained, 21 ARVN KIA, 81 ARVN WIA.
10 Aug. HQ 2d Bde, 4th Inf Div 2-29 Sep. Operation: BENNING V
2-8 Inf21 Location: Route 19, Binh Dinh Province. Type: road security.
4-42 Art Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div.
159th Trans Bn 2 Sep.-11 Oct. Operation: SUNSET BEACH
12 Aug. 3d Sqn, 11th ACR Location: Cu Chi, Duc Hue, Trang Bang, Boi Loi Woods, Hau
109th QM Co Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
86th Trans Co headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 1-5
13 Aug. 184th Avn Co Inf (M) (from 12 Sep), 1-27 Inf, 2-27 Inf, A/3-4 Cav (9-12 Sep),
6th Trans Bn 1-8 Art, C/2-13 Art (16 Sep-4 Oct); 49th ARVN Regiment (elts).
14 Aug. 9th Trans Co Execution: the brigade conducted airmobile and ground
13th BS assaults, search and destroy operations, Eagle Flights, combat
NMCB 40 patrol, ambushes and "buddy" operations with local ARVN forces
15 Aug. HQ ROK Vietnam Field Command during the Vietnamese National Election period (11 Sep). From
3-82 Art 20 Sep to 4 Oct, 1-5 Inf (M) conducted a deep incursion in the
352d TFS Boi Loi Woods. Results: 86 enemy killed, 49 detained, 29 US
20 Aug. 5-7 Cav KIA, 194 US WIA, 1 US MIA.
330th ASA Co 3 Sep. The enemy attacks Camp Radcliff support area in Binh
22 Aug. 278th Signal Co Dinh Province with approximately 40 rounds of 82mm mortar (4
23 Aug. USASTRATCOM Long Lines Bn North US KIA, 61 US WIA).
USASTRATCOM Long Lines Bn South 3 Sep.-8 Oct. Operation: DECATUR
623d QM Co Location: An Loc, Quan Loi, Binh Long Province. Type: secur-
25 Aug. 40th Inf Plt (Scout Dog) ity. Controlling headquarters: 1st Inf Div. Task organization:
26 Aug. HQ 196th Light Inf Bde 1-26 Inf, 1-28 Inf, B/1-4 Cav.
F/17 Cav 4-6 Sep.. Operation: CRANSTON
2-1 Inf Location: Lai Khe, Quan Loi, Binh Duong and Binh Long
3-21 Inf Provinces. Type: road security, resupply convoy. Controlling
4-31 Inf headquarters: 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 1-16 Inf.
27 Aug. 2/26 Marines 4-15 Sep. Operation: NAPA/LIEN KET 56
28 Aug. 97th MP Bn Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy.
30 Aug. 93d MP Bn Controlling headquarters: 5th Marines, 2nd ARVN Div. Task
573d S&S Co organization: 1/5 Marines, 3/5 Marines, 2/6, 3/6 and 4/6
88th Trans Co ARVN Bns. Execution: Operation took place northwest of Tam
31 Aug. 22d Replacement Bn Ky.
24th Trans Co 4 Sep.-8 Oct. Operation: BATON ROUGE
410th Trans Co Location: Long Tau Shipping Channel, Rung Sat Special Zone.
Departure: Type: search and destroy, saturation patrolling. Controlling
1 Aug. 178th Signal Co headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 2-18
232d Signal Co Inf. Execution: operation took place in the southern portion of
581st Signal Co the Rung Sat Special Zone to secure the water line of commu-
VMFA-542 nication between the port of Saigon and the sea.
11 Aug. HMM-163 5 Sep.-25 Oct. Operation: SEWARD
15 Aug. 8th BS Location: Tuy Hoa, Tuy An, Tu Bong, Hieu Xuong Valley, Vung
20 Aug. 171st Avn Co Ro Bay, Vung Ro Pass, Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa Provinces. Type:
172d Avn Co search and destroy, rice harvest protection, security. Con-
30 Aug. 3/3 Marines trolling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div. Task organiza-
tion: 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, 1-22 Inf (5 Sep-13 Oct),
2-320 Art, 5-27 Art (5 Sep-1 Oct), B/1-30 Art, A/2-17 Cav,
SEPTEMBER A/326th Eng Bn. Intelligence: 95th PAVN Regiment. Execution:
The brigade initiated SEWARD to provide protection for the rice
Sep. A new CIDG camp opens at Trang Phuc for Det A-233. harvest in the Tuy Hoa (Hieu Xuong) Valley. 1-327 Inf (-) was
1 Sep. US military strength in RVN reaches 306,000. still at Ninh Hoa when the operation started except for Co A pro-
1-7 Sep. Operation: ALICE tecting the rice harvest in the valley. 2-327 Inf conducted search
Location: Tay Ninh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- and destroy operations around Tuy An while 2-502 operated to
trolling headquarters: 196th LIB. Task organization: 3-21 the northwest of Tuy Hoa and 1-22 Inf provided security for the
Inf. Intelligence: C40 PLAF Co. Vung Ro Bay area. On 7 Sep, A/2-17 Cav conducted an amphibi-
1-12 Sep. Operation: KIPAPA ous assault northeast of Tuy Hoa with negative contact. 1-327
Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search Inf (-) returned form Ninh Hoa during the period 8-10 Sep and
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div. joined its Co A in the Hieu Xuong Valley. 2-502 Inf was extracted
Task organization: 1-5 Inf (M) (3-12 Sep), 4-9 Inf (from 3 from its AO on 10 Sep and sent to Tu Bong on the coast of
Sep), 4-23 Inf, B/3-4 Cav, 7-11 Art, A/65th Eng Bn. Intelli- northern Khanh Hoa Province (expect A/2-502 Inf in reserve at
gence: 7th Bn, 165A PLAF Regiment. Execution: the operation Tuy Hoa SOUTH) until 15 Sep. On the night on 17 Sep, the com-
mand post of Co B 3/327 Inf came under attack and was over-
21 Battalion fully mechanized by 5 May 1967.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
run by an estimated one hundred VC. US losses were 10 KIA cue. Controlling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organiza-
and 12 WIA. From 20-28 Sep, 2-502 Inf and 2-327 Inf conduc- tion: Det B-52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution:
ted a search and destroy mission southeast of Dong Tre with search and rescue operation near Cam Ranh Bay.
negative contact. On 3 Oct, 1-327 Inf raided a VC POW camp in 10 Sep. The first US aircraft, USAF A1-E, shot down in DMZ by
the southwest portion of its AO and freed 23 VN. C/1-22 was NVA AA fire.
sent to Tu Bong to protect the rice crops while 2-502 Inf 11 Sep. Elections held throughout RVN for Constituent
replaced 2-327 at Tuy An, the latter returning to Tuy Hoa Assembly.
SOUTH. On 7 Oct, 2-327 Inf conducted an airmobile assault 11 Sep. The enemy fires 12 rounds of 82mm mortar on Que
west of Tuy Hoa along Route 7B with negative contact. During Son District Town, Quang Nam Province (15 VN KIA, 10 VN
the period 11-12 Oct, two platoons from A/2-327 Inf were WIA).
deployed to a location near Phan Rang to provide security for 11 Sep. The enemy attacks Phan Thiet airfield in Binh Thuan
the extraction of a downed C-130. 2-502 Inf conducted search Province with mortar and small arms fire (2 medevac UH-1Bs,
and destroy operations in an area southwest of Tuy An for the 13,000 gal JP-4 and 3,000 gal AV gas destroyed).
period 10-16 Oct. On 13 Oct, 1-22 Inf was relieved in place by 12 Sep. First Brazilian contribution, medical supplies, arrives in
1-8 Inf and deployed to Pleiku. On 19-20 Oct, 1-327 Inf and 2- RVN.
327 Inf were relieved by elements of the 28th ROK Regiment 13 Sep. The enemy attacks Nui Dang outpost in Quang Ngai
from their mission in the Hieu Xuong Valley. Operation SEWARD Province defended by a company of the 4 th ARVN Regiment (4
terminated on 25 Oct following the relief of 2-502 Inf in the Tuy enemy killed, 31 ARVN KIA, 32 ARVN WIA, 16 ARVN MIA, , 2
An area by the 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div Results: 239 enemy killed, 6 105-mm howitzers seized, fired at another outpost and then
detained, 26 US KIA, 169 US WIA. destroyed).
5-29 Sep. Operation: MEADOWLARK 13-22 Sep. Operation: ATLANTIC CITY
Location: Vung Tau, Saigon, Long Binh Plantation, Phuoc Tuy, Location: Dau Tieng, Binh Duong Province. Type: security.
Gia Dinh and Bien Hoa Provinces. Type: deployment. Con- Controlling headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task organiza-
trolling headquarters: II FFORCEV. Task organization: 11th tion: 4-503 Inf, B/3-319. Execution: 4-503 Inf provided secur-
ACR: 1/11, 2/11, 3/11 Sqns. Execution: the purpose of this ity for the Dau Tieng Airfield during his operations.
operation was to support the deployment of the 11th Armored 13 Sep.-1 Oct. Operation: THAYER I
Cavalry Regiment in country with the 1st Inf Div as the sponsor- Location: Kim Son Valley, 506 Valley, LZ HAMMOND, LZ DUZ,
ing unit to a staging area near the Long Binh Plantation. The Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
unit personnel arrived at Vung Tau and were transported to Bien headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 1st Bde: 1-8
Hoa by tactical airlift while the cargo and equipment arrived at Cav, 2-8 Cav, 1-12 Cav, 2-19 Art, C/6-16 Art; 2d Bde: 1-5 Cav,
Saigon. 2-12 Cav, 1-77 Art, B/8th Eng Bn; Div Arty: 2-17 Art, 3-18 Art,
6-9 Sep. Operation: MANH HO/3/4/5/6 2-20 Art (-), E/82 Art, C/3-6 Art. Intelligence: 2nd PLAF Regi-
Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: security Controlling ment, 12th PAVN Regiment. Execution: THAYER I was initiated
headquarters: 22nd RVN Div. Results: 147 enemy killed, 20 as a result of enemy buildup in the Kim Son Valley area. In the
ARVN KIA, 23 ARVN WIA, 17 ARVN MIA. initial assault, five battalions were inserted onto high ground
6-12 Sep. Operation: BANGOR LZs, from which they searched the ridge lines and fingers down
Location: Binh Duong Province. Type: search and destroy. to the valley floor but found little of the enemy. On 20 Sep, the
Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organiz- action shifted to the 506 Valley east of the Kim Son where 2-8
ation: 1-26 Inf Cav clashed with the enemy, killing 15. On 23 Sep, the 95th Bn,
6-13 Sep. Operation: ATHOL 2nd PLAF Regiment attacked the division logistics base at LZ HAM-
Location: Dau Tieng, Michelin Plantation, Binh Duong Province. MOND with mortar fire, killing 1 and wounding 32 while dam-
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 196th aging 17 aircraft. On the same day, the 7 th and 8th Bns, 12th
LIB. Task organization: 4-31 Inf. PAVN Regiment attacked the command post of the 41st ARVN
7-12 Sep. Operation: CANNON Regiment at Cuu Thanh in the THAYER I AO, losing 137 killed in
Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy. the ill-fated assault. Results: 231 enemy killed, 72 detained, 33
Controlling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization: US KIA, 248 US WIA, 2 US MIA.
2/1 Marines. Execution: operation was conducted in the south- 14 Sep. West German hospital ship HELGOLAND arrives in
east portion of the Da Nang TAOR. Results: 17 enemy killed, 1 Saigon to treat VN civilians.
detained. 14 Sep.-26 Nov. Operation: ATTLEBORO22
8 Sep. The enemy attacks the 40th ARVN Regiment in Binh Dinh Location: Tay Ninh City, Tay Ninh West, Trai Bi, Dau Tieng, Ben
Province (17 ARVN KIA, 19 ARVN WIA, 8 ARVN MIA, 1 VN KIA). Cui, Suoi Da, Bau Co, Suoi Cao, Trang Sup, Katum, Song Sai-
8 Sep. The 11th ACR arrives in RVN, located at Long Binh. gon, Song Ba Hao, War Zone C, Tay Ninh Province. Type:
8 Sep. A Spanish medical team arrives in Saigon. search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 196th LIB (14
8-14 Sep. Operation: PAWNEE II Sep-4 Nov); 1st Inf Div (5-6 Nov); II FFORCEV (7-26 Nov). Task
Location: Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Province. Type: search organization: 196th LIB: 2-1 Inf, 3-21 Inf, 4-31 Inf, 1-27 Inf
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. Task (1-5 Nov), 2-27 Inf (3-11 Nov), 1-5 Inf (M) (6-10 Nov), 3-82
organization: 3/4 Marines. Results: 3 enemy killed. Art, A/1-8 Art (1-10 Nov); 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div (4-26 Nov): 1-16
8-16 Sep. Operation: FRESNO Inf, 1-28 Inf, 2-28 Inf, 1-5 Art; 2d Bde, 1 st Inf Div (4-26 Nov):
Location: Mo Duc District, Quang Ngai Province. Type: search 2-16 Inf, 1-18 Inf, 2-18 Inf, 1-7 Art; 3d Bde, 1 st Inf Div (4-26
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines. Task Nov): 1-2 Inf, 2-2 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 2-33 Art; 2d Bde 25th Inf Div
organization: 1/7 Marines. (10-25 Nov): 1-5 Inf (M), 1-27 Inf, 2-27 Inf (11-25 Nov), 2-14
8-24 Sep. Operation: VAUCLUSE Inf, 2-22 Inf (M) (13-25 Nov), 1-8 Art; 173d Abn Bde23. Intelli-
Location: Nui Dinh Hills, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: search and gence: 9th PLAF Division: 101st APVN Regiment, 271st, 272nd and
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization: 273rd PLAF Regiments; 70th PLAF Guard Regiment, U80 PLAF
6RAR, 161 Bty RNZA. Execution: operation took place 9 km Artillery Regiment, C40 PLAF Co, 82nd Rear Service Group. Exe-
west-southwest of Nui Dat. Results: 7 enemy killed, 6 detained, cution: Operation ATTLEBORO was initially a series of battalion-
1 AUS WIA. size operations by the 196th LIB south and west of Tay Ninh City.
9 Sep. First deep-water pier in Da Nang harbor opens with The AO was expanded to include the Dau Tieng area in exploita-
arrival of USS ALUDRA
9-10 Sep. Operation: 11-66 22 1st Inf Div's portion of the operation was called BATTLE
Location: Khanh Hoa Province Province. Type: search and res- CREEK.
23 See Operation MERIDIAN.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
tion of VC logistical bases located north of the town and sub- 36 US KIA, 164 US WIA.
sequently included all of War Zone C. From 14-21 Sep, 2-1 Inf 15 Sep.-5 Nov. Operation: LANIKAI I
searched an area 12 km west of Tay Ninh West with light con- Location: Ben Luc, Xom Dong, Ben Nhut, Long An Province.
tact. From 18-25 Sep, 4-31 Inf operated 8 km south of Tay Ninh Type: search and destroy, pacification. Controlling headquar-
City, also with light contact. From 6-14 Oct the same unit swept ters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 4-9 Inf, 3/50
the area searched by 2-1 Inf in September, with few contacts ARVN Bn, 24th and 28th RAGs. Intelligence: 2nd and 506th PLAF
with the enemy. From 15-23 Oct, 3-21 Inf was airlifted to Trai Bi Bns. Execution: This was the first operation conducted by an
and conducted a search and destroy mission to the east with American unit in the Mekong Delta south of Saigon. Establishing
negative results. On 18 Oct, due to increased reports of VC its base camp at Ben Luc, 4-9 Inf conducted search and destroy,
caches in the area, an operation was directed toward the west riverine and buddy operations in Long An Province with ARVN
side of the Saigon River, with 2-1 Inf moving by air to Dau forces. Results: 26 enemy killed, 4 detained.
Tieng. From 21-29 Oct, the battalion found 5 caches in the area, 15 Sep.-14 Nov. Operation: KALIHI
with sporadic contact with the enemy. On 30 Oct, 4-31 Inf Location: Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia Province. Type: search
joined the operation, air-assaulting 4 km northwest of Dau and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div.
Tieng. On 1 Nov, with additional caches being found, 1-27 Inf Task organization: 2-14 Inf, 4-23 Inf, A & B/3-4 Cav, 7-11
Inf was placed opcon 196th LIB and moved to Dau Tieng to pro- Art, 3-13 Art (-); 1/7 and 4/7 ARVN Bns. Intelligence: 2nd and
tect the brigade's HQ and conduct Eagle Flights over the area. 7th Bns, 165A PLAF Regiment. Execution: the brigade conduc-
On 2 Nov, a total of 843 tons of rice had been found. On 3 Nov, ted search and destroy and buddy operations with ARVN troops
the brigade began a complicated maneuver with 2-1 Inf and 4- in the Filhol Plantation. Results: 38 enemy killed, 3 detained,
31 Inf moving over four separate routes toward the Ba Hao 14 US KIA, 79 US WIA.
River while two companies from 1-27 Inf occupied blocking 16-27 Sep. Operation: GOLDEN FLEECE 7-1/LIEN KET 60
potions. Heavy contact was made in the afternoon with an Location: Mo Duc, Van Ha, Song Ve, Route 578, Quang Ngai
unknown size enemy force, friendly units becoming hopelessly Province. Type: search and destroy, rice protection. Con-
entangled and incapable of supporting each other. The battle trolling headquarters: 7th Marines, 2nd ARVN Div. Task
broadened on 4 Nov as the 9th PLAF Division launched two diver- organization: 1/7 Marines, G/3/11 Marines; 4 th ARVN Regiment
sionary attacks, on Tay Ninh West and Suoi Cao, while the 3 rd (elts). Intelligence: 38th and 48th PLAF Bns. Execution: After
Bn, 101st PAVN Regiment ambushed the 1-27 Inf (-) near the Ba terminating FRESNO in the same area, 1/7 Marines began a rice
Hoa, inflicting heavy casualties. Reinforcements from 2-27 Inf harvest protection operation in coordination with ARVN forces,
were brought in and the battle lasted two more days until the extending from Mo Duc to the Song Ve Valley to the west. On 21
enemy broke contact of 6 Nov, leaving 200 of its dead on the Sep, the battalion found 727 tons of rice in Van Ha hamlet
field. US loses were 60 KIA and 159 WIA. Slowly losing control before the South Vietnamese decided to destroy the entire vil-
of the battle, BG de Saussure, the brigade CO, was relieved and lage and resettle its population. Results: 244 enemy killed, 1
the operation passed under control of the 1st Inf Div. From 4-6 detained, 1 US KIA, 19 US WIA.
Nov, the 1st and 2d Bdes were flown to Dau Tieng while the 3d 16 Sep.-19 Oct. Operation: WREN
established its CP at the Suoi Da CIDG camp. On 6 Nov in two Location: Cam Ranh Bay, Tay Ninh West; Khanh Hoa and Tay
separate contacts northeast of Suoi Da 170 enemy were killed. Ninh Provinces. Type: deployment. Controlling headquarters:
On 7 Nov, ATTLEBORO was turned into a field force operation, II FFORCEV. Task organization: 1st PHILCAGV. Execution: the
with the 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div deploying to Tay Ninh West. The purpose of this operation was to support the deployment of the
brigade would then sweep north using Route 4 as an axis of 1st PHICAGV in country with the 25th Inf Div as the sponsoring
advance and establish an FSB near the old French fort at Bau unit to its base camp at Tay Ninh West. On 20 Sep, 800 PHICAG
Co, while the 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div pushed across the Ba Hao personnel landed at Cam Ranh Bay and were airlifted to Tay
toward Suoi Tre. On 8 Nov, 1-28 Inf was attacked by two bat- Ninh West. During the period 15-19 Oct, the balance of the unit
talions from the 101st PAVN Regiment, killing 390 of the enemy was flown directly from the Philippines to Tay Ninh West.
while losing 19 KIA. The 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div searched for the 17 Sep. The enemy attacks the base camp of 1/51 ARVN Bn in
enemy west of Dau Tieng near Ben Cui, uncovering additional Quang Nam Province (9 ARVN KIA, 24 ARVN WIA).
rice caches. On 11 Nov, the 9th PLAF Division struck again, 19 Sep.-4 Oct. Operation: KAMUELA
attacking an RF outpost at Trang Sup and mortaring both Dau Location: Dau Tieng, Ben Cui Plantation, Boi Loi Woods, Hau
Tieng and Tay Ninh West. On 15 Nov, the 2d Bde, 25 th Inf Div Nghia and Tay Ninh Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Con-
was given a new mission: thrust north toward the Cambodian trolling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organiza-
border and search for the possible location of COSVN near tion: 2-14 Inf, B/7-11 Art, 2-1 Inf (from 27 Sep), A/3-82 Art
Katum. On 19-22 Nov the brigade had several contacts with ele- (from 27 Sep); 3/8 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: 83rd Rear Service
ments of the 271th and 70th Guard PLAF Regiments in the Katum Group. Execution: operation conducted west and southwest of
area. On 23 Nov, the brigade turned back and rejoined Tay Ninh Dau Tieng with minimal contact. Results: 13 enemy killed, 3
West via Route 247 and Trai Bi. ATTLEBORO ended shortly after detained, 5 US KIA, 20 US WIA.
with no additional contact. Results: 1,106 enemy killed, 42 20-22 Sep. Operation: HUNTSVILLE
detained, 115 US KIA, 447 US WIA. Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling
15-21 Sep. Operation: DANBURY headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div; 48th ARVN Regiment.
Location: Thanh Dien Forest, Binh Duong Province. Type: 21 Sep. The enemy mortars the Chu Lai airstrip in Quang Tri
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Province (16 US WIA, 5 aircraft damaged).
Div Task organization: 1-2 Inf, 1-16 Inf, 2-16 Inf, 2-28 Inf, 2- 21 Sep.-30 Oct. Operation: CASULA
33 Art. Results: 10 enemy killed, 4 US KIA, 42 US WIA. Location: Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: security. Con-
15-24 Sep. Operation: DECKHOUSE IV trolling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization: 5RAR,
Location: Gio Linh, BLUE Beach, Quang Tri Province. Type: 6RAR, 1 APC Sqn, 101 Fld Bty, 103 Fld Bty, 161 Bty RNZA, 1 Fld
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: SLF (TF 79) Sqn, 3 SASR Sqn. Execution: Construction of base defensive
Task organization: 1/26 Marines. Intelligence: 90th PLAF works in the area of 1ATF base. Works consisted of wire
Regiment. Execution: DECKHOUSE IV was conducted in sup- obstacles, trip flares, protective and defensive minefields,
port of Operation HASTINGS. On 15 Nov, 1/26 Marines landed dummy weapon pits and artillery pieces.
across BLUE Beach 2,000 meters south of the DMZ and made 22 Sep. Enemy 57mm RR fire damages USN minesweeper 27
almost immediate contact with NVA troops in the Con Thien-Gio km southeast of Saigon (1 US KIA, 9 US WIA).
Linh area, killing more than 200 enemy before passing under 22-28 Sep. Operation: BINH PHU 27
opcon Task Force DELTA on 18 Nov. Results: 200 enemy killed, Location: Binh Dinh Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Oct. A new CIDG camp opens at Xom Cat for Det A-312. Inf Div: 2-12 Inf, 2-22 Inf (M), 3-22 Inf, 2-77 Art; 1-503 Inf;
1 Oct. US military strength in RVN reaches 321,000. 5RAR, 6RAR. Execution: the purpose of this operation was to
1-4 Oct. Operation: LITTLE ROCK support the deployment of the 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div in country
Location: Ong Dong Jungle, Binh Duong Province. Type: with the 1st Inf Div as the sponsoring unit to its base camp at
search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Bear Cat. Heavy equipment landed at Saigon while the person-
Div. Task organization: 1-2 Inf, 1-28 Inf, 1-4 Cav (-), 2-34 nel arrived at Vung Tau and moved via motor convoy to Bearcat
Arm (-), 1-5 Art (-); 48th ARVN Regiment (elts). with elements of the 173d Abn Bde securing the road from Bear-
1 Oct.66-17 Jan 68 Operation: DAZZLEM cat to Phu My and the 1ATF securing the road from Phu My to Ba
Location: Camp Radcliff, An Khe, Binh Dinh Province. Type: Ria.
security. Controlling headquarters: 1st Cav Div. Task organ- 3 Oct.-16 Nov Operation: LAM SON 318
ization: Base Defense Task Force. Execution: Operation DAZ- Location: Quang Tri Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
ZLEM was the contingency plan for the defense of Camp Radcliff trolling headquarters: 1st ARVN Div. Task organization:
provided by one infantry battalion with supporting artillery and ARVN Airborne Task Force. Intelligence: 324B PAVN Division.
reinforcing personnel from residence units. On 17 Jan 68, the Execution: operation was conducted south of the DMZ in con-
173d Abn Bde relieved the 1st Cav Div from the mission of junction with Operation PRAIRIE. Results: 179 enemy killed, 5
defending An Khe. Results: 80 enemy killed, 9 detained. detained, 38 ARVN KIA, 1 US KIA, 251 ARVN WIA, 5 US WIA, 1
2 Oct. VNN LCI strikes mine and sinks in branch of Long Tau ARVN MIA.
River in Rung Sat Special Zone (3 US KIA, 10 US WIA; 5 VNN 4 Oct. The 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div arrives in RVN, located at Tuy
WIA). Hoa.
2-24 Oct. Operation: IRVING/DAI BANG 800 4 Oct. ARVN Ranger truck hits mine near Duc My in Khanh Hoa
Location: Phu My, Hoa Hoi, Hung Lac Peninsula, Nuoc Ngot Bay, Province (10 ARVN KIA, 15 ARVN WIA).
Nui Mieu, Kim Son Valley, Suoi Ca Valley, Hoi Son Base Area, LZ 6 Oct. An estimated three enemy Bns attack ARVN Abn Task
HAMMOND, LZ UPLIFT, LZ PONY, LZ BIRD, Binh Dinh Province. Force 400 meters south of DMZ in Quang Tri Province (20
Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Cav enemy killed, 1 US KIA, 2 US WIA; 21 ARVN KIA, 161 ARVN
Div; 22nd ARVN Div. Task organization: 1st Bde: 1-8 Cav, 2-8 WIA) .
Cav, 1-12 Cav, 2-19 Art, C/6-16 Art, A/8th Eng Bn; 3d Bde: 1-7 6-10 Oct. Operation: CANBERRA
Cav, 5-7 Cav, 1-21 Art (-), B/3-18 Art, C/8th Eng Bn; Div Troops: Location: Phu My, Route 15, Nui Thi Vai, Nui Ong Trinh, AO
1-5 Cav, 1-9 Cav; Div Arty: 2-17 Art, 3-18 Art (-), 2-20 Art, WHITE, LZ JULIE, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: search and des-
E/82 Art, C/3-6 Art; 22nd ARVN Div (elts), ARVN Abn Task Force. troy. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization:
Intelligence: 2nd PLAF Regiment, 12th PAVN Regiment. Execu- 5RAR, 103 Fld Bty, 1 APC Sqn (-), 3 SASR Sqn (-), A/2-35 Art.
tion: Operating from HAMMOND and UPLIFT, the two brigades Intelligence: 274th PLAF Regiment. Execution: the operation
with elements of the 22nd ARVN Div swept toward the coast was conducted 5 km east of Route 15 in support of Operation
where the enemy had retreated to avoid Operation THAYER I. ROBIN. Results: 3 enemy killed, 1 detained, 13 AUS WIA.
Contact was almost immediate. On 2-3 Oct, 1-5 Cav and 1-12 6-15 Oct. Operation: HICKORY
Cav cornered and annihilated an estimated enemy battalion Location: Ben Cam, Long Dien, Phuoc Thien, Nhon Trach Dis-
from the 12th PAVN Regiment in the hamlet of Hoa Hoi, killing trict, Bien Hoa Province. Type: reconnaissance-in-force. Con-
233 while losing 6 KIA and 32 WIA. On 4 Oct, A/5-7 Cav killed trolling headquarters: 11th ACR. Task organization: 1st Sqn,
30 enemy west of the Nuoc Ngot Bay while 1-12 Cav swept the 11th ACR. Execution: HICKORY helped provide security for
Hung Lac peninsula with negative result. Action shifted back to engineer work parties. Results: 13 enemy killed, 17 detained, 2
the Kim Son Valley on 13 Oct in response to reports that the 2nd US KIA, 20 US WIA.
PLAF Regiment HQ had moved there. 1-8 Cav was inserted into 6-16 Oct. Operation: TULSA
LZ PONY but made no contact. On the same day, the ARVN Abn Location: Route 13, Phu Cuong, An Loc, Binh Duong and Binh
TF made heavy contact with the 95th Bn, 2nd PLAF Regiment 5 Long Provinces. Type: road security. Controlling headquar-
km south of Hoa Hoi, killing 135. Over the next several days the ters: 1st Inf Div; 5th ARVN Div. Task organization: 2-2 Inf, 1-
Americans searched the Kim Son and Suoi Ca Valleys. On 15 16 Inf, 2-16 Inf, 2-18 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 1-28 Inf, 2-28 Inf, 1-4 Cav;
Oct, 1-5 Cav made contact with the 52nd Co, 95th Bn, 2nd PLAF 5th ARVN Div (elts).
Regiment in the Hoi Son Base Area, killing 59. Additional bat- 7 Oct. The enemy attacks and damages an USN LCM on Dong
talions were inserted in to the area but failed to regain contact Tranh River 23 km south of Saigon with RR, AW and mortar fire
with the 2nd Regiment. Results: 1st Cav Div: 681 enemy killed, (16 US WIA).
690 detained, 19 US KIA, 150 US WIA; 22nd ARVN Div: 240 8-15 Oct. Operation: KENT
enemy killed, 891 detained, 3 ARVN KIA, 13 ARVN WIA. Location: Son Ha District, Quang Ngai Province. Type: search
2-27 Oct. Operation: BATHURST and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines. Task
Location: Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: security, road- organization: 1/7 Marines, 2/7 Marines.
runner, pacification. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task 8 Oct.-4 Dec. Operation: WINCHESTER
organization: 5RAR, 6RAR, 101 Fld Bty, 103 Fld Bty, 161 Bty Location: Da Nang, Hai Van Pass, Quang Nam Province. Type:
RNZA, 1 APC Sqn, 3 SASR Sqn. Execution: operation conducted search and destroy, road security. Controlling headquarters:
in the task force's TAOR around Nui Dat with emphasis on road- II FFORCEV, III MAF. Task organization: 4-503 Inf, C/2-34
runner operation, defenses construction and civic actions. Res- Arm. Execution: MACV decided to reinforce the Da Nang TAOR
ults: no casualties. during Operation PRAIRIE, freeing additional Marine battalions
3 Oct. GVN Secretary of State for Health Nguyen Ba Kha resigns to move to the DMZ area. After deploying to Da Nang by air and
in dispute between southerners MSS/National Police Chief BG LST, TF 4-503 Inf relieved 2/26 Marines at the Hai Van Pass for
Loan. movement to Phu Bai and secured Route 1 north to the Thua
3-10 Oct. Operation: LEE/LIEN KET 64 Thien border.
Location: Quang Ngai Province. Type: search and destroy. 9 Oct. The 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div arrives in RVN, located at Bear-
Controlling headquarters: 2d ROK Marine Bde; 2nd ARVN Div. cat.
Task organization: 1st, 2nd and 3rd ROK Mar Bns; 4th ARVN 10 Oct. SECDEF arrives in Saigon for four-day RVN visit.
Regiment. 10 Oct. 3d Mar Div (FWD) assumes control of Operation
3-15 Oct. Operation: ROBIN PRAIRIE in Quang Tri Province, first division-controlled operation
Location: Vung Tau, Saigon, Bearcat, Route 15, Phuoc Tuy, Bien in I CTZ. 1st Mar Div, CP relocated to Da Nang, assumes
Hoa and Gia Dinh Provinces. Type: deployment. Controlling responsibility for Da Nang TAOR. 3d Mar Div CP relocated to Phu
headquarters: II FFORCEV. Task organization: 3d Bde, 4th Bai.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
11 Oct. The enemy launches six attacks against several towns east of Phu My with minimal contact. Results: 17 enemy killed,
in Kien Hoa Province (27 ARVN KIA, 47 ARVN WIA, 3 ARVN 1 detained, 2 AUS KIA, 13 AUS WIA.
MIA). 16 Oct.-2 Nov. Operation: SHENANDOAH I
11-20 Oct. Operation: TETON Location: Quan Loi, Loc Ninh, Minh Thanh, Cam Xe, Dak Seu,
Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy. Route 13, Binh Long Province. Type: search and destroy, road-
Controlling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization: runner. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task
3/1 Marines. organization: 2-18 Inf, 1-26 Inf, 1-28 Inf, 2-28 Inf, 1-4 Cav
11 Oct.-14 Nov. Operation: KAILUA (-), 1-5 Art. Intelligence: 9th PLAF Division. Execution: Using
Location: Duc Hoa, Tan Phu Trung, Trang Bang, Tho Mo, Hau Quan Loi as a base of operations, the brigade tired to provoke
Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling an attack from the 9th PLAF Division. The brigade moved north
headquarters: 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 1-5 to Loc Ninh on 18 Oct, then southwest to Minh Thanh on 24 Oct,
Inf (M) (11 Oct-6 Nov), 1-27 Inf (11-31 Oct), 2-27 Inf (11 Oct-3 but the enemy did not take the bait. On 28-29 Oct 1-26 Inf
Nov), 1-8 Art, A/2-13 Art; 2/49 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: 1st and searched the Minh Thanh plantation and bumped into the 3rd Bn,
7th Bns, 165A PLAF Regiment, D85 PLAF Co. Execution: The 2d 272nd PLAF Regiment near Cam Xe. Three additional battalions
Bde conducted a series of airmobile and ground assaults, search were piled on, killing 134 while losing 5 KIA. On 29 Oct the 3d
and destroy operations, employed Eagle Flights, combat patrols, Bde was brought in and assumed command of 2-18 Inf and 2-28
ambushes and combined operations with local ARVN forces to Inf, trying to cut the enemy's escape routes but found nothing
locate and destroy VC forces and supplies in central Hau Nghia and returned to Lai Khe.
Province between Duc Hoa and Trang Bang with light contact. 18-20 Oct. Operation: DAN CHI 263
The 2d Bde commenced participation in ATTLEBORO on 10 Nov Location: Chuong Thien Province. Type: search and destroy.
and KAILUA was officially terminated on 14 Nov. Results: 67 Controlling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div. Execution: two
enemy killed, 34 detained, 6 US KIA, 64 US WIA. ARVN Bns encounter an estimated two VC Bns during heliborne
11 Oct.66-17 Nov.67 Operation: UNIONTOWN II landing. Results: 138 enemy killed, 3 detained, 29 ARVN KIA,
Location: Long Binh, Bien Hoa Province Type: security. Con- 67 ARVN WIA.
trolling headquarters: II FFORCEV. Execution: Operation 18-30 Oct. Operation: DOVER
UNIONTOWN was a security operation designed to protect the Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
Long Binh logistical complex, RMK Rock Quarry and II FFORCEV trolling headquarters: 5th Marines. Task organization: 1/5
Headquarters. Units were assigned on a rotation basis from each Marines.
major command under II FFORCEV. 18 Oct.-30 Dec. Operation: PAUL REVERE IV
12 Oct. The enemy overruns a PF outpost in Dinh Tuong Location: Duc Co, New Plei Djereng, Plei Trap Valley, Se San,
Province (5 ARVN KIA, 5 ARVN WIA, 13 civilians killed). Nam Sathay, LZ OASIS, LZ 3 TANGO, FSB RED WARRIOR, Pleiku
13 Oct.-9 Nov. Operation: BLACKJACK 21 and Kontum Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
Location: Plei Trap Valley, Kontum Province. Type: mobile headquarters: 4th Inf Div (18 Oct-10 Dec), I FFORCEV (10-30
guerrilla. Controlling headquarters: II CTZ MIKE Force Task Dec). Task organization: 2d Bde, 4th Inf Div: 2-8 Inf, 1-12 Inf,
Organization: Task Force PRONG. Execution: This was the 1-22 Inf, 4-42 Art; 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div: 1-14 Inf, 1-35 Inf, 2-35
pilot mobile guerrilla mission for a specially trained force con- Inf, 2-9 Art, C/3-4 Cav, D/65th Eng Bn; Div Arty: 3-6 Art, 6-14
sisting of a Special Forces A-Detachment that controlled one Art, A/1-30 Art; Div Troops: 1-10 Cav, 1-69 Arm; 2d Bde, 1st
150-man Mike Force company and a 34-man combat reconnais- Cav Div (29 Oct-27 Dec): 1-5 Cav, 2-5 Cav, 2-12 Cav, 1-77 Art,
sance, eagle flight platoon. The task force was specially trained B/1-9 Cav, C/1-30 Art, C/3-8 Art, B/8 th Eng, 227th Avn Bn.
for extended patrolling so that it could operate independently for Intelligence: 32nd, 33rd, 66th, 88th, 95B and 101C PAVN Regi-
as long as 30 to 60 days in remote regions with air drop type ments. Execution: PAUL REVERE IV was conceived to thwart
resupply. The operation was coordinated with PAUL REVERE IV. the enemy B3 Front dry season campaign. The 3d Bde, 25th Inf
14 Oct. The enemy attacks the 30th ARVN Ranger Bn during Div started first, searching for the enemy west of the New Plei
RVNAF search and destroy operation in Gia Dinh Province (6 Djereng CIDG camp. On 22 Oct, the 2d Bde, 4th Inf Div arrived
enemy killed, 13 detained, 1 US KIA, 4 US WIA, 41 ARVN KIA, at New Plei Djereng airfield (LZ 3 TANGO) where a major logistic
29 ARVN WIA, 30 ARVN MIA). base was being built and sent forces to the southwest of the 3d
14 Oct.-11 Nov. Operation: 13-66 Bde. Small contacts with the enemy were frequent, in the first
Location: Quang Tri Province. Type: reconnaissance. Con- twelve days of the operation, 138 enemy were killed at the cost
trolling headquarters: 5th SFGA. Task Organization: Det B- of 22 US KIA and 114 US WIA. At this point, MG Collins, CG, 4 th
52 Project DELTA, 91st Abn Rgr Bn. Execution: reconnaissance Inf Div decided to cross the Se San, drive to the Nam Sathay
from FOB Khe Sanh in support of Operation PRAIRIE. and pivot his brigades north and launch into the Plei Trap along
16 Oct. An estimated reinforced enemy Bn attacks a district HQ parallel axis of advances. To prevent a possible enemy assault at
in Binh Thuan Province (17 enemy killed, 30 ARVN KIA, 12 Duc Co in his rear, the 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div was committed to the
ARVN WIA). operation, deploying to LZ OASIS on the 30th. The advance in
16 Oct. The enemy attacks an RF company in Quang Tri line began on 5 Nov, the way along jungle trails paved with artil-
Province (6 enemy killed, 5 ARVN KIA, 20 ARVN WIA, 5 ARVN lery and air strikes, and with Task Force PRONG screening the
MIA). Cambodian border to the west27. The enemy was quick to react,
16 Oct. The enemy attacks two outposts and village in Kien Hoa defending Base Area 702 located just across the Nam Sathay in
Province (6 enemy killed, 6 ARVN KIA, 17 ARVN WIA , 5 ARVN Cambodia. The 88th PAVN Regiment ambushed TF PRONG on 10
MIA). Nov and routed it. On 11 Nov, the 2d Bde stopped its advance
16 Oct. Operation: CUU LONG/22/KT north and moved in strength across the Nam Sathay to rescue
Location: Dinh Tuong Province. Type: search and destroy. the survivors of TF PRONG, with 1-12 Inf air-assaulting into a
Controlling headquarters: 7th ARVN Div. Results: 14 enemy hot LZ to establish FSB RED WARRIOR. The enemy attacked
killed, 17 detained. during the night of 12-13 Oct, losing 76 killed while US losses
16-26 Oct. Operation: QUEANBEYAN were 5 KIA and 41 WIA. On 15 Nov, the 33rd PAVN Regiment
Location: Nui Thi Vai, Nui Toc Tien, AO GOLD, Phuoc Tuy ambushed 2-8 Inf north of FSB RED WARRIOR, 165 enemy were
Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar- killed at the cost of 19 US KIA and 53 US WIA. On 20 Nov, both
ters: 1ATF. Task organization: 5RAR, D/6RAR, 1 APC Sqn brigades were ordered out of the Plei Trap. On 21 Nov, a com-
(one trp), 103 Fld Bty, A/2-35 Art. Intelligence: 274th PLAF pany of 1-5 Cav operating southwest of Duc Co near the border
Regiment. Execution: QUEANBEYAN was mounted as a follow was ambushed by a battalion from the 101C PAVN Regiment.
up to Operation CANBERRA in the Nui Thi Vai Hills area south-
27 See Operation BLACKJACK 21.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
One platoon was completely overrun and 32 Americans were 21 Oct. The enemy simultaneously attacks Kien Thien District
killed, many of whom had been captured and executed before Town in Chuong Thien Province and three nearby outposts (10
artillery, ARA and air strikes had dispersed the enemy, killing ARVN KIA, 20 ARVN WIA, 23 ARVN MIA, 2 civilians killed).
165. From 20-30 Nov, the Plei Trap was saturated with B-52 21 Oct. The enemy detonates a claymore mine in marketplace
strikes before both brigades resumed their push north. On 9 in Vinh Binh Province (4 ARVN KIA, 15 ARVN WIA 5 civilians
Dec, the 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div was airlifted to Kontum and killed and 33 wounded).
launched into the northern Plei Trap28. On 10 Dec, PAUL REVERE 21 Oct. The enemy attacks an ARVN Ranger Bn 10 km northw-
IV was upgraded to corps-size operation and passed under con- est of Quang Ngai City (20 enemy killed, 13 ARVN KIA, 10 ARVN
trol of I FFORCEV with four brigades, but the NVA had vanished WIA, 5 ARVN MIA).
and the operation ended on 30 Dec. Results: 1,062 enemy 21 Oct. The enemy attacks a PF outpost in Bac Lieu Province
killed, 56 detained, 170 US KIA, 610 US WIA. (15 ARVN KIA, 10 ARVN WIA, 19 civilians killed).
18 Oct.66-1 Feb.67 Operation: DUCK 21-23 Oct. Operation: MADISON
Location: Vung Tau, Saigon, Bearcat, Route 15, Phuoc Tuy, Bien Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy.
Hoa and Gia Dinh Provinces. Type: deployment. Controlling Controlling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization:
headquarters: II FFORCEV. Task organization: 9th Inf Div; 3/1 Marines.
11th ACR; 1ATF (14-23 Dec, 27 Dec-5 Jan): 6RAR, 5RAR (one 21 Oct.-5 Nov. Operation: ALLENTOWN
Co), 1 APC Sqn (one Trp), 101 Fld Bty, 1-83 Art; 18th MP Bde Location: Lai Thieu, Di An, Bien Hoa and Binh Duong Provinces.
Execution: the purpose of this operation was to support the Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde,
deployment of the 9th Inf Div in country with the 1st Inf Div as 1st Inf Div.
the sponsoring unit to its base camp at Bear Cat. Personnel 23 Oct. BG Donovan F. Smith, USAF, replaces BG Albert W.
debarked at Vung Tau and were transported by vehicles to the Schinz, USAF, as Chief, Air Force Advisory Group, Tan Son Nhut
Bearcat base camp. Cargo, wheel and track vehicles were off- AB.
loaded at Saigon and convoyed to Bearcat. 24 Oct. US, RVN, ROK, Australian, New Zealand, Philippine and
19-28 Oct. Operation: BACON Thai Chiefs of State meet in Manila for two-day summit
Location: Truoi Bridge, Thua Thien Province. Type: search and conference on war.
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines. Task organ- 24 Oct. VN civilian bus hits mine in I Corps (15 killed and 19
ization: 2/26 Marines. Execution: operation conducted south wounded).
of Truoi Bridge in the Truoi Valley. 24 Oct. ARVN elements discovers VC POW camp containing 13
20 Oct. MACV accepts as confirmed the presence in RVN of the military and 5 civilian prisoners in Vinh Binh Province.
5th PAVN Division, bring in-country confirmed total to 7 enemy 25 Oct.-28 Nov. Operation: BREMERTON
divisions. Location: Long Tau Shipping Channel, Rung Sat Special Zone.
20 Oct. The enemy ambushes VN combat youths and PF near Type: search and destroy, saturation patrolling. Controlling
Soc Trang in Ba Xuyen Province (8 ARVN KIA, 15 ARVN WIA, 7 headquarters: 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div. Task organization: 3-22
civilians killed). Inf. Execution: 3-22 Inf replaced 1-18 Inf and continued opera-
20-25 Oct. Operation: KERN tions in the Rung Sat to protect the shipping channel to Saigon.
Location: Ap Ba, Khe Le (Antenna) Valley, Quang Nam 25 Oct. 66-12 Feb. 67 Operation: THAYER II
Province. Type: reconnaissance-in-force, search and destroy. Location: Bong Son, Kim Son Valley, Suoi Ca Valley, 506 Valley,
Controlling headquarters: 9th Marines. Intelligence: 3rd Vinh Thanh Valley, An Lao Valley, The Crescent, Nui Mieu, Cay
PAVN Regiment. Task organization: G/2/3 Marines, I/3/9 Mar- Giep, Dam Tra O Lake, LZ HAMMOND, LZ UPLIFT, LZ TWO BITS,
ines, E/2/1 marines (from 23 Oct), F/2/12 Marines; 51st ARVN LZ ENGLISH, LZ CRYSTAL, LZ BIRD, LZ PONY, Binh Dinh
Regiment (elts). Execution: Operation took place in Antenna Province. Type: search and destroy. Controlling headquar-
Valley southeast of An Hoa. From 22-25 Oct, heavy contact was ters: 1st Cav Div. Task organization: 3d Bde, 1st Cav Div (25
made with an estimated enemy battalion near Ap Ba. Results: Oct-15 Dec): 2-8 Cav, 1-7 Cav, 5/7 Cav, C/1-5 Cav, 1-21 Art (-),
148 enemy killed, 8 US KIA. 2-17 Art, C/6-16 Art, C/2-19 Art, C/8th Eng Bn; 1st Bde, 1st Cav
20-31 Oct. Operation: BETHLEHEM Div (15 Dec 66-12 Feb 67): 1-8 Cav, 1-12 Cav, 5-7 Cav, 2-19
Location: Phu Cuong, Binh Duong Province. Type: search and Art (-), D/2-17 Art, C/1-21 Art, A,3/18 Art, C/8th Eng; 2d Bde,
destroy. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task 1st Cav Div (27 Dec 66-12 Feb 67): 1-5 Cav (-), 2-5 Cav, 1-7
organization: 1-18 Inf. Execution: brief description, when Cav (-), 2-12 Cav, 1-77 Art (-), B/1-8 Art, A/1-21 Art, C/1-30
available. Results: operation conducted southwest of Phu Art, B/8th Eng Bn; 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div (3 Jan-12 Feb): 1-14 Inf,
Cuong (It phased into ALLENTOWN for 25-26 October and, 1-35 Inf, 2-9 Art (-), C/3-4 Cav; Div Arty: 2-20 Art (-), 7-13 Art
finally, into LAM SON II for 27-31 October 1966). (-), 3-18 Art (-), E/82 Art; Div Troops: 1-9 Cav, 8th Eng Bn (-).
20 Oct.-8 Dec. Operation: ATLANTA Intelligence: 2nd PLAF Regiment, 18th and 22nd PAVN Regi-
Location: Bien Hoa, Xuan Loc, Long Giao, Blackhorse, Ong Que ments. Execution: THAYER II was a continuation of the Binh
Plantation, Route 2, Bien Hoa and Long Khanh Province. Type: Dinh Pacification Campaign, targeting enemy regiments south of
road clearing, security. Controlling headquarters: 11th ACR. the Lai Giang in the Kim Son and Suoi Ca Valleys. It later expan-
Task organization: 1/11 ACR, 2/11 ACR, 3/11 ACR. Intelli- ded to cover all operations in northwestern Binh Dinh. Forces
gence: 5th PLAF Division. Execution: The operation secured committed in the THAYER II AO ranged from a brigade with two
Route 1 from Bien Hoa to Xuan and Route 2 from Xuan Loc to maneuver battalions to three brigades with a total of eight man-
Long Giao. and provided security for engineer work parties euver battalions. The northeastern monsoon hampered the first
building the permanent base camp of the regiment at Long Giao days of the operation with morning fog, rain and high winds. On
(Blackhorse) south of Xuan Loc in the Ong Que Rubber Planta- 1 Nov, elements of 1-9 Cav and 5/7 Cav made contact with the
tion. On 21 Nov, elements of the 274th PLAF Regiment were 93rd Bn, 2nd PLAF Regiment near the Dam Tra O Lake, killing 35.
engaged near Xuan Loc on Route 1, 28 enemy were killed and 1 The same units made contact again on 7 Nov with an estimated
detained. This was the first confirmed contact with the 5th PLAF company on the northern flank of the Cay Giep, killing 34. On 8
Division since the Battle of Long Tan on 18 Aug. On 2 Dec, the Dec, the 3d Bde helped the South Vietnamese with an area
enemy ambushes a recon platoon of 11th ACR in Long Khanh denial operation in the Kim Son, displacing 1,100 civilians29. On
Province, but breaks contact in face of reaction force, artillery 15 Dec, the 1st Bde replaced the 3d in the THAYER II AO. Two
and air support, leaving 94 of his dead behind. US casualties are days later, C/1-8 Cav reinforced with elements from 1-9 Cav
1 KIA and 22 WIA. Results: 131 enemy killed, 51 detained, 8 made heavy contact in the 506 Valley with an estimated enemy
US KIA, 41 US WIA. battalion, killing 95. On 27 Dec, LZ BIRD located in the Kim Son
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Valley, and occupied by C/1-12 Cav, B/2-19 art and C/6-16 Art Sqn, 1/43 ARVN Bn. Intelligence: D445 PLAF Bn, C20 PLAF Co.
was overrun by the 8th and 9th Bns, 22nd PAVN Regiment. 27 Execution: 5RAR and 6RAR placed a cordon around the village
Americans were killed and 67 wounded. Over 200 enemy KIA of Hoa Dong 16 km west-northwest of Nui Dat while ARVN
were reported in the position and in the area around the LZ the forces and VN National Police searched for VC suspects. Res-
following two days. The 2d Bde arrived that same day to join the ults: 38 enemy detained, no friendly casualties.
general pursuit until the New Year's truce. On 3 Jan, the 3d Bde, 30 Oct.-4 Dec. Operation: GERONIMO
25th Inf Div (minus 2-35 Inf) arrived from the Highlands and Location: Tuy Hoa, Cung Son, Dong Tre, Song Da Rang, The
THAYER II expanded to division-size with a realignment of AOs: Hub, Route 1; Route 7B, Phu Yen Province. Type: search and
the 1st Bde covered the central and southern Kim Son, the 2d destroy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div.
Bde covered the northern Kim Son, Crescent area30, Nui Mieu Task organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, 2-320 Art,
and Cay Giep Mountains while then 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div operated A/2-17 Cav; A/326th Eng Bn; 28th ROK Regiment (elts), 47th
in the Vinh Thanh and Suoi Ca Valleys. On 19 Jan 1-14 Inf dis- ARVN Regiment (elts). Intelligence: 5th PAVN Division: 18B and
covered a huge tunnel and cavern complex in the mountains 95th PAVN Regiments. Execution: The brigade mounted GERON-
between the Suoi Ca and Vinh Thanh Valleys believed to be the IMO to destroy the already understrength 5th PAVN Division in
VC Provincial Headquarters. On 27 Jan, 2-12 Cav made heavy the interior of Phu Yen. The operation searched south of the
contact with the 8th Bn, 22nd Regiment while conducting a RIF Song Da Rang first where intelligence placed the 18B Regiment
northeast of Bong Son. Other elements from the 2d Bde, as well in a jungle base about 50 km southwest of Tuy Hoa. The 47th
as elements from the 40th ARVN Regiment and a VNMC Task ARVN Regiment established blocking positions along Route 7B
Force reinforced, killing 72 of the enemy and capturing 11. In while the 28th ROK Regiment did the same along Route 1 to the
early Feb, the 3d Bde, 25th Inf Div participated in another area east. 1-327 Inf and 2-327 Inf were then combat-assaulted into
denial operation, removing 2,600 civilians from the Suoi Ca Val- the area to the west and pushed toward the coast but turned up
ley. From 5-8 Feb, the 2d Bde conducted sub operation MINIT- almost nothing, finding evidence that the 18B had moved out a
MAID, a 7-company raid in the An Lao Valley, killing only 8 and month earlier. Phase II began on 6 Nov, searching for the 95th
capturing 13. During the night of 6-7 Feb, the enemy mortared PAVN Regiment in the mountainous area called The Hub northw-
LZ ENGLISH, destroying 5 helicopters and killing or wounding 52 est of Tuy Hoa. Staging at Dong Tre, all three battalions air-
soldiers. Results: 1,757 enemy killed, 184 US KIA, 747 US assaulted into the Base Area while the 47th ARVN Regiment
WIA, 2 US MIA. maintained its block, this time north of the Da Rang and the 1st
25 Oct. 66-2 Apr. 67 Operation: ADAMS Bde, 4th Inf Div on Operation ADAMS acted as the anvil between
Location: Tuy Hoa, Tuy An, Vung Ro Bay, Phu Yen Province. Route 1 and The Hub. On 10 Nov, part of the 5 th Bn, 95th PAVN
Type: search and destroy, rice denial. Controlling headquar- Regiment was trapped and annihilated. Electronic intelligence
ters: 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div. Task organization: 1-8 Inf, 3-8 Inf, indicated on 24 Nov that the rest of the regiment had fled west,
3-12 Inf, 6-29 Art, A/5-16 Art, A/1-10 Cav, A/4th Eng Bn . but adverse weather and flying conditions prevented a pursuit
Intelligence: 5th PAVN Division. Execution: The brigade con- and the operation ended. Results: 150 enemy killed, 76
ducted rice denial operations along the coast in an area fifty detained, 16 US KIA, 78 US WIA.
kilometers from the Vung Ro Bay to Tuy An and twenty kilomet- 30-31 Oct. Operation: TRAVIS
ers inland. Contacts during January had become so infrequent Location: An Khe, LZ OASIS, Binh Ding and Pleiku Province.
that the brigade and two battalions deployed to the Central Type: movement. Controlling headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Cav
Highlands, leaving only Task Force IVY behind. On 8 Mar, the Div. Task organization: 1-5 Cav, 2-5 Cav, 2-12 Cav, 1-77 Art,
CRID and WHRID entered the ADAMS AO in Operation OH JAC B/1-9 Cav, C/1-30 Art, C/3-8 Art, B/8th Eng. Execution: TRAVIS
KYO, assuming responsibility for Phu Yen Province, and TF IVY was the emergency airlift of 2d Bde, 1st Cav Div, from An Khe to
was disbanded on 2 Apr, ending the operation. Results: 491 LZ OASIS in support Operation PAUL REVERE IV.
enemy killed, 46 US KIA, 491 US WIA. 31 Oct. CAPT Tran Van Chin designated Commander-in-Chief,
26 Oct. Fire aboard USS ORISKANY in Tonkin Gulf kills 43 US, VNN.
injures 16.
26 Oct. Phan Khac Suu elected Speaker of the GVN Constituent Arrival:
Assembly. 1 Oct. HQ 54th Art Grp
26 Oct. President Johnson visits Cam Ranh Bay. HQ 5th Trans Command
27 Oct. Au Truong Thanh resigns as GVN Minister of Economy, HQ 124th Trans Command
replaced by Truong Tai Ton in continuing "southerner" dispute in 27th Eng C Bn
Cabinet. 73d Eng Co
27-29 Oct. Operation: SPANAWAY 552d MP Co
Location: Hau Nghia Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- 532d S&S Bn
trolling headquarters: 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div. Task organiza- 57th Trans Bn
tion: 2-12 Inf. 610th Trans Co
28 Oct. The enemy attacks USARV ammunition dump In Bien HMM-165
Hoa Province with mortar fire and satchel charges (2 US KIA, 9 VMA-211
US WIA; 13,000 artillery rounds, 3,700 propellants destroyed). 4 Oct. HQ 125th Trans Command
29 Oct.-24 Dec. Operation: PAWNEE III HQ 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div
Location: Route 1, Turkey Bridge, Phu Loc District, Thua Thien 1-10 Cav
Province. Type: search and destroy, road security. Controlling 1-8 Inf
headquarters: 4th Marines. Task organization: 2/26 Marines 3-8 Inf
Marines. Execution: operation conducted to keep Route 1 3-12 Inf
opened from Phu Bai to Da Nang. 6-29 Art
30 Oct. VN National Police in Saigon capture VC demolition 5-16 Art
team and cache of 1,746 blocks of TNT and 10 weapons. 45th Surgical Hosp
30-31 Oct. Operation: BUNDABERG 184th MI Co
Location: Hoa Long, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: cordon and 5 Oct. 87th Trans Co
search, county fair. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task 297th Trans Co
organization: 5RAR, 6RAR, 1 APC Sqn, TF Artillery, 3 SASR 6 Oct. 402d Trans Co
8 Oct. 52d Signal Bn
30 Located between 506 Valley and Route 1. 9 Oct. HQ 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
12 Nov. The New York Times reports that up to 40 percent of all inate enemy influence in the brigade's TAOR. Results: 28
economic or military aid to the Saigon government fails to reach enemy killed, 26 detained.
its destination due to theft, corruption, black marketing and 24 Nov. The enemy kidnaps 109 civilians and burn 15 houses in
waste. Dinh Cu New Life hamlet in Vinh Binh Province.
12 Nov. An estimated 25 enemy sappers infiltrate a US Marines 24 Nov. The enemy ambushes a US convoy carrying civilian
defensive position in Thua Thien Province and attack with small construction workers 10 km southeast of Dalat (1 US KIA, 1 US
arms, grenades and satchel charges (3 enemy killed, 14 US KIA, civilian killed, 7 foreign nationals killed, 11 wounded, 3 trucks
28 US WIA, 1 ARVN KIA, 4 ARVN WIA, 1 ARVN MIA). destroyed, 5 trucks damaged).
12 Nov. The enemy overruns a PF outpost near Tay Ninh City (8 24 Nov.-2 Dec. Operation: WACO
ARVN KIA. 18 ARVN WIA, 19 ARVN MIA). Location: Xuan Loc, May Tao Secret Zone, Bien Hoa and Long
14 Nov. The enemy attacks a CIDG unit 20 km east of Moc Hoa Khanh Provinces. Type: search and destroy. Controlling
in Kien Tuong Province (86 enemy killed, 2 US KIA, 4 US WIA, 8 headquarters: 173d Abn Bde. Task organization: Task Force
ARVN KIA, 17 ARVN WIA , 1 ARVN MIA). SUTTON: 1-503 Inf, D/16 Arm, E/17 Cav, C/3-319 Art; 33rd
14 Nov. The enemy attacks the Cau Don PF outpost in Long An ARVN Ranger Bn. Intelligence: D800 PLAF Bn. Execution:
Province (9 ARVN KIA, 12 ARVN WIA, 10 ARVN MIA; 9 VN KIA). while the brigade resumed responsibility for the Bien Hoa TAOR,
14 Nov. An estimated 2 enemy companies attack an RF outpost it conducted a search and destroy mission in the May Tao Secret
in Tay Ninh Province (15 ARVN KIA, 13 ARVN WIA, 3 ARVN MIA, Zone in Long Khanh Province, with minimal contact.
16 VN KIA, 5 VN WIA, 1 VN MIA). ARVN reaction force 25 Nov.-9 Dec. Operation: BISMARCK
approaching outpost strikes mine (14 ARVN KIA, 9 ARVN WIA). Location: Di An, Phuoc Vinh, Bien Hoa and Binh Duong
15 Nov. GVN commences armed convoys for all international Provinces. Type: road security. Controlling headquarters: 1st
shipping into and from Cambodia on RVN portions of Bde, 1st Inf Div.
Mekong/Bassac Rivers. 25 Nov.66-8 Apr.67 Operation: FITCHBURG
15 Nov. Tuy Hoa airbase activated. Location: Tay Ninh West, Trai Bi, Route 26, Nui Ba Den, Rock
16 Nov.66-12 Jan.67 Operation: DAN TAM 81 Crusher site, Tay Ninh Province. Type: search and destroy,
Location: Gia Ray, Vo Dat, Vo Xu, Song La Nga, Long Khanh security. Controlling headquarters: 196th LIB. Task organiz-
and Binh Tuy Provinces. Type: search and destroy, road secur- ation: 2-1 Inf, 3-21 Inf, 4-31 Inf, 2-34 Arm (-) (2-22 Dec), 3-
ity, rice harvest protection. Controlling headquarters: 11th 82 Art, B/2-13 Art. Execution: Operation FITCHBURG was a
ACR, 10th ARVN Div. Task organization: 1/11 ACR, B/7-9 Art, search and destroy operation in Tay Ninh Province executed in
1/43 and 2/43 ARVN Bns, Task Force 52. Execution: the opera- 25 phases coupled with a security mission for the Tay Ninh West
tion protected the rice harvest in the La Nga Valley between Vo base camp. Results: 55 enemy killed, 148 detained, 22 US KIA,
Dat and Vo Xu. 99 US WIA.
18 Nov. Premier Ky announces cabinet changes involving cre- 27 Nov.-23 Dec. Operation: CHARLESTON
ation of new Cultural Affairs Ministry under Deputy Premier Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling
Nguyen Luu Vien, splitting of Economy Ministry into Ministries of headquarters: 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Task organization: 2-18
Commerce and Industry, and replacement of Secretaries of Inf.
State for Education, Social Welfare and Youth. 29 Nov. The enemy ambushes an ARVN/RF convoy in Tuyen
18 Nov. Enemy sappers attack USARV Long Binh ammunition Duc Province (24 ARVN KIA, 27 ARVN WIA).
dump in Bien Hoa Province with satchel charges (1,265 105mm 29 Nov.-5 Dec. Operation: HEALDSBURG
artillery rounds destroyed). Location: III CTZ (?). Type: search and destroy. Controlling
18 Nov. The enemy attacks the 51st ARVN Ranger Bn in Long headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Results: 113 enemy killed.
An Province (10 enemy killed, 14 ARVN KIA, 9 ARVN WIA, 2 29 Nov.-17 Dec. Operation: MISSISSIPPI
ARVN MIA). Location: An Hoa, Antenna Valley, Quang Nam Province. Type:
18 Nov.-3 Dec. Operation: INGHAM search and destroy, area denial. Controlling headquarters: 9th
Location: Duc Thanh, Dat Do, Long Tan, Xuyen Moc, Song Rai, Marines. Task organization: 2/9 Marines; 2/12 Marines. Exe-
LZ KANGAROO. Type: search and destroy. Controlling cution: the operation removed 2,300 civilians from the Khe Le
headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization: 6RAR, 5RAR (Two (Antenna) valley.
Cos), 1 APC Sqn, 101 Fld Bty, 161 Bty RNZA, , A/2-35 Art. 30 Nov. Allies declare 48-hour cease-fire over Christmas and
Intelligence: D445 PLAF Bn. Execution: the operation was New Year, four-day cease-fire over TET (8-12 February),
aimed at the D445 Bn in an AO extending between Long Tan and following communist declaration of Christmas and New Year
Xuyen Moc. It produced minimal contact. Results: 10 enemy cease fires.
killed, 19 detained, 2 AUS KIA, 21 AUS WIA. 30 Nov. US planes scattered record high of more than 272
19 Nov. Enemy releases 59 VN POWs captured at A Shau in million psyops leaflets over NVN and SVN, exceeding any
March. previous month's total.
19 Nov. IV Corps Commander LTG Dang Quang, named to 30 Nov.-6 Dec. Operation: SUTTER
newly created post of Minister of Planning and Development; Location: Quang Tin Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
replaced by 23rd ARVN Div Commander BG Nguyen Van Manh. trolling headquarters: 5th Marines. Task organization: 1/5
20-27 Nov. Operation: RIO BLANCO/LIEN KET 70 Marines.
Location: Binh Son District, Quang Ngai Province. Type: search 30 Nov. 66-15 Dec.67 Operation: FAIRFAX/RANG DONG
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines, 2d ROK Location: Nha Be, Thu Duc and Binh Chanh Districts, Gia Dinh
Mar Bde, 2nd ARVN Div. Task organization: 1/7 Marines; 2d Province. Type: pacification. Controlling headquarters: II
ROK Mar Bde (elts); 2nd ARVN Div (elts). Results: 123 enemy FFORCEV, CMD. Task organization: 1st Inf Div (30 Nov 66-31
killed, 30 detained. Friendly casualties are 3 KIA and 33 WIA. Jan 67): 2-16 Inf; 4th Inf Div (30 Nov 66-31 Jan 67): 3-22 Inf;
20 Nov.66-14 May 67. Operation: FORT NISQUALLY 25th Inf Div (30 Nov 66-31 Jan 67): 4-9 Inf; CMD (30 Nov 66-31
Location: Bearcat, Dau Tieng, Bien Hoa and Binh Duong Jan 67): 3rd and 5th ARVN Abn Bns, 30th Ranger Bn; 199th LIB
Provinces. Type: deployment. Controlling headquarters: II (31 Jan-15 Dec.): 2-3 Inf, 3-7 Inf, 4-12 Inf, 2-40 Art; 5th ARVN
FFORCEV (20 Nov-22 Dec), 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div (from 23 Dec). Ranger Group (31 Jan.-15 Dec): 30th, 33rd and 38th ARVN Ranger
Task organization: 2-12 Inf, 2-22 Inf (M), 3-22 Inf, 2-77 Art. Bns. Intelligence: Military Region 4, 165A PLAF Regiment.
Execution: the purpose of this operation was to support the Execution: Operation FAIRFAX was conceived as a joint clearing
deployment of the 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div from Bearcat to its new and pacification mission in the districts surrounding Saigon. It
base camp at Dau Tieng with the 25 th Inf Div as the sponsoring paired an American and South Vietnamese battalions in the
unit and subsequent actions to secure the base camp and elim- three most troublesome districts of Binh Chanh, Nha Be and
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Thus Duc, south and west of the Capital. Originally the pairing 1-2 Dec. Operation: DANGLESNIFF
was 2-16 Inf and 30th Ranger in Thu Duc, 3-22 Inf and 5 th Abn Location: Nui Thi Vai, Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: reconnais-
Bn in Nha Be and 4-9 Inf and 3rd Abn Bn in Binh Chanh. On 31 sance. Controlling headquarters: 1ATF. Task organization:
Jan the awkward arrangement ended and the 199th LIB and 5th 3 SASR Sqn. Execution: two-man SASR teams were inserted
ARVN Ranger Group became responsible for the operation with a individually into eight separate locations in the mountains of Nui
joint CP at Cat Lai and the following organization: 4-12 Inf and Thi Vai area to test the effectiveness of CS crystals laid on a
30th Ranger in Thu Duc, 2-3 Inf and 38th Ranger in Nha Be and previous operation by 5RAR.
3-7 Inf and 33rd Ranger in Binh Chanh. On 24 Sep the buddy 1 Dec. 66-14 May 67 Operation: ALA MOANA
practice was discontinued with US and ARVN units operating Location: Cu Chi, Duc Hue, Duc Hoa, Trang Bang, Phu Hoa
independently in separate sectors. The 199th LIB was gradually Dong, Ho Bo Woods, Boi Loi Woods, Filhol Plantation, Hau Nghia,
withdrawn from the FAIRFAX AO and the 5th Ranger Group Tay Ninh and Binh Duong Provinces. Type: search and destroy ,
assumed responsibility alone. Results (end of 1966): 149 reconnaissance-in-force, saturation patrolling. Controlling
enemy killed, 40 detained, 11 US KIA, 67 US WIA, 23 ARVN headquarters: 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 2d Bde: (1
KIA, 58 ARVN WIA, 1 ARVN MIA. Dec 66-22 Feb 67): 1-5 Inf (M), 1-27 Inf, 2-27 Inf, 3-4 Cav (-),
1-8 Art; 1st Bde (22 Feb-14 May): 4-9 Inf, 2-14 Inf, 4-23 Inf
Arrival: (M), 7-11 Art. Execution: The brigade conducted operations in
1 Nov. 643d Eng Co Hau Nghia, Tay Ninh, and Binh Duong Provinces to locate and
33d Ord Co destroy VC forces, supplies and base camps and to interdict VC
47th Trans Co harvest, movement, and storage of rice. On 7 Dec the 2d Bde
HMM-163 established its CP in the field and assumed the additional mis-
VMA(AW)-242 sion of screening the rice producing areas adjacent to the Ho Bo
MASS-3 – Boi Loi Woods complex. Numerous caches were located. After
2 Nov. 588th Trans Co 17 Dec. the Bde CP returned to Cu Chi and emphasis was shifted
3 Nov. 35th Eng C Bn to the Duc Hue and Duc Hoa districts. Operations included
7 Nov. 1-44 Art search and destroy operation, reconnaissance-in-force, and sat-
560th Supply Co uration patrolling throughout the AO. From 8 Jan until 26 Jan,
561st Supply Co the 2d Bde conducted operations along the Saigon River in con-
8 Nov. 559th Supply Co junction with Operation CEDAR FALLS. In Feb, an additional mis-
1st Arm Amph Co sion was undertaken to clear the road from Cu Chi to Phu Hoa
10 Nov. 180th Avn Co Dong and clear the surrounding wooded area. On 22 Feb, the 1st
336th Avn Co Bde assumed control of the operation as the 2d Bde joined
15 Nov. 71st SMEH Operation JUNCTION CITY. In March, 4-9 Inf, assisted by the 4-
VMF(AW)-232 23 Inf (M) continued local security operations vicinity the Divi-
18 Nov. HQ 149th MI Grp sion's base camp, in the Filhol Plantation and vicinity Trang
34th Inf Plt (Scout Dog) Bang. On 16 Mar, they were relieved by 2-14 Inf. Throughout
278th S&S Bn the month there were no significant contacts and the operation
19 Nov. HQ 593d General Support Grp ended on 14 May. Results: 381 enemy killed, 25 detained.
188th Maint Bn 2 Dec. Eight US aircraft downed over NVN with 13 fliers dead or
60th Ord Co captured, both one-day records for war to date.
512th QM Co 2 Dec. An estimated enemy company ambushes an RF company
446th Trans Co in Long An Province (1 enemy killed, 17 ARVN KIA , 6 ARVN
572d Trans Co WIA, 2 ARVN MIA).
19th PsyOp Co 2 Dec. French merchant ship SINDH receives 10 rounds of VC
23 Nov. 86th Maint Bn 75mm RR fire on Long Tau Fiver 23 km southeast of Saigon,
1st Med Co reaches Saigon with superstructure considerably damaged (2
514th QM Co civilians WIA).
26 Nov. D/52 Inf 4 Dec. The 6th Bn, 165A PLAF Regiment, attacks Tan Son Nhut
27 Nov. HQ 45th General Support Grp airbase with small arms and approximately 40 rounds of mortar
28 Nov. 36th Signal Bn fire. 30 enemy penetrate the perimeter and engage USAF
7th Support Bn defenders provided close air support by USA aircraft (31 enemy
239th QM Co killed, 4 detained, 3 US KIA, 30 US WIA, 2 VN WIA, 18 aircraft
29 Nov. HQ 15th Support Bde damaged).
D/51 Inf 4 Dec. Enemy satchel charge explodes at PSYOPS billet in
C/54 Inf USAID compound in Saigon (11 US WIA).
D/58 Inf 4 Dec. US Navy Swift boat detains and tows to Nha Trang 80-
C/87 Inf foot junk carrying 36 males and 7 children identified as Com-
5-2 Art munist Chinese nationals from Tanh Siem, Hainan Island.
D/71 Art 4-5 Dec. Operation: ALEXANDRIA
30 Nov. HQ 54th General Support Grp Location: Ap Hien Can My, Duc Thanh, Xuan Loc, Long Khanh
HQ 1st Fld Art Grp and Phuoc Tuy Province. Type: cordon and search. Controlling
11th Eng Bn headquarters: 11th ACR. Task organization: 3/11 ACR, 43rd
Departure: ARVN Regiment (elts). Results: 4 enemy killed, 2 US KIA, 10
1 Nov. HMM-364 US WIA.
VMA-224 5-12 Dec. Operation: CORTEZ
5 Nov. 2/4 Marines Location: Tien Phuoc, Quang Tin Province. Type: search and
15 Nov. VMF(AW)-235 destroy. Controlling headquarters: 5th Marines. Task organ-
ization: 3/5 Marines, 1st Recon Bn (-). Execution: 3/5 Marines
exploited an arc light strike 5 km northeast of Tien Phuoc but
DECEMBER had no significant contact. Results: 1 enemy killed, 1 detained,
1 Dec. US military strength in RVN reaches 361,000. 5-20 Dec. Operation: CANARY
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Location: Vung Tau, Saigon, Long Binh, Route 15, Phuoc Tuy, Location: Buon Mi Ga, Buon Ea Yang, Darlac Province. Type:
Bien Hoa and Gia Dinh Provinces. Type: deployment. Con- mobile guerrilla. Controlling headquarters: II CTZ MIKE
trolling headquarters: II FFORCEV. Task organization: 199th Force. Task organization: A-219 MSF. Execution: This was
LIB; 11th ACR; 1ATF (4-14 Dec); 18th MP Bde Execution: the the second mobile guerrilla operation, conducted between Buon
purpose of this operation was to support the deployment of the Mi Ga and Buon Ea Yang in Darlac Province.
199th LIB in country with the 1st Inf Div as the sponsoring unit to 11 Dec. The enemy attacks the 25th ARVN Div base camp 17 km
its base camp at Long Binh (Ho Nai). Personnel debarked at southwest of Cu Chi in Hau Nghia Province with automatic
Vung Tau and were transported by vehicles to the Long Binh (Ho weapon and mortar fire (7 ARVN KIA, 14 ARVN WIA, 14 ARVN
Nai) base camp. Cargo, wheel and track vehicles were off-loaded MIA, 7 VN WIA).
at Saigon and convoyed to Long Binh (Ho Nai). 11 Dec. The enemy ambushes a platoon of 1-16 Inf 5 km north
6-11 Dec. Operation: TRINIDAD I&II of Phu Khuong District Town in Tay Ninh Province (26 enemy
Location: Hoi An, Quang Nam Province. Type: search and des- killed, 18 US KIA, 10 US WIA).
troy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organiza- 11-16 Dec. Operation: STERLING
tion: 1/1 Marines. Execution: operation was conducted on the Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy.
coast immediately north of Hoi An with minimal contact. Controlling headquarters: 9th Marines. Task organization:
6 Dec.66-19 Jan.67 Operation: PICKETT 3/9 Marines.
Location: Kontum, Polei Kleng, Plei Mrong, Plei Trap Valley, Dak 11-18 Dec. Operation: LANIKAI III
Akoi Valley, LZ LEE, LZ MEADE, LZ HUNT, LZ SHERIDAN, LZ Location: Ben Luc, Long An Province. Type: search and des-
SHERMAN, LZ GRANT, Kontum Province. Type: search and des- troy, pacification. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf
troy. Controlling headquarters: 1st Bde, 101st Abn Div. Task Div. Task organization: 2-14 Inf, 3/50 ARVN Bn. Intelli-
organization: 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf, 2-502 Inf, 2-320 Art, B/1- gence: 506th PLAF Bn. Execution: 2-14 Inf relieved 4-23 Inf at
30 Art, A/2-17 Cav, A/326th Eng Bn, 299th Eng C Bn; 42nd ARVN Ben Luc in the LANIKAI AO and continued pacification and buddy
Regiment (one Bn on rotation). Intelligence: 24th PAVN Regi- operations in Long An Province.
ment, 304th PLAF Bn. Execution: Operation PICKETT was con- 12 Dec. The Dong Nai water supply system inaugurated; when
ducted in three phases: from 6-8 Dec the brigade moved via air completed will be able to supply 127.5 million gallons of potable
from Tuy Hoa North and Tuy Hoa South airfield to Kontum, using water daily to the 2.7 million inhabitants of the
199 C-130 sorties completed in 49 hours. Phase II, beginning 9 Saigon/Cholon/Gia Dinh area.
Dec, consisted in air-assaults by 1-327 Inf, 2-327 Inf and 3/42 12 Dec. The Soviet Union has given 100 new MiG jet fighters to
ARVN Bn into the northern portion of the Plei Trap Valley. On 13 Hanoi, doubling size of NVAF, according to news release.
Dec, 2-502 Inf was inserted into LZ SHERMAN. Contact was light 12 Dec.66-21 Jan.67 Operation: SIERRA
and the brigade was extracted on 24 Dec, patrolling the peri- Location: Mo Duc, Quang Ngai Province. Type: search and des-
meter of the Kontum airfield during the Christmas truce. On 27 troy, pacification. Controlling headquarters: 7th Marines, 2nd
Dec, Phase III kicked off with the airmobile infiltration of 1-327 ARVN Div Task organization: 2/7 Marines; 4th ARVN Regiment
Inf and 2-502 Inf into the Dak Akoi northwest of Kontum, main- (elts). Execution: 2/7 Marines returned to Mo Duc District to
taining a clandestine posture and using semi-guerrilla tactics. continue pacification operations Results: 111 enemy killed, 9
On 30 Dec, 1-327 ambushed and killed 12 NVA. On 3 Jan, 1-327 detained, 10 US KIA, 50 US WIA.
Inf returned to Kontum and was replaced by 2-327 Inf which 13 Dec. GVN Constituent Assembly approves first three articles
has just completed airborne training. The enemy avoided con- of new constitution, providing for popularly-elected President,
tact for the rest of the operation and all battalions were back at and a Prime Minister and Cabinet appointed by the President
Kontum by 19 Jan. Results: 63 enemy killed, 18 detained, 23 13 Dec. Construction begins on the New Plei Djereng CIDG
US KIA, 104 US WIA. camp in Pleiku province for Det A-251, the first "fighting camp,"
7 Dec. Influential Constituent Assembly member Tran Van Van designed to be a base for extended operations throughout the
assassinated in Saigon by man identifying himself as VC. tactical area of responsibility rather than a walled fortress in the
8 Dec. US pilots encounter highly disciplined and professional middle of hostile territory.
six-MiG formation over NVN believed by Cmdr 7th AF to have 13 Dec. Operation: DAN CHI 270B
been flown by North Koreans. Location: Chuong Thien Province. Type: search and destroy.
9 Dec. Secretary of State Dean Rusk arrives in Saigon for two- Controlling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div. Task organiza-
day visit. tion: 1/33 ARVN Bn. Execution: 64 prisoners were discovered
9 Dec. An estimated enemy Bn attacks two RF Cos conducting in a VC camp.
training exercises in Phuoc Tuy Province (2 enemy killed, 11 14 Dec. In Quang Tin Province, 5 km east Tam Ky, 3/6 ARVN Bn
ARVN KIA, 18 ARVN WIA, 179 ARVN MIA). is attacked by unknown number of enemy (35 enemy killed, 7
9-14 Dec. Operation: ROVER US WIA, 34 ARVN KIA, 39 ARVN WIA).
Location: Kim Son Valley, LZ PONY, Binh Dinh Province. Type: 14 Dec. Seven US planes downed over North Vietnam.
area denial. Controlling headquarters: 1st Cav Div Task 16-26 Dec. Operation: INITIATOR
organization: 3d Bde: 41st Civil Affairs Co Execution: As part Location: Bien Hoa Province. Type: search and destroy. Con-
of Operation THAYER II, the operation aimed at removing all trolling headquarters: 199th LIB. Task organization: 2-3 Inf,
population from the Kim Son Valley in order to make if a free 4-12 Inf, 2-40 Art. Execution: 199th LIB shakedown operation.
fire zone. Operating from LZ PONY, Civil Affairs teams processed 17-21 Dec. Operation: GLENN
1,100 refugees who were resettled vicinity Hoai An District HQ. Location: Quang Nam Province. Type: search and destroy.
10 Dec. The 199th LIB arrives in RVN, located at Long Binh (Ho Controlling headquarters: 1st Marines. Task organization:
Nai). 3/ Marines.
10 Dec. The enemy launches simultaneous attacks on the 3rd 19 Dec. Bob Hope arrives to start his annual Christmas shows.
ARVN Regiment near An Lo bridge in Thua Thien Province (6 19 Dec. Philippine Speaker Cornolio T. Villareal arrives for a
enemy killed, 1 US KIA, 4 US WIA, 23 ARVN KIA, 81 ARVN WIA, four-day visit with GVN leaders.
12 ARVN MIA). 19-21 Dec. Operation: SHASTA II
10 Dec. The enemy detonates explosives at USARV ammunition Location: Dodge City, Go Noi, Hill 55 Quang Nam Province.
dump in Long Binh, Bien Hoa Province (1 US KIA, 1.5 tons small Type: search and destroy Controlling headquarters: 1st Mar-
arms, 80 175mm propellant charges destroyed). ines Task organization: 1/1 Marines. Execution: operation
10 Dec. US aircraft, acting on erroneous information, strike executed in the Dodge City area between Go Noi Island and Hill
USMC unit in Quang Tri Province (17 US KIA, 11 US WIA). 55.
10 Dec.66-12 Jan.67 Operation: BLACKJACK 22
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
19-22 Dec. Operation: SANTA CRUZ 45,605, New Zealand: 155, Philippines: 2,063, Spain: 12,
Location: Binh Duong Province. Type: cordon and search. Thailand: 224, Total FWA: 52,622. Enemy strength at the end of
Controlling headquarters: 3d Bde, 1st Inf Div. Results: 13 1966 is reported to be 287,000; with between 45,000 and
enemy killed. 60,000 of those being NVA regulars. American losses for the
19 Dec.66-13 Feb.67 Operation: LANIKAI IV year: 5,008 KIA, 30,093 WIA. VNAF losses for the year: 9,500
Location: Ben Luc, Rach Kien, Long An Province. Type: search KIA, 10,100 WIA. PAVN/PLAF losses for the year are placed at
and destroy, bushmaster, patrolling, pacification. Controlling 61,631 killed.
headquarters: 1st Bde, 25th Inf Div. Task organization: 2-14
Inf, 1/46 ARVN Bn, 1/50 ARVN Bn, 10th ARVN Arm Cav Sqn. Arrival:
Intelligence: 506th PLAF Bn. Execution: 2-14 Inf relocated its 1 Dec. HQ US Army Eng Command, Vietnam
base camp from Ben Luc to Rach Kien and continued pacification C/52 Inf
and buddy operations in Long An Province. Emphasis was placed D/87 Inf
on small unit night operations. Effective and continuous fire sup- 94th S&S Bn
port from artillery has was provided from the fire support bases 483d Supply Co
at Ben Luc and Rach Kien. 1st Bde located its CP at Ben Luc to VMA-121
provide guidance and coordination for both Operation LANINAI 2 Dec. 610th Maint Bn
and Operation FAIRFAX. During January 2-14 Inf continued 3 Dec. Air Cav Trp, 11th ACR
operations around Rach Kien. Combined S&D (buddy) opera- 91st SMEH
tions were conducted with the 1/46 ARVN Bn, 1/50 ARVN Bn 4 Dec HMM-262
and the 3d Trp, 10th ARVN Arm Cav Sqn. Elements of the Bn 6 Dec. 490th Supply Co
opened and repaired the road from Ben Luc to Rach Kien. Bush- 2d CA Co
master and extensive night ambushes were conducted. From 8- 8 Dec. 504th TASG
13 Feb, 2-14 Inf conducted security operations vicinity Rach NMCB 62
Kien, but failed to make contact. Results (LANIKAI I, II, III, 10 Dec. HQ 199th Light Inf Bde
IV): 89 enemy killed, 11 detained. 2-3 Inf
20 Dec. The 9th Inf Div headquarters and 3d Bde arrive in RVN, 4-12 Inf
located at Bearcat. The 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div is relocated from 11 Dec. 3/26 Marines
Bearcat to Di An. 12 Dec. 2-40 Art
20 Dec. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Harold K. Johnson arrives in 87th Eng C Co
Vietnam. 500th Eng Co
20 Dec.66-16 Feb.67 Operation: CHINOOK I 13th BS
Location: Camp Evans, Co Bi, Thanh Tan, Song O Lau, Phong 13 Dec. D/17 Cav
Dien District, Thua Thien Province. Type: search and destroy 2-11 Art
Controlling headquarters: 4th Marines Task organization: 21st S&S Co
2/26 Marines, 3/26 Marines, 3/12 Marines. Intelligence: 6th 61st Maint Co
PAVN Regiment. Execution: Suspecting that elements of the 6th 98th Maint Co
PAVN Regiment again were attempting to infiltrate from their 15 Dec. 44th Signal Bn
mountain base into the coastal populated region, 3/26 Marines 58th Army Depot
was sent from Dong Ha to the Co Bi-Thanh Tan corridor. On 22 243d Supply Co
and 23 Dec, the battalion's perimeter was probed by the 802nd 16 Dec. 31st TFW
Bn, 6th PAVN Regiment. On 23 Dec, the operation was expanded 306th TFS
and 2/26 was brought in from the PAWNEE AO. On 31 Dec, Mar- 309th TFS
ines Recon patrols observed an estimated 1,000 enemy troops 9th S&T Bn
taking advantage of the terms of the stand down and moving 19 Dec. 3-34 Art
north toward the lowlands. Operation continued into the next 9th MP Co
year but with minimal contact. Results: 159 enemy killed, 13 9th Signal Bn
detained, 8 US KIA, 91 US WIA. 20 Dec. HQ 9th Inf Div
21 Dec. A new CIDG camp opens at Lang Vei for Det A-101. HQ 3d Bde, 9th Inf Div
22 Dec. About 25-50 North Korean pilots reported to be in 2-60 Inf
VPAF. 5-60 Inf (M)32
24 Dec. A CL-44 aircraft belonging to Flying Tiger Lines crashes 3-60 Inf
into a populated area 1,500 meters from Da Nang runway. 111 21 Dec. 167th Signal Co
persons were killed (107 VN, 4 US crew members). 23 Dec. 442d Trans Co
24-25 Dec. 48 hours Christmas holiday cease-fire Det, HMH-463
27 Dec. ARVN Medical Corps graduates 75 new corpsman 28 Dec. 3-7 Inf
27-30 Dec. Operation: DAN CHI 270D 29 Dec. 9th MI Co
Location: U Minh Forest, Chuong Thien Province. Type: search 11th Motor Trans Bn
and destroy. Controlling headquarters: 21st ARVN Div, ARVN VMO-3
Abn Div. Execution: operation was initiated with a parachute Departure:
jump of 1,200 ARVN paratroopers over the fringes of the U Minh 1 Dec. 574th Eng Co
Forest. Results: 124 enemy killed, 12 detained, 2 ARVN KIA, 24 VMA-223
ARVN WIA. 12 Dec. 8th BS
27-31 Dec. Operation: WIGGINS 16 Dec. 1/4 Marines
Location: Bien Hoa Province. Type: search and destroy. Con- HMM-361
trolling headquarters: 199th LIB. Task organization: 2-3 Inf.
31 Dec.66-1 Jan.67 48 hours New Year cease-fire
31 Dec. Grand total of US/FWA forces in RVN is 441,190.
MACV: 8,794, Army Units: 236,341, Marine Corps Units:
70,405, Navy Units: 19,953, Air Force Units: 52,397, Combined
Studies: 6, DEF COM AGCY: 40, SOG: 595, Total US Forces:
388,568 Australia: 4,533, Rep of China: 30, Rep of Korea:
32 Gave up is mechanized assets to 1-16 Inf in Sep 1968.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
-Combat After Action Report – Operation SMITHFIELD, Online Bookshelves: Vietnam War
Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force, December 1966.
Ground Combat Operations - Vietnam 1965 – 1972
-Combat After Action Report – Operation TOLEDO, Headquar-
ters, 173d Airborne Brigade, 15 December1966. Vietnam Operations, Major Battles
-Summary of News Events for 1966, Headquarters, MACV, Records About the Ground Combat Operations by the Army
MACOI, 14 January 1967. During the Vietnam Conflict
-The First Brigade in the Republic of Vietnam, July 1965 – Janu- Eleven-Bravo
ary 1968, 322d Military History Detachment, U.S. Army Reserve,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama. A Brief Overview of the Vietnam National Army and the Republic
of Vietnam Armed Forces (1952-1975)
-Combat Operations: Stemming the Tide, May 1965 to October
1966 by John M. Carland, Center for Military History 2000.
-Combat Operations: Taking the Offensive, October 1966 to
October 1967 by George L. MacGarrigle, Center for Military
History 1998.
-U.S. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding War, 1966 by Jack
Headquarters: Saigon
Shulimson, History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S.
Commanders: LTG Cao Van Vien
Marine Corps, Washington D.C. 1982.
-Vietnam Battle Chronology: U.S. Army and Marine Corps Com-
bat Operations, 1965-1973 by David Burns Sigler, McFarland &
Airborne Division
Company 1992.
Headquarters: Tan Son Nhut
Commander: MG Du Quoc Dong
-Where We Were in Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide to the
Composition: TF 1, 2, 3; Airborne Battalions: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th
Firebases, Military Installations and Naval Vessels of the Viet-
, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th . Artillery Battalion: 1st.
nam War, 1945-1975 by Michael P. Kelley, Hellgate Press 2002.
VNMC Brigade
-Vietnam Order of Battle: A Complete Illustrated Reference to
Headquarters: Camp Song Than, Saigon
U.S. Army Combat and Support Forces in Vietnam 1961-1973
Commander: MG Le Nguyen Khang
by Shelby L. Stanton, Stackpole Books 2003.
Composition: TF ALPHA & BRAVO; Marine Battalions: 1st; 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th, 6th 33.
-The US Army in the Vietnam War 1965-73 by Gordon L.
Rottman, Osprey Publishing 2008.
-The US Marine Corps in the Vietnam War: III Marine Amphibi-
Headquarters: Da Nang
ous Force 1965-75 by Ed Gilbert, Osprey Publishing 2006.
Commander: LTG Nguyen Chanh Thi, MG Nguyen Van Chuan
(from 14 Mar), LTG Ton That Dinh (from 9 Apr), MG Huynh Van
-Vietnam Series orders of battle, Richard A. Rinaldi, 2007.
Cao (from 15 May), LTG Hoang Xuan Lam (from 30 May).
Independent Regiment: 51st.
-Allied Participation in Vietnam by Lieutenant General Stanley R.
Ranger Battalions: 21st, 37th, 39th.
Larsen and Brigadier General James Lawton Collins, Jr., Univer-
Armored Cavalry Squadrons: 4th, 7th.
sity Press of the Pacific 2005.
Artillery Battalion: 44th.
-A Vietnam War Chronology According to Military Assistance
Command, Vietnam (MACV) by Randall M. Romine, GreatUNpub-
lished 2003.
Headquarters: Hue
-The U.S. Navy in the Vietnam War: An Illustrated History by
Commander: BG Nguyen Van Chuan, BG Phan Xuan Nhuan
Edward J. Marolda, Brassey's Inc 2002.
(from 14 Mar), MG Ngo Quang Truong (from 18 Jun).
Regiments: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 54th.
The Vietnam Archive
Headquarters: Quang Ngai
The Defense Technical Information Center Commander: MG Hoang Xuan Lam34
Regiments: 4th, 5th, 6th.
Combined Arms Research Library
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
25th INFANTRY DIVISION -Division 3/B2, AKA Division “Phước Long”. Established late
1973, consisted of Regiment 201, 205, 271A.
Headquarters: Duc Hoa
Commanders: MG Phan Trong Chinh Division 4
Regiments: 46th, 49th, 50th. -Division 4/MR9: Established Jul 1974, consisted of Regiment 2,
10, 20.
Division 5
Headquarters: Can Tho -Division 5/B2: Established 2 Sep 1965, consisted of Regiment
Commanders: MG Dang Van Quang, MG Nguyen Van Manh 4, 5. Sep 1967 received Regiment 88 (until Nov 1967). Apr
(from 23 Nov). 1968 separated Regiment 4. Jul 1968 received Regiment 33, 88.
Ranger Battalions: 32nd, 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th. Oct 1968, Regiment 174 replaced Regiment 88. Late 1969 or
Armored Cavalry Squadrons: 2nd, 6th, 9th. early 1970 separated Regiment 33. Jun 1970 separated 2 bat-
Artillery Battalion: 47th. talions of Regiment 5 and established Regiment 1 with left bat-
talion. Established Regiment 3 at the same time.
-Division 5/MR5: Established Sep 1965, consisted of Regiment
Headquarters: My Tho 10, 20. Fought in the area of Phú Yên, Khánh Hoà, Đắc Lắc
Commanders: BG Nguyen Viet Thanh 1965-1966. No more information, maybe disbanded in 1966.
Regiments: 10th, 11th, 12th.
Division 6
-Division 6/MR7. Established Nov 1974, consisted of Regiment
35 From 1 July. 4, 33.
36 To 24th STZ 1 July.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Division 316
Division 7 -Division 316, AKA Division "Bông Lau": Established in 1st
-Division 7/B2: Established on 13 Jun 1966, consisted of Regi- Indochina War, consisted of Regiment 98, 174, 176. In 1958
ment 12, 14, 16. Early 1967 separated Regiment 16, received reduced to brigade. May 1964 reorganized as full division, con-
Regiment 52/Division 320. Apr 1967 received Regiment 16 sisted of Regiment 148, 174, 673. Apr 1966 separated Regiment
replacing Regiment 52. Oct 1967 separated Regiment 16. Aug 174, 673. May 1966 established new Regiment 174(B). In 1974
1968 received Regiment 320. Nov 1968 separated Regiment received Regiment 149.
320. Late 1968 early 1969 received Regiment 209/Division 1.
Division 320
-Division 320A, AKA Division “Đồng Bằng” (Plain): Established in
Division 8 1st Indochina War, consisted of Regiment 48, 52, 64. Early 1966
-Division 8/MR8: Established 20 Oct 1974, consisted of Regi- transferred Regiment 52 to the South and established new Regi-
ment 24, 88, 320. Early 1975 received Regiment 207 replacing ment 52/Division 320A. Sep 1966 transferred Regiment 52 to B2
Regiment 88. and established new Regiment 52/Division 320A. Jan 1971
transferred Regiment 52 to B2, received Regiment 46/MR3
Division 9 which redesignated as Regiment 52/Division 320A. Jun 1972
-Division 9/B2: Established on 2 Sep 1965, consisted of Regi- transferred Regiment 52 to MR5. Early 1975 received Regiment
ment 1, 2, 3. Early 1969 separated Regiment 3, received Regi- 9/Division 968.
ment 88(A)/Division 308 which redesignated as Regiment 3B.
Oct 1969 separated Regiment 88, received Regiment 95C/Divi- -Division 320B: Established middle 1965, consisted of Regiment
sion 325B which redesignated as Regiment 3/Division 9. 48, 64, 52. In 1972 transferred Regiment 52 to Division 341 and
received Regiment 27.
Division 10
-Division 10/B3: AKA Division “Đắk Tô” (Dakto): Established on Division 324
20 Sep 1972, consisted of Regiment 28, 66, 95. May 1973 -Division 324, AKA Division “Ngự Bình”: Established Jun 1955,
received Regiment 24(B) replacing Regiment 28. consisted of Regiment 90, 93, 803. Feb 961 reduced to brigade.
May 1965 reorganized as full division 324 with Regiment 90,
Division 31 803, 812. Late 1966 disbanded. Feb 1969 reestablished with
-Division 31/MR4: Established on 11 Jul 1974, consisted of 335, Regiment 29, 803, 812 which redesignated as Regiment 1, 2, 3.
866. Fought in Laos.
Division 325
Division 304 -Division 325(A), AKA Division “Bình Trị Thiên”: Established in
-Division 304(A), AKA Division “Vinh Quang” (Glory): Estab- 1st Indochina War, consisted of Regiment 18(A), 95(A), 101(A).
lished in 1st Indochina War, consisted of Regiment 9, 57, 66. Moved to the South Nov 1964 and disbanded, regiments rein-
Mar 65 received Regiment 42 replacing Regiment 57 which forced other fronts.
redesignated as Regiment 24. Summer 1965 moved to the
South, disbanded and separated regiments to reinforce fronts. -Division 325B: created from elements of Division 325. In 1964,
consisted of Regiment 18B, 95B, 101B. Middle 1965 transferred
-Division 304B: Established Aug 1965 and became official Divi- Regiment 101B to the South and established Regiment 101C.
sion 304, consisted of Regiment 9(B), 57(B), 66(B). Moved to the South Dec 1965 and disbanded, regiments rein-
forced other fronts.
Division 305
-Division 305: Established Jul 1954. In 1960 became Brigade -Division 325C: Established late 1965, consisted of Regiment
305. In 1964 became Parachute Brigade. Apr 1967 combined 18C, 95C, 101D. Moved to Central Highlands Apr 1968 and dis-
with other units to form Đặc Công (Sapper) Command. banded, regiments reinforced other fronts.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Division 341
-Division 341, AKA Division “Sông Lam” (Lam River): Estab- -Regiment Gia Định 1 = Regiment 1 Quyết Thắng.
lished in 1955 (?). In 1960 reduced to Brigade. Feb 1962 reor-
ganized as Division 341. In 1964 sent all units to the South and Regiment 2
disbanded. Mar 1965 reestablished. Late 1966 sent all units to -Regiment 2/Division 3, AKA Regiment “An Lão”, also former
the South and disbanded. Nov 1972 reestablished with Regiment Regiment 2/MR5: Established May 1962. Under Division 3 when
52/Division 320B and 270. Mar 1973 received Regiment 36B Division 3 established Sep 1965.
replacing Regiment 52 which redesignated as Regiment 273. Jun
1973 received Regiment 266. -Regiment 2/Division 9, AKA Regiment “Đồng Xoài”, also former
Regiment 2/B2 (AKA Regiment Q762, 272). Under Division 9
-Division 341B: Established Mar 1975. No more information. when Division 9 established Sep 1965.
Division 968 -Regiment 2 "Quyết Thắng" under Sài Gòn – Gia Định Com-
-Division 968/Group 559: Established 28 Jun 1968 as Đoàn mand: Established Apr 1975, AKA Regiment Gia Định 2.
968/MR4, fought in Laos. In 1972 became Division 968, con-
sisted of Regiment 9, 19, 39. Nov 1972 received Regiment 52, -Regiment 2/MR8 (1): Established late 1967 with the name
102 established Regiment 59. In 1974 returned to Vietnam with “Task Force 2”. Early 1968 officially Regiment 2/MR8. Middle
Regiment 9, 19, 29 and under MR4. Late 1974 or early 1975 1970 disbanded.
transferred Regiment 9 to Division 320A.
-Regiment 2/MR8 (2) = Regiment 320/Division 8: numbering of
Regiment 320 when transferred to MR8 Mar 1969.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
-Regiment 3/B2 = Regiment 3/Division 9. -Regiment 12/Division 7/B2: Also former Regiment 165(A)/Divi-
sion 312 which moved to the South in 1966 and redesignated.
Regiment 4 Under Division 7 when Division 7 established Sep 1966. AKA
-Regiment 4/Division 6, AKA Regiment “Đồng Nai”: Established Regiment 165/Division 7.
3/Feb 1965. Under Division 5 when Division 5 established Sep
1965. Apr 1968 separated from Division 5, under B2. Under Regiment 14
Division 6/MR7 when Division 6 established. -Regiment 14/Division 7/B2: also former Regiment 141(A)/Divi-
sion 312 which moved to the South in 1966 and redesignated.
-Regiment 4/Division 5 = Regiment 4/Division 6. Under Division 7 when Division 7 established Sep 1966. AKA
Regiment 141/Division 7.
-Regiment 4/B2 = Regiment 4/Division 6.
Regiment 16
-Regiment 4/B4 (MR Trị Thiên), AKA Regiment “Phong Quảng”: -Regiment 16/MR7: also former Regiment 101(A)/Division
Established Apr 1973. 325(A) moved to B2 Middle 1965, redesignated as Regiment 16
(AKA Regiment Q16). Under Division 7 when Division 7 estab-
-Regiment 4/MR8: Numbering of Regiment 24/Division 8 when lished. Separated to become independent regiment. Under Divi-
reinforced MR8 middle 1972. sion 7 and Division 9 in short terms, then under MR7.
-Regiment 9/Division 968 = Regiment 9(A)/Division 304(A). -Regiment 18C/Division 325C: Established late 1965. Jan 1968
moved to Trị Thiên. Mar 1968 separated from division. Redesig-
-Regiment 9/Division 320A = Regiment 9 (A)/Division 304(A). nated as Regiment 29 and then became Regiment 3/Division
-Regiment 9/Division 711 = Regiment 9(A)/Division 304(A).
-Regiment 18D/Division 325D: Established summer 1968. From
-Regiment 9(A)/Division 304(A): separated from Division 304 late 1969 to late 1971 on training duty. Nov 1971 reorganized
1/1965, Fought in Laos and Trị Thiên (Jul 1967). Fought in Laos and became official Regiment 18/Division 325.
late 1971 early 1972. Apr 1972 under Division 711/MR5. Jun
1973 became independent regiment. Then under Division 968. Regiment 19
Early 1975 transferred to Division 320A. -Regiment 19/Division 968: Established Apr 1972, Fought Laos.
Then under Division 968.
-Regiment 9(B)/Division 304B: Established Aug 1985, became
official Regiment 9/Division 304. Regiment 20
-Regiment 20/Division 4, AKA Regiment Trần Hưng Đạo: also
Regiment 10 former Regiment 18B/Division 325B moved to the MR5 Dec
-Regiment 10/Division 4, AKA Regiment “Ngô Quyền”: Also 1965 and redesignated as Regiment 20. Dec 1968 moved to B2.
former Regiment 95(A)/Division 325(A). Moved to Central High- Early 1970 moved to MR9. 1974 under Division 4/MR9 when
lands late 1964, early 1965. Early 1966 moved to MR5, redesig- Division 4 established.
nated as Regiment 10. Early 1968 moved to B2. Early 1970
transferred to MR9. Under Division 4/MR9 when Division 4 -Regiment 20/MR9 = Regiment 20/Division 4.
-Regiment 20/Division 5/MR5 = Regiment 20/Division 4.
-Regiment 10/MR5 = Regiment 10/Division 4.
Regiment 21
-Regiment 10/MR9 = Regiment 10/Division 4. -Regiment 21/Division 2: Established early 1965 in the North
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Regiment 27 Regiment 48
-Regiment 27/Division 320B, AKA Regiment “Triệu Hải”: Estab- -Regiment 48/Division 320A, AKA Regiment Thăng Long. Estab-
lished Feb 1968, under MR4 then transferred to B5. From Jun lished in 1st Indochina War.
1972 under Division 320B.
-Regiment 48/Division 320B, AKA Regiment Thạch Hãn. Under
-Regiment 27/B5 = Regiment 27/Division 320B. Division 320B when Division 320B established
Regiment 28 Regiment 52
-Regiment 28/B3: Established 1968. Under Division 10 when -Regiment 52/Division 320A, AKA Regiment Tây Tiến. Estab-
Division 10 established Late 1972. May 1973 separated from lished in 1st Indochina War. Regiment 52/Division 320A (1)
Division 10 to become independent regiment. moved to the South early 1966. Regiment 52/Division 320A (2)
moved to the South Sep 1966. Regiment 52/Division 320A (3)
- Regiment 28/Division 10 = Regiment 28/B3 moved to the South early 1971. Regiment 52/Division 320A (4)
Jun 1972 separated from Division 320A.
Regiment 29
-Regiment 29/Division 324 = Regiment 3/Division 324, also -Regiment 52/Division 320A (1): moved to B2 early 1966. Under
former Regiment 18C/Division 325C. Division 7 when Division 7 established Jun 1966. Apr 1967 sep-
arated from Division 7. No more information.
-Regiment 29/Division 968, AKA Regiment “Vĩnh Thắng”: Estab-
lished May 1974, then under Division 968. -Regiment 52/Division 320A (2): Established Jun 1966. Moved
to B2 Sep 1966. No more information.
-Regiment 29/B2: Established May 1968. No more information.
-Regiment 52/Division 320A (3): Established Oct 1966, moved
Regiment 31: to B2 early 1971. No more information.
- Regiment 31/Division 2: also former Regiment 64/Division -Regiment 52/Division 320A (4): Under Division 320A. Jun 1972
320. Feb 1966 transferred to MR5 and redesignated as Regiment separated from division, transferred to MR5. Then under Division
31. Oct 1966 under Division 2. 2 MR5. Jun 1973 separated from division, reorganized as Bri-
gade 52/MR5.
- Regiment 31/B5, AKA Regiment 31/Division 341/MR4 trans-
ferred to B5 (1966-1967). -Regiment 52/Division 320B = Regiment 52/Division 338: Late
1972 transferred to Division 341. Mar 1973 transferred to Divi-
Regiment 32 sion 308B (338).
-US designation of Regiment 320.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
-Regiment 88/B3 = Regiment 88/MR8. -Regiment 101C/Division 325B: Established middle 1965, moved
to Trị Thiên Dec 1965. Middle 1966 moved to Central Highlands
-Regiment 88B/Division 308B = Regiment 149/Division 316: combined with Regiment 101B to form Regiment 33.
Regiment 88B under Division 308B (Division 338) when Division
338 reorganized as combat Division 308B Jul 1972. Jun 1973 -Regiment 101D/Division 325C: Established late 1966. Moved to
transferred to Division 316, redesignated as Regiment 149. Quảng Trị Jun 1967. Moved to Central Highlands Apr 1968.
Moved to B2 late 1968, Under Division 1 fought in Cambodia.
Regiment 90 Late 1973 transferred to MR9.
-Regiment 90/Division 324 = Regiment 38/Division 2.
-Regiment 101E/Division 325D: Established summer 1968, dur-
Regiment 93 ing 1969-1970 on training duty. Nov 1971 reorganized and
-Regiment 93/MR5: Established late Mar 1975, under Bình Định became official Regiment 101/Division 325.
-Regiment 101/MR9 = Regiment 101D.
Regiment 94
-Regiment 94/MR5: Established Feb 1975, under Quảng Ngãi Regiment 102
Command. -Regiment 102/Division 308, AKA Regiment “Thủ đô” (Capital).
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
-Regiment 141/Division 2 = Regiment 141B/Division 312.. -Regiment 209A/Division 312: moved to the South Jan 1968 and
under Division 7.
-Regiment 141/Division 3/MR5 = Regiment 141B/Division 312 .
-Regiment 209/Division 7 = Regiment 209A/Division 312.
-Regiment 141/Division 7 = Regiment 141A/Division 312.
Regiment 238
-Regiment 238/B5: under Quảng Trị Command in 1968. No
Regiment 148 more information
-Regiment 148/Division 316, AKA Regiment Sơn La: Established
in 1st Indochina War. Jun 1964 transferred from MR Tây Bắc Regiment 246
(North West) to Division 316. -Regiment 246, AKA Regiment “Tân Trào”. Established in 1st
Indochina War. Under MR Việt Bắc, transferred to B5 1967-1968.
Regiment 149
-Regiment 149/Division 316: former Regiment 88B/Division Regiment 266
308B (Division 338) transferred to Division 316 and redesig- -Regiment 266/Division 341: Established Sep 1973.
nated in 1973.
Regiment 268
Regiment 165 -Regiment 268 under Sài Gòn - Gia Định Command: expanded
-Regiment 165/Division 312, AKA Regiment “Lao Hà Yên”: from Battalion 268 in 1968, in 1970 reduced to battalion.
Established in 1st Indochina War. Regiment 165(A)/Division 312
moved to the South 1966. Regiment 165/Division 312 then Regiment 270
reestablished in the North. -Regiment 270/Division 341 = Regiment 270/MR4 Established in
1954, reorganized many times. Expanded to Brigade 341 (1957)
-Regiment 165/Division 7 = Regiment 12/Division 7. and Division 341 (1962), disbanded 1964. Oct 1970 reestab-
lished Regiment 270 and transferred to Quảng Trị until Nov
-Regiment 165A/Division 312 = Regiment 12/Division 7: Moved 1971. Aug 1972 transferred all battalions to Laos. Nov 1972
to B2 1966 and redesignated as Regiment 12. Under Division 7 reestablished Regiment 270 under Division 341.
when Division 7 established Sep 1966. Both called as Regiment
165/Division 7 and Regiment 12/Division 7. -Regiment 270/B5 = Regiment 270/Division 341
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam
Regiment 272
-Regiment 272/Division 9 = Regiment 2/Division 9.
Regiment 273
-Regiment 273/Division 341: also former Regiment 8 MR Tả
Ngạn. Aug 1972 under Division 308B and redesignated as Regi-
ment 36B. Feb 1973 transferred to Division 341 and redesig-
nated as Regiment 273.
Regiment 274
-Regiment 274 AKA Regiment 4/Division 5. US designation only.
Regiment 275
-Regiment 275 AKA Regiment 5/Division 5. US designation only.
Regiment 320
-Regiment 320: Established in 1964. Transferred to B3 early
1965. Under Division 1/B3 when Division 1 established late 1965
early 1966. Late 1968 moved to the South and separated from
Division 1. Then transferred to MR8. Under Division 8/MR8 when
Division 8 established Oct 1974.
Regiment 335
-Regiment 335: former Division 335 and Brigade 335. In 1965
reduced to regiment. Fought in Laos. Under Division 31 when
Division 31 established Jul 1974.
Regiment 803
-Regiment 803/Division 324 = Regiment 1/Division 324.
Regiment 812
-Regiment 812/MR6: Established May 1974.
Regiment 866
-Regiment 866: Established Aug 1966. Fought in Laos. Under
Division 31 when Division 31 established Jul 1974.
A chronology of Allied combat operations in Vietnam