Object-Oriented Python - An Introduction: Avi Kak and Charles Bouman
Object-Oriented Python - An Introduction: Avi Kak and Charles Bouman
Object-Oriented Python - An Introduction: Avi Kak and Charles Bouman
Purdue University
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The Reason for This Material at the Outset
A large majority of people who play with deep learning algorithms operate in the
zombie mode — meaning that they simply run canned programs downloaded
from the internet with the expectation that a combination of the downloaded
software and their own dataset would lead to results that would somehow pave
their way to fame and fortune. This, unfortunately, is no way for a student to
prepare himself or herself for the future.
The goal of our deep learning class is to help you become more genuine in how
you utilize your deep learning skills.
I’ll therefore be starting my part of this class with a focus on object-oriented
(OO) Python since that’s what many of today’s software tools for deep learning
are based on.
Regarding this lecture, in what follows, I’ll start with the main concepts of OO
programming in general and then devote the rest of the material to Python OO.
The material that I present is drawn from Chapter 3 of my book Scripting with
Objects [It’s a clickable link]. The book provides an in-depth understanding of how
object-oriented scripting works in Perl and Python. Here is a link for its Table of
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Some Examples of PyTorch Syntax
The statement in the third line appears to indicate that we are using xform
as a function which is being returned by the statement in the second line.
Does that mean functions in Python return functions?
To fully understand what’s going on here you have to know what’s meant
by an object being callable.
Python makes a distinction between function objects and callables. While
all function objects are callables, not all callables are function objects.
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Some Examples of PyTorch Syntax
The keyword class in the first line means we are defining a new class named
EncoderRNN as a subclass of torch.nn.Module and the method init () is
there to initialize an instance object constructed from this class.
But why are we making the call super(EncoderRNN, self). init () and
supplying the name of the subclass again to this method? To understand
this syntax, you have to know how you can ask a method to get part of
the work done by a method defined for one of its superclasses. How that
works is different for a single-inheritance class hierarchy and for a
multiple-inheritance class hierarchy.
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Some Examples of PyTorch Syntax
train_data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
training_data, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
or calls like
for data in train_data_loader:
inputs,labels = data
outputs = model(inputs)
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The Main OO Concepts
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The Main OO Concepts
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The Main OO Concepts
An instance constructed from a class will have specific values for the
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The Main OO Concepts
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The Main OO Concepts
A client should only access those data attributes and invoke those
methods that are in the public interface.
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The Main OO Concepts
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The Main OO Concepts
Polymorphism (contd.)
of cats, dogs, and a duck. These would be instances made from three
different classes in the same Animal hierarchy. If we were to invoke a
method calculateIQ() on this list of animals in the following fashion
for item in animals:
All of the public methods and attributes defined for the root class
would constitute the public interface of the class hierarchy and each
class in the hierarchy would be free to provide its own implementation
for the methods declared in the root class.
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PythonOO: Pre-Defined and Programmer-Supplied Attributes
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PythonOO: Pre-Defined and Programmer-Supplied Attributes
First note that in Python the word attribute is used to describe any
property, variable or method, that can be invoked with the dot
operator on either a class or an instance constructed from a class.
Among all the things that can be invoked with the dot operator on
either a class or an instance object, note that a class in Python comes
with certain pre-defined attributes.
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PythonOO: Pre-Defined and Programmer-Supplied Attributes
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PythonOO: Pre-Defined and Programmer-Supplied Attributes
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Function Objects vs. Callables
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Function Objects vs. Callables
On the other hand, a callable is any object that can be called like a
function, but that has NOT been defined with a def statement.
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Function Objects vs. Callables
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Function Objects vs. Callables
If you execute this code, you will see the output shown in the
commented-out portions of the code lines.
In Lines (C) and (F), note how we are calling the function call operator
’()’ on the instance constructed from the class X.
The results shown are for the seed 0 set at the beginning of the script.
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Function Objects vs. Callables
import random
#---------------------------- class X ---------------------------
class X:
def __init__( self, arr ) :
self.arr = arr
def get_num(self, i):
return self.arr[i]
# def __call__(self):
# return self.arr
#------------------------ end of class definition ----------------
xobj = X( random.sample(range(1,10), 5) )
print(xobj.get_num(2)) # 1
print(xobj()) # Traceback (most recent call last)
# File "X.py", line 15, in <module>
# print(xobj())
# TypeError: ’X’ object is not callable
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Defining a Class in Python
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Defining a Class in Python
I’ll start with a very simple example of a class to make the reader
familiar with the pre-defined init () method whose role is to
initialize the instance returned by a call to the constructor.
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Defining a Class in Python
#test code:
a_person = Person( "Zaphod", 114 )
print(a_person.name) # Zaphod
print(a_person.age) # 114
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Defining a Class in Python
Being an object in its own right, every Python class comes equipped
with the following pre-defined attributes:
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Defining a Class in Python
Since every class instance is also an object in its own right, it also
comes equipped with certain pre-defined attributes. We will be
particularly interested in the following two:
class : string name of the class from which the instance was
dict : dictionary whose keys are the names of the instance
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Defining a Class in Python
dir( MyClass )
that returns a list of all the attribute names, for variables and for
methods, for the class (both directly defined for the class and
inherited from a class’s superclasses).
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Defining a Class in Python
#test code:
a_person = Person("Zaphod",114)
print(a_person.name) # Zaphod
print(a_person.age) # 114
# class attributes:
print(Person.__name__) # Person
print(Person.__doc__) # A very simple class
print(Person.__module__) # main
print(Person.__bases__) # ()
print(Person.__dict__) # {‘__module__’ : ‘__main__’, ‘__doc__’ : ‘A very simp..’,
# ‘__init__’:<function __init..’,
# instance attributes:
print(a_person.__class__) # __main__.Person
print(a_person.__dict__ ) # {‘age’:114, ‘name’:’Zaphod’}
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Defining a Class in Python
class MyClass :
‘optional documentation string’
class_var2 = aabbcc ## assuming ’aabbcc’ is a
## variable set previously
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Defining a Class in Python
Regarding the syntax shown on the previous slide, note the class
variables class var1 and class var2. Such variables exist on a
per-class basis, meaning that they are static.
If you do not provide a class with its own init (), the system will
provide the class with a default init (). You override the default
definition by providing your own implementation for init ().
The syntax for a user-defined method for a class is the same as for
stand-alone Python functions, except for the special significance
accorded the first parameter, typically named self. It is meant to be
bound to a reference to the instance on which the method is invoked.
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Defining a Class in Python
All classes are subclassed, either directly or indirectly from the root
class object.
The list of attributes defined for the object class can be seen by
printing out the list returned by the built-in dir() function:
print( dir( object ) )
This call returns
We can also examine the attribute list available for the object class by
printing out the contents of its dict attribute by
print( object.__dict__ )
This will print out both the attribute names and their bindings.
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
If a class does not provide its own definition for new (), a search is
conducted for this method in the parent classes of the class.
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
In the script on the next slide, also note that the namespace
dictionary xobj. dict created at runtime for the instance xobj is
empty — for obvious reasons.
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
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How Python Creates an Instance: new() vs. init()
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Defining Methods
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Defining Methods
A method defined for a class must have special syntax that reserves
the first parameter for the object on which the method is invoked.
This parameter is typically named self for instance methods, but
could be any legal Python identifier.
In the script shown on the next slide, when we invoke the constructor
using the syntax
xobj = X( 10 )
the parameter self in the call to init () is set implicitly to the
instance under construction and the parameter nn to the value 10.
A method may call any other method of a class, but such a call must
always use class-qualified syntax, as shown by the definition of bar()
on the next slide.
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Defining Methods
In the definition shown below, one would think that a function like baz()
in the script below could be called using the syntax X.baz(), but that does
not work. (We will see later how to define a class method in Python).
#---------- class X ------------
class X:
def __init__(self, nn): # the param ’self’ is bound to the instance
self.n = nn
def getn(self): # instance method
return self.n
def foo(self,arg1,arg2,arg3=1000): # instance method
self.n = arg1 + arg2 + arg3
def bar( self ): # instance method
self.foo( 7, 8, 9 )
def baz(): # this is NOT how you define a class method
#--- End of Class Definition ----
xobj = X(10)
print( xobj.getn() ) # 10
print( xobj.getn() ) # 1050
print( xobj.getn() ) # 24
# X.baz() # ERROR
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Defining Methods
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Defining Methods
def getn(self):
return self.n
xobj = X(10)
print( xobj.getn() ) # 10
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Defining Methods
class X:
def foo(self, arg1, arg2):
the compiler will introduce the name foo as a key in the namespace
dictionary for class X. The value entered for this key will be the
function object corresponding to the body of the method definition.
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Defining Methods
Since all the method names are stored as keys in the namespace
dictionary and since the dictionary keys must be unique, this implies
that there can exist only one function object for a given method
If after seeing the code snippet shown on the previous slide, the
compiler saw another definition for a method named for the same
class, then regardless of the parameter structure of the function, the
new function object will replace the old for the value entry for the
method name. This is unlike what happens in C++ and Java where
function overloading plays an important role.
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Defining Methods
We just talked about how there can only be one method of a given
name in a class — regardless of the number of arguments taken by
the method definitions.
As a more general case of the same property, a class can have only
one attribute of a given name.
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Defining Methods
And each time a variable whose referent object either goes out of
scope or is changed, the reference count associated with the object is
decreased by one. When the reference count associated with an
object goes to zero, it becomes a candidate for garbage collection.
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Defining Methods
A Python class and a Python instance object are so open that they
can be modified after the objects are brought into existence.
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Defining Methods
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Defining Methods
def get_owner(self):
return self.owner
def get_idNum(self):
return self.idNum
robot1 = Robot("Zaphod")
print( robot1.get_idNum() ) # 1
robot2 = Robot("Trillian")
print( robot2.get_idNum() ) # 2
robot3 = Robot("Betelgeuse")
print( robot3.get_idNum() ) # 3
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Defining Methods
def foo():
print ‘‘foo called’’
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
However, as you will see in the next couple of slides, using super() in
the manner shown above may not be necessary in single-inheritance
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
The next two slides show a single inheritance hierarchy, with Employee
as the base class and the Manager as the derived class.
We want both the promote() and the myprint() methods of the derived
class to call on the method of the same names in the base class to do
a part of the job.
As shown in lines (A) and (B), we accomplish this by calling the
methods promote() and the myprint() directly on the class name Employee.
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
def myprint(self):
print( self.name, "%s" % self.position, end=" ")
def promote(self): ## this promote() calls parent’s promote() for part of the work
if self.position == ’executive’:
print( "not possible" )
Employee.promote( self ) ## (A)
def myprint(self): ## this print() calls parent’s print() for part of the work
Employee.myprint(self) ## (B)
print( self.dept )
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
A Derived Class Method Calling super() for the Parent Class’s Method
But now the methods of the derived class invoke the built-in super()
for calling on the methods of the parent class.
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Method Definitions
promotion_table = {
’shop_floor’ : ’staff’,
’staff’ : ’manager’,
’manager’ : ’executuve’
def promote(self):
self.position = Employee.promotion_table[self.position]
def myprint(self):
print( self.name, "%s" % self.position, end=" ")
def promote(self):
if self.position == ’executive’:
print( "not possible" )
super(Manager, self).promote() ## (A)
def myprint(self):
super(Manager, self).myprint() ## (B)
print( self.dept )
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
Such calls to super() typically mention the name of the derived class
in which super() is called. It is a holdover from the old days.
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
Shown on the next slide is the same hierarchy that you saw on the
previous slide, but with the following new-style syntax for the call to
super() in line (A):
super().__init__(nam, pos)
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Creating a Class Hierarchy: Superclass–Subclass Constructors
def promote(self):
if self.position == ’executive’:
print( "not possible" )
super(Manager, self).promote()
def myprint(self):
super(Manager, self).myprint()
print( self.dept )
#------------------ Test Code --------------------
emp = Employee("Orpheus", "staff")
emp.myprint() # Orpheus staff
print( emp.position ) # manager
emp.myprint() # Orpheus manager
man = Manager("Zaphod", "manager", "sales")
man.myprint() # Zaphod manager sales
print( man.position ) # executive
print(isinstance(man, Employee)) # True
print(isinstance(emp, Manager)) # False
print(isinstance(man, object)) # True
print(isinstance(emp, object)) # True
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Multiple-Inheritance Class Hierarchies
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Multiple-Inheritance Class Hierarchies
class B( A ):
def __init__(self):
print("called B’s init")
class C( A ):
def __init__(self):
print("called C’s init")
class D(B,C):
def __init__(self):
print("called D’s init")
# (<class ’__main__.D’>, <class ’__main__.B’>, <class ’__main__.C’>, <class ’__main__.A’>, <t
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Multiple-Inheritance Class Hierarchies
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Multiple-Inheritance Class Hierarchies
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Multiple-Inheritance Class Hierarchies
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Multiple-Inheritance Class Hierarchies
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Making a Class Instance Iterable
A class instance is iterable if you can loop over the data stored in the
instance. The data may be stored in the different attributes and in
ways not directly accessible by, say, array like indexing.
A class must provide for an iterator in order for its instances to be
iterable and this iterable must be returned by the definition of iter
for the class.
Commonly, the iterator defined for a class will itself be a class that
provides implementation for a method named next in Python 3 and
next in Python 2.
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Making a Class Instance Iterable
class Xiterator:
def __init__(self, xobj):
self.items = xobj.arr
self.index = -1
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
self.index += 1
if self.index < len(self.items):
return self.items[self.index]
raise StopIteration
next = __next__
#------------------------ end of class definition ---------------------
xobj = X( random.sample(range(1,10), 5) )
print(xobj.get_num(2)) # 1
print(xobj()) # [7, 9, 1, 3, 5] because xobj is callable
for item in xobj:
print(item, end=" ") # 7 9 1 3 5 because xobj is iterable
## Using the built-in iter() to construct a new instance of the iterator over the same instance of X:
it = iter(xobj) # iter() is a built-in function that calls __iter__()
print(it.next()) # 7
print(it.next()) # 9
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