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Important Questions For Class 12 Biology Chapter 1 - Reproduction in Organisms

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Important Questions for Class 12

Chapter 1 - Reproduction In Organisms

Very Short Answer Questions 1 Mark

1. Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are referred to as clones.
Ans: Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are known to be clones
because offsprings produced by the method of asexual reproduction are
morphologically and genetically similar to the parent.

2. Name the most invasive aquatic plant weed which is called Terror of
Ans: The plant which is known to be the most invasive aquatic plant weed is
called Water hyacinth. It is also known as Eicchornia.

3. How does Zygote usually differ from Zoospore in terms of ploidy?

Ans: A zygote is a diploid whereas a zoospore is a haploid therefore they differ
in their ploidy.

4. Mention the main difference between the offspring produced by asexual

reproduction and progeny produced by sexual reproduction.
Ans: The offspring produced by different means of reproduction varies mostly
in the genetic constitution. Offspring which are produced by asexual reproduction
are genetically similar, on the other hand, progeny produced by sexual
reproduction exhibits genetic variation.

5. Which characteristic property of Bryophyllum is exploited by gardeners

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and farmers? The gardeners and farmers exploit this.
Ans: Bryophyllum is the type of plant which shows special characteristics of
adventitious buds in it. It gives rise to the adventitious buds from the edges of
leaves of the plant which eventually give rise to new plants. This special property
of Bryophyllum is exploited by the gardener for the commercial propagation of
the plant.

6. What represents the life span of an organism?

Ans: The life span of an organism is defined as the period from the birth of the
organism to the natural death of an organism.

7. Which individuals can be termed as clones?

Ans: The clone is the term given to individuals who are morphologically and
genetically identical i.e similar to each other.

8. How do the following organisms reproduce: Paramoecium and

a) Paramoecium is that type of organism that reproduces by the process of binary
fission. In this method, organisms duplicate their genetic material and then divide
into two.
b) Penicillium is that type of organism that reproduces with the help of special
asexual structures present in their body called conidia.

9. State the function of a vegetative propagule.

Ans: The vegetative propagules are the structure of plants that are found in plants
that have an asexual vegetative cycle and these are capable of giving rise to a
completely new plant.

10. How will you grow a banana and a ginger plant?

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Ans: Rhizome, commonly known as creeping rootstalk, is defined as a horizontal
underground plant stem that can produce the shoot and root systems of a plant.
Therefore, rhizomes are found in both bananas and ginger.

Short Answer questions 2 Marks

1. Higher organisms have resorted to sexual reproduction despite its
complexity. Why?
Ans: Higher organisms have resorted to sexual replication even after having
such complexity because offspring of sexual reproduction have variations in
their genes which help them in survival. It helps organisms to adapt to the
environment easily.

2. Tapeworms possess both male and female reproductive organs: What is

the name given to such an organism? Give two more examples of such
Ans: The organism which possesses both male and female reproductive organs
is known as Hermaphrodite.
Examples of such organisms are Earthworm and Leech.

3. Study the relationship between the first two words and suggest a
suitable word for fourth place.
(a) Male flower : Stamens :: Female Flower : .............................
Ans: Carpel
(b) Birds: oviparous:: Primates: .............................
Ans: Viviparous
(c) Chlamydomonas: Zoosporbananascan produces:: Penicillium:
Ans: Conidia

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(d) Ginger : Rhizome :: Agave : .............................
Ans: Bulbil

4. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes produce a large number of male gametes

but relatively very few female gametes. Why?
Ans: The main reason behind Bryophytes and Pteridophytes producing many
male gametes but relatively very few female gametes is that male gametes need
medium (water) to reach egg/female gametes. So there is a chance of male
gametes getting lost in the water and not reaching female gametes.

5. Enlist the significance of reproduction.

Ans: Significance of the reproduction is as follows:
1. One of the main importance of reproduction to occur is to preserve the
continuity of the species.
2. The process of reproduction guarantees that a species does not disappear from
3. This process is very important, as it helps maintain stability in the ecosystem
and the continuation of life on earth.
4. If reproduction does not take place, all the species would have become extinct.

6. Why do hilly areas of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu transform into
blue stretches that attract many tourists?
Ans: The hilly areas of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu transform into blue
stretches because of one of the plants which are known as Strobilanthus
kunthiana. This plant flowers only once in every 12 years. Flowering in 2006
resulted in the transformation of the hilly tracts of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil
Nadu into blue stretches.

7. Define ‘oestrus’ and ‘menstrual cycles.

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Ans: The oestrus cycle and menstrual cycle can be defined as:
Oestrus cycle: During this cycle, the female is fertile and sexually receptive,
sometimes referred to as “being in heat” due to the related rise in body
Menstrual cycle: The menstrual cycle occurs in the females of the primates. This
is a more complex process and has phases that depend upon the hormonal changes
occurring in the body.
For example, the oestrous cycle in the cows is for 21 days whereas the menstrual
cycle in humans is for 28 days.

8. What regulates the reproduction processes and the associated

behavioural expressions in organisms?
Ans: Interaction between different types of hormones and certain environmental
factors helps to regulate the reproductive processes and the associated
behavioural expressions of different organisms.

9. Mention the different stages of sexual reproduction.

Ans: Sexual reproduction is that category of reproduction method that includes
the fusion of gametes including sperm or egg cells with a single pair of
chromosomes (haploid) that mixes with some other to form an organism with
pairs of chromosomes that is diploid.
Three levels of sexual reproduction:
1. Pre- fertilization
2. Fertilization
3. Post-fertilization

Long Answer Questions 3 Marks

1. Mention the site of zygote formation in the ovule of a flowering plant.

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What happens to sepals, petals, and stamens after fertilization? State the
fate of zygote, ovule, and ovary in these plants.
Ans: The embryo sac is known to be the site of zygote formation. The embryo
sac is the site where zygote formation takes place. The embryo sac or female
gametophyte is an oval shape present inside the ovule of flowering plants. An
embryo sac formation takes place after the division of haploid megaspore nuclei.
It possesses haploid nuclei and 6 haploid cells which now no longer have cell
● Once fertilization takes place, the sepals, petals, and stamens of the flower
wither and fall off.
● The pistil, however, stays connected to the plant. The zygote then develops
into the new part which is known as an embryo and the ovules change into the
● The ovary develops into the fruit which develops a thick wail referred to as
pericarp that is shielding in function.
● In the end, Ovule develops into seed and ovary into fruit.

2. Distinguish between gametogenesis and embryogenesis.

Ans: The difference between gametogenesis and embryogenesis are as follows:-

Gametogenesis Embryogenesis

It is the process of development of It is defined as the process of

mature haploid gametes from the diploid formation and development of an
or haploid precursor cells. embryo.

In this process, male and female In this process, embryo development

gametes are formed. will take place and form the zygote.

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It takes place in the testis and ovaries In animals, this process takes place
in the case of animals. In the case of in the female reproductive system,
plants, it takes place in the antheridia on the other side in plants in the
and archegonia. female gametophyte.

3. Fill the blank spaces a, b, c, and d given in the following table.

Organism Organ Gamete

a. Testes Spermatozoa

Human female b. Ovum

Plant (Angiosperm) c Pollen grains

Plant (pteridophytes) antheridium d


Organism Organ Gamete

a. Human Male testes Spermatozoa

Human female b. Ovary Ovum

Plant (Angiosperm) c. Anther Pollen grains

Plant (pteridophytes) antheridium d. Antherozoid

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4. What are heterogametes? What do we call these gametes individually?
Ans: The conjugating gametes that are exclusive of their form, length, shape or
sexes, etc. are known as heterogametes.
● The gametes of an organism are the reproductive or intercourse cells. The
gametes that are just like every other are known as homogametic.
Heterogametes vary from every different in form and length.
● Ex. The Spermatozoa which is known as a male gamete is spiral, small in
length, and motile.
● The Ovum which is known as a female gamete is oval, huge in length, and
● Hence, they're known as heterogametes.
● In such types of organisms, the male gamete is called the antherozoid or sperm
and the female gamete is called the egg or ovum.

5. Why is syngamy a major event in sexual reproduction?

Ans: The fusion of the male and female gametes at some stage in fertilization is
known as syngamy. Syngamy guarantees the continuity of species in a sexually
reproducing organism and this is what every individual wants i.e to continue their
generation. In this process, a fusion of egg nucleus with make gamete resulting
in the formation of diploid zygote or embryo.

6. What happens during embryogenesis?

Ans: Embryogenesis- This process is the development of the embryo of an
animal or plant. Embryonic development is the process that starts with the
fertilization of an egg cell by a sperm cell. Once it is fertilized, the ovum will
now become a single diploid cell known as a zygote.

7. Give any three differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.

Ans: The difference between asexual and sexual are as follows:-

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Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction

There is the involvement of a single Two sexually active but distinct

individual. individuals are involved.

Formation of gametes does not take Formation of gametes takes place.


Syngamy and zygote formation does Syngamy and zygote formation

not occur. occurs.

8. Enlist the changes that occur post-fertilization in plants.

Ans: The various post-fertilization changes as observed in plants are as follows –
● The sepal, petal, and stamen of the flower will wither and fall off. In the
end, the only pistil remains attached to the plant.
● The ovules will develop into the seed.
● The zygote will develop into the embryo.
● The ovary will develop into the fruit.

(a) Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. Why is vegetative
reproduction also considered a type of asexual reproduction?
Ans: The difference between asexual and sexual reproduction are as follows:-

Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction

It is Uniparental. It is Biparental.

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Gametes are not involved in this type Gametes are involved in this type of
of method. method.

The only mitotic division takes place Both meiosis and mitosis will take
here. place. Meiosis at the time of gamete
formation and mitosis after

Offspring are genetically Offspring are different from parents.

similar to the parent.

Vegetative propagation is known as the process which takes place when new
individuals arise from the vegetative part of the parent and have characteristics
similar to that of the parent plant.

(b) Which is a better mode of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual? Why?

Ans: Sexual reproduction helps in introducing variations in offspring and has
evolutionary significance. It helps offspring to adjust according to the changes in
the environment. It produces better offspring due to the combination of the

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