Installing and Using Taskmaster Web Services: IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture
Installing and Using Taskmaster Web Services: IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture
Installing and Using Taskmaster Web Services: IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture
Version 8 Release 1
IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture
Version 8 Release 1
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 17.
This edition applies to Version 8 Release 1 of IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture (product number 5725-C15) and to
all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2012.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Contents and related resources. . . . . v Setting the location of the Datacap.xml file . . . . 7
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . . v
Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi wTM reference . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
wTM use case scenarios . . . . . . . . . . 9
Installing and configuring Taskmaster wTM CreateBatch . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 wTM GetBatchAttributes . . . . . . . . . . 11
wTM installation steps . . . . . . . . . . . 1 wTM GetBatchId . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Creating or ensuring that an account exists for wTM 2 wTM GetFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Authenticating wTM. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 wTM GetPageFile . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Setting up sharing permissions for wTM on the wTM GetPageFileName . . . . . . . . . . 13
Datacap folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 wTM GrabBatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Setting up security for wTM on the Datacap folder . 3 wTM ReleaseBatch . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Setting up security for wTM on the wTM SetFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Datacap\Application folder . . . . . . . . . 3 wTM SetPageFileName . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ensuring the required IIS components are installed . 4 wTM UploadFile . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Installing wTM on the WebServer . . . . . . . 4
Importing encryption keys to IBM Datacap Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Taskmaster Capture computers . . . . . . . . 5
Setting up the wTM web site and application pool Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
advanced settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Enabling ISAPI extensions for wTM . . . . . . 6
Validating the wTM installation by viewing the wTM
help pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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vi IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
Installing and configuring Taskmaster Web Services
The Taskmaster Web Services (wTM) software component of IBM Datacap
Taskmaster Capture provides you with the ability to interact with Taskmaster
through a simple, platform-independent, representational state transfer (REST)
application programming interface (API).
The wTM API supports HTTP GET, POST, and PUT methods that allow you to
create a new batch, upload pages to the batch, set the page file name, update page
files, release a batch to the next task, to retrieve any file in the batch folder
(including image files), and to retrieve batch information such as batch ID and
batch status.
wTM is a Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) based web service that can
be installed on a dedicated web server, or can be installed on a web server on
which other Taskmaster web components are installed.
This documentation provides the information you need to install and configure
wTM in a client/server environment.
These instructions assume that you have administrator access to all computers on
which IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture software is installed and to the Windows
2008 server on which you will install wTM.
These instructions assume that access to the wTM HTTP IP address and methods is
limited to only authorized computers and users by a firewall or other network
Authenticating wTM
About this task
Taskmaster Web Services (wTM) assumes that access to the wTM HTTP IP address
and methods is limited to authorized computers and users by a firewall or other
network device. Steps in this installation and configuration material identify the
minimum sharing and security permissions needed for wTM to function.
Depending on the authentication system in use, follow the instructions in the IBM
Datacap Taskmaster Capture information center or IBM Datacap Taskmaster
Capture Installation and Configuration Guide in the Configuring authentication for
Taskmaster section to set up the wTMUser, wTMPassword, and wTMStation
name/value pairs in Taskmaster Application Manager and to set up the wTM user,
password, and station in your Taskmaster applications.
You must set up the appropriate sharing permissions for the wTM account on the
shared Datacap folder. In the examples used in this material, the shared folder is
the C:\Datacap folder on the Taskmaster Server ("Server"). These instructions apply
when the Server's operating system is Windows 2008. Note that other accounts
were already granted sharing permissions during the initial installation and
configuration of the Taskmaster Server.
2 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
1. On the Server, start Windows Explorer, navigate to and right-click the
c:\Datacap folder and select Properties.
2. Click the Sharing tab to display it. The folder should already be shared with
the Share name of Datacap.
3. Click Advanced Sharing. When User Account Control (UAC) is on, the User
Account Control window is displayed. Click Yes.
4. Click Permissions. Add or ensure that the domain/Windows User ID of wTM
is set to allow Full Control.
You must set up the appropriate security permissions for the wTM account on the
shared Datacap folder. In the examples used in this material, the shared folder is
the C:\Datacap folder on the Taskmaster Server ("Server"). These instructions apply
when the operating system is Windows 2008. Note that other accounts were
already granted security permissions during the initial installation and
configuration of the Taskmaster Server.
1. On the Server, start Windows Explorer, navigate to and right-click the Datacap
folder and select Properties.
2. Click the Security tab to display it. Then, click Edit. When User Account
Control (UAC) is on, the User Account Control window is displayed. Click Yes.
3. Add or ensure that the domain/Windows User IDs of the wTM account is set
to allow Read.
1. On the Server, start Windows Explorer, navigate to and right-click the
c:\Datacap\Application folder and select Properties.
2. Click the Security tab, then click Edit.
3. Add or ensure that the domain/Windows User ID of the wTM account is set to
allow Read.
This topic identifies the set of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web
Server Role Services required by the various Taskmaster web server components
(Taskmaster Web, RV2, Fingerprint Service, or Taskmaster Web Services). This
procedure provides instructions on how to ensure that the appropriate components
have been installed in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) when the
WebServer’s operating system is Windows 2008.
1. From the WebServer's Windows Start menu, select Administrative Tools >
Server Manager.
2. In the Server Manager hierarchy pane, expand Roles, and then select Web
Server (IIS).
3. In the Web Server (IIS) pane, expand Role Services, and under Common HTTP
Features, ensure that Static Content, Default Document, Directory Browsing,
and HTTP Errors are installed.
Important: If you are installing wTM, do not install the WebDAV Publishing
role service, as it prevents the wTM PUT method from functioning.
4. In the Role Services pane, under Application Development, ensure that the
ASP.NET, .NET Extensibility, ASP, ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters are
5. In the Role Services pane, under Health and Diagnostics, ensure that HTTP
Logging and Request Monitor are installed.
6. In the Role Services pane, under Security, ensure that Request Filtering is
7. In the Role Services pane, under Performance, ensure that Static Content
Compression is installed.
8. In the Role Services pane, under Management Tools, ensure that IIS
Management Console is installed.
9. Close the Server Manager window.
1. Make the installation package available on your network, or insert the IBM
Datacap Taskmaster Capture CD in the WebServer’s CD/DVD drive. If the
installation process does not start automatically, or if the package is on the
network, open Windows Explorer, navigate to and double-click the Setup.exe.
When User Account Control (UAC) is on, the User Account Control window
opens. Click Yes.
4 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
2. Select the appropriate language, then click OK. The language that you select
determines the language that is displayed by the InstallShield Wizard during
the installation process.
3. When additional, redistributable software is required, the InstallShield Wizard
displays a list of the items to be installed. Click Install.
4. Click Next.
5. Accept the license agreement. Then, click Next.
6. Select the Custom option. Then, click Next.
7. Exclude all components from the installation process except wTM.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Install.
10. Click Finish.
To import encryption keys from the Taskmaster Server to the computer on which
you are installing the new component:
1. Find the dc_KTF.xml key transport file in the C:\Datacap\Taskmaster folder on
the Taskmaster Server where you generated and exported the encryption keys.
2. Copy the dc_KTF.xml key transport file to the C:\Datacap\Taskmaster folder on
the computer where you installed the new component. The encryption keys
will be applied automatically to the keystore the next time you start or restart
the Taskmaster component.
Setting up the wTM web site and application pool advanced settings
About this task
This procedure provides instructions on how to set up the Taskmaster wTM web
site on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
1. From the WebServer's Windows Start menu, select Administrative Tools >
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. In the Connections pane, expand the computer, right-click Sites and select
Add Web Site.
a. Set Site name to wTM. The Application pool is automatically set to wTM.
This procedure provides instructions on how to enable ISAPI extensions for all
verbs and for execution on the WebServer.
1. From the WebServer's Windows Start menu, select Administrative Tools >
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. In the Connections pane, expand the computer, select the wTM web site, and in
the wTM Home pane, double-click Handler Mappings.
3. Scroll down, select svc-ISAPI-4.0_32bit, and ensure it is enabled.
4. In the Actions pane, click Edit Feature Permissions, select Read, Script, and
Execute, then click OK.
5. In the Actions pane, click Edit, and on the Edit Script Map dialog, click
Request Restrictions.
6. On the Request Restrictions dialog, click the Verbs tab, select All verbs, click
OK, then click Yes.
You can validate your installation by viewing the wTM help pages.
6 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
1. Open Internet Explorer and enter the help page URL:http://<WebServerName or
IP address>:<port number>/ServicewTM.svc/help.
2. Click on one of the links in the Method column to display detailed help about
the REST request.
1. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Datacap > Administrator
> Taskmaster > Taskmaster Application Manager. When User Account Control
(UAC) is on, the User Account Control window opens. Click Yes.
2. Click the Service tab to display it.
3. Change or ensure that the path reflects the correct location of the datacap.xml
file, for example: \\Server\Datacap\datacap.xml.
4. Close the Taskmaster Application Manager.
Another way to use wTM would be to send images from an outside system to
Taskmaster so that the data on the images can be recognized, captured, validated
and then return some or all of the data to the outside system. This process would
involve invoking wTM to create a Taskmaster batch, to upload the images in the
batch, and then release the batch for Taskmaster processing through page
identification, recognition, verification and export processing. Custom actions can
be written so that the Taskmaster application notifies the wTM client (caller) when
a batch is completed. The wTM client can then retrieve the capture results and
execute other processes to send the data to the outside system.
To send a batch that has completed scan, page ID, recognition, and prevalidation
tasks (current page file is profiler.xml) to a custom (non-Taskmaster) verify task:
1. Send GrabBatch request
2. Send GetBatchAttributes request
3. Send GetPageFile request
4. Parse the returned page file for file names
5. Send GetFile request to obtain image and data files
6. Send SetFile to update the data files (tm000001.xml)
7. Send SetPageFileName request to change page file name to verify.xml
8. Send ReleaseBatch request
The Taskmaster wTM CreateBatch request creates a new batch record in the
application's Engine database that is uniquely identified by a batch queue ID. For
the CreateBatch request to be successful, the first task in the job in the application
must be a batch creation task.
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/CreateBatch
Request body
10 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
<job>Main Job</job>
<job>Main Job</job>
<job>Main Job</job>
<B id="20120820.000000">
<V n="STATUS">0</V>
<V n="TYPE">FastDoc</V>
<V n="customVar">customVal</V>
wTM response
wTM GetBatchAttributes
Request header
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetBatchAttributes/{application}/
wTM reference 11
Request body
wTM response
wTM GetBatchId
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM GetBatchId request queries Taskmaster for the batch ID
associated with a specific application name and queue ID.
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetBatchId/{application}/{queueId}
Request body
The request body is empty.
wTM response
The wTM response to GetBatchId can be one of the following:
v 200 OK
v 500 Internal Error
wTM GetFile
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM GetFile request uses the application name, queue ID, file
name and file extension to ask Taskmaster to return that specific file.
12 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetFile/{application}/
Request body
wTM response
wTM GetPageFile
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM GetPageFile request uses the application name and queue ID
to ask Taskmaster to return the contents of the current page file associated with the
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetPageFile/{application}/{queueId}
Request body
The request body is empty.
wTM response
The wTM response to GetPageFile can be one of the following:
v 200 OK
v 500 Internal Error
The response returns the XML contents of the current page file.
wTM GetPageFileName
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM GetPageFileName request uses the application name and
queue ID to ask Taskmaster to return the name of the current page file associated
with the batch.
wTM reference 13
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetPageFileName/{application}/
Request body
wTM response
wTM GrabBatch
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM GrabBatch request uses the application name and queue ID
to ask Taskmaster to run the batch. The request sets the batch status to running for
the pending task.
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GrabBatch/{application}/{queueId}
Request body
wTM response
wTM ReleaseBatch
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM ReleaseBatch request uses the application, queue ID and a
status to ask Taskmaster to complete the processing of the current task and assign
a status to the batch that is associated with the current task.
This request releases the batch so that Taskmaster can advance the batch as
pending for the next task in the workflow.
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/ReleaseBatch/{application}/
14 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
The valid values for status are:
v hold
v finished
v cancelled
v aborted
v offline
Request body
wTM response
wTM SetFile
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM SetFile request uses the application name, queue ID,
filename and file extension to upload a file to an existing batch folder. A page
object is not added to the page file.
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/SetFile/{application}/
Request body
wTM response
wTM SetPageFileName
Request header
The Taskmaster wTM SetPageFileName request tells Taskmaster to assign this
name to the page file for the batch.
wTM reference 15
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/SetPageFileName/{application}/
Request body
wTM response
wTM UploadFile
Request header
The UploadFile request uses the application name and queue ID to upload a file. A
page object is added to the page file.
http://{IP Address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/UploadFile/{application}/{queueId}
Request body
wTM response
The response returns the original file name (originalFileName) and the page ID
A sequentially numbered page object is created in the page file. The task settings
contain the page file name that is used, page TYPE is always set to Other, and
STATUS is always set to 49. The page object contains this information:
<P id="tm000001">
<V n="TYPE">Other</V>
<V n="STATUS">49</V>
<V n="IMAGEFILE">tm000001.tif</V>
16 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
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18 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
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Notices 19
20 IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture: Installing and using Taskmaster Web Services
encryption keys
importing 5
encryption keys 5
securing 5
encryption keys 5