Iphone Spelling Correction
Iphone Spelling Correction
Iphone Spelling Correction
Markov Models and Spelling
Correction on the iPhone
Dr. Jeffrey L. Popyack
Department of Computer Science
How the iPhone Does Spelling
iPhone User Interface
• The iPhone uses a touch‐screen
user interface. Users type by
tapping a virtual keyboard.
• In order to be a useful device,
humans need to be able to enter
text quickly and accurately.
• Human Factors: Humans make
mistakes. In general, the size of
the iPhone’s virtual keyboard is
too small for human fingers to
enter text quickly and accurately.
iPhone User Interface
• Artificial Intelligence:
– Can the iPhone’s computational
power be used to do spelling
correction while the user is typing?
– Can an algorithm be developed that
can detect and correct errors?
– How many calculations can be made
between individual key‐clicks?
– Can the necessary calculations be
done faster than the user can type?
Hidden Markov Model
A Hidden Markov Model can describe a situation where
events occur but cannot be accurately observed. If the
relationship between the observed info and the hidden info is
known, the hidden info can be deduced with some likelihood
of success. This can be done to estimate hidden values or
predict future hidden values.
Hidden Markov Model
In this case, the “hidden” info is what the
user meant to type, and the “observed” info
is what they did type.
iPhone designers recognize that a certain percentage of the time,
the user will tap a neighboring key instead of the desired key.
Suppose they hit the correct key 60% of the time.
Hidden Markov Model
.6 .6 .6
R ‐ .1 T ‐ .08 E ‐ .1
Y ‐ .08
F ‐ .1 D ‐ .1
F ‐ .08
G ‐ .1 F ‐ .1 Possible Words:
H ‐ .08 TGR – Probability = .6 * .6 * .6 = .216
Y ‐ .1 T ‐ .1 TGE – Probability = .6 * .6 * .1 = .036
V ‐ .08 …
THE – Probability = .6 * .08 * .1 = .0048
The most likely word is the one with the
RYE – Probability = .1 * .08 * .1 = .001
highest probability that is in the dictionary.
What Did the User Mean?
What Did the User Mean?
What Did the User Mean?
• We used the probability “.6” for the likelihood that the
user typed the correct letter. In reality, this is a value
that would be determined through careful research. It
might vary for different letters.
• The iPhone interface suggests a word as a replacement
for a given word that is typed, and will automatically
replace the typed word with the suggested word unless
the user cancels the action. A different process would
be appropriate if the suggested word is often wrong.
• Certain words in the dictionary may be used much
more frequently than others ‐