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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Cebu
City of Talisay
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu
1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022


Module Writer/Reviewer JULIET T. DE LA CRUZ Department TEACHER EDUCATION

Course Facilitator ANA LUNA N. SAYSON Contact No.

Program & Year BEEd and BSEd II Credit Units 3.0
This is an introductory course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in the use
of technology for teaching and learning. This applies skills in the positive use of ICT Policies
and safety issues, media and technology in various content areas, learning theories and
Course Description principles in the use and design of learning lessons, teaching-learning experiences and
assessment tasks that utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies
considering social, ethical and legal responsibility to facilitate the teaching -learning process
across the curricular programs.
Design a full blown Lesson Plan using TPACK Model in teaching interdisciplinary subject in
Culminating Outcome
the Basic Education.
Prelim Unit Outcome Outline the framework of the Lesson Plan using TPACK Model.

Student’s Name Curricular Yr.& Sec.

Contact No. Time Allotment
Residence Inclusive Date/s


At the end of this course material, you will…
 ICT Competency Standards for Philippines Pre-  Identify the competency standards of ICT for teaching
Service Teacher Education. and learning in pre-service teacher education.
 Understanding the Basic Concepts in ICT  Value the use of ICT in the teaching and learning
 Roles of ICT in Teaching for Learning. processes.
 Policies and Issues on the Internet and  Discuss some ICT policies and explain their implications to
Implications to Teaching and Learning teaching and learning.
Look at the two teachers in the pictures below. What does picture A show of the teacher? What about
picture B?

Picture B Picture A

Teacher with Traditional Technology Teacher with Digital Technology

Who is better equipped to handle the 21st learner? Teacher A or Teacher B? Which of the two teachers would
you like to become when you graduate? Write your brief explanation in your long bond paper.

If there is one thing that changed the world so fast, it is TECHNOLOGY. While technology exists in the past
as non – digital technology, the current digital technology has been a factor that shrunk the world and made it flat. It
has provided a new environment for learning, the new ways teachers teach and also the new ways on how learners
learn. In the beginning, it has created a division between the digital natives and the digital migrants. However, as the
years go by, such division has become narrower and even blurred. This has led to the new educational revolution in
teaching and learning process which has been triggered by technology and resulted to better learning outcomes in
the 21st century.
The program outcomes for teacher education clearly state that every future teacher: “demonstrates
proficiency in the development and utilization of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) resources in
promoting quality teaching – learning process.”

Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre Service Teacher Education

To ensure that the program outcomes related to ICT shall be achieved, competencies were identified to be
developed by every pre – service teacher (CHED – UNESCO, Bangkok, 2009.)

The ICT Competency Standard is made up of seven domains. Each domain has a set of competencies. The
competencies are expressed in desired learning outcomes. Becoming proficient in the different competencies will
enable you to handle learners of the 21st century in your future classroom.

These domains and corresponding competencies are found in the table below:

Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education

1.1 demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in education
1.2 comply with ICT policies as they affect teaching – learning
1.3 contextualize ICT policies to the learning environment
Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment
2.1 demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles and theories of ICT systems as they apply to
teaching – learning
2.2 evaluate digital and non – digital learning resources in response to students’ diverse needs
2.3 develop digital learning resources to enhance teaching – learning
2.4 use ICT tools to develop 21st century skills: information media and technology skills, learning and innovation
skills, career skills and effective communication skills
Domain 3: Pedagogy
3.1 apply relevant tools for classroom activities
3.2 use ICT knowledge to solve complex problems and support student collaborative
3.3 model collaborative knowledge construction in face
Domain 4: Technology Tools
4.1 demonstrate competence in the technical operations of technology tools and systems as they apply to
teaching and learning
4.2 use technology tools to create new learning opportunities to support community of learners
4.3 demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology tools to support teaching – learning
Domain 5: Organization and Administration
5.1 manage technology – assisted instruction in an inclusive classroom environment
5.2 exhibit leadership in shared decision – making using technology tools
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning
6.1 explore existing and emerging technology to acquire additional content and pedagogical knowledge
6.2 utilize technology tools in creating communities of practice
6.3 collaborative with peers, colleagues and stakeholders to access information in support of professional
Domain 7: Teacher Disposition
7.1 demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources
7.2 show positive attitude towards the use of technology tools
The Department of Education issued Department of Education Order 42, s. 2017 mandating the use of the

Philippine Standard for Teachers (PPST) to start with the Beginning Teachers who are the fresh graduates from the
teacher education program. It includes: “Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate teaching and learning
resources including ICT to address learning goals.”

This subject is leading you to your future career in which these competency standards to learn and master will
assure the 21st century learners in your class of a more enjoyable, creative, innovative ways in teaching and learning

How do you define technology? You need to be careful not to get too specific while at the same time not getting
so broad that our definition of technology includes everything from pencil and paper to lasers and computers. Let us
define technology in a manner that looks at electronic tools we use to enhance teaching and learning process. Sally,

Let us explore various resources to have a clear understanding of this lesson. Let us unpack some concepts and
terms related to technology for teaching and learning. You can further find more explanation in this module as you
go along with your lessons.

Here are some terms and concepts that you need to know and understand.

1. Technology refers to a mix of process and product used in the application of knowledge. It includes tools from
pencil and paper to the latest electronic gadgets and tools for practical tasks.

2. Information and Communication Technology Literacy or ICT Literacy is the use of digital technology,
communication tools and / or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and communicate information in
order to function in a knowledge society.(Guro 21, 2011).

3. Educational Technology refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning. Educational technology includes
the non – digital (flip charts, pictures, models, realias, etc.).

4. Digital Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create contents using information technologies
and the Internet (Cornell University). According to American Library Association (2018), digital literacy is the ability
to use information and communication, requiring both cognitive and technical skills

5. Digital Learning in any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes
effective use of technology. It encompasses the application of a wide spectrum of practices which included blended
or virtual learning. It can come as online or off – line which utilizes digital technology.

6. On – line digital tools and apps use an Internet connection to access the information needed. A common example
is Skype. It is a telecommunication application software product that specializes in providing video chat and voice
calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices via Internet and to regular telephones.

7. Off – line digital tools and apps can still be used even if there is no internet access. Among these are Canary
Learning, Pocket, Evertone, Ibooks, KA LITE ( Gupta, Prinyaka, 2017) downloaded in edtech review (July 03, 2017).

8. Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and
evaluation of the process and resources for learning ( Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
Seels, B.B. & Richey, P. C. 1994 )

9. Software refers to program control instructions and accompanying documentation; stored on disks tapes when
not being used in the computer. It is all about any audiovisual materials.

10. Multimedia is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in a given presentation or self –
study program (Smaldino, 2005).

11. Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers
together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as
they are connected to the Internet. It is generally defined as a global network connecting millions of computers

12. World Wide Web (www) is also called the web which is a graphical environment on computer networks that
allows you to access view and maintain documentations that can include text, data, sound and videos. (Smaldino,
2005). It is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information sharing model that is
built on top of the Internet.

13. Web access is the ability of the learner to access the Internet at any point during the lesson in order to take
advantage of the array of available education resources.

14. Web quest is an inquiry – oriented lesson format in which most or all information that learners work with comes
from the web. These can be created using various programs, including simple word processing documents that
include links to websites. It is also a teacher structured research experience for the students that is primarily based
on use of the World Wide Web and typically takes one or more instructional periods (Blender & Waller, 2011).

15. Productivity tools refer to any type of software associated with computers and related technologies that can be
used as tools for personal, professional or classroom productivity. Examples: Microsoft Office, Apple works – word
processing, grade and record keeping, web page production, presentation (KFIT – UNESCO 2016).

16. Technology Tool is an instrument used for doing work. It can be anything that helps you accomplish your goal
with the use of technology.
These technology tools can be classified as:
a. Data / Calculation Tools. Examples: spreadsheets, Excels, sketchpads, probability constructor
b.Design Tools. These are used to make models and designs, creating and building. Included here are
Family Tree Maker, GollyGee, and Crazy Machines among others.
c. Discussion Tools. There are 4 different approaches that utilize discussion and interaction in the Internet.
These are threaded discussion forum, blogging, live chat and Video Teleconferencing, Netiquette and Safety
on the Net.
d. Email Tools. Emails are great communication tools for sending messages, photographs, videos and other
files. It allows you to reach out to others around the world. For instance, Google Mail, Yahoo Mail and many
e. Handheld Devices. Handheld devices have become popular among learners. These include Personal Digital
Assistants, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) in the classroom,
Portable Electronic Keyboards, Digital Cameras, Mobile Phones, Palm, and Handheld Computers.

17. Blog is an online journal where posted information from both teachers and students are arranged. There are
three kinds of blogs: blogs used for communication, blogs used for instruction, and blogs used for both ( Ferriter &
Garry, 2010)

18. Wiki, an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to collaboratively create and post written
work or digital files, such as digital photos or videos. Wikipedia is one of the most widely recognized of all the wikis
(Watters, 2011).

19. Flipped classroom utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the teacher is required to use the web
resources as homework or out of class activity as initial instruction of the lesson which will be discussed during class

20. Podcast is a video or audio multi – media clip about a single topic typically in the format of the radio talk show.
The two basic functions of podcast are to retrieve information and to disseminate information (Eash, 2006).

21. Google Apps is a cloud – based teaching tool which is stored in the Google server and is available for students
both at home and in school. It includes the Gmail, a free-mail for all; Google calendar – a tool used for organizational
purposes; Google sites that provide options for developing blogs and wiki; and Google docs is used for sophisticated
word processing and editing of the document.

22. Vlog is a video blog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.

23. Facebook is a popular social networking site used by students and adults worldwide to present information on
themselves and to the world.

24. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a category of hardware and software that enables people to use the
Internet as transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP rather than traditional
circuit transmission.

How do you find it? Are you familiar with all of these? If not, you must familiarize everything for these are
essential elements in your future career.

Are students of today interested to use technology in order to learn? Do teachers have the skills to use
technology to enhance their teaching? With the 4 th Industrial Revolution, nobody can deny the influence of
technology in our lives. As future teachers of the 21 st century, it is high time that you prepare yourselves to integrate
technology in your classrooms. Using technology is a tool and a catalyst for change.
What are the roles of technology for teaching and learning?

As teaching and learning go together, let us explore what would be the roles of technology for teachers and
teaching and for learners and learning. According to Stosic (2015), educational technology has three dimensions:
1. Technology as a tutor. Together with the teacher technology can support the teacher to teach another
person or technology when programmed by the teacher can be a tutor on its own. The teacher will simply
switch on or switch off radio programs, television programs or play DVDs, or CDs that contain educational
programs. There are on – line tutorial in educational programs, too.
2. Technology as a teaching tool. Like a tutor, technology is a teaching tool but can never replace a teacher.
This is like the handyman, which is just there to be reached. Like any other tool, it is being used to facilitate
and lighten the work of the teacher. It will be good if the teacher can also create or develop technology
tools that are needed in the classroom.
3. Technology as a learning tool. While the teacher utilizes technology as the tool for teaching, likewise it is an
effective tool for learning. As a learning tool, it makes learning easy and effective. It can produce learning
outcomes that call for technology – assisted teaching. Even the teachers who are teaching can utilize similar
tools for learning. As a learning tool, it is very interesting that even the elderly use these tools for learning
for life.

A. For Teachers and Teaching

There are numerous roles that technology plays in the job of teachers. As a tool, technology has opened
wider avenues in management of resources and management of learning. Likewise, it has modernized the
teaching-learning environment in schools. Here are some examples of the myriad of roles that technology
can do for teachers and teaching.
1. Technology provides enormous support to the teacher as the facilitator of learning. It transforms a passive
classroom to an active and interactive one, with audio-visual aids, charts and models, smart classrooms, e-
learning classrooms which motivate and increase attention level of learnings. Many of these can be search
on the web.
2. Technology has modernized the teaching-learning environment. The teachers are assisted and
supplemented with appropriately structured instructional materials for daily activities. There are varied
available technology-driven resources which can be utilized for remedial lesson or activities. Likewise there
are also a lot of technology-driven resources that can be used for enrichment purposes. You may search for
the examples on the web.
3. Technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of teaching. This will make the act of teaching
more efficient and effective. There are arrays of teaching methods and strategies that can use technology
which are found compatible with learning styles. The multiple intelligence theory of Howard Gardner tells as
that there is genius in every child. This implies that there must be varied ways of teaching as there are many
varied ways of learning. All the learning styles can find support from technology, so that teaching will be
more effective and efficient.
4. Technology opens new fields in educational researches. The areas of teaching testing and evaluation are
enhanced by technologies for teaching and learning. Current education researchers will no longer find
difficulty in interpreting tests, assessment and other evaluation results. There are available programs that
can analyze and interpret results with speed and accuracy. Reference retrieval is also hastened because
many of the research materials are in digital form. Technology has also provided access to big data that can

be processed for problem solving and inquiry.
5. Technology adds to the competence of teachers and inculcates scientific outlook. Through the utilization of
theories of learning and intelligence, which are explained in references uploaded in the net, the teacher are
encouraged to imbibe skills to source these information with speed and accuracy.
6. Technology supports teacher professional development. With the demand of continuing professional
development for teachers, the availability of technology provides alternative way of attending professional
development online. For those who are involved as providers of continuing professional development like
trainers, facilitators or organizers, they can lavel up or enhance their delivery systems with the support of
technology tools.

B. For Learners and Learning

1. Support learners to learn how to learn their own. All teachers fully understand that subject matter or
content is a means to achieve the learning outcomes. There are three categories of knowledge according to
Egbert (2009): declarative knowledge, structural knowledge, and procedural knowledge.
a. Declarative knowledge consists of the discrete pieces of information that answer the questions
what, who, when, and where. It is often learned through memorization of facts, drills and practice. It
can be learned by simple mnemonics or conceptual maps. Declarative knowledge is the fundamental
knowledge necessary for students to achieve more complex higher order thinking such as critical
thinking and creativity, inquiry and production.
b. Structural knowledge consists of facts or pieces of declarative knowledge put together to attain
some form of meaning. An example of declarative knowledge is “pencil”. The idea that evolved from
a pencil is an understanding that: “it is something used to write.” This is referred to as structural
knowledge. It can be presented by concept maps, categorization or classification.
c. Procedural knowledge is knowledge in action or the knowledge of how to do something. It is based
on facts but learned through the process of procedural knowledge. Examples include how to drive a
car, how to use a cell phone, or how to speak English. Procedural knowledge is indicated by a
performance task or graphical representation of a concept.

The traditional sources of knowledge are printed books, modules and journals. Other sources are
primary sources such as information taken from research. However, knowledge or content can be learned in
many ways.
But how can technology support the learning of declarative, structural or procedural knowledge? To
teach the content, time is always an issue of teachers. Oftentimes, we hear teachers say: “too many things
to teach, too little time to do.” Technology maybe the answer, however the challenge is for teachers to use
technology to learn technology first. As a facilitator of learning, the teacher can guide the students to look
for the resources and to utilize them appropriately. There are varied programs that can be used by students
off-line or on-line for students. What should be necessary is that the students are engaged, the tasks should
focus on question like how, why and which in addition to who, what and where.

2. Technology enhances learners’ communication skills through social interaction. This is commonly described
as the transmittal of information from one person to another as single individual. According to Shirly (2003)
in Egbert (2009), there are three basic communication patterns:
a. Point to point two ways or one –to – one like Internet chat, phone conversation or even face – to –
face conversation.
b. One – to – many outbound like a lecture or television. There is no social interaction.
c. Many – to –many like group discussion buzz session, heads together. This kind of interaction
provides opportunities for social interaction.

Social interactions appear in two ways the participants ask for clarification, argue, and challenge each
other and works towards common understanding. Social interaction through communication occurs through
technology (direct between two persons via email, a cell phone or other communication technology.) it can
also occur around technology like students discussing about a problem posed by a software program or with
support of technology like teachers and students interacting about the worksheet printed from a website. In
all three modalities, communication occurs and technology is involved.
For this particular role, what are the benefits derived from technology – supported communication?
a. Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually and making learning unlimited because
communication and social interaction go beyond a school day or a school environment.
b. Enhance students’ freedom to express and exchange ideas freely without the snooping eyes of the
teacher face to face
c. Enables learners to interact and construct meaning from joint experiences between the two or more
participants in communication
d. Help learners solve problems from multiple sources since there is no limit in sources of information that
the teacher can direct or refer to the learners.
e. Teachers learn to communicate with politeness, taking turns in sending information and giving
appropriate feedback
f. Enhances collaboration by using communication strategies with wider community and individual in a
borderless learning environment
g. Develops critical thinking, problem solving and creativity throughout the communication

There are several technology tools and software programs that you will learn in the coming modules.

3. Technology upgrades learners’ higher order thinking skills: critical thinking, problem solving and creativity

21st century learning requires the development of higher order thinking skills. Technology has a great
role to play in the development and enhancement of these skills.

Critical thinking is a part of the cluster of higher order thinking skills. It refers to the ability to interpret,
explain, analyze, evaluate, infer, and self – regulate in order to make a good decision. With the use of
technology, one will be able to evaluate the credibility of the source, ask appropriate questions, become
open-minded, defend a position on an issue and draw conclusion with caution. All of these competencies are
covered by Bloom’s Taxonomy of Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation.

What do you think your teachers’ significant role in supporting learners with technology?

As a role model, teachers should display and practice critical thinking processes, so that the learners
can imitate them. Here are some ways that teachers can do to develop critical thinking.

a. Ask the right questions.

Most often teachers ask questions to find out if the students can simply repeat the information
from the lesson. Although these are necessary questions like what, who, when and where, these do
not develop critical thinking. Critical thinking questions should ask for clarity, accuracy, precision,
relevance, depth, breadth and logic.

Clarity: here are some examples: Can you give examples of…
Accuracy: What pieces of evidence support your claim?
Precision: Exactly how much….
Breadth: What do you think will the other group say about the issue?

b. Use critical thinking tasks with appropriate level of challenge.

Teachers should be mindful of the readiness of the students. Students who have higher ability
may find the task too easy, thus getting bored easily, while those who have low ability may find the
task too difficult. Thus, there is a need to have activities that are appropriate for the learners. These
can be determined by interview, observations and other forms to determine the level of readiness.
What are some simple ways that teachers should do?
 Vary the questions asked.
 Introduce new technologies.
 Modify the learners’ grouping.
 Modify the critical thinking task.
 Encourage curiosity.

By nature learners are curious. They ask a lot of questions all the time. Why is the sky blue? Why do I
have to learn Geometry? How do people choose what will they become in the future? Can robots solve the
problems of climate change? How?
These questions will lead to critical thinking, but some of these questions cannot be answered by the
teacher. The unanswered questions are avoided or answered unsatisfactorily. Sometimes teachers shut
down the question that curtails the first step in critical thinking. The internet as a problem solving and
research tool can help find the answers to the questions.

Creativity is characterized as involving the ability to think flexibly, fluently, originally, and elaborately
(Guildford, 1986 & Torrance, 1974 in Egbert, 2009). Flexibly means able to use many points of view while
fluently means able to generate many ideas. Originally implies being able to generate new ideas and
elaborately means able to add details. Creativity is not merely a set of technical skills, but it is also involves
feelings, beliefs, knowledge and motivation.

There are Seven Creative Strategies (Osborn, 1963).
These have been simplified into fewer categories. To be creative, one can use any of these strategies.
1. Substitute – find something else to replace to do what it does.
2. Combine – blend two things that don’t usually go together.
3. Adapt – look for other ways this can be used.
4. Modify/Magnify/Minify – make a change, enlarge, and decrease.
5. Put to another use – find other uses.
6. Eliminate – reduce, remove.
7. Reverse – turn upside down, inside out, front-side back.

All together, the strategies will be labelled as SCAMPER.

What should teacher do to support student creativity? Here are some suggestions:
 Provide an enriched environment.
 Teach creative thinking strategies.
 Allow learners to show what they can do.
 Use creativity with technology.

Furthermore, teachers can do the following to develop and enhance critical thinking, problem solving
and creativity. As a future teacher, try these suggestions.
1. Encourage students to find and use information from variety of sources both on-line and off-line.
2. Assist students to compare information from different sources.
3. Allow students to reflect through different delivery modes like writing, speaking or drawing.
4. Use real experiences and material to draw tentative decisions.

To do these, the teacher should see to it that right questions are asked, and students’ tasks should be
appropriate to the levels of challenge and curiosity.

Globalization is a reality and ICT has become a fundamental part of the process. A networked society is one in
which the entire planet is organized around telecommunicated networks of computers. The powerful use of
network has broken boundaries, provided opportunities for inclusion and collaboration. However, there will be also
a struggle for those who do not have access or those who are excluded, marginalized and powerless. Thus a need to
establish policies in the use of ICT is imperative.

New technologies have become central to the lives of every individual in this planet. Whether you are talking
on the phone, sending an electronic mail, going to the bank, using the library, watching news on television, going to
the doctor, catching a flight, or seeing a movie, you are using ICT. Almost everything that we do in the modern world
is influenced by the new technologies.

Would your life as a teacher be also in influenced by the technologies?

Should we live our lives to be controlled by technology or should we control the utilization of technology in our lives?
One way of enhancing and regulating the use of ICT is to formulate and implement policies to guide
appropriate decisions.

Definition of ICT Policy

The Oxford English Dictionary has defined “policy” as a course of action, adopted and pursued by a
government, party, ruler and statesman. It is any course of action adopted as expedient or advantageous. Its
operational definition of policy is a plan of action to guide decisions and achieve outcomes.
Thus, ICT Policies are needed to put a roadmap or course of actions to be pursued and adopted by various
governments, organizations, entities involving ICT. These include principles and guidelines in the use of ICT which
cover three main areas: telecommunications (telephone), broadcasting (radio and television) and Internet.

The New ICT Technologies

More recent technological innovations increased the reach and speed of communications which can be
grouped into three categories:
1. Information Technology – includes the use of computers, which has become indispensable in modern societies to
process data and save time and effort. What are needed will be computer hardware and peripherals, software and
for the user, computer literacy.
2. Telecommunication Technologies – include telephones (with fax) and the broadcasting of radio and television
often through satellites. Telephone system, radio, and TV broadcasting are needed in this category.
3. Networking technologies – the best known of networking technologies is internet, but has extended to mobile
phone technology; Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) satellite communications and other forms of
communications are still in their infancy. In addition to internet, this category also includes mobile telephone, cable,
DSL, satellite and other broadband connectivity.

The DICT Roadmap

In our country, the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) has formulated a
roadmap to guide all agencies in the utilization, regulation and enhancement of ICT. Each project has corresponding
policy statements and guidelines.
The ICT for Education is a program under the DICT that supports all the efforts of the education sector in
incorporating the use of ICT as well as in determining and gaining access to the infrastructure (hardware, software,
telecommunications facilities and others) which are necessary to use and deploy learning technologies at all levels of
education. Among the policy recommended programs that have applications to education teaching – learning are:
1. ICT in Education Masterplan for all levels, including a National Roadmap for Faculty Development in ICT in
Education. A National Framework Plan for ICTs in Basic Education was developed.
2. Content and application development through the Open Content in Education Initiative
(OCEI) which converts DepEd materials into interactive multi-media content, develop applications used in
schools, and conduct students and teachers competition s to promote the development of education –
related web content.
3. PheDNET, is a “walled” garden that hosts educational learning and teaching materials and applications for
use by Filipino students, their parents and teachers. All public high schools will be part of this network with
only DepEd-approved multi-media applications, materials and mirrored internet sites accessible from
school’s PCs.
4. Established Community eLearning Centers called eSkwela for Out-Of-School Youth (OSY) providing them
with ICT-enhanced alternative education opportunities.
5. E-Quality Program for tertiary education through partnerships with state universities and colleges (SUCs) to
improve quality of IT education and the use of ICT in education in the country, particularly outside of Metro
6. Digital Media Arts Program which builds digital media skills for government using Open Source
Technologies. Particular beneficiary agencies include the Philippine information Agency and the other
government media, organizations, the Cultural Center of the Philippines, National Commission for Culture
and Arts and other government agencies, State Universities and Colleges and local government units.
7. ICT skills strategic plan which develops an inter-agency approach to identifying strategic and policy and
program recommendations to address ICT skills demand – supply type.

All the seven programs were guided by the roadmap that embeds policy statement that relate to education
specifically in the enhancement of human development for teaching and learning.

Some Issues on ICT and Internet Policy and Regulations

Global Issues

Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of issues in ICT Policy which are crucial to the modern society. The other
concern is civil liberties which refer to human rights and freedom. These include freedom of expression, the right to
privacy, the right to communicate and intellectual property rights.

Access to the Use of Internet and ICT. Access means the possibility for everyone to use the internet and other
media. In richer countries, basic access to internet is almost available to all with faster broadband connections. There
are still countries where access to internet is still a challenge.

Infringement to Civil Liberties or Human Rights. What are specific internet issues on internet policy that have
relationship to civil liberties or human rights? Let’s study the examples that follow.

Issue No. 1: Freedom of Expression and Censorship

Under international human rights conventions, all people are guaranteed the rights for free expression.
However, with the shift from communicating through letter, newspapers and public meetings to electronic
communications and on-line networking, a need to look into how these new means modifies the understanding of
freedom of expression and censorship.

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides that everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion, likewise the right to freedom of opinion and expression. However there are practices that
violate these provisions in the use of internet.

Some examples are the following:

1. Individual rights are given up in order to have access to electronic networks. Microsoft Network’s (MSN’s)
contracts provide protection of individuals like “ upload, or otherwise make available files that contain
images, photographs or other materials protected by intellectual property laws, including but not limiting to
copyright or trademark laws, unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary
consents to do the same.” However Microsoft reserves the rights, in its sole discretion, to terminate access
to any or all MSN sites or services.
2. Censorship restricts the transmission of information by blocking it or filtering the information. Blocking is
preventing access to whole areas of internet based upon the “blacklist” of certain Internet address, location
or email addresses while filtering is sifting the packets of data or messages as they move across computer
networks and eliminating those considered “undesirable” materials. The selection of sites that are blocked
or filtered has been considered as an issue.


“When you are surfing the web, you may think you are anonymous, but there are various
ways that information about you or your activities can be collected without your consent.”

3. Defamation actions may be used to silence critics. This action deters the freedom of expression.

Issue No. 2: Privacy and Security

Privacy policies are an issue. Most commercial sites have a privacy policy. When someone uses a site and
clicks “I agree” button, it is as if you have turned over private information to any authority that may access

There are several types of privacy as shown by the following examples:

1. For most, privacy means “personal privacy” the right of individuals not to have their home, private life or
personal life interfered with.
2. Privacy of communication refers to the protection from interference with communication over the
phone or internet. Respect for privacy of communications is an essential prerequisite for the
maintenance of human relationship via technological communications media.
3. Information privacy is related to the use of computers and communications system which are able to
hold and process information about large numbers of people at a high speed. It is important to ensure
that information will only be used for purposes for which it was gathered and will not be disclosed to
others without consent of the individuals.

Issue No.3: Surveillance and Data Retention

The use of electronic communications has enhanced the development of indirect surveillance. In the
indirect surveillance, there is no direct contact between the agent and the subject of surveillance but
evidence of activities can be traced. The new and powerful form of indirect surveillance is dataveillance.
Dataveillance is the use of personal information to monitor a person’s activities while data retention is the
storage and use of information from communication systems.

There is very little that can be done to prevent surveillance. What can be done is to change the methods of
working to make surveillance difficult. This is called “counter surveillance” or “information security” if it
refers to computers and electronic communication.

Issue No. 4: E – pollutants from E – waste

Large amount of e-waste is generated by ICT. These are in particular, terminal equipments used for
computing (PCs and laptops), broadcasting (television and radio sets), telephony (fixed and mobile phones),
and peripherals (fax machines, printers and scanners).
The accumulated e-waste is due to rapid turnover of equipment due to rapid improvement of
software. While material waste can be destroyed by crushing, toxic material brought about by the different
equipment requires utmost management. The quantities of e-waste are increasing in both developed and
developing countries. A very dismal state is that there is a significant amount of electronic waste that has
been shipped from industrial countries to developing countries, using less environmentally – responsible
Remedies include standardization and regulatory measures to increase the life of cycle f equipment

before they become obsolete. Efficient extraction of toxic components and requiring the recycling by both
consumers and equipment vendors are selling must be required.
If not controlled then, e-waste will tremendously affect climate change, damage human lives, and
overload the capacity of the earth in carrying solid waste.

Implications to Teaching and Learning

How do the policy guidelines, projects and issues relate to the teaching and learning?

There are great implications of this lesson to both the teachers who are teaching and the learners who are
learning. A few of these are as follows:

For the Teachers and Teaching

1. Guide the teachers on what they should teach that relate to ICT, and how to teach it. Since ICT
development comes so rapid and fast, teachers might be overwhelmed by its rapid speed.
Temperance in its use is a caution that should be looked at.
2. Technology should never replace human teacher. The tools are support instructional materials for
the teachers which are available for use. The teachers should learn how to appropriately use them.
The human touch of the teacher is still a vital component in teaching. Teachers should always be
reminded that there are always limitations in the use of the different gadget and tools.
3. There are rules and regulations that govern the use of technology. Caution should be observed to
protect individual privacy. As teachers, you must be aware that the use of technology my
jeopardized your privacy and security.
4. All the issues and many more shall be part of the teaching content as each teacher will be
encouraged to use technology in teaching.

For the Learners and Learning

The learners of the 21 st century are even more advanced than some of the teachers. However, learners
still need guidance on how to use and regulate technology use. As there are positive and negative effects of
technology use, learners should know the difference. Learners should not only know the benefits of
technology use but they should also know how they can be protected from the hazards of technology brings
to their lives.

Learners should take advantage of the potential of learning support they can derive such as development of
higher order thinking skills, the development of learning communities through collaboration, the enhancement of
skills to manage the vast resources as 21st century learners and many more.
Both the teachers and the learners should be mindful of the e-waste that is being thrown away to the land and
to the atmosphere. Thus, safety in the use of technology shall be presented in the next lesson.


Time to think and investigate!

Assume yourself as an investigator who would like to inform your learners and co – teachers about the
current issues on technology use.

Supplementary Material/s:
process/ (n.d.).

Assessment Task Find Me
Identify the words that are commonly used in the teaching - learning process. Write your task 1
in a long bond paper with 1 inch margins each side.
Take into account!!
1. Find or pick 5 words that are useful in teaching – learning process.
2. Define each word and write an example specifically a situation which you can use the
Help Guide word.
Test II Multiple choice
Read and analyze the question carefully. Choose the letter of your choice and write it before
the number.
Test I – 15 points Your Rating/
Basis for Rating:
Test II - 5 points Total Points
For example:
TPACK – Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
- It is used to integrate technology in teaching – leaning process.
- Teacher Belle uses LCD projector in teaching Science. She projects the different parts of plants

Test II. Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. Which statement about technology in teaching and learning is FALSE?

A. Technology has modernized teaching and learning.

B. Use of technology promotes higher order thinking.
C. Millennial teachers are not ready to use of technology in teaching.
D. To teach in the 21st century, technology use is indispensable.

2. What value does the use of technology give teachers?

I. Provides support for teachers as facilitators of learning
II. Transforms passive classroom to interactive classrooms
III. Enhances learners communication skills

A. I only B. II only C. II only D. I, II and III

3. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning?

A. It provides a road map in education in education where ICT is utilized.

B. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be uniform in ICT use.
C. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines
D. It serves as a basis for closing internet cafes near the school.

4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the cluster of technologies?

A. Telecommunication technology

B. Information technology
C. Networking technology
D. Industrial Technology
5. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching and learning so that your learners will
benefit most?

A. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching.
B. Maximize the use the technology tools as your support in teaching.
C. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use.
D. Make your lessons an open source all the time.
Assessment Task Reflection
Write about personal experience on how technology has influenced your life as a learner
from elementary, high school and college.
Bear in mind:
1. In writing an essay, indention is a must in every paragraph.
Help Guide
2. Use past tense of the verb since you are writing your experiences.
3. Write your answer on a long bond paper with 1 inch margins each side.
Content --------------------------------- 20
Your Rating/
Basis for Rating: Organization of thoughts -----15
Total Points
Mechanics ------------------------------15

“How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learner”

Note: Write your task 2 in a long bond paper with 1 inch margins each side.

Create your own learning plan in which you can integrate technology in your future
Instructions: teaching – learning process. Write your answer on a long bond paper with 1 inch margins
each side.
Bear in mind!
1. Decide the grade level you are teaching.
2. Select a topic/subject matter.
3. Align the topic to the learning area.
Help Guide
4. Formulate the intended learning outcomes based on your topic and learning area.
5. Integrate technology in your learning activities.
6. Assessment task must be developmentally appropriate to the age and grade level of
your students.

Main Reference
Bilbao, EdD. Et al., (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning 1. LORIMAR Publishing Inc.


Parankimalil, J. (2015, January 21). Role of Educational Technology in the Teaching-Learning Process. John Parankimalil.
process/ (n.d.).

Two children writing on chalkboard illustration, Teacher Mathematics Estudante, Math class teacher and student free
png | PNGFuel. (n.d.). Www.Pngfuel.Com. Retrieved August 15, 2020, from


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