Otu 2018
Otu 2018
Otu 2018
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top ten causes of death worldwide. In 2016, there were 490,000 cases of multi-
Tuberculosis drug resistant TB globally. Over 2 billion people have asymptomatic latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
Latent tuberculosis TB represents an important, but neglected management issue in patients presenting to intensive care units. Tu-
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis berculosis in intensive care settings may present as the primary diagnosis (active drug sensitive or resistant TB
Drug-resistant tuberculosis disease). In other patients TB may be an incidental co-morbid finding as previously undiagnosed sub-clinical
Infection control
or latent TB which may re-activate under conditions of stress and immunosuppression. In Sub-Saharan Africa,
Intensive care
where co-infection with the human immunodeficiency virus and other communicable diseases is highly preva-
lent, TB is one of the most frequent clinical management issues in all healthcare settings. Acute respiratory failure,
septic shock and multi-organ dysfunction are the most common reasons for intensive care unit admission of pa-
tients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB. Poor absorption of anti-TB drugs occurs in critically ill patients and
worsens survival. The mortality of patients requiring intensive care is high. The majority of early TB deaths result
from acute cardiorespiratory failure or septic shock. Important clinical presentations, management and infection
control issues regarding TB in intensive care settings are reviewed.
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction [1]. Sixty percent of new TB cases were reported from six endemic
areas (India, Pakistan, Indonesia, China, Nigeria, South Africa), while
Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of mortality associated with a only 3% of active TB cases were reported from Europe. TB claimed
single identifiable infectious pathogen globally. The World Health Orga- 1.674 million lives in 2016 [1]. The WHO defines death from TB as all-
nization (WHO) estimated that, in 2016, 10.4 million new TB cases oc- cause mortality during the course of TB treatment. With relevant varia-
curred worldwide, with about 10% (1 million) of these cases occurring tions around the world (endemic areas N50% vs. b5% in non-endemic
in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection areas), directly TB-related deaths usually occur early after diagnosis
[e.g. 20 days following diagnosis] [2]. In 2016, there were an estimated
490,000 cases of multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB worldwide with India,
China, South Africa and Eastern Europe carrying the greatest burden
☆ All authors contributed equally.
[1]. Over 2 billion people have asymptomatic latent Mycobacterium tu-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine,
Kepler University Hospital, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69, berculosis (M.tb) infection of whom about 10% will develop clinical dis-
4040 Linz, Austria. ease during their lifetime under conditions such as stress, migration,
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.W. Dünser).
0883-9441/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196 185
poor nutrition, co-morbidities (diabetes, cancer, COPD), use of steroids, bone, or those with a high risk of relapse (e.g. extensive disease, cavita-
biologics and immunotherapies which lead to immunocompromise [3]. tions, immunosuppression, sputum culture positive N8 weeks), and
Patients infected with M.tb raise important management issues in 12 months or longer in patients with tuberculous meningitis (TBM)
adult and children presenting to intensive care units. A relevant number [3,26]. Early initiation of anti-TB treatment is essential and appears to
of these patients clinically present with active (drug-sensitive or MDR) be associated with improved survival, particularly in patients with a
TB disease for single or multiple organ support. In other patients, detec- high disease severity [27]. This does not only require a high index of
tion of M.tb may be an incidental co-morbid finding as previously undi- clinical suspicion but also means that, in many cases, anti-TB drugs
agnosed sub-clinical disease which only manifests during intensive must be initiated empirically based on individual patient factors
care. In patients with latent infection, M.tb may re-activate to active clin- (Table 2) and the clinical presentation, even in the absence of a positive
ical diseases under conditions of stress and immunosuppression [3]. sputum smear. Rapid TB tests (e.g. based on nucleic acid amplification
Cases of active TB disease present special management and infection techniques) can critically shorten the time to confirmation of the diag-
control requirements in intensive care units worldwide. nosis (Table 3) [28].
The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the clinical pre- Infection with MDR (resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin)
sentation, management (TB drugs, treatment regimens, steroids, organ and extensively resistant (resistant to at least isoniazid, rifampicin,
specific TB, and HIV-co-infection) and infection control practices associ- fluoroquinolones and one second line injectable) strains of M.tb carries
ated with critically ill patients with TB. an exceptionally high mortality and is a growing challenge in many
parts of the world [1,3]. Rapid molecular diagnostic tests (e.g.
2. Search strategy GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay) yield fast results on M.tb resistance to rifam-
picin, which by proxy indicates resistance to isoniazid in the majority of
We searched the Medline (using PubMed) and other scientific data- cases [28]. Standard phenotypic culture-based drug susceptibility tests
bases (Google Scholar, EMBASE, Cochrane) from Jan 1, 2000 until Octo- yield results within two weeks and should be performed routinely
ber 30, 2017 for publications in English by use of the terms ‘tuberculosis’ wherever available [3]. Clinically, the intensivist must consider infection
or TB, and combined this individually with ‘intensive care, ‘critical care’, with a resistant M.tb strain if the patient originates from a high-risk re-
‘ITU’, ‘HDU’. Furthermore, reviews and other relevant literature pub- gion, has undergone a treatment course of first-line anti-TB drugs or
lished before the year 2000, intensive care and infectious disease text- fails to respond to standard anti-TB regimens [3,26]. As a rule-of-
books, national and international guidelines were screened for thumb, further drugs should not be added to a failing regimen but a
relevant information. References of the most relevant publications new regimen consisting of four to five second-line anti-TB drugs or
were retrieved to improve the search sensitivity. drugs the pathogen is susceptible to should be implemented instead.
Treatment of drug-resistant TB should prompt input from an infectious
3. Clinical presentation in intensive care disease specialist, and MDR-TB WHO guidelines should be followed
where possible. Initial treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB
Reports from Brazil, Germany, and Taiwan, indicate that the majority includes at least four second line drugs (e.g. core drugs: later generation
of early TB deaths results from acute cardiorespiratory failure [2,4,5]. In fluoroquinolones, amikacin, capreomycin, kanamycin, ethionamide/
Sub-Saharan Africa, where co-morbidity with HIV and other communi- prothionamide, cycloserine, linezolid, clofazimine and non-core
cable diseases are highly prevalent, TB is one of the most frequent clin- drugs like delamanid, bedaquiline, p-aminosalicylic acid, imipenem-
ical management issues in all healthcare settings [6-8]. Acute cilastatin/meropenem, amoxicillin-clavulanate, thioacetazone) admin-
respiratory failure, septic shock and multi-organ dysfunction are the istered over eighteen months or more [3,24,28].
most common reasons for intensive care unit admission of adult and The treatment success of standard regimens under trial conditions in
paediatric patients with active TB [9-12]. Further common causes of drug-susceptible TB is 95% in non-critically ill patients [3]. Treatment
critical illness in patients with active TB are bacterial co-infections success critically depends on adequate blood levels of anti-TB drugs
(e.g. chest infections), anti-TB drug toxicity, thromboembolic complica- [29], while pharmacokinetic variability to a single drug of the regimen
tions (Table 1), post-surgical status, and pulmonary haemorrhage [18]. can cause treatment failure or induce drug resistance [30]. Pharmacoki-
Patients with TB admitted to a Portuguese intensive care unit required netics is extensively altered by physiological and pathophysiological
a high degree of organ support [mechanical ventilation (66.7%), vaso- changes occurring during critical illness [31]. So far, little is known
pressors (35.9%), renal replacement therapy (7.7%), extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (5.1%)] [19]. The mortality of patients with con-
firmed TB requiring intensive care is high [up to 68.7%] [11,20]. Several
models to predict mortality have been published. The score with the
highest predictive value [area under the receiver operator curve, 0.92 Table 1
Factbox – Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with TB disease.
(95%CI, 0.85–0.98)] identified miliary TB, need for mechanical ventila-
tion and presence of shock as the main determinants of death [21]. Background
Other documented risk factors for mortality include nosocomial pneu-
monia, multi-organ failure, TB destroyed lung, an APACHE II score N20 • VTE is one of the most common medical complications of TB [13].
and duration of symptoms N4 weeks [11,22,23]. • Incidences of 1.5–3.4% have been reported in patients with TB disease [13,14].
• VTE can occur early or late in the course of the disease [13].
• Early VTE often occurs after initiation of anti-TB drugs (median interval 14 days)
4. Management of patients in intensive care [15].
Pathogenesis [13,16]
4.1. Anti-TB drugs and treatment regimens
• TB-induced hypercoagulability (further exacerbated by HIV co-infection)
Anti-TB drugs are the mainstay of TB treatment. Both for children • Venous vessel wall inflammation (due to adjacent infectious process)
and adults with drug-sensitive TB, national and international guidelines • Venous compression by lymph nodes
recommend a standard treatment regimen including four anti-TB drugs • Endothelial dysfunction due to TB-induced host response and rifampicin [17]
• immobilization
(Table 3) [24,25]. This regimen consists of an intensive (two months of
Diagnosis and treatment
four drugs) followed by a continuation phase (four months of isoniazid
and rifampicin). Treatment extension to nine months (and in some
• Comparable to patients without TB
cases longer) should be considered in patients with TB of joint or
186 A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196
Table 2
Risk factors for acquiring infection with M.tb and for developing active TB disease. about the pharmacokinetic changes of anti-TB drugs in critically ill pa-
tients. An observational study from South Africa reported that therapeu-
Risk factors for acquiring infection with Risk factors for developing active TB
tic blood levels were achieved in only a minority (b30%) of critically ill
Mycobacterium tuberculosis disease after infection with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis patients when rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol
were given as a fixed dose via a nasogastric tube [32]. Case reports ob-
• Close contact with an active pulmo- • HIV infection
nary TB disease case • Recent treatment for M.tuberculosis served inadequate blood levels of anti-TB drugs in patients on renal re-
• Foreign born adult or child, who (within the past two years) placement therapy and/or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
have migrated within the last • Medical conditions known to in- [33,34]. Multiple factors may influence pharmacokinetics in critically
5 years from a high incidence TB crease the risk for TB: ill patients. Intestinal absorption may be delayed or altered by
country - silicosis
• Low-income group with little access - chronic respiratory disease
gastroparesis, intestinal paralysis, ulcer prophylaxis, enteral nutrition
to health care, including homeless - smoking and critical illness-associated changes of the microbiome. Oedema for-
people, living in crowded poorly - diabetes mellitus mation and fluid accumulation increase the volume of distribution of
ventilated rooms or settings - severe chronic renal insufficiency/- anti-TB drugs. Glomerular hyperfiltration or augmented renal clearance,
• People who live or work in high-risk hemodialysis
and acute kidney or liver injury can affect anti-TB drug elimination [31].
settings (e.g. nursing homes, home- - certain types of cancer (e.g. head
less shelters, mental health institu- and neck) In addition, genetic variations in drug metabolism [e.g. acetylator status
tions, military garrisons, refugee - solid organ transplantation for isoniazid metabolization] play a role as well [35,36]. To avoid inade-
camps or prisons) - immunosuppressive therapy (in- quate intestinal drug absorption, it appears pragmatic to, at least initial-
• Illicit drug use cluding prolonged use of ly until gastrointestinal function is restored, administer anti-TB drugs
• Sex workers corticosteroids, chemotherapies and
• Health care workers monoclonal antibodies)
intravenously to critically ill patients. Although rifampicin, the drug
- malnourished, underweight (body with the highest sterilizing TB activity, is available in an intravenous for-
mass index b18) mulation, not all drugs are (Table 4), especially the bactericidal isoniazid
is not readily available in all regions of the world. In these areas, local
• Pregnancy and post-partum period
regimens of alternative intravenous anti-TB drugs (e.g. a combination
• Illicit drug use
• Alcoholism of intravenous rifampicin, moxifloxacin and amikacin) may be useful
• Age b 5 or N 65 years and effective to bridge the period of impaired gastrointestinal function.
• Malnutrition The use of empirical intravenous fluoroquinolones was suggested to im-
• Vitamin D deficiency prove survival of critically ill patients admitted for pulmonary TB
TB, tuberculosis; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
Table 3
Diagnostic work-up of TB.
Pulmonary or Specific clinical symptoms Coughing, haemoptysis, chest pain when breathing or coughing, hoarseness (laryngeal TB)
laryngeal TB Imaging and investigations: chest X-ray, thoracic ultrasound, Chest X-ray should be considered in all possible pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB cases.
CT chest, laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy (lavage and or biopsy) Pulmonary TB classically affects the upper lobes and nodules and cavities are suggestive of
the disease. However in immunocompromised individuals with a low CD4 count
(b100/mm3) a more disseminated (miliary) pattern or lower or mid zone consolidation
may occur. Typical appearance may not be present with more advanced disease; clear chest
X-rays have been described in patients with very advanced disease.
Chest CT scan may demonstrate “tree in bud” changes, hilar lymphadenopathy and/or
cavities and pleural effusions.
Sputum or induced sputum required for AFB smear AFB smear microscopy allows for a preliminary confirmation of pulmonary TB and allows for
microscopy (ZN or auramine) and culture examination an estimate of bacillary excretion and degree of infectiousness as well as an important marker
of TB treatment response or failure. Ideally a smear result should be available within 24 h.
Culture is required in most cases to confirm diagnosis of pulmonary and extra pulmonary
TB and remains the gold standard, culture can also allow for drug susceptibility of first and
second line anti TB drugs as well as typing and whole genome sequencing.
Note: If a diagnosis of pulmonary TB cannot be established from sputum smear, other
procedures maybe necessary, including culture, NAAT (GeneXpert-Cepheid),
bronchoscopy, and gastric aspiration in children for deeper samples.
NAAT is a test performed on sputum or lower respiratory samples to detect Mycobacterium
tuberculosis complex and rifampicin resistance through amplification of the rpoB gene.
Ideally NAAT test result should be made available within 72 h.
Drug Susceptibility Testing (if available) for first-line drugs is generally performed on initial
isolates of all patients to identify an effective anti-TB regimen. Testing of second-line drugs may
be performed on the initial specimen if drug resistant TB suspected or confirmed by NAAT.
Drug Resistance Screening by Sequencing with molecular tool like the Hain line probe
A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196 187
Table 3 (continued)
assay. Allows for rapid confirmation of MDR-TB through the identification of genetic
mutations associated with rifampicin (rpoB), isoniazid (katG), fluroquinolones (gyr A and
B) and injectable amikacin (rrs).
Extra-pulmonary Specific clinical symptoms Clinical symptoms depend on the part of body affected by TB (see text for details)
TB Imaging: X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI of affected organ or body A high degree of suspicion is generally required to diagnose extrapulmonary TB beyond TB
site lymphadenopathy.
Extrapulmonary TB frequently requires a broad differential diagnosis to exclude
malignancy, other granulomatous diseases and non-specific infections.
Depending on the anatomical site, other clinical specimens are AFB microscopy may not provide a good yield from extrapulmonary sources i.e., large
necessary, such as: quantity of CSF is required to perform a ZN stain.
Culture is required in most cases to confirm diagnosis of pulmonary and extra pulmonary
TB and remains the gold standard, culture can also allow for drug susceptibility of first and
• Urine
second line anti-TB drugs as well as typing and whole genome sequencing.
NAAT has varying sensitivity and specificity for extra pulmonary sites and is highest with
• Pleural fluid
lymph node aspirates and lowest with CSF and pericardial fluid.
• Pus or other aspirated fluid
• Biopsy specimens
• Blood
TB, tuberculosis; CT, computer-tomography; AFB, acid fast bacilli; ZN, Ziehl Neelsen; NAAT, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
mimicking severe community-acquired pneumonia [23]. Smaller stud- pain, jaundice, coagulopathy, hypoglycemia, encephalopathy), hepa-
ies indicated that higher doses of rifampicin (e.g. 15 mg/kg/d) and addi- totoxic anti-TB drugs (e.g. rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide)
tion of a fluoroquinolone (e.g. levofloxacin at 20 mg/kg/d) might be should be replaced by an aminoglycoside, levofloxacin and ethambu-
associated with improved survival from TB [37,38]. However, a recent tol, or other second-line drugs [44].
large trial failed to confirm these results in adult patients with TBM
[39]. Since only 17.4% of study patients presented with a high disease se- 4.2. The use of steroids
verity in this trial, its conclusions for critically ill patients remain un-
clear. Others have recommended therapeutic drug monitoring to Glucocorticoids alter the immune response to M.tb. Current evidence
optimize dosing of anti-TB drugs in critically ill patients [40,41]. This and guidelines suggest that adjunctive steroid therapy reduces mortal-
is, however, unlikely to be available in all settings, particularly in those ity and probably long-term sequelae in HIV-negative patients with tu-
parts of the world where TB is endemic (see Table 5). berculous meningitis and pericarditis [24,25]. An ongoing trial in
Both rifampicin and isoniazid change the activity of cytochrome Southeast Asia evaluates whether this evidence can be translated to
P450 isoenzymes and are responsible for interactions with several HIV-positive patients. The effects of steroids on mortality of patients
drugs commonly administered in critically ill patients (Table 4). While with pulmonary or extrapulmonary TB other than meningitis or pericar-
isoniazid inhibits, rifampicin induces cytochrome activity. Overall, the ditis remain controversial. A recent meta-analysis reported that steroids
inductive effects of rifampicin outweigh isoniazid's inhibitory effects. could decrease mortality for all forms of TB [45]. It appears that these ef-
Drug level monitoring and dose adjustments of other drugs are fre- fects are most consistent in patients with a high disease severity such as
quently necessary. Notably, rifampicin may reduce blood levels of se- miliary TB or TB-associated septic shock [45,46]. Adrenal insufficiency in
lected second line anti-TB drugs such as moxifloxacin [42]. patients with TB can be caused by an exaggerated pro-inflammatory re-
Another key challenge of anti-TB drugs relates to their side ef- sponse [47], tuberculous infiltration or adrenal haemorrhage. Rifampi-
fects. Some of them (e.g. isoniazid-induced peripheral neuropathy) cin increases cortisol metabolism and can precipitate hypocortisolism
may be preventable [e.g. by pyridoxine 10 (−25) mg/d] [24,25]. [48]. Although an inadequate increase in cortisol levels has been ob-
Others are not life-threatening but may have significant impact on served in 50% of hospitalized patients with TB in India [49], one study
the patient's quality of life if not recognized early (e.g. ethambutol- reported symptomatic adrenal insufficiency in only 1.4% of patients
induced retrobulbar neuritis). Drug-induced liver injury is the most [50]. The incidence of adrenal insufficiency in critically ill patients
dangerous adverse effect of anti-TB drugs and occurs at an incidence with TB is unclear. Similarly, no studies have addressed the question
of 3–13% with incidence increasing with age [43]. It is commonly whether steroid replacement improves organ function and/or outcome
triggered by rifampicin, isoniazid, and/or pyrazinamide, especially in patients with TB and critical illness related corticosteroid
if combined with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs (e.g. paraceta- insufficiency.
mol, valproic acid). Drug-induced liver injury may develop early
after initiation of anti-TB therapy, but may cause critical illness dur- 4.3. Organ-specific TB – management and support
ing the subsequent treatment phase. As patients with underlying
liver dysfunction are at highest risk, liver function should be judi- 4.3.1. Pulmonary TB
ciously evaluated (incl. hepatitis serology) in all patients before ini- The most commonly affected organ in TB infection is the lungs.
tiation of anti-TB treatment. The first sign of drug-induced liver Similar to other infectious diseases (e.g. influenza), the overall rate
injury is usually an increase in liver enzymes N3 times of the normal of acute respiratory failure in hospitalized patients with pulmonary
value. The clinical picture may range from an asymptomatic de- TB is relatively low (1.5–5%) [51,52]. However, in those with HIV in-
rangement of liver enzymes to acute liver failure. In case of laborato- fection, extensive (e.g. miliary) or advanced infection, it is the most
ry or clinical signs of liver dysfunction (e.g. right upper quadrant common cause of critical illness. An intense pro-inflammatory
188 A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196
Table 4
Overview of first-line anti-TB drugs.
Rifampicin Adults: 10 Available Unstable liver 10–20% DILI, vasculitis, nephritis, Frequent drug interactions (CYP induction)a, orange
mg/kg/d disease, known thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, discoloration of body secretions (incl. urine, tears,
(max. 600 hyper-sensitivity hemolytic anemia, exfoliative sweat), monitoring of liver enzymes and bilirubin
mg/d) dermatitis recommended
(max. 600
No dose
adjustment in
renal failure
Isoniazid Adults: 5 Available Unstable liver 100% DILI, peripheral neuropathy, lupus-like Drug interactions (CYP inhibition)b, combine with
mg/kg/d (not disease, known syndrome, (hypersensitivity) vasculitis, pyridoxine [10 (−25) mg/d], monitoring of liver
Children: 10 always hyper-sensitivity seizures, altered mental state enzymes recommended
mg/kg/d accessible)
(max. 300
No dose
adjustment in
renal failure
Ethambutol Adults: 15 Available Retrobulbar 25–50% Retrobulbar neuritis, DILI, Visual disturbances often begin with loss of
mg/kg/d (not neuritis, known thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, red-green discrimination and then rapidly progress
Children: always hyper-sensitivity myocarditis, pericarditis, altered mental to blindness
20–30 accessible) state, exanthema, arthralgia
(max. 1200
adjustment in
renal failure
Pyrazinamide Adults: 25 Not Unstable liver 100% DILI, exanthema, rhabdomyolysis, Monitoring of liver enzymes recommended
mg/kg/d available disease, known arthritis
Children: 35 hyper-sensitivity,
mg/kg/d porphyria
(max. 2000
adjustment in
renal failure
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DILI, drug-induced liver injury; CYP, cytochrome P450 system.
Fixed dose combination tablets (containing either rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol, or rifampicin and isoniazid) are available. There is limited data on the bioavailability
if these tablets are crushed and administered via the nasogastric tube. Alternatively, a syrup formulation can be used, particularly in children.
Rifampicin reduces blood levels of the following drugs (relevant to intensive care): azole antifungal agents (e.g. fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole), moxifloxacin, clarithromycin,
doxycycline, methadone, warfarin, cyclosporine, steroids, anticonvulsants (incl. phenytoin), digoxin, verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine, propranolol, metoprolol, enalapril, losartan,
propafenone, theophylline, statins, sulfonyl ureas, haloperidol, quetiapine, benzodiazepines, zolpidem, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors.
Isoniazid increases blood levels of the following drugs (relevant to intensive care): anticonvulsants (e.g. phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid), diazepam, triazolam, theophylline,
acetaminophen, warfarin. When isoniazid is combined with rifampicin, the CYP inducing effects of rifampicin predominate.
reaction to Mycobacterium-induced injury of the alveolar capillary lung-protective ventilation) in these patients do not differ from those
membrane increases extravascular lung water, induces a ventila- applied in other patients with ARDS. Need for mechanical ventilatory
tion/perfusion mismatch and increases the alveolar arterial gradient support is often prolonged both in adults and children [10,12].
(Figs. 1 and 2). Interstitial granulomatous infection and obliterative Complications in patients with pulmonary TB are common and in-
endarteritis are further contributory factors in the pathophysiology clude bacterial infection, pulmonary haemorrhage, pleural effusion/em-
of acute respiratory failure due to pulmonary TB (Fig. 3) [53,54]. Clin- pyema, and/or pneumothorax (Fig. 4). Underlying immunosuppression
ically, many of these patients fulfill the criteria of the Acute Respira- and prolonged mechanical ventilation make these patients extremely
tory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) [55]. In advanced disease, air spaces prone to nosocomial bacterial infections. Ventilator-associated pneu-
become destroyed by caseating granulomas and fibrocavitary lesions monia has been reported to occur in up to two thirds of patients
[53,54]. [5,59]. Pneumothoraces developed in 13.8% of patients admitted to the
The mortality of patients with TB-associated ARDS exceeds that of intensive care unit because of TB. Most of these occurred during me-
patients with ARDS from any other cause [56]. Notably, mortality in pa- chanical ventilation [5]. Drainage of pneumothoraces and pleural effu-
tients developing ARDS only during anti-TB treatment is lower than in sions can be complicated by pleural adhesions and bronchopleural
those who present with ARDS at admission [57]. Although non- fistulas. Long-term complications of pulmonary TB include chronic re-
invasive ventilation has been reported as a useful method to improve spiratory insufficiency due to fibrotic lung changes or extensive cavitary
respiratory failure in patients with chronic pulmonary sequelae from lesions [58,60].
lung TB [58], the failure rate of non-invasive ventilation in patients Major haemoptysis (N200 mL blood expectorated/24 h) is a common
with TB-associated ARDS is high. Principles of invasive ventilation (e.g. complication of pulmonary TB, both in the acute and post-infection
A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196 189
Table 5
Key management differences between children and adults with TB.
Children Adults
vealed that nearly 80% had one or more cerebral tuberculoma(s), many
of which paradoxically developed only during anti-TB therapy [74,75].
Nearly all patients with TBM requiring intensive care do so because
of an altered mental state (agitation and more commonly a decreasing
level of consciousness). In a French series, 75% of critically ill patients
with TBM required intubation and mechanical ventilation [76]. British
and WHO guidelines recommend timely initiation of anti-TB treatment
with first line drugs [24,25], although new data suggest a promising role
of fluoroquinolones [77]. In addition, adjunctive steroid therapy with
dexamethasone or equivalent doses of prednisolone is recommended
[24,25], as trials suggest that this is associated with improved mortality
[78]. The duration of steroid therapy is usually two months, with
weaning of the steroid dose over this period [65]. Neurosurgical inter-
ventions may be indicated for evacuation of large a tuberculoma/s. Gen-
eral neuro-intensive care principles regarding temperature control,
cardiorespiratory management and blood sugar control also apply for
patients with tuberculous central nervous system involvement.
Complications of TBM are frequent and include hydrocephalus, sei-
Fig. 3. Autopsy examination of lung tissue in a patient with pulmonary TB - shows zures (more frequent in children than adults), sodium disturbances
Langehan's giant cells and caseous necrosis. (e.g. syndrome of inadequate antidiuretic hormone secretion) and
stroke. In approximately 80% of cases, the hydrocephalus is communi-
cating and must be suspected in all patients with a decreased mental
state. Although conservative management with diuretics (e.g. acetazol-
amide 100 mg/kg/d) can be attempted, repeated lumbar drainage or
The cerebrospinal fluid of HIV-positive patients with TBM can have placement of a ventricular drain is required in about one third of pa-
lower cell counts, polymorphonuclear cell predominance and normal tients [76]. For the treatment of seizures, valproic acid should be used
glucose levels, a constellation which may be confused with cryptococcal with caution as it may increase the risk of drug-induced liver injury
meningitis [72]. Smear microscopy with Ziehl Neelsen staining requires [79]. Up to two-thirds of patients with TBM develop radiologic signs
high fluid amounts (up to 10 mLs) and has a low diagnostic sensitivity of stroke, mostly involving the basal ganglia [70]. The pathogenetic
(10–60% depending on laboratory capacities and technician experi- mechanisms of stroke in TBM remain unclear but likely involve
ence). Similarly, the sensitivity of molecular techniques are only moder-
ate (~50%) but specificity is high (98%), and they require at least 2 mL of
cerebrospinal fluid [73]. Cerebral imaging studies of adults with TBM re-
Fig. 5. MRI brain in a patient with central nervous system TB: Leukoaraiosis secondary to
Fig. 4. Chest X-ray in a spontaneously breathing patient with active pulmonary TB disease TB vasculopathy. Left thalamic parenchymal enhancement and oedema. Focal mature
and pneumothorax presenting with respiratory distress and shock. gliosis in the right thalamus.
A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196 191
vasospasm or inflammation of arteries crossing thick subarachnoid ex- 4.3.5. Further extrapulmonary TB manifestations
udates (acute phase), as well as proliferative intimal disease and hyper- Haematogenous seeding can involve essentially all body tissues and
coagulability (chronic phase) [68]. The clinical picture of TBM- organs such as the liver, spleen and kidneys including the urinary tract
associated stroke varies from no signs or only subtle signs, to (with the potential to cause ureteral strictures and hydronephrosis). Tu-
monoplegia (acute phase) or dense hemiplegia (chronic phase). There berculous laryngitis resulting in hoarseness, cough and in severe cases
is no specific therapy. In a randomized trial from India including 118 pa- pain and airway obstruction can complicate pulmonary TB [94]. Of all
tients with TBM, prophylactic aspirin (150 mg/d) resulted in a 19.1% ab- bones and joints, the lower thoracic spine is affected most frequently
solute risk reduction of stroke and a lower mortality (21.7 vs. 43.4%; p (Pott's disease in which long-term sequelae are common) [95]. Tuber-
= 0.02) compared to placebo [80]. Currently, a Vietnamese trial to con- culous uveitis can cause acute blindness, lymphadenitis (Fig. 8) with
firm these findings is ongoing (NCT02237365). A study in children with or without lymphocutaneous fistulas [83]. Conjunctivitis and erythema
TBM failed to show benefits of aspirin [81]. Small studies have shown nodosum represent hypersensitivity reactions to bacilli antigens in pa-
some benefit of thalidomide as a rescue therapy in children with TBM tients with acute TB [83].
and tuberculomas who do not respond to anti-TB drugs and corticoste-
roids [82]. 4.3.6. Disseminated TB
Disseminated TB, also referred to as miliary TB due to the character-
4.3.3. Tuberculous pericarditis istic miliary pattern seen on chest X-ray (Fig. 9), is associated with
Haematogenous seeding, contiguous spread of a lung lesion, or mycobacteraemia and multiple organ involvement. Most commonly af-
rupture of a caseous lymph node into the pericardium can result fected organs are the lung, liver, spleen, meninges, and kidneys. Charac-
in tuberculous pericarditis and pericardial effusion [83]. The inci- teristic skin lesions (erythematous macules and papules, also referred to
dence of tuberculous pericarditis varies around the globe and is as TB miliaria cutis) and choroidal tubercles on fundoscopy can give
highest in South Africa [84]. The diagnosis is usually based on clin- valuable clues in the diagnosis of miliary TB [96]. Many patients present
ical symptoms, electro-/echocardiography and/or pericardial with ARDS and shock [27]. Disseminated intravascular coagulation and
puncture. The effusion is typically bloody with elevated protein multiple organ dysfunction are common. The mortality of disseminated
levels and cell count (predominantly lymphocytes). The sensitivity TB is high [97].
of diagnostic tools (smear microscopy, adenosine deaminase fluid
levels N30–60 IU/L, molecular testing) is limited and requires that 4.4. Management of HIV-co-infected patients
therapy often needs to be initiated without laboratory confirma-
tion [85,86]. Anti-TB treatment for tuberculous pericarditis is iden- HIV infection increases the risk of TB infection/re-activation and
tical to that of pulmonary TB [24,25]. Steroids (prednisolone- death [98]. Every patient with newly diagnosed TB should there-
equivalent of 60 mg/d for 4 weeks followed by 30 mg/d for four fore undergo testing for HIV. TB accelerates HIV replication and dis-
weeks, and then 15 mg/d for two and 5 mg/d for one week) hasten ease progression. It is the leading cause of death among HIV-
clinical improvement, decrease the rate of constrictive complica- positive persons and causes 26% of AIDS-related deaths [99]. At de-
tions and the need for subsequent pericardectomy [87]. Large peri- creased CD4 counts (b200 per cubic millimeter) the presentation of
cardial effusions with or without tamponade develop in about 10% TB may be atypical. At CD4 counts b75/mm3, pulmonary symptoms
of patients and require percutaneous puncture and/or surgical are usually absent and mycobacteremia with miliary TB common
drainage (Fig. 6). [97]. Antiretroviral therapy increases treatment success, signifi-
cantly reduces all-cause mortality and recurrence rate in M.tb and
4.3.4. Abdominal TB HIV co-infected patients [100,101]. The WHO recommends initia-
Abdominal TB complicates one third of cases with pulmonary TB tion of antiretroviral therapy within the first eight weeks after
[88]. It mainly includes gastrointestinal TB and tuberculous peritonitis. start of anti-TB treatment [24]. As patients with a low CD4 count
Gastrointestinal TB mainly results from ingestion of infected sputum are at a particularly high risk of short-term death, antiretroviral
in acute pulmonary TB and involves the terminal ileum and ileocaecal therapy should be initiated within two weeks once anti-TB therapy
region in 75% of cases [89]. It is particularly prevalent in the Indian sub- is commenced and tolerated. As one trial indicated that HIV posi-
continent and often presents with non-specific gastrointestinal symp- tive patients with TBM who were started on early antiretroviral
toms and a palpable mass in the right iliac fossa [89]. A proportion of therapy had more severe adverse events, antiretroviral therapy is
abdominal TB cases may be due to M. bovis infection. Gastroduodenal suggested to be initiated only after eight weeks of starting anti-
or small intestinal ulcerations rather than hypertrophy are seen in pa- TB drugs [66]. HIV-positive patients who are already on antiretro-
tients with post-primary pulmonary TB. Haematogenous seeding and viral therapy at TB diagnosis should be continued on antiretrovirals
direct spread from infected lymph nodes are the pathogenetic mecha- without interruption.
nisms leading to tuberculous peritonitis. Clinical symptoms of abdomi- Relevant drug interactions and an increase in the rate of adverse
nal TB depend on the underlying pathology. While up to 30% of patients drug-related events must be considered when administering anti-TB
present with an acute abdomen (due to obstruction or rarely perfora- and antiretroviral medications together. As rifampicin reduces the
tion) (Fig. 7), the majority manifest with abdominal pain (75%), ascites serum levels of protease and to a lesser degree non-nucleoside reverse
(60%), and weight loss (50%). from abdominal pain (75%), ascites (60%), transcriptase inhibitors [102], antiretroviral regimens with non-
and weight loss (50%) [88]. Data from the largest series of acute abdom- nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (e.g. efavirenz) are recom-
inal TB revealed that abdominal distention and tenderness was fre- mended [24]. All patients with M.tb and HIV co-infection should receive
quent, but guarding was not [69,90]. The diagnosis of gastrointestinal trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis as this substantially re-
TB is made clinically or by imaging (e.g. computer tomography). Ascitic duces the risk of Pneumocystis jirovecii, toxoplasmosis, malarial and bac-
puncture in tuberculous peritonitis has a low diagnostic yield. Laparo- terial infections, as well as mortality [24,103].
scopic or blind peritoneal biopsies have a sensitivity of about 75% The immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is
[91,92]. Treatment strategies for abdominal TB are largely based on characterized by worsening of clinical symptoms after initiation
anti-TB drugs and supportive measures. Endoscopic balloon dilatation of antiretroviral therapy. Mild forms with fever and lymph node
has successfully been used in patients with colonic or ileocaecal stric- enlargement develop in one third of HIV-positive patients with ac-
tures [93]. Surgery is reserved for patients with perforation, complete tive TB and a CD4 count b50/mm3 who were started on antiretrovi-
obstruction or massive bleeding. The rates of perioperative complica- ral therapy early [104]. Severe forms are rare but can manifest as
tions are high [88]. increasing tuberculomas, worsening of pulmonary gas exchange
192 A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196
Fig. 6. Chest X-ray (upper left), computertomography (upper right) and echocardiography (lower left) image of a patient with a large TB-induced pericardial effusion and tamponade. The
electrocardiogram of the patient (lower right) shows an electrical alternans.
and ARDS [105]. It has been suggested that the propensity to devel- with disseminated or extrapulmonary TB who have a considerable
op IRIS was linked to the quantity of mycobacteria in circulation load of mycobacteria [107]. Specific diagnostic criteria for IRIS have
[106]. This could account for the higher rates of IRIS in patients been published [108]. Most importantly, (opportunistic) infections
Fig. 7. Clinical appearance and abdominal X-ray in a patient with abdominal TB and intestinal obstruction.
A. Otu et al. / Journal of Critical Care 45 (2018) 184–196 193
Setting Environmental control Respiratory-protection control All authors declare no conflicts of interest. This research did not re-
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