Informed Consent Catheter Insertion
Informed Consent Catheter Insertion
Informed Consent Catheter Insertion
Performing doctor
Information provider
Information receiver
1 Diagnosis (Working Diagnosis & G1P0A0 30 weeks
Differential Diagnosis) intrauterine preeclampsia
2 Reasons diagnosis Anamnesis, physical
examination, blood sample,
urine sample
3 Medical treatment Insertion of urine catheter
4 Indication Pro Sectio Caesarea
5 Procedure according standar procedur
6 Purpose to monitor fluids output
7 Risk infection
8 Complication unpleasant feeling
9 Prognosis bonam
10 Alternative and risk collecting urine manually,
fluid monitoring not
accurately performed
hereby declare that I have explained the above matter correctly, doctor signature
honestly and provided an opportunity to ask questions and/or discuss
Hereby declare that I have received the information as above which I pasient/guardian
marked in the right column, and have understood it signature
Informed Consent document Name : mrs Sayur
Date of birth : 01-01-2000
Medical record number :202020