Course Information: Pengantar Pendidikan Teknik Dan Vokasional (PLTV)

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Program name: Bachelor of Technology with Education (Living Skills)
Bachelor of Technology with Education (Electric & Electronic)
Bachelor of Technology with Education (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology with Education (Building Construction)
Course code: SHPE 2022 Academic Session/Semester: 2021/22/1
Course name: Fundamental of Technical and Pre/co requisite (course name -
Vocational Education and code, if applicable):
Pengantar Pendidikan Teknik dan
Vokasional (PLTV)
Credit hours: 2

Course synopsis Kursus ini membincangkan falsafah, konsep dan fungsi pendidikan teknik dan vokasional
khususnya dalam menyediakan sumber manusia untuk perkembangan dan kemajuan industri.
Kursus ini juga menyentuh mengenai sistem, perkembangan dan sejarah pendidikan teknik dan
vokasional. Di akhir kursus ini pelajar berupaya mengenalpasti dan membincangkan falsafah,
fungsi dan sistem pendidikan teknik dan vokasional secara global.
Course PM Dr. Mohd Zolkifli Abd Hamid
coordinator (if
Course lecturer(s) Name Office Contact no. E-mail
PM Dr. Mohd Zolkifli Abd Hamid C15-310-01 013-7783990 [email protected]
PM Dr. Yusri Kamin C15-307 019-7567679 [email protected]
PM Dr. Adnan Ahmad [email protected]
C15-402 012-7279941
[email protected]
C13-201-03 019-7777302

Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO), Teaching & Learning
(T&L) methods and Assessment methods:

PLO Taxonomies T&L Assessment methods

No. CLO (Code) & generic methods
CLO1 Membincangkan secara mendalam PLO1 C4 Lecture, Test
kepentingan pendidikan teknik dan (KW) active Online Participation
vokasional dalam menyediakan sumber learning
tenaga kerja bagi perkembangan dan
kemajuan industri

CLO2 Menjelaskan dengan eksplisit isu-isu semasa PLO4 CS3 Project- Webinar:

Prepared by: Certified by:

Name: PM Dr. Mohd Zolkifli Abd Hamid Name: PM Dr. Aede Hatib Musta’amal @

Date: 29 September 2021 Date: 30 September 2021

School/Faculty: Education Page: 2 of 5

Program name:

Course code: SHPE 2022 Academic Session/Semester: 2020/21/1

Course name: Fundamental of Technical and Pre/co requisite (course name -

Vocational Education and code, if applicable):

Pengantar Pendidikan Teknik dan

Vokasional (PLTV)

Credit hours: 2

dalam pendidikan teknik dan vokasional (CS) based Issues in TVE

daripada aspek falsafah, sistem dan learning Presentation
fungsinya PLO7 TW1 Teamwork Report
(TW) Paperwork
CLO3 Membandingkan perkembangan sistem PLO4 CS3 Case-based Group Case Study:
pendidikan teknik dan vokasional antara (CS) learning Teamwork Report
abad ke 20 dengan abad ke 21, dan antara
Details on Innovative T&L practices:
No. Type Implementation
1. Active learning Conducted through in-class activities
2. Project-based learning Conducted through intra and inter group assignments. Students are required to organize a
(Webinar) web conferencing (webinar). A written report and paperwork need to be submitted.
3. Group Case Study Conducted through group assignments. Students in a group of 3 are given issues according
to a specific TVE theme. A written report need to be submitted.

Weekly Schedule:
Minggu Topik
Minggu 1  pengenalan kursus
(17-21 Okt 2021)  tugasan dan due date tugasan
 penilaian
Minggu 2  konsep asas, falsafah PLTV
(24-28 Okt 2021)  pendidikan umum dan pendidikan khusus
 kepelbagaian definisi daripada beberapa perspektif
Minggu 3  konsep dualiti dalam pendidikan
(31 Okt-4 Nov 2021)  jenis dan kegunaan pengetahuan
 praksiologi
 pembentangan proposal kajian kes
Minggu 4  konsep vokasi dalam falsafah
(7-11 Nov 2021)  imbuhan kerja dan pengkhususan
 konsep kerja dan masa santai (leisure)
 pembentangan proposal webinar
Minggu 5  Program perantisan (apprenticeship)
(14-18 Nov 2021)  Program Perantisan Industri Menengah Atas (PIMA)
 Sistem Latihan Dwi Nasional (SLDN)
Minggu 6  Revolusi industri

School/Faculty: Education Page: 3 of 5

Program name:

Course code: SHPE 2022 Academic Session/Semester: 2020/21/1

Course name: Fundamental of Technical and Pre/co requisite (course name -

Vocational Education and code, if applicable):

Pengantar Pendidikan Teknik dan

Vokasional (PLTV)

Credit hours: 2

(21-25 Nov 2021)  Kanak-kanak dan pekerjaan – akta dan perundangan

Minggu 7  Pengganti Sistem Perantisan Di Eropah

(28 Nov-2 Dis 2021)  Gerakan Pekerja Manual (Manual Labor Movement)


(5-9 Dis 2021)
Minggu 9  Aktivis dan Reformis PLTV di Eropah
(12-16 Dis 2021)  Idea Pemikiran Aktivis dan Reformis PLTV
 Ujian 1 Online
Minggu 10  Perkembangan PLTV di USA
(19-23 Dis 2021)
Minggu 11  Perkembangan PLTV di Tanah Melayu (Sebelum Merdeka)
(26-30 Dis 2021)  PLTV Semasa Pemerintahan Jepun
Minggu 12  Perkembangan PLTV di Malaysia (Selepas Merdeka):
(2-6 Jan 2022)  Sekolah Pelajaran Lanjutan, Pendidikan Aneka Jurusan,
Minggu 13  Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah (KBSM)
(9-13 Jan 2022)  Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM)
 PLTV Abad ke-21, Transformasi PLTV, Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (2015-
2025), Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12
Minggu 14  Webinar @ Seminar atas talian
(16-20 Jan 2022)
Minggu 15  Pembentangan laporan kajian kes (Case Study)
(23-27 Jan 2022)  Sesi Refleksi dan Exit Survey

Minggu 16  Study Week @ Revision Period

(30 Jan-3 Feb 2022)  Ujian 2 Online
Minggu 17  Minggu Peperiksaan Akhir Semester 1 2021/22
(6-24 Feb 2022)
h: hours, m: minutes

Transferable skills (generic skills learned in course of study which can be useful and utilised in other settings):
Team working
Written communication
Student learning time (SLT) details:
Distribution Teaching and Learning Activities SLT
of Student Learning Guided Learning Guided Learning Independent Learning
Time (SLT) by CLO (Face to Face) Non-Face to Face Non-Face to face

School/Faculty: Education Page: 4 of 5

Program name:

Course code: SHPE 2022 Academic Session/Semester: 2020/21/1

Course name: Fundamental of Technical and Pre/co requisite (course name -

Vocational Education and code, if applicable):

Pengantar Pendidikan Teknik dan

Vokasional (PLTV)

Credit hours: 2

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P:
Practical, O: Others
CLO1 23h 1h 7h 31h
CLO2 2h 7.5 14h 23.5h
CLO3 2h 7.5 14h 23.5h
Total 27h 1h 22h 28h 78h

No. Continuous Assessment PLO (Code) Percentage SLT

1 Test I and II PLO1(KW) 30 1h + 1h
2 Webinar Report PLO4(CS) 30 As in CLO2
3 Group Case Study –Report PLO4 (CS) 20 As in CLO3
4 Group Presentation –Paperwork PLO7 (TW) 20 As in CLO2
Final Assessment
No Final Examination
Total SLT 100 80h

Special requirement to deliver the course (e.g: software, nursery, computer lab, simulation room):

Lecture Room, Computer and LCD Projectors

Learning resources:
Text book (if applicable)

1. Evan, R.N. (1971). Foundations of Vocational Education. Ohio: Charles E. Merill Publishing
2. Roberts, R.W. (1971). Vocational and Arts Education. New York: Harper & Row
3. Grollmann, P. & Rauner, F. (2006). International Perspectives on Teachers and Lecturers in Technical and
Vocational Education. London: Springer.
4. Anderson, C. & Rampp, L. C., (1993). Vocational Education in the 1990s,II: A Sourcebook for Strategies,
Methods and Materials. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Prakken Publications, Inc.

Main references
1. Yahya Emat (2005). Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional di Malaysia. IBS Buku Sdn Bhd: Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
2. Norlidah Alias, Dorothy Dewitt, Khairul Azhar Jamaluddin (2018). Transformasi Pendidikan Teknik Dan
Vokasional Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya

School/Faculty: Education Page: 5 of 5

Program name:

Course code: SHPE 2022 Academic Session/Semester: 2020/21/1

Course name: Fundamental of Technical and Pre/co requisite (course name -

Vocational Education and code, if applicable):

Pengantar Pendidikan Teknik dan

Vokasional (PLTV)

Credit hours: 2

3. Zainuren Mohd Nor (2020). Transformasi Pendidikan Vokasional: Satu Naratif Memperkasakan TVET. Batu
Caves, Selangor: MSA Graphic Resources

Additional references
1. Tran, L.T. & Dempsey, K. (Eds.) (2017). Internationalization in Vocational Education and Training:
Transnational Perspectives. Springer: Switzerland
2. Billet, S. (2011). Vocational Education: Purposes, Traditions and Prospects. Springer: Netherlands
3. Zhao, Z. & Rauner, F. (Eds.)(2014). Areas of Vocational Education Research. Springer: Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Academic honesty and plagiarism: (Below is just a sample)

Assignments are individual tasks and NOT group activities (UNLESS EXPLICITLY INDICATED AS GROUP ACTIVITIES)
Copying of work (texts, simulation results etc.) from other students/groups or from other sources is not allowed. Brief
quotations are allowed and then only if indicated as such. Existing texts should be reformulated with your own words
used to explain what you have read. It is not acceptable to retype existing texts and just acknowledge the source as a
reference. Be warned: students who submit copied work will obtain a mark of zero for the assignment and disciplinary
steps may be taken by the Faculty. It is also unacceptable to do somebody else’s work, to lend your work to them or to
make your work available to them to copy.

Other additional information (Course policy, any specific instruction etc.):


All teaching and learning materials associated with this course are for personal use only. The materials are intended for
educational purposes only. Reproduction of the materials in any form for any purposes other than what it is intended
for is prohibited.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.


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