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Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1

Problem and Its Background


The web is being created quickly within the final two decades, and

with a relevant computerized economy that's driven by data innovation to

being created around the world. After a long-term improvement of the

internet, which quickly expanded web clients and a better speed web

association, and a few modern innovations moreover have been created

and utilized for web creating, one of it is the distinctive shopping

involvement in different ways to shoppers, as there are much more

benefits for buyers to buy online were, they can purchase an item

without the confinements of space and time can be known as Online

shopping, it is characterized as the method of a client to buy a benefit or

item over the web. In other words, a buyer may at his or her relaxation

purchase from the consolation of them possess domestic items from a

web store. They can get to more data than ever sometime recently with

the assistance of look motors and the other investigation devices on the

web, and hence shoppers will feel happier and more dynamic amid the

online buy handle.

Today´s 21st century is getting to be more interconnected and is

changing our shopping behaviour. Ever since the final two decades,

individuals tend to purchase things more on e-commerce stages because

it is more helpful and less time devouring than conventional shopping.

Through e-commerce, companies can conduct trade exercises

electronically counting commerce exchanges, the company's operational

capacities, an assortment of information to shoppers, as well as valuable

to preserve a relationship sometime recently, amid and after the

obtaining preparation that can influence choices in online buying.

Over the years, both in the workplace and at home, the Internet

has been an important part of people's everyday lives. The exponential

development of information technology has obviously changed the

customer behaviour environment. A rise in impulse shopping has been

triggered by online retailing that is available 24/7. Impulse buying is now

deemed to be a phenomenon. As online retail sales are growing steadily

and are expected to continue to do so, businesses are seeking to

capitalize on the convenience of online shopping by integrating strategies

to promote purchases of impulses.

Websites have been very creative in promoting impulse buying with

the continued evolution of technology and expanded expertise of online

marketing. Nevertheless, online shopping habits for impulses have

scarcely been studied here in the Philippines. International researchers

as well as retailers have been interested in this topic, but only a few local

studies have tapped into it. In this study the researchers will cater the

leading factor that influences the consumer decisions towards online

buying or purchasing.

Background of the Study

Consumer behaviour and decision towards purchasing online is

becoming a major new topic in marketing and consumer research. We

understand "online consumer behaviour" to refer to any Internet-related

activity associated with the consumption of goods, services, and

information. Internet consumption includes: (1) gathering information

passively via exposure to advertising; (2) shopping, which includes both

browsing and deliberate information search, and (3) the selection and

buying of specific goods, services, and information. For this study, we

focus on purchasing to the exclusion of information gathering and

shopping. While these components of e-commerce are important, both

traditional and web-based businesses seek to attract customers to their

web sites and sell.

The present study focused on the buying behaviour of SMEs who

are purchasing online. It includes factors that affect their online buying

behaviour such as the website characteristics, product characteristics,

suppliers‟ characteristics and their online buying experiences.

Participants were the SMEs who are using the internet in browsing,

reviewing and eventually purchasing products or services. The

respondents of the study were the owners/managers of SMEs who are

into service and trading businesses. SMEs purchased online but not too

often. However, they believed that online buying will save their time,

money and effort, thus, reduces their purchasing costs. They considered

return policy, product specifications, and security of transactions as

important parts of online buying because these will give them a feeling of

security. Yet they have a little concern with the availability and variety of

products for sale online. With the emergence of enabling technologies,

SMEs today are facing challenges in their business strategies in order to

remain competitive. Therefore, SMEs should continuously embrace

online buying as a business tool to allow many opportunities in

improving their services, which will eventually increase their sales and


Internet shopping is a phenomenon that is growing rapidly

nowadays. Online shopping is more convenient as of today because of

the pandemic. Online shopping also is one of the process of buying goods

and services from merchants who sell on the internet. As the online

shopping spread through worldwide the sellers are now more focus on

how to gain the attention of the consumers through the means of online

system. This was more convenient because you don’t have to leave your

house just to buy your intended needs and wants, you just need to have

the access to internet and install some online shopping application and

find the product you are looking for. However, there are online shops

that are untrustworthy and make fraud a profit. There are several

scammers in online shopping that is why the consumers need to know

more if the intended shops are legit. The main purpose of this study is to

determine the factors influencing the buying decisions of the consumers.

Theoretical Framework

According to a report (ACNielsen Report on Global Consumer

Attitudes towards Online Shopping, 2005) published on, one tenth of the

world population is shopping online, 627 million people have done online

shopping, and 11 according to the same report Germans and British are

on the top of the list on Online Shopping. Through online, consumers

can easily search product catalogue but if the consumer look generally

for the same product or item. So price comparison is also another

convenience factor of online shopping.

Time savings is one of most influencing factors of online shopping.

Browse or search an online catalogue can save time and patience. People

can save time and can reduce effort by shopping online. On the other

side, that it is also time taken for delivery of goods or services over online

shopping. So the importance of the time saving factor cannot be

neglected as motivation behind online purchasing.

Convenience refers that it is easy to browse or search the information

through online is easier than the traditional retail shopping. And it is

always been a prime factor for consumers to shop online.

According to Webcheck’s (1999) study shows that convenience factor is

one of the biggest advantages of online shopping. Through online

purchase consumers can easily compare the price than the traditional


Website design/features Website design and online shopping activity is

one of the vital influencing factors of online shopping. According to the

study conducted by Zhang, Dran, Small, and Barcellos (1999, 2000), and

Zhang and Dran (2000) indicated that website design features of the

website are important and influencing factors that leads consumer’s

satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a specific website.

Website design features can be considered as a motivational factor that

can create positive or negative feelings with a website. It can also be the

guide of the customers for successful transactions and attract the

customers to revisit the website again. However, worse quality website

features can also hamper online shopping.

Security is another dominant factor which affects consumers to shop

online. But transaction security on the online shopping has received

attention. Safe and secured transaction of money and credit card

information increases trust and decreases transaction risk. And also

According to Bhatnagar and Ghose (2004) Security is one of the attribute

14 which limits buying on the web as they claim that there is a large

segment of internet shoppers who don’t like to buy online because of

their thinking about the security of their sensitive information. Cuneyt

and Gautam (2004) claims trust in the internet shopping with advanced

technology, and frequent online shopping to the internet being secured

as a trustworthy shopping channel.

The Engel Kollat Blackwell Model of consumer Behaviour is created to

describe the increasing, fast-growing body of knowledge about consumer

behaviour. This model has gone through a lot of revision to improve its

ability of the basic relationship between components and sub-


The Engel Kollat Blackwell Model of Consumer Behaviour or consists of

four distinct stages:

1. Information Input Stage:  This stage the consumer gets the

information they needed on the marketing and non-marketing sources,

in which it influence the problem recognition stage of the decision-

making. If the consumer didn’t give a specific decision, the search for

external information will be activated in place to make a choice or in

some cases if the consumer experience conflicts because of alternative

selected will be a less satisfactory.

2. Information Processing Stage:  In this stage it consists of the

exposure, attention, perception, acceptance, and retention of the

consumer in incoming information. The consumer need to become

exposed to the message, allocate space for this information, interpret the

stimuli, and retain the message by transferring the input to long-term


3. Decision Process Stage:  The main focus of this model are on five

basic decision-process stage: Problem recognition, research for

alternatives, alternative evaluation (which the beliefs may lead to the

formation of attitudes, which it may result of purchase intention)

purchase, and outcomes. It’s not necessary for every consumer to go

through all these stages; it depends on the routine problem-solving


4. Variables Influencing the Decision Process:  In this stage it consists

of individual and environmental influences that affect all the five stages

of the decision process. The individual characteristics include motives,

values, lifestyle and personality; the social influences are culture,

reference groups, and family. Social influences, such as a consumer’s

financial condition, also influence the decision process.

It can be seen that many of the elements of the model are similar

to Howard Sheth model of consumer behaviour, however the structure of

presentation and relationship between the variables differs somewhat.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

According to Maslow, these needs can create an internal pressure that

influences a person’s behaviour. Maslow proposed that motivation is the

result of a person’s attempt at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological,

safety, social, esteem and self-actualization.

Physiological needs are the needs of human to survive such as air,

food, water, shelter, clothing and sleep.

Safety needs it includes the needs that provide a person with the sense

of security and well-being. Personal security, financial security, good

health and protection from accidents, harm and unwilling effects are all

included in safety needs,

Social needs, also called love and belonging, it also refers to the need

to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. The social needs are very

important to humans so that they don’t feel lonely, isolated and

depressed. Friendships, family and intimacy all work to fulfil social


Esteem needs it refers to the needs for a self-esteem and respect, with

self-respect is more important than gaining respect and admiration for

other people.

Self-actualization needs it describe a person’s need to reach his or her

full potential. The need to become one’s capable of something that is a

highly personal.

Conceptual Framework


Profile of the Questionnaire

according to: Interpretation
and Analysis of Factors Influencing
Age data
Consumer Decisions

Education Buying Online

Socio – economic

Factors Influencing
Consumer Decisions
Online Buying


Figure 1. presented the moderating variable which is the profile of the

respondents; age, gender, education and socio-economic status. The

main variable focused on the factors that influence online buying

decisions such as; convinience, time saving, website design/feature and


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the leading factors that influence the

consumer decisions towards online buying particularly the residents of

M. Santos St. Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City. Specifically, it will seek to

answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Education;

1.4 Socio-Economic Status

2. What is the leading factor that influences consumer online buying

decisions among of all these factors:

2.1 Convenience

2.2 Time Saving

2.3 Website Design/Feature

2.4 Security

3. What is the leading indicator among the following:

3.1 Convenience

3.2 Time Saving

3.3 Website Design/Feature

3.4 Security

4. Is there any significant relationship between the factors influencing

online buying behaviour to the demographic profile of the respondents

pertaining to their age?

Objective of the Study

This study delves deeply into the factors that influence the

decisions towards online buying of the consumer. The purpose of the

study are the following:

 To determine the leading factor of customer’s that influence

to their buying decisions towards online purchasing.

 To know the customers buying decisions towards online

buying indifferent factors that influence them such as

convenience, website design/feature, time saving and


 To evaluate if there is an effect and significant relationship to

consumer’s demographic profile pertaining to age and to the

factors influencing the consumer decision towards online


Significance of the Study

Online marketing makes our life to live convinient, no hussle and

provides an easier access in terms of purchasing goods and services

online .

The result of this study can be useful to help the following


Online Distibutor. This study would help them to plan on how they make

strategies to gain customers trust and satisfaction. Moreover, to become

a successful online marketer.

Customer/Client/Student. That they would be able to know what should

they cater first in terms of purchasing online that could help them in

their buying decisions making.

Entrepreneur. They will have a basis on what are the qualities that must

be consider of their product when they plan to venture into this line of

online business.

Future researcher. Which they could use a reference to any future

researches or exploration that involved on the factors influencing the

standards in buying or purchasing online.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study has some scope and limitations within which the

findings need to be interpreted carefully. First, because of the time limit

this research was conducted on a small size of population of M. Santos

St. Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City which entails the criterion that the

intended respondents should involve in an online buying activity to

allocates the proper data needed. More specifically, this study will

include 100 respondents at the age of 18-30 years old, who will answer a

prepared set of questionnaire through the means of online activity.

Secondly, this study will identify the leading factor and significant

relationship of factors influencing consumer decisions towards

purchasing activity online pertaining to age.

Definition of Terms

Consumer - A consumer is a person or a group who intends to order,

orders, or uses purchased goods, products, or services primarily for

personal, social, family, household and similar needs, not directly related

to entrepreneurial or business activities

Convenience - Convenience is the state of being able to do something

easily with little effort and no hindrances.

Decision - Decision is a choice that is made, or the act of making up

one's mind.

Influence - Influence is the power to have an important effect on

someone or something. If someone influences someone else, they are

changing a person or thing in an indirect but important way.

Online Buying - An activity or action of buying product or service over

the internet.

Security – Security refers to all the measures that are taken to protect a

place, or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it.

Time Saving - shortening the length of time required for an operation,

activity, etc.

Website design/features - The art and process of making a web page or

a website.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures and Studies

This chapter presents selected readings, survey results and related

literature and studies conducted globally and locally to provide further

support for this study. Few authors have done through intensive

readings of materials, both printed and online, all of which has a great

significance on this study. Most of the literature and studies gathered

talks about the customers behaviour towards online buying in terms of

risk financial transaction, online security risk, social image risk, time

loss risk, privacy risk and psychological risk.

Related Foreign Literature

Foreign Literature

In the study of Kumar, et al (2012). “A Study of Factors Affecting

Online Buying Behavior: A Conptual Model, states that the buying

behavior key model was designed to eamine the the key factors realting

to affect of the buying motives of intended consumers for online buying

or E-Shopping. The basis of this framework is to observe and explore the

the process of purchasing decision and how does the factors affect the

consumers towards online buying.

Based on Robert Grant, et al (2010) in their article “ A Review of

Factors Affecting Online Consumer Search Behavior from an Information

Value Perspective indicated that in terms of purchasing process of

products and services through the use and the means of internet became

an easiest form to be systematize nowadays. Thus, evidences such

research, online sales, convertion ratios and enquiry sales, shows and

initiate an answers to the arose customers information. This provide

focus to utilize the the source, personal factors and product factors that

influence the consumer search behavior and the limit identified factors

that allocates the information itself and the complex buying decision of

the arising consumers. Through this artice the customers frustrations

weas being identified. Marketing theory inadequate the complexity needs

of the intended consumer.

According to Uzun, H & Poturak, M. (2014) in their research entitle

“Factors Affectimg Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers” states that

the relationship between e-satisfaction and e-loyalty has a context factor

that affects the customers behavior towards purchasing online. The

usage of internet plays an integral role of the online transaction and

becomes a means of channel to perceive buyers. This journal was

designed to inegrate and test the variables of factors affecting consumer

behavior and to formulate hypothesis the consumers experience towards

e-commerce. Data gathering was conducted online to 200 randomly

citiznes. The result of the study inadequate the relation between the

satisfaction with the online service and customers intention to patronize

the product and earn the customers loyalty.

Based on the study of Prshant, Raman (2014) entitled “ Factors

Influencing Women Consumers’ Buying Behavior Towards Online

Shopping in India” states that women has the greatest number of online

shoppers in India and online shopping become a developing activity that

provide conviience to many consumers. Through the use of questionaire

and conducting a survey they find out that the factors were identified

was link in the consumers buying behavior and preferences. The analysis

established various variables. Factors are being evaluated through the

use of developed model. The study shows that it was risk-free and

provided an easy online shopping experience. The reliability issue

proposed as the biggest restriction to the growth of online shopping.

In the study of Thananuraksakul, Siriporn (2018) entitled “Factors

Influencing Online Shopping Intention: A Study of Thai Consumers”

states that the important factor is the positive attitude toward online

shopping followed by the trut and the subjective norms. The study use

the descriptive research the questionaire are designed as the data

collection gathering. The methodology use of surveys was conducted at

the central shopping mall where in the participants are aged of 25 years

old and cover up to 384 participants as the sample. The analysis of

variance and the multiple regression are used as derivable data


Kumar, et al (2017) “ An Empirical Study on the Factors Affecting

Online Shopping Behavior of Millenial Consumers” said that the online

market in India become massive and extensive. The conceptual

framework consist the essential factors such as; consumer

innovativeness, perceived benefits, perceived risks, attitude and

intention. The four factors become a determinants to aim the main

objective of the study. The population of millenial was segmented and

uses the systematic random sampling to get the outcome of the study.

In the study “ Factors Influencing Consumers’ Attitude Towards E-

Commerce Purchases Through Online Shopping” by Jusoh & Ling

(2012), defined online shopping as the process of buying goods and

services from merchant who sell on the internet. Data information were

collected via self – administered questions where in they used

convinience sampling method that covers 100 respondents. The rsults

determines the factors influencing consumers’ attitude towards e-

commerce purchases through online shopping. The date gathering were

utilize by different variables. There are 34 questions in Part B (attitude

towards online purchase) and 36 questions in Part C (purchase

perception towards online shopping). ANOVA were used to determine the

differences between independent variable such as age, income,

occupation and pattern of online buying (type of goods) and dependent

variable such as attitude towards online shopping.

According to Javadi, et al (2012) “An Analysis of Factors Affecting

on Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers” that the behavior of the

consumers are the mainly issue in the field of successful marketing

process. The study undergoes to examine the main factors that influence

the online shopping behavior. The data utilize in making use of the

model that established the impact of perceived risks, infrastructural

variables and return policy on attitude towards online shopping behavior

and subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, domain effective

innovativeness, and attitude on online shopping behavior as the

hypothesis of the study. The study shows the financial-risk and the non-

delivery risk negatively affected attitude towards online shopping. This

include that the domain specific innovativeness and subjective norms

positively affect online shopping behaviour towards purchasing.

In the journal of Babar, et al (2014) entitles “Factors Influencing

Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers defined online shopping as an

emerging trend in many developing countries. The study uses the (TAM)

Technology Acceptance Model to give focus to the two main domains of

perceived usefulness and the ease of use of the technology. The model

helps to identify the factors and the intended variables. Data gathered

from the 132 internet users to determine and measure the relationship of

the four variables such as; ease of use, financial risk, attitude and

measure of usefulness.

Online shopping was a global business nowadays. According to

Delafrooz, et al. (2010) entitle “Students’ Online Shopping Behavior: An

Empirical Study” states that the develop of the market requires a good

marketing strategies to encourge potential consumers into active one.

Through the use of self-administered questionaire with the five level of

Likert scale, analyzed the significant determinants of the consumers

attitude toowards online shopping situation. The outcome of the study

indicate that the utilitarian orientation, convience, price, and a greater

number of the influenced consumers towards online shopping

purchases. Moreover, e-retailers should highlight a more user-friendly

function in order to allocate the customers.

Local Literature

According to Crafts (2012), technology does not create impulse

buyers; rather, it gives impulsive consumers more resources to shop and

the easier access to complete transactions in a short amount of time,

making purchases truly a reaction to an impulse. However, online

impulse purchase behaviours have been seldom investigated here in the

Philippines. This topic has interested foreign researchers as well as

retailers but only a few local studies have tapped on this. Therefore, this

study will greatly enrich our knowledge of this essential element on

consumer behaviour among millennial.

According to the researchers Banzuelo, et al (2019) In the

eighteenth century, celebrities have been involved in endorsing a product

or a service. This study focuses on drawing out a result to the following:

to analyse the literature available on the effect of celebrity endorsement

on consumer buying behaviour; to test whether there is any relation

between the attitudes of the consumers that is being a supporter, neutral

or opposes of celebrity endorsement considering some demographic

profiling variables (age, gender, course and family monthly income); to

identify the celebrity attributes that will likely influence the purchase

intentions of the consumers; and lastly is to examine the consumers

perception of the celebrity endorsement that is now a widespread

strategy to heighten up the sales of a company by influencing consumers

through them. Literature reviews from the presented study revealed that

existing studies have been carried out on the impact of celebrity

endorsement on consumers’ buying behaviour but not in the Philippine


According to Tallud, Flarida (2014) the attitude and behaviour of

SMEs‟ towards online buying are two main factors that affect e-buying

potential. Based on several studies, the major reasons for buying online

seem to include convenience, flexibility of opening hours, and saving

money. Subsequently, firms buy online because they can get detailed

product information, delivery, convenience, product quality and lower

prices. The present study focused on the buying behaviour of SMEs who

are purchasing online. It includes factors that affect their online buying

behaviour such as the website characteristics, product characteristics,

suppliers‟ characteristics and their online buying experiences.

Participants were the SMEs who are using the internet in browsing,

reviewing and eventually purchasing products or services. The

respondents of the study were the owners/managers of SMEs who are

into service and trading businesses. SMEs purchased online but not too

often. However, they believed that online buying will save their time,

money and effort, thus, reduces their purchasing costs.

According to Chua, Cristopher (2014), the study reveals that portal

users are mostly male, young professionals, Citisec Online (COL)

financial clients and have limited experience in online trading. The

portals are recognized to be useful, easy to use, beneficial, secured and

within the control of users. The five variables namely perceived

usefulness, ease of use, risk, benefit and behavioural control show slight

to substantial positive correlations to each other. Users encountered

minor problems which seldom occur while using the portal. Nowadays,

an investor or trader has an option to subscribe to a retail online trading

account to gain access to an online trading portal provided by a broker.

Investors and traders can perform transactions in an online trading

portal by entering the specific trade in their internet enabled computer,

which in turn, transmits the trade to the broker. This is matched to the

lowest bid and asks quotes. If a matched is found, the trade will be


According to the Ericsson Mobility Report (Ericsson, 2014),

Filipinos use smartphones primarily for chatting, browsing the Internet,

visiting social network sites, viewing video clips, and sending text

messages and emails. The subscriptions to smartphones continue to rise

because of these online activities whose main subscribers are the youth

(10–24 years old). The World Bank (2016) reported that there were 111

mobile phone subscriptions per 100 people. Obviously, the need to

socialize and the influence of the society drive the youth to use

smartphones. Because of the call to socialize, the convenience brought

by smartphones entices the youth to use these devices showed that the

youth in Jordan use smartphones mainly for communicating, setting of

alarm or using as watch, and for sending messages.

According to Grecu et al (2020) Consumers’ Decision-Making

Process on Social Commerce Platforms: Online Trust, Perceived Risk,

and Purchase Intentions stated that the effect of perceived risk on

intention to go shopping in online settings, and consumer trust and

buying behavior on online retailing platforms. Limited research has

considered consumers’ decision-making processes on social commerce

platforms by investigating how their perceptual attitudes, behavioral

intentions, and immediate gratifications affect the purchase of products

and services online. Subsequent directions should clarify whether

adoption of mobile payment services may shape online consumers’

impulsive buying behavior and decision-making, especially under the

influence of online product reviews.

Based on the study of Catedrilla, Jypzie (2017) Filipino

Consumers' Decision-Making Model in Social Commerce stated that the

proliferation of the social activities in the social media platform in the

Philippines created an avenue for business entrepreneurs to take

advantage of the opportunity to expand their markets and to attract

online consumers, thus social commerce has emerged as the new era of

e-commerce. To examine the social interaction of Filipino consumers as

for how this would affect their online purchasing behavior by

conceptualizing the constructs of WOM communication and observing

other consumer’s purchases and examining their impacts on the

intention to purchase, actual purchase and post-purchase behaviour.

Based on the researchers Legaspi, et al. (2016) the study presents

findings on consumer behaviour among millennial in the Philippines

regarding online impulse purchase behaviours. The rapid growth in

information technology has evidently influenced the landscape of

consumer behaviour in the Philippines despite infrastructure

constraints. Filipino consumers’ buying patterns had diversified through

an increased accessibility to products and services with online options.

The research presented Filipino Millennial as online impulse buyers in

four scales: Consumer Impulsiveness Scale, Optimum Stimulation Level

Scale, Self-monitoring Scale, and Level of Impulsiveness in Purchase

Decision Scale in the local setting. Participants were millennial aged 19

to 35 years old; student, employed or unemployed; single or married.

These Millennial are social media users like Instagram, Facebook, they

subscribe and receive promotional emails from different brands and

individuals. They have tried buying online using credit card, debit card

or cash-on-delivery basis.

According to Odona, Casey (2018) Filipino Consumer Buying

Behaviour towards Online Shopping on Mobile App Marketplace stated

that the factors that affect the consumer buying behaviour on mobile

app marketplaces and gauge how it affects the online shoppers.

Moreover, the research aims to assess the level of perception on these

factors between the two largest buying group which are the Millennial

or Generation Y (20 – 35) and Generation X (36 – 55). The study

specifically aimed to address the following concerns: (1) the profile of

the Filipino online shoppers on mobile app marketplaces; (2) Mobile app

shoppers’ assessment on the factors that affect the consumer buying

behaviour; and (3) the level of agreement on the perception of consumer

buying behaviour between the Millennial or Generation Y and the

Generation X. Descriptive type of research design was used to describe

what is going on and what exists through relational questions, was the

methodology used. Results showed the respondents’ level of perception

on the different factors that affect the consumer behaviour towards

online shopping on mobile app market places.

Based on the data information result of MasterCard’s Online

Shopping Behaviour Study (2012). The survey also shows that the

country’s e-commerce potential is expected to grow even more with the

emergence of enabling technologies.Thee report is bullish on the

prospects of e-commerce advancing in the Philippines, as long as

merchants, and credit card and payment solution companies more

effectively promote the security of online transactions, ensure that there

are no hidden charges, and strictly adhere to delivery timelines. Other

suggestions to improve the Filipino online shopping experience include

minimizing the delivery fees, protecting consumers from unscrupulous

websites, and facilitating the ease of transactions.

Based on Cacho, Kathleen (2015) regardless of the nature of their

business, local entrepreneurs are encouraged to adopt e-commerce

strategies to take advantage of the growing online market. Robert

Gantuangco, director and co-founder of Digital Commerce Association of

the Philippines (DCOM.ph) said there is robust potential for e-commerce

to grow in the Philippines, on the back of the country’s strong 41% per

cent Internet penetration rate. To remain successful in online retailing,

Gantuanco said retailers have to build their own community, invest in

reliable Internet connection and increase the selection of their products.

E-commerce also opens business opportunities in sales and after-sales

support service, warehouse and shipping, payment collection, import and


B. Review of Related Studies

Foreign Study

As stated by Vrender (2016), the day-by-day taste, inclination, and

choices are changing with respect to distinctive variables such as Web

development. In any case, the advancement needs a few more

understanding related to the consumer’s behavior. Buyer behavior

investigates recognizes a common show of buying behavior that portrays

the forms utilized by customers in making a buy choice.

Based on Severi et al., (2014) the effectiveness of social media has

engaged the marketers and clients with quick interaction and

communication forms to upgrade client benefit, increment brand

mindfulness, and construct solid customer-brand connections. Utilizing

social media apparatuses, shoppers will have the chance to specific their

conclusions to a larger number of individuals conjointly discover the

specified data rapidly without bringing about much fetched.

According to Hudson et al., (2016) the commerce marketers will

have the opportunity to connect with their existing and potential clients

utilizing two-way communications to get wealthy and important

experiences rapidly and at lower costs. The marketers have moreover

realized the extra values of social media channels through simpler

collaborations with brand referrals and quality of data sharing.

In accordance with Ebster and Garaus (2017) the visual marketing

is the craftsmanship and science of displaying items within the most

outwardly engaging way, emphasizing on the communication with the

clients through images and introductions, additionally shown that visual

marketing could be a device to communicate a message around

merchandise to the buyers by utilizing different visual styles and topics

additionally visual marketing components make the most noteworthy

positive effect on motivation buying for customers when shopping in

specialized clothing and footwear stores.

As stated by Zuroni & Goh (2012) the ease of utilizing does not

influence the behavioral design in this case or maybe impacted by

security and protection issues. No relationship is built between the client

and the online shop within the nearness of seen online hazard indeed in

case a client went through hours on the Web.

Concurring to Zhou, T. (2011) the social bunches or society, social

status reflects the significance of this part and reflects the positions.

Customers obtaining choices and conduct escalation impact social status

and part. Agreeing to an individual’s position within the family, his

position at work and his sexual orientation may be a set of exercises and

states of mind consider as a social part.

Based on Kim, J. S. and. J., (2012) the agents decided that the

cost recognition heightening affected whether a customer would make a

future buy and whether customers were fulfilled with their buys. Two

components that formed cost recognition were cost comparisons and the

seen quality of the benefit and stock.

As expressed by Patnaik, S., (2015), the entire preparation of

recognition is made up of three diverse stages. The primary organize is

called the presentation arrange, another is the consideration organize,

and in conclusion, is the translation arrange. The brain is the one who

boosts within the consideration stage and translates the jolts agreeing to

the past involvement and what the person wants within the translation


As clarified by Hong‐Youl Ha (2011) it is fast and simple to total

exchange at the site. The location must have competitive costs, great

choice, gets it my needs, gives in-depth data, shopper feel comfortable in

surfing this location and it doesn't squander the time. The level of

personalization at the location is around right, not as well much or as

well small and it ought to have a site plan figure generally cruel of Site

Plan Calculate.

Based on Saad Akbar, (2015) that the progressed nearness

deviations relations between the players. Furthermore, businesses have

gotten a handle on and gotten the importance of the Web and it has

gotten to be that e-commerce within the proficient system, for most

companies, can be seen as a compliment. The noteworthiness of the

financial control and prevalence has come to the bleeding edge and

organizations’ tolerating of opposition has changed melodramatically. To

extend competitive advantage and to communicate with clients in today’s

world electronic commerce channels are utilized by businesses.

Local Study

According to Salvador, Lisa (2013) Determinants of Purchase

Decisions and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Green Products states

that the purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of

consumers buying decisions and willingness to pay for green products.

Five variables were examined for the determinants, and three questions

were considered for the willingness to pay for green products. The study

revealed a low to moderate influence of personal , social , economic,

psychological factors and product attributes on consumers purchase

decision This means specific items are influential to one demographic

but not to another. the study are willing to pay for green products, and

from those who are willing to pay, 39% perceived they have the

willingness and ability to pay up to 5% more of the product price. This

study added to the literature of green consumer behaviour and provided

a consumers’ viewpoint to aid in the development of marketing


In the Study of Pinca, Korina and Lgaspi M Ba (2015) Online

Shopping behaviour of the student in the college of Business

Administration, state that online shopping is becoming a trend to a busy

people, particularly in young and those who have the knowledge on how

to shop and buy online. The focus of this study is to describe student

practices in online shopping to determine to level of entrepreneurial

mind-set of online shoppers, and to determine the problem faced by

online shopping student of the college of Business Administration,

University of Eastern Philippines. The younger age group might be more

familiar with the internet compared with their older counterparts. But

due to financial constraints the risk involved they were found to be more

hesitant in buying online.

According to Mahinay (2016) Consumer Perception and Purchase

Behaviour on Online Shopping among Students in Mindanao University

of Science and Technology states that the study determined whether

there is a significant relationship between consumer perception and

purchase behaviour on online shopping among students in Mindanao

University of Science and Technology.  Through a survey questionnaire

adopted from three different previous studies, three elements of

perception were gauged: (1) convenience; (2) benefits; and (3) leisure, and

another three elements of behaviour: (1) convenience; (2) security; and (3)

leisure. It has been found out that the respondents’ perceptions and

their purchase behaviour on online shopping are both high. Correlational

analysis yielded a high significant association between their beliefs and

behaviour at .05 Significance of level.  It is important for online

marketers, entrepreneurs, and businessmen to consider the fact that

students spend more time on the internet and that this factor will likely

increase the students’ online shopping behaviour.

In Study of Bringula et Al (2018) Factors influencing online

purchase intention of smartphones: A hierarchical regression analysis

stated that the factors company, personal, and technical could influence

online purchase intention of smartphones. Toward this goal, data

gathered from 230 students were analysed using hierarchical regression

analysis. Trust was the strongest predictor of online purchase intention

of smartphones. It was disclosed that price was initially considered when

buying the device. However, subsequent analyses revealed that this

variable was no longer considered when personal-related factors were

included in the analysis. Quality was not a significant predictor all

throughout the analysis.  It was concluded that the study was able to

determine the factors that could influence purchase of smartphones in

an online environment.

Based on the study of Dejoras et al (2018), Factors Affecting Online

Buying Behaviour of Taguig City University Graduate Student stated that

the evolution and spread of internet at an extraordinary pace over the

last few decades has resulted in emergence of online purchasing of

products and services. The purpose of the study is to assess the factors

affecting the online buying behaviour as to convenience, security, website

design/features and time-saving of graduate students of Taguig City

University. The researchers utilized a descriptive-correlational research

design through a survey given to 100 respondents. Majority of the

respondents are 21 to 25 years old, females, single, with a monthly

income between P10, 000-P20, 000, enrolled in Master in Business

Administration program, Roman Catholics, working in the service

industry and mostly in private sector. Most of the user students are

using e-commerce platform, shopping online quarterly, purchasing

tickets for booking on airlines, hotels and travels and paying through

cash on delivery. Online shoppers are moderately satisfied as to

convenience, security, promotion, website design and features and time

saved. Results also show that they are very satisfied with the easy

payment system provided by online stores.

According to Galvez, Daphne (2018) Facebook: More Filipinos use

online mobile shopping states that The study, which analyzed the

shopping habits of 1,504 people from ages 18 and above in the

Philippines, revealed that even when people go to a physical store to

shop, they still use their mobile devices to do some research. The study,

which analyzed the shopping habits of 1,504 people from ages 18 and

above in the Philippines, revealed that even when people go to a physical

store to shop, they still use their mobile devices to do some research. The

study also found that three in five Filipino shoppers say that using their

mobile phones for holiday shopping helps them in making informed

buying decisions. Filipino shoppers will spend an average amount of P17,

000 during Christmas, and 40 percent of mobile-first shoppers will

spend more than that. Basically, mobile-first shopping is driving not only

more research and bargain-hunting behavior, inventory-behavior but it

also ends up making them spend more,

In the study of Francia, Arra (2018) Filipinos still prefer in-store

shopping over online sites, States that Filipino consumers still prefer shopping

in brick and mortar stores over online platforms, favoring the physical

appeal of products despite the convenience of online purchases,

according to a study by digital research and consulting firm, Research

and Tech Lab (RTL). RTL recorded the sentiment of online shoppers from

July to September. The coincided with the sale promo of leading e-

commerce sites Lazada and Shopee. Here, the company found that

68.61% of Filipinos still favor traditional shopping. The data revealed

that although shoppers are drawn to the appeal of purchasing online for

reasons such as no checkout queues, 24/7 access to stores, and

available reviews for products, many are still wary of site legitimacy.

Nowadays technology has changed the shopper’s journey by blurring

lines and creating new stages where buyers can easily switch channels

from online to offline — searching online to buy offline and vice versa.

The use of more than one channel has given Filipino buyers more

opportunities that go beyond the traditional.

According to Nartea et Al (2019) Exploring the Characteristics of

Millennial in Online Buying Behavior stated that Online Shopping has

become an important medium for sales and marketing transaction In

fact, many people are switching from the traditional form of trading

goods and now joining the Online Shopping craze. Philippines are the

third highest in the Asia Pacific countries which were seen patronizing

the platform of buying products online. However, it was also perceived

that there are a high percentage of Filipino buyers who are not a fan of

Online Shopping. This studied and explored the factors that affect the

buying behavior of the consumers and aimed to investigate the

relationship of the factors of online shopping and the consumer purchase

decision process. The results revealed that consumers consider the

factors such as Sales promotion, Advertisement, Social environment,

Feedback, Logistics, and Payment process and that they undergo process

of Consumer Purchase decision making. Online business must take into

consideration these factors in designing and implementing their online

shops to experience sales growth.

Based on the study of Uy et al (2019) Customers’ Perception on the

Trustworthiness of Electronic Commerce states that Electronic commerce

is growing popular across the world because of the convenience it brings

to online sellers and online customers. However, as the electronic

commerce rises, problematic issues like privacy concerns,

dissatisfaction, incompetent deliveries, and the most important trust

issues also surface. Some studies also specifically stated that personal

information, product quality, security, and business reputation are the

usual factors which the customers evaluate to deem the online business

as trustworthy.

In the Study of Futalan et al (2020) Influence of Demographics and

Buying Capacity on Consumer Buying Behavior During the COVID-19

Pandemic in Dumaguete City, Philippines. States that the study looks

into how the buying behavior of the residents of Dumaguete City, in

regards to demographics and consumer buying capacity, is influenced by

the COVID-19 pandemic. Here were 316 respondents, living, working,

and studying in Dumaguete City, who participated in this study. The

results show that majority of the respondents are experiencing varying

levels of financial pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic, which

directly influences the buying behavior of most people. It also shows that

gender, education, and occupation directly influence consumer buying

behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, age and family size do

not constitute a significant relationship with consumer buying behavior

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Relevance of The Study

The related local and foreign, literatures and studies gathered

discuss about the Factors that Influence The Consumer Decision Online

Buying of the resident in M.Santos St. Brgy. 25 Zone 4 Pasay City. Most

of the studies focuses on the consumer decision and behavioural being

and also the factors influencing the online buying activity. Through the

other literatures and studies, they concluded that there are different way

of factors that influence the decision of the consumer and the mostly the

increasing of the new technology is the one with the great factor why

many people involve in online buying activity.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter contains the method of research used in the conduct

of this study. It includes the gathering of data, sampling technique, the

research subjects, population of the study, instrument utilized to gather

data as well as the statistical tools employed in processing the data. This

chapter is showing how these data will help to analyze and how the

researcher came to the necessary data for this study and interpreted and

presented in the easiest way possible.

Research Method

This study utilizes the descriptive method of research to determine

the Factors Influencing Consumer Decision Online Buying. According to

Ethridge (2004), descriptive research can be explained as a statement of

affairs as they are at present with the researcher having no control over

variable. Moreover, “descriptive research may be characterized as simply

the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is, while analytical

research attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came to be” It

would see if dependent variables in relation to risk financial transaction,

online security risk, social image risk, time loss risk, privacy risk,

psychological risk. This descriptive research would use qualitative

methods approach to assess the feedback from the respondents by

emphasizing objective in the analysis of data collected through surveys.

Source of Data and Sampling Techniques

The totality number size of the residents in M. Santos St. Barangay

25 Zone 4 Pasay City was inadequate in the Slovin’s formula with 5%

margin of error, the researchers deals with smaller number of population

with the overall number of 134 people who lived in the particular area

that the researchers choose and come up to a 100 number of the

respondents. The researcher used the simple random sampling in

choosing the respondents. Each member of the subset has an equal

probability of being chosen. The researchers use a specific technique on

how we can have the complete respondents.. To avoid bias the

researchers drew out 100 questionnaires from all the participants to

reach the number of respondents.

Slovin’s Formula:



n= Sample size

N= Number of population

e= Margin of error

Description of the Respondents

The research respondents of this study are the residents in M.

Santos St. Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City. This indicates their age

within 18-30 years old. The researchers provide a criterion, that the

intended respondents should be inclined in online buying activity. The

total population of the respondents is 100.


For this study, a questionnaire was used to gather the

respondents’ feedback. A survey is a list of questions aimed at extracting

specific data from a particular group of people. The researchers used

close ended type of questionnaire. Part I of the questionnaire covers the

socio-demographic profile of the respondent; such as age, gender,

educational attainment, and socio-economic status. Part II covers the

factors influencing the consumer decision online buying including the

convenience, time saving, website design/feature and security.

Validation of Questionnaire

The researchers wanted to validate their questionnaire by using

other people that are not respondents of the study to make it more

reliable to use, and also to see that it’s not easy to manipulate.

Data Processing Procedure

The researchers consolidated data gathering procedure. Due to

lack of resources, the researchers accumulated the 100 number of

respondents. Approval to distribute the questionnaires and conduct the

study was secured from by the superior. Since were having a pandemic

face to face survey was not ideal to do so. The researchers come up to

online surveys which they answered it with full of honesty. The study

was administered during their convenient time.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Present, analyze and interpret the data gathered from the

respondents, the researchers may utilize the frequency counts,

percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation, pearson-r and t-test.

For Part I, which covers the demographic profile of the respondents

including the age, gender, educational attainment and socio-

demographic profile of their parents. Frequencies and percentage were

used with the following formula:


where in:

P = percentage of the quantity compared to the total

f = number of frequency

n = total number of the respondents

For Part II, which composed of 5-point Likert scale aranged from 1

for the lowest to 5 for the highest that covers the factors influencing the

respondent’s satisfaction in terms of health, safety, taste, convenience

and price. To test the relationships of the data, the researchers used

weighted mean and pearson-r with the following formulas:



where in:

WA= weighted average/mean

F = number of frequency

x = measurement or value

n = total number of the respondents



where in:

x = the observed data for the independent variable

y = the observed data for the dependent variable

n = size of the sample

r = the degree of relationship between x and y



df = n-2

where in:

r = the obtained Pearson r value

n = size of the sample

The following describes the weight and the mean range of the degree of influence,

represented by each point:


5 4.20 - 5.0 Strongly Agree

4 3.40 – 4.19 Agree

3 2.60 – 3.39 Neutral

2 1.80 – 2.59 Disagree

1 1.0 – 1.79 Strongly


The following describes the range of the value of influence, represented by each point:

Pearson R (Range of Value*)

0.90 to 1.00 (-0.90 to -1.00) Very high positive (negative)


0.70 to 0.90 (-0.70 to -0.90) High positive (negative)


0.50 to 0.70 (-0.50 to - Moderate positive (negative)

0.70) correlation

0.30 to 0.50 (-0.30 to -0.50) Low positive (negative)


0.00 to 0.30 (0.00 to -0.30) Little, if any correlation

Chapter 4

Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the statistical results of the study which are

divided into 4 (four) parts and each have a corresponding table for every

topic/matter at focus. The first part consists of the demographic profile

of the residents in the M. Santos St. Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City.

The second part of the statistical results is the factors influencing

consumer decision online buying. The third part consists of the leading

that influences the consumer decision. The last part shows the

significant relationship of consumer’s demographic profile in terms of

age towards purchasing activity online. There would also be

interpretation regarding the data that is included.

Demographic Profile of the Students

Table 1.1 Profiles of Respondents as of Age

Table 1.1 clearly shows that majority of the respondents are 20 years old

with a frequency of 44 or 44%. Followed by 19 years old with a frequency

of 38

or Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

18 2 2

19 38 38

20 44 44

21 12 12

22 - 30 4 4

n=100 100

38%, 21 years old with a frequency of 12 or 12%, 22 - 30 years old and

above with a frequency of 4 or 4% and 18 years old with a frequency of 2

or 2%. This implies that the common age of resident in M. Santos

Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City is 20 years of age.

Table 1.2 Profile of Respondents as of Gender

Gender Frequency (f) Percentage


Male 44 44

Female 56 56

n=100 100

Table 1.2, it can be seen that majority of the respondents are female with

a frequency of 56 or 56% while the male has a frequency of 44 or 44%. It

clearly implies that most of the respondents in M. Santos St. Barangay

25 Zone 4 Pasay City are female.

Table 1.3 Profile of Respondents as of Education Attainment

Educational Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Second Year College 6 6

Third Year College 38 38

Fourth Year College 12 12

College Graduate 44 44

n= 100 100

Table 1.3 clearly shows that majority of the respondents are college

graduate with a frequency of 44 or 44%. Followed by the Third Year

College with a frequency of 38 or 38%, Fourth Year College with a

frequency of 12 or 12%, and Second Year College with a frequency of 2 or

2%. This implies that the highest educational attainment of the

respondents is those professional who are engage in workplace


Table 1.4 Profile of Respondents as of Socio-economic Status

Socio – Economic Frequency (f) Percentage

Status (%)

7,000-Below 30 30

7,001-14,000 28 28

14,001-21,000 23 23

21,001-28,000 12 12

28,001-35,000 3 3

35,001-Up 4 4

n=100 100

From the Table 1.4, it can be seen that majority of the respondents with

a frequency of 30 or 30% of the respondent’s parent’s socio-economic

status have 7,001-14,000. It can be implied that most of the consumer

are those who has an income and credible to perform the online

purchasing activity.

Study on the Factors Influencing Consumer Decision Online Buying

Table 2.1 Convenience as Factors Influencing Consumer Decision
towards Online Buying

Convenience WM Interpretation

1. I can choose the method of 3.99 Agree

2. I can pay on the day of arrival of 3.53 Agree
3. The delivery update if the 3.30 Neutral
products are on the way.
4. Offer variety of products. 3.93 Agree

5. Provides an easy comparison of 4.04 Agree


Average Mean 3.76 Agree

Table 2.1 shows the convenience as factors influencing consumer

decinsion towards online buying. Majority of the respondents with a

weighted mean of 4.04 said that online buying provides an easy

comparison of prices. The totality mean 3.76 meant that the respondents

are Agree in convenience as factors influencing consumer decision

towards online buying.

Table 2.2 Website Design/Feature as the Factors Influencing Consumer

Decision towards Oline Buying

Website Design/Feature WM Interpretation

6. I prefer buying on website that’s 3.67 Agree

providing quality of information.
7. The website design helps me to 4.13 Agree
search the products easily.
8. The website design attracts the 4.08 Agree
attention of the consumer.
9. Provides me an easy scan system 4.00 Agree
because of well formatted

10. I prefer to website that 3.60 Agree

provides an effective navigation.

Average Mean 3.90 Agree

Table 2.2 shows the Website Design/Feature as factors influencing

consumer decision towards online buying. Majority of the respondents

with a weighted mean of 4.13 said that the website design help them to

search the product easily. The totality mean 3.90 meant that the

respondents are Agree in Website Design and Feature as the factors

influencing consumer decision towards online buying.

Table 2.3 Time Saving as Factors Influencing Consumer Decision

towards Online Buying

Time Saving WM Interpretation

11. In online buying I can save my 4.47 Strongly Agree

time by just easily choosing
different variation by just scrolling.
12. The time purchase is less in 4.17 Agree
online shopping.
13. Online buying saves my time 4.06 Agree
by standing in lines, particularly
when holidays.
14. There is no time pressure in 4.12 Agree
online buying.

15. There is a particular span of 3.99 Agree

time on when can I claim the
items or products.

Average Mean 4.16 Agree

Table 2.3 shows the time saving as factors influencing consumer decision

towards online buying. Majority of the respondents with a weighted mean

of 4.47 said that in online buying I can save my time by just easily

choosing different variation by just scrolling. The totality mean 4.16

meant that the respondents are Agree in time saving as factors

influencing consumer decision towards online buying.

Table 2.4 Security as Factors Influencing Consumers Decision towards

Online Buying

Security WM Interpretation

16. I feel safe and secure while 3.08 Neutral

shopping online
17. My personal information is 2.80 Neutral
safe and protected.
18. Credit/debit card payments 2.65 Neutral
are protected.
19. The security of the 2.60 Neutral
application or website is strict.

20. My information is not easily 2.58 Neutral

can access, it notify me if
someone access on it.

Average Mean 2.74 Neutral

Table 2.4 shows the Security as factors influencing consumer decision

towards online buying. Majority of the respondents with a weighted mean

of 3.08 said that they feel safe and secure while shopping online. The

totality mean 2.74 meant that the respondents are Neutral in security as

factors influencing consumer decision towards online buying.

Resume on Factors Influencing Concumer Decision Online Buying

Table 3.1 Ranking of Personality Types Influencing Student’s Career

Indicators Weighted Ranking Verbal

Mean Interpretation

Convenience 3.76 3rd Agree

Website 3.90 2nd Agree


Time Saving 4.16 1st Agree

Security 2.74 4th Neutral

Average Mean 3.66 Agree

Table 3.1 shows that Time Saving is the factor that influence the

consumer decision towards online buying with a total mean of 4.16

followed by Website Design/Feature with a total mean of 3.90,

Convenience with a total mean of 3.76 and Security with a total mean of

2.74. This indicates that the respondents are engage in online buying

activity because they can save time and provide an easy access towards

the intended product they are looking for.

Pearson Correlations Coefficient and T-test Relationship for

Indicators and Socio-economic Status

Table 4.1 Relationships between Indicators and Age using Pearson r

Indicators Degree Level of Pearson r Interpretation

of Significance value

Age vs. 98 P > 0.05 0.03 Little, if any

Convenience correlation
Age vs. Website 98 P > 0.05 0.12 Little, if any
Design/Feature correlation
Age vs. Time 98 P > 0.05 0.15 Little, if any
Saving correlation
Age vs. 98 P > 0.05 -0.25 Low positive
Security (negative)

Average Total 98 P > 0.05 0.08 Little, if any


The degree of relationship existing between the general weighted average

of the residents in Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City and the indicators

which are convenience, website design/feature, time saving and security

is little, if any correlation, using the range of values for the interpretation

of the Pearson r.

Table 5.1 Relationships between Indicators and age using T-Test

Indicators Degree Level of T- Critical Significance

of Significance Test Value
Age vs. 98 P > 0.05 1.42 1.661 Significant
Age vs. Website 98 P > 0.05 3.79 1.661 Significant
Age vs. Time 98 P > 0.05 3.02 1.661 Significant
Age vs. 98 P > 0.05 1.05 1.661 Significant

Table 5.1 shows the relationship between age and the indicators that

influence the consumer decision towards online buying. There is a

significant relationship between age and Convenience with a t-test value

of 1.42, Website Design/Feature with a T-test value of 3.79,Time Saving

with the T-test value of 3.02 and the Security with the T-test value of

1.05, using the range of values for the interpretation of the T-test. It

simply implies that there is a significant relationship between the factors

that influence consumer decision in online buying activity with the age of

the respondents.

Chapter 5
Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

In this chapter the summary of the study is conducted. A review of

the purpose of the study, a restatement of the research questions,

research methodology used, and a summary of the study results or

findings and conclusion. Recommendations that will serve as guidelines

and possible studies were included in this chapter.


The main problem of the study is to determine the factors influencing the

consumer decision towards online buying of the residents in M. Santos

St. Barangay 25 Zone 4 Pasay City. Specifically, it will seek to answer the

following questions:

2. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Education;

1.4 Socio-Economic Status

2. What is the leading factors that influence consumer online buying

decisions among of all these factors:

2.1 Convenience

2.2 Time Saving

2.3 Website Design/Feature

2.4 Security

3. What is the leading indicator among the following:

3.1 Convenience

3.2 Time Saving

3.3 Website Design/Feature

3.4 Security

4. Is there any significant relationship between the factors influencing

online buying behaviour to the demographic profile of the respondents

pertaining to their age?


Be founded upon the conducted online survey, the demographic profile of

the residents in M. Santos St. Brgy. 25 Zone 4 Pasay City in terms of age,

gender, socio-economic status and factors influencing consumer

decisions towards online buying of the academic year 2020-2021 were

gathered, the researchers found out the following:

1. As a result most of the residents in M. Santos St. Brgy. 25 Zone 4

Pasay City are 20 years old with a frequency of 44 or 44% followed by

19 years old with a frequency of 38 or 38%, 21 years old with a

frequency of 12 or 12%, 22 - 30 years old and above with a frequency

of 4 or 4% and 16 years old with a frequency of 18 or 2%.

2. Most of the residents in M. Santos St. Bgry. 25 Zone 4 are female with

a frequency of 56 or 56% while the male has a frequency of 44 or

44%. It clearly implies that most of the respondents are female.

3. Majority of the respondents are college graduates with a frequency of

44 or 44%. Followed by the Third Year College with a frequency of 38

or 38%, Fourth Year College with a frequency of 12 or 12%, and

Second Year College with a frequency of 2 or 2%. This implies that

most of the respondents are those who are financially capability.

4. Most of the respondents with a frequency of 30 or 30% of the

respondent’s parent’s socio-economic status have 7,000-below. It can

be implied that the respondents are financially able to attain the

purchasing activity through online.

5. As the results, the respondents with a weighted mean average of 4.04

values online buying provides an easy comparison of prices. The

totality mean 3.76 meant that the respondents are Agree in

convenience as factors influencing consumer decision towards online


6. As the results, the respondents with a weighted mean average of 4.13

values the website design as essential to search the product easily.

The totality mean 3.90 meant that the respondents are Agree in

convenience as factors influencing consumer decision towards online


7. As the results, the respondents with a weighted mean average of 4.47

values time alotted in online buying activity by just easily choosing

different variation by just scrolling. The totality mean 4.16 meant that

the respondents are Agree in convenience as factors influencing

consumer decision towards online buying.

8. As the results, the respondents with a weighted mean average of 3.08

values security in online buying activity. The totality mean 2.74

meant that the respondents are Neutral in convenience as factors

influencing consumer decision towards online buying.

9. Time Saving is the leading factor that influences the consumer

decision towards online buying with a total mean of 4.16 followed by

Website Design/Feature with a total mean of 3.90, Convenience with

a total mean of 3.76 and Security with a total mean of 2.74. This

indicates that the respondents are favourable in online buying


10. There is a significant relationship between age and Convenience

with a t-test value of 1.42, Website Design/Feature with a T-test value

of 3.79,Time Saving with the T-test value of 3.02 and the Security

with the T-test value of 1.05, using the range of values for the

interpretation of the T-test


Based on the findings above, the followings conclusions are drawn.

1. The residents in M. Santos St. Brgy. 25 Zone 4 are age of 20 and

majority are female. Most of the respondents are college graduates.

This indicates that they are more capability to do an online buying or

purchasing activity through the means of online connection. Majority

of the respondents’ parent’s socio-economic status have 7,000-below.

Merely, they are the minimum earners and can provide their wn

necessity. It can implied that they can attain or perform the online

buying since many of them are graduates and in the field of having a

fully sched in work.

2. In the area of Convenience, the respondents value the online buying

activity by providing them an easy comparison of prices of a certain

product. In the area of Website Design/Feature, this serves as help

providers that ease the easy access of searching the intended product.

In the area of Time Saving, this allocates the time consumption

towards online buying activity by easy scrolling to hence the variation

of product availability. In the area of Security, the respondents value

the feeling of being safe towards performing an online buying activity.

It also implies that the respondents are all Agree in the factors that

influence consumer decision towards online buying.

3. Time Saving is the leading factors that influence the consumer’s

decision in online buying. This indicates that the respondents

performing an online buying activity because it allocates their time

consumption rather than going to physical store.

4. There is a significant relationship between the age and the indicators

or the factors that influence the consumer decision in online buying

such as Convenience, Website Design/Feature, Time Saving and



The researchers of this study recommend the following in order to

accumulate the better results for further researchers:

1. In order to have a depth study about the Factors Influencing

Consumer Decisions Online Buying, the future researchers could

concentrate on one specific factor or in Time Saving, as the leading


2. The future researchers may find other updating related literatures and

studies to strengthen their research especially about the Factor that

Influence the Consumer Decision through Online Buying.

3. The future researchers may study the other various factors that

influence to the consumer, whether decisions, behaviour and other


4. The future researchers may use the other demographic profile like

gender in gathering the significant relationship between the factors

influencing the consumer decision towards online buying activity.

5. The future researchers may indicate a table pertaining on what kind of

factors that influence the consumer decision through online buying

should be manifested in the area of age of the intended respondents.

6. The future researchers may use teenagers as the respondents of this

research topic, because their generation was the one being involved and

inclined in this purchasing activity since they are much more in the field

of new technology.


Study on the Factors Influencing Consumer Decisions Online Buying

Survey Questionnaire


Direction: Please answer each question as accurately as possible by filling
in the space provided.

Name (Optional): Age: Sex:

Educational Attainment:

Place check (✓) the appropriate range.

Socio-ecomomic Status:
(A)____ 7,000 – Below (D) ____ 21,001 – 28,000
(B) ____ 7,001 – 14,000 (E) ____ 28,001 – 35,000
(C) ____ 14,001 – 21,000 (F) ____ 35,000 - Up


Instruction: Place a check mark (✓) on your corresponding answer.
Rating Description

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree


11. I can choose the method of payment.

12. I can pay on the day of arrival of items.

13. The delivery update if the products are

on the way.
14. Offer variety of products.

15. Provides an easy comparison of prices.


16. I prefer buying on website that’s

providing quality of information.
17. The website design helps me to search
the products easily.
18. The website design attracts the attention
of the consumer.
19. Provides me an easy scan system
because of well formatted content.

20. I prefer to website that provides an

effective navigation.

TIME SAVING 5 4 3 2 1

11. In online buying I can save my time by just

easily choosing different variation by just
21. The time purchase is less in online
22. Online buying saves my time by
standing in lines, particularly when
23. There is no time pressure in online

24. There is a particular span of time on

when can I claim the items or products.

SECURITY 5 4 3 2 1

25. I feel safe and secure while shopping

26. My personal information is safe and
27. Credit/debit card payments are
28. The security of the application or
website is strict.

29. My information is not easily can access,
it notify me if someone access on it.



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Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Paranaque National High School – Baclaran

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Baclaran Elementary School – Unit II

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth :

September 25, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman


Contact Number : 0916 103 2924

Address : 286 Blk. 5 Brgy. 191 Zone 20

Electrical Road Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Paranaque National High School – Baclaran

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Baclaran Elementary

School – Central

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : December 19, 1999

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0920 505 4203

Address : 159 Blk. 3 Brgy. 191 zone 20

Electrical Road Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Valencia City High School

2012 – 2018

Elementary: San Isidro Elementary


2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 33

Date of Birth : November 11, 1987

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0950 373 8386

Address : Brgy. 81 Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Manila Tytana


2012 – 2018

Elementary: Don Carlos Village

Elementary School

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 24

Date of Birth : September 13, 1996

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0917 485 6551

Address : Lot 3 Twin Pioneer Ext. Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of


2018 – 2020

Secondary: Paranaque National

High School – Baclaran

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Tambo Elementary School - Main

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : April 30, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0919 478 8119

Address : 575 Rd. 2 Pildera 2 Naia Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Pasay City West High School

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Pampanga Elementary School

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : September 22, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0929 704 2747

Address : 2554 A. Zamora St. Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Paranaque National High School – Baclaran

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Sanja Mayor Elementary School Tanza

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : March 19, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0947 462 7451

Address : 173 Int. M. Santos St. Brgy 25 Zone

4 Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: University of Eastern Philippines

2015 – 2017

City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Pambujan National High School

2011 - 2014

Elementary: Pambujan Central – 1 Elementary School

2004 - 2011

Personal Background

Age : 22

Date of Birth : September 17, 1998

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0966 332 9120

Address : 173 Int. M. Santos St. Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Arellano University (AMC)

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Jose Rizal Elementary School

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : November 19, 1999

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0995 123 2639

Address : 154 – A M. Santos St. Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Manila Tytana Colleges

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Don Carlos Village Elementary School

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : March 26, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter

day Saints

Contact Number : 0956 279 3619

Address : Blk. 24 Lot 11 Santo Nino Pasay




Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Pasay City North Tramo

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Baclran Sentral School

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 21

Date of Birth : February 1, 1999

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0949 779 0032

Address : Blk. 5 Lot 1 Brgy. 187 Zone 20

Don Carlos Village Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Paranaque National High School – Baclaran

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Baclaran Elementary School – Unit II

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : December 16, 1999

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0918 595 6956

Address : 038 Rosal St. Brgy. 184 Maricaban

Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Paranaque National High School – Baclaran

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Baclaran Elementary School – Unit I

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : April 20, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Christian

Contact Number : 0946 765 6651

Address : Lot 3 Twin Pioneer Ext. Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: Kalayaan National High School

2012 – 2018

Elementary: Kalayaan Elementary School

2006 – 2012

Personal Background

Age : 20

Date of Birth : January 30, 2000

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Roman Catholic

Contact Number : 0928 224 6558

Address : 10 Central Kalayaan Brgy. 201

Pasay City



Educational Background

Tertiary: City University of Pasay

2018 – 2020

Secondary: San Francisco Javier Palompon Leyte High


2006 - 2010

Elementary: San Juan Leyte Elementary School

2001 - 2006

Personal Background

Age : 28

Date of Birth : June 13, 1992

Civil Status : Student

Religion : Christian

Contact Number : 0975 156 9710

Address : 8046 Honradez St. Makati City


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