Multi Technologies: General Ledger System
Multi Technologies: General Ledger System
Multi Technologies: General Ledger System
(Technical Manual)
Developed By
Badar Uddin Zounr
Project manager
Copyright By
Multi Technologies
All rights are reserved by Multi Technologies and this manual is only property of Multi
Technologies and it’s extremely restricted to make any piracy of this document in regarding
with Govt. Of Pakistan Ordinance Act 1992 for Software Piracy Rule
General Ledger System is called an accounting system that handles all daily
business’s accounting transaction because in any company there is existence of business
accounting for handling all daily cash, banks, sales and payable, loan payments, cash
receivable and many more.
General Ledger System is particularly used to make a cash, credit and journal
transaction starting from cash book to the posting in ledger, so during this process many
voucher type are used to makes any financial transaction activity i.e. Debit Voucher
(Payment) , Credit Voucher (Receiving Voucher) and Banks Voucher. After this process the
financial reports are generated for management i.e. Trial Report , Balance sheet and income
System Process Flow diagram is used to show the exact system processing in
General Ledger System functionalities. See the Diagram-2 in which the process starts when
any voucher transaction is made in initial Cash Book entry with Budget verification then it is
process to posting to the Ledger for generating financial reports i.e. Balance Sheet and trial
Reports etc.
System architecture is structured and physical design of any Business work flow
process that makes the concept clear in describing the quite clear way of system processing
for technical and non-technical persons that how the system works in regarding the business
activities and performance.
Here is given the General Ledger System (Financial Accounts) work flow system
architecture that gives the complete guidance for technical persons for clear understanding of
business system’s structure, process, flow and controls. Here GLS System Architecture
Diagram is given bellow and also described the properties in details.
Before the definitions look at the person coming in Finance department for passing
or making voucher transaction.
In the first process it is clearly described that an accountant is creating voucher got
from a person in the Finance department, first of all Accountant checks the account from
account list if it exists then it turns to the voucher type those are listed in the Process-3,
which nature type of the voucher being made, then Accountant made transaction i.e. entered
amount, voucher type and checks the budget and after all now this is the time to verify and
check out the voucher from Finance Manager (in Process-3) for clearing it to be transacted
This process shows the finance department activity that is already described in
This Process defines all voucher types transacted in the accounts system there are
main six voucher type made in accounts system those are listed bellow
a) Debit Voucher (DR): This is payment voucher residing on left side the general it
depends on the accountant how he/she handles this type in cash book. DR is
sometimes called CPV (cash Payment Voucher)
b) Credit Voucher (CR): This is receiving voucher residing on right side the general
,CR is sometimes called CRV (Cash Receiving Voucher).
c) BPV (Bank Payment Voucher): This is bank payment voucher type always used
for making banking transaction, although DR is sometimes used on the place of
d) BRV: (Bank Receiving Voucher): This is bank receiving voucher type always
used for making banking transaction concerned to cash receiving, although CR is
sometimes used on the place of BRV.
e) JV (Journal Voucher): Journal voucher is always used no cash transaction is
involved whether be a bank Accounts or anything else, this is used for journal
entries to make adjustments in the accounts ledger.
This process indicate the voucher posting to ledger, as a matter of fact whenever any
voucher is created and verified by finance department then at the end of day it’s necessary to
post it to ledger because ledger is such book that stores full , final refined, verified and
decided vouchers that has been already stored in cash book (initial book for making voucher
transaction) information for making financial transaction i.e. Balance Sheet, Income
Statement, Trial Balance and general Ledger transaction reports as hard copy for
This level is used to define the system functionalities process with data flow in
detailed way, here are some main functionalities processes are described with theirs Flow
Opening / Closing balance functionality is used to open the financial year period with
it’s closing amount of ledger accounts in the way that can be easily transacted in the next
fiscal year period as OPENING BALANCE.
Here is given the Diagram to show the Opening / Closing Balance Data Process. In
the model user first check closing balance of previous period then get period information and
validate the period after this accounts and department are extracted to be transacted during
this process user check the rules applied to accounts , after all it ‘s time to allocate the
Opening Balance to every account.
Chart is used to display the all functionalities of system, in the chart setup option of
hierarchy is used to locate the functionalities those are used to store the information i.e. Chart
Of Account, Location, Voucher Type and etc.
ERD is used to show the database database entities diagram with it’s entities,
properties, constraints and relationships within entities, there are two type of ERD given
1. Logical (ERD): This ERD is always used to define the relationship between the
database entities (tables)
2. Physical (ERD): it is used to show the physical diagram of entities i.e. with it’s
column name, column constraints, column PK (Primary Key) & FK (foreign Key) and
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
User_ID varchar 50 Not Null PK
Password varchar 50 Null
User_Grp_ID bigint 8 Null FK
Comp_ID bigint 8 Null FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
User_Grp_ID bigint 8 NOT NULL PK
User_Grp_Name varchar 50 NULL
User_Del_Rights bit 1 NULL
User_Edit_Rights bit 1 NULL
User_Add_Rights bit 1 NULL
User_View_Rights bit 1 NULL
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Comp_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Comp_Name varchar 50 1
Comp_Address varchar 50 1
Comp_NTN varchar 50 1
Comp_ST_Reg varchar 50 1
Comp_City varchar 50 1
Comp_Phn varchar 50 1
Comp_Fax varchar 50 1
Comp_Web varchar 50 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Period_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Period_Description varchar 50 1
Period_Start_Date datetime 8 0
Period_End_Date datetime 8 0
Period_Adj_Date datetime 8 0
Period_Status varchar 50 0
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Act_hr_ID nvarchar 50 1 FK
Act_Id varchar 50 0 PK
Act_Title varchar 50 1
Act_Description varchar 50 1
Act_sum_Code varchar 50 1
Act_isActive bit 1 1
Comp_Id bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Act_Hr_ID nvarchar 50 0 PK
Act_HR_Name varchar 50 1
Act_Parent_Level varchar 50 1
Act_Hr_Description varchar 50 1
Act_TransactionLevel bit 1 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Card_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Voucher_Type_Code bigint 8 0 PK
Voucher_Desc varchar 50 1
Voucher_Def_Act_ID bigint 8 1
Voucher_Cat varchar 50 1
Voucher_Title varchar 50 1
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Tax_Code bigint 8 0 PK
Tax_Description varchar 50 1
Tax_Type varchar 50 1
Tax_Rate bigint 8 1
Act_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Payment_Mode_Id varchar 50 0 PK
Payment_Name varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Job_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Job_Name varchar 50 0
Job_Desc varchar 50 1
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Batch_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Period_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Batch_Name varchar 50 1
Batch_Desc varchar 50 1
Batch_Creation_Date smalldatetime 4 1
Batch_Post_Date smalldatetime 4 1
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Loc_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Short_name varchar 15 1
Loc_Name varchar 50 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Rule_Code bigint 8 0 Pk
Rule_Name varchar 50 1
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Dept_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Rule_Code bigint 8 0 FK
Act_ID bigint 8 0 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Bank_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Bank_Name varchar 100 0
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Branch_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Branch_Name varchar 200 0
Address varchar 500 1
Account_No varchar 50 1
Phone varchar 16 1
Bank_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Book_Code varchar 10 0 PK
Bank_Code varchar 10 0 FK
Branch_Code varchar 10 0 FK
Book_Type varchar 100 0
Issue_date datetime 8 0
No_Of_Series_from int 4 0
No_Of_Series_to int 4 1
remarks varchar 100 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Cheque_Slip_No varchar 100 0 PK
Series_No varchar 10 1
Book_Code varchar 10 0 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Budg_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Period_ID bigint 8 0 FK
Act_Id varchar 50 1 FK
Dept_ID bigint 8 0 FK
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Budj_Max_Balance bigint 8 1
Loc_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
S_No numeric 9 0 PK
Budg_Id bigint 8 0 FK
Month1 varchar 500 1
Amount numeric 9 1
Qty numeric 9 1
Forcast_amt numeric 9 1
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Op_Balance_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Period_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Act_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Debit_Amt numeric 9 0
Credit_Amt numeric 9 0
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Voucher_ID bigint 8 0 PK
Voucher_Date smalldatetime 4 0
Voucher_Type_Code bigint 8 0 FK
Voucher_Ref varchar 50 1
Voucher_Desc varchar 50 1
Period_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Comp_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Card_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Branch_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Cheque_Slip_No varchar 100 1
Cheque_Slip_Date datetime 8 1
Bank_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Book_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Loc_Code varchar 10 1 FK
Payment_Mode_Id varchar 50 0 FK
Dept_ID bigint 8 1 FK
First_approval Bit 1 0
Second_approval Bit 1 0
Third_approval Bit 1 0
Column Type Length Constraints PK/FK Description
Voucher_ID bigint 8 0 FK
Job_ID bigint 8 1 FK
Dbt_Act_ID bigint 8 0
Crd_Act_ID bigint 8 0
Debit_Amt numeric 9 0
Credit_Amt numeric 9 0
Vouc_Desc varchar 50 1
Front-end environment is a user interface handling that is used to input data or for
data entry operations purpose and also generates that data as reformed form (Reports), so
that’s why it is necessary to design the CRT Layouts for application users to input and output
data. There are three type of environment given bellow.
1. Setup: This option is used to control all GUI forms concerned with handling of pre-
transactional data or data used for as information for users i.e. company information,
location, types and so, these are pre-transacted information used at the time of
making any transaction.
2. Transaction: This option is used to control all GUIs used to make any transaction i.e.
Voucher Entry, Budget Entry etc. so through these interfaces user make any
transaction for calculating and generating reports.
3. Reports: Reports are always used to display the information stored in the database
tables and generating transactional data in reformed form on printers, as preview
form or any textual form.
Description: This window is used to change the period (fiscal/ financial year) and to apply it for
next year and to close the previous period.
Period ID: Auto-generated Id for specific period.
Start Date: enter the starting fiscal year date.
End Date: enter ending fiscal year date.
Adjustment: enter the adjustment date for specific period on closing period.
Status: Enter the period status whether it has been closed, newly opened or for keeping the
period for future.
Opening Balance
This form is used to enter the opening balance of new financial year.
Period: Enter the period id for which the opening balance is entered.
Account: Select the account code from chart of account.
Debit: Enter debit amount.
Credit: Enter credit amount.
Narration: Enter remarks if any.
Process: This is used to process the closing amount of previous period and retrieve it to the
detail block as opening balance for new period.
Company Code: Auto-generated code for Phone: Enter phone number with country
specific company. & City code.
Name: Enter the name of company. Fax: Enter fax number with country & City
Address: Enter the commercial address of code.
company. Web: Enter the Website address of
City: Enter city name. company.
Country: Entry country name. NTN No: Enter NTN (national tax Number)
of the company.
Main Tables: Company
Account Level Code: This Level key you can use it as H (header) , M (master), C (Control),
D (Detailed) and S (Subsidiary) levels.
Account Level name: Enter level name.
Account Level Parent level Code: Enter the parent code for this level. i.e. Header has no
parent but M (Master) has parent named H(Header) as given bellow in tree form
Head Account
Description: This window is used to create the child Head accounts codes for different Level
as given in the bellow diagram.
Account Level Code: Select the Level H (header) , M (master), C (Control), D (Detailed)
and S (Subsidiary) for creating the child Head account for level.
Transaction Account:
Description: This windows is used to create child accounts of headers for the purpose of
making any transaction in voucher entry. It means that create new child transactional account
where any transaction could be occurred.
Account Level Parent level Code: Select the Header account.
Account Code: Enter the child account code for header account.
Account Title: Name of account.
Account Description: Enter detailed description of account.
Account Enabled: This is check to be applied on any specific account.
Browse Account:
Description: This browsing window is used to show the Level, Header and
Transactional accounts in tree form.
Description: This window is used to allocate rules on the chart of accounts with their
departments wise. In this regard user or restricted department can’t access or perform any
transaction against that account.
Accounts: This is list where all accounts are listed just double click on specific account and
add in Restrict List.
Rule Name: Enter the rules apply on the account listed in Restrict List.
Department : Enter the department name.
Restricts: This is list of accounts waiting for being restricted.
Description: Budget form is used to allocate the monthly, quarterly and annual fix budgets to
specific account in general.
Budget Id: Auto-generated budget id.
Period ID: enter period (starting and ending fiscal/ financial year) for fixing budget.
Dept ID: enter department id.
Act ID: enter chart of account code for allocating budget to that specific account.
Type: enter budget type i.e. Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annual and Annual.
Amount: Enter the whole sum amount for budget.
Month: Auto-separated months from period duration.
Quantity: enter quantity.
Amount: Auto-divided amount in according with budget type.
Forecast Amount: Enter the forecast amount.
Process: This buttons is used to calculate budget in accordance with budget type period.
Calculation Methodologies:
Budget Type: There are four type budgets type
1. Monthly: Divide the total amount with no of months between period.
Starting_Date Ending_Date
Period: 01/01/2005 to 01/01/2006
Amount: 12,0000
In this regard each month will be respectively allocated divided amount as per above
2. Quarterly / Bi-Annual / Annual: for quarterly, just extract out the no of quarters/Bi-Annual /
Annual from the fiscal year.
Tax Code: Auto-Generated Tax Code
Tax Type: Enter tax Type i.e. Sales Tax, Income tax etc.
Description: Enter description.
Tax Rate: Enter Tax rate for applying on the particular account.
Account ID: Enter Account ID.
Payment Mode
Description: This is used to enter initial values of mode of payment i.e. Cheque or Cash etc.
Mode Code: Enter code for mode of payment.
Description: Enter description of payment modes code.
Description: This is used to keep the jobs means if user use same Application with different
projects then this utility is used.
Bank Code: User input code. Account: Account no of the company in
Bank: name of the bank the bank.
Branch Code: Auto-generated branch Phone: Contacts numbers.
code of particular bank. Address: Address of the bank.
Branch Name: branch name.
Description: This is used to keep persons information of the company.
Card Id: Auto-generated card id. Fax: Enter fax number.
Name: Name of the person. E-Mail: Enter email address.
Designation: Designation. Is Order Booker: Check whether person is
Address: Address. Order Booker or Not.
City: City. Is Salesperson: Check whether person is
Post Code: Enter the post code of the Salesperson or Not.
area. Is Collector: Check whether person is
Country: enter the country name. Collector or Not.
Main Tables: Cards
Transaction Forms
Voucher Entry
This forms is used to make a voucher entry transaction in ledger system
Voucher Master
Voucher No: Auto-generated voucher with combination of date and in last maximum number
of voucher no on same date.
Voucher Date: Enter Voucher date.
Voucher Type: Select voucher type from combo i.e. DR Debit & CR Credit vouchers.
Location: Select the location of voucher.
Department: Select the department.
Job: Select the jobs of voucher.
Mode Of Payment: Select the mode of payment i.e. Cash or Cheque or others.
Bank: Select Banks.
Branch: Select the bank branch.
Cheque/Slip No: Select the Book no.
Voucher Details
Account: Select the account code.
Description: Auto-extracted name of account.
Debit: Enter debit amount.
Credit: Enter Credit side amount.
Narration: Any remarks or comments
Reports are used to generate daily activity of data entry as information in the form of
hard copy for management, this the main section of application software.
1. Printing Parameters.
File Formats: This option will be enables if user checks yes to File Destination then it is
necessary to give destination file format.
1. To MS Excel: to Microsoft Excel format.
2. To MS Word: to Microsoft Word format.
3. To Text: to text format.
2. Date Parameters: these parameters will be used for transactional reports where it will
be necessary to ask the from and to date for generating any report.
Voucher Types
This is used to generate all voucher type report.
All Location
This is used to generate all location information report.
All Location
Location Code Short name Name
KCH Karachi
HYD Hyderabad
K-NTH Karachi (North Nazimabad)
2. Without Rules
All Rules
Rule Code Rule Department
1 XYZ Marketing
2 KLM Inventory
Technical notes: in this report just apply a group on Rule_Code and generate report in grouping form,
and dept_code and act_id are used as inner join to Accounts and departments tables.
Query Structure (with Rules Detail)
Topic Description
Tables Rules, Rules_det, Departments
Fields Rule_Code, Rule_name,dept_code,dept_name,act_id,act_title
Join Rules_code,dept_code,act_id
Order By
Group By Rules_code
Formulas Nil
Notes Nil
All Departments
This generates the all department information report.
All Jobs
It Generates the all jobs information reports.
All Jobs
Job Code Name Description
001 Production Production in Karachi (South)
002 Construction SITE Office
Chart of Account
This reports is used to display all accounts list.
Chart of Account (Hierarchy): This option is used to generate accounts list in hierarchy
Chart of Account List: This is simple report for accounts listing in order way.
10000 ASSETS 1
20000 REVENUE 1
200001 SALES 1
10000 ASSETS 1
1000011 MATERIALS 1
1000021 CASH 1
10000211 CASH IN HAND 1
10000212 CASH AT BANK 0
20000 REVENUE 1
200001 SALES 1
General Journal
This generates General Journal report from ledger.
General Journal
01/12/2005 1000012 INVESTEMENT 00 50000
02/12/2005 2000043 PAYBALES 10000 00
05/12/2005 000022 CASH IN HAND 40000 15000
02/12/2005 000023 CASH AT BANK 10000 00
07/12/2005 000012 COMPUTER EXPENSE 5000 00
Total 65,000 65,000
General Ledger
This report generates the general ledger all accounts activity as as general ledger
General Ledger
1/12/2005 00 5,000,00
15/12/2005 00 1,000,00
12/12/2005 00 5,000
Balance: 6,05,000
2000043 PAYABLE
1/12/2005 20,000 00
15/12/2005 3,000 00
12/12/2005 00 21,000
Balance: 2,000
1/12/2005 5,000,00 20,000
15/12/2005 1,000,00 3,000
12/12/2005 26,000 00
Balance: 6,03,000
Balance Sheet
This report generates the balance sheet with equity on left side and assets on right
Balance Sheet
Till Date: 15/12/2005
-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Income Statement