Music9 q1 Mod2
Music9 q1 Mod2
Music9 q1 Mod2
Quarter 1, Wk.1 - Module 1:
Performance Practices of
Medieval, Renaissance and
Baroque Periods
Music - Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1, Wk.2 - Module 2: Performance Practices of Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque Periods
First Edition, 2020
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Lesson 1:
Performance Practices of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period
What I Need to Know..................................................................................................... 1
What’s New ................................................................................................................... 1
What Is It ........................................................................................................................... 1
What’s More .................................................................................................................... 2
What I Have Learned..................................................................................................... 3
What I Can Do ................................................................................................................. 3
Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Assessment: (Post-Test) …………………………………………………………………….4
Key to Answers ...................................................................................................................................... 5
References ............................................................................................................................................... 6
What This Module is About
Welcome to “Performance Practice during Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
Periods”, an online and offline module in Music and Arts for Grade 9 learners of the
Department of Education. This module aims to be as inclusive as possible during this trying
times of the Covid19 pandemic, with series of activities that would cater the needs of
learners who have internet access and smartphones and those who are unable to have
access and aid of technology.
The first three periods of Western Music History are classified as Medieval,
Renaissance, and Baroque. Each period has its distinctive characteristics, historical and
cultural background. \
A type of music from the Medieval Era is called Gregorian Chant, which was mainly
used and the only approved music in the early Christian church. Secular music was not
recognized but people travel across Europe to perform music for living.
Music during the Renaissance Period became an important part of performance and
leisure activity. Members of the upper class were expected to have received musical
training. Imitative polyphony is the distinctive characteristic of Renaissance music.
The Baroque Period is characterized by grand and elaborate ornamentation of
sculptures, theaters, arts and music. The music genres which flourished during the Baroque
Period included the Concerto, the Fugue, the Oratorio and the Chorale.
Music evolved alongside with man’s constant quest for growth and development.
What I Need to Know
The learner demonstrates understanding of the characteristic features of the music
of the medieval, the renaissance and the baroque periods.
The learner performs selected songs from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
• Chants
• Madrigals
• Excerpts from Oratorio
• Chorales
• Troubadour
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.
What I Know
“A, E, I, O, or YOU?”
Supply the missing vowels to create the words that would best describe the
performance setting of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods. Write the letter on
the space provided.
1. M __ N N __ S __ N G __ R S
2. S __ C __ L ___ R M __ S __ C
3. T R __ __ B __ D __ __ R S
4. S __ C R __ D M __ S __ C
5. __ N S T R __ M __ N T __ L
6. D __ N C __ S __ __ T __
7. C H __ __ R
8. __ R C H __ S T R __
9. H __ R P S __ C H __ R D
10. T __ N __ L __ T __
Performance Practices of
Medieval, Renaissance and
Lesson Baroque Periods
What’s In
1. Were you familiar with the words in the PRE-ASSESSMENT? Do you know the meaning
of Sacred and Secular Music?
2. Based on the series of activities on our previous module, what were your ideas about the
performance practice of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods
3. In connection to the previous activity, what is the relevance of the word
What’s New
List down all the things you observe in each period (Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque)
What Is It
• Often accompanied by instruments and its rhythmic character was marked but the sung
prayers were often unaccompanied.
• Exclusion of women, elevation of unison singing and exclusion of instruments served to
establish a clear differentiation between the musical performance on the synagogue and
that of the street.
• Choir – group of singers, composed solely of men and boys who assumed the musical
role of answering and contrasting the solo singing of the pries
• Several groups of Medieval performers developed literary and musical genres based on
vernacular texts (Jongleurs)
• Travelling performers in Western Europe sang, did tricks and danced to earn their living
• Troubadours in the south of France, Trouvere in the North and Minnesingers (a class of
Artist-Knights) sang love songs with religious fervour.
• Common-practice tonality (Harmony, Rhythm and Duration)
• Composers experimented with finding a fuller sound for each instrumental part
• Orchestra consists of Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Keyboards and Percussions
(Harpsichord, Organ, Recorder, Cello, Cornett, Timpani, Tambourine, etc
What’s More
Watch the video from ACTIVITY 1 and answer the process questions below.
1. Explain briefly the performance practice of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
Periods? What did you observe in the video in terms of setting? Composition? Role of
composers or performers?
2. What was the difference between Sacred and Secular Music during the Medieval period?
3. What was the role of the composers during the Baroque period? Are you familiar with the
instruments used in the sample music of the Baroque period? Explain briefly.
4. Which of the three periods did you enjoy and want to explore more? Why?
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Overall Group
Performance The group was not that The group was focused The group was focused The group was entirely
focused or ready to and showed and showed focused and showed well
(The overall level of perform. Movements and preparedness to perform preparedness to perform preparedness to perform
performance from the timing was somehow not but the movements and and timing was somehow and timing was
group projected in the sustained throughout the timing was somehow not sustained throughout the excellently sustained
video presentation) performance. sustained throughout the performance. throughout the
performance. performance.
This module aims to develop the listening abilities and critical thinking skills of
the learners through various activities which aid in achieving the competency of the
week which is to explain the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers and audience) during the Medieval, Renaissance and
Baroque periods.
Medieval period emphasized on Church or Sacred music where the priest and
the congregation were only allowed to sing during masses. Sung prayers were often
unaccompanied and women were not allowed to perform in the church. This period
elevated unison singing but later emerged a group of singers called the Choir,
composed solely of men and boys who assumed the musical role of answering and
contrasting the solo singing of the priest.
Although sacred music was still relevant during the Renaissance period,
secular music was more prominent during the period. Printed descriptions of
instrument and their discussions on tuning and technique supplied the needs of both
professional and non-professional musicians. Secular music absorbed techniques
from sacred music and vice versa, while instrumental, vocal and combined
performance both on Sacred and Secular music.
Baroque period let the composers experiment with finding a fuller sound with
the composition of Orchestra and common tonality (Harmony, Rhythm, Duration,
Assessment: (Post-Test)
1. M __ N N __ S __ N G __ R S
2. S __ C __ L ___ R M __ S __ C
3. T R __ __ B __ D __ __ R S
4. S __ C R __ D M __ S __ C
5. __ N S T R __ M __ N T __ L
6. D __ N C __ S __ __ T __
7. C H __ __ R
8. __ R C H __ S T R __
9. H __ R P S __ C H __ R D
10. T __ N __ L __ T __
Key to Answers
MUSIC & ARTS Learner’s Material for Music and Arts (Grade 9) First Edition
2014 – Department of Education, Philippines
B. WEBSITE,LasPiñasjf0201_12.JPG
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