Gene Keys - Magical Contemplations

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GK 01 GK 04 GK 11

Every time an individual moves cleanly Quantum Koans - If you allow the 4th Gene The Light of the 11th Siddhi is nothing like
through their low frequency chemical Key to run its natural course - without giving the light that our eye perceives, although that
process, they re-enact this creation myth, out it the responsibility to make decisions, it is the closest words can come to conveying it
of the darkness suddenly light emerges and actually does something quite magical, it to those outside of the siddhic state - With
as if by magic, the low energy field switches propels your awareness out of the mind. the light comes an ineffable breath of peace
and is experienced as joy. that continually breaks like a wave from
GK 05 within every single viewed form.
This joy comes as unexpectedly as the In your daily life - you will experience
sadness does, but with the joy also comes the periods of winter where resources may be What was viewed as magical from within the
need to express it, and especially to express scarce, where you may feel lost for a while, Gift level of frequency is now seen as the
it through your voice or your art. or when you simply feel melancholy for no nature of reality. That the light is only to be
apparent reason. Such stages are built into found within the darkness is the greatest of
This 1st Gift is called the Gift of Freshness life, and if you are patient they change of mysteries. To the being within this Siddhi,
because whatever emerges out of its their own accord and they always reveal nothing is obscured and no one can hide ...
numbing chemistry field is absolutely new. some magic. Everything is now measured in terms of light
and frequency and it is quite clear who is
GK 09 authentic and who is simply pretending.
GK 02 Every intentional act is a magical act ... even
As your awareness begins to operate at its the smallest action has a spin-off effect ... GK 13
highest biological level through the solar that travels out into the universe. Actions There is huge fear to be absorbed before you
plexus system, so you fall into an easier made out of resentment or fear reinforce the attain a siddhic state. In the case of the 13th
rhythm of life. You no longer feel dislocated Shadow frequency both in the world and in Siddhi, this involves complete absorption in
but begin to experience life in a more and the individual. the universal discord of the 13th Shadow.
more magical dimension ... The human interpretation of this fear is the
experience of feeling cut off from all that is
GK 11 alive and warm ...... It is an ice-cold zone in
GK 03 The 11th Gift, as you may sense, is a world which aloneness is experienced as agony.
Incredibly, when you trust in chaos and allow of magic and fairy tale, but make no mistake
your environment to mutate you, rather than about its real power ... With the right However .. through the purging of this
trying to control it and stay the same, the structure - this energy of idealism - will experience .. the 13th Siddhi opens its eye on
greatest magic is revealed to you, that in manifest great things in your outer life. It is a new world ... a world in which the past has
chaos there is and always has been a vast through this 11th Gift that the true art of been magically transformed into a radiant
underlying transformative order. magic is once again returning to our world. new future.
GK 15 GK 17 GK 21
Two humans going through identical Those who defend an opinion are ruled by The beauty and magic of the 21st Gift occurs
experiences can literally taste two entirely their unconscious anger, which is the when both sides of the relationship surrender
different worlds .... One can be in heaven and expression of their deeper fear. to each other .. When the authority becomes
the other in hell. Not only that, your attitude the servant ...... and the servant becomes the
affects life’s events, which is the first great It is extremely rare to find a human being authority then the relationship really hums
Law of Magic. Experience mirrors who is truly free from opinion .... Such a with power.
attitude ......... Attitude is in fact one of the person must have looked into their fears and On the outer plane, such a relationship may
great mysteries of life, because its source is embraced their rage in order to move into appear to be one-sided, but on the inner
indefinable. You may think it is the way you that magical place that sees both sides of life plane the balance of power is reversed. Only
think, but it is not your mind even though it when this happens does the real meaning of
operates through your thinking. Only in seeing both sides can balance be authority become clear. The 21 GK is part of
struck and control be yielded. the Ring of Humanity.
You may think it is your unconscious, but it
operates underneath even the deepest levels - GK 19 GK 22
of your psychology and physiology - In In the deepest sense, the higher frequencies As you enter the field of the 22nd Gene Key
short .. your attitude .. denotes how of the 19th Gene Key have access to the you are involving yourself in a magical
consciousness is using your awareness at any realms of magic. process of invocation in which you directly
given moment. invite a higher presence into your life. In this
If this 19th Gift is an aspect of your sense, the 22nd Gene Key needs to be
GK 16 hologenetic profile then it is highly possible approached in a prayerful and
The 16th Shadow creates experts, whereas that you may discover latent abilities - that reverent manner, and in the spirit of
the 16th Siddhi creates masters .... The allow you to feel deeply into your nakedness.
distance between the two is almost environment and in particular to sense the
unfathomable. To be an expert is to remain emotional patterns and needs of others GK 23
"indifferent and unenthused" because once through the living auric field. At it highest level the 23rd Gift gives way to
enthusiasm has been unleashed, skill gives the Siddhi of Quintessence ... Quintessence
way to something far more magical ... it As this Gene Key reawakens in humanity we is a word that derives mainly from ancient
opens up the amazing Gift of Versatility. see changes in our dream life ..... and and medieval philosophy. It refers to the so-
through this portal we can reconnect with our called magical fifth element or aether that
As you become more versatile, you for the ancient sense of the magic that comes was believed to be inherent in all things. At
first time become truly different .... you through dreams. People with the 19th Gift the level of the 64 Siddhis, words are
become special, and the moment that are often shamans because of their increased vibrations rather than words with single
happens, you have finally killed indifference. sensitivity to other worlds and other realms. specific meanings.
GK 24 GK 29 GK 33
As you ponder a subject, you first travel Half-heartedness robs you of your This essence in turn is so wonderful that you
familiar neurological pathways around that opportunity to participate in life’s mystery. It find yourself wanting to experience more of
subject until you arrive at one of those stalls life’s natural tendency towards the it ......... You have found the secret of all
magical gaps. The moment you hit a gap, it magical and the profound .. You cannot think human desire .... once it is purified into its
is as though you change neurological gear your way through life ... You can only align natural state of Divine longing .. it becomes
and suddenly a new, more efficient network your inner direction truly ... trust in it come the very fuel that returns you to your true
of synapses opens up in your brain. This what may, and allow nature to do the rest. centre of being.
allows you to suddenly see things in a totally That’s the pure magic of the 29th Gift.
new light.
GK 30 GK 35
GK 26 Life is having its game through you and you So what can the 35th Siddhi tell us? It can
The power of will is actually a magical are simply a genetic pawn in that game. You tell us only one thing ... that pure
power ... it is quite literally your ability to have to become utterly helpless. It is not that unconditional love ... can break all the laws
harness the power of light and project you become helpless in a victim sense, but of the cosmos. Whenever you taste even a
it through your body as action, thought and that you realise you are beyond needing help. fraction of this kind of love, anything
words. It is the key to manifesting dreams on becomes possible. Because we inhabit a form
the material plane. It is a vital stepping-stone And then the magic happens ... you discover and live in a world .... where magic seems
to a far higher frequency - However, there you can enter impossible .... more and more human beings
are two types of will ... there is your will, into that expanded state of consciousness - are turned away from the truth that anything
which as we shall see is an illusion - and that is guiding the overall game. This gives in the universe is possible.
then there is thy will ... which we will look at you access to a higher level of functioning
when we examine the higher frequencies of and you realise it was simply your distrust all GK 36
this 26th Gene Key. along that was making your life seem so Beings like Jesus, who attain final liberation
difficult. through this Siddhi, are salt of the earth
GK 28 people ... They are burnished over and over
The 28th Shadow truly represents - GK 33 again through the trials their life brings to
everything- within your psyche that you do When you raise the frequency of the 33rd them, and once they have made that magical
not wish to accept, right down to your core Shadow to the 33rd Gift, it becomes step ... away from seeing suffering as
fear of .... non-existence .... Only as you something rather magical, a quality called negative, it stops being so. It actually
reclaim each of these dark aspects of your Mindfulness - Mindfulness as such is a very becomes their muse - At the siddhic level,
inner being .... can you begin .... to assemble enriching process. The karma inside your your own suffering becomes so universalised
and manifest the true purpose of your life. very DNA is systematically transformed that it encompasses all humanity ...
The magic true purpose of 28th Shadow. back into pure essence ...... All boundaries of self dissolve.
GK 37 GK 46 GK 51
Families are the life blood of humanity, and a He doesn’t make it rain; he is simply attuned To take your own initiative is to - disregard
healthy family is a vehicle for such a potent to places where it is about to rain. everything - you have ever learned or heard
force of creativity and love. The new family There is no other way than this towards
will become ... a vessel for collective This is why he doesn’t have to do anything true genius.
ascension ... as we recognise the power of other than show up wherever he feels like
the new awareness - carried by the coming going. Hidden inside your DNA lies your This is a path through fear, and the fear
generation. When we begin to build a higher life purpose, and when you find that cannot be sidestepped. Whatever your
civilisation based around the view of an higher purpose, everything is laid out for you deepest fear is, you will meet it here in the
incarnating child, we will create a truly by the spirit of Divine Grace. 51st Gift, and you will transcend it.
magical world.
GK 47
GK 40 Facing your Shadows ... is a lonely GK 52
The other aspect of this 40th Gift is a truly business .. and it happens through the Every Siddhi has its unique glandular
magical insight that is applicable to process of your natural destiny. It is the thing secretion and, in the case of the 52nd
everyone ... regardless of their genetic right in front of your nose that you try to Siddhi ... a hormone is secreted which
predispositions: sometimes saying no to the avoid the most - It will not yield to being induces bliss and stillness throughout the
right thing - brings as much power as saying fixed. It will not be resolved through your body.
yes, and in some cases it brings even more mind and it will keep coming back at you
power - To say a firm and resolute no to the again and again. For millennia humans have sought - these
right person or thing is to stand rooted in the magical secretions and have mythologised
ground of your true being. It cannot be sidestepped or given over to them ... as elixirs and panaceas ... that can be
another. Your suffering is a magic mirror ... created chemically.
GK 46 it’s yours to own ... to appreciate and to
After a few days, if the rainmaker is genuine, accept. Only when you finally stop trying to In recent years, certain substances and drugs
it will begin to rain. The villagers heap praise avoid it ... can it show you its magic. have been created that imitate or activate
upon him and his magical powers. However, these hormonal secretions, an example of
despite his far-reaching fame our rainmaker GK 51 which is the drug ecstasy.
has a great secret known only to himself. This 51st Gift is about harnessing your
difference from others rather than trying to In the case of the 52nd Siddhi - the
His secret is that he has discovered his true beat someone else at their own game. When experience of time standing still is reflected
purpose in life - he is a rainmaker - and you are truly being yourself, you unlock the through a neurotransmitter that effectively
wherever he goes it happens to rain .... magical force of genius that belongs to you stops thought when awareness is not required
and no other. for communication.
GK 55 GK 60 GK 64
The process of awakening is a process that Most people, for example, do not think When you approach a siddhic state, you
has long been known - It is most accurately magically; that is to say, they do not leave often experience occasional glimpses of that
described through the esoteric science of the door ajar within their brains so that state before it fully detonates inside you.
alchemy - In traditional Taoist alchemy, there Inspiration may creep in at any moment .......
is a secret formula known as the Kan and Li. The main reason for the death of magic is Siddhis can only be transferred through -
Kan means water and Li means fire ... In this closed-circuit thinking ..... where the mind silence - It is the silences between the words
alchemical formula ... the solar plexus - is follows familiar patterns or systems of that carry the transmission. If a teacher is
seen as a cauldron, and emotional energy is thought around and around ..... without the really gifted, the pattern of their speech will
the water within the cauldron. ability to think beyond them. It is out of this calm the listener’s mind, inducing a kind of
closed-circuit thinking that all self-limiting trance in which Truth can be transferred
The fire beneath the cauldron is awareness forms are ultimately brought into the world. Gene Keys excerpts by Richard Rudd
(also known as chi), and this awareness is
said to cook the emotional energy (also GK 62 SILENCE
known as jing). The result is a process of Awakening is magical in its ability to bring The inner silence ... must be acquired
steaming in which a third transcendent force about a natural balance within your being. In through the pressure of constant discipline.
arises through the process. other words, if you are caught in the It must be accumulated or stored piece by
obsessive behaviour patterns of the repressed piece, second by second .... In other words,
The Chinese call this third force shen, which 62nd Shadow, your mental abilities suddenly you have to force yourself to silence, if only
means spirit. Western alchemy uses similar begin to come alive again, as though for a few seconds.
archetypes ... but in a different cultural way someone had cleaned the windows of your
In the west we tend to see the two forces as a perception ... You begin to question your According to Don Juan, wizards generally
man and woman within us, animus and own obsessive behaviour - which ultimately knew that perseverance, if only endeavored
anima. These two copulate in a mystical brings about a complete transformation in overcomes the habit .. of making it possible
union giving birth to a magical child, often your attitude and usually in your lifestyle as to reach a certain threshold of accumulated
seen as mercury. well. seconds and minutes that varies from person
to person.
GK 60 GK 64
Magic refers to events that do not follow The 64 Gene Key Siddhi is the Siddhi of For example ... if the threshold of inner
logical, sequential laws ..... Magic is Illumination. This is Imagination without the silence for a particular individual is ten
spontaneous ... highly mutative ... I. When that I surrenders its need to exist, minutes, then the inner silence will set itself,
unpredictable and uncontrollable. Its greatest magic shines through. The evolutionary force asit were of its own accord - as soon as that
quality is that it is beyond meaning or obliterates the identification with form and threshold is reached ... Magical Passes
understanding. Illumination floods your being. Carlos Castaneda

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