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Learning Episode 12-"Selecting Non-Digital or Conventional Resources and Instructional Materials"

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Learning Episode 12-

"Selecting Non-Digital or Conventional Resources and

Instructional Materials"


l. Consult your FS Resource Teacher about this episode, Let your teacher know that the
task for this episode is for you to assist the teacher by providing suggestions on resources
and materials that the teacher can use in delivering a lesson on a specific topic.
2. Request your FS Resource Teacher for a topic/lesson he/she will be teaching soon.
You will also need the learning objectives/outcomes for this lesson. Some teachers may
instruct you to write a complete lesson plan.
3. Refer to these guide points. Consider which ones are applicable. The non-digital or
conventional resource or instructional material:
a. Has accurate and meaningful content
b. Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson
c. Elicits student Interest and engagement
d. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
e. Is developmentally appropriate
f. Fosters critical thinking/aesthetic appreciation
g. Allows collaboration among learners
h. Flexible for group or self-study
i. Time and cost-efficient

Subject: ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND Grade Level: Grade 10



At the end of this Episode, the learners will be able to: 
1. Familiarize the materials, tools and equipment
2. Make a diagram
3. Follow the steps on how to install 3 way switch

Resources/Instructional What is the use or purpose of Explain why selected the

Materials you plan to resource/material? Describe resource/material based on
utilize in the lesson. how you will use the the guide points mentioned
resources/materials to attain above. How are these
the learning criteria met?

The use of instructional I choose this educational

 Multi- tester resources is necessary for materials due to the fact
 Junction box every subject covered in the that These materials are
 Switches school curriculum. To trustworthy sources of
 Wires provide further information information, so you need
 Pliers and lessons with the not worry about what
 Extensions necessary tools and you have learned. They
Bulbs equipment for the are helpful and
lesson aid students in
learning as

1.) How did your prepare for this activity? 

 I should be fully aware of the students' current knowledge and abilities. I will be a
better teacher if I first review the instructional materials and resources that will be
used since doing so will help me develop and get better.
2.) Describe how you or the teacher utilized the resources/instructional materials.
Narrate your experience as you participated and assisted. 

 During the teaching and learning process, the student has the chance to touch,
smell, or taste various objects thanks to the employment of instructional materials
and resources. Students can be taught knowledge and skills using a variety of
pertinent instructional resources and teaching aids
3.) What were your feelings and thoughts while you were assisting with the use of the
 I felt overwhelmed when creating my powerpoint presentation because I used and
included instructional materials. The caliber of this curriculum immediately
affects the caliber of my instruction. Knowing how to identify the greatest
instructional materials a d resources is a key skill for a teacher.

4.) Describe how the students responded and participated 

 The pupils were paying close attention and participating enthusiastically in the
class discussion. They were interacting so excitedly with their teacher and one

What worked well during the activity using the resources/materials?

 My PowerPoint presentation's information, sources, and delivery or flow of my

topic were all strong points. I think that the curriculum should be chosen,
supported, enhanced, and extended by the materials.
What part can be improved?

 As a teacher, I am aware that each of my students is an individual, and that when

choosing and creating instructional materials, there are many crucial elements to
take into account. It comprises he backgrounds, abilities, languages and maturity
What would you have done differently? What would l change? What will make it
better next time?

 I could make the presentation more concise, use fewer words each slide, and just
provide the most pertinent details. Additionally, it explains key ideas to spark and
maintain students' interest and make learning more durable.
How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional

 Materials are appropriate for the topic matter and also appropriate for the learner’s
capacity of levels of learning. Materials are dependable, simple to store, updated,
flexible, and adaptable to the school's resources.

1.) How ready am l in selecting and developing resources/instructional materials in
the teaching-learning process?
 The teaching materials don't have to be expensive; as long as they are visually
appealing and grab students' attention, they are successful teaching tools, and I
can now declare that I am prepared.

2.) What do l still need to learn to select and develop resources/instructional materials
in teaching effectively?

 It is accurate to say that teachers make the best learning resources because they
are in charge of the classroom. Because they shape students' minds to become
capable and independent individuals when it comes to greatness, teachers are the
caption of the classroom.
3.) What can l do to learn more about and practice the use of resources and
instructional materials? 

 Instructional materials offer the fundamental knowledge that students will

encounter, discover, and apply during a course. They have the ability to either
inspire or engage students. In order to have the greatest impact, these materials
must be carefully chosen, structured, and used in a course.


1.) The Dale Cone of Experience can help a teacher be mindful of the choice of
instructional materials in terms of_. 
A. level of thinking 
B. extent of being flexible or fixed 
C. extent of being concrete or abstract 
D. extent of adaptation and modification 

2.) Miss Violo told the story of the Giving Tree in her toddler class. She used the book
itself to show the illustration to the two-year-olds and showed all thirty pages of the book.
Miss Violo struggled just to finish the book because the toddlers were not focusing. Some
lay on the floor stretching; others ran around the room. Which criterion did she fail to
consider in choosing a material? 
A. Collaboration among learners B. Inclusive and free of cultural bias 
C. Student interest and engagement D. Developmental appropriateness 

3.) For a theme on Careers, Mr. Menggay let his students watch interview clips of
successful people in business who were all males. The clips seemed to send a message
that only men succeed in the business field. Mr. Menggay did have any follow-up
discussion on the clips. Which criterion in selecting resources/materials should the
teacher have considered? 
A. Student interest and engagement B. Inclusive and free of cultural bias 
C. Developmental appropriateness D. Time and cost-efficient 
4.) Which of the following gives the learners the most concrete experience? 
A. Watching a Theater play on The Death March 
B. Listening to the teacher discuss about the first chapter of Noli Me Tangere 
C. Viewing a photo exhibit of the EDSA revolution 
D. Independently reading the Biography of Andres Bonifacio 

5.) A Teachers should consider all these criteria for choosing a resource or material,
A. Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson 
B. Is the most expensive therefore the most durable
C. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias 
D. Is developmentally appropriate


1. Doing this episode on selecting and using resources/instructional materials, what
problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did l find? 
 Lack of Skills
 Time Constraint
 Non-Availability of Materials

2.) List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area of

Resources or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what l read.

https://www.depedresources.com/ Downloadable K-12 Instructional Materials


https:www:slideshare.net.jawel01/ Instructional Materials and/or technology

instructional-materials-technology-used-in- used in the modern teaching of the 21st
teaching century for teachers

https:www.academia.edu Factors to be considered in constructing

effective instructional materials
On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored? 
 Principles of Appropriateness
3.) What do l hope to achieve to address that challenge/area of improvement? What
change do l want to achieve?

 Students' capacity to accomplish the job is directly impacted by the order in which
they encounter the contents. By offering a more realistic experience, instructional
materials enhance the learning and retention of factual information. Utilize
instructional materials to inspire your students.
4.) What strategies/solutions/means can l employ to improve the situation/solve the

 Multimedia is currently used extensively throughout the educational system as a

tool for effective teaching and learning. It is possible to create instructional
materials that are useful for conveying knowledge and lessons by including
multimedia into the development process.
5.) If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers
in numbers 1 to 3.

 "The Availability And Use Of Instructional Materials In Teaching Electricity at

Isabela School of Arts and Trades-Annex" is the title of the action research.


Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

In terms of providing my ideas about what ought to be in the instructional materials you
utilize, I accomplished a lot in this episode. To foster student engagement in a setting
where they may learn and grow, these materials must be truthful and meaningful. You,
the teacher, must also create interesting classes that maintain the pupils' focus on the
material at hand and away from other distractions. To encourage students is the second.

interest and involvement; you need to be aware of what each and every student is
interested in in order for them to be able to share their views with the class.

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