PB310 S3 Plus Fuel Controller
PB310 S3 Plus Fuel Controller
PB310 S3 Plus Fuel Controller
U Series 3 Plus
Fuel Controller
for Gas Turbines
Description Benefits
The Series 3 Plus Fuel Controller provides a versatile, Series 3 Plus Fuel Controllers offer benefits you can’t
compact, and economical way to control an industrial get from other mechanical or electronic governors:
or aero-derivative gas turbine. In addition to regulat- • More precise control of turbine speed by eliminating
ing speed or power, it also protects against excessive mechanical deadtime and hysteresis effects
temperatures, speeds, or pressures, and sequences • More precise control of turbine-driven compressors
the fuel flow during startups and shutdowns. because control functions are integrated
Models are available for single or multishaft turbines • Lower fuel costs because precise temperature con-
driving variable-speed loads or synchronous genera- trol provides maximum fuel efficiency
tors. Their redundant inputs, fault detection, fallback • More reliable operation because redundant inputs
strategies, and redundant controller features define a and fallback modes provide fault tolerant control
new, more economical approach to fault tolerance • Less downtime and reduced maintenance costs be-
than has previously been available for such machines. cause electronic circuits are more reliable than me-
Fuel Controllers can be combined with Series 3 Plus chanical and hydraulic components
Antisurge and Performance Controllers to provide • Lower repair costs because start-up and shut-down
integrated control of turbine-driven compressors. sequences provide consistent warmup and cool-
They can also be integrated into a distributed control down and prevent operation at critical speeds
system via Modbus serial communication.
Basic Applications
For turbine-driven generators, the Fuel Controller
offers isochronous and droop control modes with
selectable local and remote set points:
• Isochronous control uses a PID algorithm to keep
the speed equal to the set point.
• Valve droop uses a P+PID algorithm to keep the
fuel flow proportional to the droop (that is, the differ-
ence between the speed and speed set point).
• Power droop uses a P+PID algorithm to keep the
generator’s power output proportional to the droop.
Mode switching is implemented via discrete inputs.
Redundant inputs can be used for power droop, and
the controller can fall back to valve droop if both fail.
Synchronization can be achieved by fine-tuning the
speed set point before closing the generator breaker.
If that breaker opens suddenly, Overspeed Prevention
features will reduce or stop the fuel flow to prevent
overspeed damage.
For turbine-driven compressors, the Fuel Controller’s
speed set point is set by a Performance Controller,
which in turn implements a tracking mode that pre-
vents integral wind-up if any turbine limitation (the
maximum temperature, for example) prevents it from
Description, continued on rear panel