The Journal of Biblical Counseling - Ccef
The Journal of Biblical Counseling - Ccef
The Journal of Biblical Counseling - Ccef
Godly Intoxication: The Church Can Minister to Addicts
Timothy S. Lane
What’s Right about Sex?
Winston T. Smith
How Does Scripture Change You?
David Powlison
Evaluating a Person with Suicidal Desires
Aaron Sironi and Michael R. Emlet
What to Say to a Teenager in Crisis
Paul David Tripp
The mission of the Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) is to develop clear thinking and effective
practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully bring the
God of truth, mercy and power to the issues that face pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship.
The Journal of Biblical Counseling
(ISSN: 1063-2166) is published by:
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Editorial Staff
Senior Editor: David Powlison
Managing Editor: Kimberly Monroe
Assistant Editor: Lauren Whitman
Design Editor: Chris Carter
Proofreader: Bruce E. Eaton
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In It for Good
by David Powlison
Counseling ministry aims to speak of God’s love, Goodness and steadfast love walked among us,
aims to embody love for God and neighbor, and took on flesh, tempted as we are yet without sin,
aims to catalyze love in others. We all know that touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He
“Love is patient; love is kind.” Those first two deals gently with the ignorant and wayward.
words characterizing love in 1 Corinthians 13:4 (And he reckons with intransigence.)
can be expressed in a single phrase: Love is in it Such love is a communicable attribute
for good. of God—therefore he commands us to learn
Love is in it for good: patient. God is patience. patience and kindness. In taking us on—we
He is committed for as long as it takes, whatever who are too often impatient, too often unkind—
is going on, however arduous the process. and in making us into the image of Jesus Christ,
Patience is not passive. Our Father, Savior and the Holy Spirit will make us patient and kind.
indwelling Spirit work with purposeful patience. He will teach us to become “in it for good” with
He bears with his children intentionally, through other people, amid the ups, the downs, the
all time, in order to accomplish something. In vicissitudes, the exigencies. This is the life-long
his great patience, he will complete what he has goal of Christian ministry: “love that issues from
begun, to his glory and to our joy. a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere
Love is in it for good: kind. God is kindness. faith”(1 Tim 1:5).
He freely gives every good gift, doing and saying The fuller Old Testament equivalent to
what is helpful. Kindness is not sentimental. 1 Corinthians 13:4 had been revealed on Sinai:
Our God works a fiercely realistic kindness. He “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and
is always holy and constructive, always merciful gracious, slow to anger [in the Greek, “patient”],
and firm, always generous and probing. He abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,
knows what we are; he gives more grace. He keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving
gives what we need. In his great kindness, he iniquity and transgression and sin”(Ex 34:6–7). He
will complete what he has begun, to our glory is in it for good with all who take this revelation to
and to his joy. heart as God’s great gift of himself, as our greatest
God is love; therefore he is in it for good. need, as the goal of our moral transformation.
And of course, since every promise of God is (And this God will justly destroy intransigent
“Yes” in the Son of God, this Jesus is in it for good. iniquity, all that spurns such a gift, denies such a
need, refuses such a goal—Exodus 34:7.)
David Powlison (M.Div., Ph.D.) teaches at CCEF and
It is striking that when revealing his
edits the “Journal of Biblical Counseling.” glory and goodness, the LORD chose to show
by Timothy S. Lane
“The most important contribution which the this mold are not welcome. As a pastor, I had
Church can make to a new social order is to be itself many friends who struggled with addictions.
a new social order.“1— Lesslie Newbigin Did they find help from the church? Not
necessarily. Their stories are similar to John
John was a good friend. He and his wife, Suzanne, and Suzanne’s: they found help in other places.
attended the church I pastored before my tenure They found it in secular support groups where
at CCEF. John and Suzanne had been alcoholics. they could be completely honest and safe, and
They met at an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) where friendships and accountability abounded.
meeting. John and Suzanne would tell you that Often these groups would even meet in church
their lives were saved by AA. They also said that buildings, but they were not led by people from
this would never have happened in church. In the church itself. In fact, it was as if the church
fact, it was AA that led them back to church. modeled a “hands off” posture toward them.
Their experience should give us pause. The Thankfully, this is not true of all churches, and
church can learn lessons from it. Is the church a my hope is to interest more churches to change
place that can minister to people like John and the way they think about people and their
Suzanne? Can we offer acceptance and support struggles.
to people who struggle with life-dominating If Scripture is where we take our cues for life
addictions? Do the Scriptures and the grace of together as brothers and sisters in Christ, addicts
the gospel even speak to addictions? Do we should feel right at home amongst God’s people.
have something better to offer than the host of The church is not filled with people who have
secular recovery groups out there? The answer it all together. Rather, as we know too well, “all
to each of these questions is YES—but we have have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
much to learn. (Rom 3:23). This passage teaches us that we
For addicts the church is usually the last are all sinners. There are things we do, and do
place they look for help. The perception is that repeatedly, that are wrong. And yet… we keep
church is for people who have attained an doing them. Scripture tells us that we are—by
acceptable level of morality. It is for those who nature, nurture, choice and habit—intoxicated
“have it all together,” and those who do not fit by sin and addicted to ungodliness. And thus,
every sinner saved by grace is on a journey of
___________________________________________ change and transformation. Every person, in
Timothy Lane (M.Div., D.Min.) serves as president of
every church, is in a form of rehab—spiritual
CCEF and on the faculty. Among his publications is “How
People Change,” co-authored with Paul David Tripp. rehab.
or not). And when it fades, we pursue it again. anything that you will hear in the culture. We
With this understanding, it is possible to view must constantly be brought back to the utterly
any life-dominating struggle as an “addiction.” unique message only found in the Scriptures.
In fact, our culture has already done so. People This description of God is much more precise and
addicted to their jobs are called work-aholics; compelling than simply talking about a “higher
people addicted to shopping are shop-aholics. power”—the standard way God is referred to in
programs like Alcoholics Anonymous.
A Level Playing Field: We Are More Alike This is not to say that the gospel is a quick fix
than Different for life’s problems. While there are times when
Since we pursue what we love, and we tend God immediately rescues individuals from these
to love something in creation more than God, life-dominating problems, usually his work in us
we are all, in a sense, addicts. Paul describes is slow and takes time. Believing in Jesus will not
this dynamic in Romans 1:25. We substitute immediately rid you of struggle with sin. Instead,
something in creation for the Creator. Even for the message to addicts (and to every struggler)
the believer this dynamic is still in play, though is that we have a Redeemer who walks with us
because of the work of the Spirit, not to the daily. He often uses our relapses and struggles to
same degree. A new life has begun. Still, we are remind us of our ongoing need of him. Believers
regularly tempted to take something in creation are as dependent upon the grace of Christ today
(often good things like relationships, work, as we were the first moment we placed our
food, drink, marriage, etc.) and make it what faith and trust and hope in him. You never wean
we live for. An addiction is, fundamentally, a yourself off the grace of Christ. You are forever
worship disorder. It is an act of the heart. Bodily in need of his power, his love, and his presence.
components only make an addiction more And so is every other addict.
complex. Therefore, since the entire church is a
Understanding life-dominating struggles community of “recovering addicts,” and because
with sin as a worship disorder opens the door we have a compelling message for addicts, it
for the incredible good news of the gospel. The should follow that the church should be the
redemptive solution to our disoriented worship best place for addicts to find hope and practical
is God’s redeeming grace; it recaptures and help. The church has such a wonderful message
love and good deeds” (Heb 3:13; 10:25). These opportunities? Do we see troubles as salutary
verses do not suggest a mechanical approach moments when the gospel can shine by the way
to our conversations. Rather, they call for the that we treat one another? Bonhoeffer begins
kind of conversations that lead us to engage in with these sobering and stern words,
spiritual evaluation of ourselves and of others, Only that fellowship which faces…
bringing the hope and help of Christ to bear. disillusionment, with all its unhappy and
Do these types of conversations happen ugly aspects, begins to be what it should be
in your church? Is your church a safe place for in God’s sight, begins to grasp in faith the
people to honestly talk about their struggles? promise that is given to it.... A community
Are there appropriate contexts where such which cannot bear and cannot survive
conversations can flourish? Do the leaders such a crisis, which insists upon keeping
humbly confess their sins, their struggles, and its illusion when it should be shattered,
their faith? Do you hear articulate, well thought permanently loses in that moment the
out testimonies of God’s grace at work in the promise of Christian community.5
lives of his people? What characterizes the He continues with these words of
conversations occurring in the small groups and encouragement,
friendships in your church? Are certain sins off- Thus the very hour of disillusionment with
limits? Are people encouraging one another to my brother becomes incomparably salutary,
grow in grace? Are they spurring others to live because it so thoroughly teaches me that
for God and neighbor? neither of us can ever live by our own words
We must be willing to do all of these even and deeds, but only by that one Word and
in the midst of disappointment and relapse. We Deed which really binds us together—the
can be adept at speaking wonderful words of forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ. When the
encouragement into one another’s lives—until morning mist of dreams vanish, then dawns
the other person sins and, particularly, until the the bright day of Christian fellowship.6
other person sins against me. When there is sin, God is with us and present with us when we
the fruitful speaking suddenly stops and it turns relapse and fail. In fact, this is when the grace
to accusation, gossip, slander and judgment. of Christ can be prominently displayed. It is an
The Scriptures argue for conversations that go opportunity!
and hope than any addictions group meeting. he may strengthen you with power through
God, let us speak more like our brothers and his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ
sisters in the Scriptures and in the classic hymns may dwell in your hearts through faith. And
of the church. I pray that you, being rooted and established
Second, the Spirit-filled church sings and in love, may have power, together with all
makes music to the Lord. the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide
Every recovery program and organization and long and high and deep is the love of
has a liturgy, an order of service or “worship” Christ, and to know this love that surpasses
when gathering corporately. This liturgy knowledge—that you may be filled to the
also provides a foundation for the individual measure of all the fullness of God.
participant’s identity, something greater than the This amazing expression of worship also changes
individual to rally around. Every organization your affirmation of identity and need for help.
needs a raison d’être, a reason for being. If the Fundamentally, your identity is not
organization only exists for its own members, it determined by a particular addiction, experience
will slowly die. It needs something transcendent, of suffering, family history, biological pre-
a bigger purpose, a vertical orientation. For most disposition or any other life circumstance.
groups helping addicts, the liturgy is driven by According to this passage and all of Scripture, if
referring to a “higher power” that can help in I am in a relationship with God by grace alone,
the struggle. The individual can choose who then I am his child, holy and dearly loved. When
the term higher power refers to. I had a friend I stand up and confess my faith, I say,“Hello, my
who made his deceased (and very moral) name is Tim and I am a child of the living God.
grandmother his higher power. By God’s grace, I now fight and struggle against
In addition to some attempt at a vertical particular temptations.” This is not a semantic
dimension, the liturgy also forms one’s mind game. It is the truth about you and to
identity. In most recovery groups, you self- whom you belong. Listen to another of Paul’s
identify as an addict: “Hello, my name is Tim prayers. Here he prays passionately that the
and I’m an alcoholic.” Such a confession of Ephesians might live out of their new identity in
faith communicates who I fundamentally am, Christ:
reaffirming the need for help. I keep asking that the God of our Lord
The church’s liturgy is fundamentally and Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give
radically different from most recovery groups. A you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so
Christian liturgy connects people to a personal that you may know him better. I pray that
by Winston T. Smith
What is right about sex? To some people that is a Made in God’s Image—Made as Sexual
silly question. It is like asking what is right about Beings
ice cream or summer vacation. Sex can be a simple In displaying God’s power and goodness, the
pleasure bringing intimacy and satisfaction. To opening chapters of Genesis also display the
other people, sex is simply a “need” that adults goodness of sex. In the very beginning, God’s
have. We would never ask what is right about air, Spirit hovers over an unformed swirling mass
sleep, water, or food! of chaos, and he speaks. With each utterance,
But sex can bring heartache and confusion. the elements dance to his words. They take the
It can easily go wrong, becoming a source of form he commands. They fulfill the function
brokenness and degradation. Sex can mean that he decrees. He makes various domains and
enslavement to another person’s demands, or self- spaces, and then fills them with his servants.
enslavement to pornography and masturbation, God creates day and night—and fills them with
and the like. Even when sex does not degrade sun, moon and stars. God creates sky—and fills
into experiences of darkness, the good and the it with birds. God creates sea—and fills it with
bad get mixed up and tangled together. A good fish and other creatures that swim. God creates
gift easily gets stained by anxiety, distaste, mutual land—and fills it with plants and animals. As
misunderstanding, or episodic moral failure. his crowning touch, God creates humankind:
What is your experience? Has sex been Then God said, “Let us make man in our
a blessing in your life? Or did puberty and image, after our likeness. And let them
adulthood open a Pandora’s box of curses? have dominion over the fish of the sea
In this article, we will look at what is right and over the birds of the heavens and over
about sex. It was created “very good,” a gift from the livestock and over all the earth and
God. When he said “Be fruitful and multiply,” he over every creeping thing that creeps on
intended our calling to be a delight. Understanding the earth.” So God created man in his own
what is right will help us to understand how sex image, in the image of God he created him;
goes wrong. It will also help us to understand how male and female he created them. And
God takes what is wrong and remakes it right God blessed them. And God said to them,
again, remade into his good image. “Be fruitful and fill the earth.” 1
We are so familiar with this passage that it fails
___________________________________________ to surprise us. But it is an astounding thing
Winston Smith (M.Div.) counsels and teaches at CCEF. that God created us in his image, and that the
He is the author of “Marriage Matters: Extraordinary
fruitful union of male and female is intrinsic
Change through Ordinary Moments.”
is tempting to think of one’s spouse as a Him, male and female He created them.” When
possession—an object to own. After all, in God created us he didn’t just intend for us to
marriage we become “one flesh” in a unique bear his image as individuals, but to represent
way. We are no longer our own. But being one him through relationship. As James suggests,
flesh should not lead us to think of spouses the way we live in relationships has everything
as possessions that exist to serve our personal to do with our identity as God’s image bearers.
desires. Instead, it should remind us of our Cast Away was a popular movie many years
joint membership and mutual responsibilities ago starring Tom Hanks. It is the story of a man
in Christ. The New Testament exhorts us to named Chuck who survives a plane crash and
understand our life together as “one flesh,” or is stranded on an uncharted, deserted island.
members of one body. This does not conjure When I first watched Cast Away, I was a little
up notions of selfish demands, but attitudes jealous. I enjoy having some alone time to think
of honor, mutual concern, nurture, and love. and read. But as the movie unfolds, you begin
Consider Paul’s words to the Corinthian church to appreciate just how unbearable loneliness
as he describes our lives together as Christians, can be. The physical hardships of survival fade
“. . . its parts should have equal concern for into the background; Chuck’s biggest problem
each other. If one part suffers, every part is being alone. He becomes so desperate for
suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part somebody to connect with that he paints a face
rejoices with it” (1 Cor 12:25–26). Paul speaks on a volleyball he found in the plane wreckage.
specifically about marriage to the Ephesians, He names the volleyball Wilson, and, as odd as
“He who loves his wife loves himself. After it sounds, develops a relationship with “him.”
all, no one ever hated his own body, but he He talks to Wilson. He begins to care about
feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the Wilson. He needs Wilson.
church—for we are members of his body” (Eph Eventually Chuck constructs a raft and
5:28–29). The emphasis is on how we are to be leaves the island in the hopes of being rescued.
compassionate and motivated by the welfare of As he’s floating out in the ocean, Wilson is
the other. swept off of the raft. As Wilson floats away,
But notice, too, that the “one flesh” Chuck panics. He jumps into the water to
membership we experience in marriage and swim after him, but he cannot catch up to him.
by David Powlison
In the course of teaching and counseling, I have and transformation: (1) the reorienting truth
asked many people to talk or write about how of a particular passage of Scripture; (2) the
God drew them to seek and know him, how trustworthy love of a person who embodied
he changed them. I ask them to describe, as Christ.
far as it is possible, the significant and decisive I ask people to further describe these
factors. two factors by working through two sets of
In considering your growth as a Christian, questions. The first set of questions considers
who and what most influenced you? Almost how God works through his words.
invariably, people tell stories. What passage of Scripture has proved
These stories exhibit common features: (1) most significant in your life? What passage
a challenging, troubling, disorienting situation, is most meaningful to you? Why? What
and a sense of personal struggle with sins, does it touch? Why does this particular
disturbing emotions, confusion; (2) God’s revelation from and about God have such
intervening voice and hand, via Scripture, often an impact? How do these words make a
mediated through a godly person; and finally, difference?
(3) the way all these come together, by the grace The second set of questions considers two
of God, in a qualitative change in the one who different perspectives on how God works
bears witness. The person changes in some through his people.
significant way: a new understanding of God, Who do you most trust? What about this
self, and situation; a change of heart; a turning most trustworthy person earns your trust?
to God in awakened faith; a recognition of What changed in you because of that
God’s providence in the situation; new actions person’s influence? What are you able to
of wisdom and obedience. talk about because you trust?
When souls are being cured, people bear Both of these factors matter supremely in the
witness to their external troubles, their internal change process, because God’s truth is spoken
struggles, and their God of active providence and embodied by loving people.
and relevant speech. Almost invariably, they This article will deal with the first set
specify how two means of grace served as of questions, the effect of particular truth. A
vectors of their encouragement, instruction future article will consider the impact of loving,
constructive people.
David Powlison (M.Div., Ph.D.) teaches at CCEF and
I will present and discuss two stories of
edits the “Journal of Biblical Counseling.” change. These stories are typical in that they
If you have done much counseling, you thoughts and purposes. This is one way he
already know that you need to be prepared mercifully loves us. A Christian’s call, therefore,
to assess whether or not someone is suicidal. is also to love others in this way.
Scripture tells us, and our experience confirms, This article will lay the groundwork for
“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep how to do this in the very specific area of suicide
waters…” The very counsel in a person’s heart assessment. It will help you to determine where
is inaccessible, unfathomable, and possibly a person who may be considering suicide fits
dangerous (like deep waters). But God does not on a spectrum of suicidality, while guiding you
leave us in fearful paralysis or ignorance with wisely and confidently to intervene in a crisis.
one another, for “…one who has insight draws This article does not construct a theological
them out” (Pro 20:5). An understanding and explanation of suicide, nor will it discuss
wise person is skillfully able to draw out the all the features of an ongoing counseling
hidden thoughts and intentions of the heart. relationship with someone who struggles with
Suicidal thoughts, desires, and motives often lie suicidal desires. Although these are important
concealed beneath the surface of what a person discussions, they are beyond the scope of this
is able and willing to verbalize. However, these article.
purposes are accessible as we grow in our
ability to speak with people in constructive Overcome Your Own Hesitancies and
and intentional ways—and always with good, Confidently Inquire
saving purposes. Asking someone about suicidal thinking is
What is the basis for drawing out a troubled challenging because it is such a personal
person’s heart? We serve a gracious God who question. It is a weighty matter: life and death.
deeply cares about the hidden intentions, Your own experience, feelings, and beliefs about
troubles, and cares of our hearts. He searches suicide come into play. Exploring the details of
and examines our souls as a token of his love someone’s specific plans for self-harm is not an
for us. Compassionately, he discerns our secret easy or comfortable conversation for either the
counselee or counselor. Counselees often feel
___________________________________________ guilt and shame. They may not raise the issue
Aaron Sironi (M.S., L.C.P.C.) leads the CCEF affiliate office unless directly asked. Even when asked, they
in Montana and serves as adjunct faculty at CCEF. may avoid implicating themselves. Further,
Michael Emlet (M.Div., M.D.) counsels and teaches at caring wisely for a person who intensely wants
CCEF and directs CCEF’s School of Biblical Counseling. He to die stirs up your own thoughts, feelings, and
is the author of “Crosstalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet.” questions:
What to Say to a
Teenager in Crisis
If you live with teenagers or soon-to-be way that was not possible a couple of years
teenagers it’s easy to think that they’re from ago.
another planet. The way they dress, the music • As your child makes more independent
they like, the words they use, and the friends decisions, this will reveal issues of the
they hang out with are very different from heart (loves, desires, and wants) and create
you. Your world seems so far from theirs. openings for conversation.
What can you say that will help them when So look past the surface issues and use these
they hit a rough patch? Is it possible for you openings; communication is possible.
to communicate effectively when someone so Second, your teen’s “trouble” is your
unlike you is in a crisis? opportunity. The revelation of your teenager’s
Yes, it is. heart through words, actions, and decisions is
what makes the teen years the best of times and
What You Need to Know (sometimes) the worst of times. It’s the best of
First, communication is possible. Effective times because you have many opportunities to
communication with your teenager begins talk about what really matters. It’s the worst of
when you look past the surface differences and times because you will have to accept the reality
see that your teenager is more like you than you of your teen’s true heart condition. You might
might think. Your teen isn’t an alien. Your teen know from reading the Bible that everyone’s heart
is becoming a reflective human being (just like is “deceitful above all things, and desperately
you). This presents you with an unprecedented wicked” (Jer 17:9). But it’s hard to see this on
opportunity to be used by God in your child’s display in your own dear child. It’s not always
life. There are two reasons for this: easy to accept that your teenager’s actions are
• Your teen is now capable of sophisticated controlled by the heart and not by hormones,
thought and self-reflection. Your son or circumstances, or pressure from friends.
daughter is becoming mature enough to This is a time of wonderful opportunity, but
discuss issues and recognize things in a the opportunity is in the trouble. If you want
trouble-free teen years, you will have a hard
Paul David Tripp (M.Div., D.Min.) is president of Paul time appreciating the opportunity God has given
Tripp Ministries ( and you. But when you remember that God is using
Executive Director of the Center for Pastoral Life and trouble to reveal important things about your
Care in Fort Worth, Texas. He has authored many books teen’s heart, then you will see these times as God-
on Christian living, including “Age of Opportunity: A
given moments of ministry.
Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens.”
Each of us is a work-in-progress. Biblical counseling recorded their thoughts, actions and feelings,
exists because God uses people to help people, their hopes and fears, their successes and
comforting the disturbed and disturbing the failures, as they learned first-hand about the
comfortable. Biblical counseling exists because dynamics of biblical change.
none of us changes all at once, in the twinkling This ‘self-counseling’ project forms a key
of an eye. When we see Jesus face to face, then part of counselor training. We become able to
we will be fully like him. Until that day, the help others effectively as we understand how
story is not yet complete. This section of JBC we are alike (amid all our differences of detail)
seeks to capture snapshots of the struggles and how God meets us.
and the change process as it is happening. The No temptation has overtaken you that is
stories are framed by and infused with biblical not common to man. God is faithful, and
truth—not just the theory, but the rough and he will not let you be tempted beyond your
tumble, the fits and starts of an unfolding ability, but with the temptation he will also
personal story. provide the way of escape, that you may be
These stories come from students in able to endure it. (1 Cor 10:13)
CCEF’s Dynamics of Biblical Change class The God and Father of our Lord Jesus
taught by David Powlison. We are calling this Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all
section “Lives in Process.” These stories are comfort,… comforts us in all our affliction,
the fruit of an assignment in which students so that we may be able to comfort those
choose an issue to address in their lives. The who are in any affliction, with the comfort
entry point might be a personal problem— with which we ourselves are comforted by
from a minor bad habit to a significant pattern God. (2 Cor 1:3–4)
of temptation and sin. Or the entry point might We trust that you will benefit in reading these
be some hardship, trouble or trial that a person “lives in process”and believe that the Spirit will
is facing. In either case, students spent 4–6 use this testimony—for stories bear witness, not
weeks working on the issues and journaling to theory, but to what has actually happened, to
the process. They explored the details of their “things that Jesus did” (John 21:25).
situation and their responses. They probed For this issue, we have two offerings. Both
motives. They engaged the Word of God and articles are anonymous; names and identifying
the God of the Word. They sought help, counsel details have been changed.
and prayer from friends and family. They
My Virtual Refuge
“What was that they told you at work?” I asked, observe a rewarding job I had previously only
without looking up from the screen. As my wife heard her describe.
repeated what she had just said, I looked toward Despite the encouraging things that
her, but quickly turned back to finish the article happened on our trip, I came home stressed out
I was reading online. My wife called, “Ready for (although I didn’t realize that I was at first). At
dinner?” After a short pause, I looked up again to home again, I engaged in a familiar pattern. Each
see her at the dinner table, head bowed, and ready to evening of the week following the trip, I stayed
pray for the meal. As I walked to the dinner table, I on the computer for hours to “catch up on the
suddenly realized how hungry I was and how good news.” After a few days, I began to suspect that
the food smelled. How come I had not smelled it all of these hours online were related to my trip
earlier? home. Was I still just “unwinding a bit,” or was
This is a typical example of what happens all this a sign of something deeper going on? I
when I get absorbed reading articles on the realized then that I did feel stressed out about
internet. I lose track of time, half-listen to what my family. For as long as I could remember, I felt
is being said to me, and even forget that I’m that my role was to be the peacemaker: I was
hungry. When a major event happens, I look the one who everyone could trust. I was the one
forward to reading about it online. Even the who knew just what to say to smooth over an
fact that I have been in front of the computer all argument and bring us all back together. Had I
day at work does not stop me from hurrying to done my job while I was home? Had I fixed my
the computer when I arrive home. “The Phillies family’s problems during the visit? No. Might
made a trade? A speech by the President? I’ll they still hurt each other while I was away? Yes.
read about it tonight.”And I do. After a long day From 1,000 miles away, I probably could not be
at work, my evening hours fly by as I read online. the peacemaker. Had I done something wrong
Hours and hours disappear. by moving away from them? Would I ever be
By God’s grace, I began to realize that able to make everything right?
there was a problem with this pattern. The Lord Next, I looked down at my hand on the
showed this to me after a weekend at my parents’ computer mouse. What was I doing? Maybe
house. It was one of the best visits we have had those late nights on the computer had something
together. I hiked one day with my father, and I to do with all of this. As I began to connect the
bought him lunch for the first time. On another dots, I started to realize what I had been doing. I
day I spent time with my mother at her job as was dealing with my stress by distracting myself.
a school librarian. There I had the chance to And to cope with this unhappy discovery, I
This story is about how Christ is at work in my My social drinking (as I called it) often
life. The medium he has used is my consumption left me drunk and out of control. I grew more
of alcohol. I know that alcohol causes a great comfortable in the pursuit of pleasure, alcohol
deal of destruction—it did so in my life. and otherwise. Granted, many good pleasures
Drunkenness is sinful. Though I sympathize with like laughter, friendship and conversation were
the arguments for total abstinence, I have chosen the most important to me, but occasionally more
to aim for moderation. But what follows is not destructive tones dominated. Those times were
an essay arguing for moderation and against characterized by indifference to wrongdoing,
total abstinence. I hope that whether individual slander, coarse language, boastfulness, anger,
readers disagree or agree with my position, they crudity, and sexually-charged flirtation. I was still
will still find my story encouraging. It is a story, concerned with maintaining a moral lifestyle in
after all. Christ has been working, is working, and the midst of it all, but failure and indulgence still
will continue to work, both to his praise and to occurred. At times, I was living a quasi-alcoholic
my wonder. lifestyle.
This story starts many years ago when I was a Four years after college, I heard and believed
freshman in college. A few of my friends attended the gospel and joined a church family. I changed
a college a few hours away. After class one Friday some in the social drinking aspect of my life,
I went to spend the weekend with them. I was though the change was primarily accidental,
nervous because that night was to be my first in almost passive. Simply put, my church family
the world of college partying. I had known these just does not drink much. And since I enjoyed
friends since the seventh grade; they knew me my new family and was often with them, I drank
better than anyone. We had been straight arrows less frequently. But when I did go out drinking, I
in high school, but in college we were trying new would still engage in destructive behaviors (or to
things. As we mixed drinks and listened to hip call it by its true name: I would sin). Recognizing
Indie music, the shared excitement was palpable. that I was indeed sinning, I knew that I had to
We laughed and spoke about life and loves and deal with this issue.
learning (and the drinks!). After a few rounds, My first attempts at dealing with it focused
a few of us wandered out to a party. There, in on the motives underlying the destructive
a sense, I met the rest of the world who were behaviors, the lusts, the boastful heart, the
drinking, dancing and looking for romance. Some arrogance, and the desires that would get freer
of it was stressful and awkward, but overall I had reign after a few drinks. Yet, I never directly
a great time, and a new pattern of living began. addressed the role of drinking in my life. It was
Nothing saps joy and freedom in the Christian “Scrupulosity: An Overview” (chapter one)
life faster than ongoing doubt, guilt, and self- gives a synopsis of the problem of scrupulosity,
condemnation stemming from an overly- which he defines as “seeing sin where there
sensitive and scrupulous conscience. There is none.” Several case studies highlight
is a spectrum with regard to the hyper-active the anguish and paralysis these sufferers
conscience, but I am thinking of Christians who experience, and the lack of understanding they
obsess hours a day over moral and spiritual encounter in secular therapy settings.
concerns. Their obsessive thoughts and doubts “Scruples and Obsessive-Compulsive
produce anxiety. This anxiety often drives Disorder” (chapter two) describes the problem
people toward compulsive responses, including of scrupulosity as a sub-set of obsessive-
excessive reassurance-seeking from others, compulsive disorder (OCD). Ciarrocchi
ritualized praying and confession, avoidance of views scrupulosity as “religious OCD.” He
spiritual activities, and exhaustive research and distinguishes “emotional scrupulosity” (his
study. main focus) from “developmental scrupulosity,”
One of the most widely cited texts on this a more self-limited form of scrupulosity often
issue is Joseph W. Ciarrocchi’s The Doubting occurring in adolescents or shortly after a
Disease: Help for Scrupulosity and Religious conversion experience. He proceeds to describe
Compulsions. Ciarrocchi, a former Catholic the features of OCD including various types
priest, trained as a clinical psychologist and of obsessional thoughts and compulsive
served as professor and chairman of pastoral behaviors. He then discusses the origins of
counseling at Loyola University in Maryland OCD in light of the fact that the majority of
prior to his death in 2010. all individuals have unwanted and intrusive
His book is organized into three parts: thoughts at various times. Why do some
“Scruples: Orientation and Overview,” people develop intractable obsessions and/or
“Changing Scruples,” and “Practice and Theory compulsions in response to these thoughts?
of Changing Scruples.” I will first summarize One aspect may be viewing the thought as
each chapter, and then I will comment on overall somehow dangerous in itself. “People with
strengths and weaknesses of his approach. scruples believe, ‘If I have this thought, image,
___________________________________________ or impulse, I must be that kind of person or be
Michael Emlet (M.Div., M.D.) counsels and teaches at willing to do those things’” [emphasis original]
CCEF and directs CCEF’s School of Biblical Counseling. (p. 25). Ciarrocchi highlights the attempted
He is the author of “Crosstalk: Where Life and Scripture
suppression of that “dangerous” thought as
Counselors, I hope, enjoy reading about and the scars remain for some of the combatants.
people. When I read a book I first look for the A colleague of Collins, who wrote one of the
author’s biography, then I carefully read the later chapters, mentioned a scheduled televised
acknowledgements, then I read the dedication, debate in which Collins and Adams were to be
sometimes wiping away a tear or two. I want to the principal opponents (p. 101). Collins decided
know about the author. This continues to be my to back out because, in the words of one of the
defense for taking a peek at People magazine if I other proposed participants, the debate looked
am waiting in a long check-out line. like it would be a “turkey shoot” aimed at those
With this in mind, “Twelve [Christian] who had a favorable view of psychology. Collins
Psychologists Tell Their Stories” should catch goes on to write that from that time on he sought
your eye. This is not a book of ideas that edits to hear his opponents and write in more irenic
out personal references. It is a book about ways. The implication is that his opponents
people. Each of the twelve writes about relevant (biblical counselors) did not respond in kind.
personal history (e.g., childhood and family This brief forward provides a glimpse into
experiences, church influences). They describe the story line that persists among those who
key mentors, struggles, personal suffering, identify with the agenda of bringing together
spiritual disciplines, and things learned both reliable psychological research and scriptural
as therapists and receivers of therapy. Each truth: “There are battle lines. The opponents of
concludes with a letter to the reader of hard- the agenda (read: CCEF and others of similar
won wisdom and summaries of the best advice opinions) do not listen well. They continue to
each has to offer. operate under the banner of anti-psychology.”
Gary Collins wrote the forward. Collins is And, of course, there is something here for
a Christian psychologist who was among the biblical counselors to consider. But, the real focus
early authors in Christian counseling. He is of the book is the biographical stories.
still smarting from the “battle lines” that were You might recognize some of the names
sharpened by Jay Adams’ Competent to Counsel of the book’s contributing authors: Everett
(co-founder of CCEF) and the anti-psychology Worthington, Rebecca Propst, Siang-Yang Tan,
movement, some of which was highly polemical. Mark McMinn, Elizabeth Hall, Mark Yarhouse,
Those were difficult days of argument and strife, and others. Each story is fascinating, as human
___________________________________________ stories of conversion and growth in the grace of
Edward Welch (M.Div., Ph.D.) counsels and teaches at
Christ always are. Here are several themes that
CCEF. He is the author of “When People Are Big and God
is Small.” run through the book.
Everett Worthington’s book could be read as should be explored theologically, (3) help us
“One Psychologist Tells His Story” (see review learn how to live wisely, and (4) help us know
of Twelve Psychologists Tell Their Stories). God better. These are ambitious goals, especially
Worthington is a committed Christian who the last one.
teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University. He reviews the different approaches to
He is a psychologist whose interest is in careful integration and identifies biblical counseling
research about human beings more than in as the “filter” approach. By this he means that
clinical or counseling theories. His goal is to draw biblical counselors use Scripture to filter or sift
more Christians into the field of psychological all psychological theories and observations,
research. discarding some things and recasting others.
The book is personal. Readers get a sense of Worthington is certainly measured in what
the man, his family, and especially his marriage. he says. He is an ethical scholar who strives to
This, I think, is the way it should be. Some types speak accurately. He is quick to point out the
of writing have to be less personal. A journal merits in this approach, but, in his work, he
article, for example, usually is not going to speak prefers to use what he calls a relational model.
about the pleasure you take in long walks with He uses the metaphor of dance to summarize
your spouse. However, Christians who do much the relationship between Scripture and science.
writing will eventually begin to seed their work I am not fond of the dance metaphor—I step
with personal references. This is not egoism. It is on my wife’s feet way too often when we go
simply what happens when you understand that to weddings—but I understand what he is
the world is fundamentally personal: know God, saying. Careful observations and Scripture work
be known by him, know other people, be known together. Scripture is called to“lead,”and science
by them. So it is a pleasure to get to know this is called to follow, and yet there is a back-and-
author. forth in good dancing.
Within this personal context, Worthington No argument here. There have certainly
gives us a good primer on the science of been times when an observation from
psychology. He argues that science, though counseling, an autobiography, neuroscience
limited in what it can do, can (1) support and or academic psychology has either challenged
validate scriptural principles, (2) add ideas that me to consider my interpretation of Scripture
___________________________________________ or to account for that particular observation by
Edward Welch (M.Div., Ph.D.) counsels and teaches at
way of Scripture. For example, whenever I write
CCEF. He is the author of “When People Are Big and God
is Small.” about human strengths and weaknesses, the