ENGLISH-Historical Journal Task
ENGLISH-Historical Journal Task
ENGLISH-Historical Journal Task
The Evolution of
The Walt Disney Company is one of
the biggest names in the
entertainment and film industry that
is recognized around the world. The
company was founded by Walt Disney
and his brother Roy in Hollywood,
California, the United States on
October 16, 1923.
Walt Disney was then interested in producing his card film. To make his dream
come true, he founded the Laugh-O-Gram Studio. However, in 1923 the studio
was declared bankrupt. Eventually, Walt Disney moved to his brother Roy's
place in Hollywood, California.
Move to Hollywood
While in Hollywood, Walt
Disney succeeded in selling a
short cartoon film produced
by Studio Laugh-O-Gram
before, entitled Alice's
Wonderland. He also signed a
contract to make six more To reach the targets of the
cartoons with the same contract, Walt Disney and
Roy eventually founded the
Walt Disney Brothers
Cartoon Studio.
Mickey Mouse
In 1928, the world's most famous cartoon character,
Mickey Mouse, was born. The popularity of Mickey Mouse
convinced Walt Disney that his studio was capable of
producing original works that sold well in the market.
The success of the film then encouraged the Walt Disney Brothers Cartoon
Studio to continue producing quality cartoons and loved by a big audience. The
Walt Disney Company then expanded their business by opening their first
theme park in 1955 and acquiring many companies in the broadcast and film
industry, such as ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel Studio, and Lucasfilm.