Concrete Structures For Retaining Aqueous Liquids - Code of Practice
Concrete Structures For Retaining Aqueous Liquids - Code of Practice
Concrete Structures For Retaining Aqueous Liquids - Code of Practice
( Second Revision )
© BIS 2021
This Indian Standard (Part 1) (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
The design and construction methods in reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures for retaining
aqueous liquids are influenced by the prevailing construction practices, the physical properties of the materials
and the climatic condition. To lay down uniform requirements of structures for the retaining liquids giving due
consideration to the above mentioned factors, this standard has been published in four parts. The other parts in
the series are:
Part 2 Plain and reinforced concrete
Part 3 Prestressed concrete
Part 4 Design tables
This standard was first published in 1965 and subsequently revised in 2009. The present revision has been
brought out with a view to keeping abreast with the rapid development in the field of construction technology and
concrete design and also to bring further modifications in the light of experience gained while applying the earlier
version of this standard. In this revision, the title of the standard has been modified from ‘Concrete structures for
storage of liquids — Code of practice: Part 1 General requirements’ to ‘Concrete structures for retaining aqueous
liquids — Code of practice: Part 1 General requirements’ for better representation of the contents of the revised
While the common methods of design and construction have been covered in this standard, for design of structures
of special forms, or in unusual circumstances, special literature may be referred to or special systems of design
and construction may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their adequacy and safety by
analysis or test or by both.
In this standard it has been assumed that the design of liquid retaining structures, whether of plain, reinforced or
pre-stressed concrete is entrusted to a qualified engineer and that the execution of the work is carried out under the
direction of a qualified and experienced engineer.
The concrete used in liquid retaining structures should have low permeability. This is important not only for its
direct effect on leakage but also because it is one of the main factors influencing durability, resistance to leaching,
chemical attack, erosion, abrasion and frost damage; and the protection from corrosion of embedded steel. The
standard, therefore, incorporates provisions in design and construction to take care of this aspect.
The requirements of IS 456 : 2000 ‘Plain and reinforced concrete — Code of practice (fourth revision)’ and
IS 1343 : 2012 ‘Prestressed concrete — Code of practice (second revision)’, in so far as they apply, shall be deemed
to form part of this standard except where otherwise laid down in this standard. For long term performance of
the structure, use of dense, nearly impermeable and durable concrete, adequate concrete cover without macro
defects in cover concrete, proper detailing practices, control of cracking, effective quality assurance measures in
line with IS 456 and good construction practices particularly in relation to construction joints should be ensured.
Designer should take appropriate measures to the need for chemical resistance while dealing with liquids or
Following are the significant modifications incorporated in this revision:
a) Scope and provisions of the standard have been updated to reflect the applicability of the standard to
concrete structures retaining all aqueous liquids.
b) Design recommendations are generally applicable to the storage/retaining of aqueous liquids having
temperature not exceeding 50 °C, and the same has been indicated.
c) Clause on terminology giving definitions of the various terms has been added.
d) Clause on ‘Exposure conditions’ has been modified. Parts of the structure retaining the liquid or enclosing
the space above the liquid shall be now considered as subject to at least ‘severe’ condition as per IS 456.
The provision of assuming the underside of the roof to be exposed to ‘very severe’ condition, for tank
retaining chlorinated water, has been added.
(Continued to third cover)
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Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
1.1 This standard (Part 1) lays down general For the purpose of this standard, the following
requirements for the design and construction of definitions shall apply:
plain, reinforced or pre-stressed concrete structures, 3.1 Blinding Layer — A base layer of lean concrete
intended for storage or retaining of aqueous liquids. that is laid on the ground to provide a clean, level and
A concrete structure or member may function as liquid dry working surface, sealing in the underlying material
retaining, when the amount of liquid permeating and levelling off the surface.
through its thickness, under hydraulic gradient, is
practically negligible. 3.2 Capacity — The net volume of liquid, that the
The recommendations are generally applicable to the structure can hold between the full supply level (FSL)
storage/retaining of aqueous liquids having temperature and the lowest supply level (LSL) that is, the level
not exceeding 50 °C and no detrimental action on of the lip of the outlet. Gross capacity includes dead
concrete and steel or where sufficient precautions have storage as well as the quantity of the liquid which may
been taken to ensure protection of concrete and steel occupy space above FSL, if so specified for design
from damage due to action of such liquids. considerations.
The requirements applicable specifically to plain and 3.3 Contraction Joint — A cut, partial or full,
reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete liquid constructed by forming, sawing or grooving in a concrete
retaining structures are covered in IS 3370 (Part 2), and structure to create a weakened plane to regulate the
IS 3370 (Part 3), respectively. location of crack resulting from dimensional changes
being restrained.
1.2 This standard does not cover the requirements for
concrete structures for storage/retaining of hot liquids, 3.4 Construction Joint — A joint in the concrete, such
hazardous materials and liquids of low viscosity and as between two successive wall lifts, introduced for
high penetrating power such as petrol, diesel and convenience in construction at which special measures
oil. This standard also does not cover dams, pipes, are taken to achieve subsequent continuity without
pipelines, tunnels and damp proofing of basements. provision for further relative movement.
This standard does not cover all the requirements of 3.5 Dead Storage — The volume of liquid in the tank
pressurised tanks, floating structures and tanks having below normal outlet level or lowest supply level (LSL).
the additional requirement of gas tightness. The
selection and design of coatings and linings are not 3.6 Design Liquid Depth — The full height of the
covered in this standard. storage/retained liquid which shall include freeboard
zone to account for the rise in liquid for the purpose of
1.3 The criteria for design of RCC staging for overhead design or process, whichever is higher.
water tanks are given in IS 11682.
3.7 Freeboard — The space above FSL measured
2 REFERENCES as a vertical distance from FSL up to soffit of beam
The standards given in Annex A contain provisions, supporting the roof slab or dome or the lowest point of
which through reference in this text, constitute roof or up to the overflow level.
provision of this standard. At the time of publication, 3.8 H/t Ratio — The ratio of the liquid head,
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are H (in mm) and the thickness, t (in mm) of the liquid
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based retaining member.
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the 3.9 Joint Filler — A compressible, preformed material
standards indicated at Annex A. used to fill an expansion joint to prevent the infiltration
and to provide support for sealants.
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3.21 Water-bar (Water-stop) — A continuous For the purpose of this standard, parts of the structure
preformed strip of durable impermeable material retaining the liquid or enclosing the space above the
embedded in concrete and anchored on the two sides liquid shall be considered as subject to at least ‘severe’
of a joint, designed and constructed such that the condition as per IS 456. In case of members exposed
passage of liquid through the joint is prevented without to ‘very severe’ or ‘extreme’ conditions, the relevant
incurring any permanent deformation. provisions of IS 456 shall apply.
For structures in which chlorine is dissolved in water
3.22 Water Path — The most probable path along or break-point chlorination exists, the underside of
which water can travel under hydraulic gradient. roof shall be assumed to be exposed to ‘very severe’
exposure condition, the nascent chlorine being highly
corrosive to concrete.
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conditions of internal and external loads. The Heat is evolved as cement hydrates, and the temperature
stability of the structure should be checked will rise for a day or more after casting and then fall.
against uplift using a factor of safety of 1.25. Cracking usually occurs at this time, while the concrete
Overall uplift force shall be estimated as the is still weak. Subsequent lower ambient temperature
volume of ground-water displaced by the and loss of moisture when the concrete is mature will
structure. open these cracks although the loss of moisture at the
Where uplift force acts on unsymmetrical surface under external drying conditions is usually
structure, the loss of stability may be due low. A structure built in the summer but not filled or
to tilting or rotation. In such a case, factor an external structure standing empty will usually be
of safety should be not less than 1.4 against subjected to greater drops in temperature than the same
rotational stability. filled structure.
Consideration should be given to uplift 9.2 Methods of Control
force due to water entering the sides of tank
(a transient condition) as a result of heavy 9.2.1 Plain concrete liquid retaining structures or
rains, even if ground water table may be below members may be designed by allowing direct tension
the tank. in plain concrete, the permissible tensile stress for M20
2) Providing effective drainage to reduce the and M25 concrete being 1.2 N/mm2 and 1.3 N/mm2
level of external water. for direct tension and 1.55 N/mm2 and 1.75 N/mm2
for flexural tension respectively. The gross capacity
3) Providing relief valves discharging into the of such tanks made of plain concrete shall not exceed
liquid retaining structure when the external 25 m3. However, nominal reinforcement in accordance
pressure exceeds the internal pressure; this with the requirements given in IS 456 shall be provided
arrangement is feasible only in cases when for plain concrete structural members.
the liquid retaining structure is not required
for the storage of liquids which should not be 9.2.2 The most important factor affecting drying
contaminated. shrinkage is the amount of paste (water + cementitious
4) Designing both internal and external faces of matter) per unit of concrete. Water may be reduced
the walls and floor as water retaining faces, by use of both plasticizing admixtures and by using
where the walls and floors of the liquid minimum amount of cementitious material, consistent
retaining structure are submerged in water or with quality. The concrete mix should have the largest
water bearing soils. practical coarse aggregates (compatible with detailing
and good workmanship) as this will reduce the cement
5) Considering the possibility of sudden change
content. To reduce shrinkage, total cementitious content
in ground water table or pore pressure in soil
should be as low as possible while meeting the strength
or sudden accumulation of water in ground,
requirements and those given in Table 1.
even for small periods due to heavy rains, in
the design. 9.2.3 Cracking may be controlled by avoiding or
reducing the gradient of steep changes in temperature
9 CAUSES AND CONTROL OF CRACKING and moisture of the concrete, especially during early
ages by,
9.1 Causes
a) curing the structure/members for a period not less
9.1.1 Effects of Applied Loads than 14 days.
Direct or flexural tension in concrete arising from b) keeping structures and thin sections below FSL
applied external service loads, temperature gradients damp, during construction.
due to solar radiation, or retaining the liquids at c) covering the concrete surface by
temperatures more than ambient temperature, may plastic/polyethylene or tarpaulin sheet to protect
cause cracking in the concrete. the surface from drying.
9.1.2 Temperature and Moisture Effects d) reducing the restraints on the free expansion or
Changes in either the temperature of the concrete and contraction of the structure by providing a sliding
reinforcement or the moisture content of the concrete layer when long walls or slabs are founded at or
causes dimensional changes which, if resisted internally below ground level.
or externally may cause cracking in the concrete. The 9.2.4 Structures may be provided with movement joints
distribution and width of such cracks may be controlled if effective and economic means cannot otherwise be
by reinforcement, together with the provision of the taken to avoid unacceptable cracking.
movement joints.
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9.2.5 In making the calculations either for ascertaining With introduction of joints, the requirement of
the expected expansion or contraction or for reinforcement is to be estimated as per 11.3 and
strengthening the concrete section, the coefficient of Annex A of IS 3370 (Part 2).
expansion of concrete shall be in accordance with the
provisions given in IS 456. 9.2.9 Structural Fibres
Structural fibres, such as steel, may be added to improve
9.2.6 Cracking of concrete can be controlled, to some performance of concrete during the service life with
extent, by filling the tank slowly for the first time. The respect to the following parameters:
rate of filling shall be nearly uniform and not more than
1.2 m per 24 h. a) Ductility,
b) Toughness and impact resistance,
9.2.7 Whenever development of cracks or overstressing
c) Flexural and tensile strength,
of the concrete in tension cannot be avoided, the
concrete section should be suitably reinforced. Correct d) Crack propagation, crack width and spacing, and
placing of reinforcement bars, use of deformed bars, e) Fatigue and post cracking behaviour.
closely spaced bars and use of small size bars lead to The designer shall, however, ensure the improvement
diffused distribution of cracks, and hence are preferred in performance before considering the use of fibres
practices. in concrete by duly testing or findings based on
9.2.8 Crack control in ground supported tanks may be experimental research.
done in following two ways:
a) A combination of external restraint and
reinforcement — If along the length of member, Stability of the structure shall be checked as per the
restraint is continuous, the crack spacing will be provisions of IS 456, except where stated otherwise.
small and probable crack widths are finer. For The equilibrium and safety of structure and parts of it
ground supported tanks, continuous external against sliding and overturning, especially when the
restraint is offered by the friction due to roughness structure is founded on a side of long or sloping ground,
between structural member and ground. However, shall also be checked. In combination with earthquake
such restraint may not be uniform along the induced forces, the resistance to sliding is important for
length and hence, partial internal restraint is to sloping terrain.
be provided by reinforcement. For construction A structure subjected to underground water pressure
without joints, satisfactory control over cracking shall be designed to resist floatation [as given in 8 (c)]
may be obtained by increasing the reinforcement, and requirements given in 10.1 and 10.2.
which provides internal restraint. Requirement of
reinforcement increases as the length increases 10.1 Overturning
more than 20 m. The reinforcement calculated The stable equilibrium of a structure as a whole
as per the crack width requirements shall be against overturning shall be ensured so that the
provided. restoring moment shall not be less than the sum of
b) A combination of movement joints and 1.4 times the maximum overturning moment due to the
reinforcement — To economize reinforcement, characteristic dead and imposed load and 1.2 times the
movement (or partial movement) joints are maximum overturning moment due to the characteristic
introduced. For joints to accommodate the wind/seismic action. Restoring moment due to imposed
movement, external restraint is to be reduced by loads shall be ignored. Restoring moment due to earth
providing a separation layer between structural pressure should consider only active earth pressure
member and ground support. To allow slip with factor of 1.
between structural layer and supporting material To ensure the safety against overturning, stability shall
below (lean concrete), the top surface of this be checked for the load factors for earth pressure, liquid
supporting material shall be in plane and smooth, load and uplift taken as 1.6, 1.0 and 1.4, respectively.
which normally is achieved by float finish. Liquid load in tank shall be taken as the most critical
Usually bottom surface of tank floor is not plane. Floor value between empty to full capacity.
is provided with slopes, pockets and extra thickness at
10.2 Probable Variation in Loads
different places. All these restrict the possible movement,
and therefore positions of these features govern the To ensure stability at all times, probable variations
locations of the movement joints. For each panel in dead load, liquid load and earth pressure during
between successive movement joints, the bottom surface construction, repair or other temporary measures shall
of structural concrete (floor slab) should be plane. be taken into account.
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ig. 3 Typical Partial
PARTIAL Contraction
3) Sliding joint — A movement joint which In general, construction joints should be provided
allows two structural members to slide relative within middle third of the clear span, preferably
to one another with minimal restraint. This has near the point of contraflexure [see 4.4.2 (b) and
complete discontinuity in both reinforcement (c) of IS 3370 (Part 2)]. At construction joint,
and concrete at which special provision is made concrete section should be checked under direct
to facilitate relative movement in the place shear for shear friction resistance. In slabs,
of the joint. A typical application is between construction joints shall not be provided along the
wall and floor in some cylindrical tank designs main reinforcement bar.
(see Fig. 5). Full structural continuity is assumed in design at
b) Construction joints — A joint in the concrete, such the construction joint and should be realized in
as between two successive wall lifts, introduced practice. If necessary, construction joints should
for convenience in construction at which special be grouted.
measures are taken to achieve subsequent Shear key at the construction joint is normally
continuity without provision for further relative not required, unless the shear stress is higher than
movement. A typical construction joint provided half the shear strength of concrete. If shear key is
between successive wall lifts is shown in Fig. 6. required to be provided, width or thickness of the
member shall be at least 300 mm.
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It is not necessary to incorporate water-bars in The time interval between casting of main parts
properly executed construction joint, unless H/t of structure and the gap in member shall be such
ratio is more than 15 (see 11.5.1). If water-bar is that maximum shrinkage in concrete is allowed
required to be provided, the thickness of member to take place, as well the temperature of the main
shall be at least 250 mm. concrete structure is as less as possible, to take
c) Temporary open joints — A gap temporarily advantage of maximum strain already taken place,
left between the concrete of adjoining parts of and remaining strain will be smaller, after the gap
a structure which after a suitable time interval is cast, thus cracking of structure is controlled.
and before the structure is put into use, is filled Where measures are taken for example, by the
with concrete either completely (see Fig. 7A) or inclusion of suitable jointing materials to maintain
as provided below, with the inclusion of suitable the water tightness of the concrete subsequent
jointing materials (see Fig. 7B). In the former to the filling of joint, these type of joints may
case, the width of the gap should be sufficient be regarded as being equivalent to a contraction
to allow the sides to be prepared before filling. (partial or complete) as defined earlier above.
11.3 Design and Detailing of Joints moderate proportion of reinforcement. Between these
Design of a movement joint should aim at obtaining two extremes, control may be exercised by varying the
the following desirable properties for its efficient reinforcement and joint spacing, an increase in spacing
functioning: being compensated for by an increase in the proportion
of reinforcement required.
a) The joint should accommodate repeated movement
of the structure without loss of water tightness. To allow the movement to take place in a movement
joint, the top of sub-base shall be in-plane, flat and
b) The design should provide for exclusion of grit smooth. Flatness & smoothness of the surface should
and debris to prevent the closing of the joint. be specified and controlled. Even if the smoothness
c) The material used in the construction of movement is within specified limit, the very small roughness of
joints should have the following properties: sub-base will cause the concrete above to set and offer
1) It should not suffer permanent distortion or some friction. Hence a separation (or bond breaking)
extrusion and should not be displaced by fluid layer should be put in between to allow in-plane
pressure. shear deformation between bottom and top layers.
2) It should not slump unduly in hot weather or Normally, thick polyethylene sheet conforming to
become brittle in cold weather. IS 2508 is specified with smooth top sub-base. It should
be noted that local thickening of structural concrete
3) It should be insoluble and durable and should should not create projections below the interface
not be affected by exposure to light or by allowing movements. Such projection, if provided, will
evaporation of solvent or plasticizers. lock the free movement and induce unwanted cracks.
4) In special cases, the materials should be
The three main options for the designer are summarized
non-toxic, taintless or resistant to chemical and
in Table 2 as follows:
biological action as may be specified.
a) In Option 1 (Design for full restraint) — No
Congestion of reinforcement should be avoided during
contraction joints are provided within the area
detailing. Various methods, such as choosing the
designed for continuity; and crack widths
diameter and grade of steel carefully and bundling of
and spacing are controlled by reinforcement.
reinforcement, if required, should be adopted.
Construction joints become part of the crack
11.4 Spacing of Movement Joints pattern and have similar crack widths.
The provision of movement joints and their spacing b) In Option 2 (Design for partial restraint) —
are dependent on the design philosophy adopted, Cracking is controlled by the reinforcement, but
that is, whether to allow for or restrain shrinkage and the joint spacing is such that some of the daily
thermal contraction in walls and slabs. At one extreme, and seasonal movements in the mature slab or
the designer may exercise control by providing a structural member are accommodated at the
substantial amount of reinforcement in the form of joints, so reducing the amount of movement to be
small diameter bars at close spacing with no movement accommodated at the cracks between the joints.
joints. On the other extreme, the designer may provide c) In Option 3 (Design for freedom of
closely spaced movement joints in conjunction with a movement) — Cracking is controlled by
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proximity of the joints, with a moderate amount The choice of design imposes a discipline on
of reinforcement provided, sufficient to transmit construction. It is desirable to achieve minimum
movement at any cracked section to the adjacent restraint to early thermal contraction of the immature
movement joints. Significant cracking between concrete in walls and slabs even though the finished
the adjacent movement joints should not occur. structure may be designed for full continuity. Cracks
The options given in Table 2 are considered in terms of arising from thermal contraction in a roof supported
horizontal movement, but vertical movement in walls on columns may be minimized or even prevented
should also be considered. Two cases are as follows: if the roof slab is not tied rigidly to the walls during
1) It is possible for horizontal cracks to occur at
any free-standing vertical end because of the 11.5 Making of Joints
change in horizontal restraint with respect Joints shall generally be made according to the broad
to height. For bays of any height the vertical principles discussed in 11.5.1 to 11.5.3.
strain arising from this warping effect may
be taken as approximately half the horizontal 11.5.1 Construction Joints
strain, and the vertical steel ratio should not be
less than the critical ratio, ρcrit. Construction joints shall be located at accessible
locations to permit working and good workmanship at
2) The vertical restraint exerted on a newly
the interface like cleaning and roughening.
cast bay at a vertical construction joint may
be assumed to develop at the depth of 2.4 m Time lag between the two concrete phases is an important
from the free top surface. Thus design for parameter for the behaviour of the joint. The time lag is
freedom of movement (Option 3) may be used to be measured from the instance of mixing of concrete
for vertical reinforcement in the top 2.4 m of of first phase to the instance when second phase concrete
a lift of wall. The design for partial restraint is compacted against the first phase concrete already
(Option 2) is appropriate for vertical steel laid. When the time lag is less than that of 80 percent
below this depth. of the initial setting time of first phase concrete and also
Table 2 Design Option for Control of Thermal Contraction and Restrained Shrinkage
( Clause 11.4 )
Sl Option Construction Type and Movement Joint Spacing Steel Ratio Comments
No. Method of Control (see Note 2)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) 1 Continuous: For full No joints, but expansion joints at wide spacing More than ρcrit Use small size bars at
restraint (≯ 40 m) may be desirable in walls and roofs close spacing to avoid
that are not protected from solar heat gain high steel ratios well
or where the retained liquid is subjected to a in excess of ρcrit
substantial temperature range.
ii) 2 Semi-continuous: For a) Complete joints: < 15 m More than ρcrit Use small size bars
partial restraint b) Alternate partial and complete joints but less steel than in
(by interpolation): < 11.25 m Option 1
c) Partial joints: < 7.5m
iii) 3 Close movement joint a) Complete joints (in metres): 2/3 ρcrit –
spacing: For freedom of
movement ≤ 4.8 +
b) Alternate partial and complete joints
(in metres):
< 0.5 smax + 2.4 +
c) Partial joints:
< smax + ε
1 References should be made to Annex A and Annex B of IS 3370 (Part 2) for the description of the symbols used in this table and for calculating
ρcrit, smax and є.
2 In options 1 and 2, the steel ratio will generally exceed ρcrit to restrict the crack widths to acceptable values. In option 3, the steel ratio of 2/3 ρcrit
will be adequate.
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while second phase concrete is still plastic, it results in a method. Use of excessive energy, causing damage by
monolithic concrete across the joint, else the construction dislodging or fracturing aggregates shall be avoided.
joint is assumed to form. In the case of construction joints at locations where
The time lag may be in minutes, hours or in days. As the the previous pour has been cast against shuttering, the
time lag increases, temperature and shrinkage effects set recommended method of obtaining a rough surface
in as the two concrete are in different phases of setting. for the previously poured concrete is to expose the
Hence due to differential movement (strains), slip aggregate with a high pressure water jet or any other
develops and reduces the bond between the two concrete. appropriate means.
Formation and development of cracks takes place at lower From the surface of first phase concrete which is
values of strain. Hence, the design and specifications at already roughened, all loose material shall be removed,
the joint depends upon the probable time lag at the joint. and washed clean by jet of water. The cleaned joint
Concrete in both phases (earlier and later) should surface should be dampened for at least 6 h prior to
be fully compacted to remove macro pores, and the placing new concrete.
interface should result in an impermeable joint. In Before placing fresh concrete, the old concrete should
each phase, care is needed to compact the concrete be saturated, without surface water at the joint (that is,
without segregation, simultaneously avoiding surface dry). New concrete should be fully compacted
loose aggregate and porosity. While ensuring full against old, without voids and segregation. All
compaction, there is a possibility that at the joint, top horizontal construction joints where H/t ratio is more
few millimetre concrete (earlier pour) may be over than 15 and all vertical construction joints should be
vibrated due to which coarse aggregates may sink and properly grouted. For grouting, cement may be mixed
only mortar may remain at top, and this portion of with finer fly ash or GGBS. As H/t ratio increases above
mortar should be removed. Removal of mortar portion 30, the importance of workmanship increases to get a
may be carried out by applying a surface retarder joint with sufficiently low permeability.
immediately after concreting the earlier pour. For
vertical surfaces, the surface retarder may be applied Provision of groove or shear key at construction joint
to the formwork. Alternately, roughening is done by is not necessary if the shear stress is less than the
mechanical methods. shear friction (say half the shear strength of concrete).
Joint should be designed for the shear strength. Where
Sprayed curing membranes and form-release agents
high shear resistance is required, shear keys shall be
should be thoroughly removed from joint surfaces.
As soon as possible after concrete is set, surface
laitance, mortar layer, portions of un-compacted Water-bars may be provided if thickness of the tank
concrete if any, loose aggregates or those having wall exceeds 300 mm.
cavities around, etc shall be removed. The laitance
can be removed by wire brushing or applying a jet of Height of fall of concrete on hard surface and
water. If the joint surface is not roughened before the segregation
concrete is hardened; in that case, the laitance should At a horizontal joint, placing of the concrete of second
be removed by sand blasting or by a scrubber. phase involves fall of concrete. While, the fresh
At joint interface, concrete surface of the earlier concrete falls on the hard surface, the particles of
pour should be prepared rough to increase the bond coarse aggregate rebound and collect near the surface
strength and achieve mechanical friction through of form work, thus introducing segregation. From the
aggregate interlock, preventing the relative movement concrete of first fall, some paste adheres to shuttering
(shear slip). Concrete surface at interface should be surface and reinforcement during falling; thus the paste
prepared rough with clean coarse aggregates projecting demand is little higher in initial quantity of concrete
out from matrix. Joint surface should expose larger pour. Higher the free fall of concrete, more will be
aggregates, leaving solid and rough concrete surface, the rebound and segregation of the aggregates. After
by removing some mortar from it. Mean roughness a padding layer of concrete is deposited, aggregate
(measured as half the average height of valley to peak from the falling concrete gets embedded in the padding
of the surface undulations) should be one-sixth to concrete and segregation is not seen at the formed
one-fourth of the maximum size of the aggregate that is, surface of concrete. Hence, at horizontal construction
3 to 5 mm for 20 mm maximum size of aggregate. joint, honeycomb is seen only for few cm heigt.
This height of likely honeycomb depends up on the
Roughening can be done by wire brushing while height of free fall of concrete. To avoid this problem,
concrete is still green without dislodging or disturbing concrete for initial few cm height should be placed by
the coarse aggregates. At higher ages, this may be done chute/pipe without any freefall. Any other suitable
by sand blasting, shot blasting, hydro blasting, milling method(s) may also be adopted to prevent freefall/
tool, bush hammer, chiselling, or any other established segregation of concrete.
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11.5.2 Movement Joints Bond between the concrete of the two components
These require the incorporation of special materials in should be prevented by painting, or by inserting
order to maintain liquid tightness whilst accommodating building paper, or other suitable material.
relative movement between the sides of the joint The joint should be suitably treated so as to maintain
(see 11.5). liquid tightness during movement of the joint.
Movement joints, particularly those in floor and roof, 11.5.3 Temporary Open Joints
also require protection against the entry of debris which
may interfere with the closing of the joints. The concrete on both sides of the joints should be
finished against stopping off boards. Contraction joints In order to minimize the extent of subsequent
The joints face of the first-cast concrete should be movements due to shrinkage the joint should be left
finished against a stopping-off board, or vertical end open until shortly before the reservoir is put into service
shutter which, in case of a partial contraction joint, and then filled in with concrete or mortar of specified
should be notched to pass the reinforcement. properties. Where possible, the joint should be filled
Steps should be taken to prevent any appreciable when the temperature is low.
adhesion between the new and the old concrete. Immediately before filling the gap, the joint faces
The joint should be suitably treated with water-stops should be thoroughly cleaned and prepared in the same
and joint sealants so as to maintain liquid tightness way as for construction joints (see 11.5.1).
during movement of the joint and prevention of debris Where it is intended to treat this type of joint as
entering the joints (see Fig. 8 and 12). equivalent to a contraction joint for the purpose of this Expansion joints standard, the joint should be suitably sealed so as to
maintain liquid tightness during subsequent movement
These require the provision of an initial gap between of the joint.
the concrete faces on the two sides of the joints and
NOTE — Figures 1 to 9 given in this standard are only
this can be conveniently done by the use of materials diagrammatic, and are intended merely to illustrate the
discussed in 12. The initial width of this gap should definitions and principles given in the standard and may not be
be specified by the engineer and should be sufficient treated as preferred designs.
to accommodate freely the maximum expansion of
the structure. In determining jointing materials due 11.5.4 Joints in Ground Slabs
consideration should be given to the requirements The floor of a structure may be designed to permit
of the initial width. These will normally require the thermal contraction and shrinkage by minimizing
maintenance of a certain minimum width of gap during restraints to movement or fully restrained against
maximum expansion of the structure. The joint should shrinkage and thermal contraction and cast directly
be suitably treated so as to maintain liquid tightness onto the blinding concrete.
during movement of the joint (see Fig. 9). A separating layer of polyethylene conforming to Sliding joints IS 2508 should be provided between the floor slab and
The two concrete faces of a sliding joint should be the blinding concrete. Panels may be cast in single
plane and smooth. bays or in larger areas with induced joints. Frequently,
in large structures, the floor is designed as a series of
Care should be taken by the use of a rigid screening continuous strips with transverse induced complete
board or other suitable means to make the top of the contraction joints provided to ensure that cracking
lower concrete as flat and smooth as possible. This occurs in predetermined positions. Longitudinal joints
surface may be improved by finishing with a steel float between the strips should form complete contraction
and rubbing down with carborundum. joints.
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
88A A 88BB
8C 8D
8C 8D
Fig. 8 Typical Details Showing Use of Jointing Materials
in Movement Joints (Contraction Type)
11.5.5 Joints in Walls subsequent temperature effects may be disregarded, if
Walls may be designed as fully restrained against the roof is not connected monolithically to the wall.
thermal contraction and shrinkage, or the restraints Where roofs and walls are monolithic, movement
may be reduced by providing movement joints in joints in roofs should correspond with those in the
accordance with Table 2. Where the wall is designed walls to avoid the possibility of sympathetic cracking.
to be monolithic with the base slab, a kicker of at If, however, provision is made by means of a sliding
least 75 mm height may be cast at the same time as, joint for movement between the roof and walls,
and integrally with, the slab to enable the next lift of correspondence of the joints is less important.
formwork to fit tightly and avoid leakage of cement
grout from the newly deposited concrete. The joint in
this position will be a construction joint, and although it The joints described in 11.2 require the use of
is recommended that wall panels are cast in one lift, any combinations of jointing materials, which may be
necessary extra horizontal joints will be construction classified as:
joints. a) Joint fillers,
In walls to circular structures, one of the predominant b) Water-bars, and
forces from the liquid pressure is horizontal hoop
c) Joint sealants (including primers, where required).
tension. For structural design purposes, the horizontal
reinforcement should be completely continuous at These materials are inaccessible once the liquid
vertical joints. A central water-bar may be used together retaining structure is commissioned and hence,
with sealing compounds on both faces. the same should be considered during the design.
Satisfactory adhesion between joint sealants and the
11.5.6 Joints in Roofs concrete surfaces between which they are to provide a
Where roof slabs are designed as flat slabs, all interior liquid tight seal shall be ensured. Notwithstanding the
joints should be construction joints so that the slab presence of joint sealants, water-bars should always be
is structurally monolithic, considering early thermal provided in movement joints.
effects and subsequent temperature effects. Roofs, even When proprietary materials or products are used,
those covered by soil, may be subjected to a larger the recommendations of the manufacturer should be
thermal change than the walls and floor. However, the followed.
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
9A 99BB
99CC 99DD
Fig. 9 Typical
howing Jointing Materials
in Movement Joints (ETYPE)
(EXPANSION xpansion Type)
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Jointing materials should be capable of accommodating The holes, sometimes provided on the wings of
repeated movement without permanent distortion or water-bars to tie it in position or to increase bond,
extrusion, and they should not be displaced by liquid shorten the water path and may be disadvantageous.
pressure. The jointing materials should not have any The water-bar should either be placed centrally in the
detrimental effect on concrete and steel. thickness of the wall or its distance from either face of
the wall should not be less than half the width of the
12.1 Joint Fillers bar. The specified concrete cover to all reinforcement
Joint fillers are usually compressible sheet or strip should be maintained.
materials used as spacers. Only non-rotting and The strip water-bars at present available in the newer
non-absorbent materials should be used as joint fillers. materials need to be passed through the end shutter of
They are used in expansion joints and are fixed to the the first-placed concrete. It can be appreciated, however,
face of the first placed concrete and against which that the use of newer materials makes possible a variety
the second placed concrete is cast. They provide the of shapes or sections. Some of these designs, for
initial separation between the faces of the concrete example, those with several projections (see Fig. 9D),
and compress under the predetermined expansion would not need to be passed through the end shutter
from each face of the concrete. It is important that the and by occupying a bigger proportion of the thickness
joint filler accommodates the compression without of the joint would also lengthen the shortest alternative
transferring appreciable load across the expansion joint water path through the concrete.
and recovers so that the joint remains filled when the The hydrophilic water-bars, which swell in the presence
concrete faces subsequently move apart. of water to seal the joint, may be placed in the middle
Joint fillers, may themselves function as liquid-tight of the construction joints providing suitable cover on
expansion joints. These may be used as support for both sides with the help of a suitable adhesive.
an effective joint sealant in floor and roof joints. But The design of the structure should generally provide
they may only be relied upon as spacers to provide the for the continuity of the water-bar system across all
gap in an expansion joint, the gap being bridged by a joints and particularly junctions between floor and
water-bar (see Fig. 9). wall systems. Surface water-bars should be used only
12.2 Water-bars in situations where there is sufficient pressure from the
outside to ensure that the water-bar remains in position.
Water-bars are preformed strips of impermeable
material which are wholly or partially embedded in the 12.3 Joint Sealants
concrete during construction so as to span across the Joint sealants conforming to IS 11433 (Part 1), IS 12118
joint to provide a permanent liquid tight seal during the (Part 1) or IS 1834 or any other suitable material based
whole range of joint movement. on asphalt, bitumen, or coal tar pitch with or without
For example, water-bars may be strips with a central fillers, such as limestone or slate dust, asbestos fibre,
longitudinal corrugation (see Fig. 8A and Fig. 9A), chopped hemp, rubber or other suitable material.
Z shaped strips (see Fig. 9B) and a central longitudinal They are impermeable ductile materials, which are
hollow tube (see Fig. 8B and Fig. 9C) with thin required to provide a liquid-tight seal by adhesion to
walls with stiff wings of 150 mm - 250 mm width. the concrete throughout the range of joint movements.
The material used for the water-bars are metal sheet, The sealing performance is obtained by permanent
natural or synthetic rubbers and plastic, such as adhesion of the sealant to the concrete each side of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Galvanized iron sheets the joint only, and most sealants should be applied in
may also be used with the specific permission of the conditions of complete dryness and cleanliness. There
engineer-in-charge provided the liquids stored or the are joint sealants that are produced for application to
atmosphere around the liquid retaining structure is not surfaces that are not dry. These are usually applied
excessively corrosive, for example, sewage. While after construction or just before the reservoir is put into
selecting the materials for water base, the possible service by pouring in the hot or cold state, by trowelling
corrosion aspects, chemical resistance, joint movement or gunning or as preformed strips ironed into position.
capacity, and design temperature range should be kept These may also be applied during construction, such
in mind. as by packing round the corrugation of a water-bar. A
With all water-bars, proper compaction of the concrete primer is often used to assist adhesion and some local
placed around the water-bars shall be ensured. The drying of the concrete surface with the help of a blow
bar should have such shape and width that the water lamp is advisable. The length of the shortest water path
path through the concrete round the bar should not be through the concrete should be extended by suitably
unduly short. painting the surface at the concrete on either side of
the joint.
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
The main difficulties experienced with this class of weaker than M20, and if necessary, sulphate resisting
material are in obtaining permanent adhesion to the cement conforming to IS 12330 or other special cement,
concrete during movement of the joint whilst at the as per IS 456 should be used.
same time ensuring that the material does not slump or
is not extruded from the joint. Following a layer of lean concrete, the floor
shall be cast in a single layer. If movement joints
In floor joints, the sealant is usually applied in a chase are provided as per 9.2.8(b), a separating layer of
formed in the surface of the concrete along the line of polyethylene sheet conforming to IS 2508 should be
the joint (see Fig. 9A). The actual minimum width will provided in between the floor slab and the layer of lean
depend on the known characteristics of the material. In concrete. The top surface of PCC shall be rendered
the case of an expansion joint, the lower part of the smooth before laying separating layer. If structure
joint is occupied by a joint filler (see Fig. 9E). This type is designed continuous without movement joints as
of joint is generally quite successful since, retention of per 9.2.8(a), the lean concrete top may be allowed to
the material is assisted by gravity and, in many cases, be rough, and the concrete floor over it without any
sealing can be delayed until just before the reservoir separating layer.
is put into service so that the amount of joint opening
subsequently to be accommodated is quite small. The Minimum thickness of floor slab on ground
chase should not be too narrow or too deep to hinder shall be 160 mm, if having reinforcement on each face.
complete filling and the length of the shortest water Suspended floor slab shall be minimum 180 mm thick,
path through the concrete on either side of the joint. for span greater than 3.5 m.
Here, again a wider joint demands a smaller percentage
distortion in the material. 13.4 Construction of Walls
An arrangement incorporating a cover slab, similar 13.4.1 The height of any lift should be as large as
to that shown in Fig. 9E, may be advantageous in possible. It is desirable to place the concrete to full
reducing dependence on the adhesion of the sealant in height of the member in one go. Thorough compaction
direct tension. by vibration shall be ensured.
13 CONSTRUCTION 13.4.2 All vertical joints should extend the full height
of the wall in unbroken alignment.
13.1 Unless otherwise specified in this standard, the
provisions of IS 456 and IS 1343 shall apply to the 13.4.3 Wall thickness 200 mm or more is normally
construction of reinforced concrete and pre-stressed recommended. However, minimum thickness of wall
concrete liquid retaining structures, respectively. may be 160 mm for small tanks of height less than 2 m.
In treatment plants, walls of channels/lounder may be
During construction or initial life, tank shall not be kept 125 mm thick if single layer bar mesh is required.
empty for a period of more than 3 days and should be
filled with water/liquid of minimum 300 mm depth to 13.5 Surface Finish to Prestressed Concrete
avoid drying shrinkage cracks in the concrete structure Cylindrical Tanks
and plaster, if any on inside face of wall. At the end of The circumferential prestressing wires of a cylindrical
liquid-tightness test (see 14), the tank should be cleaned tank should be covered with a protective coat, which
and disinfected before commissioning for normal use. may be pneumatic mortar, having a thickness that will
A wearing apron (wearing coat) may be provided on provide a minimum cover of 40 mm over the wires. The
a member where abrasion loss can occur at concrete protective coat shall have specifications designed to get
surface such as where liquid falling from a height of a long life service expectancy for prestressing wires.
more than 6 m or liquid flowing at a speed of more than
2 m/s. 13.6 Formwork
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protective lining should be considered for resistance to the liquid face, if grouts, such as cement based grouts,
the effects of corrosive liquids. Certain liquids exhibit are used which can’t perform in the presence of liquid,
corrosive characteristics and in such cases it is important or from the outer face, if grouts, such as polyurethrane
to obtain a dense impermeable concrete and with a grouts, are used whose efficacy in presence of water/
higher cement content. An increased cover to the steel liquid is well established. Where a remedial lining is
in also desirable. The use of sulphate resisting Portland applied to inhibit leakage at a crack, it should have
cement conforming to IS 12330, Portland pozzolana adequate flexibility and have no adverse reaction with
cement conforming to IS 1489 (Part 1), and Portland the stored liquid.
slag cement conforming to IS 455 may, in certain cases, 14.2.1 If the structure does not satisfy the 7 day test,
can be advantageous. Poly-aluminium chloride tanks then it should be retested after the completion of the
and alum solution tanks shall be provided with acid remedial work. Remedial work may be undertaken
resistance coating or lining. in presence of water, if repair materials, such as
polyurethrane grouts, are used whose efficacy in
presence of water is well established. However, if
14.1 General grouts, such as cement based grouts, are used which
can’t perform in presence of water, remedial treatment
In addition to the structural tests given in IS 456, shall be carried out only after emptying the tank. The
liquid retaining structures shall also be tested for liquid tank should be accordingly refilled and, if necessary,
tightness at full supply level (or design capacity) as per left for a further stabilizing period; a further test of
14.2. Further, the roofs of the liquid retaining structures 7 days’ duration be undertaken in accordance with 14.2.
shall be tested as per 14.3.
14.3 Testing of Roofs
14.2 Testing of Structures
The roofs of liquid retaining structures should be liquid
The structure should be cleaned and initially filled to tight and should be tested on completion by flooding
the normal maximum level with the specified liquid at the roof with water to a minimum depth of 25 mm for
a uniform rate of not greater than 2 m in 24 h. When 24 h or longer, if so specified. Where it is impracticable,
first filled, the liquid level should be maintained by the because of roof slopes or otherwise, to contain a
addition of further liquid for a stabilizing period while 25 mm depth of water, the roof should have continuous
absorption and autogenous healing take place. The water applied by a hose or sprinkler system to provide
stabilizing period may be 7 days for maximum design a sheet flow of water over the entire area of the roof
crack width of 0.1 mm or 21 days for 0.2 mm or greater. for not less than 6 h. In either case, the roof should be
After the stabilizing period, the level of the liquid considered satisfactory if no leaks or wet patches show
surface shall be recorded at 24 h intervals for a test on the soffit.
period of 7 days. During this 7 day test period, the total
permissible drop in level, after allowing for evaporation 14.3.1 If the structure does not satisfy the test given
and rainfall, should not exceed the maximum of 1/500th in 14.3, then it should be retested after the completion
of the average water depth of the full tank and 10 mm of the remedial work in accordance with this clause.
or another specified value, mutually agreed between The roof insulation and covering, if any, should be
the parties to contract. completed as soon as possible after satisfactory testing.
In case of underground tanks whose top is covered, the
total permissible drop in the surface level over a period
of 7 days shall not exceed 20 mm. The liquid retaining structures shall be
Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the test, protected against lightning in accordance with
any evidence of seepage of the liquid to the outside IS/IEC 62305 (Parts 1 to 3).
faces of the liquid retaining walls should be assessed
against the requirements of the specification. Any
necessary remedial treatment of the concrete, cracks, The ventilation shall be provided in plan and elevation,
or joints should, where practicable, be carried out from as mutually agreed between parties to contract.
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
( Clause 2 )
383 : 2016 Coarse and fine aggregates 3370 (Part 4) : 2021 Concrete structures for
for concrete — Specification retaining aqueous liquids —
(third revision) Code of practice: Part 4
Design tables (first revision)
455 : 2015 Portland slag cement —
Specification (fifth revision) 11433 (Part 1) : Specification for one part
1985 gun-grade polysulphide-
456 : 2000 Code of practice for plain based joints sealants: Part 1
and reinforced concrete General requirements
(fourth revision)
11682 : 1985 Criteria for design of RCC
1343 : 2012 Code of practice for staging for overhead water
prestressed concrete tanks
(second revision)
12118 (Part 1) : Two-part polysulphide-based
1489 (Part 1) : 2015 Portland pozzolana cement — 1987 sealants — Specification:
Specification: Part 1 Fly ash Part 1 General requirements
based (fourth revision)
12330 : 1988 Specification for sulphate
1834 : 1984 Hot applied sealing resisting portland cement
compounds for joints in
concrete — Specification 13620 : 1993 Fusion bonded epoxy
(first revision) coated reinforcing bars —
1893 (Part 1) : 2016 Criteria for earthquake
resistant design of structures: 16651 : 2017 High strength deformed
Part 1 General provisions stainless steel bars and wires
and buildings (sixth revision) for concrete reinforcement —
1893 (Part 2) : 2014 Criteria for earthquake
resistant design of structures: 16714 : 2018 Ground granulated blast
Part 2 Liquid retaining tanks furnace slag for use in cement,
(fifth revision) mortar and concrete —
2508 : 2016 Polyethylene films and
sheets — Specification IS/IEC 62305 Protection against lightning:
(third revision) (Part 1) : 2010 Part 1 General principles
3370 (Part 2) : 2021 Concrete structures for IS/IEC 62305 Protection against lightning:
retaining aqueous liquids — (Part 2) : 2010 Part 2 Risk management
Code of practice: Part 2 Plain IS/IEC 62305 Protection against lightning:
and reinforced concrete (Part 3) : 2010 Part 3 Physical damage to
(second revision) structures and life hazard
3370 (Part 3) : 2021 Concrete structures for
retaining aqueous liquids —
Code of practice:
Part 3 Prestressed concrete
(first revision)
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
( Foreword )
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 02
Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (Grace Villa, Kadamankulam P.O., Shri Jose Kurian (Chairman)
Thiruvalla 689 583)
ACC Ltd, Mumbai Shri Rajesh J. Modi
Dr Manish V. Karandikar (Alternate)
Ambuja Cements Limited, Ahmedabad Shri UMESH P. SONI
Shri SUKURU RAMARAO (Alternate)
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai Shri L. R. Bishnoi
Shri Sourav Acharya (Alternate)
Builders’ Association of India, Mumbai Shri Sushanta Kumar Basu
Shri D. R. Sekor (Alternate)
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council, Shri C. N. Jha
New Delhi
Cement Manufacturers’ Association, Noida Dr V. Ramachandra
Ms Shashwati Ghosh
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Shri D. K. Garg
Shri Naveen Kumar Bansal (Alternate)
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi Director
Shri U. S. Vidyarthi (Alternate)
Central Water Commission, New Delhi Director (CMDD) (N&W)
Deputy Director (CMDD) (NW&S) (Alternate)
Conmat Technolgies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata Dr A. K. Chatterjee
Dr Subrato Chowdhury (Alternate)
Construction Chemical Manufacturers’ Association, Shri Samir Surlaker
Mumbai Shri Nilotpol Kar (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee Shri S. K. Singh
Shri Subhash Gurram (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Dr Rakesh Kumar
Dr V. V. L. Kanta Rao (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr K. Ramanjaneyulu
Chennai Dr P. Srinivasan (Alternate)
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi Shri Laxman Singh
Shri Vijay Shankar (Alternate)
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Shri S. S. Kohli
Science and Technology, New Delhi
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Shri Rajanji Srivastava
Shri Anurag Sinha (Alternate)
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai Shri Shriram B. Kulkarni
Shri Rahul Biradar (Alternate)
Hindustan Construction Company Limited, Mumbai Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
Shri MUKESH VALECHA (Alternate)
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited, Representative
New Delhi
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Organization Representative(s)
Indian Association of Structural Engineers, New Delhi Shri Mahesh Tandon
Shri Ganesh Juneja (Alternate)
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Shri Vivek Naik
Secretary General (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr Shashank Bishnoi
Dr Dipti Ranjan Sahoo (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr Devdas Menon
Dr Manu Santhanam (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Dr V. K. Gupta
Dr Bhupinder Singh (Alternate)
Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi Shri S. K. Nirmal
Shri R. V. Patil (Alternate)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Maj Gen S. K. Srivastav
Branch, Army HQ, New Delhi Shri Man Singh (Alternate)
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi Shri Y. Balakrishna
Shri Sanjeev Kumar (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Shri V. V. Arora
Ballabgarh Dr S. K. Chaturvedi (Alternate)
National Test House, Kolkata Shri D. V. S. Prasad
Dr Somit Neogi (Alternate)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Mumbai Shri Arvind Shrivastava
Shri Raghupati Roy (Alternate)
Nuvoco Vistas Corporation Limited, Mumbai Shri Pranav Desai
Shri Ravindra Khamparia (Alternate)
Public Works Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Superintending Engineer
Chennai Executive Engineer (Alternate)
The India Cements Limited, Chennai Representative
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited, Mumbai Shri P. R. Bhat
Shri S. J. Shah (Alternate)
The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata Dr H. C. Visvesvaraya
Shri S. H. Jain (Alternate)
The Ramco Cements Limited, Chennai Shri Balaji K. Moorthy
Shri Anil Kumar Pillai (Alternate)
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai Shri Surya Valluri
Dr M. R. Kalgal (Alternate)
Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Shri M. A. U. Khan
Education, New Delhi Shri B. Mukhopadhyay (Alternate)
In personal capacity [B-803, Oberoi Exquisite, Oberoi Shri A. K. Jain
Garden City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai]
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Shri L. K. Jain
Road, Nagpur)
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Shri R. C. Wason
Nagar, New Delhi)
BIS Directorate General Shri Sanjay Pant, Scientist ‘F’ and Head (Civil Engineering)
[ Representing Director General ( Ex-officio ) ]
Member Secretary
Shri S. Arun Kumar
Scientist ‘E’ (Civil Engineering), BIS
Shri Milind Gupta
Scientist ‘C’ (Civil Engineering), BIS
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Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Organization Representative(s)
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai Shri Sudeesh Rajendran
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, Mumbai Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
Shri Khatarbatcha Jimmetain (Alternate)
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Shri K. C. Tayade
Secretary General (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr B. Bhattacharjee
Dr Shashank Bishnoi (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur Dr Sudhir Mishra
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr Manu Santhanam
Dr Radhakrishna G. Pillai (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Representative
Indian Society of Structural Engineers, Mumbai Shri Umesh Joshi
Shri Hemant Vadalkar (Alternate)
Irrigation and Power Research Institute, Amritsar Chief Engineer (Research)
Research Officer (Alternate)
Larsen and Toubro Limited, ECC Division, Chennai Dr B. Sivarama Sarma
Shri S. Manohar (Alternate)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Maj Gen S. K. Srivastav
Branch, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), Shri Man Singh (Alternate)
New Delhi
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Shri A. P. Pathak
New Delhi Shri A. K. Pandey (Alternate)
NBCC (India) Ltd, New Delhi Shri H. S. Yadav
Shri Arun Kumar Sharma (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Shri V. V. Arora
Ballabgarh Shri P. N. Ojha (Alternate)
National Institute of Technology Warangal, Warangal Dr C. B. Kameswara Rao
Dr D. Rama Seshu (Alternate)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai Shri Arvind Shrivastava
Shri N. M. Rao (Alternate)
Pidilite Industries Limited, Mumbai Dr Suguna Naik
Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers’ Association, Shri Vijaykumar R. Kulkarni
Mumbai Shri Srirang Sondur (Alternate)
Research, Design & Standards Organisation (Ministry Jt Director Stdrs (B&S)/CB-I
of Railways), Lucknow Jt Director Stdrs (B&S)/CB-II (Alternate)
RDC Concrete (India) Pvt Ltd, Thane Shri Anil Banchhor
Shri Simranjit Singh (Alternate)
Shapoorji Pallonji and Company Private Limited, Shri Girish Bonde
Mumbai Shri D. N. Vishwanath (Alternate)
Tandon Consultants Pvt Limited, New Delhi Shri Mahesh Tandon
Shri Vinay Gupta (Alternate)
Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai Shri S. N. Diwakar
Shri Manos Kumar De (Alternate)
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai Dr V. Ramachandra
Dr A. K. Singh (Alternate)
Water Resource Department, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Shri S. K. Khare
Mumbai Shri B. P. Gupta (Alternate)
In personal capacity (452 Sector 14, Sonipat, Haryana) Shri R. K. Jain
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Shri L. K. Jain
Road, Nagpur)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Vipin Silswal - New
Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity [B-803, Oberoi Exquisite, Oberoi Shri A. K. Jain
Garden City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai]
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Shri R. C. Wason
Hari Nagar, New Delhi)
In personal capacity (M1 F1 VGN Minerva Apartments, Dr C. Rajkumar
Guruswamy Road, Nolambur, Chennai)
Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Shri L. K. Jain (Convener)
Wardha Road, Nagpur)
Creative Design Consultants & Engineers Pvt Ltd, Shri Aman Deep Garg
Ghaziabad Shri Manik Chatterjee (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Director
CSIR ‒ Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr B. H. Bharathkumar
Chennai Dr P. Srinivasan (Alternate)
Gammon Engineers & Contractors Pvt Ltd, Mumbai Shri S. W. Deshpande
Shri Mukund C. Butala (Alternate)
Government College of Engineering, Pune Dr Namdeo A. Hedaoo
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, Mumbai Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
Shri Mukesh Valecha (Alternate)
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Representative
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr Dipti Ranjan Sahoo
Dr Shashank Bishnoi (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Dr Ashok K. Jain
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Shri J. B. Sharma
Branch, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), New Delhi Shri Yogesh K. Singhal (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Shri V. V. Arora
Ballabgarh Shri T. V. G. Reddy (Alternate)
Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai Shri S. M. Palekar
Shri S. Krishna (Alternate)
In personal capacity (Grace Villa, Kadamankulam P.O., Shri Jose Kurian
Thiruvalla 689 583)
In personal capacity (A2B/37A, Ekta Apartments, Shri Arvind Kumar
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110 063)
In personal capacity (Flat No. 220, Ankur Apartments, Dr V. Thiruvengadam
Mother Dairy Road, Patparganj, Delhi 110 092)
In personal capacity (K-L/2, Kavi Nagar, Dr A. K. Mittal
Ghaziabad 201 002)
In personal capacity (House No. 2103 Sector 7D, Shri Harish Kumar Julka
Faridabad 121 006)
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Shri R. C. Wason
Nagar, New Delhi)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Vipin Silswal - New
Delhi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
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standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 02 (13638).