SCK-F-01 Application Form

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Rev. No. 01
Application Form Date 14.04.2021

Date of Application
Name of the Company
Website, Email and
Phone number
No of Sites
Site 1 Address
Site 2 Address (For more site
attach separate Sheet)
Contact Person Name
and Designation
Legal Status Company: Private Public Proprietorship Partnership
Govt Undertaken PSU NGO Other
Statutory and Regulatory
Accreditation Required IAS
Certification Scheme ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018
ISO 27001:2013 ISO 22000:2018
Scope of Certification
Exclusion if any Clause Justification

Outsourced Process, If
No. of Employees Location Shifts Full Time Part time Performing Temporary Effective No.
Same type of Unskilled of Employees
Job workers
Site 1

Site 2

Other Type of Employees (If Any):

Certification Program Initial Surveillance Recertification Transfer
Combined Audit
In the case of several certification programmes, would you like the audits to be
{In Case of Integration}
Combined or carried out separately? Yes No
If the answer is yes, please specify which combination of Standards:
Is Internal Audit is Combined: Yes No
Is MRM is Combined: Yes No
Is Manual, Procedures are Combined: Yes No
Is Implemented System is Integrated: Yes No
Is Already Certified for Yes No
any Standard If Answer is Yes Mention Name of the Standard:
Is Consultants Involved Yes No
If Answer is Yes Mention Name of the Consultants:
Key Business Process
Additional Information Required
How many Sites the company is Managing at the same time?
Do you have Register of Significant Environment aspect? Yes No

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Rev. No. 01
Application Form Date 14.04.2021

Do you have an Environmental Management Manual? Yes No

Do you have an Internal Environmental Audit Programme? Yes No

Has the Internal Environmental Audit Programme been implemented? Yes No

FSMS HACCP Implementation or Study Conducted: Yes No
No of HACCP Studies …………………… No of Sites.………….
No of Process Lines: ………………...
Processing is Seasonal Continuous
OHSMS Hazard’s Identified? Yes No
Detail any critical occupational health & safety risks identified?
Details of the
Employees Working
on the Site and
involved in High-Risk
Operations {If Any}
ISMS Additional Information Required (Tick one in each box)
Critical business sectors are sector that may affect critical public services that will cause risk to
health, security, economy, image and governmental ability to function that may have a very
large negative impact to country
Any Confidential
Information where
Issues of Accessibility
is there? {If Any}
Business and organization Complexity
Types of Business 1. Organization work in non-critical business sector and non-regulated sector
and regulatory 2. Organization has customer in critical business sector.
Requirement 3. Organization works in critical business sector.
Process and Task 1. Standard Process with standard and repetitive task i.e., lots of persons doing work under the
organization’s control carrying out the same tasks, few product or services
2. Standard but not repetitive process with high number of products or services
3. Complex Process, High number of products and services, many business units included in scope
of certification
Level of 1. ISMS is already well established and/or other management system is in place.
establishment of 2. Some elements of other Management system are implemented, others not
the Management 3. No other Management system implemented at all, ISMS is new and not established.
IT Environment Complexity
IT 1. Few or highly standardized IT platforms, servers, operating system, database, networks etc.
Infrastructure 2. Several different IT platforms, servers, operating system, database, networks etc.
Complexity 3. Many different IT platforms, servers, operating system, database, networks etc.
Dependency 1. Little or no dependency on outsourcing
on outsourcing 2. Some dependency on outsourcing or suppliers, related to some but not all-important business
and suppliers activities.
including cloud 3. High dependencies on outsourcing or supplier, large impact on important business activities.
Information 1. Non or very limited in-house system/application development
System 2. Some in house or outsourced system/application development for some important
Development business purpose
Extension in house or outsourced system/application development for important
business purpose
DECLARATION: The above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am authorized to provide such
information on behalf of the company.
Name Designation Signature

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Rev. No. 01
Application Form Date 14.04.2021

SCK Official Use

Can the Application Proceed for Application Review: Yes No
Name of Application Signature Date
*Delete or Leave whichever is not applicable

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