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I. Objectives

At the end of 50-minute discussion, the students are expected to do the following:

a. Describe the properties of solids, liquids, and gases

b. Reflect the importance of the different state of matter.

c. Identify the different state of matter.

II. Subject Matter

a. States of Matter
b. References

 Science 3: Kagamitan ng Mag-aaral Sinugbuanong Binisaya (Yunit 1, Page



 KClassScienceChannel

a. Materials

 PowerPoint Presentation

 Visual Aids

 Flash Cards

 Manila Paper

 Marker

 Pictures

III. Procedure

1. Preliminary Activity

 Everybody stand up, requesting everyone to bow down their head for
the prayer. (Start praying) Good morning class (Good Morning Ma’am,
Good Morning Classmate, Good morning!) Is everybody around? (Yes

A. Drill

 Class, I will be showing some pictures and what you are going to
do is to tell me its name. Are you ready? (Yes Teacher!) Okay let’s
(Chair) (Falls) (Table)

(Balloon) (Soda)
 Very Good!

a. Setting of Standards
 Before we will start our discussion for today, let us first recall our
classroom rules. Class, what are you going to do during our class
discussion and group activities? (Avoid making noises, leaving our
chairs, disturb our classmates and other inappropriate behaviors that
can disturbed the class) Okay, so what will happen if you won’t obey
this rules? (We will be punished) Okay. Since later, we will be having
group activities as well as experiment, I will now group you into 3
groups. In order for you to form your group, we have here a box
containing candies. Please pick one candy. (Picking candy) Okay now,
group yourselves according to the color of the candy that you have
picked. (Forming their group) Red candy will be group 1, Yellow candy
will be the group 2 and the orange candy will be the group 3. Do you
understand class? (Yes Ma’am) Very Good! During the discussion, I want
your full cooperation, attention, and participation and the good
performance as well as behavior that you have shown will be graded or
your group will receive points. So, the group that will have the most
points will receive a surprise gift. But, if during discussion, one of your
group members make noises and show inappropriate behaviors then
your gained scores will be deducted, depending on the number of
noises that your group have made, but if your group were behaved all
throughout the class discussion then you will receive 5 points which will
be added to your gained scores. Understand class? (Yes Teacher!) So
are you ready? (Yes Teacher!) Very Good!

B. Review
 Now class, what is our lesson last meeting? (Our lesson last meeting is
about Matter.) Very Good! So who can tell me what is matter? (Student
A: Me, Teacher! “Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.”)
Very Good! Now, who can give me an example of matter? (Student B:
Me, Teacher! “Desk, Chair, Notebook, Ballpen, etc.”

C. Engagement
 Class, we will be having a game. Are you familiar with the game
“Bring Me!”? (No Teacher) Okay, so the game “Bring Me!” is a
game in which you will going to bring to me the items that I will
ask you to bring, so the first student can find and bring to me the
item will receive a lollipop! But I want this game to be silent,
means you should not create any noise, so if you are the first
person to bring me the item but you are noisy during the process
then you won’t receive a lollipop, am I clear? (Yes Teacher!) Okay.
So, are you now ready? (Yes Teacher!) Then, let’s start!
Bring me “water” Bring me a “Notebook”

Bring me a “Balloon” Bring me a “Perfume”

Bring me a “Shoe”

 Good job everyone! Let’s give ourselves a NICE clap! (Performing

the NICE clap)

2. Developmental Activities
A. Presentation

 Now class, I want you and your group to be ready, since we will
now start our discussion in our new topic.
B. Exploration

 We have prepared three experiments, but since this experiment is

quite dangerous for you, we will be the one to perform it, all you
have to do is to observe and list down what you have observe
from the experiment. Understand? (Yes Teacher) Very Good!

1st Experiment: SHAPE ME!

Problem: What happens to the marbles when place into different

Hypothesis: The shape and volume of marbles will not change

when place into different containers.


Guided Questions:
1.) What happens to the marbles when placed in the glass
(The marbles remain the same in shape and in volume)

2.) What happens to the marbles when placed in the bowl

(Still remain the same, no changes occur)
*Place the marbles into a glass container. (Observe what
happens to the marbles)
*Place the marbles to another container (bowl). (Observe what
happens to the marbles)

2nd Experiment: Fit me!

Problem: What happens to the water when place into different

Hypothesis: The shape and volume of water will not change when
placed into different containers.


Guided Questions:
1.) What will happen to the water when placed in a glass
(The water takes the shape of the glass container, but its volume
still remains the same)

2.) What will happen to the water when placed in a bowl

(The water takes the shape of the bowl container, but the volume
remains the same)

*Put the water into a glass container. (Observe)
*Put the water into the bowl container. (Observe)

3rd Experiment: Burn me!

Problem: What does camphor tablets produce after being

Hypothesis: The burning camphor tablets will not produce gas.

Guided Questions:
1.) What do you think will happen to the smoke of the burned
camphor tablets if we put it inside the glass container?
(The smoke from the camphor tablets will transfer to the glass)
2.) What will happen to the smoke of the burned camphor tablets
if we pour it from the glass to the bowl container?
(The smoke will not be seen anymore)

*Put the camphor into a bowl container.
*Light a camphor using a match.
*Place the glass above the burning camphor upside down
(observe what happens to the camphor tablets).
*Pour the smoke into a bowl. (Observe what happens to the

(The teacher will perform the activity and the students will

 Since we are now done with the experiment, let me now ask what
you have observe. Group one, in our first experiment, what have
you observe as we put the marbles in the glass container? What
happen to the marbles? (As we put the marbles into the glass, the
marbles remain the same in shape and in volume) How about
when we put it inside the bowl container? (The marbles remain
the same, no changes occur). Okay, how about the group 2, what
have you observed in the second experiment, what happened to
the water as we put it inside the glass? (The water takes the
shape of the glass, but its volume still remains the same) Okay,
how about when we put it into the bowl container? (The water
takes the shape of the bowl, but its volume still remains the
same) Okay. How about the group 3, what have you observed in
the third experiment? What happened to the smoke of the
burned camphor tablets when you put it inside the glass? (The
smoke of the burned camphor tablets transfer to the glass
container) How about when we pour the smoke from glass to the
bowl? (the smoke will not be seen anymore) Okay, very good

C. Explanation

 Going back to the experiment, what have you notice on our first
experiment? (We’ve notice on the activity that as we put the
marbles into a glass container, there is no changes in its volume
and shape happen and when we put it into a bowl container its
shape and volume still remain the same, no changes occur) Yes, it
is because the first experiment that we have performed
represents the solid particles, one of the three states of matter.
So as what you have notice, the marbles remain the same in
shape and in volume as we placed it into different containers, it is
because a solid’s particles are ordered, this means they have a
regular arrangement, they are held in a fixed position, so they
can’t move. All they can do is vibrate around a fixed position
because there are strong attractive forces holding them in place
and those strong attractive forces gives solids a fixed
shape/volume. The particles in a solid cannot flow over each
other and the solid form of a substance is normally the most
dense. Some example of it are desk, ballpen, chair and many

How about in the second experiment, what have you notice?

(We’ve noticed that as you pour the water to a glass container,
the water takes the shape of the glass container but the volume
of it still remain the same. Same happened as you put it in a bowl
container.) The second activity that we’ve performed is an
example of liquid, one of the three states of matter. So as what
you have noticed the water takes the shape of the container it
was put in, so there’s a change occur in its shape, but the volume
will still remain the same no matter what kind of container it was
put in. This is because the particles in a liquid are closely packed
together and are in contact with each other but they lack the
order of a solid. The forces holding the particles are strong but
not strong enough to prevent them from moving. The particles
can move, this means that they can flow and change their shape
to match whatever container holds them. They have fixed volume
and are slightly less dense than a solid. Other examples of liquids
are vinegar, coke, soy sauce, soda, and etc.

And in our last experiment, what have you notice? What

happened to the camphor tablets as we burned it? What have
you found out? (We have found out that as you burned the
camphor tablets, it produces smoke and when you capture the
smoke using a glass container, the gas spreads throughout the
glass container and when you pour it into a bowl container, it
scape and spread throughout the room.) Yes, the burned
camphor tablets produce smoke – an example of a gas, one of the
three states of matter, when we capture the smoke using a glass
container it spreads throughout the glass but when we will
transfer it to another container, we can no longer see this one
since it will scape and spread throughout the room. This happen
because in gas, the particles are separated by large distances and
move randomly. In this state the particles have enough energy to
overcome the forces holding them in place and move freely. The
large distance between particles gives gases a low density which
means they can be compressed into smaller volume. As the
particles can move freely gases can flow and they fill the
container they are placed in. Other examples are air, balloon,
oxygen, and etc. Have You understood class? (Yes Ma’am!) Very
Good! So again class, there are three states of matter namely;
Solid, liquid and gas. So, do you know now if what are the three
states of matter? Do you now get what is a solid, liquid and gas is?
(Yes Teacher!) Very good!
D. Elaboration

 So now, we will be having an activity. In this activity, we need

three representatives in each group. We have here some pictures
of the examples of the states of matter. What you are going to do
is to paste your chosen pictures on its respective column. But to
properly execute this game we’ve prepared a rubrics.

3 2 1 Total
Points Points Point
Cooperation & 20% All Some Only
Unity member are few
s are cooper- are
actively ating. partici-
engaging pating.
Correct 60% All Some No
Answer answers answers answers
are are are
correct. correct. correct.
Discipline 20% All Some Only few
member members member
s are are s are
behave. behave. behave.

 If all of the group members cooperate and shows unity in the

group, then you will be given 3 points, if only some, then 2 points,
but if only one member who do the activity, then you will receive
1 point only. If your group representatives’ answers are correct,
then, you will get 3 points, if not all, then you will receive 2 points,
but if you don’t get any correct answer but still perform the
activity, then you will receive 1 point only. And if your group were
really discipline during their other members were answering in
front, then you will receive 3 points, if some of your group
members are noisy, then only 2 points, but if you are not
disciplined at all, then you will receive 1 point. The number of
points that your group will received will be your score.
Understand class? (Yes Teacher) Okay. So, let’s start our activity.

State of Examples

3. Concluding Activities

A. Generalization

 Okay class, again, what are the three states of matter? (Solid,
Liquid and Gas) Very Good! So, what is the state of matter that
have a fixed size, shape and volume? (Solid Teacher) Very Good!
How about the state of matter that have a fixed volume but no
set shape and takes the shape of its container? (Liquid Teacher)
Very Good! How about the state of matter that do not have a
definite shape or volume and can expand to fit the size of the
container it was put in? (Gas Teacher) Very Good! Let’s give
everyone a round of applause!

B.) Application

 Class, we will be having group activities. And here’s the rubrics for
this activity.

3 2 1 Total
Points Points Point
Timeliness 20% The first The The last
group to second group to
pass. group to pass.
Cooperation & 20% All Some Only
Unity member are few
s are cooper- are
actively ating. partici-
engaging pating.
Correct 40% All Some No
Answer answers answers answers
are are are
correct. correct. correct.
Discipline 20% All Some Only few
member members member
s are are s are
behave. behave. behave.

 The first to present their output will receive 3 points, the second
will be 2 points and the last one will be 1 point. If all of the group
members cooperate and shows unity in the group, then you will
be given 3 points, if only some, then 2 points, but if only one
member who do the activity, then you will receive 1 point. If your
answers are correct, then, you will get 3 points, if not all, then you
will receive 2 points, but if you don’t get any correct answer but
still perform the activity, then you will receive 1 point only. And if
your group were really discipline during the experiment, then you
will receive 3 points, if some of your group members are noisy,
then only 2 points, but if you are not disciplined at all, then you
will receive 1 point only. The number of points that your group
will received will be your score. Understand class? (Yes Teacher)
Okay. Okay, now start doing your activity. You were only given 5
minutes to finish the activity. Start Now! (Performing the activity)

Direction: Put the words to its exact given definition.

What Am I?
State of Definitions
are fluids that have fixed volume but no
fixed shape because they take the shape of
the container in which they are placed.
do not have a definite shape or volume and
can expand to fit the size of the container it
was put in.
Is the state in which matter maintains a
fixed size, volume and shape.


Direction: Match column A to column B.

Column A Column B

Solid a.)

Liquid b.)

Gas c.)

Direction: Color the box as Red if it contain the example for

Solid, Blue for liquid, and Yellow for Gas.

 For the first group, the activity is entitled “What Am I?”. What you
are going to do is to put the words to its exact definition.
Understand? (Yes teacher) For the second group, their activity is
entitled “Match Me!”. What you are going to do is to match the
column A to the Column B. Understand? (Yes Teacher) While for
the group 3, their activity is entitled “Color Me!”. What you are
going to do is to color the box that has the example for solid using
color red, and use blue color for liquid and a yellow color for gas.
Understand? (Yes Teacher) Okay very good! Start doing your
activity now (Doing the activity).
 Job well done class. Reward yourselves with a DIONESIA clap!
(Performing the DIONESIA Clap)

IV. Evaluation

Write S if it is solid, L if it is liquid, and G if it is gas. Write your answers inside the
box beside the pictures.

1.) 3.)


2.) 4.)


For your assignment, each one of you will bring an example of solid, liquid, and

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