Eleven: Quality Control and Troubleshooting
Eleven: Quality Control and Troubleshooting
Eleven: Quality Control and Troubleshooting
Quality Control and Troubleshooting
SPC involves measuring the powder-coating process using sta-
tistical methods and improving it to reduce variation at desired
process levels. It also can help determine the difference between
typical variation inherent in the process and special causes of varia-
tion that can be detected and eliminated.
A good initial step is to create a process-flow diagram of the sys-
tem. Be sure to go out on the shop floor and observe how the pro-
cess is actually performed. Do not rely totally on how supervisors
and process engineers think it is performed.
The key control characteristics at each step of the process are
read to derive the flow chart. These key control characteristics
are important variables that can be monitored using SPC charts.
A typical list of key variables to monitor may include:
• film thickness,
• oven-cure schedule,
• powder volume of virgin and reclaim,
• applicator settings, and
• transfer efficiency.
User’s Guide to Powder Coating
Close attention to a few critical areas will avoid, or at least mini-
mize, a multitude of quality variations. Careful attention should
be given to having a clean, dry, compressed-air supply, clean-sieved
reclaim powder, well-grounded parts and equipment, humidity-
controlled spray-booth air, and regular inspection and replacement
of wear parts. The powder-coating equipment should be installed
and operated as recommended by the equipment supplier’s
manual. Follow the recommendations on the powder coating ma-
terial data sheets. Have a good preventive maintenance program
and stringent housekeeping practices.
The following tables provide information on how to avoid spe-
cific quality variations and how to correct them if they occur. Tables
11-1 through 11-13 provide troubleshooting guides for powder
coating operations.
Table 11-1. Troubleshooting guide for iron phosphatizing process
Problem Cause Remedy
Poor coating pH not in range (see “Poor cleaning”) Adjust pH down with acid, up with caustic
Poor cleaning Temperatures too low Raise temperature
Concentration too low Increase concentration
Poor exposure to cleaner Check racking; check nozzles; check
pressure, 15–25 psi (103–172 kPa)
Spotty coating/streaking Contaminated rinses Check rinse tanks
increase concentration
Dry-off too slow Increase temperature in final rinse
Drying between stages Run at lower temperatures; better place-
ment of nozzles; use fog nozzles
Solutions foaming Temperature too low Raise temperature
Pressure too high Check for plugged nozzles
Pump picking up air Check pump packing; check water level
Poor paint adhesion Coating too heavy Lower temperature; lower concentration
Poor cleaning See “Poor cleaning”
Contamination Look for source of silicone near washer
Bad steel Check raw material for excessive soil
User’s Guide to Powder Coating
Table 11-2. Troubleshooting guide for zinc phosphatizing process
Problem Cause Remedy
Coating weight too low Phosphate or accelerator concentration too low Increase concentration
Temperature too low Raise temperature
Process time not enough Lengthen time
Coating weight too high Phosphate or accelerator concentration too high Decrease concentration
Process time too long Shorten time
Powder on coating Poor rinses Keep rinses overflowing
Excessive sludge De-sludge tank
Accelerator concentration too high Allow concentration to drop
Spotty coating Poor cleaning Check cleaning tank
Low concentration of phosphatizer or accelerator Increase concentration
Sludge plugging nozzles Aluminum concentration in bath too high Autodrain* bath and adjust
Alkaline salts dragged into bath Increase overflow rate of rinse
following cleaner
* Autodraining is a technique whereby the solution is simultaneously drained and replenished with fresh water and
make-up chemical.
User’s Guide to Powder Coating
Table 11-4. Troubleshooting guide for black-oxide coating process
Problem Cause Remedy
Red, rusty coating on mild steel Temperature too low Increase heat to cause solution to boil
Concentration of bath too high Dilute bath so it boils at a lower
for the type of steel temperature
Iron contamination in bath Add proprietary chelating agent at a
rate of 1–6 lb/100 gal (0.5–2.7 kg/
378.5 L)
Red, rusty coating on high- Concentration of bath too high Dilute bath to boil at 255–275° F
speed or hard steels for this type of steel (124–135° C) and run for 30–45
Red, rusty coatings on iron Concentration of bath too high Dilute to boil at 255–275° F
Poor gun placement Adjust gun position so powder cloud has a direct
path to recess area
Powder too fine Too much reclaim added to virgin powder; vir-
gin powder pulverized too fine by manufacturer
Back-charging— Voltage too high Turn down voltage setting
powder layers are Gun positioned too close to part Change gun placement away from part
repelled from part Poor ground Check ground
in spots Powder too fine Too much reclaim added to virgin powder; vir-
gin powder pulverized too fine by manufacturer
User’s Guide to Powder Coating
Table 11-7. (continued)
Problem Cause Remedy
Powder picks up a Powder booth air too dry Adjust powder-spray area humidity (see chart for
random charge optimum conditions)
through powder or Poor delivery and/or reclaim usually Provide ground for all equipment*
in fluid path; through equipment ground
reverse charging
usually through
reclaim system
Powder feed spurting Insufficient air pressure or volume Check air supply; air-supply piping to equipment is
or slugging— large enough; enough air volume when other equip-
interrupted powder ment such as reverse air cleaning in reclaim housing
feed pulses; air pressure to powder feed does not drop*
Spray booth dusting—ina- Bag or cartridge filters binding Clean or replace bags or cartridge filters*
dequate airflow through Check spray booth air humidity
spray booth Final filters clogged Check filter bags or cartridges for powder
leakage; repair or replace as needed
Too large of open area in spray Reduce open area; increased opening
booth housing reduces booth’s air velocity*
Powder delivery (feed) too high Reduce the number of spraying guns or
the amount of powder to each gun*
* Follow equipment manual instructions and specifications.
User’s Guide to Powder Coating
Table 11-9. Troubleshooting guide for finish-cured-film physical properties
Problem Cause Remedy
Poor impact resistance/ Undercured Increase oven temperature or increase
poor flexibility dwell time in oven
Poor cleaning or pretreatment Check pretreatment equipment and chemicals
Film thickness too high Reduce film thickness by adjusting
application equipment*
Change in substrate thickness or type Check substrate with supplier
Powder resin type or formula Check with powder manufacturer
Poor adhesion Poor cleaning or pretreatment Check pretreatment equipment and
Change in substrate Check substrate with supplier
Undercured Increase oven temperature or increase
Blockage in venturis Fusing of the powder in the Clean or replace the venturi (see instructions
and hoses venturi of the equipment supplier); if necessary,
reduce pressure of powder or transport air
Fusing of the powder in the hoses Clean the hose by bending and breaking up
the fused powder; if necessary, replace it;
install an air dryer with a corresponding oil
micro-filter or another suitable drying system
Bad free-flowing properties of Contact powder supplier
the powder
User’s Guide to Powder Coating
Table 11-11. (continued)
Problem Cause Remedy
Blockage in the gun Fusing in the gun or gun outlet Clean the gun according to the instructions of
the equipment supplier; when blocking
occurs, frequently check humidity of com-
pressed air and the free-flowing properties
of the powder
Blockage caused by contamination Clean the gun according to the instructions of
of the powder with dust of other the equipment supplier and determine the
coarse materials reason for the contamination (check powder
pumps for possible impact fusion; impact
fusion particles that break off in the pump
could be transported to the spray gun and
result in blockage)
Table 11-12. Poor or insufficient coverage
Problem Cause Remedy
Insufficient wrap-around Poor electrostatic charging Adjust level of electrostatic kV (increase); if not
of the powder; output of possible, check equipment and guns accord-
powder too low ing to instructions of equipment supplier; check
for broken electrodes on the spray gun, if found,
replace electrodes; check for possible frictional
transport through powder hose, if evident,
consult powder supplier for hose material
the objects
Table 11-13. Disturbance in cured film
Problem Cause Remedy
Dust, precured or other Dust or other coarse parts on Check pretreatment
coarse material the metal surface
Dust or other coarse parts in powder; Check powder and locate the cause of the
precured material from original contamination; if necessary, clean up the
powder which is stocked installation and use fresh or sieved powder
according to the instructions
Matting of powder surface Contamination with other powder Clean up the installation; if necessary, contact