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PLAN Teaching Date & Time: February 8, 2020
Grade/Level: Grade 11– GOLD
Learning Area: Oral Communication in Context
Quarter: First Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the session, students will be able to:

a. differentiate verbal communication from nonverbal
b. appreciates the value of verbal and nonverbal cues in
communication; and
c. perform a role playing using verbal and nonverbal

A. Content Standards: The learner understands the nature and elements of

oral communication in context.
B. Performance Standards: The learners designs and performs effective
controlled and uncontrolled oral communication
activities based on context.
C. Learning Competency and Code Explains the functions, nature and process of
communication. EN11/12OC-1a-2
II. Content Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
A. References Oral communication in Context (SHS Textbook)
1. Text book Pages Oral communication in Context (SHS Textbook)
pages 10-13
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, projector, PowerPoint presentation,
markers, activity sheets, pictures
Teacher’s Task Learners Tasks

A. Preliminaries:
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
B. Review
The barriers to communication are:
Today we will have a new topic. But
1. Emotional barriers
before that who will tell the class on what was
2. Use of jargon
our topic last discussion?
3. Lack of confidence
4. Noisy environment
Very Good! Our topic last time were the
barriers of communication.

(Diagnostic Assessment)

Welcome to another lesson in Oral

Communication! Yes ma’am!
Are you excited?

You should be! because today we will

have first a game. The name of this game is
charades. I think all of you are already familiar
to this right?


 You will be grouped into two. First row

will be the group 1 and then row 2 is
group two
 I will choose one representative in your
class to pick and act the pictures about
Covid-19 essential products to have at
home that I have prepared.
 Two groups will guess what he/she
 If you know the answer, raise the hand
signal sign for you to be recognized.
 If the guess is wrong, other group will
have the chance to guess.
 Each correct guess is equivalent to 1
 The group that guesses a lot will be the
Yes ma’am!
(Students will do the activity)
Am I understood?

Let’s start the game!

Congratulations to the winning group! Do

not worry to the other group for we will
still have another activity later.
(Student will read the house rules.)
Setting of Standards
A. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson
The students will read the house rules:
1. I will participate and cooperate in every
Before proceeding, I want you to read our activity;
house rules first. 2. I will listen when my teacher speaks;
3. I will keep myself silent and observant during
another group’s presentation; and
4. I will not do unnecessary actions that can
disturb my classmate and the whole class.

I hope you will put our house rules in you

minds and hearts.

Now for use to be guided on our lesson, (The students will read aloud the session’s
let me present to you our today’s learning objectives.)

At the end of the session, students will be
able to:
a. differentiate verbal communication from
nonverbal communication;
b. appreciates the value of verbal and
nonverbal cues in communication; and
c. perform a role playing using verbal and
nonverbal communication. Yes!

A. Discussion

The activity you did a while ago has

We used words.
something to do with our topic today. You
were able to guess the pictures, right?
He/she used actions.
What did you use in guessing the
picture that your classmate picked?
We can also use actions not just words in
Precisely! You used words. Now, what
did your classmate do for you to guess the Our topic today is verbal and nonverbal
picture? communication.
Very good observation! He used
actions. So, what does it mean?

Exactly! In communication, we can

communicate not just words but through
actions as well. Now, who has an idea on what
is our topic today?

Correct! Our topic today is verbal and

nonverbal communication. Verbal communication – refers to an interaction
in which words are used to relay a message
Now, let’s take a look on what is verbal
communication first.

Do you have any idea about verbal (Students will read the meaning of verbal
communication? communication)

Very Good!

Verbal communication – refers to an
interaction in which words are used to relay a
message. For effective and successful verbal
communication, use words to express ideas
which can be easily understood by the person
you are talking about. Consider the following:
1. Appropriateness – language used
should be appropriate to the occasion
(formal or informal).

Picture A

Picture B

Formal words ma’am.

No ma’am! Because picture A is in formal occasion

while picture B is not.

In picture A, what words will you use if

you were on that occasion?
None ma’am!
Correct! Formal words. How about in
picture B? Would you still use the words
you used in picture A? Why?

Yes! If you are talking to

professionals, you shouldn’t talk
casually. You should be formal. When in
a party, especially if you’re with your
friends you can talk casually to them.
So, you should use words depending on
the occasion.

2. Brevity – be direct with used words.

Avoid fillers and insubstantial
expressions which do not add to the

In brevity, avoid unnecessary

information that will not add to your

3. Clarity – clearly state your message

and express your ideas and feelings. (Students will imagine the situation.)

In clarity, always remember to be

clear to your message so that your
listeners will not be confused.

4. Ethics – words should be chosen in No ma’am.
consideration of the gender, roles,
ethnicity, preferences, and status of the
person or people you are talking too.

For ethics class, try to imagine

talking to a child, a woman, a man, to No ma’am.
an older person, to a beggar, to our
president or how about talking to your
Simple words ma’am.
love one or crush? Are you done
None ma’am!
Did you communicate with the
same way to those people?

Of course not. Because in

communication, the words we use
varies to gender, age and ethnicity of
that person. For example, when you are
talking to a child, would you use difficult
words that only adults can understand?

What will you use?

Correct! You will use simple

words so that a child can easily
understands. Same goes with people
older people to you, you need to use
None ma’am.
words that show respect.

5. Vividness – words that vividly or

creatively describe things or feelings
usually add color and spice to
communication. Nonverbal Communication – refers to an
interaction where behavior is used to convey and
When you are talking, you need represent meanings
to have words that would help your
listeners picture-out or visualize what
you are trying to say.

Those were the things that you

need to consider when communicating
verbally to other people.
(Students read the mastery of nonverbal
Any clarifications or questions on communication)
verbal communication?

Let’s proceed to nonverbal

communications. Any idea?

Nonverbal Communication – refers to an

interaction where behavior is used to convey
and represent meanings. All kinds of human
responses that are not expressed in words are
classified as nonverbal. Examples are stares,
smiles, tone of voice, movements, manners of
walking, standing and sitting, appearance,
style of attire, attitude towards time and
space, personality, gestures and others.

Mastery of nonverbal communication is

important for several reasons:
1. It enhances and emphasizes the
message of your speech, thus making it
more meaningful, truthful and relevant. None ma’am.
2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes,
and perceptions without you saying a
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners
and keep them engaged in speech.
4. It gives the audience a preview to the
type of speaker you are.
5. It makes you appear more dramatic and
animated in your delivery.
6. It serves as a channel to release tension
and nervousness.
7. It helps make your speech more
8. It can build a connection with others.
9. It makes you a credible speaker.
10. It helps you vary your speaking style
and avoid a monotonous delivery.

We are done on discussing verbal and

nonverbal communication. Do you have any

B. Application

 With the same group, you will be

given two different situations.
 You will make a three minutes role-
playing about you reaction/action on
the given situation assigned to your
 Make sure that verbal communication
and nonverbal communication can be
seen in your presentation.
 After the five minutes, each group
will present their work.

Situation 1: Group 1
The province of Agusan del Sur is
on alert level 3 due to the rapid
increase of the cases infected by
Covid- 19. As students, what will you
do in response to the action that your
province had lifted?
Situation 2: Group 2
Supposing your neighbor came
back from abroad and did not
quarantine. You are anxious knowing
that he might carrying a Covid-19
virus and infecting the people on
your barangay. As a concerned
citizen, what will you do to inform
your barangay officials about the
situation without discriminating your

The presentation will be assessed as


Verbal communication refers to an interaction in

which words are used to relay a message while
nonverbal communication refers to an
interaction where behavior is used to convey and
represent meanings.

(Teacher will give scores and feedbacks in

every group.)

Congratulations everyone! You all did a

great job. Let’s give 5 claps to everyone.
Correct answers:
1. T
C. Making Generalization 2. T
3. F
Based on what you learned from our 4. T
lesson, who will differentiate verbal from 5. F
nonverbal communication? 6. T
7. T
8. T
Thank you. Good memory! 9. F
10. T

(Formative Assessment)
V. Evaluation
ACTIVITY 3: Am I true or false?
Directions: Write T before each number if
the statement is true and F if the
statement is false.

_____1. Effective use of nonverbal

communication can strengthen your message.

_____2. How you communicate reflects who

you are as a person.

_____3. Verbal communication is better than

nonverbal communication.

_____4. When you communicate, choose what

you want to say and how you want to say it.

_____5. The use of too many fillers can

distract your listeners.
Yes ma’am!
_____6. Consider ethics in your speech at all
_____7. One way to help you build credibility
is through effective nonverbal communication.
All of us ma’am!
_____8. There were certain words that are
only appropriate at certain times and places.

_____9. To achieve clarity, we must speak the

same language as our listeners.

_____10. When you talk to others, you should

Yes ma’am!
not assume too quickly that they understand
the message that you convey.
(One student will lead the closing prayer.)
Are you all done and ready to check?

Let’s check. Who will answer number 1?

Yes Cardo. 2 is Sita. 3 is Lita. 4 is Densio and 5
will be Heneroso…

Who got the perfect score?

Very impressive! Congratulations class!

VI. Assignment
Individual Activity
1. Search for other nonverbal cues that
are used in communication. Prepared by:
2. Have an advance reading about JUDY ANN J. POJAS
intercultural communication. SHS Applicant

Is everything clear?

Thank you, class, for today. Let’s have our

closing prayer.

VII. Remarks
VIII. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I used/discovered which I wish to share
with other teachers?


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