Soil LL-PL
Soil LL-PL
Soil LL-PL
( Reaffirmeduse
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IS: 2720 ( Part 5 ) -1985
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
( Continued on page 2 )
© Copyright 1985
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5 ) • 1985
( Continued from page 1
Members Represtllting
JOINT DIRECTOlt RESEARCH Ministry of Railways
( GE )-1, RDSO
( GE )-ll, RDSO ( Alternate)
SHB! A. V. S. R. MrRTY Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi
SHRI D. R. NAHAJIAHl Ct'ntral Building Research Institute (CSIR),
SHItl T, K. NATRAJAN Central Road Research Institute (CSIR), New
SJlRl RAN.T!T SINOH Ministry of Defence ( R&D)
SaRI V. B. GJIORPADE ( Alternate)
DR G. V. 'RAO Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
DR K. K. GUP1~A ( Alternate)
RESEARCH OFFII'ER ( B & RRL ) Public Works Department, Government of Punjab,
SECRETARY Central Board of IrrigatIon and Power, New Delhi
DIRE()TOlt (C) ( Alternate)
SflRI N. SIVAGUltU Roads Wing ( Ministry of Shipping and Transport ),
New Delhi
SHIn U. JAYAKODI (Alternate)
SHRI K. S. SRINIVASAN National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
DR N. SOM Jadavpur University, Calcutta
SHIt! N. SUBltAJlL\NYA:M: Karnataka Engineering Research Station,
COL R . R. SUDHINDRA Ministry of Defence (Engineer-in-Chief's Branch)
SHRI S. S . JOSHI ( Alternate)
SUPERINTENDING ENG I NEE R Public Works Department, Government of Tamil
(P & DC) Nadu, Madras
( SMRD ) ( Altemate)
SflBI H. C. VER:\IA All India Instrument Manufacturers and Dealers
Association, Bombay
SURI H. K. GUJJA ( Alternate)
SHRI G. RAMAN, Director General, lSI ( Ex-officio Member)
Director ( Civ Engg )
Senior Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), lSI
( Continued on page 16 )
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IS : 2720 '( Part 5 ) • 1985
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part 5 ) ( Second Revision) was adopted by
the Indian Standards Institution on 25 January 1985, after the draft
finalized by the Soil Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5) • 1985
1.1 This standard ( Part 5 ) lays down methods of test for the determina-
tion of the liquid limit and plastic limit of soils. Three methods, namely,
mechanical method, one point method and the cone method are given
for the determination of li<1uid limit.
1.1.1 Liquid limits over about 120 percent shall be obtained by the
procedure specified in 3 or 4. The one point method shall not be used
for highly organic soils ( see Note ).
NO'£E - The one point method may be applicable to the region for which the
constants are obtained based upon results of tests on soils from that region. For all
national and international reports the results obtained by the method in 3 or 4 may be
1.2 The methods for calculating the following indices which are related
to the liquid and plastic limits are also given:
a) Flow index ( Jee 3.5.2 ),
b) Plasticity index ( see 8 ),
c) Toughness index ( see 9 ),
d) Liquidity index ( or water plasticity ratio) (see 10), and
e) Consistency index ( see 11 ).
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, definitions of terms given in
IS: 2809-1972t shall apply.
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*Specification for test sieves: Part I Wire cloth test sievf's ( second revision ).
t Methods of test for soils; Part 1 Preparation of dry soil samples for various tests
( second revision ).
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5 ) • 1985
with the base falls through exactly one centimetre for one revolution of
the handle. The adjustment plate shall then be secured by tightening
the screw.
Non, _. If evenness of the base is not maintained in course of time, the base of
the liquid limit device should be changed.
3.4 Procedure
3.4.1 About 120 g of the soil sample passing 425-micron IS Sieve shall
be mixed thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish or on
the flat glass plate to form a uniform paste. The paste shall have a
consistency that will require 30 to 35 drops of the cup to cause the
required closure of the standard groove. In the case of clayey soils, the
soil paste shall be left to stand for a sufficient time ( 24 hours) so as to
ensure uniform distribution of moisture throughout the soil mass ( see
Note 1 under 3.4.3 ).
3.4.2 The soil should then be re-mixed thoroughly before the test. A
portion of the paste shall be placed in the cup above the spot where the
cup rests on the base, squeezed down and spread into position shown in
Fig. 1, with as few strokes of the spatula as possible and at the same time
trimmed to a depth of one centimetre at the point of maximum thickness,
returning the excess soil to the dish. The soil in the cup shall be decided
by firm strokes of the grooving tool along the diameter through the
centre line of the cam follower so that a clean, sharp groove of the proper
dimensions is formed ( see Note 2 under 3.4.3). In case where grooving
tool, Type A does not give a clear groove as in sandy soils, grooving tool
Type B or Type C ( see Note 3 under 3.4.3 ) should be used.
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( Part 5 ) • 1985
The cup shall be fitted and dropped by turning the crank at the rate
of two revolutions per second until the two halves of the soil cake come
in contact with bottom of the groove along a distance of a bout 12 mm
( see Note 4 ). This length shall be measured with the end of the grooving
tool or a ruler. The number of drops required to cause the groove
close for the length of 12 mm shall be recorded.
3.4.3 A little extra of the soil mixture shall be added to the cup and
mixed with the soil in the cup. The pat shall be made in the cup and
the test repeated as in 3.4.2. In no case shall dried soil be added to the
thoroughly mixed soil that is being tested. The procedure given in 3.4.2
and in this clause shall be repeated until two consecutive runs give the
same under of drops for closure of the groove { see Notes 4 and 5 ).
NO'l'E 1 - Light textured soils ( of low clay content) may be tested immediately
after thorough mixing of water.
NOTE 2 - To avoid tearing of the sides of the groove or slipping of the soil cake on
the cup, up to six strokes, from front to back or from back to front counting as one
stroke, shall be permitted. Each stroke penetrate a little deeper until the last stroke
from back to front scrapes the bottom of the cup clean. The groove shall be made
with as few strokes as possible.
NOTE 3 - With soils having low plasticity indices it is sometimes difficult
to cut a smooth groove in the soil with grooving tool, Type A. Grooving tool,
Type B or Type C may be used in such cases. Grooving tool, Type B inserts a wedge
into the pat of soil causing the two halves of the pat to slide at the cup-soil interface.
During the test the tendency is then for the soil to slide back again on this same face
instead of flowing as it should do. It should, therefore, be used with caution.
NOTE 4 - Some soils tend to slide on the surface of the cup instead of the soil
flowing. If this occurs, the results should be discarded and the test repf'ated until
flowing does occur. If sliding still occurs, the test is not applicable and a note ~hould
be made that the liquid limit could not be obtained.
NOTE 5 - Care shall be taken to sec that the soil paste does not dry out too rapidly
between repeat tests as the number of blows for closure will increase gradually as the
sample driQs out.
3.4.4 A representative slice of soil approximately the width of the
spatula, extending from about edge to edge of the soil cake at right angle
to the groove and including that portion of the groove in which the soil
flowed together, shall be taken in a suitable container and its moisture
content expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight otherwise
determined as described in IS : 2720 ( Part 2 )-1973*. The remaining
soil in the cup shall be transferred to the evaporating dish and the cup
and the grooving tool cleaned thoroughly.
3.4.5 The operations specified in 3.4.2 to 3.4.4 shall be repeated for
at least three more additional trails (minimum of four in all), which
the soil collected in the evaporating dish or flat glass plate, to with
sufficient water has been added to bring the soil to a more fluid
*Methods of test for soils: Part 2 Determination of moi,ture content ( second revision ).
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condition. In each case the number of blows shaH be recorded and the
moisture content determined as bef0re. The specimens shall be of such
consi stency that the number of drops required to -close the groove shall
be not less than 15 or more than 35 and the points on the flow curve are
evenly distributed in this range. The test should proceed from the
drier ( more drops) to the wetter ( less drops) condition of the soil. The
test may also be conducted from the wetter to the drier condition
provided drying is a1:hieved by kneading the wet soil and not by adding
dry soil.
3.5 DeterlDination of Liquid LilDit and Flow Index
3.5.1 Liquid Limit (WL) - 'A flow curve' shall be plotted on a semi-
logarithmic graph representing water content on the arithmetical scaJe
and the number of drops on the logarithmic scale. The flow curve is a
straight line drawn as nearly as possible through the four or more plotted
points. The moisture content corresponding to 25 drops as read from
the curve shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number and reported
as the liquid limit of the soil.
3.5.2 Flow Index ( Ir ) - The flow curve (stfaight line) plotted on
semi-logarithmic graph as in 3.5.1 shall be exten d ed at either end so as to
intersect the ordinates corresponding to 10 and 100 drops. The slope of
this line expressed as the difference in water contents as 10 drops and at
100 drops shall be reported as the flow index.
N()'rE - The flow index may be calculated from the following equa tion also:
I f = flow index,
Wl " content in percent corresponding to Nl drops, and
= moisture
W2 = moisture content in percent corresponding to N, drops.
3.6 Report
3.6.1 The results of the observations of the test shall be recorded
suita bly. A recommend~d proforma for the record of results is given in
Appendix A.
3.6.2 The liquid limit should be reported to the nearest whole number.
The history of the soil sam p le , that is, natural state, air-dried, oven
dried or unknown, the method used for the test reported and the period
of soaking allowed after mixing of water to the soil shall also be
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5 ) - 1985
4.1 The basic principle is to observe depths of penetrations of soils at
various initial moisture contents of a metal cone of a certain weight and
apex angle with the point barely touching the surface is allowed to drop
into the surface. The standardization has been to identify liquid limit
water content for a specified depth of penetration.
4.2 Apparatus
4.2.1 It shall conform to IS : 11196-1985*
4.2.2 Balance - Sensitive to 0'01 g.
4.2.3 Containers - non-corrodible and air-tight for moisture determina-
4.2.4 OVtll - thermostatically controlled with interior non-corroding
material to maintain the temperature between 105 and 110°C.
4.3 Soil Sample - A soil sample weighing about 150 g from thoroughly
mixed portion of the soil passing 425 micron IS Sieve obtained in
accordance to IS : 2720 ( Part I )-1983t.
4.4 Procedure - About 1"50 g of soil sample obtained as in 4.3 shall be
worked well into a paste with addition of distilled water. In the case of
highly clayey soils, to ensure uniform moisture distribution, it is recom-
mended that the soil in the mixed state is left for sufficient time ( 24
hours ) in an air-tight container. The wet soil paste shall then be
transferred to the cylindrical cup of cone penetrometer apparatus, ensur-
ing that no air is trapped in this process. Finally the wet soil is levelled
up to the top of the cup and placed on the base of the cone penetrometer
apparatus. The penetrometer shall be so adjusted that the cone point
just tou ches the surface of the soil paste in the cup clamped in this
position. The initial reading is either adjusted to zero or noted down as
is shown on the graduated scale. The vertical clamp is then released
allowing the cone to penetrate into the soil paste under its own weight.
The penetration of the cone after 5 seconds shall be noted to the nearest
millimelre. If the difference in penetration lies between 14 and 28 mm
the test is re pea ted with suitable adjustments to moisture either by
a d dition of more water or exposure of the spread paste on a glass plate
for re d uction in moisture content. The test shall then be repeated at
least to have four sets of values of penetration in the range of 14 to
28 mm. The exact moisture content of each trial shall be determined in
accord ance with IS : 2720 ( Part 2 )-1973:::.
·Specification for equipment for determination of liquid limit of soils by cone
pene tration method.
tMethods -for test for soils: Part I Pr eparation of dry soil samples for various tests
( second revision ).
tMethods of test for soils: Part 2 D eter mi nation of moisture content ( second revision).
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5 ) • 1985
6.3 Soil Sample - The requirements for the soil sample are the same
as in 4.4.
6.4 Procedure - Same as in 4.5. The accepted trial is su'ch that the
depth of cone penetration is between 16 and 26 mm.
6.5 Computations - The water content is determined for the
accepted trial. The liquid limit water content is computed from any
one of the following relationships:
WL ccc, wN/O'77 log D
WL == WN/( 0'65 + 0'017 5 D )
6.6 Report - See 4.6.
7.1 Apparatus
7.1.1 Porcelain Evaporating Dish - about 12 em in diameter.
Flat Glass Plate - 10 mm thick and about 45 em square or
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*MethOds of test for soils: Part 1 Preparation of dry soils samples for various tests
( second revision ).
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satisfactory end point, provided the soil has been rolled into a thread
3 mrn in diarneter iffiluediately before. At no time shall an attempt be
made to produce failure at exactly 3 mm diameter by allowing the
thread to reach 3 mm, then reducing the rate of rolling or pressure or
both, and continuing the rolling without further deformation until the
thre-ad faUs apart. The pieces of crumbled soil thread shall be collected
in an air-tight container and the moisture content determined as
described in IS : 2720 ( Part 2 )-1973·.
7.4 Report
7.4.3 The history of the soil sample ( that is, natural state, air-dried,
oven-dried or unknown) and the period of soaking allowed after mixing
of water to the soil shall also be reported.
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WI, = liquid limit of the soil,
Wo = natural moisture content of the soil, and
Ip = plasticity index of the soil.
12.1 The result of aIl1he tests and calculations may be reported in thll
proforma given in Appendix A,
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5 ) - 1985
C Clauses 3.6.1, 7.4.1 and 12.1 ~
IS No. with year .. .... ....... .. .. . ... .... .. . ..... .. . . Date ...... .............. . .. . .
Details of soil sample .... .. ....... ... ........... ... . Room Temperature .. . .
Natural water content ..... . ..... . .. . ..... ...... ... .
History of soil sample .... .. .. ....... .... ...... .. . .
Period of soaking of soil sample before test ........ . ... ............ ... .... .. .. . . . .
Determination i
number 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Number of d rops
I ---- -- -- - - - - -- --
number I I
Weight of con-
ta~ner + wet I I
1--\- -
-- - - -- -- I- -- - - --
soIl, g __ ____ _1_- - - - - - -
Weight of con-
tainer + .oven
dry soil, g
- - -- - - - - -1 -- - --
Weight of water,
I_i_ -
1 -- - - -
Weight of con-
tainer, g
Weight of oven
dry soil, g
,-1-)- -- --
- 1-- I 1 - - --'
1 I
Moisture percent
Liquid Flow Plastic Plasticity Toughness Liquidity Consisten-
Limit Index Limit Index Index Index cy Index
WL If wp lp IT h Ie
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
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IS : 2720 ( Part 5 ) - 1985
( Continued from pa,ge 2 )