Gened Reviewer 2023
Gened Reviewer 2023
Gened Reviewer 2023
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
14. Sinabi ni Carlos P. Romulo sa isa niyang akda, “Ang 20. In a playground for Kindergarten kids, 18 children
Pilipino ay may dugong maharlika.” Ano ang are riding tricycles or bicycles. If there are 43 wheels
kahulugan nito? in all, how many tricycles are there?
a. Ang Pilipino ay nanggaling sa malayang lahi a. 8
b. Ang Pilipino ay sadyang mabuti ang budhi. b. 9
c. 7
c. Ang Pilipino ay galing sa mayamang lahi
d. 11
d. Ang Pilipino ay madaling maipagbili
21. Which of these has the longest perimeter?
15. Ipinagmamalaki mo siya, BAHAG naman pala ang a. A square 21 cm on a side
kanyang BUNTOT. Ang ibig sabihin ng salitang may b. A rectangle 19 cm long and 24 cm wide
malaking titik ay: c. An equilateral triangle whose side is 28 cm
a. Kuripot d. A right triangle whose two legs are 24 and 32 cm
b. Traydor 22. Dona was tired to death after a long day of
c. Duwag cooking.
d. Mahiyain a. simile
16. The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12, while b. metaphor
those of another right triangle are 12 and 16. How c. hyperbole
much longer is the perimeter of the larger triangle d. personification
23. Who is known as the “Father of the Local
than the perimeter of the smaller triangle?
Government Code”?
a. 84
a. Joey Lina
b. 7
b. Jovito Salonga
c. 12 c. Joseph Estrada
d. 14 d. Aquilino Pimentel
24. Who was the last Spanish Governor-General
17. Calculate the mean absolute deviation of the
of the Philippines?
following numbers: 60, 80, 100, 75 and 95
a. Ramon Blanco
a. 12.4 b. Basilio Agustin
b. 14.2 c. Diego de los Rios
c. 16.1 d. Fermin Jaudenes
d. 18.9 25. This demonstrated the feeding connections
18. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.215? between all life forms.
a. 43/200 a. Nutrition cycles
b. 27/125 b. Fossil cycle
c. 21/50 c. Biochemical pathways
d. 108/375 d. Food web
19. Nelia takes ¾ hour to dress and get ready for school. 26. In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of
It takes 4/5 hour to reach the school. If her class Venice,” Portia, the judge said: “The quality of
starts promptly at 8:00 am; what is the latest time mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle
she can jump out of bed in order not to be late for rain from heaven upon the place beneath... It is
school? twice blest; it blesseth him that gives and him
a. 6:42 am that takes. ‘Tis mightier than the mightiest... and
b. 6:27 am one is likened to God when mercy seasons
c. 6:57 am justice.” The main thought of the excerpt it that
d. 7:02 am ___________________
a. Mercy is only for deserving
b. Mercy is limited in extent
c. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given.
d. Mercy is dynamic.
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
35. What was the term given by Marcelo H. Del Pilar to
27. “Your statements are IMPERTINENT to the hidden control and domination by Spanish religious
case.” The capitalized word means ______________. priests over the colonial government?
a. Important a. Pase region
b. Irrelevant b. Las suerte partidas
c. Violent c. Complace
d. Malicious d. Frailocracia
28. Who is the proponent of the arena theater? 36. What law passed on August 1909 by the US Congress
a. Carpio that established a partial free trade in the Philippines?
b. Tinio a. Bell Trace
c. Montano b. Payne-Aldrich Act
d. Avellana c. Treaty on General Relations
29. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns? d. Underwood-Simmons Act
a. Rig Veda 37. The Filipino writer in English who used Hispanic Filipino
b. Mahabharata culture and traditions in his fiction works?
c. Upanishad a. Ediberto Tiempo
d. Ramayana b. Nick Joaquin
30. Which is NOT a characteristic of people with strong c. Sionil Jose
sense of self-efficacy? d. Jose Garcia Villa
a. View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered. 38. Which among the following is the part of the newspaper
b. Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments. where you can see the opinions of people?
c. Avoid challenging tasks. a. Classified Section
d. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they b. Obituary
participate. c. Headline
31. Who is the first mythical geographer who was recognized d. Editorial Section
due to his vivid descriptions of lands and people 39. Ibigay ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa ‘Bakit
encountered by his hero Ulysses? gabi na ay di pa sya dumarating?”
a. Virgil a. Pagkatuwa
b. Plato b. Pagkapoot
c. Homer c.Pagkatakot
d. Cicero d.Pagkagalit
32. What is the least common multiple of 12 and 60? 40. Isang paraan ng pagkuha ng datos na ginagamitan ng
a. 340 sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita na may mga
b. 140 bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata.
c. 120 a. Ellipsis
d. 360 b. Abstrak
33. Whose philosophy advocates the use of reason in c. Synopsis
understanding the existence of God? d. Sintesis
a. St. Benedict 41. What percent of 75 is 15?
b. St. Peter a. 20%
c. St. John b. 30%
d. St. Thomas Aquinas c. 38%
34. Which is the fundamental law of the land? d. 40%
a. Bill of Rights 42. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5
b. Constitution seats?
c. Civil Criminal a. 95
d. Ten Commandments b. 120
c. 105
d. 100
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
43. Ito ay ang sistematikong paglalarawan ng mga datos na 49. Which of the following examples best illustrates
estatika. application of Boyle’s Law?
a. Talahanayan a. A tire becomes harder as more air is pumped into it.
b. Grap b. A sealed aerosol can explode when thrown into a fire.
c. Balangkas c. A balloon expands and bursts when exposed to direct
d. Mapa sunlight.
44. Pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang mga d. A scuba diver stops at certain depth as he ascends to
salita sa loob ng pangungusap. the ocean’s surface.
a. Semantika 50. Which of the following sentences about greenhouse
b. Syntax effect is INCORRECT?
c. Pragmatika a. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere which
d. Ortograpiya are returned to the earth’s surface.
45. The menace of drugs has affected the Philippine b. Greenhouse effect is important in maintaining the
economy greatly. Which of these drugs are found most temperature of the earth.
destructive to one’s brain? c. Greenhouse effect is due to gases that absorb the
a. opium green region of light from the sun.
b. marijuana d. Greenhouse effect increases the overall surface
c. methyl salicylate temperature of the earth.
d. cocaine 51. Which situation shows that technology can be used to
46. Which of the following factors contribute to an motivate students to learn?
increase in human population? a. Teacher Eric employs educational games related to the
I. Immigration lesson they are taking.
II. Emigration b. Miss Cleo designs lessons which use cooperative
III. Natality learning with technology integration.
IV. Mortality c. Mr. Jimmy utilizes computer assisted instruction
programs so that students will learn at their own
a. III and IV pace.
b. II and III d. Teacher Sarah assigns projects to her class where self-
c. I only expression and creativity is acknowledged.
d. I and III 52. As an insular country, to which principle does the
47. Three liquids A, B, C were studied in a laboratory. Liquid Philippines adhere when it comes to territorial
A was found to float over B and C. it was also found that boundary?
liquid A flows fastest among the three. What can be said a. Two hundred nautical miles of the country’s coast
about liquid A? b. Three hundred fifty nautical miles from shore
a. Densest and most viscous c. Three-mile territorial limit
b. Densest and least viscous d. Archipelagic doctrine
c. Least dense and most viscous 53. A methodology widely used for developing new training
d. Least dense and least viscous programs.
48. Which of the following statements represents a physical a. Microsoft
change? b. World Wide Web
a. An antacid tablet forms bubbles when dissolve in c. Instructional Systems Design
water. d. Computer Technology
b. A flashlight beam slowly gets dimmer and finally dies 54. The following are our constitutional rights EXCEPT to
out over time. a. Free access to legal assistance which shall not be
c. The lawn grows thicker every day because fertilizers denied due to poverty
were added into the soil. b. Have access to all records of the government
d. Frozen mango juice melted when left standing at room c. Be presumed innocent until proven guilty
temperature for 30 minutes. d. Form association and labor unions
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
55. Which of the following is not a benefit of technology in 63. What factor was a major cause of both World War I and
education? World War II?
a. improves critical-thinking abilities a. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe
b. unlimited access to games and other internet sites b. The dropping of atomic bombs
c. allows cooperative thinking c. Nationalism and national borders
d. increases self-expression d. The rise of totalitarian fascist states
56. He is considered as the “Father of Modern Media in 64. In which continent can we find stormy Cape Horn which
Education”. is known as the graveyard of ships and sailors?
a. Jean Piaget a. Africa
b. Robert Gagne b. Australia
c. B.F. Skinner c. South America
d. Edgar Dale d. Asia
57. This is considered to be the first manual data processing 65. In which poem did Rizal write about offering one’s life for
device developed in China in the 12th century A.D. one’s country?
a. Hieroglyphics a. A La Juventad Filipina
b. Papyrus b. Song of Maria Clara
c. Printing Press c. Sa Aking mga Kabata
d. Abacus d. Mi Ultimo Adios
58. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested? 66. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who were
a. cultural relativism free and independent.
b. cultural diversity a. Timawa
c. xenocentrism b. Maharlika
d. ethnocentrism c. Aliping namamahay
59. Who among the Presidents changed the date of our d. Aliping saguiguilid
celebration of Independence Day from July 4 to June 12? 67. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire as Asoka
a. Ramon Magsaysay was to the ____ Empire.
b. Diosdado Macapagal a. Roman
c. Carlos Garcia b. Gupta
d. Ferdinand Marcos c. Greek
60. Which Katipunan member commuted from Cavite to d. Maurya
Manila to buy materials used to make ammunitions? 68. Those are probably the ______ blankets in the store.
a. Teresa Magbanua a. least fancy
b. Agueda Esteban b. fanciest
c. Teodora Alonso c. most fanciest
d. Trinidad Tecson d. most fancy
61. The theory that population increases by geometrical 69. Shakespeare once said, “My honor is my life, both grow
ratio while the means of subsistence increases by as one, take honor from me and my life is gone.” What is the
arithmetical ration is attributed to? correct interpretation for this?
a. Karl Marx a. His life is determined by his honor.
b. Robert Malthus b. He values honor as much as life.
c. Emile Durkheim c. He prefers honor instead of life.
d. Aristotle d. He values life before honor.
62. With the opposition of the parity rights in mind, who 70. Ang salin sa blangko para sa blank ay halimbawa ng
does NOT belong to the group? pagtutumbas na _______________.
a. Claro M. Recto a. Panghiram sa Espanyol at pagbaybay sa Filipino.
b. Jose Laurel b. Kung ano ang bigkas siyang sulat.
c. Manuel Roxas c. Paggamit sa leksikong Filipino.
d. Pedro Taruc d. Panghihiram ng salitang katutubo.
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
71. “Pen pen de sarapen/de cuchillo de almasen/ haw haw 78. The correct way of eating fruits is when eaten
de carabao batuten.” Pinatutunayan ng linya ang paglaganap _____________.
ng wika dahil sa ________________. a. with an empty stomach
a. heograpiya b. after meals
b. pananakop c. before sleeping at night
c. pakikipagkalakan d. during snacks
d. modernisasyon 79. John experienced a lack of growth hormone (GH) as a
72. “Heto na, heto na, heto na…. Wahh! Doo bidoo, bidoo”. child. Now that John is an adult, it is likely he
Alin sa mga salita o tunog na hango mula sa awitin ang _________________.
naaayon sa teoryang pooh-pooh? a. has cognitive and emotional problems as a result of his
a. Wahh hormone deficiency
b. Heto b. has normal adult body proportions, but an extremely
c. Na short statue
d. Doo bidoo c. is of normal height, but has child-like body proportions
73. Kung sa pakikinig, ang layuning malibang ay nauuri d. has developed a physique similar to that typically seen
bilang apresyatib, mauri naman sa pagbasa bilang in females.
_______________. 80. One immediate cause of a decrease in the rate of
a. ekstensibo photosynthesis is a reduction in the availability of which of
b. intensibo the following substances?
c. mapanuri a. Carbon dioxide
d. makahulugan b. Carbon monoxide
74. In a bundle of new 100 bills, the bills are consecutively c. Hydrogen
numbered RTC3432260 to RTC3432280. How much is the d. Oxygen
total amount of the bills? 81. Plants create their own food by absorbing and
a. 3200 processing sunlight. The ability to produce one’s own food
b. 2000 source is a metabolic process known as ___________.
c. 3400 a. Heterotrophy
d. 3500 b. Autotrophy
75. A business man had incurred the following expenses in c. Homotrophy
his trips to the Visayas islands: P5100.00, P4600.00, d. Ditrophy
P3800.00 and P3200.00. What was his total expense for the 82. What human right is violated when one opens a letter
trip? without permission from the addressee?
a. P16000 a. Right to privacy of communication and
b. P16700 correspondence
c. P17000 b. Right to read the letter
d. P17500 c. Right to open the envelope without permission
76. Monica respects the ideas of her colleagues even if they d. Right to private affairs
are very much contrary to her own beliefs. What important 83. When an individual is imprisoned without proper
scientific attitude is seen in her action? investigation what right is violated?
a. Honesty a. Right to due process of law
b. Absence of prejudice b. Right to secure persons
c. Open-mindedness c. Right to process paper
d. Acceptance d. Right to protection
77. The existence of extraterrestrial life may never be 84. Who was among the last Filipino generals who fought
proven, but this idea will become more scientifically the Americans and established the so-called “Tagalog
acceptable over time if _________________. Republic”?
a. hypotheses are made related to the idea a. Gregorio del Pilar
b. no one disputes this idea in a scientific form b. Miguel Malvar
c. alternative hypotheses are proposed and confirmed c. Macario Sakay
d. increasing scientific evidence supports idea. d. Manuel Tinio
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
85. In Philippine history, who was known as “The Great 92. What figure of speech is employed when the author
Dissenter”? states, “O souls and spirits of the martyred, arise”?
a. Camilio Osias a. Metaphor
b. Manuel Roxas b. Apostrophe
c. Claro M. Recto c. Onomatopoeia
d. Eulogio Rodriguez d. Metonymy
86. During the Spanish era, who was the revolutionary 93. Who said “The Filipino is worth dying for.”?
leader who waged a long war against the government a. Benigno Aquino Jr.
because it did not allow proper burial for his brother? b. Jose Rizal
a. Macario Sakay c. Andres Bonifacio
b. Andres Bonifacio d. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Diego Silang 94. Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make
d. Francisco Dagohoy for ________ Christmas than that?
87. When one controls the supply of sugar, which term a. a merry
applies? b. the merriest
a. Monopoly c. a merrier
b. Inflation d. a merriest
c. Economic Stability 95. To govern is to rule and the government rules by laws.
d. Equilibrium Whose main duty is the enforcement of laws?
88. What was the first book published in the Philippines? a. Police department
a. Del Superior Govierno b. Judiciary department
b. Doctrina Christiana c. Legislative department
c. Pasiong Mahal d. Executive department
d. Barlaame Josaphat 96. Which is common to Sun Yat Sen and mahatma Gandhi?
89. Which term refers the measures undertaken by the a. Promoted a society ruled by religious leaders
government which would remove anything that hinders the b. Rejected violence as a way to political power
entry of foreign products, services and capital between c. Led a successful nationalistic movement in their
countries? respective countries
a. Liberalization d. Supported Marxist philosophy to change existing
b. Globalization governments
c. Privatization 97. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in
d. Internationalization 1947? Religious differences between ____________>
90. An elevator can carry a maximum load of 605kgs. How a. Hindus and Christians
many passengers of weight 50.5 kg each can the elevator b. Christians and Muslims
hold? c. Hindus and Buddhists
a. 12 d. Hindus and Muslims
b. 11.9 98. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the
c. 11 archipelago Filipinas
d. 10 a. Magellan’s expedition
91. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.” This stands for b. Loarca expedition
_________. c. Legaspi expedition
a. homeliness d. Villalobos expedition
b. loveliness
c. plain
d. simple
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
99. Our favorite song goes: 106. What kind of an improvement process is in keeping
No man is an island, No man stands alone with SBM?
Each man’s joy is joy to me I. Data-driven
Each man’s grief is my own. II. Continuous
III. Participatory
What does this song express?
a. Solitude a. I, II, and III
b. Independence b. II and III
c. Brotherhood c. I and II
d. Individualization d. I and III
100. “It is only the heart that can see rightly.” This line 107. In SBM, who is empowered to lead the school and the
means _____________. community for improvement?
a. important things are invisible to the heart a. school head
b. only the heart can see the beautiful things in life b. teachers
c. the heart is always correct about everything c. supervisor
d. the heart is visible if one is kind d. parent leaders
101. Of the seven continents comprising continues land 108. Our school has 8 male teachers who comprise 25% of
mass surrounded by big bodies of water, the biggest is all our teachers. How many teachers do we have?
___________. a. 24
a. Asia b. 28
b. Australia c. 32
c. Europe d. 40
d. Northern America 109. Ms. Tonelada weighed 60kg. She lost 4 kg on her first
102. What was the power to set aside certain by the week of exercise, gained 2kg on her second week, lost 6kg
Kingdom of Spain to the Governor-General of the on the 3rd week and remained her weight during the fourth
Philippines? week. What was her weight on the 4th week?
a. Veto power a. 52kg
b. Condign power b. 58kg
c. Conditioned power c. 68kg
d. compensatory power d. 72ks
103. What best describes the form of government of 110. A group of young people from four countries gathered
England with its parliament, a prime minister, and a queen together for an international conference: 40 from
(or king)? Philippines, 60 from Japan, 35 from Thailand, and 45 from
a. Constitutional monarchy Singapore. The participants will form discussion groups with
b. Anarchism equal number of members from each country in each group.
c. Ethnocracy What is the greatest number of discussion groups can be
d. Demarchy formed?
104. What is the application of the principles of theories of a. 5
human behavior in teaching and learning? b. 15
a. Educational theory c. 20
b. Educational philosophy d. 25
c. Educational psychology 111. The first 5 numbers in a sequence are 2, 3, 5, 8, and 12.
d. Educational sociology What is the 7th number in the sequence?
105. Which word/phrase does NOT go with school-based a. 15
management? b. 19
a. Transparency c. 23
b. Authoritarian leadership d. 25
c. Partnership
d. Continuous improvement
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
112. Don Antonio invested part of 30,000 pesos at 5% 118. Why is it NOT advisable to repeatedly open the door of
interest and the remaining amount at 6% interest at BPI. If refrigerator?
his investment yields an annual income of 1,620 pesos, how a. It will loosen the hinges of the refrigerator’s door.
much did he invest at 6% interest? b. Leads to wastage in electrical energy
a. 2,000 pesos c. Repeated opening introduces bacteria in to the
b. 14,000 pesos refrigerator.
c. 16,000 pesos d. The warm air outside lowers the temperature inside
d. 18,000 pesos thus making the refrigeration less-efficient
113. Which of the following is a proper example of natural 119. When a gardener propagates a plant by taking cuttings,
selection? he plants his cutting in a well-watered soil in a plant pot.
a. Human beings continue to get taller because of What is most likely reason why he may then cover the
thousands of years of proper nutrition. plant and pot with a lightly perforated polythene bag?
b. A community of lady bugs begins having offspring with a. To reduce the water demand of the cutting
darker shells, in order to hide from their predators. b. To decrease the rate of gaseous exchange by the plant
c. Albino rodents die off quickly in a community, being c. To reduce the chance of attack by pests
more vulnerable to certain pancreatic diseases. d. To protect the plant from cold weather
d. Seagulls begin to eat so many fish so that only those 120. When a teacher asks the consistency of a material
with dark blue scale color survive taken from the internet with other materials, he/she is
114. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after seeing concerned with its?
lightning? a. relevance
a. Light appears brighter in the sky. b. accuracy
b. Light travels faster than sound. c. coverage
c. Sound travels 1.331m/s d. currency
d. Sound is released later actually. 121. Filipinos in Barcelona, sone of whom were Rizal’s
115. Water has a higher specific heat than iron. What does schoolmate in Ateneo gave him party at their favorite
this mean? café _______________.
a. Water in hotter than iron. a. Hotel de Paz
b. Water heats more rapidly than iron. b. Plaza de Cataluna
c. Water is denser than iron. c. Las Ramblas
d. Water heats more slowly than iron. d. Port-Bou
116. Mimosa pudica, locally known as Makahiya is called as 122. The article that Rizal wrote in Madrid on November
such because its leaflets tend to close when touched. 1882 which was returned to him because the Diariong
This organismal response to a given stimuli is called Tagalog ceased publication.
______________. a. Los Viajes
a. Hydrotropism b. Felicitacion
b. Thigmotropism c. Amor Patrio
c. Geotropism d. Revisita de Madrid
d. Phototropism 123. What is the symbolism of Bapor Tabo in the first
117. What kind of mirror is used in cars to give the driver a chapter of El Filibusterismo?
wider area and smaller image of the traffic behind a. Social class divide
him/her? b. Water pollution in Pasig River
a. double concave c. Arrival of the Americans
b. convex d. Love of the Spanish for fancy things
c. plane
d. concave
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
124. In his two-day sojourn in the English colony of 131. The sun appears more reddish at sunset than at noon.
Singapore, what did Rizal particularly admire? Which of the following phenomena is responsible for
a. Their languages and culture they spoke this effect?
b. Their customs and traditions that were somewhat a. Dispersion
alike to the Filipinos b. Reflection
c. The confidence which natives of Singapore seemed to c. Scattering
have in their government d. Interference
d. Their discipline and strict compliance of imposed 132. What law was passed by Philippine Congress in 1995
laws which affirms the total integration of persons with
125. Makamisa was an unfinished literary work by Rizal. disabilities into the mainstream of society?
What was it? a. Republic Act No. 7277
a. Poem b. Republic Act No. 7784
b. Novel c. Republic Act No. 7722
c. Collection of Poems d. Republic Act No. 7776
d. Play 133. Which act is a deprivation of life without due process?
126. The president who signed the Rizal Law or RA 1425 is a. killing in self-defense
___________. b. salvaging
a. Ramon Magsaysay c. imposition of the death penalty
b. Ferdinand Marcos d. death resulting from illness
c. Manuel Roxas 134. Which is right violated by wiretapping?
d. Manuel Quezon a. Freedom of expression
127. “I shall die without seeing the dawn break upon my b. The right to private property
homeland. You, who shall see it, salute it! Do not forget c. The right to privacy of communication
those who have fallen during the night.” Who said this d. The right to information on matters of public concern
line? 135. The expression promdi connotes __________.
a. Elias a. ethnocentrism
b. Crisostomo Ibarra b. tenocentrism
d. Basilio c. favoritism
d. Sisa d. racial discrimination
128. Which application program provides users with a
means to organize and present information through the 136. She was a “Phantom of Delight” connotes that the
use of text, numbers, graphs, sounds, and visual woman is ____________.
images? a. real
a. Multimedia b. lovely
b. Publisher c. an illusion
c. Spreadsheet d. virtuo
d. Word processing 137. In Psalm 23 otherwise known as Psalm of David, which
129. The search for related literature by accessing several meaning is closest to the line, “He maketh me to lie
data bases by the use of a telephone line to connect a down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still
computer library with other computers that have waters”.
database is termed __________. a. He will be provided peace and prosperity.
a. compact disc search b. He will be given riches and mercy.
b. on-line search c. He will be known throughout the land.
c. manual search d. He will always obey his master for His glory.
d. computer search 138. What figure of speech is used in the line “I wandered
130. Which among the following is NOT a Filipino quality lonely as a cloud…..”
emphasized in the Noli Me Tangere of Dr. Jose Rizal? a. Alliteration
a. Devotion of a Filipina b. Personification
b. Deep sense of gratitude c. Simile
c. Common sense of Filipinos d. Metaphor
d. Innate Subversiveness
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
139. Wise people can _____ with frustrations? 147. The voltage across a transformer primary coil that has
a. cope in 100 turns is 10V. What is the voltage across the
b. cope up secondary coil which has 20V turns?
c. cope a. 100 V
d. cope on b. 10 V
140. They visited ______ children where ______ are c. 2 V
pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees. d. 20 V
a. their-there 148. Riders in a bus are pushed forward during a sudden
b. there-their stop. Which law of motion provides an explanation?
c. their-they’re a. Law of Inertia
d. there-they’re b. Law of Interaction
141. Which does one portray when he thinks that is foreign c. Law of Universal Gravitation
is best and that what is local is inferior? d. Hooke’s Law
a. xenocentrism 149. Pedro easily carried the television by himself when his
b. relativism neighbor’s house was on fire. But when the fire was over,
c. ethnocentrism he could not bring it back to the house alone. This is on
d. favoritism account of the hormone __________.
142. Upon which is based the claim that there is no single a. pancreatine
universal standard to be used to judge any culture- b. insulin
based? c. adrenaline
a. cultural relativism d. ptyaline
b. culture shock 150. Which one links the computers to base computer
c. cultural diversity making it possible to share software materials?
d. ethical relativism a. Local area network
143. What is the maximum number of books, each 1.4 cm b. Modem
thick that can be put vertically in a shelf which is 64cm c. Interface
long? d. Internet
a. 44
b. 45
c. 46
d. 64
144. A building 25m tall casts a shadow 10m long. How long
is the shadow of a 5-foot girl standing beside the
a. 2ft
b. 2.5ft
c. 10ft
d. 250ft
145. Tukuyin and sugnay na makapag-iisa.
Kung magkakasundo tayo, ikaw ang mamumuno at ako
naman ang tagasunod.
a. Kung magkakasundo tayo
b. Ako naman
c. Ang magiging tagasunod
d. Ikaw ang mamumuno
146. Ang pagkautal ay matatawag na ________ na sagabal sa
a. semantic
b. pisyolohikal
c. pisikal
d. saykolohikal
MARCH 2023
(TARA REVIEW! LET Reviewer Philippines – LPT)
Answer Key:
1. b 45. d 89. a 133. b
2. d 46. d 90. c 134. c
3. a 47. d 91. b 135. a
4. d 48. d 92. b 136. b
5. b 49. d 93. a 137. a
6. b 50. c 94. c 138. c
7. d 51. a 95. d 139. c
8. c 52. d 96. b 140. c
9. d 53. c 97. d 141. a
10. b 54. b 98. d 142. a
11. d 55. b 99. c 143. b
12. b 56. d 100. b 144. a
13. d 57. d 101. a 145. d
14. b 58. c 102. a 146. b
15. c 59. b 103. a 147. c
16. c 60. b 104. c 148. a
17. a 61. b 105. c 149. c
18. a 62. c 106. a 150. a
19. b 63. d 107. a
20. c 64. c 108. c
21. d 65. d 109. a
22. c 66. a 110. a
23. d 67. d 111. c
24. c 68. b 112. a
25. d 69. b 113. d
26. c 70. a 114. b
27. b 71. a 115. d
28. c 72. a 116. b
29. a 73. a 117. b
30. c 74. b 118. b
31. c 75. b 119. a
32. c 76. c 120. b
33. d 77. d 121. b
34. b 78. a 122. c
35. d 79. b 123. a
36. b 80. a 124. c
37. b 81. b 125. b
38. d 82. a 126. a
39. c 83. a 127. a
40. a 84. c 128. a
41. a 85. c 129. b
42. b 86. d 130. d
43. b 87. a 131. c
44. b 88. b 132. a