Aplication Seismic Refraction X820S (Water Seepage)

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ICRLP-2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2309 (2022) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2309/1/012018

Application of seismic refraction method to identify rock layers

around the lake body in Jakarta, Indonesia

Rizha Rizky Aisyah1, Dina Yulianita1, Abdurrahman Wafi2, Nugroho Syarif

Setiawan2, Mariyanto Mariyanto1,*
Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Planning and Geo
Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
PT Andalan Tunas Mandiri, Jakarta 13940, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract. The objective of this study was to identify the lithological layer around the lake body to
determine the ability of the reservoir body structure to withstand surrounding seepage water. This
research was conducted using the MAE X820S seismic instrument, carried out on a 46-meter-long
track and 24 geophones. Seismic refraction processing is done by picking at the first break in each
seismic trace. From the picking results, distance and time parameters will be obtained so that a
seismic velocity model can be generated to be analyzed for lithological types based on the P-wave
velocity. The results of the processing show that this research area consists of two rock layers. The
range of P wave velocity owned by the first layer at a depth of 0-19 m is 648.11 m/s, interpreted as
sand-gravel. The range of P wave velocity owned by the first layer at a depth of 19-30 m is 1553.21
m/s, interpreted as a layer of clay. Rock layers that have a sand-gravel lithology have the ability to
seep or pass water, while layers that have a clay lithology cannot pass water. Therefore, the first
layer is thought to have a less strong ability to withstand surrounding seepage water.

1. Introduction
Jakarta is a city in Indonesia that often experiences flooding. That phenomenon is due to Jakarta's
geographical location, located in the lowlands with an altitude of 0-20 meters above sea level and located
at the delta of the main river. The presence of thirteen rivers that drain rainwater to 40% of the Jakarta area
also makes this area vulnerable to flooding. Thus, flood disaster mitigation in the medium to long term can
be carried out by managing water source management in the watershed (watershed) and building dams or
other artificial surface water storage [1].
Lakes or reservoirs can be used as reservoirs of large amounts of water, recreational facilities, and flood
control [2]. Rainwater that was originally on the surface should be able to flow below the surface, so that
soil infiltration and percolation can be increased. Problems in lakes that usually occur are the finding of
seepage in the horizontal and lateral directions [2]. The seepages that are vulnerable occur through the core
and its foundation is the cause of internal erosion and damage to lake body’s structure. Damage occurs if
seepage is not detected for years or even in one seepage [4].
The identification of the existence of seepage in the body of a lake or reservoir can be made based on
lithological analysis around the body of the lake, which is generated from the value of the wave velocity
using geophysical exploration, one of which is the seismic refraction method [3,7]. Research conducted by
Himi et al., 2018 detected the presence of seepage using the seismic refraction method. When the wave

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ICRLP-2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2309 (2022) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2309/1/012018

velocity is low, it can be attributed to the unconsolidated nature of the clay and is a permeable zone so that
seepage can occur in the area [5]. Seismic methods also have been applied to map subsurface structures
[11], identify velocity anomalies in rock formations [12,13,14] and build 3D geology model [15].

2. Methodology
The geophysical exploration method used is the seismic refraction method, data recording using the MAE
X820S tool, 5 shots were taken, and 24 geophones were used with 2 meters spacing between geophones.
The measurement line has a length of 46 meters as shown in Figure 2. The study was conducted in the area
around the lake located in Grinding, Cakung, East Jakarta. According to regional geology, the study area is
composed of alluvium


Line of measurement
Lake Body

Figure 1. Acquisition design of seismic refraction. Red line shows the line of measurement.

The seismic refraction data processing process is illustrated through a flow chart which can be seen in
Figure 2. The first step is to input data: the number of shots, geophone position, and seismic data with
SEGY type in each shot to produce a seismic trace. Next, picking the first break is performed on the seismic
trace at each receiver, this process is carried out on each shot. Then, the velocity graph obtained from the
picking results being interpreted. This processing data produces velocity, time-depth, and morphology of
refractor values.

ICRLP-2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2309 (2022) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2309/1/012018

Figure 2. Flowchart of the research

The reciprocal method is a seismic refraction method that uses intercept time to convert time and
distance data into geological cross-sections. Meanwhile, GRM is used for refractor delineation at depth
based on refractive seismic data that uses the travel time of the two waves, (incoming wave and returning
wave) with a maximum slope angle of up to 20 degrees The velocity of the wave is approximated as a
function of the propagation time until the arrival of the wave. Subsequently, it can be proceed to calculate
the thickness of every layer by using the slope extension or called the intercept time (T_i). The seismic
wave velocity that has been calculated then can use to identify the lithology.

௑ (௏మమ ି௏భమ )భ/మೋభ

ܶ(ܺ) = ௏ + (1)
మ ௏భ ௏మ

(௏మమ ି௏భమ )భ/మೋభ

ܶ௜(ଵ) = (2)
௏భ ௏మ

The equation to determine the first thickness can be written in equation 3:

்೔ ௏భ ௏మ
ܼଵ = (3)
(௏మమ ି௏భమ )భ/మ

After the thickness of the first layer is calculated, the thickness of the next deeper layer can be written in
equation 4 [8].

ICRLP-2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2309 (2022) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2309/1/012018

(௏యమ ି௏భమ )భ/మೋభ (௏యమ ି௏భమ )భ/మೋమ

ܶ௜(ଶ) = + (4)
௏భ ௏య ௏మ ௏య

3. Result
The data processing in this research using the seismic refraction method with software based on the
reciprocal method and GRM (generalized reciprocal method). In processing seismic refraction data, picking
is carried out on several shots wherein these shots the resulting waves form a representative cross-sectional
result. The picking is done on the first break of the seismic wave, where the first break is the seismic wave
that is first recorded by the geophone and the resulting parameters are distance and time. The following is
a picture when picking data on shot 1

Figure 3. Picking on the first break

Figure 4. Travel-time curve

Figure 4 is the result of picking on the first break, which produces a travel-time curve, time vs distance
graph of seismic waves. This curve will then be used in interpretation. This software's processing output is
a cross-section of the refractor morphology, which displays a surface image with velocity in each rock

ICRLP-2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2309 (2022) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2309/1/012018


Figure 5. Model the morphological velocity of the refractor plane

4. Discussion
The processing results can be seen in Figure 6, which is the depth recorded is 30 m. From this cross-section,
three rock layers can be identified. Still, because the first and second layers have a range of wave
propagation velocity values that are not much different, they are interpreted as the same layer. Each rock
layer can be interpreted as a rock type based on the wave propagation velocity (P-wave velocity) value. The
first layer or the top layer has a P-wave velocity around 648.11 m/s – 711.32 m/s with a depth of 0 – 19 m,
and the second layer has a P-wave velocity 1553.21 m/s with a depth of 19 – 30 m. Based on the Vp value
of each layer, it is assumed that the first layer is identified as gravel-sand lithology with a Vp range of 500-
1500 m/s. The higher the depth, the faster the P wave velocity will increase. The second layer is assumed
to be a clay lithology with a Vp value range of 1000-2500 m/s. Sand in the first layer has the potential to
experience seepage because sand has good porosity and permeability so that it can act as an aquifer or can
seep or pass water. And the second layer has a clay lithology, where the clay has high porosity and low
permeability so that it can store water but cannot escape it. The results of this study also indicate that the
surrounding research area has an alluvial lithology, following the regional geology of the study area




Figure 6. Lithology interpretation

ICRLP-2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2309 (2022) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2309/1/012018

Previous research at the exact research location has been carried out using the geoelectric method and
the GPR method. The results of using the geoelectrical resistivity method in the cross-section found an
anomaly suspected of seepage at a depth adjacent to the study using the GPR method, namely at a depth of
1.84 - 5.89 m with resistivity values ranging from 0.213 to 2.89 ohms [9]. Using the GPR method, three
layers are produced whose depth is not much different from the results of the seismic refraction section
above. In addition, anomaly suspected seepage was found at a depth of 2 m [10]. According to the results
of seismic refraction data processing, the seepage anomaly found in previous studies at this depth was in
the first layer, which was interpreted as a layer of sand-gravel. This is in accordance with the physical
parameters of these rock types, which have a relatively low density (rock pore density) value. The
possibility of fluid escaping in these rocks is getting bigger.
The propagation of the P wave in the medium depends on the physical properties (i.e., hardness, velocity,
density, saturation) and the degree of homogeneity of the rock. Thus, from the value of the P wave velocity,
it can be used to identify each lithology in the layer. The type of lithology obtained can be analyzed the
physical properties of each rock layer because each lithology has various physical characteristics. This
study can only identify the type of lithology in the study area, so this is considered less than optimal to
determine the presence of water seepage anomalies. Therefore, other geophysical methods are needed to
provide more information about the research area to support this analysis. The results of the GPR method
can give further details, such as the presence of anomalies that are within a certain depth, but this
information also does not confirm the type of anomaly. The resistivity geoelectric method can provide other
information to complement this research with information in the form of finding anomalies at specific
depths and their resistivity value to be analyzed further.

5. Conclusion
From the analysis of seismic refraction data, cross-sectional information of the subsurface seismic velocity
was obtained, which contained information about the P-wave velocity in each recorded rock layer. The
interpretation of seismic refraction results shows that there are two layers in the study area. These layers
have Vp values of 648.11-711.32 m/s and 1553.21 m/s which are interpreted as sand-gravel and clay. The
layer that has a sand lithology is thought to have a less strong ability to hold water. It has the potential to
experience seepage because sand can pass water due to the characteristics of good porosity and permeability
in the sand layer.

We would like to thank PT. Andalan Tunas Mandiri for carrying out the the seismic refraction survey and
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS, for giving
support to us in the success of this research properly.

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