Object Oriented Database Management Systems - Architecture and App

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MAHESH S. RAISINGHANI, University of Dallas

Email: [email protected]

GABRIEL CUSTODIO, Associates Information Services, Inc.


The advent of multimedia computing, the World Wide Web, and object-
oriented application languages has caused the proliferation of complex data
types that must be managed differently from traditional character or numeric
data types. Relational DBMS (RDBMS) can be modified with data extenders to
support these complex new data types. Object DBMS (OODBMS), however, are
designed specifically for these data types, and manipulate them with far greater
efficiency. OODBMS perform direct navigation, clustering, schema evolution,
and other functions that RDBMS cannot match. Adoption of common
interoperable standards will facilitate the move towards open systems for
heterogeneous, distributed platforms.

INTRODUCTION Visitors to the site may browse

through thumbnail indexes of designs
Consider the following scenario. You in the catalog.
are designing a web-enabled application for a
client who sells designer clothing. The client A search engine must be available to
wants potential customers not just to browse help visitors locate clothing by type.
the catalog on their web site, but to have an When an item is selected, the visitor
experience that emulates a visit to a designer’s may enter a profile to appropriately
studio. Though there may be only 50 to 100 shape the item for a 3D presentation.
items in the catalog, these items must be
presented real time in a slick, seamless fashion. The design will be presented in full-
The specifications are: color 3D. The visitor may rotate the
image a full 360 degrees, and may

Raisinghani, M., and G. Custodio, “Object-Oriented Database Management Systems: Architecture and
Application”, The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 2:1, 2000, 11-18.
Mahesh Raisinghani and Gabriel Custodio

pitch or skew the image to view it objects containing many smaller, interrelated
from several different angles. objects. The image files, audio files,
hyperlinks, and other information that
The color, shade, and material may be
comprise a web page are all objects.
selectively changed, and the
simulated illumination in which the The advent of multimedia computing,
design is displayed may be adjusted the World Wide Web, and object-oriented
to several different settings. application languages such as C++ and Java
has added numerous complex data types that
The visitor has the option of hearing a
must be managed differently from traditional
voice commentary that describes
alphanumeric data types. Vendors of
features and aspects of the design.
Relational DBMS such as Informix and Oracle
Accessories that complement the offer data extenders to support these data
design may be selected from a types. But the addition of data extenders does
separate bar. not result in pure object databases, which falls
under the purview of object-oriented DBMS.
A running total of the bill, with any
applicable discounts, is available Architecture Overview
upon the visitor’s request.
Rather than present the user with a
The visitor may then elect to series of predefined, static HTML pages, web-
conclude with a purchase transaction, enabled (object-oriented) applications are
or be routed via e-mail or direct designed to compose pages in real time from a
phone to the designer’s sales assistant large collection of component objects stored in
immediately several different databases. Component
objects can be selected and configured at
A session normally lasts no longer than runtime, allowing the site to be customized
20 minutes, but in that time the visitor may
based on individual user preferences.
choose from a large combination of custom
views and details. Even with this mix of The object system consists of a
flexible access and complex data (image, collection of CORBA (Component Object
voice, and animation) combined with some Request Broker Architecture) servers that
data and information gathering, the visitor does process incoming web requests and return
not require special technology other than a information for presentation back to the user.
browser. This requires a database that moves A web server translates these standard or
dynamically and interactively with the visitor’s custom HTTP requests into invocations on
requests. The database management system is objects in the CORBA servers, then collects
actively engaged in the entire selling process. the returned information and compiles it into
applets for transmission back to the user’s
OBJECT-ORIENTED DBMS interface. These applets are cached in the web
server’s memory to reduce the amount of
The database management system inbound traffic and decrease request response
required for the application described above time, and are known in the object community
must provide static images, video, 3D as “Servlets?
graphics, voice, music, and traditional data to
provide customized information and ambiance Figure 1 represents a high level view of
at the visitor’s request. This web site, with all an object-oriented system architecture:
its complexity and sophistication, is envisioned
for electronic commerce. Web pages that
constitute a web site are essentially complex

Object-Oriented Database Management Systems: Architecture and Application

Figure 1. Object-oriented System Architecture

objects such as write-ups and articles, in

Application & Database Overview
combination with non-text objects such as
The key feature of this object video and images, that correspond to particular
architecture is that every discrete element of a site content. When the web server processes a
dynamic HTML page is modeled in the back- request, a dynamic HTML page is constructed
end database as a C++ or Java Object. A by assembling the set of objects that compose
single object is used to present a site index that the requested page. These objects may contain
allows users to navigate through the site. This other objects and each of these sub-
site index changes its appearance dynamically components may have an internal composition
based on the structure of the back-end as well. These objects may not necessarily
database. The key advantage of using objects reside in the same database, and may even be
to represent page elements is that these objects stored by different servers in different
can encapsulate algorithms as well as data, so geographical locations.
that intelligence and dynamic behavior can be
Figure 2 illustrates how an object-based
built into site components.
HTML page is mapped onto a set of objects in
Object systems are those that contain the database:
little or no fixed data, but rather interact at
runtime with a comprehensive set of text

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 2:1, 2000. 13
Mahesh Raisinghani and Gabriel Custodio

Figure 2. Object-based HTML Page Mapping

Clustering also enables an object database to

To store objects and programs based on
efficiently access all of the objects that would
object models, a relational system (RDBMS)
allow multiple users and applications to each
will have to break up the class hierarchies and
have a unique view of the underlying object
relationships into tables. Then it will have to
use the processing-intensive join operation to
reassemble the tables into objects for use by Data Distribution The key to this
object-oriented applications. It is impossible concept is a unique object identifier that
for relational databases or any flat file isolates the logical name of an object from its
databases to circumvent this process. This will physical location. This enables a single logical
grow more daunting as programmers and database to be separated and run on multiple
application developers build increasingly processors. This can occur in the same
complex objects. On the other hand, due to its machine (symmetric multiprocessing) or in a
itemized nature, object databases can perform network of machines (cluster). This fine
the following functions that are not quite granularity of object management enables
possible with relational databases: efficient data replication, which allows a
network of processors to manage an
Direct Navigation Pure object
application. In addition, the database is
databases store maps of object class
segmented into discrete components that are
hierarchies and relationships, which are
kept synchronized. This effectively supports
directly accessed for information. Since
the distributed form of system architecture.
navigation to the data is direct, it is the most
efficient approach in storing and retrieving Locking Locking is the capability to
object-oriented information. maintain orderly change in the state of the
database by controlling read and write
Clustering Object databases can
privileges to the database. Object databases
perform physical object clustering to tune
can lock object-oriented data at the smallest
system performance. Objects that are used
object level. Users without update privileges
most often are stored in cached memory space,
would only be prohibited from changing a
which improves application performance
small portion of the database while they can
dramatically. Depending upon the database,
generally work with the rest of the data while a
the clustering can be quite fine-grained, which
specified user has the lock. This minimizes
minimizes network traffic. Data can be sent
concurrency conflicts between users. Object
either in a very large block in a single
databases can even lock at a logical object
transmission or in a small set of objects.

Object-Oriented Database Management Systems: Architecture and Application

level and have the system take care of locking OODBMS to support many new applications
all the related physical objects without any as system architectures change.
programming. This is called dynamic locking.
Program Execution The ability to run
Schema Evolution Changes in the an application in the database is one of the
object model necessitate change in the object emerging functionality requirements for
relationships held by the object database. enterprise object computing. One of the
Object databases have facilities to enable primary reasons is the need to support multiple
applications developers to change the database client requests for execution of a segment of
schema without requiring the database to be centralized code, while providing critical
brought off-line and changed in a large batch integrity and transaction management features.
cycle, as a relational database or any other type Databases, by virtue of their multi-user
of database would require. Schema evolution functionality, have many of the facilities to
performed online in an intelligent incremental support such application processing. Another
manner can gracefully introduce system use of database program execution is running
changes. In addition, many object databases queries in a database, which can reduce the
keep track of different versions of the object amount of information that has to be sorted
model and match the application program with through.
the appropriate version.
Application Case Study
Client/Server Architecture Object
Despite this array of impressive
systems are designed to have aspects of
features, Object DBMS has yet to reach the
database processing done on clients in
full acceptance of the computer systems
cooperation with activities on servers. The
community. While many major businesses are
client functionality in an object database can
considering or have considered object-oriented
be extensive, including the capability to access
systems, pure object databases have yet to
multiple databases and assemble the returned
make their full impact. This may be due to the
objects to create a unified local view.
difficulty and cost of migration from existing
Multithreading enables a client to support
legacy or relational databases to purely object-
multiple database tasks simultaneously. The
oriented databases. Also, third-party vendors
distributed nature of many object databases is
and seasoned DB veterans are now offering
evident in their ability to maintain local object
data converters to adopt existing data
caches without tying up the central server and,
architectures to object-oriented applications.
most importantly, the network. Accordingly,
Oracle, Informix, and Sybase have introduced
object databases can be quite scalable.
data adapters to the latest versions of their
N–Tier Architecture In this products to store complex objects and integrate
architecture, numerous systems send messages with object-oriented applications. Third-party
to each other. These systems normally have vendors such as Visigenic Software and IONA
clients, application servers, web servers, and Technologies have also developed data
database servers working together as a single managers based on ORBs (object request
system to fulfill any user request. Depending brokers) to enable integration.
on the database and application, an object
Figure 3 depicts an example of a
database could be distributed in multiple
present-day object-oriented system utilizing
locations. By virtue of their support for
existing legacy and relational database
distributed computing, it will be easier for

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 2:1, 2000. 15
Mahesh Raisinghani and Gabriel Custodio

Figure 3. Object-oriented System Using RDBMS

via an application framework, which is based
This system is currently under
on IIOP and written in Java. The applications
development for the Consumer Branch
access data via accessors provided by the data
Technology Migration (CBTM) project for the
mapper located in the information server.
Associates First Capital Corporation (AFCC).
These data accessors access data stores such as
The entire project is a joint development
Oracle, CICS, and ALCS. All technologies
operation between AFCC, EDS, Sun
selected were chosen to provide plug and play
Microsystems, and Oracle, as well as other
functionality for future additions to the
third-party vendors.
application framework.
The clients download Java applets from
The physical network architecture is
web servers via HTTP. The Java applets talk
represented in Figure 4:
to applications located in information servers

Figure 4. Physical Network Architecture of the CBTM System

Object-Oriented Database Management Systems: Architecture and Application

OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE perspective, however, persistence is

Object databases are expected to gain a
meaningful level of market credibility in the An object definition language (ODL)
next one to two years. Currently, the object defines the OODBMS schema. Similarly, an
database market is being fueled by technically object manipulation language (OML) is used
knowledgeable development organizations to manipulate objects, and it doesn’t
building real production systems. Confidence distinguish between persistent and transient.
in the growth potential of object databases The object query language (OQL) follows
stems from the large size of the database SQL-92 but offers object-oriented extensions
market and the shift to object technology. and integration with any of the programming
Based on technological history, this trend is languages that have ODMG-93 binding.
irreversible. It is expected that the object Relationships between objects in this
database market could experience 50-100% specification are treated just as in its relational
growth for a number of years. Current vendors counterpart: one to one, one to many, or many
generated over 50% growth in 1996, although to many.
from a small market base. The most promising ODMG-93 seems to promise that up-
aspect is the size of the overall database front work in database design will reap
market. Even if object databases comprise tremendous downstream benefits. Database
only about 15% of the overall database market design tools that follow this model generate
in three to five years, this would reflect a $1 code for the target application development
billion market. environment, rather than code for the target
Use of the Object Management database environment. Because the schema
Groups’s (OMG’s), Unified Modeling definition will be done in the application
Language (UML) as a standard language to language, the developer need never be exposed
analyze, model, and design business objects to the underlying OODBMS.
will promote the use of OODBMS. Also, the
OMG’s Meta Object Facility standard for CONCLUSION
distributed repositories provides the
Businesses increasingly require high
framework for implementing interoperable,
heterogeneous, and/or multi-enterprise performance access to complex data, and
database/data warehouse solutions. object databases provide superior performance
and scalability compared to relational database
The lack of standards, the most widely alternatives. The World Wide Web has
known nemesis of object-oriented systems, has highlighted the reality that many businesses
been recently addressed by the introduction of have complex structured data and unstructured
ODMG-93. ODMG-93 addresses the text, email, reports, graphics, images, and
boundaries between the ODBMS and certain audio and video resources that need to be
object-oriented programming languages. The seamlessly integrated. OODBMS can pave the
programmer should perceive the binding as a way for organizations to reuse vital
single language for expressing both database information, enable greater accessibility to
and programming operations. corporate information resources, and create
new applications and knowledge management
This specification recognizes two types
of objects: transient and persistent. Transient
objects are stored in and managed by the It is unlikely that object databases will
runtime system, be it Smalltalk, Java, or C++. become the de facto standard overnight. Data
Transient objects are what programmers have adapters that integrate current data
been using for years; they terminate when the architectures to object-oriented systems extend
program does. Persistent objects are managed the functionality of relational databases and
by the OODBMS. As long as a root object in thus delay the necessity for replacements.
the OODBMS ultimately references an object, Adoption of common interoperable standards
it is retained. From the programmer’s will facilitate the move towards open systems
for heterogeneous, distributed platforms.

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 2:1, 2000. 17
Mahesh Raisinghani and Gabriel Custodio

REFERENCES Professor Raisinghani’s previous

publications have appeared in the Journal of
Interview with Wayne Proctor, Systems Architect
CBTM Project, AFCC Information Systems Management,
International Journal of Information
Interview with Paul Rogers, Senior Systems Management, International Journal of
Designer, Sun Microsystems ?Enterprise
Systems Planning
Materials and Product Technology, Journal of
Electronic Commerce, Journal of Information
Interview with Jim McGuinness, Senior Systems Technology Theory and Application, Industrial
Developer, Electronic Data Systems ?CBTM
Management and Data Systems, Electronic
Project, AFCC
Commerce World, American Business
?u>Object DBMS: Now or Never? DBMS July Review, Minority Business News USA and
Arthur Anderson’s KnowledgeSpace. His
Bloom, Paul I. ?u>Object Databases versus chapters have been published in Annals of
Universal Servers: Reality and Myth? ODI, Cases in Information Technology
White Papers Management, Managing Web-Enabled
“Java Data Management ?Quantum Objects Technologies Application and Management: A
Implementations? ODI, White Papers Global Perspective, and Health Care
“Reevaluating Distributed Objects? DBMS January Information Systems: Challenges of the Next
1997 Millennium; and has proceedings published in
several regional, national and international
AUTHORS information systems conferences in Australia,
Canada, Greece, Israel, Mexico, Puerto Rico,
Mahesh S. South America and the U.S. His seven years of
Raisinghani is a professional experience in information systems
faculty member and has taken him to Canada, China, India, Japan,
co-director of the E- Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, and U.K.
Commerce MBA
Program at the Gabriel T. Custodio.
University of Is currently the Director
Dallas?Graduate of Computing
School of Environment for the
Management. He Business Technology
also serves as the Migration project of the
director of research at the University of Associates Information
Dallas?Center for Applied Information Services, Inc. His main
Technology. His primary areas of expertise assignment in this
are Electronic Commerce Technology and position is to design and
Management, Strategic Utilization and build the infrastructure
Management of Information Systems, and the in which new systems are effectively
Organizational Impacts of Emerging developed and implemented. He received an
Technologies. He is the chair of the Electronic MBA in Information Systems with emphasis in
Commerce track and a world representative for Application Development from the University
the International Resources Management of Dallas in April of 1999, and is currently
Association, an active member of the pursuing a Masters of Management degree in
Association of Information Systems, Decision Electronic Commerce from the same
Sciences Institute, and the International University. His diverse work experience
Association of Computer Information Systems. ranges from Marine Transportation and
He has had numerous listings including the Shipping Management, Oil Exploration, Retail
Who’s Who in Information Systems, Who’s Operations, Real Estate, and Marketing
Who in the World and Who’s Who Among Management.
Students in American Universities and
Colleges. Dr. Raisinghani conducts seminars
in e-commerce and global information systems
for executives.


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