33 Commercial Water Softeners
33 Commercial Water Softeners
33 Commercial Water Softeners
An extensive range of softeners providing treatment of hard Softening water provides important financial and operational
water for all commercial and industrial plant. benefits:
Typical users: • prevents scale formation on metal surfaces
• Hotels • improves performance of heating elements
• Restaurants • lowers servicing costs
• Hospitals • reduces machinery downtime
• Nursing Homes • increases equipment life
• Food processing plants • improves cleaning quality
• Cooling towers and other commercial premises • reduces outlay on cleaning chemicals
Water passes through a cylinder containing ion European WaterCare commercial softeners European WaterCare’s team of fully trained
exchange resin beads. The hardness salts - are available in sizes and configerations engineers are dedicated to providing a
calcium and magnesium ions - are attracted to to meet all commercial and industrial complete service back up for all your water
the resin and removed from the water supply. applications. For sizing advice, please call our treatment equipment including products
The resin is automatically cleaned or telephone help line on 01279 780250. Data supplied by other manufacturers. The team
“regenerated” by rinsing a small amount of sheets are also available for other WaterCare regularly carry out filter exchanges and service
brine through the cylinder. The accumulated systems, and can be ordered via our work throughout the UK and maintain a client
hardness does not enter the water supply, but telephone helpline. database that includes the scheduling of
is automatically flushed away to a nearby maintenance visits.
drain. Refreshed by regeneration, the resin is ent Soften
ercial H
ot Wat
Calcium ’s)
ers er Water hardness can vary significantly even
again ready to remove hardness minerals. Units (C
within a local area. European WaterCare
REGENERATION provides a free water testing service to
The frequency of regeneration depends on the ater Cab
Cold W fteners
inet establish the actual hardness of water at each
hardness and volume of water being used. It site. This ensures that regeneration, service
takes place automatically, and is initiated in and exchange intervals are scheduled
on the skipper wheel. Once set the with a 2 year labour warranty and full
Softening metal surfac
nally benefits: tion on
a rotatio scale forma nts
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APPLICA of water soften ent of other • preven mance
of heatin
range ing treatm ent and ration ves perfor
equipm • impro
A robust cabinet provid s, laundry ge prepa costs
moulded asher food or
bevera servicing ime
glassw used in • lowers
dishwasher, not being nery downt
water s machi
process rature 35°C • reduce ent life
um tempe ses equipm
thus ensuring a continuous supply of softened D (mm) 324 324 444 444 465 465 465 560 560 560 560 560 755 755
water. This system provides an uninterupted
soft water supply and is by far the most Per Regeneration
1.5 2.4 2.8 3 3.5 4.2 5.6 7 8 9.5 10.5 16 23.5 32
versatile and the most cost effective for salt
WATER PRESSURE Minimum 1.5 Bar. Maximum 4.0 Bar.
All European WaterCare softeners are
3/4to 2 inch, dependant on unit size.
supplied with special water saving WATER CONNECTION
Adequate drainage and overflow facilities needed.
modifications as standard.
WATER TEMPERATURE 35°C maximum. Protect from freezing.
24/240 VAC volts, 3 amps.
Must be installed on a maintained supply ie never swiched off.