ECONOassessment of Budget Preparation and Performance Evaluation
ECONOassessment of Budget Preparation and Performance Evaluation
ECONOassessment of Budget Preparation and Performance Evaluation
ID NUMBER 2653(02
All praise and thanks is to almighty GOD, the lord of existence, the
most gracious, the most merciful, for helping me throughout my life.
Last but not least, I would like to extend my heart felt thank to
student Adisu Abebe, who helps me in his effort in order to type this
research paper.
Table’s content page
3.1. Sex back ground
3.6. Experience
1. Introduction
1.4.1General objective
Chapter two budget budget manual
Chapter three
Chapter four
4.1. Conclusion
4.2. Recommendation
Budget is financial planed list of all planned expense and revenue. It is a plan
for saving, borrowing and spending. In other term, budget is an organization plan
stated in monetary term.
The word budget mean the financial plan of a business enterprise for the period of
a year, predicting financial result and contents the financial statements over the
year to manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies .there for, budget is the
quantitative expression of a proposed plan of action by management for a future
time period. The budget system builds on historical or actual performance and this
budgeting process provides the vehicle for the exchange of ideas and objectives
among peoples in the variance organization segments.
The basic reason why special attention should be given to budget preparation and
performance evaluation technique is the art of budgeting is important to control
problems that face in the organization.
The experience in several countries and in any organization indicates that almost
all of the organization depends on budget. Therefore, deferent organization uses
deferent types of budget, from this the most important and dominant budget is
the master budget which summarizes all phases of company plan and goal of
Budget often span a period of one year or less, but in the case of plant assets and
product change the period may span five or more years. The usual planning and
control is one year.
The university was founded with the help of Oklahoma state university, accepting
the first students in 1954, and the new campus was opened in Jan, 1958, by
emperors Haile Selassie. Haramaya University promoted from a college with in
Addis Ababa University on May 27, 1985 to an independent university. For many
years the university had been limited to only an agricultural curriculum, but in
1996, the university was given permission to open other faculties and
In the last few years, the university has witnessed the mediums expansion in terms
of study. The university is running deferent programs with 50 degree ,50 masters
and 13 PhD programs. The university currently has 12 colleges, three institutions
and six centers.
The second campus is harar campus which is located in harar town. On this
campus there are the college of health science and college of medical science.
The third and the latest branch is chiro campus which hosts institution of
technology for agro industry and forest development.
The university currently enrolls more than 31500 candidates in the regular,
summer in serves training, distance learning and continue educational program.
Budget is the vehicle for addressing objectives, goals and problems in
the most careful way. This is realized when it is integrated with companies
strategies. It also enables an organization manager to measure actual
performance against budgeted performance. Since budgets are regarded as an
expression of with full thinking, but rather as a description of an attainable
objective the organization become full of uncertainty. so, budget preparation
helps managers in dealing with this uncertainty and make the decision are more
effective . (Getu jamanha 1996.)
Thus, the subject matter of this research and resulting lesson drawn from the
analysis are likely to benefit deferent classes of peoples. This study will be
significant for its contribution to.
The study finding and recommendation are highly important for managerial
decision making or to hype management of the organization ,because it draws
their attention to some of the point where corrective action are necessary and
enable them to make such correction.
The research could be used to establish a frame work for subsequent studies
that can work more comprehensive data sets furthermore it could stimulates
further research , thus keeping sustained interest in the area of budget
preparation and their use in improving university performance.
The finding g and recommendation of the study are highly important for
policy makers, because, it draws their attention to some of the points that needs
corrective measures on their side.
This study is an assessment of budget preparation and performance
evaluation of Haramaya university .this study will be limited to the accounting and
the management procedures related to budget in Haramaya University.
This study will be limited to three consecutive year’s budget preparation and its
There are certain limitation that would be affect the research study, some of these
limitation that encountered during the study of the research are.
Time constraints
Lack of administrative fund
Lack of experience
Lack of data availability
Incorporation of workers related with the data
Chapter two
This chapter tries to review the nature and importance of budget as well as
its measurement system. Virtually every one has heard the term budgeting and
has concept of its meaning. Like many accounting terms, budgeting is used in our
daily language. For example every one might have heard that the mass media
report, budget of administrative regions, budget of federal government, budget of
private company and budget of deferent government units. This concept is raised
for the purpose of introducing the basic framework of budget.
To deal with it’s important to begin on the meaning of the essence and
purpose of budget. The word budget derived from the French word “baguette”
meaning a small bag or pouch. The oxford dictionary defines a budget as “a
statement of the probable revenue and expenditure for the ensuring year with
functional proposal funded there on” .it is also defined as a financial or qualitative
statement prepared prior to definite period of time. (Hinnies r.) And Edward
Another scholars defines the word “budget” originally meant the money buy
or the public purpose (small bag), which served as receptacle for the revenue and
expenditure of the state. (JESSE BURSE Heda).
This means that the term budget has negative connotation for many
employees who feels they are subject to a budget. Often in the past management
have imposed a budget from top without considering the opinion and the
personnel affected. This problem can be minimized through effective budget
preparation. (Herman son, p.1110)
Budget is quantitative.
Budget stated in monitory terms, although the monitory terms may be
backed by non-monitory accounts.
Budget if future oriented.
Budget deals with specific entities.
Generally budget cover a period of one year. ( Zewde asefa,2007)
There are two types of budget depending up on the activity level the budget
1. Static budget
2. Flexible budget
A static budget is a budget prepared for only single level of activities. A typical
example of astatic budget is master budget. Master budget summarizes the
objective of all sub units of an quantifies the expectation regarding
future in come, cash flows, financial position and supporting plans. (Gata,
jemanha, 1996)
The flexible budget can be used for planning and performance evaluation. For
example, managers maybe able to evaluate the adequacy of the company cash
position by assuming deferent level of activities.
Under zero-base budgeting, the budget for virtually every activity in the
organization is initial set to zero. The zero-based budgeting approach forces
management to re think each phases of organizations operations before
allocating resources. (Pyhrr, peter A, 1986).
It is altered many times since many budgets are found to be out of balance
with each other. In today’s world budgeting is usually computerized using either a
computer program written specifically for the organization by numerical spread
sheet. The budget director should also supply executive with information
regarding past operations to guide in the preparation of new budget. (Horngren,
Budget manual should be prepared by the accountant .it will describe the
objective and procedure involved .in the budgeting process and will provides
useful reference sources for managers responsible for budget preparation. In
addition, the manual may include a time table specifying the order in which the
budget should be prepared and the dates when they should presented to the
budget committee. The manual should be circulated to all individuals who are
responsible for preparing budget.
Analysis and presentation of the data collected will be presented in this sub
section of sub chapter. This analysis tries to assess budget preparation and
performance evaluation of Haramaya University. The data presentation would be
focused on the data collected through questioner, interview and also other
secondary data that is collected directly from the financial workers. The data
presentation proves for the accuracy of the data collected and through which it is
analyzed. The data presented in this manner also analyzed using deferent
techniques .this techniques are; using deferent tables and graphs. To give more
information and in order to give clearly present data .this analysis also uses
percentages and frequency (number of respondents .this also contribute for the
clearness of data presentation and analysis methods used, in addition to using
tables and graphs, there is an interpretation for each tables and graphs including
their implication of the figure showed in the tables and graphs. This data
presentation and analysis would present as follow.
Males 6 60%
Females 4 40%
Total 10 100%
Certificate 0 0%
Diploma 1 10%
Degree 9 90%
Masters 0 0%
Total 10 100%
Regarding educational level as it is shown in the above table 3.2, 10% of the
respondents are diploma
, 90% are degree holders and neither masters and nor certificate in the
This implies that the majority of the finance office workers are degree holder’s
even if there is a presentation of diploma holders. This will contribute for the
accuracy of budget preparation and evaluation of the organization.
Table 3.3 ages
Below 25 4 40%
26-35 4 40%
36-45 2 20%
46-55 0 0%
Above 56 0 0%
Total 10 100%
As indicated in the above table 3.3, 40% of the respondents are falls between
below 25 and twenty six up to thirty five, 20% of the respondents are grouped in
to thirty six to forty five, neither of the respondents are included in the age group
of forty six up to fifty five and fifty six and above.
This shows that the university have a well experienced and comparative to more
comparative there is also not well experienced worker so this will affect the
budget performance of the university.
Table 3.4, field of study
Accounting 10 100%
Management 0 0%
Others 0 0%
Total 10 100%
Table 3.4 indicates that 100% of respondents are accounting and no one (0%) of
management and other field of study.
Total 10 100%
Table 3.5 indicates that20% of the respondents are accounting clerk,10% of the
respondents are senior accountant ,20% of respondents are higher accountant
and those who don’t specify their job tittle which is unknown is 50% of the
1-3 5 50%
4-6 4 40%
7-10 1 10%
Above 10 0 0%
Total 10 100%
According to the above table most of the workers are experienced so this wills
contribute for good performance of the budget and good preparation procedure.
The responsibility of
budget preparation
and performance
evaluation been
properly determined
Yes 6 60%
No 2 20%
Total 10 100%
The above table 3.7 indicates that 60% of the respondents are replied that
the organization give responsibility ,20% of the respondents are do not replied and
20% is I don’t know answer is replied.
This shows that the organization give responsibility, so this also contribute like
the above good things this is also contribute for the good performance of the
Other O 0%
Total 10 100%
Table 3.8 indicates that 90% of the respondents agree with flexible budget, 10% of
respondents relied on fixed budget approach and no one is other.
fixed budget
flexible budget
The above chart shows 90% of respondents replied that the university uses flexible budget and 10% of the
respondents respond shows the university uses fixed budget.
The usage of flexible budget is good for performance measurement through adjusting current situation with
the budgeted amount so, the university is in a good track in the usage of the flexible budget and for performance
measurement purpose.
Yes 10 100%
No 0 0%
Total 10 100%
The above table indicates that 100% of respondent’s agrees that the
organization uses and no one (0%) is not agreed or not replied.
Using computerized network to undertake the given task will contribute for
efficiently and effectively implement the budget, so this will help the university to
its effectiveness in the budget preparation as well as its performance.
Yes 5 50%
No 5 50%
Total 10 100%
The above table 3.10 shows that 50% of the respondent’s agree that as all
personnel awareness of budget.
Yes 7 70%
No 3 30%
Total 10 100
The above table 3.11 shows, 70% of respondents are positively implied and
the remaining 30% of respondent’s not implied. In any organization the purpose,
authority and responsibility of budget preparation can have positive purpose like
awareness about the budget that in each division tries to achieve the budget in a
good manner.
Is the budget
Frequency percentage
implemented to the
planed goal?
Yes 10 100%
No 0 0%
Table 3.12, indicated that 100% of respondent’s says yes and no one (0%) of
respondent’s says no.
no 4 40% 4 40%
The above table 3.13, shows that 60% of the respondent’s replied the problem
and 40 % of the respondents are not replied, and 100% of the respondents agree
the problem and no one (0%) of the respondents are answer no.
235,672,541.4 202,658,710.3 129,785,676.7 189,438,976.0
0 0 0 0
107% 200% 90% 123%
The above tables show that the three years budgeted amount of expenditure,
actual expenditure and its performance as well as parentage of usage for the
three years.
2001 2002 2003
Thus the above shows that, in the year 2001 and 2002 the university
faced budget deficit which is the actual expenditure of the two years is more than
the two year budget, but in 2003 the university is in a good way in implementing
its budget.
Table 3.15, indicates that,30% agree and 70% do not agree with lack of
expriance,50% of respondent’s agree and 40% of respondent’s disagree and 10%
are says I don’t know for a problem on preparation, 60% of respondents
agree ,30% do not agree and 10% are says I don’t know for the problem on
Yes 3 30%
No 7 70%
Total 10 100%
Table 3.15 shows that 30% of respondents agree and 70% of the respondent’s
don’t agree with the favorability of variance observed. Since the variance is not
favorable so, this will affect the performance of the budget of the university.
Yes 10 100%
No 0 0%
Total 10 100%
Table 3.17, shows that 100% of respondent’s agree and no one (0%) is agreeing
with the three years budget performance.
Even if the figure above shows the budget of the two years are negative the
respondents are not agree with that figure according to their response. This may
affect the performance of the budget of the organization negatively.
Agree 10 100%
Disagree 0 0%
Total 10 100%
The above table 3.18 shows that 100% of the respondents agree with and no one
(0%) of respondent’s disagreeing. adjustment made at the end of the years is seen
in its materiality of the gap of the usage level and its budgeted amount so the
organization adjust its activity at the end of the year, this implies the university is
good in this manner.
Agree 4 40%
Disagree 6 60%
Total 10 100%
The above table 3.19 shows that 40% of respondent’s agree and 60% of
respondents are disagree.
This implies that there is gap between the usage level and the budgeted
amount ,so this also affect the university budget negatively.
The factor for variance is luck of experience, problem on preparation and problem
implementation. 70% of respondents replied that impact of variance is not
favorable and also the last three years budget performance is good according to
100% of respondent even if it contradict with the data collected from secondary
source showed by the above table.
Based on the data finding and collection made, the research suggest the following
In the budget preparation procedures the university budget it’s budget based
on the division and department requisition .this requisition create a problem
on the budget performance so, the university have to give continues training
for departments in order to aware of budget dynamism. In the university, the
budget approach used is flexible budget approach, but some time fixed budget
approach is advisable for governmental institution and adjusts for its variance
on the budget. The personal a warrens about budget has to improve in order to
use budget in appropriate manner. Only using of formal written document will
contribute noting, so the universities have to put it into practice in order to
prepare budget. In order to prove problems encountered during budget
preparation the department have to avoid estimate the budget based on past
data rather they have to anticipate adjusting to current situation and using
analytical procedure to prepare and evaluate budget. The organizations have
to consider experienced personnel in the budget preparation time as well as at
the time of its implementation. The university also has to consider or have to
give more attention for budget preparation and implementation mechanism,
since they are the main points which problems are started or raised and affect
the university performance of budget. Since the impact of the variance is not
favorable so the universities have to consider different scenarios in order to
achieve its favorability. On the performance report using annual performance
measurement will not contribute for good performance of the budget, so, the
university have to measure its performance of budget monthly and( or)