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Screening of quorum sensing (Qs) modulatory effect of medicinal plant

extracts against quorum sensing mediated virulence factors of human
pathogenic gram negative bacteria

Article · February 2016


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Selvaraj Karthick Raja Namasivayam

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology


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Available online on www.ijppr.com
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2016; 8(2); 263-271

ISSN: 0975-4873
Research Article

Screening of Quorum Sensing (Qs) Modulatory Effect of Medicinal

Plant Extracts Against Quorum Sensing Mediated Virulence Factors of
Human Pathogenic Gram Negative Bacteria
S. Karthick Raja Namasivayam, J. M. Vivek
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,

Available Online:21st January, 2016

Anti qourum sensing agents would offer a way of controlling microbial infections with the advantage of reducing risks of
resistance development.Searching of new anti quorum sensing agents derived from plants as an antimicrobial agents against
various quorum sensing mediated virulence factors of pathogenic microorganism is an emerging area of medicine.In the
present study, anti quorum sensing activity of ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa Ocium tenuiflorum, Aegle marmelos,
Eucalyptus globules, Azadirachta indica, Cynodon dactylon against quorum sensing mediated virulence factors of human
pathogenic bacteria Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella paratyphi has been carried out. Among the plants Eucalyptus globules
revealed maximum inhibition of QS mediated virulence factors of Proteus vulgaris. In the case of Salmonella paratyphi,
Eucalyptus globules, Ocium tenuiflorum and Aegle marmelos brought about maximum effect on QS mediated virulence
factors. The present study revealed potential of these plant extracts in treating microbial infections through cell growth
inhibition or quorum sensing inhibitors would suggests the possible utilization for the prevention of bacterial infections.

Key Words. Quorum sensing, plant extracts, virulence factors, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella paratyphi

INTRODUCTION extracellular signalling molecules called auto inducers.

The increasing occurrence of multi resistant pathogenic These auto inducers accumulate in the surrounding
bacterial strains has gradually rendered traditional environment and in the presence of a large population of
antimicrobial treatment ineffective. Today, a global cells, the concentration accumulates to a level needed for
concern has emerged that we are entering a post-antibiotic virulence (. Quorum sensing is thought to afford
era with a reduced capability to combat microbes, and, pathogenic bacteria a mechanism to minimize host
hence, the development of novel therapeutic approaches to immune responses by delaying the production of tissue-
the treatment of bacterial infections constitutes a focal damaging virulence factors until sufficient bacteria have
point of modern research. The alternative to antibiotic- amassed and are prepared to overwhelm host defence
mediated bacteria killing or growth inhibition is mechanisms and establish infection5 It is well documented
attenuation of bacterial virulence such that the organism that QS regulates diverse bacterial physiological
fails to establish successful infection and, in consequence, processes, including virulence determinants,
is cleared by the host immune response. Compounds with bioluminescence,swarming, antibiotic
such abilities are the result of rational drug design and are biosynthesis,biofilm differentiation, and Agrobacterium
termed antipathogenic drugs as opposed to antibacterial plasmid conjugal transfer6. Recently, several inhibitors of
drugs (i.e., most traditional antibiotics). Antipathogenic QS have been discovered from natural sources like
drugs target key regulatory bacterial systems that govern microorganisms and plants which interfere with QS.
the expression of virulence factors1. Quorum sensing (QS) Natural products especially plants used in traditional
is a process of cell to cell communication that allows medicines are a promising source for deriving molecules
bacteria to share information about cell density and control that can potentially inhibit quorum sensing7. These plants
the gene expression accordingly2. Gram negative bacterial can offer a large and attractive repertoire for the discovery
cell-to-cell communication regulates gene expression in a of quorum sensing inhibitors. They are of particular
population density-dependent manner by quorum sensing” importance as these have been used for thousands of years
(QS). Typically, gram negative bacteria produce N-acyl for the treatment and management of diseases and may
homoserine lactones (AHLs) by AHL synthase (luxI have few side-effects and toxicity issues as with many
homologue), and once AHLs reach threshold level AHLs antibiotic regimens and currently known QS inhibitors.
will bind to its cognate receptor (luxR homologue) to Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants (HSMP) used in
regulate gene expression3,4. Quorum sensing process that Hispanic cultures have been used for several centuries to
involves the production, detection, and response to treat common ailments, are well known for their

*Author for Correspondence

S. Karthick et al. / Screening of Quorum Sensing…

Table 1: Percent composition (%) of constituents in the ethanolic extract of Cynodon dactylon
S. No Name of the compound Rt Molecular Molecular Peak area
Formula Weight %
1. 2-Penta,6,10,14-trimethyl 16.38 C18H36O 262.43 66.2%
2. 1-Dodecanol,3,7,1 1-trimethyl 17.18 C15H32O 382.29 36.8%
3. Hexadecanoic acid- ethyl ester 17.98 C18H36O2 284.5 49.6%
4. 3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-hexadecen- 19.17 C20H40O 296.43 100%
5. Ethyl Oleate 19.65 C20H40O 310.51 100%
6. Heptadecanoic acid 15-methyl-ethyl 19.85 C20H40O2 326.55698 100%
7. Eichosanoic acid- ethyl ester 21.65 C21H42O2 326.5570 74.1%

Table 2: Percent composition (%) of constituents in the ethanolic extract of of Eucalyptus globulus
Name of the compound Rt Molecular Molecular Peak
Formula Weight area
Patchoulene 11.6 C15H24 204.35106 18.3%
Globulol 13.57 C15H26O 222.36 37.1%
a-phellandrene 15.9 C10H16 136.23404 100%
Pentadecanoic acid,14-methyl-methyl 17.23 C17H34O3 286.45 100%
1,2-benzenedicarboxilic acid, butyl octy 17.72 C20H30O4 334.4498 100%
8,11-Octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester 18.92 C19H34O2 294.4721 100%
Ethanol,2-(9-octadecenyloxy)-,(z)- 19.15 C20H40O2 312.534 88.1%
Oleic acid 19.92 C18H34O2 282.461360 100%
2,3-Dihydroxypropyl elidate 22.03 C21H40O4 356.5399 57.3
Hexadeconoic acid,1- 23.18 C35H68O5 568.91 39.1%
(hydroxymethyl).1,2-ethannediyl ester
9-Octadecenoic acid(z)-,2-hydroxy-1- 25.93 C18H34O2 282.461360 76.8%
(hydroxymethyl)ethyl ester

Table 3: Percent composition (%) of constituents in the ethanolic extract of of Azadirachta indica
Name of the compound Rt Molecular Molecular Peak
Formula Weight area
9-Octadecene,1,1-(1,2-ethanediylbis(oxy))bis- 4.7 C22H46 O4 310.6027 5.6%
Ethyl 9,9-diformylnona-2,4,6,8- 8.97 C13H14O4 234.2491 4.4%

antimicrobial effects on a variety of human pathogens8 Inoculum of respective bacterial strain was prepared by
However, few reports have been studied regarding anti inoculating a loopful of bacteria from nutrient agar slant to
quorum sensing activities of medicinal plant extracts nutrient broth, kept under shaking condition (REMI, India)
against human pathogens mainly Gram negative bacilli.the for 18 to 24 hours at 30°C and 150 rpm and the grown
In the present study, anti quorum sensing activities of bacterial culture was adjusted to 0.5 McFarland standard
ethanol extract of medicinal plant extracts against quorum (Ca. 108 CFU/mL).
sensing mediated virulence factors of human pathogenic Evaluation of anti quorum sensing activity of medicinal
gram negative bacteria has been investigated. plant extracts against Quorum sensing mediated
virulence factors.
Bacterial strains Leaves and rhizome of Ocium tenuiflorum, Aegle
Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella paratyphi –human marmelos, Eucalyptus globules, Azadirachta indica,
pathogenic gram negative enteric bacteria have been Cynodon dactylon and Curcuma longa were collected
studied in the present investigation. Both the bacterial from Agriculuture college and research institute Madurai.
strains were obtained from Microbial Type Culture Preparation of Plant Extract
Collection (MTCC), Chandigurh, India. Bacterial strains The collected plant material were air-dried under shade at
were maintained on nutrient agar slants. room temperature, finely ground into powder using
Inoculum preparation

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Table 4: Percent composition (%) of constituents in the ethanolic extract of Ocium tenuiflorum
S. No Name of the compound Rt Molecular Molecular Peak area
Formula Weight %
1. Benzene,1-methyl-4-(1,2,2- 12.17 C15H22 202.3352 100%
2. 6-(p.Toly)-2-methyl-2-heptenol 13.72 C11H14O 162.231 100%
3. 6-(p-Toly)-2-methyl-2-heptenol 14.7 C11H14O 162.231 100%
4. 7-Oxabicyclo(4.1.0)heptane,1-(1,3- 15.43 C15H24O 220.3519 100%
5. Acetic acid,3-hydroxy-6-isopropenyl- 15.75 C17H26O3 278.3882 100%
octahydronaphthalen-2-yl ester
6. 7-(1,3-Dimethylbuta-1,3-dienyl)-1,6,6- 16.08 C38H64O3 568.9165 100%
7. 10-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester 18.97 C19H36O2 296.4879 100%
8. Heptadecanoic acid, 16-methyl-,methyl 19.2 C19H38O2 298.5038 78.4%

Table 5: Percent composition (%) of constituents in the ethanolic extract of of Curcuma long
S. No Name of the compound Rt Molecular Molecular Peak area
Formula Weight %
1. Pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl 15.25 C17H34O2 270.450660 100%
2. Hexadecanoic acid, ethyl ester 15.95 C18H36O2 284.5 100%
3. l-[+]Ascorbic acid 2,6-dihexadecanoate 16.35 C38H68O8 652.9417 100%
4. Oleic acid 17.68 C18H34O2 282.46136 100%
5. 9-Octadecenoic,(E)- 18.18 C18H34O2 282.46136 100%
6. 9-Octadecenoic,(E)- 20.22 C18H34O2 282.46136 96.7%
7. 9-Octadecenoic,(E)- 20.77 C18H34O2 282.46136 100%
8. Hexadecanoic acid,2,3-dihydroxypropyl 21.4 C19H38O4 330.50262 100%
9. 9-Octadecenoic acid(Z)-,2-hydroxy- 24.42 C18H34O2 282.461360 50%
1.(hydroxymethyl)ethyl ester

domestic mixture and stored in an airtight plastic sampling vulgaris and Salmonella paratyphi respectively was
bags for further studies. Extraction was carried out by the studied in the present work.
modified method of Hussaini et al9. The plant materials Swarming motility
were separately extracted twice at room temperature with Effect of plant extracts on swarming motility of Proteus
ethanol 95%(100 mL/10 g of plant material each run). The vulgaris was carried out by the modified method of Ren et
final ethanol extract of each plant part was filtered using al10,11. To the top of 0.3% nutrient agar plates, 0.5 ml of
(Whatman No.1) filter paper and evaporated under vacuum respective plant extracts were added and allowed to dry for
at 40°C using a rotary vacuum evaporator, the three hours at 30oC. The plates were point inoculated with
concentrated extract thus obtained was collected in P. vulgaris inoculums thus prepared in nutrient broth and
screwcap vial and used for further studies. incubated at 300C for 24 hours. The extent of swarming
GC-MS analysis was determined by measuring the diameter of the motility
GC-MS analysis of ethanol extract of concentrated plant swarms.
extracts was performed using a Perkin-Elmer GC Clarus Biofilm Inhibition
500 system comprising an AOC-20i auto-sampler and a Biofilm inhibitory effect of plant extracts was studied
gas chromatograph interfaced to a mass spectrometer (GC- against both the tested bacterial strains by crystal violet
MS). spectrophotometric microtitre plate assay12. Respective
Anti quorum sensing assay bacterial inoculum was prepared in tryptic soy broth as
Effect of plant extracts on quorum sensing mediated described earlier and 100 μL of respective bacterial
virulence factors such as swarming motility, biofilm inoculums was transferred to the 96 well microtitre plate
formation, cell adhesion, proteolytic activity and biofilm under aseptic condition. 100 μL of nano suspension with
formation, cell adhesion, proteolytic activity of Proteus different concentration was added to the bacterial inoculm
and the microtitre plate was incubated at 37°C for 48

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Table 6: Percent composition (%) of constituents in the ethanolic extract of of Aegle marmelos
S. No Name of the compound Rt Molecular Molecular Peak
Formula Weight area
1 Benzene,1-methyl-4-(1,2,2- 12.17 C15H22 202.3352 100%
2 6-(p.Toly)-2-methyl-2-heptenol 13.72 C11H14O 162.231 100%
3 6-(p-Toly)-2-methyl-2-heptenol 14.7 C11H14O 162.231 100%
4 7-Oxabicyclo(4.1.0)heptane,1-(1,3- 15.43 C15H24O 220.3519 100%
5 Acetic acid,3-hydroxy-6-isopropenyl- 15.75 C17H26O3 278.3882 100%
octahydronaphthalen-2-yl ester
6 7-(1,3-Dimethylbuta-1,3-dienyl)-1,6,6- 16.08 C38H64O3 568.9165 100%
7 10-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester 18.97 C19H36O2 296.4879 100%
8 Heptadecanoic acid, 16-methyl-,methyl 19.2 C19H38O2 298.5038 78.4%

Figure 1: GC-MS chromatogram of Cynodon dactylon

Figure 2: GC-MS Chromatogram of ethanolic extract of Eucalyptus globulus

Figure 3: GC-MS Chromatogram of ethanolic extract of Azadirachta indica

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hours. After the incubation period, the content in the well phosphate buffered saline (PBS).50 µl of bacterial inocula
was completely removed and the wells were washed with thus prepared was transferred to the well followed by the
phosphate buffered saline (PBS) followed by sterile addition of 50µl of the respective plant extracts. Seeded
distilled water.After washing, 100 μl of 0.1% aqueous microtitre plate was incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Cells
solution of crystal violet was added, incubated at room were allowed to adhere and the non-adhered cells were
temperature for 30 minutes .Followed by the incubation washed 5 times with PBS at room temperature. Adhered
period, crystal violet was removed and washed using cells were detected by adding 50µl of 0.1% crystal violet
sterile distilled water. 200 μL of 95% ethanol. was added per well, incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes.
to the wells, incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature. Wells were washed with sterile distilled water to remove
Absorbance of the ethanol solubilised mixture in the well excess stain. 10µl of ethanol was added to fix the adhered
was read at 540 nm in an UV-Visible spectrophotometer. cells.50µl of 0.2% Triton X was added to the wells for the
Control and triplicates were maintained. lyse of cells and the absorbance was read at 570nm.
Cell Adhesion Proteolytic activity
Plant extracts mediated inhibition of cell adhesion of both Evaluation of plant extracts on the proteolytic activity of
the tested bacterial strains was carried out by modified Salmonella paratyphi was carried out by modified method
method of NCCLS13 using 96 well flat bottom micro well of Lowry’set al14.
plate previously coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Crude enzyme preparation
Wells were coated with 150µl of freshly prepared 1.0% 0.1 ml of tryptic soy broth bacterial culture was inoculated
BSA, incubated at 30oC for 30 minutes. After the into 100 ml of protease production media (Yeast extract-
incubation period, wells were washed thrice with sterile 5mg/l, Peptone-10mg/l, Glucose-10mg/l, Caesin-15mg/L)

Figure 4: GC-MS Chromatogram of ethanolic extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum

Figure 5: GC-MS Chromatogram of ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa

Figure 6: GC-MS Chromatogram of ethanolic extract of Aegle marmelos

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supplemented with 200µl of respective plant extracts. characterize the bioactive compounds. The name,
Flasks were incubated at 37oC for 48 hours. Broth was molecular weight and structure of the components of the
centrifuged after the incubation period at 10,000rpm for 10 test materials were ascertained. The various
minutes, the collected supernatant was used as the source phytochemicals which contribute to the medicinal activity
of protease enzyme. of the plant are listed in Table 1 to 6. GC-MS analysis of
Enzyme Activity the ethanol extract of Cynodon dactylon and Eucalyptus
Enzyme activity was assayed using casein as the globulus revealed eight (Figure 1) and eleven major peaks
substrate.The reaction mixture consisted of 0.25 ml of (Figure 2) and the retention time for the major peaks was
50mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 2.0% in the range of 16.8 to 21.65 and 11.6 to 25.93 respectively.
(w/v) of azocasein and 0.15 ml of enzyme solution.After The peaks constituted 36.8 to 100 %.and 18.3 to 100%.
incubating at 25ºC for 15 min, the reaction was stopped by Nine (figure 3) and two (figure 4) major peaks was
adding 1.2 ml of 10.0% (w/v) TCA, incubating at room recorded in Azadirachta indica and Ocium tenuiflorum
temperature for an additional 15 min, and then the extracts with the retention time range of 16.9 to 25.6 (57.0
precipitate was removed by centrifugation at 8,000 ´ g for to 100.0 % constitution and 4.7 to 8.97 % (5.6 and 4.4 %
5min. 1.4ml of 1.0M NaOH was added to 1.2 ml of the of constitution respectively. Rhizome extract of Curcuma
supernatant, and its absorbance was measured at long (Figure 5) and leaf extract of Aegle marmelos (Figure
440nm.The protein concentrations were determined 6) revealed nine major peaks of 12.17 to 19.2(78.4 to 100
according to the Bradford method using bovine serum % constitution) and 15.25 to 24.42 retention time (50 to
albumin as a standard. 100 % constitution. Interpretation on mass spectrum of
GC-MS was done using the database of National Institute
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Standard and Technology (NIST) having more than 65,000
Quorum sensing modulatory activity of ethanolic extracts patterns. The mass spectrum of the unknown component
of medicinal plants was studied against QS mediated was compared with the spectrum of the known components
virulence factors of P. vulgaris and S. paratyphi. In the stored in the NIST library which revealed the presence of
present investigation, solvent extraction and bioassays various constituents. Medicinal use of extracts obtained
have led to the identification of potential compounds with from plants in general have recently gained popularity,
anti quorum sensing activity. GC-MS was carried out to inducing scientific interest exemplified in screening

Diameter of swarm (cm)

CONTROL Azadirachta Curcuma Ocium Cynodon Eucalyptus Aegle
indicia longa tenuiflorum dactylon globulus marmelos
Plant extracts

Figure 7: Effect of plant extracts on swarming motility of Proteus vulgaris

Biofilm inhibition( %)

Control Azadirachta Curcuma Ocium Cynodon Eucalyptus Aegle
indicia longa tenuiflorum dactylon globulus marmelos
Plant extracts

Figure 8: Effect of plant extracts on the biofilm inhibition (%) of Proteus vulgaris

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Cell adhesion( %) 120

CONTROL Azadirachta Curcuma Ocium Cynodon Eucalyptus Aegle
indicia longa tenuiflorum dactylon globulus marmelos
Plant extracts

Figure 9: Effect of plant extracts on cell adhesion of Proteus vulgaris

activity( units/ml
Total protease

Control Azadirachta Cynodon Curcuma longa Eucalyptus Aegle marmelos
indica dactylon globulus
Plant extracts

Figure 10: Effect of plant extracts on total proteolytic activity of Proteus vulgaris
Biofilm inhibition (%)

control Ocimum Eucalyptus Azadirachta Cynodon Curcuma Aegle
tenuiflorum globulus indica dactylon longa marmelos
Plant extracts

Figure 11: Effect of plant extracts on biofilm inhibition (%)of Salmonella paratyphi
Inhibitory effect on cell

adhesion (%)

Curcuma longa Ocium tenuiflorum Cynodon dactylon Eucalyptus Aegle marmelos
Plant extracts

Figure 12: Effect of plant extracts on cell adhesion of Salmonella paratyphi

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P. aeruginosa by bud extract of Clove (Syzygium

Total proteolytic activity (


control Ocimum Eucalyptus Azadirachta Cynodon Curcuma Aegle
tenuiflorum globulus indica dactylon longa marmelos
Plant extrats

Figure 13: Effect of plant extracts on total proteolytic activity of Salmonella paratyphi

programs for novel and new components and uses Aromaticum) has been reported16,17. The present study
pertaining to microbial growth or bacterial quorum sensing
inhibition. The ability of the extracts to reduced the clearly revealed the effective inhibition of QS mediated
swarming motility of P. vulgaris was carried out by the virulence factors by the ethanolic extracts of the medicinal
modified method of Ren et al 10,11using semi solid agar. plants would suggests the possible utilization of medicinal
The results indicate that Eucalyptus globulus extract plants as an effective anti pathogenic agents.
significantly inhibited bacterial swarming followed by the
Aegle marmelos (Figure) 7). Biofilm- an important QS CONCLUSION
mediated virulence factor of P. vulgaris and its Researchers are increasingly looking at herbal products in
susceptibility to plant extracts was presented in figure 8. the quest for new therapeutic and antipathogenic agents
The results indicates that Ocium teniflorum brought about which might be nontoxic inhibitors of quorum sensing,
maximum biofilm inhibition (67.9%) followed by thus controlling infections without encouraging the
Azadirachta indicia (58.49%). Cell adhesion inhibitory appearance of resistant bacterial strains. The presence of
effect of plant extracts was studied by the method of active compounds exhibiting anti-QS activity in the plant
NCCLS13 using 96 well flat bottom micro well plate extracts may be useful for the development of anti-
(Figure 9). Among the different plant extracts, maximum infective drugs. Our laboratory is currently elucidating the
inhibition has been reported in Ocium teniflorum (97.37%) chemical structure of these active compounds to
and Eucalyptus globules (94.64%). Proteolytic activity understand the anti-QS mechanism in QS bacteria.
was found to be reduced in plant extracts treatment
Eucalyptus globulus and Ocium teniflorum revealed ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
maximum reduction of proeolytic activity (Figure 10). We acknowledge Agriculture college and Research
Anti quorum sensing activity of plant extracts against the Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India for providing plant
quorum sensing mediated virulence factors of S. paratyphi materials. Sophasticated Analytical Instruments Facility
revealed tested plant extracts showed varying degrees of (SAIF), Indian Institute of technology (IIT) Madras,
anti quorum sensing activities. Eucalyptus globulus Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India is acknowledged for GC-MS
(90.16%) and Ocium tenuiflorum (98.04%) brought about analysis.
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