Parabolic or Vertical Curves

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PARABOLIC OR VERTICAL CURVES – these are highway or route

curves which are constructed on rolling grounds like hills, mountains

and similar landforms.

On highways and railways, in order that there may be no abrupt change

in the vertical direction of moving vehicles, adjacent segments of
differing grade are connected by a curve in the vertical plane called or
parabolic curve.

When a change in grade of more than about 0.5 percent occurs at a

vertex or PI, a vertical curve
is required. The vertical curve lengths are determined by criteria found
in the Road Safety Design Manual of the DPWH.

Types of Parabolic / Vertical Curves

1. type according to form
a. vertical summit curves
b. vertical sag curves
2. Type according to form
a. symmetrical summit or sag curves
b. unsymmetrical summit or sag curves

When the grades form a peak or hill at the vertex, the curve is known
as a crest or summit vertical curve.

When the grades form a valley or dip at the vertex, the curve is known
as a vertical sag.

In our local vernacular,

Summit Curve : Sang-atan – Salugan
Sag Curve : Salugan – Sang-atan

Summit Curve: Pagadang-Padahut
Sag Curve : Padahut_ Pagadang
Enrile :
Summit : Pa Up - Pa Down
Sag : Pa Down – Pa Up

Once the grades are established and the lengths of the curves are
chosen, the vertical offsets of the curves can be computed.

Design of crest and sag curve vertical curves is a function of the grades
of the intersecting tangents, stopping or passing sight distances, which
are in turn are functions of vehicle design speed and height of driver’s
eye above roadway and drainage. In addition to these factors, design
of a sag vertical curve also depends on headlight beam distance, rider
comfort, and appearance.

Elevations on vertical parabolic curves can be computed by using the:

a. equation of the parabola directly

b. geometric properties of the parabola to calculate vertical offsets
from the tangent
c. geometric properties of the parabola as exemplified by the chord
gradient method.
Learning Assessments:

Symmetrical Parabolic curves

1. A grade ascending at the rate of 3% meets another grade
descending at the rate of 5% at the vertex which is at elevation
of 100 m if PC is on station 1+115 and the horizontal length of
the curve is 100 m. Compute the elevation of all points on the
curve at full points including the summit.
2. A grade descending at a rate of 4% meets another grade
ascending at a rate of 5.75% in an underpass at Magapit. An
overpass bridge 20 m wide has a minimum clearance of 4.27 m.
The centerline of the bridge is exactly above the vertex and the
underside of this has an elevation of 107.713 m. If the vertex is
on elevation 100m. and station 1 +234, compute the following:
a. length of the parabolic curve
b. the stations and elevations of the catch basin


1. An unsymmetrical summit curve have slope tangents of 3% and
-6%. The vertex is at 1+234 and elevation of 101.5 m. The length
of the curve at the back tangent is 100 m. if this curve will pass
through a point P which is located at station 1+284 and elevation
97.3 m, compute the following:
a. the length of the curve at the forward tangent
b. the elevation of points at stations 1+294, 1+184
c. position of the highest point.
2. An underpass road was designed by using the following criteria:
g1= -4%, g2= 5%, L=200 m. , station V is ta 6+543, elevation of
V is 100 m. During construction of the above underpass road, it
was found out that there is a hard rock above the vertex whose
top elevation is 102.893 m. To avoid expensive rock excavation,
redesign the curve by maintaining two slopes including PC and
V. What will be the station and elevation of the new PT?

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