Portfolio AR2
Portfolio AR2
Portfolio AR2
Course: AR2RV
Unit 4
Instinct or Intellect?
Unit 4
Vocabulary Log
Unique A unique person or thing, My brother who is a civil engineer makes unique
unlike anything else. designs.
Achieve Succeed in finishing something Finally, I achieved high scores on my final math exam. It
after a lot of work and effort was my purpose since the beginning.
in something.
Approach Come near to someone or We must approach the problem from a different
something. standpoint.
Behavior The way where one acts or Such behavior of this student is not acceptable in this
conducts oneself, especially school.
toward others.
Category A division of people or things He has created a special category for part-time workers.
that have particular shared
Controversy Disagreement, typically when There was a big controversy surrounding the use of
prolonged, public, and heated. drugs in World Cup 2022.
Obvious Easily perceived or It's pretty obvious that someone is lying when you see
understood; clear or apparent that they stutter and sweat.
Apparently When the real situation is Apparently, the company is losing a lot of money, there
different from what the is a reason but no one says anything.
person thought it was.
Acquire To obtain or begin to have We should acquire more credible information with
something sources for our research work.
Confront To face, meet, or deal with a When there is a war, a soldier often has to face danger
difficult situation or person regardless of his life.
Yes, when an animal shows that special ability that it has, which is almost similar to
humans, it is a sign of intelligence since there are not many animals that are like them.
Moreover, those animals that have such ability, they have not been trained by people,
they have learned by themselves, they have acquired it since they were born or in the
course of their lives. And that shows a sign of intelligence similar to humans when we
are children. Also, the presence of emotional behaviors among animals can also be an
indicator of intelligence. However not many animals can acquire a special ability like
2) Do you think domesticated animals (dogs, horses, monkeys, parrots) that can be
trained are more intelligent than animals living in the wild?
Well, that depends, because domestic animals can be trained to do such tasks as the
dog that barks or the cat that looks for mice, this can be considered a sign of basic
intelligence. However, in the wild there are animals that are intelligent, they show
these signs, but since they are from the wild, many scientists think that they don’t
have the same ability as domestic animals, a case of them is the monkey. The monkey
is the first animal considered one of the more intelligent since it resembles the human
being but there are also other animals with special abilities that live in nature. That’s
why I think that both domestic animals and animals that live in the wild are intelligent,
not all but there are few animals that show these signs.
3) Work in a small group. Think of three animals you believe are intelligent. What do
they do that makes them seem intelligent?
Well, there are many animals that show signs of intelligence, some examples of which
are the dog, the parrot and the ant. What makes these animals seem intelligent is the
way they behave, work and socialize in nature or in their owner's home. For example,
a dog barks when it sees or hears an unknown person who is not its owner. There is
also the parrot that repeats the word we say the most, and the ant, the way they work
in the summer season and take their food home anthill for the winter season. Despite
the fact that these animals are small and don’t have the same thinking as the human
being, they demonstrate their intelligence to survive and coexist in nature.
Express Opinions
1) Temple Grandin feels that seizure alert dogs are showing signs of high intelligence.
Others may say that what they do is really just an example of animals reacting based
on instinct. What is your opinion? Explain.
In my opinion they are only reactions based on their instincts, since for me it is very
doubtful that an animal (dog) can predict a seizure approximately 30 minutes before,
since how can those dogs feel that a person feels bad in a few minutes. In addition, a
seizure occurs from head injuries or a high fever, it is very difficult for a dog to tell if
the person is having these symptoms. Yes, I can believe dogs that predict tremors or
earthquakes, or dogs that know what to do during a seizure, but predicting a seizure
isn't credible at all. Of course, there are many animals that are trained to perform the
activities show intelligence in doing such activity but predicting a seizure, a body
movement 30 minutes before is impossible.
A simple example by the author who tells us that there are dogs that are of great help in cases
of search for illegal chemical substances, help people, among others. However, there are some
dogs that are capable of acquiring perceptual abilities on their own. They are called seizure
alert dogs, which focus on predicting a seizure before it starts. There were many doubts and
controversies about being able to train a dog to predict seizures, the results were minimal, it
seemed that the dogs had taught themselves this unique ability because originally these dogs
had been trained to respond to a person's seizure and help him/her in the process, but
apparently, they could do more than one thought.
A case was published in the New York Times newspaper that detailed that a woman named
Connie Standle, who has 2 dogs, predicted her seizures approximately 30 minutes before it
started, since in that period of time, her dogs barked and pulled her hand to take her to a safe
place because the dogs knew that their owner would have a seizure in some minutes.
Moreover, the owner stated that the predictions of her dogs were almost all correct.
Another similar case was of a horse named Clever Hans, his owner said that he had a unique
talent, which was counting and solving basic math operations, giving the result tapping his
hoof. Nevertheless, a phycologist name Oskar Pfungst realized that Clever Hans wasn't
counting, he was actually observing the movements of his interrogators, which couldn't be
perceived or noticed by anyone. The phycologist couldn’t see the movements or signs either,
so to prove his theory, he moved the interrogators away from Clever Hans and began to ask
him questions, demonstrating that Clever Hans was failing in his answers.
However, what makes Clever Hans special is that he hadn't been trained to see and
understand a person's movements or appear to count, he had learned it by himself, similar to
Ms. Standley's dogs. It was obvious a cognitive trait that the 2 animals had.
In summary, Catherine Johnson concludes that both these 2 dogs and the horse Clever Hans
demonstrate higher intelligence or a great talent, just like human beings, who can do anything
by learning. These animals were born with incredible abilities and intelligence and that's what
makes them special.
Unit Project
Koko the gorilla
Born on July 4, 1971, Koko, known as "Fireworks Girl", lived at the San Francisco Zoo. A
researcher named Francine Patterson began working with Koko in 1972, teaching her sign
language as she had seen that she behaved differently from other species in her category. In
1979, Koko moved with the group to the Santa Cruz Mountains. Research with Koko and other
gorillas revealed that great apes have language skills similar to children.
Anne Russon, a researcher in the group, said that teaching Koko and other animals sign
language, instead of just trying verbal communication, was a big breakthrough. In addition to
language, Koko's behavior also revealed emotions very similar to being humans. Among the
many human traits that Koko had, what made her special was that she seemed to have a sense
of humor and even a bit of playful mischief, since she was always seen wanting to have fun and
entertain herself with the things around her, for which she was recognized as one of the most
intellectual apes in history, where she became famous throughout the world. Under the
training of one of her caregivers, she learned more than 1,000 words in sign language and
came to understand more than 2,000 words spoken to her in English, it may sound illogical but
it is 100% credible since in an interview, she had the opportunity to show her brilliance,
intelligence and skill. People believed that they were interacting with a real person, she had all
the attributes of a person.
A writer for National Geographic interviewed Koko in 1985. At first, Koko didn’t seem to like
her, calling her a loo (mild slur) through her sign language. But Koko was quick to warm to her
interviewer, and when the writer asked Koko where gorillas go when they die, she waved
something similar to saying "Bye”. In addition to her covers, Koko appeared in several National
Geographic documentaries.
Thanks to that study, they have increased studies of sign language in great apes and carried
out conservation projects in Africa and elsewhere to care for and learn more from them.
Unit 5
Too Much of a
good Thing?
Unit 5
Vocabulary Log
Loveless Without any love I like to read stories with drama where the main
character feels trapped in a loveless marriage.
Awesome Causing feeling of great The last concert in in Peru was really awesome because
admiration and respect many people sang to the rhythm of the singer
Emphatic Strong and determined action From the beginning, he was emphatic that he could not
attracting special attention work with her on her final work.
Inevitably In a way that cannot be The president's decision during her conference will
avoided inevitably lead to political tensions with Colombia and
Tolerable A quality that is acceptable, The doctors manage to always keep the pain at a
but not wonderful. I mean tolerable level.
fairly good
Radically Describe things that are done When we can't breathe, it means that something is
in a big way or an extreme radically wrong in our health system.
Worrisome Causing worry The possibility of fire is worrying for the neighbors who
live near the gas plant
Punctually Be appointed in a correct or Mary arrived punctually at 10:00 am
regular time
Insufferable very annoying or The heat was insufferable when I was shopping in
uncomfortable Gamarra
Express Opinions
1) Leo was “ten times her age.” Would you marry someone older than you? By how
much? What possible advantages or disadvantages are there to marrying someone
much older than you?
Well, that depends. In my case I wouldn’t like to marry someone older than me since
there are many reasons, one of them is that if I am 30 years old and my partner is 40
the disadvantage is that there will be no possibility of raising a child since the child can
be born with weak health, there are many cases of that. However, the advantage is
that your partner can have more experience in life and work. Moreover, there is not
much drama with your partner since he/she is older and already know how to deal
with it and they don't tend to be swayed by the seemingly trivial things a younger
person can be. Despite that, I will always prefer a partner who is 1 or 2 years apart
from my age.
2) The story mentions that with the Process, “these days you could look as young as
you like.” What age would you choose to look if you were having the Process? Why?
I would choose it at 35 years old, because well, on the one hand, at 35 years old I
would already have earnings obtained from my work and also the freedom of having
enjoyed my life up to that age, in addition to the fact that my finances would be
perfectly fine, so at having the Process at that age would have an advantage when
returning to look young again.
3) Leo has had many different careers. “He reinvents himself every decade or two.
That’s as necessary to him as the Process itself.” Why do you think he changes
careers so often? Would you want to reinvent yourself every decade or two? Why or
why not?
He changes careers often because with the time he has, he has the freedom to study
more careers despite his doubts. That is to say, if he studies a career but hesitates
after his choice, he changes his career since he has enough time to continue studying.
In my case, I would stay studying only one career that I like, and specialize many more
during the time that I have finished my degree, for example I am studying systems
engineering and I want to know more about what I can learn, know more
programming languages and mastering it perfectly is one of my challenges. Hesitating
and changing careers after a few years is not my thing.
Writing process papers
- Write a descriptive essay.
It's another awesome day in the year 2175, I was still sleeping when I heard my alarm yelled at
me to wake up. I ignored it, but then I felt someone shake me to get up, I roll my eyes to see
better and it was my personal robot CJ7. I wake up and start to smell a delicious hot coffee that
makes my day wonderful. Now, I am 171 years old and I am inmortal, literally all people in the
world can live forever, we can do everything because we didn't have to worry about death or
Nowadays, I am living with my wife, and let me tell you that she is a heart of gold. I am
grateful to have met her because we love and support each other. Also, we have 6
children, they are as cute as a kitten that we like to see how they grow in this new generation.
On the other hand, about marriage, I have seen that many of my friends got married, but they
divorced after 10 or 15 years. They told me that my relationship was not going to last long.
However, my wife and I have been together for 120 years, there were never any arguments or
infidelities. I am really fond of her because my wife is the light of my life to never give up.
My family and I currently live in on the planet Jupiter, outside the city in a big house with many
rooms. Let me tell you that planets like Earth, Mars, among other are living thousands of
people since overpopulation has increased a lot, so thanks to technology, scientist have
managed to achieve that on the 8 planets, people can live there. Unfortunately, ones of the
negative points of living in the city is the noise that is causing chaos on each planet, the horns
of flying cars and the footsteps of people.
Also, I am now studying my eighth degree about medicine. I have done many vaccines for
different types of cancer and any disease. Moreover, last year with a group of coworkers made
some pills for bone pain. It's very useful nowadays in longevity.
In conclusion, people must adapt to the new life, both with their partner and their life itself.
They must have a good relationship with their partner and they will live happily for life. On the
other hand, with the existence of intelligent robots (IA), people have become lazy, to the point
of doing nothing. It's means they have become useless.
Unit Project
Blue Zones – Okinawa Japan
In the world, there are different blue zones (areas famous for their long life) that can be found
in the western countries mostly. One of them are the islands of Okinawa (Japan) where the
population tends to live much longer than the average of the world population because people
can live up to 100 years. The inhabitants are less likely to get cancer and heart disease. Some
scientists think that the factors for its inhabitants to live much longer is because to their
environment, the marine climate of the islands, which is warm and refreshing; healthy eating,
fresh air and a positive mentality.
To begin with, one of the most important factors that the population has is their diet, they eat
food like pork, similar to us, however the difference is that they cook pork over low heat for a
long time, where the pork fat disappears from the meat. In addition, a popular food they eat is
Tofu, a source of vegetable protein, seaweed with fish and Dashi (soup). Also, they always try
to keep the use of salt very low in meals.
On the other hand, there is their lifestyle which is simpler than we thought since the
inhabitants of the island always enjoy sunlight, experts and researchers say that on the island,
sunlight promotes stronger bones and healthier bodies, so the inhabitants lie down and relax
for about 30 minutes to sunbathe. Also, stay active, both young and old are moving around,
going up and down stairs to balance the lower body.
The difference between the inhabitants of that island of Okinawa and the rest of the world
population is that they always maintain a good attitude, if they ever had a sad or terrifying
problem in the past, they forget it and focus on the present, they think in the future. On the
other hand, the world population always keep those memories of the past which gives us
worry, anxiety and stress.
In my opinion, all of us should learn from those inhabitants, they always maintain a healthy
diet, exercise and most importantly, a good attitude. Regardless of whether or not we make it
to 100 years, it would be a big change for all of us if we started from today.
Unit 6
Making a
Unit 6
Vocabulary Log
Admiration Is a feeling of respect and I was all filled with admiration for my achievements
approval of admiring someone or
Challenge To invite someone to take part or The challenge is necessary for success, nothing will
dispute especially in a be easy later.
Determination The ability to continue trying to I have the determination that my brother lacks since
do something. he doesn't care much about his life.
Donation To give something like a gift to a If I had enough money, I would make a generous
charity or organization donation to charity.
Fulfillment the fact of doing something that I really hope that all my dreams and plans will turn
someone has wanted or to fulfillment and success.
promised to do
Indignation A strong displeasure at something Many people think that the president's response
considered offensive and during her speech was one of great indignation.
Inspiration the process of being mentally An anime that I saw 2 years ago inspired me to make
stimulated to do something my first animation.
Opposition Disagreement with something Peruvians expressed strong opposition to the new
and speaking against it. president being Dina Boluarte.
Satisfaction A pleasant feeling that you get I have the satisfaction of seeing my application one
when you receive something you day be as popular as Facebook.