The Guardian View On The Royal Family: Harried Towards Reform
The Guardian View On The Royal Family: Harried Towards Reform
The Guardian View On The Royal Family: Harried Towards Reform
The Windsors are not the only unhappy family in Britain, but they are the only one that is
supposed to reflect the nation
Mon 9 Jan 2023 18.25 GMT Last modified on Mon 9 Jan 2023 21.04 GMT
These are brutal reputational days for the House of Windsor, and they are potentially
threatening for the constitutional monarchy of Britain’s increasingly disunited kingdom too.
Prince Harry’s memoir, due for publication on Tuesday, is already the most discussed –
though not yet the most widely bought or read – book of 2023. It expands the assault, in
frequently wounding detail, that was launched two years ago and is being continued in this
week’s TV interviews.
In the court of public opinion, the monarchy has survived the Sussexes’ campaign thus far.
Polling suggests the institution retains majority support and that more disapprove of Prince
Harry’s campaign than sympathise with it. Republicanism is not surging. But this is an in-
stitution, a system and a culture crying out for some new thinking and reform. Only a fool
would be complacent.
The Windsors are not the only unhappy family in modern Britain. But they are the only one
required to embody the nation as a whole. They are holding up a bleak mirror to the na-
tion’s and the world’s gaze, from which no one emerges with credit. It reflects badly on
Britain’s institutions, from the monarchy to the media, and we all know it.
There is plenty of blame to go round. Prince Harry’s complaints are always indignant, even
though their focus ebbs and flows. This week he appeared to deny his earlier accusations
of royal family racism. There is, though, little point in taking sides in the family’s quarrels.
Newspapers should be particularly cautious about taking a one-sided approach when the
press has so often played such a destructive role in past royal stories.
Britain has worse problems than the monarchy. But the danger to the Windsors exists. It is
real and it is growing. It comes at a transitional time for the monarchy, as our oldest ever
new monarch prepares for a coronation that, at least in theory, ought to celebrate and help
to unify the nation. That feels like an ambition too far, right now. Prince Harry’s campaign
has renewed the relevance of Walter Bagehot’s famous warning about the dangers of let-
ting daylight in upon magic.
The clearest solution would be the republican settlement we ultimately favour. In the
meantime, however, an enormous chance is being missed to reshape Britain’s constitu-
tional monarchy for the post-Elizabeth age. There is responsibility to share here too. King
Charles and his inward-looking circle deserve some of it. The danger is that Britain’s 21st-
century monarchy is being defined ad hoc by an elite consisting of a palace clique and an
overly deferential governing culture.
Instead of wallowing in royal gossip or drooling over the supposed timelessness of corona-
tion rituals, Britain needs to decide how a system of constitutional monarchy that retains
public support can be made better and reformed. The size of the royal family should be re-
duced, its titles reined in, some of its palaces sold off, the honours system recast, the coro-
nation rethought and the monarch’s role as head of any state other than the United King-
dom ended. Harry Windsor should be left to live his new life.
Civil society has failed to face these issues. There has been no parliamentary and scarcely
any other civic examination of the modern role, powers and appropriate cost of the
monarch and the royal family. Rare attempts to do so have instead been stamped on. But
it is not too late to do better.