Grade 9 Science Fiction Summative Assessment Cover Sheet
Grade 9 Science Fiction Summative Assessment Cover Sheet
Grade 9 Science Fiction Summative Assessment Cover Sheet
7-8 i makes sophisticated use of I often organize my writing and link it to the
organizational structures that serve the question/ context in a sophisticated manner
context and intention effectively
My ideas are often structured in a
ii. effectively organizes opinions and sophisticated manner
ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical
manner with ideas building on each other
in a sophisticated way
Achievemen Level Descriptors I can…
t Level
1-2 i produces texts that demonstrate limited
personal engagement with the creative My work shows little imagination and
process; demonstrates a limited degree creativity
of insight, imagination or sensitivity and
minimal exploration of and critical My work rarely shows a variety of
reflection on new perspectives and ideas perspectives or ideas
ii. makes minimal stylistic choices in
terms of linguistic, literary and visual I rarely make creative choices in terms of
devices, demonstrating limited language or visual elements used
awareness of impact on an audience
3-4 i produces texts that demonstrate My work shows some imagination and
adequate personal engagement with the creativity
creative process; demonstrates some
insight, imagination or sensitivity and My work shows some of perspectives or
some exploration of and critical reflection ideas
on new perspectives and ideas
ii. makes some stylistic choices in terms I make some creative choices in terms of
of linguistic, literary and visual devices, language or visual elements used
demonstrating adequate awareness of
impact on an audience
5-6 i produces texts that demonstrate My work shows detailed imagination and
considerable personal engagement with creativity
the creative process; demonstrates
considerable insight, imagination or My work shows a detailed variety of
sensitivity and substantial exploration of perspectives or ideas
and critical reflection on new
perspectives and ideas I make detailed creative choices in terms of
ii. makes thoughtful stylistic choices in language or visual elements used
terms of linguistic, literary and visual
devices, demonstrating good awareness
of impact on an audience
7-8 i produces texts that demonstrate a high My work shows sophisticated imagination and
degree of personal engagement with the creativity
creative process; demonstrates a high
degree of insight, imagination or My work shows a sophisticated variety of
sensitivity and perceptive exploration of perspectives or ideas
and critical reflection on new
perspectives and ideas I make sophisticated creative choices in
ii. makes perceptive stylistic choices in terms of language or visual elements used
terms of linguistic, literary and visual
devices, demonstrating good awareness
of impact on an audience
Student reflection: