Grade 9 Science Fiction Summative Assessment Cover Sheet

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Dubai International Academy Al Barsha

MYP Assessment Cover Sheet

Subject Group: ____________________ Subject: ______________________ Teacher: __________________
Illusions and Insights – Sci – Fiction Short Story
Create a Sci – fi short story taking careful consideration about your Setting, tone, atmosphere, characters,
symbols, motifs etc. You could attempt to embed a particular issues that has been evident within the
21st century.
Statement of Inquiry:
Stories are inspired by, and speculated on, our real world, challenging us to reexamine the way we see

Criterion and strands assessed:

B,C, &D
What do I have to know to be successful in this task?
 Think imaginatively – make thoughtful and stylistic choices that demonstrate a high degree of
personal engagement in relation to your short story. 
 Embed the elements of the Sci-Fi genre. 
 Use a range of linguistic devices to establish imagery for the reader. 
 Consider TAP and SPaG. 
 Research examples of Sci – Fi short stories. 
 Organise ideas and opinions in a coherent manner. 
 Competent use of referencing sources. 

Criteria being assessed in this Assessment: | A | B | C | D |

Achievemen Level Descriptors I can…
t Level
i makes minimal use of organizational I rarely organize my writing and link it to the
structures though these may not always question/ context
serve the context and intention My ideas are not always structured
ii organizes opinions and ideas with a
minimal degree of coherence and logic

3-4 i makes adequate use of organizational

structures that serve the context and I sometimes organize my writing and link it to
intention the question/ context
ii. organizes opinions and ideas with
some degree of coherence and logic My ideas are sometimes structured

5-6 i makes competent use of organizational

structures that serve the context and I often organize my writing and link it to the
intention question/ context
ii. organizes opinions and ideas in a
coherent and logical manner with ideas My ideas are often structured
building on each other

7-8 i makes sophisticated use of I often organize my writing and link it to the
organizational structures that serve the question/ context in a sophisticated manner
context and intention effectively
My ideas are often structured in a
ii. effectively organizes opinions and sophisticated manner
ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical
manner with ideas building on each other
in a sophisticated way

Achievemen Level Descriptors I can…
t Level
1-2 i produces texts that demonstrate limited
personal engagement with the creative My work shows little imagination and
process; demonstrates a limited degree creativity
of insight, imagination or sensitivity and
minimal exploration of and critical My work rarely shows a variety of
reflection on new perspectives and ideas perspectives or ideas
ii. makes minimal stylistic choices in
terms of linguistic, literary and visual I rarely make creative choices in terms of
devices, demonstrating limited language or visual elements used
awareness of impact on an audience

3-4 i produces texts that demonstrate My work shows some imagination and
adequate personal engagement with the creativity
creative process; demonstrates some
insight, imagination or sensitivity and My work shows some of perspectives or
some exploration of and critical reflection ideas
on new perspectives and ideas
ii. makes some stylistic choices in terms I make some creative choices in terms of
of linguistic, literary and visual devices, language or visual elements used
demonstrating adequate awareness of
impact on an audience
5-6 i produces texts that demonstrate My work shows detailed imagination and
considerable personal engagement with creativity
the creative process; demonstrates
considerable insight, imagination or My work shows a detailed variety of
sensitivity and substantial exploration of perspectives or ideas
and critical reflection on new
perspectives and ideas I make detailed creative choices in terms of
ii. makes thoughtful stylistic choices in language or visual elements used
terms of linguistic, literary and visual
devices, demonstrating good awareness
of impact on an audience

7-8 i produces texts that demonstrate a high My work shows sophisticated imagination and
degree of personal engagement with the creativity
creative process; demonstrates a high
degree of insight, imagination or My work shows a sophisticated variety of
sensitivity and perceptive exploration of perspectives or ideas
and critical reflection on new
perspectives and ideas I make sophisticated creative choices in
ii. makes perceptive stylistic choices in terms of language or visual elements used
terms of linguistic, literary and visual
devices, demonstrating good awareness
of impact on an audience

Achievemen Level Descriptors I can…

t Level
1-2 i uses a limited range of appropriate My work shows little examples of vocabulary
vocabulary and forms of expression choices
iii. uses grammar, syntax and I write or speak in the incorrect manner that
punctuation with limited accuracy; errors doesn’t link correctly to the intention
often hinder communication I often make grammar, spelling and
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with punctuation mistakes
limited accuracy; errors often hinder

3-4 i uses an adequate range of appropriate

vocabulary, sentence structures and My work shows some examples of
forms of expression vocabulary choices
iii. uses grammar, syntax and I write or speak in the correct manner that
punctuation with some degree of doesn’t link correctly to the intention
accuracy; errors sometimes hinder sometimes
communication I sometimes make grammar, spelling and
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with punctuation mistakes
some degree of accuracy; errors
sometimes hinder communication
5-6 i uses a varied range of appropriate My work shows detailed examples of
vocabulary, sentence structures and vocabulary choices
forms of expression competently I often write or speak in the correct manner
iii. uses grammar, syntax and that doesn’t link correctly to the intention
punctuation with a considerable degree I sometimes make grammar, spelling and
of accuracy; errors do not hinder punctuation mistakes
effective communication
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with a
considerable degree of accuracy; errors
do not hinder effective communication
7-8 i effectively uses a range of appropriate My work shows sophisticated examples of
vocabulary, sentence structures and vocabulary choices
forms of expression
iii. uses grammar, syntax and I write or speak in a sophisticated manner
punctuation with a high degree of that doesn’t link correctly to the intention
accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective I rarely make grammar, spelling and
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with a punctuation mistakes
high degree of accuracy; errors are minor
and communication is effective
Teacher comment:

Student reflection:

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